caffeinate me espresso 3.5?cappuccino, flat white, latte, long black/mac, mocha,chai cup 4 mug 5 Pot of tea 4 english breakfast supreme earl grey green tea w lemn green tea w jasmine peppermint cammomile iced latte 4.5 iced long black 4 iced coffee or mocha 7?hot choc 5 babycino 2.5 extra shot +0.5 bonsoy,lactose free or almond milk +0.5 milk +0.5 chill me iced Chocolate 7 milkshakes 7 chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, banana, caramel, blue heaven, lime?coffee +$1 watermelon raspberry + orange fruit crush 8pineapple, orange, passionfruit, + mint fruit crush 8 spiders 6.5 vanilla ice cream with coke, lemonade, lemon squash or raspberry lemonade juices(SMALL/LARGE) 4.5 / 5.5 orange, pineapple, apple, cranberry or tomato soft drinks 4 / 5 coke, coke zero, lemonade, ginger ale, lemon squash or raspberry lemonade 100 percent fruit crush remedy me Kombucha 6 (SUGARFREE FERMENTED TEA)?Raspberry Lemonade, Ginger and Lemon or Peach Blood orange SWITCHEL 6 (SUGARFREE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR AND GINGER CULTURED DRINK)?Passionfruit coconut water + kefir 6Fresh drinking coconut 8 ................

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