Conference Details

2021 Conference Proposal Info PacketThis guide is intended to prepare potential conference speakers with the information they need to submit a conference session proposal. Please take your time reviewing this document prior to submitting a session proposal. The final portion of the document provides space for you to develop your session proposal. If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to ORPA staff:Michael Klein: director@Amanda Parsons: aparsons@Office Line: (503) 534-5673Table of ContentsClick on item below to jump to the section. TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u Conference Details PAGEREF _Toc67667824 \h 2Theme PAGEREF _Toc67667825 \h 2Session Topics PAGEREF _Toc67667826 \h 2Deadlines & Timeline PAGEREF _Toc67667827 \h 4Selection Criteria PAGEREF _Toc67667828 \h 5Session Proposal Questions PAGEREF _Toc67667829 \h 5Frequently Asked Questions PAGEREF _Toc67667830 \h 12Conference DetailsORPA Annual Conference will be held virtually.Monday?October?18th -?Friday?October 22nd, 2021The conference will feature a robust variety of?1-hour webinar?sessions, 20-minute "mini-sessions",?and possibly?field sessions with a regional focus. Educational sessions will be held on all days of the conference.ThemeStronger?Together; Navigating into Tomorrow?A global pandemic has changed the way we operate. In addition to closed offices, we’ve had to adjust the way we deliver services and programs. Parks and recreation in Oregon have proven it is resilient, despite bearing physical and social distance. Professionals continue to meet virtually to share strategies, creative new programming has blossomed, and technology has advanced. We’ve come together in a new way and have grown from the experience.Now it is time to look at a post-pandemic world and incorporate our lessons into a new era. What parts of pandemic-life were successful in reaching new communities? How do we stay connected and continue to evolve? What tools and resources do we need as we navigate into the future? This year’s conference is focused on collectively looking ahead. We are not separate agencies, but a collective of parks and recreation professionals working collaboratively to create a brighter future for our industry and the people of Oregon. We know we are stronger together, as we navigate into tomorrow.Session TopicsIn addition?to proposals for sessions that focus on the conference theme, ORPA welcomes proposals for sessions that address topics that are of perennial interest to the field. This includes trends and innovations, professional skill-building, new programs and services, resources and fundraising, marketing, budgeting and cost-recovery, guidelines and regulations.? Sessions are welcome if they relate to parks and recreation sub-fields of Administration, Aquatics, Fitness/Wellness, Maintenance and Construction, Natural Resources, Older Adults (Seniors), Outdoor Recreation, Park Planning and Design, Recreational Sports, Programming, Teens/Youth.All proposals shall be strictly educational in nature; sessions that promote commercial goods and/or services are not permitted and will be excluded from consideration.The following is a list of topics that members, section leaders, volunteers and members of the ORPA have requested to see at this year's Annual Conference.This list is not comprehensive and speakers are welcome to submit sessions with different subject matters.? Submitting a session on one of the following topics does not guarantee ics are listed by special interest section and committees.?AQUATICSTechnical sessions - maintenance side of AQ:?Project Management?ConservationEmerging technologyHow to deal with the aftermath of a critical incident: help for staff.?Recruiting and trainingResources for those managing water fitness programs, silver fit, and renew active.Bilingual programs - resources?COUNTY & OUTDOOR RECREATIONMastering Project ManagementWorld Class Camp Host ProgramsManaging Risk / Passing OSHA InspectionsOperational Best PracticesCabins, Glamping, and YurtsDIY Master planning / Small Jurisdiction Hybrid Master planningGetting Around the Park - Golf Carts, ATVs, UTVs, Gators, etc. (Gas vs. Electric)ADA/ABA InformationCampground Layout and DesignAttendance gathering/counting/measuring/trackingPaddle LaunchesBoat LaunchesORV AreasLatest EquipmentTrailsImpacts of fire/challenges to repairs?DIVERSITY, EQUITY, & INCLUSIONUniversal Design and AccessibilityCultural AgilityCreating an Inclusive Workplace CultureInclusive Practices in Public OutreachStudent pipeline/hiring and recruiting practicesDeveloping programs through a lens of equity and inclusionDifferential impact of the pandemic on user groups and employeesCreating programs or utilizing partnerships to develop culturally specific and relevant programming to reach underserved and vulnerable populations?MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION?Herbicides: Alternatives, Strategies, and communication with the public.Dogs: enforcement, recreation options, and dog parksHomelessness, needles, and biowaste education and strategiesIrrigation and water savingsReducing crime through intentional design and maintenancePlaygrounds: Inclusive play, nature play, and designing with maintenance in mindArtificial turf and sport field maintenanceProject design coordinating with park staffNATURAL RESOURCESEquity/Universal AccessGIS tools?River Access?Urban focused balance of habitat, access, camping, and WQ in light of COVID changesFuels reduction and Habitat managementRegional approaches/presentations?PLANNING & DESIGNRole of Planning & Design in MaintenanceClimate Resiliency and parks as carbon sinksResource preservation Projects! (Parks, trails, playgrounds, campgrounds, natural areas, splash pads, water features, nature play, art, amenities, and other park assets)Agency coordinationProject management - procurement, costs control, budgeting, managing contractors and constructionAdvocating for landscape architectureDesign and homelessnessPublic health and planningParks and economic growthEngaging the Native American community?OLDER ADULT RESOURCESSocial Media for senior/community centersPhotography for Marketing?PROGRAMMING / YOUTH/TEEN PROGRAMMINGVolunteer Programs and retentionSocial media trends in recreation and how to utilizeSummer camp planningLeadershipAnti-discrimination / harassment trainingDeadlines & TimelineApril 30, 5:00 PM PDT - Session Proposals are DueJune 5, 5:00 PM PDT - Session Managers will be notified regarding selection.July 17, 5:00 PM PDT - Speaker Contracts are DueSeptember 30, 5:00 PM PDT - Final Presentation Description DueOctober 4. 5:00 PM PDT - Last Day to Register for ConferenceOctober 18 - 22?- ORPA Annual Conference.Selection CriteriaEach individual session proposal requires a separate submission.?Individuals are encouraged to submit no more than three proposals for sessions at which they intend to speak.The ORPA Content Committee selects sessions based on how well they meet the following criteria:Connection to the conference themeOverall quality of the proposalClarity and focus of the proposed sessionTimeliness of topicRelevance to the park and recreation professionPotential for practical application (use) of materialPresentation skill of the proposed speaker(s)Please note that any proposal that requires a speaker honorarium be reviewed separately from the other proposals and will be held to different selection criteria based on budgetary and programmatic needs.Session Proposal QuestionsHow to use this section:Use the space below to prepare a session proposal. Navigate to the online session proposal system:Copy and paste answers below into the appropriate sections in the proposal system.Submit proposal.ORPA will NOT accept this document in lieu of submitting through the online session proposal system. All sessions must be submitted here: Session ManagerThe session manager?is the primary point of contact for all pre- and post-conference communication from ORPA.? A session manager may also be a presenter/speaker.? If you are the only presenter and organizer, you are also the session manager.Each session requires a session manager.? The session manager is?expected to share information from ORPA with all session presenters.Name: Title: Agency/Organization: Email Address: Telephone:Mailing Address:Overview of Proposed SessionProposed Session Title:Session Description (a 1-2 paragraph description of the session, used to explain content and what people will learn if they attend. This will be included in the conference program and online information. Complete sentences are encouraged.) List three learning objectives for this session (at the end of this session, participants will be able to…)Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3:Please provide an outline of the content/components of your proposed session. This outline should be a numbered list of no more than twelve (12) items.Session Content CategoryParks and Recreation Track (choose the category that BEST fits your session)Agency AdministrationAquaticsFitness/WellnessMaintenance & ConstructionNatural ResourcesOlder Adult Recreation / ServicesOutdoor RecreationPlanning and DesignRecreational SportsProgrammingTeens/Youth ProgrammingCounty/State Park Related (i.e. Ranger Safety)Additional Subject Categories (choose any additional categories that fit your session)Agency AdministrationAquaticsFitness/WellnessMaintenance & ConstructionNatural ResourcesOlder Adult Recreation / ServicesOutdoor RecreationPlanning and DesignRecreational SportsProgrammingTeens/Youth ProgrammingCounty/State Park Related (i.e. Ranger Safety)Session LogisticsConference sessions may be offered in one of three durations: 20-minute mini-session, 60-minute standard session, or a field session.To learn more about which session type would be best for you, please review the FAQ portion of the Conference Session Info Packet.Field Sessions: Because this year’s conference will be held virtually, we will have a limited number of field sessions and ask that those proposing a field session understand we will be working closely with the session manager to execute a session that best meets the needs of our attendees. More information can be found in the FAQ portion of the Conference Session Info Packet.Length of Proposed Session20 minutes (mini-session)60 minutes (standard session)Field Session (specify duration)Is your proposed session a… (select one)WebinarField Session (no virtual component)Other (please specify) Maximum number of participants. If for any reason you need to cap the number of participants in your session, list that number here. If you do not need to cap the number of participants, leave blank. Instructional Methods (check all that you intend to use)LecturePowerPoint SlidesQuestion & Answer SessionPanel PresentationVideoSmall Group DiscussionAudience ParticipationHands-on Activity / PracticeHandout / reference materialsCase StudyDisplay MaterialsOther (please specify): NOTE: ORPA will include digital handouts on the mobile app and conference website if provided by September 30,2021. Speakers are not permitted to solicit attendee email/contact info during session. Review the FAQs for more information. Diversity, Equity, & InclusionORPA has made a commitment to address diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in our conference sessions. ?Additionally, we are working to improve communications with attendees regarding which sessions address these important social issues. ?Your session will not be disqualified if it does not relate to DEI.? We recognize that many topics in parks and recreation are not related to this issue (e.g., park maintenance).?We ask that you help identify whether your session addresses diversity, equity and/or inclusion in your session based on the following criteria. ?This session…Explores cultural or racial bias, implicit bias, or other areas of prejudice as it pertains to the topic.Recognizes the importance of gender and seeks to understand the role gender non-conforming persons play in the session topic.Addresses the impact of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, and disability on the session topic.Focuses on inclusion and cultural agility by introducing strategies of welcoming, leverage, and considerations for feelings of being valued by stakeholders, as it pertains to the session topic.Recognizes privileges that create inequity and seeks to correct this imbalance through solutions to session topic.Addresses issues of equity by including a diverse representation of speakers whose unique cultural, religious, gender, or other non-dominant culture experience helps enrich the information in the topic.Presents ideas that challenge the current system and seek to dismantle inequalities stemmed from racism, sexism, hetero-sexism, ableism, or other social issues through topic solutions. Does this session address one or more of the criteria above and can be appropriately labeled as addressing diversity, equity, and/or inclusion? If your session addresses another aspect of diversity, equity, or inclusion, please provide more information:Speaker Information How many speakers will be presenting during this session? Is the session Manager also a speaker/presenter? – 23. List the contact information for all speakers below:Name: Title: Agency/Organization:Email Address (required): Telephone:Mailing Address:Brief Biography/Qualifications (limited to 1,000 characters):Session LogisticsORPA does its best to accommodate speakers’ session scheduling and technology requests. Please indicate your request below.24. Please select any days you CANNOT presentMonday, October 18Tuesday, October 19Wednesday, October 20Thursday, October 21Friday, October 2225. Accessibility – Please describe special accommodations required for the speaker(s).Zoom Webinar vs. Zoom MeetingsThe Zoom functionality allows people from anywhere to join a call or online room so they may interact and share information. By default, all ORPA Conference sessions will take place on the Zoom Webinar platform. However, if your session is a better fit in Zoom Meetings, please specify below.For a detailed description of the difference, please see the FAQs below.26. Does your session require Zoom Meetings functionality?No – I can present in Zoom Webinar *DEFAULT*Yes – I require Zoom Meetings27. I acknowledge that the presenters are responsible for securing access to a computer and Internet.I also acknowledge that this conference is virtual and I will be required to have some level of comfort with technology and Zoom meetings/webinars.I agree to the above statementSession Recording PermissionsORPA intends to offer most, if not all, sessions in the form of a recording following the conference to all who register. For this reason, we are asking for speaker permission to record the presentation and distribute the recording following the conference. Refusal to the terms below does not automatically disqualify your presentation from consideration for the conference.TERMSI agree that the Oregon Recreation and Park Association (“ORPA”) and those acting pursuant to its authority may: Record my participation, appearance, and presentation in connection with the ORPA Annual Conference taking place October 18-22nd, 2021 (“Recordings”). Use my name, likeness, and voice in connection with these Recordings. Use any materials (“Materials”)—such as PowerPoint presentation files or PDF files—that I may provide to ORPA in connection with these Recordings. Use, edit, publish, and distribute such Recordings and Materials in whole or in part, including posting the Recordings and Materials on the ORPA website or other websites designated by ORPA. I also attest that I have all necessary third-party permissions to grant ORPA the rights stipulated above, including the use of any third-party copyrighted materials used in my presentation or Materials.I understand that any additional presenters in this session may be required to sign a separate consent and release form if this session is accepted.28. Do you agree to the above terms and give permission to ORPA to record and share your presentation?Yes – Type Full NameNoSpeaker Compensation (Optional)Please read carefully. Speaker compensation has changed in 2021.ORPA is not offering a free registration day in exchange for presenting, as traditionally offered in the past.? Additionally, as this is a virtual event, we will not be offering travel or lodging reimbursement.??ORPA recognizes the time and effort it takes into presenting a session.??We also recognize the cost of conference may pose a barrier to attendance for many.??In order to ensure equitable access to conference, ORPA will consider compensation in the form of honorariums or fees for speakers.??Speakers can request reimbursement for conference?registration fees for those who experience a barrier to attendance, or direct payment in an amount specified below.The conference content committee will consider requests for compensation during its session selection process.??? Speakers requesting compensation will be reviewed based on budgetary and programmatic needs.?Once the committee has approved compensation, no changes can be made.? Additional fees or honorariums may not be added by the presenter after a speaker contract has been offered by ORPA.NOTE: All speakers and presenters will be provided the Zoom webinar/meeting access information for the session they are presenting, regardless of conference registration.? Speakers do NOT need to register for the conference in order to present their session.?29. I am seeking compensation in the form of…Conference registration feesDirect payment for my time30. If you have more than one presenter for this session, do you require the same compensation for all presenters?YesNoOther (please specify):31. Total Requested Session Compensation Amount: $If requesting compensation in the form of conference registration, please enter “Conference Registration” as the Total Requested Session Compensation Amount. If more than one speaker requests direct payment, enter the total of all fees requested.32. Please provide an explanation for why you are seeking speaker compensation.33. Will you consider delivering this session if ORPA is not able to provide the full compensation amount you have requested for this proposed session?YesNoProposal Confirmation & AcknowledgementsORPA will issue written letters of agreement for speakers whose sessions are selected for the conference. We require you to confirm/acknowledge the following terms of this session proposal.34. On behalf of all speakers proposed for this session, I hereby acknowledge that:This session proposal is submitted with the knowledge and agreement of all proposed speakers.I/We are willing and able to present at ORPA’s Annual Conference between the dates of October 18 – 22.I/We agree to speak if selected (assuming mutual agreement on terms/compensation).I/We are willing and able to access the necessary technology for the proposed session.I/We understand that ORPA does not provide hard copies of handout materials.I/We agree to provide electronic copies of any handout materials for advance download no later than September 30, 2021.I/We certify that we have permission to use any/all copyrighted material used in my/our session and bear full responsibility for such.I/We will not make substantial changes to the proposed topic, content, and/or speakers without permission from ORPA.I/We understand that ORPA may make modifications to my/our session title and/or description as needed.I/We understand that ORPA will record this session if permission has been granted per terms identified earlier in this application.END OF PROPOSALFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat program / system does ORPA use for the virtual conference?ORPA uses CrowdCompass, a conference application that creates a digital program attendees can use to view sessions, create a schedule, and access webinar information. Additionally, ORPA will use Zoom Webinars (and Meetings) for executing sessions online.What is the difference between Zoom Webinars and Zoom Meetings?Zoom Webinar is the DEFAULT for ORPA conference sessions. In the session proposal system, session managers have the option to request Zoom Meetings as the session type.Zoom Webinar: Designated speakers and panelists have access to present slides and/or share screen. A speaker’s video and audio are accessible to everyone. Speakers have all access controls.Attendees (not speakers/presenters) cannot share their screen, access video, or speak via audio.Attendees can post to a chat box and a Q&A box.A moderator can manage the Q&A box function.Breakout rooms not available.Zoom Meetings:Everyone, including the speakers and panelists have access to audio and video. Attendees have the same access controls as speakers/presenters.Attendees can post to a chat box.No Q&A box function is available.Breakout rooms are available.Recommended ONLY for sessions with 40 or fewer attendees and those sessions that require cross discussion, roundtables, or breakout rooms.What kinds of sessions are offered?Conference sessions are offered as 20-minute mini-sessions, a 60-minute standard session, or a field session. 20-minute SessionMini sessions are a great way to present projects or niche topics in a quick and digestible way. Don’t be fooled by the short time-frame, however. Twenty minutes flies by quickly and presenters will need to identify the most important elements of their topic to present. This type of session is great for presenters who want to get to the heart of a presentation without any extra fluff. For attendees, it is a fun way to learn a new topic in a short time.Be sure to calculate intro and question portion into your 20 minutes!Only one speaker allowed for these sessionsDoesn’t qualify for CEUs by itself60-minute SessionThe standard session for an ORPA conference. A standard session will take place fully online (through Zoom) and can include up to four presenters. The most requested session – provides an opportunity to dive into a topic.The 60 minutes includes intro and Q&A time.Field SessionField sessions are those that take place in person and on-site of a park or recreation space. These sessions have been utilized for trail-related sessions, showcasing new projects, or other site-specific education.Field sessions do not have a set duration, as it is dependent on the site, access, participation, etc. Instead, the Session RFP requires session managers to specify the expected duration of a field session proposal.If this is a virtual conference, what about field sessions?ORPA understands the value of a field session in its ability to showcase a site and share real-life examples to attendees. Therefore, we will make every effort to offer sessions that provide significant value for our attendees while at the same time maintaining appropriate safety, accessibility, and equity that has become the standard for our association. In submitting a field session proposal, we ask that session managers understand the following:In order to accommodate concurrent virtual sessions, ORPA will limit the number of field sessions offered.Duration: The conference session RFP will ask session managers to submit the proposed duration of the field session. The duration should include the start to finish time of the presentation. Additionally, we encourage the session manager to address the travel time to the site from the nearest / largest city, landmark, or hosting agency offices. If parking is limited on the site, be sure to specify this in the session proposal.Session managers are encouraged to provide as many details as possible in the session proposal so the content committee can make an informed decision regarding the session.Priority will be given to field sessions that are located in areas most accessible to attendees. This includes sites that are not more than 45 minutes from a main freeway or highway.ORPA reserves the right to cancel a field session if offering it poses a risk to the health and safety of attendees. Field sessions will not include a virtual component. No Zoom webinar access will be included for field sessions and ORPA will not offer a “live stream” option.ORPA reserves the right to change/modify any field session requirements at any time before the conference and hopes to work with session managers to present a session that best fits the needs of the attendees.As a presenter, can I send attendees an email or resources directly?No. Presenters and Session Managers are prohibited from soliciting attendee contact information or requesting attendees provide an email address during a session. Any digital materials or handouts must be provided to ORPA by September 30th, 2021 where ORPA will then post materials to the conference application for download by attendees. For any follow up after a session, presenters and session managers are required to submit answers or documents to ORPA for distribution. Questions and answers are updated on the ORPA Conference website FAQ page. ................

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