
CONSTITUTION OF CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE CABINET TRENT UNIVERSITYDefinitions:For the terms of this Constitution:“Student Body” refers to the registered members of Champlain College paying College fees to Champlain College. Such members shall normally be an undergraduate in full time attendance at Champlain College. However, any student will be duly represented if they fulfill the terms of definition. “College Cabinet” or “Cabinet” refers to the elected student members of the Student Body.“The College” refers to Champlain College.“A First Year Student” refers to one who is in their first year at Trent.“Duly advertised” refers to advertisements in at least two of the following: Arthur, Trent Radio, the Great Hall, the Cabinet Web Page, Champlain College Newsletter, emails sent from the College distribution list, and any other medium Cabinet may deem appropriate. “Amendment” refers to any additions, modifications, or alterations to the constitution.“Regrets” refers to at least twenty-four (24) hours notice of absence from a Cabinet meeting or function sent (via email) to the President, VP, Secretary and event coordinators (if applicable). Preamble:We, the student representatives, duly elected by the students of Champlain College, hold the following truths as the operating principles of the Champlain College Cabinet: To initiate, organize, and administer the academic, cultural, political and social affairs of the Student Body under the terms of this Constitution.To be the representative body on behalf of the students in such affairs.To pursue vigorous and constructive courses of action to strengthen the well being of the Student Body, Champlain College, and Trent University.To seek, establish, and strengthen the closest degree of communication with the students, staff, faculty, administration, and all who deal with the College.To initiate, organize, and administer the academic, cultural, political and social affairs of Trent University and all colleges therein under the terms of this Constitution.Articles:This Constitution may be cited as the Constitution of Champlain College Cabinet, Trent University, 2019-2020.This Constitution nullifies all past Constitutions of Champlain College.The elected representatives of the Cabinet shall be: PresidentVice-PresidentCultural Affairs RepresentativeSenior Athletic RepresentativeJunior Athletic Representative.Off Campus RepresentativeOn Campus RepresentativeAnnex RepresentativeSecretaryJunior SenatorSenior SenatorJunior Social RepSenior Social RepTreasurerTrent Central Student Association CommissionerCommunity and Sustainability Representative Publicity Officers (2)Non-Voting MembersDon RepresentativeChairMembership and Powers of the College Cabinet:Subject to the terms of the Constitution, any undergraduate member of the College with a minimum mid-year average of 60%, or subject to the approval of the Academic Advisor, shall be eligible to hold any office on Cabinet. The College Cabinet shall be elected in accordance with Article VIII of this Constitution, and any undergraduate member of the College shall be eligible to vote in its elections. Only students living in residence on the Symons Campus are eligible to hold the office of On Campus Rep. Only students living in residence in the Champlain College Annex are eligible to hold the office of Annex RepresentativeOnly students living off campus are eligible to hold the office of Off Campus RepStudents must have at least one year of experience on the Champlain Cabinet Executive Committee, or two years’ experience on Champlain College Cabinet, where available, to run for the position of President.Students must have at least 1 year of experience on Champlain College Cabinet, where available, to run for the Position of Vice President.Powers:To legislate on all matters of Cabinet jurisdiction.To amend this Constitution in accordance with Article VI.To conduct commercial undertakings necessary to achieve the purposes of Cabinet.To launch committees to study particular issues and/or implement Cabinet decisions.Signing AuthorityInstruments in writing requiring execution by the Champlain College Cabinet maybe signed on behalf of the Cabinet by the President alone.All instruments in writing so signed shall be binding upon the Champlain College Cabinet without further authorization or formality.The Cabinet shall indemnify and save harmless the President or any two such individuals executing any instruments in writing as provided for above, as long as such individual or individuals acted honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the Cabinet, consistent with all required decision making processes of the Cabinet.Meetings of Cabinet:Meetings of Cabinet shall be held at least two times a month during the academic year, unless there are not two academic weeks in that particular month.The President will set the dates for meetings in consultation with Cabinet members prior to each semester. This schedule of meetings will be made available to the College.The Chairperson shall call meetings after receiving a request from the President, the written request of five members of the Student Body, or by decision of Cabinet at a previous meeting and shall give College members at least two days notice.The President may call an emergency meeting of Cabinet if members have received twenty-four (24) hours notice.The Cabinet meetings shall be subject to Robert’s Rules of Order (newly revised) and principally to the terms of this Constitution and its bylaws.All meetings of Cabinet and Committees of Cabinet shall be open to public unless otherwise decided on by a majority of the members present. If a meeting is closed, reason for closure shall be presented at the next Cabinet meeting.Quorum for Cabinet meetings shall consist of at least 50 percent plus one, including at least two Executive Cabinet Members.No recommendations of Cabinet Committees may be acted upon without Cabinet approval.At the beginning of their term in Office, the new Cabinet will hold a meeting to determine their goals for the year. The Vice-President will facilitate until a chairperson is selected.All cabinet members shall be dressed business casual for all meetings, or when representing the college at any other meeting.Each meeting will begin with a Land Acknowledgement. This will be completed by the Chair, and in their absence, the Vice President.Amendments to the Constitution:Amendments to the Constitution shall be made in accordance with this article.Any member of Champlain College, with ten College members’ signatures, may propose an amendment at any Cabinet meeting. Their signatures shall be submitted over to the Cabinet and the Cabinet shall duly advertise the proposed amendment, within forty-eight (48) hours.After receiving the proposed amendment the Cabinet shall consider it at two consecutive meetings. The first meeting may be the same meeting at which the amendment(s) were proposed.For adoption, an amendment shall require a vote of not less than a two-thirds majority.Failure to comply with any portion of this section will result in the proposed amendment being nullified.The Cabinet Secretary, the President, and the Vice President shall have the authority to correct ALL capitalization and spelling mistakes in the document without a motion of Cabinet. Approved amendments to the Constitution will take effect immediately, excluding the addition or deletion of a Cabinet position. In such cases, said amendments will not come into effect until the Spring General Election.Annual and Semi-Annual General MeetingThe Annual General Meeting of Champlain College Cabinet shall be held in the winter term of each academic year, at least one (1) week before the opening of the nomination period for the election of new cabinet members. There shall be at least three (3) weeks notice of the Annual Meetings. This shall be posted conspicuously throughout the College, and notices shall be sent to all student groups associated with the College.The purpose of the Annual General Meeting shall be to consider any by-law amendments proposed, and served with due notice, as per the by-laws herein. At the Annual General Meeting each Cabinet Member shall be required to present a report on their activities during their term in office. In addition to financial statements and the Treasurer report. Copies of such reports or summaries thereof shall be made available Online.Annual General Meetings is a meeting of the membership, and as such attendance and voting is open to all members of Champlain.The Chair of Champlain College Cabinet or any other such person as determined by the Cabinet shall chair the Annual General Meetings and shall be called the Chair.Quorum for the Annual and Semi-Annual General Meetings shall consist of fifteen (15) members of the College.The Chairperson of Cabinet shall be responsible for carrying out all points in this section.All meeting documents will be made available seven (7) days prior to the Annual General Meetings.Standing Committees:In all standing committees, a majority of committee members must be present for quorum to be reached.Champlain College Executive CommitteeThe Chairperson of Cabinet shall act as the Chair of the Executive Committee.The Committee shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, Senior Senator and two (2) Cabinet members, Junior and Senior, to be voted upon by the Cabinet at the first Cabinet meeting.The Committee will meet when possible once per month, in addition to when issues arise, to discuss any matters pertaining to Cabinet in general. The Committee will meet once per semester to review the conduct of Cabinet (i.e. attendance, performance of duties, etc.).Cabinet reviews shall be conducted professionally, with set criteria for the evaluation of Cabinet members, as created by the Executive Committee.In the event that an urgent matter arises where the President cannot call an emergency meeting of Cabinet as per Article V, Section d), the Committee shall be allowed to vote in order to settle the matter. Reason for the meeting and its outcome shall be presented at the next Cabinet meeting.Be responsible to encourage and support cabinet members for cabinet unity. Champlain Club Funding CommitteeThe Treasurer for Champlain Cabinet shall serve as the Chair of the Committee.The four (4) other members of the Committee shall be the Vice President, and three other appointed members of Cabinet.The Club Funding Committee shall:Accept applications for club funding;Applications include: the application form, fiscal budget for the current school year, constitution and/or guidelines of the Club or Group, and proof of bank account in the name of the organization Upon receipt of an application meet to decide upon a recommendation on said application in accordance with the Club Funding Policy.Within two (2) weeks of receiving an application, present their recommendations to the Members of Cabinet for their approval.Champlain Cabinet Fund Raising CommitteeThe Vice President for Champlain Cabinet shall serve as the Chair of this committee.The Secretary, Off Campus Representative and On Campus Representative, and Publicity Officer shall sit on this committee.Once elected, On Campus Rep shall solicit three (3) interested applicants from the Student Body to sit on this committee. Members of the Champlain Cabinet shall be consulted as necessary.All meetings shall be open and duly advertised.The Committee shall meet when necessary. This committee shall meet once a full cabinet has been elected.This Committee shall be responsible for initiating and supporting potential fundraisers in addition to those facilitated by Champlain Cabinet.JCR CommitteeShall consist of; On Campus Rep, Off Campus Rep, Annex Rep, one (1) other elected member of cabinet, and to be Chaired by the VP.Responsible for maintaining the Junior Common Room (CC 207).Shall meet once per semester to review accessibility and functionality of the space.Responsible for reporting on any acts of vandalism, or any needed repairs to furniture, electronic equipment, etc.Shall decide on upgrades for the space and bring them to cabinet for review/funding requests. ElectionsElections of Cabinet members shall be carried out in accordance with this Article and the Elections Policy (Appendix I).The annual elections, other than for On- Campus Representative and the Annex Representative shall be completed before the last day of classes of the winter term.The annual election of the On Campus Representative and the Annex Representative shall be completed no later than four weeks after the first day of classes of the academic year. This shall be considered a General Election for the aforementioned position, and any positions not filled in the Spring General Elections. Each candidate can only run for one position per election.Elections shall be opened at least two (2) weeks prior to voting. Notice of the voting date shall be given at least two weeks before voting.Bi-elections shall be held for vacant Cabinet voting positions up until four weeks prior to the last day of classes of the First Semester. After this date, any vacant Cabinet position shall be filled by appointment from the greater Champlain Student Body.In the case where an appointment is necessary, any such openings shall be duly advertised for not less than one (1) week. Students may nominate themselves during the nomination period and then must attend the first Cabinet meeting following the closing of the nomination period to present themselves. A nominated student will assume office following a majority, half plus one. Such a member would be subject to removal from office under Article XI. In the event that a position is not filled, the Vice-President shall assume the responsibilities of the vacant position, or find a Cabinet designate to fulfill these responsibilities. Should the position remain vacant for the remainder of the Cabinet term, the Vice-President or designate can choose to create a Special Committee to fulfill these responsibilities. The Vice President or designate will act as the Chairperson of this Committee.The Junior Senator shall be the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) and shall post the names of the candidates in prominent places as nominations are received. All candidates have up to 72 hours to request to see the electronic results of the position they have ran for. In addition, all electronic results will be kept by the CEO for 30 days. Any such request must be done prior to ratification. In the event of a recount, cabinet may not ratify the results for the contested position until the recount has been completed and a report has been presented to Cabinet.Any member of the College shall be eligible in any election to vote for a candidate for each office of the Cabinet.If possible, only students living in residence may vote for the On Campus Representative and Annex Representative.Nominations for any position must be made in writing and must bear the signatures of five (5) student members who are eligible to vote for that office. Present members of Cabinet may not sign nomination forms. They must also submit a platform upon submitting nomination form.The newly elected Cabinet members shall take office within two weeks of the completion of the Spring General Election. Those elected in either the Fall General Election or bi-elections shall take office immediately. The term in office for all out-going Cabinet members will end as of the Cabinet Turnover meeting that follows the Spring General Election.The voting lists needed for all elections shall be based on statistics from the Champlain College Office at Trent University for the current academic year.A Cabinet member currently holding office cannot run for a position in a Fall or bi-election.If the Senior Senator resigns or is removed from office, the Junior Senator completes the balance of their term as the Acting Senior Senator, and a bi-election will be held to elect an Acting Junior Senator.The Acting Senior Senator has the right to fulfill their term of office as Senior Senator in the following year, but must declare his or her intention to do so at the time that a bi-election is called.Should the Acting Senior Senator choose not to fulfill his or her term of office as Senior Senator in the following year, the Acting Junior Senator shall become the Senior Senator.An Acting Junior Senator may run for the position of Junior Senator in a subsequent General Election.In the event that both the Junior and Senior Senator positions are vacant, the Vice President shall be the Acting Senior Senator and they shall hold a Bi-Election for the position of Junior Senator.Election results are not final until ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of CabinetAll those running in a general or bi-election for Champlain College Cabinet shall run as individuals and not make use of a party or group system.Election ProceduresElections through Cabinet shall be carried out in accordance with this article and the Elections Policy (Appendix I).Nominations will be open for a period of two weeks.No campaigning will be permitted during the nomination period.The CEO will chair the candidates’ election speeches which must be held within nine days of closing nominations.Candidates must remove all posters immediately after speeches and there will be no further campaigning.Voting must be opened for three consecutive days.Candidates may submit a candidate platform for display.All candidates are limited to a value of $50.00 worth of material to conduct their campaign. The CEO will enforce this limit and determine if this rule has been violated. Whether the money is actually spent is not the issue, but rather the value of the materials used in the campaign.Any violations of election regulations must be reported to the CEO. The CEO will bring all reports of violations to the Elections Committee where appropriate sanctions will be determined. Any candidate found to be in violation of these regulations may have their name removed from the ballot with the approval of Cabinet. If the violation is discovered after the elections, but before final ratification of the results by Cabinet, the position may be considered vacant and is to be filled pursuant to Section VIII.The candidate can appeal any decisions of the Elections Committee at a meeting of Cabinet.If a position was unfilled, and the election was a General Election, the position will be filled during the fall bi-election.If a position was unfilled, and the election was a bi-election, Cabinet will appoint someone from the greater Champlain Student Body, as outlined in Section VIII, Item e).Cabinet may revise the Elections Policy prior to the opening of elections pursuant to Section VI. The Elections Policy must be made available to all candidates. In cases of conflict between specific provisions of the Elections Policy and the Champlain Cabinet Constitution or Champlain Cabinet By-Laws, the individual provision of the Elections Policy will be considered null and void.Removal from OfficeAny Cabinet member who misses two (2) consecutive meetings without regrets (including Cabinet meetings, Cabinet event and others that pertain to their position) or three (3) meetings total during their term in office, unless under extenuating circumstances as approved by Cabinet, may be considered in dereliction of duty.Any member of Cabinet may be removed from office for dereliction of duty or incompetence upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members from Cabinet after discussion at two (2) consecutive meetings. Notice of any Section XI proceedings must be provided in writing to the person being considered for removal from office twenty-four (24) hours before the first meeting where it is discussed.A petition containing the student numbers and signatures of ten percent (10%) of the student body can activate Article XI, Section b), after being received by the Chairperson.Any person appointed to a Committee by the Cabinet may be removed by a majority vote of Cabinet for dereliction of duty or incompetence. Referenda:A referendum can be called by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Cabinet or by a petition containing student numbers and signatures of ten percent (10%) of the Student Body. A petition may state the reason and suggest wording of the question.Any Champlain College student or alumni may sponsor any referendum, but only signatures of Champlain students with valid student cards shall count towards the ten percent (10%). Those who sponsor the referendum must take reasonable measures to ensure that those who sign are informed and of good mind to make a reasonable decision.Before a referendum there shall be an open and advertised meeting of the Champlain Cabinet where the following shall be debated and ratified:That the validity and number of the signatures fall in line with a) and b)That the issue being raised is valid; Cabinet has the power to reverse its own decision.A fair, precise, clear, and neutral wording of the question must be found on the ballot.A simple majority shall be required to pass the referendum, with a fifteen percent (15%) voter turnout.A referendum must be completed within four (4) weeks of its initial proposal.A referendum cannot be started if the current Cabinet’s term shall expire before a conclusion can be reached.Champlain College Cabinet Financial PolicyAll Financial Transactions must be carried out in accordance with the Champlain College Cabinet Financial Policies and Procedures Manual (Appendix II)Club Funding PolicyThe Club Funding process must be started within the first month of both the First and Second semesters.Offers of club funding will expire if they have not been claimed within thirty (30) days of when the offers were made, unless extenuating circumstances apply as approved by Cabinet.The Treasurer shall inform all clubs that have been offered club funding that their offer will expire if it is not claimed within thirty (30) days of when the offers were made.Priority status will be given to clubs that are based in Champlain College, and which will directly benefit Champlain students.When possible, the Club Funding Committee shall distribute seventy five percent (75%) of its budget in the First Semester and hold the remaining twenty five percent (25%) for distribution during the Second Semester.Bylaws:The bylaws of the College shall be the rules governing the conduct of business of Cabinet and its members.Amendments to the bylaws shall fall under the requirements of Article VI.BY-LAWS OF CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE CABINETResponsibilities of Cabinet Members:General:All Cabinet members are not only responsible for their specific duties relating to their position, but also for aiding in various Cabinet projects (i.e., College Weekends, etc.).All Cabinet members are responsible for communicating with the four other Cabinets to keep each other better informed of activities and to share resources and ideas.When running an event, all Cabinet members are responsible for following the Risk Management Protocol as determined by the Trent University Office of Student Affairs.All Cabinet members are responsible for holding at least two (2) office hours per week.All Cabinet members are responsible for maintaining a professional office space.All Cabinet members are responsible for maintaining a binder containing information pertaining to his or her position, including a detailed report specific to his or her term for the incoming member.In accordance with Article XII.1, Cabinet members shall be required to attend all events hosted by Champlain College Cabinet unless there are extenuating circumstances.Work with the poster policy at Trent University.The President shall:Have at least one year of experience on the Champlain Cabinet Executive Committee, or two years Champlain College Cabinet experience.Give leadership, guidance, and direction to Cabinet.Work to maintain good relationships between Cabinet and students, student organizations, faculty, and administration.Initiate and administer all policies and programs of Cabinet.Sign instruments in writing on behalf of Champlain Cabinet in accordance with Article V.Co-sign for financial affairs with the Treasurer.Serve as the official representative of Cabinet on all suitable occasions, or find a suitable replacement.Represent the College to other Student Governance.Act on their own authority, after consulting as many members as possible, if the Executive Committee cannot be called together in time for needed immediate action, provided that they report to Cabinet at the next meeting on ratification of actions takenMaintain links between the Members of the College who sit on University and College Committees and be aware of University, College, and Cabinet Committee development.Submit to the incoming President an annual report of the Cabinet’s activities at the end of the academic year.Maintain regular contact with the other Cabinet/Association Presidents.Represent the interests of Champlain College at Administration and Student Representative Meetings, including Presidents’ meetings.Shall initiate the creation of the Executive Committee.Meet with the College Principal weekly to discuss college life. Meeting time will be established during the first week of each semester.The Vice-President shall:Assist the President in all business of Cabinet.Succeed to the Presidency upon the resignation, or removal from office of the President.Preside at meetings of Cabinet in the absence of the Chairperson, unless otherwise appointed.Be a member of the Orientation Week Co-Chair Selection Committee, where available, and appoint a member to sit on the committee where unavailable. Act as a liaison between Cabinet and the Champlain Orientation Week Co-Chairs. Be responsible for ensuring that Cabinet is present throughout Orientation Week.Be responsible for two (2) Cabinet socials per year including the organization of the Cabinet retreat.Be responsible for taking minutes at Cabinet meetings in the absence of the Secretary, unless otherwise appointed.Be the Champlain Cabinet representative on the College and Student Services Committee (CASSC) where available.In the event that a position is not filled, the Vice-President shall assume the responsibilities of the vacant position as outlined in the Elections Policy (IX).Be the third signing authority on the Champlain College Cabinet bank account in the event that either the president or treasurer is unavailable or removed from office.Be responsible for the maintenance of the Champlain College Cabinet Facebook Group.Be responsible for working with the Off Campus Rep. for the organization of Graduation Dinner/Event.Assist the College principal or Academic Advisor in organizing Speakers and academic events.The VP is required to hold reviews for all cabinet members, with the exception of the President. This will include a review of submitted written reviews from each member and then a 5 minute review meeting.Meet with the college principal weekly to discuss college life. Meeting time will be established during the first week of each semester.The Community and Sustainability Representative shall:Act as a liaison between Champlain College and the Peterborough Community.Be responsible for coordinating activities with agencies which may include Trent United Way Campaign, Blood Donor Clinic, and Peterborough AIDS Resource anize and run Float Your Boat, to be run with LEC where applicable, and one other community event outside of College weekendsWork with environmental groups on the organization of events, publicizing environmental concerns, and promoting environmental preservation.Work with the University Sustainability Coordinator to promote environmental issues in Champlain College.Run an event for Earth Hour.Work with other cabinet members to run a stress buster per semester.Meet with other Cabinet Environmental/Student Issues representatives where available. Promote the events of other student groups, such as the Trent International Program and Trent International Students Association when requested.The Cultural Affairs Representative shall:Take responsibility for the mandate of partaking an active role in fostering a strong community culture within the college via events that reinforce the structure and girth of Champlain Culture. Assist College principal in the preparation and advertising of cultural events, speakers, and workshops. Meet with the College principal to update event planning, and resource and idea collaboration. Be responsible for running the annual Trent Tattoo Contest during the first semester of the academic yearOrganize and publicize an additional event of the Cultural Affairs Representatives choice with emphasis on Indigenous Culture.Promote the Trent Global Living Community (TGLC) and Trent Active Living Learning Community (TALC) and their events, where available. Attend the Religious Affairs Sub-Committee Of CASSC Meetings, or find a suitable replacement.Take responsibility for the advertisement and selection process of the Shawn T. Callaghan Memorial Grant.Actively look for new progressive ways to promote student excellence and expression of Champlain Culture.The Jr. and Sr. Athletic Representatives shall:Organize and encourage Campus Recreation, intramural, and inter-college sports and activities.Regulate and maintain supplies of College athletic equipment.Be responsible for setting up and removing the broomball rink.Be responsible for marking the Pig Bowl field.Attend Athletic Advisory Sub-Committee of CASSC Meetings, or find a suitable replacement.Co-ordinate athletic tournaments during the college weekends (Pig Bowl and Broomball), as well as 2 floor hockey tournament (one per semester).Meet and coordinate with social representatives prior to each college weekend.Sr. representative mentors Jr. representative with regards to logistics of tournament and event running. Jr. representative is a two-year position that advances to the Sr. representative during the second year. In the instance that the Junior Representative does not move on to fulfil their role as Senior Athletic the position will be made open for voting in the next election. If the position remains unfilled following the election it will be open for appointment.The senior athletic representative must have one-year experience on cabinet. The Off- Campus Representative shall:Work as a liaison between the College Office, Cabinet, and Off-Campus students to provide representation and services for the aforementioned students.Be a member of the Fund Raising Committee.Be responsible for one event for Off Campus students in addition to the Off-Campus Barbeque and West Bank Love.Be a member of the Transportation task force, where available.Be responsible for working with the VP for the organization of Graduation Dinner/Event.The On- Campus Representative shall:Work in coordination with the Off-Campus Representative and Annex Representative to organize events to unite On-Campus, Off-Campus, and Annex students. Be a member of the Fund Raising Committee, where applicable. Be a member of the Food and Housing Sub-Committee Of CASSC, where available.Sit as a non-voting member on College Residence Council.Work in conjunction with the Community and Sustainability Representative, and the Annex representative to host an Earth Hour Event.Aid in promoting Champlain College Cabinet events to On-Campus students.Run a stress buster each semester in conjunction with other Champlain College Cabinet members. Run an event that will unite On-Campus and Annex students.This does not need to be a unique event but can be in addition to an existing event.Run an event for surrounding Bell Let’s TalkThe Secretary shall:Keep minutes of all meetings of Cabinet.Make the minutes available to Cabinet at least 48 hours before the next meeting of Champlain College Cabinet with the exclusion of emergency meetings.In the event of an emergency Cabinet meeting, the secretary shall keep the minutes, and will make them available to be approved by cabinet within one week’s time.Make the minutes available to the Student Body following approval by Champlain Cabinet, upon request. Be responsible for inventory and maintenance of Cabinet supplies.Have custody of all papers/books relating to Cabinet, with the exclusion of papers held by the treasurer. Collect College mail from the Champlain College Office on a regular basis.Keep track of the participation of cabinet members in Cabinet events and meetings, and report back to the Champlain Executive Committee at least twice per semester.Maintain the Cabinet board in Champlain College.Be responsible for submitting all upcoming events to the College Office to be included in the Champlain College Newsletter.Submit these events at least one week in advance of the Newsletter that they will be included in.Work with Publicity Officer, where needed. Be a member of the Champlain College Fund-raising committee, where applicable. Collect committee reports to be emailed out to Cabinet members at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Cabinet meetingMake the Meeting Agenda available to Cabinet at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Cabinet MeetingThe Junior Senator shall:Act as a liaison between the Senate and Cabinet. Senate representatives serve a two-year term in accordance with Section 12 of the Bylaws of the Trent University Senate.Attend and participate in the proceedings of Student Senate Caucus.Sit on at least two (2) university committees, in addition to attending Senate meetings, Cabinet meetings, and Student Senate Caucus meetings as a Senator.Attend all regular meetings of the TCSA in the event that the Senior Senator cannot attend said meetings, and as such fulfill all requirements of the Senior Senator’s position according to TCSA Bylaws and Operating Policy.Act as Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) for all Cabinet General Elections, Bi-Elections, and Referenda.Open the Spring General Election at least three weeks before the last day of classes.Advertise important academic events and deadlines. Act as a liaison between Cabinet and academic organizations within the University.The Senior Senator shall:Act as a liaison between Senate and Cabinet. Senate Representatives serve a two-year term in accordance with Section 12 of the Bylaws of the Trent University Senate.Attend and participate in the proceedings of Student Senate Caucus.Sit on at least two university committees, in addition to attending Senate meetings, Cabinet meetings, and Student Senate Caucus meetings as a Senator. Attend all regular meetings of the TCSA, and as such fulfill all requirements of their position according to the TCSA Bylaws and Operating Policy, unless extenuating circumstances apply. Report the election of Senators to the Secretary of Senate.Act as a mentor to the Junior SenatorThe Jr. and Sr. Social Representatives shall:Sr. representative mentors Jr. representative with regards to event planning and runningAct as Co Chairs for Harvest Weekend and Bon Temps WeekendAct as Co Chairs for the Holiday Event, and the Spring Formal. Formal venue must be booked no later by September 30th. Be responsible for the organization of College Dinners at all College WeekendsEnsure that Champlain traditions, are strongly upheld, where available.Meet and coordinate with athletic representatives prior to each college weekend.Social Representatives will meet with the treasurer to review their budget before each event, in advance of any purchases.Jr. representative is a two-year position that advances to the Sr. representative during the second yearIn the instance that the Junior representative does not move on to fulfill their role as Senior Social representative the position will be made open for voting in the next election. If the position remains unfilled following the election, it will be open for appointment.The senior social representative must have one-year experience on cabinet.The Treasurer shall:Be immediately responsible for the policy and administration of all funds of Cabinet and to present to Cabinet a projected annual Cabinet budget by the second meeting. A revised budget must be presented to Cabinet no less than two weeks after the receipt of the second levy cheque.Maintain records and present financial statements under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.Ensure that all financial matters are carried out in accordance with the Champlain College Cabinet Financial Procedures, Appendix II.Act with the approval of Cabinet on all matters of Cabinet finance.Allow books to be open to all Cabinet and College members.Act as chief signing officer for Cabinet on all financial matters.Ensure that the books and year-end financial statement are reviewed by an administrative staff member and presented to Financial Services before April 30th of the current year. Must present each month’s financial statement no later than two weeks following the said month, as well as the year-end financial statement at the Cabinet Turnover Meeting.Chair the Club Funding committee.Meet with incoming Treasurer to provide insight to future budget, where available. In the event out-going and in-coming cannot meet, shall meet with President and VP for budget consultation.The Trent Central Student Association (TCSA) Commissioner shall:Act as a liaison between Cabinet and the TCSA.Be fully informed of all business pertaining to Cabinet in relation to the TCSA, should such information be required by the Board of Directors of the TCSA.Distribute TCSA materials to the Student Body.Fulfill all requirements of their position according to the TCSA Bylaws and Operating Policy, including, but not limited to:Sit on at least one Standing Committee of the TCSA and at least one other Committee that may be of the University or the TCSA.In addition to attending the Cabinet meetings, attend meetings of the TCSA.Act as Co-Chair for TCSA-College Frost Week, where available.Shall facilitate planning and running of the Milk RunMust be of at least 18 years of age at time of their election.The Co Publicity Officers shall:Monitor publicity requests and ensure that advertising/tickets are completed within one week of request being made.Monitor social media accounts. In charge of ensuring that accounts are being maintained and that information is corrected/updatedResponsible for ensuring that photos taken at events are posted within two weeks of the eventsFilm, edit and post Quad Cast video at minimum biweekly to advertise upcoming events.Maintain an open line of communication between the publicity officersThis position will require the submission of a portfolio to be presented to the members of the college during the voting period of elections.Don Representative (Non-Voting – Appointed)Work with the On- Campus Rep and Annex Rep for promotion.Liaison between Don’s and CabinetChair the College Residence Council. Participate in cabinet’s mid-year reviewsRequired to attend any and all events and otherwise follow our constitutionThe Annex Representative shall:Work in coordination with the On-Campus Representative and Off- Campus Representative to organize events to unite On- Campus, Off- Campus and Annex students.Be a member of the Food and Housing Sub-Committee Of CASSC, where available.Will sit on the College Residence Council as a non-voting memberRun a stress buster each semester in collaboration with other Champlain Cabinet positions.Aid in promoting Champlain College Cabinet events to Annex students. Be a member of the Junior Common Room Committee.Run an event that will unite Annex and On-Campus students.This does not need to be a unique event, can be an addition to an already existing event.Shall work alongside the On-Campus Representative to run an event for the promotion of student mental wellbeingDuties of the Speaker:Cabinet will appoint a Chairperson. Applications for the Chairperson will be invited during the Fall General Election. After a two week nomination period, the President will present the applications to Cabinet. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at that meeting will ratify the appointment.The Chairperson will have a thorough understanding of parliamentary procedure, Robert’s Rules of Order (newly revised), and should have at least one year of experience with student government at the post-secondary level, where available.The Chairperson will be the Chair of the Executive Committee.The Chairperson shall have authority to convene a Judicial Committee to interpret this Constitution if deemed necessary by Cabinet.The Chairperson has the authority to cancel or postpone meetings of Cabinet, but only with the permission of the President AND Vice-President.In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson will cast the deciding vote.The Chairperson shall be responsible for advertising and carrying out the Annual and Semi-Annual General Meetings for Champlain College Cabinet, as outlined in section VIII.The Chairperson will conduct two reviews of the performance of the Executive members of Cabinet, one each term, by way of consultation with other members of Cabinet.Removal of office can occur at a meeting with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of cabinet. The acting Chairperson will chair this meeting.Conflict of InterestIf a conflict of interest exists, the Cabinet member(s) concerned must abstain from voting. Conflict of interest shall be defined as a conflict between the private interest and the official responsibilities of the Cabinet member. A conflict of interest will automatically be deemed in existence if a Cabinet member is receiving any form of retribution from the parties involved in the motion at hand. If a Cabinet member is thought to be in conflict of interest by another Cabinet member, than the latter Cabinet member can motion that the Cabinet member deemed to be in a conflict of interest not be allowed to vote on the previous motion. If the motion to prevent another member from voting is seconded then a discussion will be held prior to the vote. The Cabinet member(s) deemed to be in a conflict of interest may participate in the discussion, but cannot vote on the motion deciding if a conflict of interest exists. A simple majority will prevent the Cabinet member deemed to be in a conflict of interest from voting on the motion in which Cabinet has decided a conflict of interest exists. There shall only be a vote of abstention entered when there is a conflict of interest present, or the terms and conditions of the discussion are not mittees of Champlain College Cabinet:Committees:The Cabinet may, from time to time, appoint Ad-Hoc Committees which shall be dissolved upon the completion of these functions and the presentation of their reports to Cabinet.The membership of Standing and Special Committees of Cabinet shall be open to all members of the Student Body, unless otherwise specified by the constitution or when the committee is created.Should the committee be open to the student body, it shall be duly advertised.Appointing Committee Members to Represent the College:Committees which require a college representative:Colleges and Student Services Committee (CASSC) and its subcommitteesHealth and Counselling Services Sub-CommitteeAthletic Advisory Sub-CommitteeHousing and Food Services Sub-CommitteeTransitions Sub-CommitteeReligious Affairs Sub-CommitteeTransportation Sub-Committee of the TCSAColleges Sub-CommitteeThe President shall advertise the above vacant committee positions to Cabinet and appoint the interested member to each committee.Should more than one Cabinet member show interest in a particular committee position, the following procedure shall be used:Applicants must present their request to Cabinet.Applicants will leave while Cabinet goes into Closed Session to discuss the applicants’ requests.All Applicants are notified of the results within twenty-four (24) mittee Members must attend all meetings of their respective Committees, or find a suitable replacement.Appendix IElections PolicyEach portion of the electoral process must be advertised in more than two avenues.All candidates must provide platforms of not more than 100 words to be made available.A special election issue of “College Newsletter” must be issued by College principal with candidate platforms and other electoral information including date, time, and location of speeches and polling.Candidates must be given at least twenty-four (24) hours notice prior to any the candidates meeting.All candidates must sign the Candidate’s Code of Conduct prior to the first day of campaigning at a candidates meeting where the Chief Electoral Officer (hereafter CEO) can address any questions.An Ad-Hoc Elections Committee must be created to administer the election prior to the nomination period.Candidates’ names must be in alphabetical order. The CEO must brief Cabinet about electoral procedure.Copies of all procedural documents and codes of conduct must be available.Champlain College Cabinet Candidates Code of ConductAll candidates agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct. Violations of this Code may result in the removal of the candidate from the ballot. For the purposes of this Code, campaigning is considered any solicited or unsolicited communication, be it personal or broadcast in nature. In any cases where an individual provision of this Code contravenes the Champlain College Constitution or By-Laws, the individual provision of this Code will be omitted with all other portions remaining in full force.All candidates shall:1) Refrain from engaging in slander.2) Respect all other candidates3) Campaign only in Champlain (i.e. No posters on busses, at Bata Library, on the bridge or at any other college).4) Respect other candidates’ campaign materials by not moving, removing or altering them in any way.5) Respect the College by not damaging any property in any way (note: duct tape sometimes causes damage).6) Stop campaigning immediately following speeches.7) The value of all materials used must not exceed $50 CAD.8) Candidates will only be able to vote at speeches. All violations of this Code or any other electoral procedure must be reported to the Chief Electoral Officer within twenty-four (24) hours of discovery. 9)Must submit a 100 word platform to be available.Champlain College Cabinet Ad hoc Elections CommitteeTerms of Reference:The committee shall consist of:-The Chief Electoral Officer, who will act as Chair of the Committee-One (1) additional Cabinet member-Two (2) non-cabinet members of the Champlain Student BodyCabinet shall elect the two (2) Assistant Electoral Officers and the two (2) non-Cabinet members of the Student Body after the positions have been duly advertised.The Committee is responsible for the mechanics and oversight in the event that a complaint is brought forward. The chief electoral officer will bring the complaint to the committee who will use the Champlain College Cabinet Electoral Complaint and Appeal Process in making their decision. The committee may either censure or remove any violators from the ballot.The Election Committee will approve all candidates’ promotional and campaign materials prior to the distribution of those materials throughout the College and on digital platforms. Materials are to be submitted to the Election Committee with platforms. Any additional materials created after the platform submission deadline are subject for approval at the discretion of the Election Committee. Candidates who use materials that are unapproved by Cabinet will be found in violation of the Elections Act.Candidates promotional/campaign materials will not be approved by the Election Committee if they employ a Cabinet logo, including but not limited to; Pax Approved.Champlain College Cabinet Electoral Complaint and Appeal ProcessComplaint Process1) All Complaints must be made to the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) within twenty-four (24) hours of discovery.2) The Election Committee must meet within forty-eight 48 hours of the CEO receiving the complaint.3) The Committee will hear from the accused and complainant as well as any witnesses from either the accused or complainant.4) All complaints must be externally verifiable.5) Complaints may be brought forward by proxy through elected members of Cabinet at the discretion of the member. In any such complaints the elected member will be considered the complainant.6) The burden of proof rests with the complainant.7) After all presentations are made to the Committee, the Committee will enter into closed session. The Committee will decide on the appropriate course of action based on simple majority decision.8) The Committee will provide a written report outlining their decision to the accused, the complainant and the Champlain Cabinet President within twenty-four (24) hours of making the decision. The report must contain rationale for the committee’s decision.Form of ComplaintAll complaints must be made in writing and include a full description of events with as many specifics as possible (i.e. time, date, and any witnesses) as well as the name and signature of the complainant. The complaint must be made available to the accused in advance of the Committee hearing twenty-four (24) hours.Appeals of Elections Committee Decisions1) All appeals must be made to the Champlain College Cabinet President prior to the next Cabinet meeting.2) All appeals will be heard at the first Cabinet meeting following the election.3) All exhibits (including Committee minutes) will be brought forward to Cabinet.4) Cabinet will hear from the complainant, then the accused, followed by any witnesses.5) Should the appellant not attend the appeal, the Committee decision stands.6) After all presentations, Cabinet will enter into closed session. A simple majority will be needed in all appeals.7) The President and Cabinet Chair will relay the results verbally immediately following the decision.8) The President will issue a written statement to all candidates for the position in question within twenty-four (24) hours of Cabinet making the decision.Appendix IIChamplain College Cabinet Financial Policies and Procedures ManualIGenerala. The Treasurer will administer all matters of finance with the approval of Cabinet.b. The Treasurer will act as the chief signing officer on all financial matters. The President will act as the Treasurer’s co-signing officer.c. All financial transactions will be approved by a simple majority vote of Cabinet.d. Financial decisions cannot be made in the absence of the Treasurer, unless the Treasurer has appointed someone to act in his or her stead.e. In the case that an urgent financial decision must be made, and the Treasurer cannot attend the Cabinet meeting, the President will consult with the Treasurer prior to the meeting, and relay the Treasurer’s opinions.f. In the event that a financial decision must be made before a Cabinet meeting can be convened, the motion can be issued and seconded by email, and an email vote that meets quorum will be accepted.g. The Treasurer and President will be the only Cabinet members with access to the safe and deposit box.h. All payments from Cabinet will be provided by cheque.i. Signing authority on all Cabinet bank accounts will be changed over to the incoming Treasurer and President immediately following the turn over meeting.j. The Treasurer will advise Cabinet on amendments to be made to these policies and procedures. Any amendments made to the policies and procedures are subject to Section VI of the Champlain College Cabinet Constitution.II Budgetingk. The Treasurer will submit a preliminary budget for discussion and review at the second Cabinet meeting in both September and January. At a subsequent meeting, a final budget will be released for approval within one week of the receipt of the levy cheque in both September and January.l. The budget requires approval by a simple majority vote of Cabinet.m. Once approved, the budget is binding for First and Second Semester, respectively, and should be followed stringently.n. The budget must reflect a $3000 reserve surplus for the following year.o. Have 5% of levy checks be kept for emergency fund where available.p. Budget should be done using Microsoft Excel.q. Budget requests will be completed for all purchases exceeding $50 or those that are external to the requester’s budget line. It is the responsibility of the individual making the request to connect with the Treasurer to review available budget lines. These requests will be voted on in Cabinet Meeting. i. Budget requests may not be done over Facebook.IIIExpendituresa) Reimbursementsi. Cabinet members will self-fund most purchases in advance. To receive reimbursement for approved purchases, Cabinet members must fill out and submit a Cheque Request Form to the Treasurer.ii. Any purchase exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) must be approved by Cabinet in advance.iii. Only purchases directly related to Cabinet business will be approved and reimbursed.iv. Cabinet members must provide a receipt to be reimbursed.v. Cheque Request Forms must be submitted to the Treasurer prior to the start of the Cabinet meeting at which reimbursement is requested.vi. The Cheque Request Form must be submitted to the Treasurer within twenty (20) business days of the purchase, within the academic term.vii. Cheque Request Forms submitted for purchases made during the current Cabinet’s term of office will not be accepted by the incoming Cabinet, after the Cabinet turnover meeting.b) Advance Paymentsi. For large purchases, Cabinet members may request a cheque in advance to pay for an expense.ii. The Cabinet member must present to the Treasurer a Cheque Request Form itemizing the exact amount of the request.iii. A receipt for the purchase must be provided to the Treasurerwithin seven (7) days of receiving the advance payment.iv. If the actual cost was less than the value of the advance, then the difference must be paid back within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of the advance.v. If the actual cost was more than the advance, the Cabinet member may submit a Cheque Request Form requesting reimbursement for the difference.vi. Cheque Request Forms from the current Cabinet term will not be accepted after the Cabinet turnover meeting.c) Other Paymentsi. The Treasurer will pay any invoices or bills within ten (10) days of receipt.ii. Any donations approved by Cabinet will be paid directly by cheque and will require a receipt.iii. Club Funding will be paid by cheque to the name requested by the club and will require a receipt.iv. Any funding made through the Student Activities Committee must be approved by Cabinet, and can be paid either in advance or by reimbursement. If paid in advance, a receipt will be required, and the student must present a financial statement within fourteen (14) days of the event describing how the funds were used. If the actual cost was less than the value of the advance, then the difference must be paid back within twenty-one (21) days of the receipt of the advance.IV Salesa. When Cabinet approves the sale of items (i.e. tickets or clothing), the Treasurer must be informed at least three (3) business days before the first day of sales.b. A float of approximately fifty (50) dollars will be maintained in the Cabinet office to make change.c. Sales must be recorded on a sheet including the date, as well as the name and signature of both the student purchasing the item and the Cabinet member selling the item.V Cash Flowa. When sales are being made, Cabinet members must follow the following cash flow rules:i. The Cabinet member schedules for the first Cabinet office hour of the day shall:1) Count the float in the cash box.2) Record it on the Cash Flow Sheet.3) Verify that the float matches the amount recorded the previous evening.ii. The Cabinet member filling the last Cabinet office hour of the day shall:1) Review the sales sheets and count how many sales were made throughout the day.2) Record the number of sales on the log sheet in the bottom drawer. A witness (preferably a Cabinet member) must sign the log sheet.3) Count the total amount of money in the cash box.4) Leave as close to fifty (50) dollars as possible in the cash box as a float for the next day.5) Record the exact amount of money left in cash box.6) Put the remaining money in an envelope.7) Record the exact amount on the front of the envelope and on the log sheet.8) Print the date and the names of both the Cabinet member and the witness on the front of the envelope.9) Seal the envelope. Both the Cabinet member and witness must sign over the seal.10) Deposit the envelope in the lock box attached to the bottom left of the desk.b. The Treasurer will ensure that all Cabinet members understand these rules prior to the beginning of all sales.c. The Treasurer will be responsible for removing deposits from the deposit box and placing them into the safe at least three (3) times per week.d. After the completion of sales, the Treasurer will remove the deposit envelopes from the safe. With a witness present, the Treasurer will verify that all deposited envelopes are present using the log sheet from the sales.e. With a witness present, the Treasurer will count the money in each deposit envelope and verify that it matches the amount recorded on the front.f. The Treasurer and witness will each count the combined money in all of the deposit envelopes and sign a note certifying the amount to be deposited in the bank. The Treasurer and witness will also both sign a note certifying the amount left as a float.g. The Treasurer will attach the signed deposit note to the certified deposit slip in the financial records.h. The float will be left in the safe with the signed note until sales resume, or until the end of the current Cabinet term.i. In the event that the Treasurer or a Cabinet member finds a discrepancy in the amount of money, the President shall be notified and an emergency meeting of the Executive will be held. The Treasurer and, if applicable, the Cabinet member, must be in attendance at the meeting. A course of action will be determined and carried out at the next Cabinet meeting.VI Accountinga. The Treasurer will be responsible for recording of all income and expenses of Cabinet according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.b. The Cabinet books will be maintained using the software Simply Accounting. Microsoft Excel. c. Financial statements, as well as the Treasurer’s financial records will beprovided to Trent University Financial Services for review before April 30th of the current Cabinet term.d. All financial records must be kept on file by Cabinet for seven (7) years.e. The Treasurer will pass on all financial records (both hard copy and electronic) to the incoming Treasurer by April 30th of the current Cabinet term.VII Reportinga. The Treasurer will present monthly statements to Cabinet detailing Cabinet’s finances.b. Along with the January budget, the Treasurer will produce an income statement that includes the exact amount of money that has been spent to date for each budget item.c. At the end of his or her term, the Treasurer will present a final incomestatement, along with a report from an external reviewer verifying the financial records, to Cabinet.d. At the end of his or her term, the Treasurer will present a final incomestatement to Trent University Financial Services.Appendix III – Other Policies and TaskforceJCR PolicyThe JCR is an un-bookable student space.Cabinet has the right to close the JCR at their discretion for circumstances such as vandalism, extensive damage or to renovate the space.The donning staff shall receive their keys from the college office upon signing of contract.Shall be maintained by the JCR Committee as outlined in Section 8, subsection F. ii) Academic TaskforceJr. Senator, On and Off Campus Reps, and 1 other elected cabinet member, to be Chaired by the VP.Meet with head of college and Academic Advisor, when needed. Meets only when needed to address academic issuesGoal : reinvigorate the role of academics within the collegeAddresses issues such as guest speakersProfessor socialsClubs and groupsFacilitates peer-mentoring. APPENDIX IV – Shawn T. Callaghan Memorial Award.Award to Commemorate the late Shawn T. Callaghan, who passed away while traveling abroad in 2007. The Maximum awarded amount is $1000.The award shall be given to a Champlain Student who is traveling abroad for study.Criteria:75% averageHas demonstrated continuous contribution to Champlain CollegeLetter of intent.2 References.Make arrangements for exchange through TIPUpon receiving the award, recipient(s) must to proof of intent to travel. Failure to do so voids the eligibility of the recipient of the award. If the student does not end up going abroad, the student must return the full amount of the award by cheque to Champlain College Cabinet. Cabinet will then direct the money to the next worthy applicant, if applicable.In the instance that there is no worthy applicant, the money will be carried over to the following year and an additional award (of $1000) will be given out. ................

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