UNIT 3 OUTCOME 1 PART B“Create visual communications for specific contexts, purposes and audiences that are informed by their analysis of existing visual communications” (VCAA Study Design)Learning Activities and Assessment: There are 3 tasks, one from each DESIGN FIELD, Communication, Industrial and Environmental.(Note - All developmental drawing and class activities will be included in your assessment for this Outcome. Please present your work in an A3 folio with clear plastic pockets.)COMMNICATION DESIGN TASKUsing our class examples from Outcome 1 Part A, select 1 COMMUNICATION Design. (Or a Communication design of your choice: book cover, billboard, CD cover, poster, etc.)Observe and describe all the different circumstances under which information may receive the viewer (e.g. billboards are often viewed by pedestrians and people in cars). Draw quick visualisation sketches to show that design being viewed in context. Annotate.Draw a different sketch to show that design in a totally different context (scale, size, different purpose etc.) and how it would reach the viewer. Annotate.After completing your analysis of context, design a new LOGO for a company or organisation that would use the communication design you selected as your example. (For example if you chose a billboard advertising Chanel, design a new logo for Chanel. If you chose a book cover, design a logo for a publishing company). 1 page visualisation (20 ideas in 30 minutes is a good brainstorming technique!).1 page development/refinement1 Final design.Scan design into Illustrator/Photoshop and clean it up, colour it etc.Write an analysis of your logo. Client, audience, context, purpose, methods used etc. (use analysis grid to plan for this). 2017 Salesian student work (Jackson Coates), Final Communication Design SAT folio.2017 Salesian student work (Jake Cleve), Final Communication Design Logo, SAT folio.INDUSTRIAL DESIGN TASKYou will provided with stimulus industrial design material (e.g. small toys, perfume bottles or old remote controls). You need to observe at least 1 objects. For your object:Identify the method, media and materials used in the design and production.Speculate why the designers chose these options, what problems did they solve?Make quick freehand 3-dimensional observational drawings from different angles, add texture and tone.Make a quick freehand 2-dimensional (Orthogonal) drawing showing front, side and top views.Measure the object and consider and record what scale would be appropriate for an A3 Orthogonal drawing of the object.Make 2 A4 sized isometric drawings of the object and render each one to depict the object being made from a DIFFERENT material, i.e. soft fur, wood, shiny metal, fabric etc. if it is currently made of plastic.DESIGN a NEW object for a DIFFERENT audience (1 page if visualisation sketches, 1 page development and refinement). i.e. instead of a child’s toy, create a tech gadget or watch for a teen or adult audience. Instead of a perfume bottle for women audience, create an aftershave bottle for men. Instead of a remote for a TV, make a remote for a young child’s toy.Draw your new design as an Isometric A5, fully rendered.Draw your new design as an orthogonal (A3, all correct conventions)Create PACKAGING for your new design – draw your package as a NET. Show cut and fold lines.Draw your completed package as a 2-point perspective.Analyse the connections between the existing object and your new object using annotations.2017 Salesian student work (Troy Horton), Industrial Design, Orthogonal views of a cap, SAT folio.2017 Salesian student Industrial Design work (wake board by Braydan Cuffe, T-shirt by Damon DeBrincat)ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN TASKYou will be provided with class tasks from the workbook where you need to convert -dimensional drawings (isometric, planometric, perspective) into orthogonal drawings, and vice versa.You will be provided with a floor plans (p83 of teacher workbook). For the floor plan:Dimension it using architectural conventions.Draw the plan view as a planometric drawing.Draw one elevation – what might it look like from the North, South, East or West side?Using Adobe Illustrator program or Sketch Up Make program, draw the exterior of this building using 2-point perspective (your teacher will explain how to do this if you have not used the program before.). Find and “Place” an interesting background environment for your building if working in Illustrator. You need to save the image before placing it.Import a GEO site if working in Sketch Up. Add fog and shadows.Create a display poster for a Real Estate agent using your Illustrator 2-point perspective as the main image. Add TYPE to advertise your building.Write a brief analysis of the new context, purpose and audience for you completed poster.Annotate all sketches and quick visualisation drawings.There is a LOT of content in this Outcome, so use class time wisely! Approximately 3 weeks per activity. The skills and knowledge used in this Outcome are important for your SAT and your exam A sample of what your final Real Estate Poster might look like for this task. This was made using Adode Illustrator, an original photo of our art studio and simply arranged in a Word Doc! It doesn’t need to be complicated. 2017 Salesian student work (Jake Cleve), Environmental design SAT Finals. Methods are computer (Sketch UP) and construction (model) 2017 Salesian student work (Emma Spiteri), Environmental design SAT finals. Methods are computer (Sketch UP) and construction (model) 2017 Salesian student Environmental Design work (Lauren Buchannan and Clare Park), SAT finals. Method: Construction (model). ................

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