Foreign Trade University

-86360-162560Foreign Trade UniversityEMERGING ISSUES OF MANAGEMENTAssignment Cover SheetLecturer: Ngo Quy Nham00Foreign Trade UniversityEMERGING ISSUES OF MANAGEMENTAssignment Cover SheetLecturer: Ngo Quy NhamNAME OF STUDENTASSIGNMENT ISSUE DATEUNIT CODE. QTRE304UNIT TITLEEmerging Issues of ManagementASSIGNMENT TITLESelected organization and IndustryASSIGNMENT NONAME OF ASSESSORSUBMISSION DEADLINE TO BE FILLED BY STUDENTSPlease complete in full all categories neatly before submitting the work for assessmentNUMBER OF PAGES SUBMITTEDASSESSMENT TITLE (A Copy of the assessment brief MUST be attached together with this work)DATE ASSESSMENT BRIEF IS RECEIVEDSUBMISSION DATEI, __________________________ hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work and not the product of plagiarism, collusion or other academic irregularity. I have referenced the sources from which information is obtained by me for this assignment.……………………………….. ……………….SIGNATURE OF STUDENT DATETO BE FILLED BY STUDENTSPlease list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration).TaskRefEvidence SubmittedPage Number orDescription1.1Discuss models of strategic change.1.2Evaluate the relevance of models of strategic change to organisations in the current industry.1.3Assess the value of using strategic intervention techniques in organisations2.1Examine the need for strategic change in an organisation.2.2Assess the factors that aredriving the need for strategic change in an organisation.3.1Develop systems to involve stakeholders in the planning of change.3.2Develop a change management strategy with stakeholders.3.3Create a strategy for managing resistance to change.4.1Develop appropriate models for Change.4.2Plan to implement a model forChange.Additional comments to the Assessor:Coursework PoliciesAll coursework submitted must includeA copy of the full brief given by the assessor (with the signed coversheet) All source material must be cited in the text and a full bibliography of source material (including author, title, publisher and date) listed at the end of the submission.All work must be submitted in the mode instructed by the assessor.Work submitted under the student’s name must only be the work of that student. All information sources must be acknowledged. Plagiarism is a serious offence and will render offenders liable to disciplinary action as set out in the Foreign Trade University rules and regulation. Students MUST keep a copy of all submitted work for reference purposes prior to the original being handed in and returned. This will provide proof that the work was completed, in the event that the work goes astray.Whenever a candidate submits work after two weeks without an authorised extension, a Referral grade will be awarded. Assessors may comment on the quality of the work for learning purposes.Requests for extensions of submission deadlines must be made in writing prior to the submission deadline to the appropriate Course Administrator or Programme Leader and must be supported by documentary evidence. RoleYou are working as an associate consultant that does research and industrial services specialise in Change Management. You are ask to prepare documents and report to the management team of an organisation of your choice (Automobile/Airlines/Hotel/IT/Retail/ Pharmaceutical.. Industry) addressing various issues in Change Management. Your research information findings on Change Management materials should include the following tasks:TasksBackground to organisational strategic change:Discuss models of strategic change in organisations. You need to show an understanding in the different approaches to models of change management (discuss at least three models).Your report introduction needs to evaluate the relevance of the models of strategic change (using examples) from the selected organisations in the current economy. You need to explain why the models for change are appropriate in the selected examples. Assess the value of using strategic intervention used in selected organisations. These need to be applied to the organisation in your report.Understand issues relating to strategic change in an organisation(2.1,2.2) Examine the need for strategic change in an organisation (automobile) and assess the factors that are driving the need for strategic change in an organisation (automobile). You are expected to show an understanding of the forces that are impacting on the organisation and driving the need for change. These are to include a research through examining the current position of the organisation and assess the factors in the organisation that are driving the need for change.Be able to lead stakeholders in developing a strategy for change(3.1) Develop systems to involve stakeholders in the planning of change. The systems need to be appropriate and workable in the selected organisation.(3.2) Develop a change management strategy with stakeholders. You need to show that you understand the different strategies that are available in the process of change management. You need to develop an appropriate strategy for change in the selected organisation and show how you would involve stakeholders in the development of this strategy.(3.3) Create a strategy for managing resistance to change. You need to show that there is recognition in resistance to change in different ways. You also need to highlight that if managed badly; resistance can become entrenched and spread throughout the organisation. You need to create a strategy for managing resistance to change that is appropriate to the selected organisation. It needs also to address the issues and provide a workable approach to overcome the resistance.Be able to plan to implement models for ensuring ongoing change(4.1) Develop appropriate models for change. You need to develop appropriate models for ongoing change in your selected organisation (Automobile). The models need to the circumstances facing the organisation.(4.2) Plan to implement a model for change. You need to show how the organisation would plan to implement the model for change. Both the internal and external circumstances impacting on the organisation also need to be considered.GRADING CRITERIAA pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the assessment criteria for each outcome at page 4 and 5.PresentationThe assignment should have a cover page that includes the assignment title, assignment number, course title, module title, Lecturer/tutor name and student’s name. Attach all the pages of assignment brief/cover sheet with your report and leave them blank except your signature, for official use.Ensure that authenticity declaration (your signature) has been signed.This is an group assignment.Content sheet with a list of all headings and page numbers.A fully typed up professionally presented report document. 2,000 to 3,000 words. Use 12 point Arial or Times New Roman script.Your assignment should be word-processed. Charts, tables, graphs are not included in the word count.Use the Harvard referencing system.Exhibits are outside this limit.NOTES TO STUDENTS for summissionCheck carefully the submission date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late assignments will not be accepted.Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.Do not leave things such as printing to the last minute – excuses of this nature will not be accepted for failure to hand-in the work on time. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension. Failure to achieve a PASS grade will results in a REFERRAL grade being given.Take great care that if you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, you properly reference them in your text and any bibliography.NOTE: If you are caught plagiarizing, the University policies and procedures will apply. ................

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