Arielle: It is Friday, March 11. I am Arielle Hixson, and Channel One News starts right now.

Let's start off with headlines, and first up, it is being called a huge win for the United States and its allies. Secret terror documents and the man who ran ISIS’s chemical weapons are now in the hands of intelligence officials.

U.S. officials are calling it a war chest of top-secret data; in it — tens of thousands of reported ISIS applications. A former ISIS member leaked more than 22,000 pages of information to the British media, which includes the names, addresses and phone numbers of those who want to join ISIS.

The forms ask recruits 23 questions, including whether they want to be a fighter, commando or suicide bomber. People from 51 different countries, including the U.S., applied — one of them, Abdel Barry, a 26-year-old former rapper from London, believed to be an ISIS fighter.

And this comes as Delta Force commandos captured an ISIS chemical weapons expert in a raid last month. That capture led military officials to an ISIS weapons factory in Iraq. British military says it destroyed it with an airstrike last weekend. It is hoping it will stop ISIS from being able to launch chemical weapons attacks on people in Syria and Iraq.

Next up, our neighbor to the north, Canada, made an official state visit to the White House yesterday. And even though we are so close, it has been nearly 20 years since it paid us a visit. President Obama and the first lady welcomed the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau. The White House pulled out all the stops, including a red-carpet welcome and an official state dinner.

The visit comes as Mr. Trudeau won the Canadian election in October last year. Our relationship with Canada under the previous government was strained over trade issues and climate change, but President Obama is hoping to change that, although he says there are still some disagreements, like:

President Barack Obama: Who’s better at hockey? Where is the Stanley Cup right now? I’m sorry, is it in my hometown with the Chicago Blackhawks?

Arielle: Prime Minister Trudeau says he was happy to send over his best players to the U.S.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: Speaking of exports, we know with certainty that there is a high demand for Canadian goods down here: Jonathan Toews, Duncan Keith and Patrick Sharp of the Chicago Blackhawks.

Arielle: And that is what you call sports diplomacy.

Now, moving on to severe weather in the South. The weather system stretches from Texas to Tennessee. Louisiana has been hit the hardest and is now under a state of emergency.

Parts of northwest Louisiana received more rain in 12 hours than the last two months. At least two feet of rain is expected to fall over parts of the state. That threat has forced officials to call for the mandatory evacuations of nearly 4,000 homes. More than

100 roads have been closed; some are crumbling away. Drone video taken over Shreveport shows entire neighborhoods under water.

Hundreds of homes have been flooded. Most of them are here in Haughton, where water climbed to roof levels. Emergency crews went door to door Wednesday but quickly found themselves overwhelmed.

Eddie Moore: They're getting calls coming in from every direction. Everybody’s trying to respond and do the very best they can.

Arielle: The National Guard has been called in to help with rescues, and the rain is expected to continue for at least another day.

And a new study says that more than half the calories in the American diet come from “ultraprocessed” foods. When you hear “ultraprocessed food," think breakfast cereal, instant soup, soda or frozen pizza — the stuff that uses chemicals and additives for taste and to keep it on the shelf for a long time.

And, according to researchers, we are eating way too much of it. The study, just out in the medical journal BMJ Open, tracked 9,000 people and found that nearly 60 percent of their diet was made up of ultraprocessed foods. Another 10 percent was processed food, stuff like canned goods or cheeses. And as for the fresh stuff or the minimally processed? Well, that only made up less than 30 percent of the average diet — things like veggies or eggs.

All right, coming up: We are giving you an update on everything that went down in the world of politics.

Arielle: Okay, so we know the sequel is never as good as the first one, but Super Tuesday Round 2, come next week, will be just as exciting. In many ways, if it was a movie, it would be called Super Tuesday: The Last Stand. That is how much is up at stake for these guys running for the White House. Tom Hanson brings us up to date before the big day in today's OneVote.

Tom: It has been another jam-packed week in the 2016 race to the White House, with Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump continuing their leads above the rest.

Over the week people hit the polls in Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Nebraska, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan and Mississippi. On the Republican side, Ted Cruz kept up the pressure by winning Kansas, Maine and Idaho.

Senator Ted Cruz: This is not a reality TV show; this is not a game show. This is the future of the country, and listen, Donald, it's not about us.

Tom: Meanwhile, front-runner Donald Trump cleaned up in Kentucky, Louisiana, Hawaii, Michigan and Mississippi.

Donald Trump: There's only one person did well tonight: Donald Trump. I will tell ya — it's true.

Tom: It wasn't a complete loss for distant third Marco Rubio, who won the U.S. territory Puerto Rico.

Senator Marco Rubio: I've been an underdog my whole life.

Tom: For the Dems, Bernie Sanders won Kansas, Nebraska, Maine and, surprisingly, Michigan.

Senator Bernie Sanders: I'm talking about a huuuuuuuuge voter turnout.

Tom: Clinton checked off some major victories in Louisiana and Mississippi.

Hillary Clinton: I can't do any of that unless you help me.

Tom: So where do we stand? Well, here is a breakdown of the delegate counts according to the Associated Press. For the Republicans Donald Trump has

458 delegates; Ted Cruz has 359 delegates; Rubio has 151 delegates; and Kasich has 54.

Now for the Democrats, Hillary Clinton has 762 delegates with an additional

461 superdelegates — those are the delegates who can vote for whoever they want — bringing her total to 1,223. As for Bernie Sanders, he has 549 delegates with an additional 25 superdelegates, bringing his total to 574.

And the political pandemonium will continue this upcoming Tuesday with voters in five major states going to the polls to weigh in on who they want to win. Experts say it could be a make-or-break moment for some of those left in the race.

Tom Hanson, Channel One News.

Arielle: The big prize on Tuesday is Florida, so keep your eyes on the Sunshine State. 

Okay, next up: If you don't like doing laundry, you are going to love this week's next big thing.

Arielle: It is a pair of pants that are so clean they may make you forget about doing laundry. But before we scrub up this week’s next big thing, let’s see what you thought about last week's.

We told you about the paper recycling machine, a new invention revolutionizing the in-office paper cycle. So is it the next big thing? Ninety-four percent said, “Yes — reduce, reuse, recycle.” But 6 percent said, “No — shreddin' this idea.”

Here is what you guys had to say.

Class: Mr. Adamo's homeroom from Henniker, New Hampshire, believe that paper recycling machines are the next big thing.

Class: We are Ms. Temple's AP U.S. history class…

Class: We are Mr. Beeler's middle-school ESL class…

Class: We are Ms. Deener’s eighth-grade class in Lexington, Kentucky, and we think paper recycling machine is the next big thing.

Arielle: But a couple of you weren't fans.

Class: This is Mr. E’s seventh-grade tutorial, and we’re down here in Bloomington, Illinois, and we think that paper machine is wet.

Class: This is Daleville High School, Coach Powell's third-period class, and we do not think the PaperLab is the next big thing.

Arielle: Thanks for those videos, guys.

Okay, in terms of style, jeans are timeless, so you may want to wear them all the time. Well, imagine not having to wash them — ever! Seems impossible, right? Well, maybe not. Introducing the self-cleaning jeans from ODO — these eco-friendly jeans could change the world. Not only are these pants stylish, but they never stink or stain. So if you spill a drink on them, it rolls off or can be wiped clean.

Liquids can penetrate regular jeans easily, but ODO's pair has an engineered surface with billions of peaks on it so liquids touching the surface slide off or can easily be rinsed off with water. And that means you never have to wash the jeans. The jeans are made with a magic ingredient — silver thread, which kills odors.

So are self-cleaning jeans the next big thing? Vote over at ; we want to know what you think. Or send a video to NBT@. We are curious to hear your thoughts on this one.

All right, guys, have an amazing weekend, and we cannot wait to see you on Monday.



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