Chapter 1

Study Guide

Exam 1

Chapter 1

Key Terms

abnormal psychology case study clinical psychology comorbidity

culture epidemiology hypothesis harmful dysfunction

incidence lobotomy null hypothesis prevalence

psychiatry psychopathology psychosis social work


Essay Questions

1. Describe the criteria that need to be present in order for a behavior to be considered abnormal. Why is it important to have criteria to define abnormality?

2. Choose two case studies presented in this chapter and discuss how they illustrate abnormal behavior.

3. Discuss the history of institutionalization.

Chapter 2

Key Terms

attributions attachments biopsychosocial model classical conditioning

defense mechanism diathesis dualism ego

evolutionary psychology extinction id identity

limbic system modeling operant conditioning paradigm

prognosis psychoanal. theory psychophysiology reciprocal causality

reductionism reverse causality risk factors self-control

social support stress superego systems theory temperament

Essay Questions

1. Compare and contrast Freud and Erikson’s theories of development. Which theory makes the most sense to you and your personal experience? Why?

2. Discuss why it is not enough to focus on one subsystem or level of analysis when viewing psychopathology.

Chapter 3

Key Terms

aversion therapy behaviorism cognitive behavior therapy control group

couples therapy dependent variable double-blind study eclectic

electroconvulsive therapy empathy experimental group experimental method

family therapy free association group therapy humanistic therapy

hypothesis independent variable insight interpretation

meta-analysis placebo effect psychoanalysis psychodynamic ther.

psychopharmacology psychosurgery psychotherapy psychotropic med.

random assignment ration. emot. ther. social skills training statistically signif.

systematic desensitization token economy transference

Essay Questions

1. Compare and contrast the biological, psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, and humanistic approaches to treating psychological disorders. In what ways might they be similar in working with a patient with depression? In what ways might they be different?

2. Discuss some of the issues addressed by psychotherapy researchers.

3. Outline the design of the experimental method. Provide one example.

Chapter 4

Key Terms

actuarial interpretation assessment behavioral coding system categorical approach

classification system comorbidity culture-bound syndrome diagnosis

dimensional approach kappa labeling theory personality inventory

projective tests rating scale reactivity reliability

stigma validity

Essay Questions

1. Review examples of both scientific and nonscientific factors that affect the development of diagnostic systems. When do you believe nonscientific factors play an important role in this process?

2. Describe the major purposes of clinical assessment. What are the major assumptions regarding the nature of human behavior upon which the assessment process is based?

3. Assume the role of a clinician who has just received a call from a potential client. The problem for which the client is seeking treatment is depression. What assessment procedures reviewed in your chapter and discussed in class could you use to determine whether or not the client is depressed? What type of information would you expect to obtain from each method?


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