Diploma Programme subject outline—Group 6: the arts

Diploma Programme subject outline--Group 6: the arts

School name

Marietta High School

Name of the DP subject

(indicate language)


(indicate with X)


x Higher

(indicate option(s) in visual arts)

Standard completed in two years

(indicate option(s) in music)


School code

Standard completed in one year *

(indicate option(s) in music)

Name of the teacher who Jacob Garcia

completed this outline

Date when outline was completed


Date of IB training

March 21-23 2014

Name of workshop

IB Diploma Theatre Category 3

(indicate name of subject and workshop category)

* All Diploma Programme courses are designed as two-year learning experiences. However, up to two standard level subjects, excluding languages ab initio and pilot subjects, can be completed in one year, according to conditions established in the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme.

1. Course outline

? Use the following table to organize the topics to be taught in the course. If you need to include topics that cover other requirements you have to teach (for example, national syllabus), make sure that you do so in an integrated way, but also differentiate them using italics. Add as many rows as you need.

? This document should not be a day-by-day accounting of each unit. It is an outline showing how you will distribute the topics and the time to ensure that students are prepared to comply with the requirements of the subject.

? This outline should show how you will develop the teaching of the subject. It should reflect the individual nature of the course in your classroom and should not just be a "copy and paste" from the subject guide.

? If you will teach both higher and standard level, make sure that this is clearly identified in your outline.

Year 1

Topic/unit/assessment component

(as identified in the IB subject guide)

State the topics/units/assessment components in the order you are planning to teach them.


Allocated time

One 90


is In one

week 2-

there 2.6


minutes. classes.

Assessment instruments to be



List the main resources to be used, including information

technology if applicable.

Acting Technique, World Traditions, Theatre Theorists, Compositions & Analysis



14 weeks (2-3 classes per week)

Acting Technique

Demonstrate control of technical 100/130 minutes

skills appropriate to

the performance Hours:


52 Composition and

Living Notebook


Project: 1. Ways of Working 2. Sources of Inspiration

Critically reflect upon the creative process of compositional problems

3. Creation is



including possible

4.Entering the Stage appropriate

5.Elements of Creation

solutions for future development (AO3)

6.Making Movement

Composition 7.The Final Step

Demonstrate control of composition craft

Solo Composition and Analysis

appropriate to each monologue composition (AO4)

Written Method Acting Test Theatre- The Lively Art:

Theatre as an art form and

Acting Technique

entertainment by Edwin

Performance Assessment Wilson (Chapter 2 & Chapter

Rubric: Shows evidence of 5)

development of skills,

projects or tasks.

Stage Composition Basics:

Capturing the director's craft

Living Notebook Rubric (Chapter 1)

Perceptive: Shows

evidence of critical analysis Pantomime Imagery for

to enhance performance technique and Performance

(Chapter 7, 10, 14)

Developmental Workbook Rubric Reflective: Shows artsalive.ca evidence of understanding through self- reflection (Living Notebook Project)

In internal assessment, demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the selected scenes(s) performed (AO1)

World Theatre and Criticism

Theatre Theorists and Performance



9 weeks (2-3 classes per week)

World Theatre Studies Describe the


similarities and


World Theatre Studies between the


historical contexts

of two theatre

100/130 minutes

Hours: 8 Theatre Investigation 24 Performance

Written World Theatre Studies Test (1 & 2)

World Theatre Studies Technique Performance Assessment Rubric:

Theatre Histories: Insights into history, culture and creativity Edited by Tobin Nellhaus and written Bruce McConachie (Chapter 2)

cultures and/or

Theatre Criticism

traditions (AO1)

Through World Eyes

Shows evidence of development of skills, projects or tasks

Learning about Performance Traditions: Theatre as an art form and entertainment

Critique Log

Identify the appropriate

Theatre Criticism

(Chapter 8)


Perceptive Rubric: Shows YouTube (has a wealth of

processes and

evidence of critical analysis documented world theatre

structures to

to enhance performance forms)

support theatre with

(Criticism tasks)

different subject matter or content (AO1)

Critique Log Rubric Reflective: Shows

DVD's specific to world theatre forms studied


evidence of understanding Guest Teacher through self- reflection

organization of

(Critique Log)

written material,

including use and

attribution of

appropriate sources




14 weeks (2 classes per

Theatre- The Lively Art: Theatre as an art form and entertainment

Written Modern Theatre Test by Edwin Wilson (Chapter 3, 4)

Modern Technique In internal assessment, 100/130 minutes


Group Composition and Analysis

demonstrate ability to

interpret sensitively the Hours:

intentions of the performance(s) (AO3)

52 Performance

Apply in the analytical

Modern Technique

YouTube (has a wealth of

Performance Assessment documented world theatre forms)

Rubric: Shows evidence of

development of skills, projects or tasks (guest teacher)

DVD's specific to world theatre forms studied

statement the key terms and concepts used in Analytical Statement developing stage composition(s) (AO2)

Living Notebook (Group Composition) Perceptive Rubric: Shows evidence of critical analysis to enhance

Monologue Composition Basics: Capturing the director's craft (Chapter 4)

performance (Living

Notebook continuation for

Pantomime Imagery for

group composition)

technique and Performance (Chapter 15)

Year 2

Improvisation and Composition Content


10 weeks (2 classes per AImnparolyvitsicinaglTSetsattement

Warm ups, Games and Devised


Reflective Rubric: Shows Theatre Tasks


Improvisation Techniques/Skills

Solo/Duet Performance and Analysis

2 External Assessments

Demonstrate compositional contrast across two of the three theatre works (AO3)

100/130 minutes

Hours: 32 Composition and Analysis

Demonstrate the use of compositional craft to support the intention, form and content of theatre (AO2)

eImvpidreonvciseatoiof nunderstanding


Theatre- The Lively Art: Theatre

(PAenrfaolrymticaanlcSe tAastesmesesnmt)ent as an art form and entertainment

Rubrics: Shows evidence of by Edwin Wilson (Chapter 7)

development of skills, projects

or tasks (Improvisation)

YouTube (has a wealth of

documented world theatre forms)

Conveying Meaning

Perceptive Rubric: Shows evidence of critical analysis to


enhance performance (Solo or

Duet composition)

Stage Composition Basics:

Developmental Workbook Capturing the director's craft

Reflective Rubric: Shows (Chapter 2)

evidence of understanding

On-the spot Imagery

through self- reflection (Living Notebook continuation)

Stage Imagery for technique and Performance (Chapter 1, 2)

Theatre Research



14 weeks (2 classes per week)

Collaborative Theatre Analyze the

World Studies 1

similarities and

100/130 minutes

differences between

Collaborative Theatre the historical and the Hours:

World Studies 2

current context within 52 Composition and

each selected originalAnalysis

Observation: How do we theatre businesses

see Theatre?

and/or tradition (AO2)

Description: What are

the visible elements? Explanation: What are

Demonstrate an in-

the virtual structures? depth comparative

Interpretation: What are discussion of two

style and meaning? short performance

Evaluation: How do we excerpts from two

assess theatre?

theatre cultures

and/or traditions

Ritual Investigation (AO3)

Internal Assessment

Theatre Businesses Investigation Submitting


The into

Theatre Experience: Insights history, culture and creativity

Application of Technique

Performance Assessment Rubric: Shows evidence of development of skills, projects or tasks (original theatre

Learning about Theatre Businesses: Theatre as an art form and entertainment (Chapter 1)


YouTube (has a wealth of

Aesthetics Perceptive

documented world theatre forms)

Rubric: Shows evidence of

critical analysis to enhance Visit a working theatre house

performance (Aesthetics)

Theatre Investigation Reflective Rubric: Shows evidence of understanding through self- reflection (Theatre Investigation)

Theatre Imagery for technique and Performance (Chapter 11)

Theatre Repertoire and Directing

The Director Experience:



14 weeks (2 classes per Final Written Technique


Assessment (Cumulative) Learning about Directing:

Analyze and evaluate

the influence and 100/130 minutes

Contemporary/Moder n Technique Revising Published Play scripts

significance of connections from all three components of the DP theatre course in the making

Hours: 8 Composition and Analysis 38 Performance

of one theatre

6 (Left Over)

The "Final" Product productions

Directing as an art form and

Final Performance

entertainment (Chapter 6, 11,

Assessment Rubric


(Application): Shows

evidence of development skills, projects or tasks (Theatre Theorist, technique)


YouTube (has a wealth of documented world theatre forms)

The "Final" Product

Field Trip


Demonstrate control of compositional craft appropriate to each theatre performance

Perceptive Rubric: Shows

evidence of critical analysis Stage Direction Composition

to enhance performance Basics: Capturing the


director's craft

Demonstrate the ability to present an effective performance

Final Reflective Rubric: Director Imagery for stage

Shows evidence of

and Performance (Chapter

understanding through self- 15)

reflection (Revising Acting

Techniques, The "Final"



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