Mr. Corell's Sixth Grade Class

Chapter 12 Lesson 2 pages 460 – 463Name: ________________________ 1.An ___________________ is a substance that contains only one kind of atom.2.True or False An element can be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary laboratory methods.3.Approximately ___________ elements occur in nature.4.Approximately ___________ elements are known.5.Elements with low atomic numbers are the most ____________ in the universe.6._____________________ is the most abundant element in the universe.7.Our sun is mostly made of ______________________.8.What is the name of process where subatomic particles combine to form new elements? ________________________9.The most common element in Earth’s crust is ______________________.10.Elements are classified according to their _________________________.11.True or False Most elements are non-metals.12.Name the three things that make a metal a metal.1._______________________2._______________________3._______________________13.True or False A non-metal is shiny and malleable.14.True or False There is more helium in Earth’s crust than in the Universe?15.Hydrogen and __________________ make up 98% of the elements in the Universe.16.Who is credited with developing and organizing a system of classifying elements? _______________________________17.How are the elements in the periodic table arranged? __________________________________________18.What is gold’s symbol? _______ What’s its origin? _____________________19.Each column of the periodic table shows a family. The elements have similar _______________________. Chapter 12 Lesson 2 pages 464 – 46620.True or False Elements are rarely found in nature in their pure form.21.Define compound - _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________22.Where is the mineral halite mined? _________________________________Why? _________________________________________________________23.True or False Compounds have the same properties as the elements that form them.pounds can bond or hold together because they share ______________.(Elements in water have this type of bond)25.Describe the bond that holds the elements sodium and chlorine together.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________26.What are the two elements that make up 99% of our air? 1.___________________ 2._____________________anic compounds bond together similar to salt or water? ______________14856541690939 ................

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