

I. China at Its Apex

A. From the Ming to the Qing

1. First Contacts with the West

2. The Ming Brought to Earth

B. The Greatness of the Qing

1. The Reign of Kangxi

2. The Reign of Qianlong

3. Qing Politics

4. China on the Eve of the Western Onslaught

II. Changing China

A. The Population Explosion

B. Seeds of Industrialization

C. Daily Life in Qing China

1.The Family

2. The Role of Women

D. Cultural Developments

1. The Rise of the Chinese Novel

2. The Art of the Ming and the Qing

III. Tokugawa Japan

A. The Three Great Unifiers

B. Opening to the West

1.The Christians Are Expelled

C. The Tokugawa “Great Peace”

1. Seeds of Capitalism

2. Land Problems

D. Life in the Village

1.The Role of Women

E. Tokugawa Culture

1. The Literature of the New Middle Class

2. Tokugawa Art

IV. Korea: The Hermit Kingdom

V. Conclusion 


1. Ming/“Bright” Dynasty

2. Zhu Yuanzhang/Ming Hongwu

3. “younger brothers”

4. Portuguese and Macao

5. Jesuits in China

6. Matteo Ricci

7. the Great Wall

8. Li Zicheng

9. Manchus/Jurchen

10. Qing/“Pure” Dynasty

11. the queue

12. Kangxi

13. Yongzheng

14. Qianlong

15. White Lotus Rebellion

16. dyarchy

17. “sacred edict” 

18. “bannermen”

19. Treaty of Nerchinsk

20. Canton and the East India Company

21. tea and silk

22. Lord Macartney

23. kowtow

24. maize, sweet potato, and peanuts

25. joint family

26. The Dream of the Red Chamber

27. the “Forbidden City”

28. blue-and-white porcelain

29. Oda Nobunaga

30. Toyotomi Hideyoshi

31. Tokugawa Ieyasu

32. Tokugawa shogunate

33. daimyo

34. Francis Xavier

35. “the land of the Gods”

36. Deshima Island/Nagasaki

37. “Great Peace”

38. han

39. Edo and Kyoto

40. “hostage system”

41. ronin

42. bakufu

43. eta

44. Saikaku’s Five Women Who Loved Me

45. Kabuki and No

46. Basho

47. “Dutch learning”

48. woodblock prints

49. Utamaro and Hokusai

50. the “floating world”

51. Yi Song Gye

52. the Hermit Kingdom

53. Seoul

54. yangban

55. chonmin

56. hangul 

1. Were the potential gains of the overseas extension of Chinese presence undertaken under Emperor

Yongle equivalent to the expansion of overland, or Silk Road links during the Tang Dynasty? Why or why not? 

2. How, and why, was the Ming Dynasty followed by a non-Chinese dynasty so soon after the Yuan? Was

it again a situation in which Chinese disunity proved fatal? Why?  

3. What were the most significant developments of the reigns of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong? 

4. What were the internal and external pressures that bore on the Qing rulers as China began to experience

closer contact with the West? How effective were their responses in both the long and short term, and


5. How did domestic change manifest itself in Qing China, particularly in terms of demographic growth

and industrial development? 

6. How, and to what degree, was family life changed during the Qing Dynasty, particularly in relation to

the lives of women and children? 

7. Compare and contrast the literary, dramatic, and artistic contributions of Qing China. 

8. Describe the methods by which the “three great unifiers” established Japanese unity. Did they have

similar goals? Was Tokugawa most successful “just” because he was the last?

9. Would Europeans have made a greater, faster and more favorable impression in East Asia if they had

confined themselves to trade and not become involved in religious, and often political, activities there? 

10. How did the Tokugawa “Great Peace” work? How “new” was it really? Why?  

11. How did capitalism begin to manifest itself in Japan? Did it have rural as well as urban dimensions?

Why and how, or why not? 

12. How did the roles of women and the nature of the family evolve during the Tokugawa period? Did

they change to the same extent? Why or why not? 

13. What were the most significant cultural and socioeconomic developments that occurred in Japan

during the Tokugawa shogunate? 

14. Was Japan, after the expulsion of foreigners, actually more of a “Hermit Kingdom” than Korea? Why

or why not? 

15. Compare and contrast the influence of traditional Confucianism in China, Japan, and Korea during the

period from 1500 to 1800. Where were Confucian ideas and beliefs most firmly entrenched and why?

Was traditional Confucianism an aid or a hindrance to the three societies?


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