
Dissertation Proposal OutlineDissertation OutlineThere is no standard format for the dissertation. Most universities offer comprehensive guidelines in their dissertation manuals; often however, the details are left up to the discretion of the Dissertation Committee. Most dissertations are organized into four or five chapters; however, there are many variations on these models. The dissertation proposal generally consists of the first three chapters (in a five-chapter format) or the first two chapters (in a four-chapter format).Here are generic outlines for a five-chapter quantitative and qualitative dissertation. In each case the four-chapter model incorporates the literature review into the first chapter.Quantitative Dissertation OutlineChapter 1: IntroductionBackground of the ProblemStatement of the ProblemPurpose of the StudyTheoretical FrameworkResearch HypothesesImportance of the StudyScope of the StudyDefinition of TermsSummaryChapter 2: Review of the LiteratureChapter 3: Research MethodsResearch DesignParticipantsInstrumentationResearch Procedures and Pilot TestingData AnalysisAssumptions of the StudyLimitations of the StudySummaryChapter 4: Research FindingsChapter 5: Conclusions, Discussion, and Suggestions for Future ResearchSummaryConclusionsDiscussionSuggestions for Future ResearchQualitative Dissertation OutlineChapter 1: IntroductionBackground of the ProblemStatement of the ProblemPurpose of the StudyResearch QuestionsImportance of the StudyScope of the StudyDefinition of TermsDelimitations and LimitationsChapter 2: Review of the Literature (in qualitative studies, often reviewed after rather than before data collection)Chapter 3: Research MethodsThe Qualitative ParadigmQualitative MethodsThe Researcher's RoleData SourcesData CollectionData AnalysisVerificationEthical ConsiderationsPlan for Narrative OR Pilot Study ResultsChapter 4: Research FindingsChapter 5: Conclusions, Discussion, and Suggestions for Future ResearchSummaryConclusionsDiscussionSuggestions for Future Research ................

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