The course provides the student with opportunities to ...




Fall 2012

COURSE NUMBER NUR 3738 section 049C

COURSE TITLE Systems of Care 2: Restoration of Wellness


PLACEMENT BSN Program: 2nd Semester Upper Division

PREREQUISITES NUR 3138 Systems of Care 1: Wellness Promotion and Illness Prevention

NUR 3129 Pathophysiology and Psychopathology

NUR 3069C Health Assessment and Communication

COREQUISITES NUR 3145 Pharmacology for Nursing


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|Anna Kelley, MSN, ARNP |HPNP-2221 |Office: (352) 273-6422 |Monday |

|Clinical Assistant Professor | |Cell: (352) 494-8053 |9:30am-11:30am |

|Course Coordinator | | |& By Appointment |

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|Sandra Wolfe Citty, PhD, ARNP |HPNP-3219 |Office: (352) 273-6374 |Friday |

|Clinical Assistant Professor | |Cell: (352) 356-1581 |10:30am-12:30pm |

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|Martha (Jo) Snider, EdD, RN, Associate Professor |HPNP-4221 |Office: (352) 273-6359 |By Appointment |

|Department Chair, Health Care Environments and | | | |

|Systems | | | |

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|Susan Schaffer, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC | | | |

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|HPNP 2229 | | | |

|Office (352) 273-6366 | | | |

|Office Hours: By Appointment | | | |

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|Andrea Gregg, DSN, RN | | | |

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|Jacksonville Campus | | | |

|Office (904) 24-5172 | | | |

|Office Hours: By Appointment | | | |

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COURSE DESCRIPTION The purpose of this course is to examine the knowledge necessary to participate in development of plans of care for clients with common acute and chronic illnesses across the lifespan and for intrapartal women. Emphasis is on principles of safe and effective delivery of care to diverse clients with disease, injury and disability in a variety of settings. Focus is on clients with a medium to high potential for wellness.


COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Analyze the healthcare needs of clients with selected common acute and chronic illnesses across the lifespan.

2. Incorporate principles and concepts from liberal arts and science and nursing science into plans of care for selected clients.

3. Incorporate the health beliefs, values, attitudes and practices of individuals and families into the development of plans of care.

4. Develop evidence-based plans of care using principles of quality and safety.

5. Analyze interprofessional plans of care for clients with common acute and chronic illnesses across the lifespan.

6. Examine nurse-sensitive indicators that influence utilization of resources in delivery of effective care.


|Day |Time |Room |

|Monday |8:30-9:20am |HPNP- G114 |

|Tuesday |9:35-11:30am |HPNP-G114 |

E-Learning in Sakai is the course management system that you will use for this course. E-Learning in Sakai is accessed by using your Gatorlink account name and password at . There are several tutorials and student help links on the E-Learning login site. If you have technical questions call the UF Computer Help Desk at 352-392-HELP or send email to

It is important that you regularly check your Gatorlink account email for College and University wide information and the course E-Learning site for announcements and notifications.

Course websites are generally made available on the Friday before the first day of classes.


Students are expected to be present for all scheduled classes, other learning experiences, and examinations. Students who have extraordinary circumstances preventing attendance should explain these circumstances to the course instructor prior to the scheduled class or as soon as possible thereafter. Instructors will then make an effort to accommodate reasonable requests. A grade penalty may be assigned for late assignments, including tests. Make-up exams may not be available in all courses.


Each semester, students are responsible for requesting memorandum from the Disability Resource Center to notify faculty of their requested individual accommodations. This should be done at the start of the semester.


Students may occasionally have personal issues that arise on the course of pursuing higher education or that may interfere with their academic performance. If you find yourself facing problems affecting your coursework, you are encouraged to talk with an instructor and to seek confidential assistance at the University of Florida Counseling Center, 352-392-1575, or Student Mental Health Services, 352-392-1171. Visit their web sites for more information: or


Students are to refer to the College of Nursing Student Handbook for information about University & College of Nursing policies, Academic Honesty, and professional behavior.


I. General Approach

Use of the problem solving process to develop interdisciplinary plans of care.

A. Application of concepts to exemplars across the lifespan

B. Nursing interventions that are developed based on identified nursing problems and utilize evidence based guidelines and standards of care

|1. CONCEPTS to be introduced in this course: For each concept |EXAMPLES OF ASSOCIATED NURSING PROBLEMS |

|provide definition, background/theories, assessment tools, nurse | |

|sensitive indicators, and evidence-based standards of care. | |


|ROLE |Parent/infant attachment, sick role |

|TISSUE INTEGRITY |Surgical wounds, pressure ulcers, infection |

|COMFORT |Acute pain |


|PERFUSION |Hemorrhage, deep vein thrombosis |

|SLEEP |Insomnia |

|AFFECT |Sadness, Bereavement |

|COGNITION |Confusion |

|STRESS |Anxiety |

|PERCEPTION |Hearing and visual impairment |

|METABOLISM |Obesity, hyper/hypoglycemia, nausea and vomiting, fluid and |

| |electrolyte imbalance |

2. CONCEPTS to be reviewed in this course: For each concept provide assessment tools, nurse sensitive indicators, and evidence-based standards of care.


|Safety |Falls, Medication Errors |

|Nutrition |Malabsorption, Malnutrition |

|Elimination |Diarrhea, constipation, incontinence, ileus |

3. EXEMPLARS: For each exemplar, tie to related concepts, identify specific nursing problems and specific nursing interventions across the life span where applicable (eg. Monitoring, medications and their administration, teaching, interdisciplinary collaboration, therapeutic communication and comfort measures)

a. Intrapartal woman/fetus/newborn

b. Patient requiring perioperative care

c. Patients with:

1) pneumonia/asthma

2) angina/congenital heart disease

3) depression/delirium/sick role/ bereavement

4) diabetes

5) fractures/immobility

6) irritable bowel syndrome


Lecture, small group discussions, and electronic sources


Participation in large and small group activities, class presentations, selected readings and electronic sources


Evaluation will be based on four (3) multiple-choice exams and four (4) On-Line EVOLVE HESI RN Practice Tests:

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|Examinations |# of Questions |% of Final Grade |Room # |

|Date/Time/Location | | | |

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|Exam 1 |60 Questions |30% |As scheduled |

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|Tuesday September 25, 2012 | | | |

|CG 28 Computer Lab 9:30-11:00 | | | |

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|Exam 2 |60 Questions |30% |As scheduled |

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|Monday October 29, 2012 | | | |

|CG 28 Computer Lab 10:00-11:30 | | | |

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|Final Exam – Cumulative |100 Questions |40% |As scheduled |

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|Wednesday December 12, 2012 | | | |

|CG 28 Computer Lab 1-3pm | | | |

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|(4) EVOLVE RN Practice Tests: | | |Online |

| | |Each test is |

|Maternity Assignment Exam NUR3738 | |Pass-Fail. |cs/Satellite|

|– Due Friday 9/21/12 | | |/StudentHome?Audienc|

| | |Must score 74% or above on |e=Student |

|Medical-Surgical Assignment Exam NUR3738 | |each test to PASS. | |

|– Due Friday 10/19/12 | | | |

| | |May be taken multiple times. | |

|Pediatrics Assignment Exam NUR3738 | | | |

|– Due Friday 11/16/12 | | | |

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|Psychiatric-Mental Health Assignment Exam NUR3738 | |Each exam will close at | |

|– Due Wednesday 12/5/12 | |11:59pm on the due date | |

|Final Grade | |100% | |

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The final exam is cumulative and MUST be taken at the scheduled date/time.

Missed exams will not be made up.

The % weight of a missed exam will be added to the % weight of the cumulative final exam.

You MUST notify Professor Kelley IN ADVANCE if you are going to miss an exam.

Failure to notify Professor Kelley may result in a 0% for that missed exam.

NO drinks or food allowed in computer testing sites.

All backpacks (books, study materials, etc.), caps/hats, pagers (turned off), and cell phones (turned off) are to be placed in the front of the exam or exam review room or in the storage space provided in testing areas..

Exam review sessions will be offered:

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|EXAM 1 |Monday October 1, 2012 |Room TBA |

|Test Review |3:00-4:00pm | |

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|EXAM 2 |Monday November 5, 2012 |Room TBA |

|Test Review |3:00-4:00pm | |

Exam reviews will be offered in group sessions only, not on an individual basis, unless requested by faculty.

If you wish to review the exam, you must attend the above scheduled group exam review.

No taking of notes or recording devices will be allowed at exam review sessions.

All exams are property of UF CON and may not be shared between/among students according to the UF Honor Code.


A 95-100 (4.0) C 74-79* (2.0)

A- 93-94 (3.67) C- 72-73 (1.67)

B+ 91- 92 (3.33) D+ 70-71 (1.33)

B 84-90 (3.0) D 64-69 (1.0)

B- 82-83 (2.67) D- 62-63 (0.67)

C+ 80-81 (2.33) E 61 or below (0.0)

* 74 is the minimal passing grade

For more information on grades and grading policies, please refer to University’s grading policies:


Berman, A. & Snyder, S. (2012). Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, process,

and practice (9th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Evolve RN Practice Tests:  HESI RN Practice Test, Version 3.0

ISBN # 9780323068673

Ignatavicus, D., & Workman, M.L. (2010).  Medical-surgical nursing: Patient-centered

collaborative care (6th ed.).  St. Louis, MO: Saunders.

ISBN # 978-1-4160-3762-0

Perry, S., Hockenberry, M., Lowdermilk, D., & Wilson, D. (2010). Maternal child nursing

care (4th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby.

ISBN # 978-0-323-05720-2

Perry, A. G & Potter, P. A. (2010). Clinical nursing skills & techniques. (7th ed.). St. Louis:


Townsend, M.C. (2011). Essentials of psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care in

evidence-based practice (5th ed.). Philadelphia: FA Davis.

ISBN # 13: 978-0-8036-2338-5


Additional readings and activities may be assigned for each of the content areas as identified later in the semester per the weekly schedule.

Note: Text are as follows unless stated otherwise:

Lewis= Lewis, S., Dirksen, S., Heitkemper, M., Bucher, L., & Camera, I. (2011). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. (8th ed.). Maryland Heights: Mosby.

P&P = Potter,P., & Perry, A. (2010). Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques (7th ed). St. Louis: Mosby.

P,H,L&W = Perry, S., Hockenberry, M., Lowdermilk, D., & Wilson, D. (2010). Maternal child nursing care (4th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby.

Townsend = Townsend, M.C. (2011). Essentials of psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care in evidence-based practice (5th ed.). Philadelphia: FA Davis.

BKS = Berman, A., Kozier, B., & Snyder, S. (2010). The Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice. (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson


|Monday 8/27/12 |NUR 3738 Overview | |Professor Kelley |

|0830-0920 | | | |

|HPNP G114 |Orientation to Course | | |

| |Introduction of Faculty | |Faculty |

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| |Introduction to Concepts |UF CON Concept Chart |Professor Kelley |

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|Tuesday 8/28/12 | | | |

|0935-1130 | |_______________________________ |______________ |

|HPNP G114 |Safety/Tissue Integrity/Vulnerability |Peri-operative Care: |Professor Kelley |

| |Peri-operative and postoperative care |Lewis: Chapters 18, 19, 20 | |

| |Care of the patient post C-Section | | |

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|Monday 9/3/12 | | | |

|Labor Day | | | |


|NO CLASS | | | |

|Tuesday 9/4/12 |Comfort: Acute Pain Management |Comfort: Acute Pain: |Professor Kelley |

|0935-1130 | |Lewis: chapter 10 | |

|HPNP G114 | |P,H,L,W: chapter 16, 35 | |

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| |Oxygenation/Perfusion | | |

| |/Comfort |P, H, L & W: Chapter 17 pages 422-439 and Chapter |Professor Kelley |

| |Uncomplicated Intrapartum Care |15 pages 376-393. | |

| |Principles of fetal monitoring | | |

| |Labor and Birth Processes | | |

|Monday 9/10/12 |Oxygenation/Perfusion |P, H, L & W: Chapter 17 pages 422-439 and Chapter |Professor Kelley |

|0830-920 |/Comfort |15 pages 376-393. | |


| |Uncomplicated Intrapartum Care | | |

| |Principles of fetal monitoring | | |

| |Labor and Birth Processes | | |

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|Tuesday 9/11/12 |Comfort/Safety |P, H, L, & W: Chapter 18 pages 440-485 |Professor Kelley |

|0935-1130 |Uncomplicated Intrapartum Care | | |

|HPNP-G114 |Nursing Care During Labor and Birth |P, H, L, & W: Chapter 16 pages 394-421 | |

| |Promoting comfort in Labor | | |

|Monday 9/17/12 |Role |Townsend, p. 453-4 table |Professor Snider |

|0830-0920 |Sick Role | | |

|HPNP-G114 |Family response to illness | | |

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|Tuesday 9/18/12 |Safety/Sexuality/Role |P, H ,L, &W Chapter 20 pages 525-532 and Chapter |Professor Kelley |

|0830-1025 |Uncomplicated Postpartum Care |21 pates 533-553. | |

|HPNP-G114 | | | |

|NOTE TIME CHANGE| | |Professor Kelley |

|FOR THIS CLASS |Safety/Vulnerability/Sexuality |P, H, L, & W: Chapter 22 pages 554-575 and Chapter| |

| |Role: Parent/Infant Attachment |25 pages 643-677. Review: | |

| |Uncomplicated Newborn Care |Chapter 24 pages 609-642 and Chapter 26 pages | |

| | |678-705. | |

|Friday 9/21/12 | EVOLVE RN Practice Test: |Maternity Assignment Exam NUR3738 |Maternity Assignment Exam |

| |Maternity Nursing Due | |NUR3738 EVOLVE exam site will |

| | | |CLOSE on 9/21/12 at 11:59pm |

|Monday 9/24/12 |Sleep |Townsend, p. 257, 679 |Professor Snider |

|0830-0920 |Sleep disturbances(Insomnia) |Review physiology of sleep | |

|HPNP-G114 | |Lewis: Chapter 9 | |

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|Tuesday 9/25/12 | | | |

|EXAM 1 | | | |


|Center | |CG-28 | |

|0930-1100 | | |60 QUESTIONS |

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|Monday 10/1/12 |Oxygenation/Perfusion/Comfort |P,H,L,W: Chapter 48 |Professor Citty |

|0830-0920 |Nursing care and management of clients with |Lewis: Ch. 32 (assessment) | |

|HPNP G114 |problems with oxygenation/ | | |

| |Perfusion |CAD and ASHD – Lewis p. 761-771 | |

| | |Chronic Stable Angina – Lewis p. 771-777 | |

| | |MI/ACS – Lewis – p. 777-793 | |

| | |HF - Lewis p. 797-814 | |

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|NUR 3738 Exam 1 | | | |

|Test Review | | | |

|1500-1600 Room | | | |

|TBA | | | |

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|Tuesday 10/2/12 |Oxygenation/Perfusion/Comfort |Acute arterial ischemia – Lewis p. 880-881 |Professor Kelley |

|0935-1130 |Nursing care and management of clients with |Venous Thromboembolism/DVT – Lewis p. 882-890 | |

|HPNP-G114 |problems with oxygenation/ |Hypertension – Lewis p.738-759 | |

| |Perfusion | | |

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| | |Lewis - chapter 26 (assessment) | |

| |Oxygenation/Comfort |Epistaxis: Lewis - p. 520-521 | |

| |Nursing care of clients with oxygenation/gas|Allergic Rhinitis: Lewis - p. 521-523 |Professor Kelley |

| |exchange problems across the lifespan. |Acute viral rhinitis: Lewis - p. 523-524 | |

| | |Influenza: Lewis - p. 524-525 | |

| | |Sinusitis: Lewis - p. 525-527 | |

| | |Acute Pharyngitis: Lewis - p. 527-528 | |

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|Monday 10/8/12 |Oxygenation/Role/Comfort |Laryngectomy/Head & Neck Cancer: Lewis - p. |Professor Kelley |

|0830-0920 |Nursing care of clients with oxygenation/gas|535-543 | |

|HPNP G114 |exchange problems across the lifespan. |Pneumonia: Lewis - p. 546-553 | |

| | |COPD: Lewis - p. 610-631 | |

| | |Lung cancer: Lewis - p. 560-566 | |

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|Tuesday 10/9/12 |Oxygenation/Comfort |Common childhood respiratory problems: P,H,L,W: |Professor Curtis |

|0935-1130 |Nursing care of clients with oxygenation/gas|chapter 46 | |

|G-114 |exchange problems across the lifespan. |Asthma: Lewis - p. 588-609 | |

| | |CF: Lewis - p. 631-635 | |

| | |RSV: P,H,L & W: Pages 1321-1324 | |

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|Monday |Metabolism/Nutrition |Fluid & Electrolytes: |Professor Kelley |

|10/15/12 |Fluid & Electrolytes |Lewis Chapter 17 (p. 301-320) | |

|0830-0920 | | | |

|HPNP G114 | | | |

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|Tuesday |Oxygenation/Perfusion |Congenital heart defects – acyanotic and cyanotic |Professor Curtis |

|10/16/12 |Nursing care & management of problems |– P,H,L,W: Ch. 48 | |

|0830-1025 |related to oxygenation/perfusion in | | |

|HPNP G114 |children. | | |



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|Friday 10/19/12 |EVOLVE RN Practice Test: |Medical/Surgical Assignment Exam NUR3738 |Medical/Surgical Assignment |

| |Medical/Surgical Nursing Due | |Exam NUR3738 EVOLVE exam site |

| | | |will CLOSE on 10/19/12 at |

| | | |11:59pm |

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|Monday |Affect |Townsend, Chapters 15 and 17 |Professor Snider |

|10/22/12 |Depression | | |

|0830-0920 |Major depression | | |

|HPNP G114 |Anxiety | | |

| |Defense Mechanisms | | |

| |Panic attack/disorder | | |

| |Separation anxiety | | |

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|Tuesday |Tissue Integrity/Vulnerability |P,H,L,W: p. 1632-1661 |Professor Kelley |

|10/23/12 |Wound Management/Wound Care/Nutrition | | |

|0935-1130 |Wounds, Infections, Inflammation |Lewis: chapter 23 (assessment) | |

|HPNP |Nursing care and management of skin | | |

|G114 |integrity and prevention of pressure ulcers |Lewis chapter 24 – Nursing management of | |

| | |integumentary problems | |

| |Nursing care of common |Please complete the following two training NDNQI | |

| |Infection/Inflammations in clients across |modules related to pressure ulcers. | |

| |the lifespan |• Module One: Pressure Ulcers and Staging | |

| | |• Module Two: Other Wound Types and Skin Injuries| |

| | |Website: | |

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| | |raining/default.aspx | |

|Monday | | | |

|10/29/12 | | | |


|CG-28 | |CG-28 | |

|10:00-11:30am | | |60 QUESTIONS |

|Tuesday 10/30/12|Mobility |Lewis: chapter 62 (assessment) |Professor Curtis |

|0935-1130 |Nursing care of clients with mobility issues| | |

|HPNP G114 |across the lifespan |P,H,L,W: p. 1676-1703 | |

| | |Immobilized child | |

| | |Traumatic injury | |

| | |Developmental dysplasia of the hip | |

| | |Scoliosis – Lewis: p. 1576 | |

| | |Fractures, cast care, traction – P,H,L,W p. | |

| | |1676-1703 & Lewis: p. 1590-1611 | |

| | |Amputation – Lewis: p. 1611-1614 | |

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|Monday |Cognition |Townsend, p. 325-328, 370, 412-413 as table |Professor Snider |

|11/5/12 |Neurological Issues/Confusion |Townsend, p. 234-242, all of Chapter 12. | |

|0830-0920 |Delirium in hospitalized patients | | |

|HPNP |Delusions | | |

|G114 |Problems of cognition | | |

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|NUR 3738 Exam 2 | | | |

|Test Review | | | |

|1500-1600 Room | | | |

|TBA | | | |

|Tuesday |Metabolism/Regulation/ |Lewis chapter 48 (endocrine assessment) |Professor Kelley |

|11/6/12 |Nutrition/Role | | |

|0935-1130 |Nursing care and management of clients with |Nursing care and management of clients with | |

|HPNP G114 |endocrine and metabolic imbalances |endocrine imbalance - Diabetes Mellitus: | |

| | |Lewis - p. 1218-1254 | |

| | |P,H,L,W - p. 1616-1631 | |

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| | |Nursing care and management of clients with | |

| | |metabolic imbalance - Osteoporosis – Lewis p. | |

| | |1634-1637 | |

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|Monday | | | |

|11/12/12 | | | |

|Veteran’s Day | | | |


|NO CLASS | | | |

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|Tuesday |Perception |Lewis – chapter 21 (nursing assessment visual and |Professor Mangueira |

|11/13/12 |Visual/auditory/touch disturbances |auditory systems) | |

|0935-1130 | | | |

|HPNP G114 |Nursing care and management of visual and |Lewis – chapter. 22 – visual & auditory problems | |

| |hearing impairments across the lifespan | | |

| | |Visual impairment in children: P,H,L,W p. | |

| | |1184-1198 | |

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| | |Hearing impairment in children: P,H,L,W 1186-1191| |

| | |Hearing-impaired patients – P,H,L,W p. 570 | |

|Friday |EVOLVE RN Practice Test: |Pediatric Assignment Exam NUR3738 |Pediatric Assignment Exam |

|11/16/12 |Pediatric Nursing Due | |NUR3738 EVOLVE exam site will |

| | | |CLOSE on 11/16/12 at 11:59pm |

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|Monday |Elimination |Urinary Elimination: |Professor Kelley |

|11/19/12 | |Lewis: chapter 45 (urinary assessment) | |

|0830-0920 |Nursing care and management of clients with |Urinary incontinence: Lewis p. 1146-1151 | |

|HPNP G114 |issues relating to elimination |UTI: Lewis p. 1127-1129 | |

| | |Acute pyleonephritis: Lewis p. 1127-1129 | |

| |Urinary elimination |Acute glomerulonephritis: Lewis p. 1131-1133 | |

| |incontinence |Urinary tract calculi: Lewis p. 1135-1141 | |

| | |Polycystic Kidney Disease: Lewis p. 1142-1143 | |

| | |UTI & urinary disorders in children: P,H,L,W: p. | |

| | |1526-1534 | |

| | |Bladder scan: P&P: p. 880-881 | |

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|Tuesday |Elimination |Bowel Elimination: |Professor Kelley |

|11/20/12 |Nursing care and management of clients with |•Irritable bowel syndrome – Lewis: p. 1018 | |

|0830-1025 |issues relating to elimination |•Herniation – Lewis: p. 1048 | |

|HPNP G114 |Bowel elimination |•Colorectal cancer– Lewis: p.1035-1046 | |

|NOTE TIME CHANGE|Diarrhea |•Ostomy management – Lewis: p. 1039-1046 | |

|FOR THIS CLASS |Constipation |•Intestinal obstruction – Lewis: p. 1029-1034 | |

| |Ileus |•Abdominal trauma – Lewis: p. 1018-1020 | |

| |incontinence |•Hemorrhoids – Lewis: p. 1052-1053 | |

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|Monday |Stress |Review physiology of stress |Dr. Snider |

|11/26/12 |Spiritual distress |Townsend, p. 736-741; all of Chapter 1 | |

|0830-0920 |Bereavement |Review p. 454-462 | |

|HPNP |Grief |Lewis Chapter 8 | |

|G114 |School/behavioral problems | | |

| |Irritable bowel syndrome “the sensitive gut | | |

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|Tuesday |Nutrition/Metabolism |Lewis – ch. 39 (Nutrition/GI assessment) |Professor Kelley |

|11/27/12 |Digestion |Malnutrition/Obesity - Lewis: ch. 41 | |

|0935-1130 |Nausea/Vomiting |GERD – Lewis: p. 971-975 | |

|HPNP G114 |Malnutrition |Hiatal Hernia – Lewis: p. 975-977 | |

| |Nursing care & management of common problems|Gastritis – Lewis: p. 985 | |

| |relating to Nutrition and digestion |Cholecystitis/cholelithiasis – Lewis: p. | |

| | |1095-1100 | |

| |Nursing care and management of clients with |Special diets - Lewis: p. 923 | |

| |common nutrition/digestion problems. |Nutritional support – Lewis: p. 931-940 | |

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| | |Nausea and vomiting – Lewis p. 963-968 | |

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|Monday |Perception |Readings to be assigned |Professor Snider |

|12/3/12 |Stigma – mental illness and other | | |

|0830-0920 |disabilities | | |

|HPNP |Hallucinations | | |

|G114 |Illusions | | |

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|Tuesday |Sexuality |Female problems – Lewis Chapter 54 |Professor Kelley |

|12/4/12 |Women’s Health |P,H,L & W: Chapter 6 pages 86-127 | |

|0935-1130 |Men’s Health |Male problems: Lewis ch. 55 | |

|HPNP G114 |Sexually Transmitted Infections |Prostate disorders: BPH | |

| | |Testicular disorders: Hydrocele, spermatocele, | |

| |Nursing care and management of common female|varicocele | |

| |reproductive problems |Common malignancies: Prostate Cancer, Testicular | |

| |Nursing care and management of common male |Cancer | |

| |reproductive problems | | |

| | |STDs – Lewis - chapter 53 | |

| |Nursing care and management of clients with | | |

| |sexually transmitted infections | | |

|Wed |EVOLVE RN Practice Test: |Psychiatric/Mental Health Assignment Exam NUR3738 |Psychiatric/Mental Health |

|12/5/12 |Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Due | |Assignment Exam NUR3738 EVOLVE |

|Classes End | | |exam site will CLOSE on 12/5/12|

| | | |at 11:59pm |

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|CG 28 Testing | |CG-28 | |

|Center | | |100 QUESTIONS |

|1-3pm | | | |

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|Approved: |Academic Affairs Committee: |09/09; 02/12 |

| |General Faculty: |09/09; 03/12 |

| |UF Curriculum Committee: |10/09; 04/12 |



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