
Mrs. Jordan

U.S. History

Chapter 4: The War for Independence

Chapter 4 Section 1 The Stirrings of Rebellion: Use pages 202-213 of your textbook, or online sources to define/explain the significance or importance of the terms (within the context of the chapter), and answer the questions below.

1. The Stamp Act

2. Sam Adams

3. Sons of Liberty

4. Patrick Henry

5. Stamp Act Congress

6. Declaration of Rights and Grievances

7. Declaratory Act

8. Townshend Acts

9. What point were the colonists looking to make when they reacted to the British seizure of

the Liberty?

10. Boston Massacre

11. committees of correspondence

12. What was(were) the cause(s) and effects of the Boston Tea Party

a. Cause(s)

b. Effects

13. Intolerable Acts

14. Thomas Gage

15. First Continental Congress

16. minutemen

17. John Hancock

18. Joseph Warren

19. Paul Revere

20. Battle of Lexington

Review 4.1: On page 214 of your book you will find the Section Assessment. Complete each of the five questions:

1. Tap the circle next to the letter of the answer you think is correct.

2. The circle next to the answer and the “check answer” box will turn blue.

3. Tap on the “check answer” box

a. the circle will turn green if you answer the question correctly and you can hit the “clear answer” box at the bottom and hit the arrow key at the bottom of the box to proceed to the next question.

b. the circle will turn red if you answer the question incorrectly and you can hit the “try again” box at the bottom to answer the question again until you get the correct answer. Then hit the arrow key at the bottom of the box to proceed to the next question

4. Record the correct answers to the review questions in the space provided here.

4.1 Review Question answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Chapter 4 Section 2 Ideas Help Start a Revolution: Use pages 218-224 of your textbook, or online sources to define/explain the significance or importance of the terms (within the context of the chapter), and answer the questions below.

1. Second Continental Congress

2. John Adams

3. Continental Army

4. George Washington

5. Battle of Bunker Hill

6. Olive Branch Petition

7. Who was the author of Common Sense, what were its main arguments, and how was it

received by the colonists?

8. Thomas Jefferson

9. With regard to the Declaration of Independence: when was it written and what was its


10. natural rights

11. Patriot

12. Loyalist

13. How did the Loyalists thinking differ from that of the Patriots?

14. Which “side” did each of the groups listed below take?

a. Quakers

b. African Americans

c. Native Americans

4.2 Review Question answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Chapter 4 Section 3 Struggling Toward Saratoga: Use pages 228-236 of your textbook, or online sources to define/explain the significance or importance of the terms (within the context of the chapter), and answer the questions below.

1. Hessians

2. General William Howe

3. How did the battle for New York end in August of 1776?

4. Why were the Continental Army’s victories at the battle of Trenton and battle of Princeton so


5. Summarize General Burgoyne’s strategy for winning the war.

6. Horatio Gates

7. What factors contributed to Burgoyne’s defeat at Saratoga?

8. Why can Saratoga be considered a turning point in the Revolutionary War?

9. How did Valley Forge test Washington’s army?

10. inflation

11. profiteering

12. Robert Morris

13. In what ways did women contribute to the Revolutionary War?

4.3 Review Question answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Chapter 4 Section 4 Winning the War: Use pages 239-247 of your textbook, or online sources to define/explain the significance or importance of the terms (within the context of the chapter), and answer the questions below.

1. Baron von Stueben

2. Marquis de Lafayette

3. What was the British strategy in the South and how well did it work initially?

4. Lord Charles Cornwallis

5. Nathanael Greene

6. How did generals Morgan and Greene work together to defeat British forces?

7. Why did Cornwallis retreat to Yorktown?

8. How did the French contribute to the American victory at Yorktown?

9. What issues did the Treaty of Paris

a. resolve:

b. leave unresolved:

10. egalitarianism


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