Weeks 1 &2 TENTATIVE LAY OUT SPANISH IIWeeks 3&4Capítulo Uno Mis amigos y yo /Primer Paso1. Vocabulary list 2. Linguistics? adjective agreement? Spanish 13. Stem changersCulture4. EuroCapítulo Uno Mis amigos y yo Segundo Paso1. Present tense of regular verbsCulture2. Friendship3. dinner hourObjectives1. To learn about Euro2. To introduce yourself and others.3. To describe people Essential QuestionPage 10 and page 121. How do you introduce yourself and others?2. What is a Euro?3. Where do they use Euro’s?4. Can you describe a typical Spanish Speaker?5. Did you know the U.S. has the fifth largest number of Spanish speakers in the world?Essential answers to the QuestionsI am tall, nice and talkative. I am from the United States.Objectives1. Tell where students eat lunch in Spain and what cafetería means there. 2. Talking about what you and others do inEssential QuestionPages 15 and 17.1. What it’s a cafetería in Spain?2. How do you describe yourself and others? 3. Where do they use Euro’s?4. What do you do on the weekends?5. Where do you go?Essential answers to the QuestionsAnswers will vary.I go to the movies….We play videogames at….Teacher Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . . Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. : To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Weeks 5 & 6Weeks 7 & 8Capítulo Uno Mis amigos y yoTercer Paso1. Saying what you like and dislike: Gustar verbCulture2. Lack of CafeteriasCapítulo Dos Un viaje al extranjero/Primer Paso1. Vocabulary list2. Ser vs. Estar3. Present ProgressiveCulture4. Multi- generational homesObjetives1. To state orally and in writing what they and other like and dislike.Essential QuestionPages 21 and 221. What it’s a cafetería in Spain?2. What do you like to do?3. What color do you like?4. Do you like terror/action/love movies?Essential answers to the Questions5. I like …6. Yes, I love…7. No, I dislike…8. No, I hate…Objetives1 Talking about how you are feeling (estar with moods and conditions).2 Making suggestions and responding them.3 Ask for and offer help.4. Learn that families in the Hispanic world are traditionally close-knit and multigenerational.5. Recognize how others feel and describe how they themselves feel under various circumstancesEssential QuestionPages 36 and 37How are you feeling?How are you?Why don?t you….?What about if…?Essential answers to the QuestionsYes, good idea!I would like to but...Teacher Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . . Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . : To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Weeks 6 & 7Weeks 8 & 9Capítulo Dos Un viaje al extranjero /Segundo Paso1. Preterite of -AR verbs2. Gar/Car/Zar verbs3. Preterit of the verb Ir4. Present tense querer and poderCulture5. Celsius instead of FahrenheitCapítulo Dos Un viaje al extranjero/Tercer Paso1. Describing the town with ESTARCulture2. Mexico unitObjectives1. State when action was performed in the past.2. Use the preterit form of regular –ar verbs and the ir and sequence events in the past. 3. Ask for help.4. Use present and preterit of querer and poder.5. Explain the difference between Celsius and FahrenheitEssential QuestionsPages 38 and 47 1Did you already go to school-the bank…?Page 42 textbook2. Do you want to help me?3. Can I help you?4 Please, help me?5. Yes, I already went... No, I haven?t gone yet to …6. Can you help me to pack…?Essential answers to the Questions7. Yes or No I can …Objectives 1. Vocabulary2. Describe cities and towns3. Present Tense and Preterit tense of ESTAR and prepositions indicating location. (i.e .Arriba de Up, Abajo de Down, Lejos de Far from , etc.)4. Describe cities weather in several cities and towns.Essential QuestionPage 45 1. What is your city like?Essential answers to the Questions2. My city is big or small.3. In my city there are many skyscrapers and there are few small buildings.4. My city is close to Lake Erie and far from the ocean.5. My city is far from mountains and it?s close to the country side.(campo)Teacher Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. : To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Weeks 10 &11Weeks 12 & 13Capítulo 3 La vida cotidiana/Primer Paso1. Reflexive verbs2. Irregular verbs3. Present and Preterit tense of the verb reflexives verbs4. Adverbs ending in –ly (-mente)Culture5. Discuss professions and daily lives in Hispanic countries.Capítulo 3 La vida cotidiana/ Segundo Paso1. House chores2. Complaining3. Direct object pronounsCulture4. Household work in Spain and in Latin American countries.Objectives:1. Talk about daily routines2. Summarize daily activities3. Present Tense Stem changers E to I (vestirse)4. Adverbs ending5. Compare and contrast daily routines6. Express likes and dislikes 7. Describe jobsEssential QuestionPage 651. Describe a typical day for you?2. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning_3. Do you shave every day?Essential Answers to the Questions:4 In general, I wake up at … and I go to bed at…5. Normally, I spend …in getting ready.6. Yes, always. Never. Sometimes.Objective: 1. Talk about house chores2. Substitute direct object pronouns3. Respond to requests by complaining.4. Discuss how household work is divided in Spain and in Latin America.Essential Question/Statement Page 691. Whose turn is to set the table?2. It?s mine/yours/his turn3. It?s not fair!4. I am sick and tired of…5. I?ve already done it a thousand times!6. It?s always my turn.7. Oh, what a pain!Teacher Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de GramáticaMedia ResourcesDVD program: Ven Conmigo: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Weeks 14 & 15Weeks 16 & 17Capítulo 3 La vida cotidiana/ Tercer Paso1. Hace + time period +que + present tenseCulture2. Male/female roles3. free-time activities4. Spain UnitCapítulo 4 Adelante con los estudios!/ Primer Pasodeberías/debes to give adviceHay que ... I mustEs importante… It’s important …Objectives:1. Talk about daily routines2. Summarize daily activities3. Present Tense Stem changers E to I (vestirse)4. Adverbs ending5. Compare and contrast daily routines6. Express likes and dislikes 7. Describe jobsEssential QuestionPage 731. What do you like to do in your free time?2. What is your favorite pastime?3. How long has it been since….?Essential answers to the questions 5. I am crazy about …6. I am interested in 7. It has been … since I ….8. I began….when I was….Objectives:1. Ask for an give opinions2. Make comparisons3. Talk about things and people they know 4. Make plansCulture5. Schools/Grades6. universitiesEssential QuestionPage 881. What do you think of the high school?2. Do you think that …?3. In your opinion ….?4. Make plansEssential answers to the question5. It seems… to me.6. Yes, it seems to me that …. 7. Yes, for me…8. Yes, I believe….Teacher Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2.. Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . . Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Weeks 18 & 19Weeks 20 & 21Capítulo 4 ?Adelante con los estudios!/ Segundo Paso1. ser vs. Estar to be2. saber vs. conocer Capítulo 4 ?Adelante con los estudios!/Tercer Paso1. Comparisons of inequality2. Direct Object PronounsCulture3. The term AmericanObjectives:1. Ask for an give opinions2. Make comparisons3. Talk about things and people they know 4. Make plansEssential QuestionPage 941. Are you familiar with the professors Ramírez and Gómez?2. Are you familiar with the restaurant El Rincón?Objectives:1. Ask for an give opinions2. Make comparisons3. Talk about things and people they know 4. Make plans5. Discuss the term American6. Compare your high school experience with the choices Mexican students have when they complete their high schoolEssential Question/StatementsPage 991. I plan to..2. All right, I will pick you up…3. If you want, we can meet…4. Yes, I would love to…5. Very well, but it’s better at .. 6. So we agree to meet at…7. Who is American?Teacher Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . : To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Weeks 22 & 23Weeks 24 & 25Capítulo 5 Get in Shape! Ponte en forma!/ Primer Paso1. Preterite of ER/IR verbs2. Preterite of DormirCapítulo 5Get in Shape! Ponte en forma!/ Segundo Paso1. Informal (singular)commands2. GAR/CAR/ZAR commands3. Irregular informal singular commandsObjectives1. To talk about staying fit2. Identify key information about Texas3. Use the preterit form Essential Question1. I plan to..2. All right, I will pick you up…3. If you want, we can meet…4. Yes, I would love to…5. Very well, but it’s better at .. 6. So we agree to meet at…7. Who is American?Objectives1. To tell someone what to do and what not to do2. To give advice about how to stay healthy.3. Describe favorite snack foods of Latin America.Essential Question1. What are Meriendas, Antojitos, Garnachas, y bocadillos in Spanish speaking countries.2. Make commands-Go to the board/Walk fast/Drink water, etc.Teacher Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . . : To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Weeks 26 & 27Weeks 28 & 29Capítulo 5 Get in Shape! Ponte en forma!/ Tercer Paso1. Preterite of Poder2. Reflexive Verbs to express feelingsCulture3. What do you do to be in shape?4. ?Qué haces para estar en forma?Capítulo 6 De visita en la cuidadPrimer Paso1. Present and Preterite tense of Saber & Conocer2. Saber vs. ConocerCulture4.Tejano Music, birthday customs, San Antonio.Objectives1. Give explanations 2. Use preterit of irregular verbs3. Describe several sports injuries4. to talk someone into doing something they don?t want to do.5. List some of the ways that Spanish speaking teenagers stay in shapeEssential QuestionPage 1271. Well, it’s just that… 2. I was going to… but I wasn’t able.3. ….didn’t give me permission.Objectives1. Ask for and give information2. Use of saber vs conocer correctly in a conversation and writing.3. Identify places, people and objects seen in a city.Culture? Tejano Music? Birthday customs? San AntonioEssential QuestionPage 1441. Do you know …? 2. Could you tell me…?3. I am sorry, Do you know where is….?Essential Answers to the questions4. Yes, of course there is one close to… .5. Of course, is free.6. I am not sure. You can find out…7. I am sorry, but I don’t have any idea.Teacher Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media ResourcesDVD program: Ven Conmigo Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . . . : To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Weeks 30 & 31Weeks 32 & 33Capítulo 6 De visita en la cuidadSegundo Paso1. Series of Events (preterit) Capítulo 6 De visita en la cuidadTercer Paso1. Preterite of pedir, and traer, y pedirCulture2. Phrase Te invitoObjectives1. Relate a series of events2. Tell what is to do in San Antonio3. Describe people, things, and places found in a train station4. Describe how people get around in cities where Spanish is spokenEssential Question-StatementPage 1481. To begin with/First…2. Next…3. Afterwards…4. Later…5. Finally…Objectives1. Order in a restaurant 2. Using the preterite of pedir, and traer, y pedir3. Ask and answer questions4. Describe several kinds of food5. Explain what Te invito means.Essential QuestionPage 1521. Do you know what are you going to order?2. What may I bring you to …?3. Would you like …?4. Would you care for anything else?5. What do you recommend?6. Is the food spicy?7. I will have…Teacher Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. : To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Weeks 34 & 35Weeks 36 & 37Capítulo 7 Conoces tu pasado/Primer Paso1. Imperfect Tense2. Imperfect of Ser, Ir, Ver, and Hay3. Uses of the Imperfect4. Saying what you like and dislikeCapítulo 7 Conoces tu pasado/Segundo Paso1. Conjunctions u and e2. Imperfect SER3. Imperfect HAYObjectives1. Talking about what they and others used to do2. state what you used to like and dislike3. Identify what people used to like and dislike as children4. Explain what makes cities in Latin America and Spain look different from cities in the USAEssential QuestionPage 1741. Did you hate..?2. Did ... used to bother you?3. Did … seem boring to you?4. Did you like…?Answers5. No, I thought it was great6. …it used to annoy me…7. No, I loved it/ I didn’t like him …Objectives1.Describe what people and things were like at different times in the past 2. Use all imperfect tense forms of SER3. List the public services provided by major Latin American cities Essential QuestionPage 1781. What was… like back then?2. What was in those times?Answers3. In those days…was..4. In my time it was (used to be) Teacher Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. . : To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Weeks 38-39Weeks 40 Capítulo 7 Conoces el Pasado/ Tercer Paso1. Comparisons of equality 2. Imperfect3. Spanish Sayings Capítulo 8 Diversiones/Primer Paso1. Adjectives with ísimo (larguísimo/riquísimo)2. Superlatives3. Preterite vs.ImperfectObjective1. Do you know what are you going to order?2. What may I bring you to …?3. Would you like …?4. Would you care for anything else?5. What do you recommend?6. Is the food spicy?7. I will have…Essential Question-SayingsPage 1821. good as a saint2. …as strong as an ox3. …as happy as a lark4. … used to sleep like a baby5. …a terrible bore6. …as happy as a larkObjective1.Describe a past event 2. Single out something as the most or the least in its categoryEssential QuestionPage 1971. Did you have fun?2. Did you have fun during your vacation?3. How was your reunion?4. How did go?Responses5. I had a great time.6. It was extraordinary.7. It was so so.Teacher Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven ConmigoEvaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Week Week Capítulo 8 Diversiones/Segundo Paso1.verbs with prepositions2. mientras + imperfectCapítulo 8 Diversiones/Tercer Paso1. Preterite of Decir2. Preterite vs.ImperfectCulture3.El Yunque/el coquí4. FestivalObjective1. Explain why they couldn’t do something2. List errands that they must run3. Use the correct preposition with a verb when needed4. Use mientras to talk about simultaneous actions that occurred in the pastEssential QuestionPage 2021. Did you go to …?2. Did you see …?3. Why didn?t you …?Responses4. I wanted to go but I couldn’t5. I planned/hoped to…but I couldn’t6. I thought/planned to…but I had to … Objective1. Explain the Yunque2. Use preterite forms of decir3. Describe two types of festivals in the Spanish-speaking worldEssential QuestionPage 2071 What did he say?2. What did they tell you?Responses3. He said that4. They told me that….Teacher Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2. Resources1. Ven Conmigo text2. Ven Conmigo Cuaderno de Gramática Media Resources1. DVD program: Ven Conmigo2.: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments:Evaluation/ActivitiesHomework: To be given daily on each introduced topic.Review: All weekly concepts.Quiz: Given at the end of the week on all introduced topics and concepts.Test: Given at the end of the pletion date:Completed by:Comments: ................

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