World History Chapter 9 Practice Test TE Name:

World History Chapter 9 The Making of Medieval Europe Practice Test TE

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1. During this time, Western society was composed primarily of three classes of people. Complete the table below.

Class The clergy

Role called to pray

Institution they represented the Church

The nobility The peasants

to fight to work

the feudal system the manor

2. The most powerful Germanic tribe were the Franks

3. What alliance did Clovis make which lasted for centuries? The Frankish rulers and the Church of Rome

4. Who were the "Mayors" of the palace? The principal palace official who supervised the king's household

5. By the 7th century kings of the Merovingian House because of their family strife, immoral living and drunkenness, they became known as what? Do-nothing kings

6. Charlemagne laid the foundation for which three modern European Nations? a. France b. Germany c. Italy

7. What/Who did God use during Charlemagne's reign to preserve copies of the Bible? The Carolingian scholars

World History Chapter 9 The Making of Medieval Europe Practice Test TE

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8. What Germanic tribes from Northern Europe invaded England? The Angles and the Saxons

9. What ruler laid the foundation for a unified English monarchy? Alfred the Great

10. Who fought at the battle of Hastings and why? William the duke of Normandy and Harold the earl of Wessex to decide who would rule England after the death of Edward the Confessor in 1066

11. What was one thing William brought to England after his victory at the Battle of Hastings? The system of centralized feudalism from Normandy, France

12. King William commissioned a great survey to gather information about property holders and their belongings, what was this record called?

The Domesday Book (Doomsday Book)

13. The political system in which local rulers offered the people protection in return for their services was called? Feudalism

14. Land grants given by the king to lords for military services rendered were called? Fiefs

15. What was the recipient of the land who provided services to the king called? A vassal

16. What symbolic act involved a small stick, a lance, or a clod of earth? Investiture

17. A knight promised to live by a strict code of behavior, called the "code of chivalry." Where do we get the word chivalry from and what does it mean? The code of Chivalry, Chivalry comes from the French word for horseman

World History Chapter 9 The Making of Medieval Europe Practice Test TE

Name: _______________________

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18. What did the decree known as the "Truce of God" try to do? The church tried to limit fighting to certain days, they forbade combat from Wednesday evening to Monday morning

19. What did you call a self-contained farming community controlled by a lord and farmed by peasants? The Manor

20. Two buildings dominated the manor, what were they? The lord's residence and the village church

21. The population on even the smallest manors reflected the medieval class structure of? Clergy, nobility and peasantry

22. The majority of those living on a manor were peasants known as? Serfs

23. Amidst the confusion and change of the medieval world, one stable institution remained, what was it? The Roman Catholic Church

24. List two reasons for the rise of the bishop of Rome to prominence over other bishops. 1. The Bishop of Rome presided over the largest and wealthiest city in the western empire 2. The people looked to Rome for political and economic leadership, they naturally looked to Rome for spiritual guidance as well

25. What is the Petrine theory?

This theory based on Matthew 16:18-19, holds that Jesus made Peter the first Pope and gave him supremacy over the Church on earth, as the first bishop he transferred his authority to those who succeed him

World History Chapter 9 The Making of Medieval Europe Practice Test TE

Name: _______________________

Score: ______

26. What is purgatory? A temporary place of punishment where souls bound for heaven must go after death to pay for minor unconfessed sins

27. What term describes a religious act, necessary for salvation, which grants spiritual benefit, based on the recipient's right intentions, to the one who does it? Sacrament

28. How many sacraments are there in the Roman Catholic Church and what are they? Seven

29. Members of what group were considered leaders of the Roman Catholic Church? Clergy

30. The clergy were organized into two different branches of service, what were they? Regular clergy Secular clergy

31. What is Lay Investiture? When kings and nobles claimed the right to appoint church officials and to invest them with their religious authority

32. What group was created in 1059 to ensure that churchmen, not nobles or kings, would choose the popes? The College of Cardinals

33. What agreement ended the practice of Lay Investiture? The Concordat of Worms


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