

This is the blue Zondervan syntax workbook that you all should have purchased during your first semester Greek reading course:

Wallace, Daniel B. and Grant G. Edwards. A Workbook for New Testament Syntax. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007. [W-E]

I. Required for Course: Due Friday, Jan 27, 2012

Chapters 1-6

For each of these six chapters, do all the following:

A. Read / review the section of Wallace’s Exegetical Syntax that corresponds to the syntax heading of the workbook chapter. (For ex., for ch. 2, you should read over Wallace’s section on the genitive.)

B. Complete all questions in Warm-up Passages. Memorize the vocabulary.

C. Choose only one of the Syntax Passages and complete the questions. Memorize the vocabulary for the one passage you chose. [Exception: For Lesson 4, complete both of the Syntax Passages, since they both come from Philippians.]

D. Check your answers against the answer key that I will provide for you.

Worth 10% of final grade. Get started on this PRIOR to the beginning of the course as a way of reviewing/maintaining your Greek over the winter break.

II. Extra Credit: Due Friday, April 27, 2012

Chapters 7, 10-17, 19-20

Pick any (or all!) of the chapters and complete them in the same way as outlined in section I above. For each chapter you complete, you will receive 1/3 of a bonus point toward your final numerical grade. For example, if your grade average is 88, and you’ve completed 6 of these chapters for extra credit, then your final grade would be 90--an A!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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