
Literature Circles with Film Roles – Casting Director The job of the Casting Director is to look for actors to play roles. In order to do that, the casting director must understand characterization. Be sure to give good details.As Casting Director, your job is to document the characters in the text, as well as the character traits they possess. 1. As you read, list the major characters in your assigned sections. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe how each character looks (physical description). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Tell how a character acts and what s/he does. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Explain how other characters in the story react to this character. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Literature Circles with Film Roles – Critic After a movie comes out, there are many critics who review the movie. In these Literature Circles, your job is to write a brief summary of the section you have read. Be sure to use good details.The goal is to be able to share a 1 to 2 minute blurb that retells the main highlights. Write your “review” of the movie below: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Literature Circles with Film Roles – Dialogue Director Your job as Dialogue Director is to be on the lookout for a few especially important words or phrases in your reading, including dialogue and descriptions. ? You must choose at least five words, phrases, or passages that catch your eye. Also, record words or phrases that are unfamiliar or don’t seem to make sense in the story. ? Be sure to mark the page number that you find the words on. ? After you have recorded your words and phrases, look up the definitions and write them down. ? Write an explanation of how the words or phrases are used in the story. ? When your group meets, show them of the section of the story where the words are, and share the definition with them. Word/Phrase Page #DefinitionHow It’s Used Literature Circles with Film Roles – Director In a film, the Director is responsible for the overall look and feel of the movie. Directors are the ones who “run the show.” In this role in your Literature Circles, your job is to develop a list of questions that your group might want to discuss about this part of the story. You should act as a facilitator while the group discusses the main ideas of the story. Here are some sample questions for you to look at. Choose at least three of the ones you like best to pose to your group. Then write three of your own questions to pose to your group.1. Why do you think the author had _____________________________ happen in the story? 2. How is ________________ alike/different from__________________? 3. If you had been _____________, how would you have ___________? 4. How did you feel about ____________________________________ ? 5. What do you think caused __________________________________ ? 6. How would the story have been changed if the author had not let ______________________________ happen? 7. Tell a short summary of ____________________________________. 8. Predict some things you think will happen in the next section of reading. 9. Do you think _____________________________________________ happening will be important later on? Why do you think so? 10. What questions did you have when you finished this section? 11. Did anything in this section of the story surprise you? 12. What are the one or two most important ideas? 13. _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 14. _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________15. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Literature Circles with Film Roles – Production DesignerIn the movies, the production designer creates the look and feel of both the setting and costumes. In this role, you will be finding pictures that illustrate what you feel the setting looks like. In addition, you will be designing a costume for an actor to wear while playing a character from the reading. 1. Using magazines/Internet, cut or print out at least three pictures that you feel capture the setting as described in the story. 2. Write a paragraph for each picture showing its connection to the novel. 3. Choose one of the characters in the book. Which actor could play that character in a movie-version? 4. Describe the costume you would design for this character. How is the costume appropriate for this character? 5. Write a paragraph or two describing not only the character, but also the actor selected and the type of costume. Literature Circles with Film Roles – Soundtrack Designer Music adds a great deal to the ways we perceive something and the emotions involved. As you read this section of the book, think about the kinds of music and songs that would fit in with the story. To help you with this task, think about the following questions: 1. Is there a specific genre of music that makes the most sense with this story? Could several genres be integrated? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Below list some songs that might fit in with the story: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Choose one specific scene in the story where music is a MUST. Write the page number and a summary of what is occurring. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What song would you choose to have played during this section of the story? Why would it be an appropriate song? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. On the back of this sheet or separate piece of paper, create the cover for the soundtrack. Literature Circles with Film Roles –Storyboard Artist In a film, the storyboard artist (sometimes called the graphic designer) puts ideas of others in the crew in to reality by creating artwork for the production. Your job is to draw the meaning of this part of the story or to create a summary using pictures. Your project can be a sketch, cartoon, diagram, flow chart, or stick figure scene. Any kind of drawing/ graphic is fine, and you are welcome to use words as labels. You will not be evaluated on your artistic ability, but rather on your understanding of the story and the effort used in your drawing.When it is your turn, share your illustration with the group. Invite the students to connect the drawing to their own ideas about the reading. Then you can share what your picture means, where it came from, or what it represents to you. *If you are going to draw a cartoon, use the Comic Creator: *An additional option is to use the Doodle Splash, which has room for drawing and writing: Literature Circles with Film Roles – Analyst Your job is to find both symbols and themes in this section of the story. You must find at least three.1. Look for objects, times/places, characters/names, colors, phrases/dialogue, and actions that could mean more than they first appear to mean. 2. List symbols from the section you read and tell what you think they could mean. 3. Look for examples of the themes in the section you have read. These can be some of the symbols you located, setting/place, dialogue, and actions. 4. For the symbols and themes highlighted, also find the connection/ relevance to the rest of the story. Symbol/ThemePage #Connection/Relevance ................

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