
Goal(s): Oregon State Standards

Writing: CCG: Communicate supported ideas across the subject areas, including relevant examples, facts, anecdotes, and details appropriate to audience and purpose that engage reader interest; organize information in clear sequence, making connections and transitions among ideas, sentences, and paragraphs; and use precise words and fluent sentence structures that support meaning.

EL.03.WR.10 Use vivid adjectives and action verbs.


• Content Objective: After a lesson on character traits students will demonstrate the ability to identify character traits using vivid adjectives by writing two character traits using vivid adjectives on the Character Trait Worksheet.

• Language Objective: Student will follow oral and written instructions to finish an assignment.


Teacher will be able to assess each student’s level of understanding by looking at his or her character trait worksheet. If the student was able to write two character traits using two vivid adjectives it will be apparent that the student has a solid understanding of what a character trait is. If the student did not write two character traits using two vivid adjectives then the teacher will know they need to review.

Key Vocabulary:

character trait physical characteristic descriptive adjective


For the Teacher

o Large marker

o Large sheet of butcher paper labeled Physical Characteristics. Draw a picture of a set of eyes next to the title Physical Characteristics; this will help remind students that a physical characteristic is something that you can see.

o Large sheet of butcher paper labeled Character Traits. Draw a picture of an open book and an ear next to the title Character Traits; this will help remind students that a character trait is not something that you can see, like a physical characteristic. The pictures remind the students that a character’s character traits can be found by looking for clues in the text.

o Large sticky notes with different character traits and physical characteristics written on them.

o Large sheet of butcher paper to create a class list of character traits

o Copy of the Character Trait Worksheet to use to go over directions with students

For the Student

o Four different colored markers for each table group of students

o Sheet of white paper for each table group

o Pencils

o 19 copies of the Character Trait worksheet

Anticipatory Set:

• What is an adjective?

• I just found out that there are some really long adjectives in the English language. The longest adjective I found has 27 letters in it! I can’t even imagine a word this long! I wonder what the shortest one would be?

Beginning of Lesson:

• Ask students to think about what they think a character trait is. Ask students to raise their hand if they would like to share their idea of what a character trait is.

o Clarify for students that a character trait describes someone’s personality. You can understand a person’s personality by looking at how they act. This will give you clues to a person’s personality and character traits.

o Tell students to “turn to the student next to you and whisper to them what a character trait is.” (describes someone’s personality)

o (Teacher will add the definition to the top of the butcher paper hanging on the board labeled Character Trait).

o Descriptive adjectives are often used to describe someone’s character traits or personality.

➢ CFU: Raise your hand if you can tell me what an adjective is.

o Call on a student to share out what he or she thinks an adjective is.

o Clarify for students that a descriptive adjective is a word that describes something.

o Tell students to “turn to the student next to them and tell them what a descriptive adjective is.” (it is a word that describes something)

▪ Ask students to think about what a physical characteristic is.

▪ Ask students to raise their hands if they would like to share their idea of what a physical characteristic is.

o Clarify for students that a physical characteristic describes someone’s physical appearance or how they look.

o Tell students to “turn to the student next to them and tell them what a physical characteristic is.” (Describes someone’s physical appearance or how they look)

➢ CFU: Please raise your hand if you are unclear on anything and have a question.

Middle of Lesson:

• Give each student a sticky note that has either a physical characteristic or character trait written on it.

• Tell students, “Today we are going to be doing a fun activity. You each have a sticky note with either a character trait or a physical characteristic on it.

o After looking at your sticky note you need to decide if it is a physical characteristic or if it is a character trait.

o After students have had ample think time, tell students “we are going to be taking turns placing our sticky note on either the physical characteristic poster or the character trait poster.”

o Tell students, “I will call each table group to come up to the front of the room one at a time. You will all come up to the front of the room and form a line.”

o Explain to student that each of them will read the character trait or physical characteristic written on the sticky note aloud to the class and then they will stick it on the correct poster. If they think it is a physical characteristic, place it on the physical characteristic poster, if they think it is a character trait, then stick the sticky note on the character trait poster.

➢ CFU: Raise your hand if you have any questions.

o After each table group of students has had their turn to place their sticky note on either the physical characteristic poster or the character trait poster tell students that we are going to start another activity to help us become even more familiar with character traits.

End of Lesson:

• Tell students “we are going to be doing another fun activity to practice writing character traits using vivid adjectives. You will be working with the students at your table group to compile a list of character traits using descriptive adjectives. Each student in the group needs to write two character traits.”

• Explain to students that each table group will be given one plain sheet of paper to share. Each student at the table group will get a different colored marker to write with. They will take turns in their group writing a character trait using a descriptive adjective on the sheet of paper. After the first student writes a character trait he or she will pass the paper to the next student, and so on, until everyone has had a turn. Then start again; since each person needs to write two character traits using descriptive adjectives, teacher should see two words in each color of marker.

o Tell students, “You have two minutes to do this.”

➢ CFU: Touch your nose if you know what to do.

• After two minutes, have students come back together as a class.

• Tell students that, “We are going to be creating a large class list with all of the great character traits you came up with. I will check in with each table and add two of their table group’s favorite character traits to the class list. Then I will go on to the next group. It is very important to pay close attention to the character traits your classmates say because we cannot have any duplicates. If someone has already said one of your character traits and it is on the list, then give me your next two favorites.”

o (Teacher will record the character traits the students say on the large class list of character traits)

o After each table group has shared two character traits, if time allows, ask students to look over their lists and to raise their hand if there is a word on their list that we do not have on the class list.

• Tell students that they are going to be completing a short worksheet independently.

• Have one student from each table group come up to collect enough worksheets for each student in their table group.

• Tell students to write their name on the worksheet when they get it.

• Go over the directions with the students.

• Tell students “you will be completing this quietly and independently.”

• Tell students, “ If you finish early, please turn your paper over and continue to write more character traits using vivid adjectives. Or please place your assignment in the middle of the table, sit quietly and read your book mark book until everyone is finished.”

• Have a student repeat the directions to remind the whole class of the expectations.

➢ CFU: Please put both hands on your head if you know what to do.

• Tell students to “place your worksheets in the middle of the table if you have not already done so. “


• Ask students to raise their hand if they can remind the class what a character trait is.

• Tell students to turn to their neighbor at their table and tell them what a character trait is.

• Ask students to raise their hand if they can remind the class what an adjective is.

• Ask students to raise their hand if they can remind the class what a physical characteristic is.


• TAG: I will call on one these students to define the vocabulary words we are learning today. Students will be encouraged to write more than the required two character traits using vivid adjectives.

• ELL: There will be key vocabulary and definitions hanging up visible to students. There will be neatly labeled and organized posters with character trait and physical characteristic examples visible for students. The students will have plenty of opportunities to work in groups and individually throughout the lesson. The ELL students will complete their independent worksheet at the back table; I will be available to help them with any vocabulary words they are unclear on. I will check in with the ELL students to make sure they are receiving extra guidance and support.

• Behavior Challenges: I will use proximity to help keep this student on task. I will check in with him often to make sure he is following the expectations. When I see him following my expectations I will be sure to praise his behavior. I will also make sure he is placed in a group with students that I know he will be able to work cooperatively with.


• If students finish early they can continue to write character traits using vivid adjectives on the back of their worksheets.


Tuesday May 10, 2011

Lesson Plan for: Character Traits and Physical Characteristics

10:00 am-10:40 am (40 minutes)

3rd Grade Reading: Character Traits and Physical Characteristics (ESOL #1)


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