Story Elements ProjectA good story or movie is like a tasty soup. It follows a recipe with a handful of ingredients that all blend together. The ingredients are the elements that go into stories and movies that make them more interesting and exciting.Your Task: Choose a Disney movie of your choice (make sure it’s a movie that you are very familiar with). The movie MUST have evidence of all 4 different types of conflicts listed below. You will need to create a visual using a poster board or a power point presentation showing all the story elements found in the movie you chose. Your presentation MUST include pictures and specific details from the movie (pictures may be drawn or cut outs). Projects will be graded on creativity, contents/completion of all the elements listed below, neatness, and oral presentation. This project will be worth 3 grades (two reading and one Language Arts). Students who do not complete the assignment will receive 3 zeros. Story Elements:Characters (protagonist and antagonist): people, animals, or creatures in a storyMain Protagonist- the “good” guy Main Antagonist- the “bad” guy *Include a picture, 1 attribute for each main character, and include something they did or said that supports the attribute*Setting: time and place a story takes place *Using descriptive language, describe the setting and include a picture*Conflict: problem or struggle between two people, things, or ideas*Explain how each type of conflict is evident and include an image for each one*Types of conflict:Character vs. character- problem with another characterCharacter vs. Nature- problem with a force or natureCharacter vs. society- problems with a belief, laws, or groupCharacter vs. self- problem deciding what to do or think; “inner self”Outcome: The solution and/or the result of the problem *Write the solution and include a picture*This project will be due on Tuesday, October 8, 2018.261937560960 ................

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