
lefttopThe Masque of the Red DeathrightcenterVocabulary: choose twelve words to go into logophile Background Information: Poe’s story takes place in seven connected but carefully separated rooms. This reminds the reader of the past significance of the number seven. (The history of the world was thought to consist of seven ages, just like an individual’s life had seven stages. The ancient world had seven wonders; there were seven deadly sins with seven virtues.) In the Book of Revelations 7, the angel’s trumpeted the end of the world. Therefore, this story is an ALLEGORY. Why? Concept focus: symbolism, irony, allegoryReading Strategies: visualizing, questioning, inferringTo Discuss in Your Group: “Let the outside world take care of itself” is a common attitude today. What does it mean? Give some examples of the excuses people make to avoid thinking of others if it does not affect them. Can you think of any modern day examples where the world is not paying attention to people in need (state of our environment) because it is not happening to themselves?During Reading: While reading, make a list of objects that are repeated over and over and seem to be important to the story. These may be symbols. Also, be sure to question and VISUALIZE! For discussion: Which parts create the best imagery? Draw what you see in this story. Be sure to include the most important elements and their colours. Why do the dancers stop when the clock strikes?Why does everyone die at the end? Why is the masker “untenanted by any tangible form”? Can you make a connection to this story? A character, a historical event, a movie?Short Story Test –Grade 11 The Masque of the Red Death Part A: Multiple ChoiceThe point of view in this story is ObjectiveOmniscientFirst personLimited omniscientAn indirect character trait for the Prince is he is Selfish and hedonisticCompassionate and empatheticEnergetic and heroicViolent and creepy The rooms are described asLaid out from East to West In a circular pattern so you couldn’t see them all at the same timeRich in textures and colours and fabrics. Having a light behind a coloured stained glass windowAll of the above Why did the Prince leave his people and lock himself in the castellated abbey?To avoid the disease himself but leave his wealthy friends to fend for themselvesHe wanted to party He cared so much about his rich friends he wanted to dance with themTo avoid the disease himself but leave his poor subjects to fend for themselvesWhat do you think the Red Death is? The disease in a zombie form A dead person who is red A weird ghost Prince Prospero as a zombie What kind of ending is this story?HappySadSurprise or twistUnresolved/indeterminate/cliffhangerPrince Prospero is a __________________ characterDynamicStaticExplain why you think so ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Prince Prospero is a _________________ characterFlatRoundExplain why you think so ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the MAIN conflict in the storyCharacter vs personCharacter vs selfCharacter vs environmentCharacter vs the supernatural/machine Character vs society Character vs fate Express the theme of this story in a theme statement. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name three symbols in this story and explain what they symbolize. C. Irony is an important element of style in this story. In paragraph form, identify and provide a full explanation of two examples of irony (not necessarily three types of irony). Marks awarded for appropriateness of the examples you use as well as they adequacy of your explanation and the quality of your written expression. IN PARAGRAPH FORM(Written expression -3 marks, content- 3) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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