
LeadershipBadger Athletics needs great leaders and it is very important to grow leadership skills in all of our athletes so that you can contribute to the success of your team and you can all be great leaders for your families, communities, churches, companies and any other teams in which you will play a part. Leadership is very hard to define. A traditional definition is one who commands a group. A synonym could be boss, captain, president, principal, etc. We, however, are going to share how each and every person in our athletic program can be a positive leader. We are going to discuss characteristics of leadership today that deal with influencing others and positive ways to do that. Leadership is the first word we study as part of our off-season character-building lessons. The first characteristic that any great leader in our program must have is integrity. This is in fact the foundation of our program. Your coaches and teammates must be able to trust you here, there, and everywhere, all of the time. If you change who you are with circumstance, others will not be able to trust you. If others cannot trust you, you will not be a leader for them. Speak the truth and be honest in word and in action all of the time. Sometimes, being a person of integrity is not the popular thing. We encourage you to do what is right, even if not popular, even if you must stand alone.To have a positive influence on others, it is important to know the others you are trying to lead. Find ways to get to know your teammates, whether it is in athletics, at school, out in the community or any other time. Spend time with your teammates. Share who you are and listen to your teammates to learn new things about them. When teammates become brothers, our team becomes a family and then we become an unbeatable force. As our leaders prepare and work hard daily, their confidence will grow. As confidence grows through preparation, our leaders will remain calm in tumultuous times. They will show resilience and poise in the face of adversity. Our leaders will not waiver or change when external circumstances change. Our leaders know their purpose and communicate that purpose with teammates. Our leaders do not say look at me I am a leader but they set out with great commitment, attitude, effort, enthusiasm, accountability, and self-discipline to make the team the most competitively great team we can be!!Every one of you will be asked to lead at times. Every one of you will be asked to follow those that are leading at times. Every one of us must be willing to stand up and be the alpha dog and we must understand when a teammate is leading in a positive way and do our part by following. We encourage you all to LEAD, FOLLOW, or GET OUT THE WAY!!LEADERSHIPName three things that you love about our team.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name a great world leader that exemplifies the qualities from our lesson. What is the most outstanding quality that person displays? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name five people in our program that display some of the characteristics from above. Next to their name, write the most outstanding quality that person displays.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What do you think is the most important characteristic of a leader? Why?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are three ways that you display leadership for our team on a daily basis? Will your teammates also say that about you?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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