Genogram/Reflection - All Family and Consumer Science Classes


A family genogram is an organized method of diagramming your family. For this project, you will be creating your family genogram. The first section of the project will consist of the family genogram, and the second part will be your paper with the components that are described below.

Genogram (diagram)

For the genogram, you will use the Genogram symbols key to organize your family members. You are expected to diagram at least 3 generations (meaning yourself and your siblings, your parents and their siblings and spouse, and your grandparents and their spouse. This diagram will be graded on the following criteria:

• Neatness

• Use of color and decoration

• Presence of 3 generations

• Correct use of key and genogram rules (shapes and designs)

• Presence of a creative title

Your reflection paper MUST be typed.

Your paper must also incorporate vocabulary (a minimum of 15 words ) from chapter 1-4.

Major concepts discussed in class from unit 1 that apply to your situation such as stage of family life cycle needs to be incorporated into the paper in order to receive full credit.

The narrative component of this assignment should demonstrate thoughtful reflection as well as critical thinking and application of course concepts.

1. Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself. You can talk about your personal values, roles in your family, interests, etc.

2. Paragraph 2: Introduce your family structure, stage, background.

3. Paragraph 3: What characteristics make your family strong. If you don’t believe there are any characteristics present, please list some that you would like your family to have and why.

4. Paragraph 4: Information you discovered about your family while researching or your reaction. What are the patterns (divorce, separation, medical conditions, careers) in your family? (please don’t say NONE) What was easy and difficult about the assignment? (please do NOT say “nothing”) What was the most surprising “thing” you found out? (This can be about yourself, your family, your genogram etc)

5. Paragraph 5: Conclusion

Your project needs to be organized in the following order:

1. Illustration of your immediate family

2. Family Genogram

3. Essay

You can refer to tomovska. to refresh your memory on the handouts from this unit.

Genogram ________


Essay ________


TOTAL ________



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