

| | |& ACTS LIKE | |

|Hannah Baker | | | |

|Clay Jensen | | | |

|Mr. Porter | | | |

|Clay’s mom | | | |

|Justin Foley | | | |

|Kat | | | |

|Zach Dempsey | | | |

|Tony | | | |

|Hannah’s Dad | | | |

|Andrea Williams | | | |

|Tony’s Dad | | | |

|Alex Standall | | | |

|Mrs. Strumm | | | |

|Jimmy Long | | | |

|Jessica Davis | | | |

|Elderly Couple | | | |

|Wally | | | |

|Ms. Antilly | | | |

|Girl working at Monet’s | | | |

|Tyler Down | | | |

|Courtney Crimsen | | | |

|Skye Miller | | | |

|Marcus Cooley | | | |

|Ms. Benson | | | |

|Jenny Kurtz | | | |

|(cheerleader at | | | |

|Valentine Table) | | | |

|Bryce Walker | | | |

|Mrs. Bradley | | | |

|Zach Dempsey | | | |

|Ryan Shaver | | | |

|Man working counter at | | | |

|Rosie’s | | | |

|Kristen Rennert | | | |

|Steve Oliver | | | |

|Bryce Walker | | | |

Teacher’s Guide - Suggested answers (they can vary from these). Characters are in order of appearance.


| | |& ACTS LIKE | |

|Hannah Baker |Narrator of the tapes |Dead after committing suicide, swallowed a handful of pills, |“And in the middle of the room, one desk to the left, will be the desk of |

| | |2 weeks ago from the present time in book |Hannah Baker. Empty.” P. 4 |

| | |Tiny scar above eyebrow from Jessica |“The rules are pretty simple. There are only two. Rule number one: you |

| | |Never wore make-up |listen. Number two: you pass it on. Hopefully, neither one will be easy |

| | |“Her anger, the blame, it’s all gone. Her mind is made up. |for you.” P. 8 |

| | |The word is not a struggle for her anymore.” Page 254 |Rode her bike to school |

| | | |“I stopped writing in my notebook when I stopped wanting to know myself |

| | | |anymore.” (page 178) |

| | | |Hannah admits that Clay doesn’t belong on the tapes in the same way as the |

| | | |others. (page 200) |

| | | |Hannah apologizes to Clay (page 218) |

|Clay Jensen |Main Character/Narrator |Made an assumption about Hannah “Hannah was beyond me, I |“Do not take me for granted…again.” “No. There’s no way she could think |

| |9th recipient of tapes from Hannah Baker |figured. Too experienced to even think about me.” P. 30 |that. I hardly knew Hanna Baker. I mean, I wanted to.” |

| |He and Hannah worked together at the movie |“What: Clay Jensen at a party? Unheard of.” (page 203) |P. 10 |

| |theater, made out at a party |“But unlike anyone else, you were the whole reason I came.” |Thought Hannah was so pretty the first time he saw her at Kat’s going away |

| | |-Hannah |party |

| | | |“My tape. I am number nine.” (p. 197) |

| | | |“You need to be here if I’m going to tell my story, tell it more |

| | | |completely.” (page 200) |

|Mr. Porter |English Teacher/ Guidance Counsellor |Perhaps a look of fear when learning of Hannah’s absence, |Will be the last, the thirteenth, to receive the tapes from Hannah |

| |13th Recipient |walked out of class and was gone for a week |Replaced Ms. Antilly when she left the districts, was only supposed to be a|

| |1st period English, Clay sees him every day | |temporary job |

| | | |“Of course, if you’re listening to this, I failed. Or he failed. And if |

| | | |he fails, the deal is sealed.” (page 269) |

| | | |“I don’t want my life to end. That’s why I’m here.” Hannah (page 273) |

|Clay’s Mom |Main Character/Narrator’s mom |Kind and caring: calls to check in on Clay but does not push |“What’s that you’re playing?” p. 8 |

| | |him to tell her where he is. She offers to bring the tapes | |

| | |to him, makes his school lunch for the next day | |

|Justin Foley |First recipient of the tapes, senior, Hannah’s|Nothing more than an average guy |“What did Hannah see in him?” p. 22 |

| |first kiss, first hand to hold |On varsity basketball as a sophomore |Started rumors about what he and Hannah did at the park |

| |Receives tapes again, #10 | |Reappears p. 218 |

| | | |“First, you started a chain of events that ruined my life. Now, you were |

| | | |working on hers.” (Jessica’s, page 228) |

|Kat |Hannah’s friend when she first moved to town, | |Moved away |

| |lived next door to Hannah | | |

| |Justin was in love with her | | |

|Zach Dempsey |Friend of Justin’s | |Came over to Hannah’s house with Justin |

|Tony |Casual friend of Clay’s |“At school, there are few loves that compare to the one |Never updated his car stereo so it still plays tapes |

| |Has the second set of tapes from Hannah |between Tony and his car.” |Drives an old Mustang handed down from brother, from dad, from Grandpa |

| |Tony has no idea why Hannah chose him to | |Tells Clay that the next tape is about him |

| |receive the second set of tapes. | |Hannah comes to Tony’s, gives him her bike. In return, he gave her his |

| | | |tape recording device |

| | | |Received the tapes before Hannah died, tried to find her, talked to her |

| | | |parents |

|Hannah’s Dad |Father of Hannah, narrator of tapes | |Called the fire dept when Hannah wouldn’t come down from the playground |

| | | |when she was 5 (p. 24) |

| | | |He and Hannah’s mom own a shoe store in town |

|Andrea Williams |Clay’s first kiss, 7th grade |Kissed Clay to win a $10 bet |Kissed Clay behind the gym after school |

|Tony’s Dad |Clay’s friend, Tony’s father |Grease smeared onto his shirt |Working on the mustang |

| | |Kind, says he remembers Clay but Clay thinks he’s faking it |“After you left, Tony’s mom was after us for a week to be more polite!” |

| | |to be nice | |

|Alex Standall |2nd recipient of the tapes, 1st to follow the |Hannah, Jessica and Alex were all new and befriended each |Voted Hannah ‘best ass’ in the freshman class |

| |map and show up at Tyler’s house |other to a point |Voted Jessica ‘worst ass’ in the freshman class |

| | |Hannah to Jessica: “He chose me to get back at you and you |First week in town had fight outside front door of Rosie’s |

| | |know that. He knew my name would hurt you more than anyone | |

| | |else’s.” | |

|Mrs. Strumm |Teacher | |Had students watch documentaries all the time |

| | | |Snatched the list away |

|Jimmy Long |Student in Mrs. Strumm’s class |Heavy in weight |Sits in the desk behind Hannah |

| |“Jackass Jimmy” | | |

|Jessica Davis |Classmate |Looked ‘pissed’ about the list |“She is so much prettier than I am” –Hannah |

| |3rd recipient of tapes |“She was the most outgoing, honest, tell-it-like-it-is girl |“The first boy she kissed and the girl who slapped her at Monet’s. It was |

| | |I’d ever met.” |like she couldn’t escape her past.” (page 210) |

|Elderly Couple |Living in Hannah’s old house |Man was driving to return granddaughter’s toothbrush |Elderly man was involved in a car accident, Clay helped him get home |

| | |“That’s just the kind of person he is.” | |

|Wally |Man working behind counter at Blue Spot LIquor|“having the face of a walnut” |“That’s when Wally made a sound. His mouth stayed shut, and it was nothing|

| | |Never uttered a single word |more than a quick click of the tongue, but that little noise took me by |

| | | |surprise. Inside, I knew, Wally was a ball of rage.” (p. 48) |

|Ms. Antilly |Guidance Counselor | |Later in the year, she moved to another school district |

|Girl working at Monet’s |Working at Monet’s |Tattoo stretches up from collar and disappears into her |Right away, she remembers Clay’s name |

| |Had class with Clay, Woodshop |short, cropped hair |“I always thought you were the nicest guy” |

| | |Heavily made-up eyes |Clay doesn’t remember her |

|Tyler Down |Classmate |Peeping Tom |Carried camera equipment, had night vision |

| |Recipient 4 |“Some people thought you were mentally challenged. But you | |

| |Yearbook staff |weren’t’. You were just an idiot.” | |

| | |-Hannah | |

|Courtney Crimsen |Classmate |Pretty, nice |In photo with Hannah found at Monet’s, looks nervous in photo |

| |Recipient 5 |One of the most popular, nice act is fake | |

| | |“no one can resist her and she flirts with everyone” | |

|Skye Miller |Classmate, on bus with Clay |Pretty |“Why does she insist on being an outcast? …One day, at leat it seemed, she|

| |Clay’s 8th grade crush |Dresses in dull, lose clothing every day |just stopped wanting ot be a part of anything.” (page 105) |

|Marcus Cooley |Classmate, runs into Clay outside Tyler’s |One of the biggest goof offs at school, funny |“Hannah just wanted an excuse to kill herself. I don’t belong on these |

| |house |Almost stands Hannah up at the diner, shows up for the wrong |tapes.” |

| |Recipient 6 |reasons |Called Hannah and told her she was #1 on his valentine list |

|Ms. Benson |Teacher at Clay’s school |“Beyond Nosy” |“Hannah Baker? I didn’t know you and Courtney Crimsen were friends.” |

| | |smiley | |

|Jenny Kurtz |Cheerleader, originally not named by Hannah |Sweet and excited for Hannah when someone from her list |Clay says she walked out of the room when she found out about Hannah’s |

|(cheerleader at |because she did nothing wrong |called |death |

|Valentine Table) |p. 132 | |Offered Hannah a ride home from party |

| |Recipient #11 | |“In your car, I felt secure.” |

| | | |Car accident, hit stop sign |

| | | |Jenny caused the old man’s accident because the sign was gone |

| | | |Hannah asked Jenny to stay at the accident scene, Jenny kicked Hannah out |

| | | |of the car |

| | | |Senior pizza delivery driver died |

| | | |Jenny’s bumper was fixed very quickly, no one knew it was she who caused |

| | | |the accident |

|Bryce Walker |classmate |“I was not attracted to you, Bryce. Ever. In fact, you |Came to movie theater with ‘girlfriend of the moment’ |

| | |disgusted me.” |Wanted to pay ‘under 12’ rate for g/f |

| | |Hannah, Page 265 |Girlfriend came rushing out of theater without Bryce, holding wrist |

| | | |Called Hannah over to after party, hot tub |

|Mrs. Bradley |Teacher at the School |Everyone respected her |Hannah felt safe in her class |

| |Taught Peer Communications | | |

|Zach Dempsey |Classmate |Seems to be a good guy, too shy for anyone to gossip about, |Tried to help Hannah at the café after Marcus left her there |

| |Recipient 7 |had a thing for Hannah Baker |Stole Hannah’s paper bag notes of encouragement |

| | |Knew Hannah was considering suicide but didn’t say anything |“You took that hope away. You decided I didn’t deserve to have it.” |

| | |to anyone |-Hannah |

|Ryan Shaver |In poetry class with Hannah | |Editor of Lost-N-Found, semiannual collection of items found lying around |

| |Recipient 8 | |campus |

| | | |“Very nice, Ryan. Thank you. You’re a true poet.” - Hannah |

|Man working counter at |Works until close when Clay is at the counter |Kind, observant |notices something clearly wrong in Clay’s life and tells him to keep his |

|Rosie’s | | |money |

|Kristen Rennert |Mentioned on tapes by Hannah |Example of “once I noticed it, I couldn’t stop noticing it.” |She is always wearing black |

|Steve Oliver |Mentioned on tapes by Hannah |Example of “once I noticed it, I couldn’t stop noticing it.” |Always begins with the words ‘all right’ |

|Bryce Walker |classmate |In room at party, ‘night shift’ excuse |Justin allowed Bryce to take advantage of Jessica in room |


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