The Woodward Charitable Trust

The Woodward Charitable Trust

(Registered charity number: 299963)


Please keep this application to ONE SIDE and put the BUDGET on the second side with any supplementary information

|Name of Charity: |UK Registered Charity No. |

|Address: |Region: Please delete as applicable: |

| |East/ East Midlands/ Isle of Man/ London/ North East/ North West/ Northern |

| |Ireland/ Scotland/ South East/ South West/ Wales/ West Midlands/ Yorkshire and |

|Postcode: |the Humber |

|Contact Name and Position: |

|Email: |Telephone Number: |

Aims and objectives of your charity (including user groups/geographical area of support):

Brief details of planned activities:

We will not fund an organisation that does not have a Child Protection Policy.

|Total cost of the scheme: |Primary or Secondary School age or mixed: |Number of children involved: |

|£ | | |

|Sum you are requesting from the Woodward Charitable Trust |Number of days your programme runs (min 10 days): |Number of children with special needs: |

|(max £1,000): | | |

|£ | | |

|Proposed dates of activities: |Number of paid workers: |Number of volunteers: |

|Do you charge attendance fees? |If you do charge attendance fees, how much do you charge per child? £ |

| |What percentage of the children pay the full fee? |

Please complete the following Statement of Financial Activities from your last set of audited/independently evaluated accounts:

(We do not make grants for summer play schemes to charities whose income is over £100,000 per annum)

Income: £ Expenditure: £

Unrestricted Reserves: £

Have you had a Summer Playscheme grant from the Woodward Trust before: Yes/No

If ‘yes’, please include the date: Amount awarded (if any):


Please keep the format of the first page. Any other information can be written here below the budget.

|The Trustees will only consider appeals which include the: |Please return all items preferably via email to: |

|[ ] Completed Summer Play Scheme application form | OR by post to: |

|[ ] Budget |Mrs Karin Hooper |

|[ ] Safeguarding Policy |The Woodward Charitable Trust |

|[ ] Latest audited accounts IF you are not a registered charity |The Peak |

|(email copy only to: |5 Wilton Road, London SW1V 1AP |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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