Of Mice and Men - ENGLISH 11 & AP SEMINAR @ HF II - HOME

Of Mice and MenName: Hr: Close Reading Chapter 1 Describe George. (Use quotes w/ page #’s)Direct Characterization (physical traits)Indirect Characterization (i.e. speech, actions)List (3) examples of how Lennie is portrayed an animal or animal-like. Quote (w/ page #’s)Significance (What’s the author’s purpose?)What is George’s dream? What are some examples of foreshadowing that might suggest the dream is unrealistic? Chapter 2List (3) examples of how the bunk house is portrayed in paragraph 1.Quote (w/ page #’s)Significance (What’s the author’s purpose?)Social Darwinism is the theory that persons, groups, and races are subject to the same laws of?natural selection?as?Charles Darwin?had perceived in plants and animals in nature. According to the theory, which was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the weak were diminished (and their cultures weakened by their existence), while the strong grew in power and in cultural influence over the weak. Social Darwinists held that the life of humans in?society?was a?struggle for existence?ruled by “survival of the fittest,” a phrase proposed by the British philosopher and scientist?Herbert Spencer.How is this theory related to Slim’s and Carlson’s remarks about the dogs? Applying this to George and Lennie and their struggles, how might this dialogue about dogs be foreshadowing? ................

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