CCARES, OF THE WORLDSubway in TokyoDate: 1/2006.101DCFC YOC - Bible Study Training - Jan 200610 February 2008 DCFC English - Mark 5 21-43 ~ White Water FaithIn Tokyo and wanted to take the subway and see what the rush hour was like. Mistake!People in uniform and white gloves. Oh! I have seen this on TV. It always looks so funny when the TV shows these people pushing the commuters into the train carriage. They push with one hand, two hands, with their backs and all sorts of ways. No matter what, by the time the train alarm for door closing goes off, they always somehow manage to fit all the people in. Then the camera would show those people in the train all crushed up, against the door, against the window - like a tin of sardines - it was really funny.Now, here I was with my pretty wife and a busy Monday morning at 9.00 am. Somehow, it didn’t strike me that I would be one of those people whose face gets pressed up against the window. I thought I could out maneuver them. We got ourselves in a good position and when the train came, we managed to get in early. There were no sits, but we managed to settle ourselves into a comfortable corner near the other door. Mistake No. 2. Suddenly, more and more people came in and the carriage was so crowded that there was not enough standing space, yet more people came. And yet more were standing outside. I was thinking "Hey, no more space! Don't come in anymore!" Then the officers in white gloves began to do their jobs and they pushed and they pushed. Amazingly, all those people standing outside managed to get in. It was as if they were prepared for this. They just stood they like spineless leaf stalks. When those officers pushed, they just went along! I was no longer comfortable and found my back crushed against a man who was pressed against the door! And in front of me, there were 3 ladies, one right in my face, the other two on my left and right, pressing against me. I never felt so violated before.It was terrible and I wished somehow I could get out of this, but I could not move.Once my wife and I were in Tokyo and we wanted to try the famous rush hour squeeze. You see, we have seen the rush hour scene on the trains in many Japanese movies and wanted to experience for ourselves what it is like. During rush hour, there are so many people that the trains would be packed till the passengers are unable to board the trains. Then officers wearing white gloves would come along and push those outside the train in. Amazingly they manage to squeeze at least another 50% in. I thought it looked quite funny so we decided to try it out. We went at about 8.30 that day and there were truly a lot of people. But being a typical Singaporean, I thought, I cannot lose out to these Japanese. So skillfully, we maneuvered to the front just as the train was pulling in. When the doors opened, we rushed in but to my dismay, we were just a little too slow to find a seat. So I found a comfortable spot by one of the train metallic support and stood there. I was going to stand my ground and survive Tokyo rush hour. People started to pile in and eventually I was backed into the metal support. The train was already full, at least by my definition, but there were still many people outside. Then like in the movies, those white gloves officers came along. Everyone was ready for them except me. They just stood like flaccid leaves and with one pushed more people than I could imagine fit into the train. Almost everybody got in. I was squashed by three petite Japanese ladies up in my face, to the left and to the right. There was absolutely no concept of private space and I could identify what each lady ate for breakfast by their smell of their breath. The only part of my body I could move without being accused of molestation was my toes.Pressures of life.CHARACTER, GOODCharacterGood character is more to be praised than outstanding talent.Most talents are, to some extent, a gift.Good character, by contrast, is not given to us.We have to build it piece by piece—By thought, choice, courage and determination.John LutherCHILDRENAngerDate: 4/2009.101What so amazing about grace? Philip Yancey P120 I have a friend whose marriage has gone through tumultuous times. One night George passed a breaking point. He pounded the table and the floor. "I hate you!" he screamed at his wife. "I won't take it anymore! I've had enough! I won't go on! I won't let it happen! no! no! no!" Several months later my friend woke up in the middle of the night and heard strange sounds coming from the room where his two year old son slept. He padded down the hall, stood for a moment outside his son's door and shivers ran through his flesh. he could not draw a breath. In a soft voice, the two year old was repeating word for word with precise inflection the argument between his mother and father. "I hate you... I won't take it anymore... No! no! no!"CHILDRENCompassion – JokeDate: 9/2007.101Humor for Preaching & Teaching From Leadership Journal & Christian Reader P43 The instructor from a dog training workshop in Salt Lake City noted that a dog's disposition can be tested by the owner. If the owner will fall down and pretend to be hurt, a dog with a bad temper will tend to bite him. But a good dog will show concern and may lick the fallen owner's face. Susan Matice attended the class and then decided to test her two dogs. While eating pizza in her living room, she stood up, clutched her heart, screamed and fell to the floor. Her dogs looked at her, looked at each other and then raced to the coffee table for her pizza.Do we evaluate our children/parents like that? CHILDRENJoke - Babies & PrayersDate: 3/2007.101webpage{} A minister friend of mine asked one of the youngsters in his primary department if they ever prayed in their home."Oh, yes," the child replied. "Every night. When Mommy puts me down to sleep she goes out of my room and when she has closed the door I hear her say,"Thank God she's in bed!"Application:How often do we pray? Is this the only time?Or noisy children?CHILDRENPrayers of fathersDate: 3/2009.10114 Feb 2010 DCFC English Worship - [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 1:15-23 What should I pray about?Christian fathers need to pray for their children. When we pray for our children, we are asking God to help, guide and protect beyond our abilities to do so. All human fathers have limits. But, our Heavenly Father is not limited by any means! And when we pray to our Heavenly Father for wisdom and guidance, we are praying for the interaction the hands of our Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer who is all knowing (omniscient), everywhere (omnipresent), and all-powerful (omnipotent). Only our Heavenly Father has these unlimited capacities! Therefore, when we pray to God our Heavenly Father, we are praying that He will help us. We are praying that He will help us in our helplessness and give us hope in our uncertainties in all that we do as we seek to do our part in training our children up in the ways that they are to go and grow (Proverbs 22:6). While I was working on this sermon, I looked up a prayer of General Douglas MacArthur. Listen to the wisdom and the insight of his prayer that I am going to read to you. The General's Prayer: by General Douglas MacArththur "Build me a son, oh Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory. "Build me a son whose wishbone will not be where his backbone should be; a son who will know Thee, and that to know himself is the foundation stone of knowledge. Lead him, I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort, but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenge. "Here let him learn to stand up to the storm; here let him learn compassion for those who fail. Build me a son whose heart will be clear, whose goal will be high; a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other men; one who will learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep; one who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past. "And after all these things are his, add, I pray, enough of a sense of humor so that he may always be serious, yet never take himself too seriously. Give him humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of true strength. "Then I, his father, will dare to whisper, `I have not lived in vain.CHILDRENSOMEDAY THEY Will FLYI see children as kites. You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground. You run with them until you're both breathless...they crash...you add a longer tail. You patch and comfort, adjust and teach—and assure them that someday they will fly.Finally they are airborne, but they need more string, and you keep letting it out...You know it wont be long before that beautiful creature will snap the lifeline that bound you together and soar—free and alone. Only then do you know you did your job.Erma Bombeckfrom Forever ErmaCHILDRENOur GirlMax Lucadofrom Six Hours One FridayJenna! Wake up. It’s time to go to school!”She will hear those words a thousand times in her life. But she heard them for the first time this morning. I sat on the edge of her bed for a while before I said them to her. To tell the truth, I didn't want to say them. I didn't want to wake her. A queer hesitancy hung over me as I sat in the early morning blackness. As I sat in silence, I realized that my words would awaken her to a new world.For four lightning-fast years she'd been ours, and ours alone. And now that was all going to change. We put her to bed last night as "our girl"—exclusive property of Mommy and Daddy. Mommy and Daddy read to her, taught her, listened to her. But beginning today, someone else would, too.Until today, it was Mommy and Daddy who wiped away the tears and put on the Band-Aids. But beginning today, someone else would, too. I didn't want to wake her. Until today, her life was essentially us—Mom, Dad, and baby sister Andrea. Today that life would grow—new friends, a teacher. Her world was this house—her room, her toys, herswing set. Today her world would expand. She would enter the winding halls of education—painting, reading, calculating...becoming.I didn't want to wake her. Not because of the school. It's a fine one. Not because I don't want her to learn. Heaven knows I want her to grow, to read, to mature. Not because she doesn'twant to go. School has been all she could talk about for the last week!No, I didn't want to wake her up because I didn't want to give her up. But I woke her anyway. I interrupted her childhood with the inevitable proclamation, "Jenna, wake up—it's time to go to school."It took me forever to get dressed. Denalyn saw me moping around and heard me humming, "Sunrise, Sunset" and said, "You'll never make it through her wedding." She's right. We took her to school in two cars so that I could go directly to work. I asked Jenna to ride with me. I thought I should give her a bit of fatherly assurance. As it turned out, I was the one needing assurance.For one dedicated to the craft of words, I found very few to share with her. I told her to enjoy herself. I told her to obey her teacher. I told her, "If you get lonely or afraid, tell your teacher to call me and I'll come and get you." "Okay," she smiled. Then she asked if she could listen to a tape with kids' music."Okay," I said.So while she sang songs, I swallowed lumps. I watched her as she sang. She looked big. Her little neck stretched as high as it could to look over the dash. Her eyes were hungry and bright. Her hands were folded in her lap. Her feet, wearing brand new turquoise and pink tennis shoes, barely extended over the seat....Sunrise, sunset; sunrise, sunset;Swiftly fly the days.]"Denalyn was right," I mumbled to myself. "I'll never make it through the wedding."What is she thinking? I wondered. Does she know how tall this ladder of education is that she will begin climbing this morning? No, she didn't. But I did. How many chalkboards will those eyes see? How many books will those hands hold? How many teachers will those feet follow and—gulp—imitate? Were it within my power, I would have, at that very instant, assembled all the hundreds of teachers, instructors, coaches, and tutors that she would have over the next eighteen years and announced, "This is no normal student. This is my child. Be careful with her!"As I parked and turned off the engine, my big girl became small again. But it was a voice of a very little girl that broke the silence. "Daddy, I don't want to get out."I looked at her. The eyes that had been bright were now fearful. The lips that had been singing were now trembling. I fought a Herculean urge to grant her request. Everythingwithin me wanted to say, "Okay, let's forget it and get out of here." For a brief, eternal moment I considered kidnapping my own daughters, grabbing my wife, and escaping these horrid paws of progress to live forever in the Himalayas. But I knew better. I knew it was time. I knew it was right. And I knew she would be fine. But I never knew it would be so hard to say, "Honey, you'll be all right. Come on, I'll carry you.”And she was all right. One step into the classroom and the cat of curiosity pounced on her. And I walked away. I gave her up. Not much. And not as much as I will have to in the future. But I gave her up as much as I could today.[Tags: school]CHILDRENA Great Cup of TeaJames Dobsonfrom Home with a HeartI heard a story about a mother who was sick in bed with the flu. Her darling daughter wanted so much to be a good nurse. She fluffed the pillows and brought a magazine forher mother to read. And then she even showed up with a surprise cup of tea."Why, you're such a sweetheart," the mother said as she drank the tea. "I didn't know you even knew how to make tea." “Oh, yes," the little girl replied. "I learned by watching you. I put the tea leaves in the pan and then I put in the water, and I boiled it, and then I strained it into a cup. But I couldn't find a strainer, so I used the flyswatter instead.""You what?" the mother screamed.And the little girl said, "Oh, don't worry, Mom, I didn'tuse the new flyswatter. I used the old one."[Tags: joke]CHILDRENI'm Daddy's GirlBecky Freemanfrom Marriage 911One evening not long ago, my husband stayed home with the children while I went to the grocery store. Shopping for a family of six when four of them are males takes a while, so it was late when I got home When I walked back into the house, all was dark and unusually quiet.After setting down a bag of groceries, I tiptoed into the bedroom, lighted by the soft glow of the moon sifting through the window. Scott was lying there, his hands folded behind his head, staring at the ceiling. He seemed so pensive I immediately thought something was bothering him."Hey," I said softly and sat down on the bed beside him."What's the matter?" "Aw, I was just thinking about my daughter, he grinned sheepishly. "And how much I love her."Evidently it had been a very good evening. What happened with Rachel tonight?" I asked."Well," he sighed and searched for words to convey what he was feeling. "I had built a fire outside to burn some excess wood, and the telephone rang. It turned out to be a tough discussion with someone and I was upset. So I went outside to unwind by the fire, and, before long, our little girl came out of the house and snuggled by my side.'"Dad,” she told me, you look like you could use a hug. He paused briefly and breathed a contented sigh. "She's my little sweetheart, you know.""I know," I smiled as I rubbed the back of my husband’s neck. "And I hope she always will be."The next evening Scott came home from work and found me asleep on the couch. He woke me by tickling my nose with a long-stemmed red rose. Before I could properly gush over it, Rachel strolled in from her room, beaming from ear to ear. Her strawberry-blonde curls boing-yoinging happily as she plopped down on the sofa beside me. In her small, slender hands she held a lavender basket of fresh daisies and pink carnations.Tucked into the arrangement was a card in Scott's handwriting."Thanks for the hug," it read.Rachel's brown eyes twinkled, and she smiled triumphantly in my direction. "You just got one flower. Daddy gave me a whole basket!"CHILDRENBalloonsJames DobsonSeveral weeks ago, I attended a wedding ceremony held in a beautiful garden setting. After the minister instructed the groom to kiss the bride, approximately 150 colorful, helium-filled balloons were released into the blue California sky. It was a pleasant sight that reminded me of a similar moment during the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. Within a few seconds, the balloons were scattered across the heavens—some rising hundreds of feet overhead and others cruising toward the horizon. The distribution was curious. They all began from a common launching pad, were filled with approximately the same amount of helium, and ascended into the same conditions of sun and wind. Nevertheless, within a matter of several minutes they were separated by a mile or more. A few balloons struggled to clear the upper branches of trees, while the show-offs became mere pinpoints of color on their journey to the sky. How interesting, I thought—and how symbolic of children.CHILDREN, ANSWERED PRAYERThe Candle In RomeDate: 6/2006.101Preaching Magazine: 6 June 2006 A husband and wife were unable to have children. After consulting everyone who would listen to their problem, they consulted their family priest. "My children," the priest began, "The Lord will listen to your prayers, and I am sure that you will be blessed with children shortly. In fact, I am planning a stay in Rome, and while I am visiting the Vatican, I will light a candle for you." "Thank you, Father, thank you!" said the couple. Before leaving, the priest turned and said, "My stay in Rome will be for quite some time-15 years. But when I return, I will be sure to pay you a visit."And so, 15 years came and went, and the priest returned to the U.S. While resting on his porch one mid-summer morning, he remembered the promise of paying a visit that he had made 15 years ago. So he made his way to their home, and upon arriving at the residence of the couple who'd sought his council years earlier, he rang the doorbell. Sounds of crying and screaming children filled the air! Overjoyed by the thought that their prayers had been answered, he entered the house. More than a dozen children filled the house from top to bottom! In the midst of all the chaos, stood the wife."My dear," the priest said, "your prayers have been answered! And where is your husband? I wish to congratulate him on your miracle!""He just left for Rome," she said."Rome? Why did he go to Rome?" asked the priest."To blow that candle out" came the harried reply.Joke - Too Full A QuiverDate: 6/2006.10114 Nov 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Satisfying Life’s Desires] Ps 127 Secret of SuccessDec 2016 GenPaul Retreat [Lingering in the presence of God] – Ps 127 Secret of success1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking #656 – JokeBack in the days when fathers waited outside for the baby to be born, there were three men waiting for the joyous news. The first was informed by the nurse that his wife had twins. He told the nurse, "Isn’t that ironic. I pitch for the Minnesota Twins."A few minutes later the second man learned his wife had triplets. The coincidence was that he worked for 3-M.The third man panicked and raced for the door. he was stopped and asked what happened. "I work for a 7-11 store and I'm getting out of here!"CHILDREN, EMPTY NESTNo More Oatmeal KissesErma Bombedfrom Forever ErmaA young mother writes: "I know you've written before about the empty-nest syndrome, that lonely period after the children are grown and gone. Right now I'm up to my eyeballs in laundry and muddy boots. The baby is teething; the boys are fighting. My husband just called and said to eat without him, and I fell off my diet. Lay it on me again, will you?"OK. One of these days, you'll shout, "Why don't you kids grow up and act your age!" And they will. Or, "You guys get outside and find yourselves something to do...and don't slam the door!" And they won't. You'll straighten up the boys' bedroom neat and tidy:bumper stickers discarded, bedspread tucked and smooth, toys displayed on the shelves. Hangers in the closet. Animals caged.And you'll say out loud, "Now I want it to stay this way." And it will. You'll prepare a perfect dinner with a salad that hasn't been picked to death and a cake with no finger traces in the icing, and you'll say, "Now, there's a meal for company." And you'll eat it alone.You'll say, "I want complete privacy on the phone. No dancing around. No demolition crews. Silence! Do you hear?" And you'll have it. No more plastic tablecloths stained with spaghetti. No more bedspreads to protect the sofa from damp bottoms. No more gates to stumble over at the top of the basement steps. No more clothes pins under the sofa. No more playpens to arrange a room around. No more anxious nights under a vaporizer tent. No more iron-on patches, rubber bands for ponytails, tight boots or wetknotted shoestrings.Imagine. A lipstick with a point on it. No baby-sitter for New Year's Eve. Washing only once a week. Seeing a steak that isn't ground. Having your teeth cleaned without a baby on your lap. No PTA meetings. No car pools. No blaring radios. No one washing her hair at 11 o'clock at night. Having your own roll of Scotch tape.Think about it. No more Christmas presents out of tooth picks and library paste. No more sloppy oatmeal kisses. No more tooth fairy. No more giggles in the dark! No knees toheal, no responsibility. Only a voice crying, "Why don't you grow up?" and thesilence echoing, "I did."CHILDREN, EMPTY NESTA Mother's Letter to a Son Starting KindergartenRebecca ChristianDear George,When your big brother and your little dog and I walked you up to school today, you had no idea how I was feeling. You were so excited, you had packed and unpacked thewashable markers and safety scissors in your backpack a dozen times. .I am really going to miss those lazy mornings when we waved your brother and sister off to school. I'd settle in with my coffee and newspaper, handing you the comics to color while you watched Sesame Street Because you are my youngest, I had learned a few things by the time you came along. I found out that the seemingly endless days of babyhood are gone like lightning. I blinked, and your older siblings were setting off for school as eagerly as you did this morning.I was one of the lucky ones; I could choose whether to work or not. By the time it was your turn, the glittering prizes of career advancement and a double income had lost their luster. A splash in the puddles with you in your bright red boots or "just one more" rereading of your favorite book, Frog and Toad Are Friends, meant more. .You didn't go to preschool and I'm not exactly Maria Montessori. I hope that doesn't hold you back. You learned numbers by helping me count the soda cans we returned to thestore. (You could usually charm me into letting you pick out a treat with the money we got back.) I'm not up on the Palmer method, but you do a fine job or writing your name on the sidewalk in chalk, in capitals to make it look more important. And somehow you caught on to the nuances of language. Just the other day, you asked me why I always call you "Honey" when we're reading stories and "Bud" when you're helping with the chores. My explanation of the difference between a cuddly mood and a matey one seemed to satisfy you. I have to admit that in my mind's eye, an image of myself while you're in school has developed. I see myself updating all the photo albums and starting that novel I always wanted to write. As the summer wound down and more frequent quarrels erupted between you and your siblings, I was looking forward to today.And then this morning, I walked you up the steep hill to your classroom with a picture of the president on one wall and of Bambi on the opposite. You found the coat hook with your name above it right away, and you gave me one of your characteristically fierce, too-tight hugs. This time you were ready to let go before I was.Maybe someday you will deliver a kindergartner with your own wide-set eyes and sudden grin to the first day of school. When you turn at the door to wave good-bye, he or she will be too deep in conversation with a new friend to notice. Even as you smile, you'll feel something warm on your cheek... And then, you'll know.Love, MomCHILDREN, RESPONSIBILITY TOCultivating faithDate: 6/2008.101British poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge once had a discussion with a man who firmly believed that children should not be given formal religious instruction, but should be free to choose their own religious faith when they reached maturity. Coleridge did not disagree, but later invited the man into his somewhat neglected garden. "Do you call this a garden?" the visitor exclaimed. "There are nothing but weeds here!" "Well, you see," Coleridge replied, "I did not wish to infringe upon the liberty of the garden in any way. I was just giving the garden a chance to express itself." Daily Walk, March 28, 1992CHILDREN, RULES OF RAISINGHonoring the motherDate: 5/2006.101Susannah Wesley was married at age 19 to Samuel Wesley, a minister, and had nineteen children. Samuel was often gone for church meetings and revivals, so she assumed the primary load in raising the children. Two of her sons are well-known to us today: John and Charles Wesley. John launched the Methodist movement and Charles was a celebrated composer and hymn-writer; you would recognize some of his music like Christ the Lord is Risen Today and Hark! the Herald Angels Sing. Susannah Wesley spent time each day praying for her 19 children. She also took each child aside for a full hour every week to discuss spiritual matters. She also expected each child to be able to read the Book of Genesis by the time he or she was six years child.Here are her famous 16 rules of raising children:1. Eating between meals not allowed.2. As children they are to be in bed by 8 p.m.3. They are required to take medicine without complaining.4. Subdue self-will in a child, and those working together with God to save the child's soul.5. To teach a child to pray as soon as he can speak.6. Require all to be still during Family Worship.7. Give them nothing that they cry for, and only that when asked for politely.8. To prevent lying, punish no fault which is first confessed and repented of.9. Never allow a sinful act to go unpunished.10. Never punish a child twice for a single offense.11. Comment and reward good behavior.12. Any attempt to please, even if poorly performed, should be commended.13. Preserve property rights, even in smallest matters.14. Strictly observe all promises.15. Require no daughter to work before she can read well.16. Teach children to fear the rod.(from Victor Yap; list from \webpage{})CHILDREN, VICESWrong Number – HumorDate: 5/2007.101Funny Stuff by Clyde Murdock (Humor) P84 The teenage daughter had been on the family telephone for half an hour. When finally she did hang up, her father said sarcastically, "You usually talk for two hours. What stopped you this time?""Wrong Number!"CHILDREN, WEDDINGThe Ring BearerSeptember 28 2013 Jack & Sonya WeddingOct 22 2016 Kenny & Lejing WeddingDennis KizziarRetold by MattjacobsonJohnny was very excited. It was the first time he had ever been asked to do something this important. As the wedding music began to play he imagined just how he shouldcarry the pillow with two shiny rings tied on top. Just before touching him on the shoulder to give him the cue to walk down the aisle, his mother looked down and smiled into the upturned face of her four-year-old son. "Don't worry, Mommy." Johnnyimplored, "I'll do a good job."Then Johnny took a deep breath, furrowed his brow, bared his teeth and said Grrrrrrr! Everyone turned to face the back of the church. Where was that strange noise coming from? Johnny growled all the louder and much to Mrs. Smith's surprise, who was sitting on the third pew from the back, he ran up to her and struck her feathered hat with the pillow. His mother looked on in horror. Johnny was fast. He ran back and forth from pew to pew growling and making menacing faces. Upon reaching the front of the church, Johnny composed himself and gently held up the pillow so the pastor, nonplused at the performance, could remove the rings. The rest of the ceremony went off without a hitch.During the reception, the pastor walked up to Johnny who was getting his second piece of wedding cake. "Say, Johnny, what were you doing while bringing the rings to me?""My job," declared Johnny proudly, "They asked me to be the Ring Bear!"CHOICE, EVILRoe vs. Wade – AbortionDate: 3/2009.1019/20/2009 DCFC English [Life & Theology - Is there a connection?] Theology of the Imago DeiHave you ever made a poor choice that ended up destroying many lives? Norma McCorvey was influenced by her attorneys, Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee, and used to change the landscape of America. Norma, whose pseudonym was "Jane Roe," was an unmarried woman who sought to get an abortion to end her pregnancy. In Texas, where Roe lived, abortions to end pregnancies not endangering the mother's life were illegal. So, Roe being used by her attorneys, filed suit against Texas and took her suit to the Supreme Court. On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Roe and declared many anti-abortion laws unconstitutional. In 1995, Norma McCorvey was answering phones at the Dallas clinic, A Choice for Women, when the pro-life group Operation Rescue moved into the office space next door. She tried trading insults with the pro-lifers, but they rebuffed her barbs with smiles, scripture and an invitation to church. McCorvey quit her clinic job later that summer and announced her conversion to Christianity. Operation Rescue's national director, Rev. Philip "Flip" Benham, baptized McCorvey in a Dallas swimming pool. In 2004, McCorvey went before the New Orleans Circuit Court of Appeals with a motion to overturn the Supreme Court's 1973 decision. The New Orleans court rejected the motion and dropped the case. On Sunday, January 13, 2008, McCorvey, the keynote speaker at a Choose Life Rally in Reno, Nevada, said, "I felt that I was doing something good for humankind, and I was wrong. I stand before you now, and I ask for your forgiveness." CHOICE, WISEChoice - God or MaterialDate: 11/2005.1012005 - Saipan28 May 2006 - Pandan Chinese Xi Yang - Luke 4:1-11 ~ Qualities of a Disciple2 Sept 2006 - YOC Camping - Luke 5:1-11 ~ The Qualities of a Disciple5 Dec 2006 - DTS PM 202 Senior Sermon - Luke 9:18-27 Senior Chapel 24 April 2007 - Luke 9:18-27 Sept 2007 FWC Retreat: The Kingdom is Here - Kingdom Path Luke 9:18-27Oct 2007 Germany Leipzig/Weimar - Luke 5:1-11 - Qualities of a discipleAug 10 2008 - FCBC Mandarin - Luke 9:18-27 - Way of the CrossAug 24 2008 - MSU Mission Trip - Luke 9:18-27 - Way of the CrossFeb 13 2011 – DCFC Chinese - Luke 9:18-27 – Way of the CrossMar 13 2011 DCFC English Worship – [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 6:20-49 The Call of the DiscipleSept 3-5 2011 RCCC Retreat [Renewing our first love for Christ] Renewing our vision of the Cross Luke 9:18-27Nov 16 2014 – QBC Chinese Luke 9:18-27 – Way of the Cross?Source: Poem of William McChesney, Missionary to Congo who martyred in 1964 at the hands of Muslim rebelsI want my breakfast served at eight,with hams and eggs upon the plate;A well-broiled steak I'll eat at one,and dine again when the day is done.I want an ultra-modern home,and in each room a telephone,Soft carpets too upon the floors,and pretty drapes to grace the doors.A cozy place of lovely things,like easy chairs with inner springsAnd then I'll get a small TV -of course, I'm careful what I see.I want my wardrobe too to be,of neatest finest quality;With latest style in suit & vest:Why should not Christians have the best?But then my Master I can hear,in no uncertain voice so clear;"I bid you come and follow Me,the lowly Man of Galilee."If He be God and died for me,No sacrifice too great can be;For me, a mortal man to make,I'll do it all for Jesus' sake.Yes, I will tread the path He trod,no other way to please my God.So henceforth this my choice shall be,My choice for all eternity.CHOICE, WISECrowd FollowersDate: 9/2007.101Fresh Ideas: Illustrations, stories & quotations - Jim Burns & Greg McKinnon P75 - Matthew 7:13-14 Look at those Crowd Followers, now aren't they a bunch?Following the crowd from breakfast to lunch.Never asking, "Where are we going?"Just riding the current wherever it's flowing.They say to themselves, "Now this sure is a breeze,Following the crowd is as easy as you please."They never stop to consider where all this will end;They just keep on following all of their friends."Everyone else must know where we're heading,So why should I do any fretting?I'll just follow the crowd all day and all night.I'm sure everything will turn out all right."Everyone is laughing and having such fun,Why not following the crows would be really dumb.I really don't care where all this may end;I just want to keep having fun with my friends."But every road must come to an end.The Crowd Followers too have to round the last bend.And when they do they will come face to faceWith the Creator & the Designer of the whole human race.And He'll not ask what the crowd has to say,For each person will have to speak for themselves that day.And when everything has been said and been done,The crowd again will march forward as one.No one will, that day want to follow their friends,because they know destruction will be their end.But because they spent their life following the crowd.On that final day no turning back will be allowed.Application:If you decide to follow the crowd in life, you need to ask yourself one question: "Do I really want to go where the crowd is heading?"Exodus 23:2; Joshua 24:15; Daniel 1:5, Daniel 1:8-17; Luke 13:24-30; John 21:19CHOICE, WISEExcusesDate: 1/2007.101Chaplin Bill Bryan - BC101 Biblical Counseling Your past may explain the way you are, but it does not excuse the way you are - Bill BryanCHOICE, WISEFreedom and ChoiceAI researchers doubt whether they can build similar restlessness or curiosity into a computer. They can program a computer to seek new avenues and investigate new problems, but it does so because of its program. Not because it wants to. Computers don’t ‘want.’ Morton Hunt (author of The Universe Within, concludes. Maybe the biggest difference between AI and human intelligence is just that simple: we care about things we choose to do. Solving a new problem, discovering some new fact, visiting a new place, all make us feel good. That is why we do them. But how do you make a computer feel good? He speculates perhaps that is why computer compositions of music and poetry so far fail to impress. The computer is neither pleased nor displeased by its own creation, unlike every human artist. The challenge facing computer programmers may shed light on the choices God faced in creating human beings. Presumably God could create robots, without the neurological restlessness. Animals seem content living out the singular goal of survival, without the need to reflect on themselves or grasp for more. Yet God created humans as a being in god’s own image. He built in restlessness along with curiosity and desire, in full awareness that could lead the human to choose the wrong path. That freedom, a reflection of God’s image and our greatest advantage as human beings, can turn into a terrible disadvantage. Like Adam and eve we too can overturn the order of creation. “I am not an ordinary man and the laws of morals and f custom where never made for me.” Said Napoleon. At times, who doesn’t think something similar on a smaller scale?The ChoiceDate: 6/2007.101Daily Bread Nov 6 2006 You’ve heard the infamous name of John Wilkes Booth. He assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865. But have you heard about Edwin Booth, John’s eldest brother? Edwin, a well-known actor, was waiting at a Jersey City train station when he saw someone slip and fall off the platform. Edwin quickly grabbed the man’s collar and pulled him to safety rescuing him from serious injury or death. Who was the man he saved? Abraham Lincoln’s son Robert, a soldier in the Civil War.How ironic that the man who saved Lincolns son had a brother who would soon kill the president. One saved a life; one took a life. One chose life; the other chose death.The Lord gave His people a choice between life and death: They could love Him and obey His commands (Deuteronomy 30:16), or they could worship and serve other gods (Deuteronomy 30:17). He told them, I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life (Deuteronomy 30:19).We too have a choice between life and death. We can receive Jesus as our Savior and live with Him forever, or we can reject Jesus and be in darkness forever without Him. The best choice is clear. Receive God’s gift of His Son Jesus. Choose life! Anne CetasThe choice we make determines ourEternal destination;One leads to everlasting life;The other, condemnation. The choice you make today will determine your tomorrow.CHOICE, WISETime will TellDate: 9/2007.10113 July 2008 DCFC English - Heb 11:4 - Abel the Speaking DeadFresh Ideas: Illustrations, stories & quotations - Jim Burns & Greg McKinnon P83 - Mark 8:36In 1923 a meeting was held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago. Attending the meeting were nine of the world's most successful financiers: Charles Schwab, steel magnate; Samuel Insull, president of the largest utility company; Howard Hopson, president of the largest gas company, Arthur Cotton, the greatest wheat speculator; Richard Whitney, president of the NY Stock Exchange, Albert Fall, a member of the president's cabinet; Leon Fraser, president of the Bank of International Settlements; Jesse Livermore, the great "bear" on Wall Street and Ivar Krueger, head of the most powerful monopoly.25 years later, Charles Schwab died in bankruptcy and had lived his last five years on borrowed money; Samuel Insull had died a fugitive from justice and penniless in a foreign land; Howard Hopson was insane, Arthur Cotton had died abroad, in solvent; Richard Whitney had spent time in Sing Sing; Albert Fall had been pardoned so that he could die at home, Jesse Livermore, Ivar Krueger and Leon Fraser had all died by suicide.Application:It is possible to spend all your life trying to gain the world and only to lose your own soul in the process.Matt 6:24, 28-33; Mark 8:34-38; Luke 12:15-21; Luke 14:25-35; John 12:23-25; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31CHOICE, WISETossing the QueenDate: 4/2007.101During the heyday of the Napoleonic era, French troops fanned out around the globe to share the best of France with their colonies and to bring the best things from those colonies back to France. Included in this cultural exchange was a storehouse filled with ancient Egyptian artifacts. As the empire waned, many of these treasures found their way into the basement of the Paris museum.In the 1940s some workmen uncovered a burial case squeezed into an obscure corner of the basement. They decided that the box would make an excellent storage space for many of the treasures. Without consulting the museum's caretakers, they simply emptied the contents into the sewer and filled it with odds and ends of Egyptian artifacts.Only later did they discover that they had inadvertently disposed of the remains of Egypt's most famous personage Cleopatra.Where to Take It from Here...In ignorance people regularly discard things of great value. Jesus Christ is God's greatest gift to mankind, yet he continues to be rejected by those who do not believe (1 Peter 2:7).CHOICE, WISEWhich Way am I growing?Date: 3/2007.101CS Lewis: Every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses, into something a little different from what it was before."We can choose to submit our wills to God each day, asking Him to give us strength to live for Him and for others.Some folks grow old gracefully, but others become grouchy and ill-tempered. It's important to know which way we are growing because we are all growing older.Surer than autumn's harvestsAre harvests of thought and deed;Like those that our hands have planted,The yield will be like the seed. - HarrisCHRISTJames Hewitt - Illustrations Unlimited04 Oct 2015 QBC English [7 Churches of Revelation] – Jesus: Judge, Savior & PriestOUR ONENESS IN CHRIST ?I was speaking at the Indiana State Prison. Only weeks earlier, Stephen Judy had been electrocuted there. An execution always creates a special tension in a prison, and I could sense it that day. It was in the air, in the voices of the guards, in the faces of the men. After my talk, the warden walked us through the maze of cell blocks to that most dreaded of places—an isolated wing where five men awaited their final decree and death. Nancy Honeytree, the talented young gospel singer who is part of our team, was with me; several of our volunteers came along as well. Finally, we were ushered through two massive steel gates into the secure area. The inmates were allowed out of their cells, and we joined in a circle in the walkway while Nancy strummed the guitar and sang. It was a beautiful moment for those condemned men—and for us—as we closed by singing together “Amazing Grace.” Two of the men, I knew from their correspondence with me, were believers. One of them, James Brewer, had the most radiant expression during our visit, and he sang at the top of his lungs. As we were shaking hands and saying good-bye, I noticed that Brewer walked back into his cell with one of our volunteers. The others began filing out, but this volunteer remained in Brewer’s cell; the two were standing shoulder to shoulder, together reading the Bible. I was expected in two hours in Indianapolis for a meeting with the governor, so I walked back into the cell. “We’ve got to go,” I called out, beckoning to our volunteer. “Just a minute, please,” he replied. I shook my head and repeated, “Sorry, time’s up, the plane is waiting.” “Please, please, this is very important,” the volunteer replied. “You see, I am Judge Clement. I sentenced this man to die. But now he is born again. He is my brother and we want a minute to pray together. I stood in the entrance to that solitary, dimly lit cell, frozen in place. Here were two men—one black, one white; one powerful, one powerless; one who had sentenced the other to die. Yet there they stood grasping a Bible together, Brewer smiling so genuinely, the judge so filled with love for the prisoner at his side. Impossible in human terms! Brewer should despise this man, I thought. Only in Christ could this happen. The sight of those men standing together as brothers in that dingy cell will remain vivid in my mind forever.?CHRISTRecognizing our need for ChristNov 06 2011 DCFC English [Jesus came to the world to...] John 6:24-37 – be the bread of lifePastor Brian Bill retells the story of Jon Krakauer in his bestselling book called, “Into Thin Air.” Jon Krakauer relates the hazards that plagued some climbers as they attempted to reach the summit of Mount Everest. Andy Harris, one of the expedition leaders stayed at the peak too long and on his descent, he became in dire need of oxygen.?Harris radioed the base camp and told them about his predicament. He mentioned that he had come across a cache of oxygen canisters left by the other climbers but they were all empty. The climbers who already passed the canisters on their own descent knew they were not empty, but full. They pleaded with him on the radio to make use of them but it was to no avail. Harris was starved for oxygen but he continued to argue that the canisters were empty. The problem was that the lack of what he needed had so disoriented his mind that though he was surrounded by something that would give him life, he continued to complain of its absence. The lack of oxygen had ravaged his capacity to recognize what was right in front of him. CHRISTThe oneDate: 3/2009.101 "The one" - JesusCHRISTChrist the Only Way – SelfOct 16 2011 DCFC English [Jesus came to the world to...] John 3 - Give us second birthIt was May 14 2005. I was sitting on the breakfast table with a cup of coffee, reading the news paper. There was this front page article about a trend of having young ministers in the different religions. The journalist interviewed young man age 25-35 who gave up their professional lives to serve in religious ministries. The journalist made a comment, “These young men are seeking purpose in their lives through living for a higher purpose.” I was back in Singapore after my first year in Seminary. I had been going around to share some of my exciting experiences of God during my first year. That morning, I got a phone call from a good friend and he said, “If you read their interviews, they all have had similar spiritual experiences as you. There is this Buddhist monk, an Islamic scholar, a Catholic priest and a Christian pastor. Your experiences of God are not all that unique. What makes you so sure that Christianity is the only way, that only the Christian experience is authentic?” CHRISTCHRIST AND BUDDHA—THE GREAT DIFFERENCE James Hewitt - Illustrations UnlimitedFrederick Buechner, in his book?Now and Then,?has a section on his comparison of the teachings of Buddha and of Jesus Christ, a topic he wrestled with when he was teaching at Phillips Exeter Academy: “Finally, lest students of comparative religion be tempted to believe that to compare them is to discover that at their hearts all religions are finally one and that it thus makes little difference which one you choose, you have only to place side by side Buddha and Christ themselves. “Buddha sits enthroned beneath the Bo tree in the lotus position. His lips are faintly parted in the smile of one who has passed beyond every power in earth or heaven to touch him. ‘He who loves fifty has fifty woes, he who loves ten has ten woes, he who loves none has no woes,’ he has said. His eyes are closed. “Christ, on the other hand, stands in the garden of Gethsemane, angular, beleaguered. His face is lost in shadows so that you can’t even see his lips, and before all the powers in earth or heaven he is powerless. ‘This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you,’ he has said. His eyes are also closed. “The difference seems to me this. The suffering that Buddha’s eyes close out is the suffering of the world that Christ’s eyes close in and hallow. It is an extraordinary difference, and even in a bare classroom in Exeter, New Hampshire, I think it was as apparent to everyone as it was to me that before you’re done, you have to make a crucial and extraordinary choice.” When did Jesus die?7 clues tell us *precisely* when Jesus died (the year, month, day, and hour revealed)BY JIMMY AKIN?Wednesday, April 10, 2013 11:47 PM?Comments?(85)If we put the clues together, can we figure out precisely when Jesus died? Yes, we can!We recently celebrated Good Friday and Easter, the annual celebrations of Jesus' death and resurrection.We all know that this happened in Jerusalem in the first century.That separates Jesus from mythical pagan deities, who were supposed to live in places or times that none could specify.Just how specific can we be with the death of Jesus?Can we determine the exact day?We can.And here's how . . .?Clue #1: The High Priesthood of CaiaphasThe gospels indicate that Jesus was crucified at the instigation of the first century high priest named Caiaphas (Matthew 26:3-4,?John 11:49-53).We know from other sources that he served as high priest from A.D. 18 to 36, so that puts Jesus' death in that time frame.But we can get more specific. Much more.?Clue #2: The Governorship of Pontius PilateAll four gospels agree that Jesus was crucified on the orders of Pontius Pilate (Matthew 27:24-26,?Mark 15:15,?Luke 23:24,?John 19:15-16).We know from other sources when he served as governor of Judea--A.D. 26 to A.D. 36--so we can narrow down the range by several years.But how are we going to get it down to a specific day and year??Clue #3: After "the Fifteenth Year of Tiberius Caesar"The Gospel of Luke tells us when the ministry of John the Baptist began:In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar . . .?the word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness [Luke 3:1-2].This picks out a specific year: A.D. 29.Since all four gospels depict the ministry of Christ beginning after that of John the Baptist had begun (Matthew 3,?Mark 1,?Luke 3,?John 1), this means that we can shave a few more years off our range.The death of Christ had to be in a range of seven years: between A.D. 29 and 36.?Clue #4: Crucified on a FridayAll four gospels agree that Jesus was crucified on a Friday (Matt. 27:62,?Mark 15:42;?Luke23:54; ?John 19:42), just before a Sabbath, which was just before the first day of the week (Matthew 28:1,?Mark 16:2,?Luke 24:1,?John 20:1).We know that it was a Friday because it is referred to as "the day of preparation"--that is, the day on which Jews made the preparations they needed for the Sabbath, since they could not do any work on that day. Thus thus cooked food in advance and made other necessary preparations.The Jewish Encyclopedia states:Friday, as the forerunner of Shabbat, is called "'Ereb Shabbat" (The Eve of Sabbath). The term "'ereb" admits of two meanings: "evening" and "admixture" (Ex. xii. 38); and "'Ereb Shabbat" accordingly denotes the day on the evening of which Sabbath begins, or the day on which food is prepared for both the current and the following days, which latter is Sabbath.The idea of preparation is expressed by the Greek name?paraskeué, given by Josephus ("Ant." xvi. 6, § 2) to that day (compare Mark xv. 42; Luke xxiii. 54; Matt. xxvii. 62; John xix. 42). In Yer. Pesa?im iv. 1 the day is called "Yoma da-'Arubta" (Day of Preparation) [Jewish Encyclopedia, s.v.,?"Calendar"].That eliminates six of the days of the week, but there were still quite a few Fridays between A.D. 29 and 36.Can we figure out which one??Clue #5: A Friday at PassoverThe gospels also agree that Jesus was crucified in conjunction with the annual feast of Passover (Matthew 26:2,?Mark 14:1,?Luke 22:1,?John 18:39).Here we encounter a momentary complication, because Matthew, Mark, and Luke describe the Last Supper on Holy Thursday as a Passover meal (Matthew 26:19,?Mark 14:14,?Luke 22:15). That would suggest that Good Friday was the day after Passover.However, when describing the morning of Good Friday, John indicates that the Jewish authorities had not yet eaten the Passover meal:Then they led Jesus from the house of Caiaphas to the Praetorium [i.e., Pilate's palace]. It was early. They themselves did not enter the Praetorium, so that they might not be defiled, but might eat the passover.?So Pilate went out to them [John 18:28-29a].That suggests that the Passover would have begun on sundown Friday.There are a number of ways of resolving this. For example, some have suggested that Jesus and his disciples used a different calendar than the Jewish authorities, and we know that there were different calendars in use in first century Judaism.It's also possible that Jesus just?advanced the date?of the Passover celebration for him and his disciples. I mean, they were already convinced he was the Messiah and the Son of God. If he says, "We're celebrating Passover today," and it's a day earlier than most people, they'd just go with that.?(Note that he made other modifications to the ceremony, such as instituting the Eucharist in the midst of it.)And there are other solutions.However, regardless of what Jesus' movement did, we can look to John's statement about the Jesus' captors as an indication of what the Jewish authorities or the mainstream Jewish practice was: They were celebrating a Passover beginning on what we would call Friday evening.That lets us narrow down the range of possible dates to just a few. Here is a complete list of the days between A.D. 29 and 36?on whose evenings Passover began:Monday, April 18, A.D. 29Friday, April 7, A.D. 30Tuesday, March 27, A.D. 31Monday, April 14, A.D. 32Friday, April 3, A.D. 33Wednesday, March 24, A.D. 34Tuesday, April 12, A.D. 35Saturday, March 31, A.D. 36As you can see, we have just two candidates left: Jesus was either crucified on April 7 of A.D. 30 or April 3 of A.D. 33.Which was it?The traditional date is that of A.D. 33. You will find quite a number of people today advocating the A.D. 30 date.Do the gospels let us decide between the two??Clue #6: John's Three PassoversThe Gospel of John records three different Passovers during the ministry of Jesus:Passover #1: This is recorded in?John 2:13, near the beginning of Jesus' ministry.Passover #2: This is recorded in?John 6:4, in the middle of Jesus' ministry.Passover #3: This is recorded in?John 11:55?(and frequently mentioned afterwards), at the end of Jesus' ministry.That means that the ministry of Jesus had to span something over two years. A fuller treatment would reveal that it spanned about three and a half years, but even if we assume it began immediately before Passover #1, the addition of two more Passovers shows that it lasted more than two years at a bare minimum.That means the A.D. 30 date is out.There is not enough time between the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar--A.D. 29--and the next year's Passover to accomodate a ministry of at least two years.The numbers don't add up.As a result, the traditional date of Jesus' death--Friday, April 3, A.D. 33--must be regarded as the correct one.Can we be even more precise??Clue #7: "The Ninth Hour"Matthew, Mark, and Luke each record that Jesus died about "the ninth hour" (Matthew 27:45-50,?Mark 15:34-37,?Luke 23:44-46)."The ninth hour" is what we, today, would refer to as 3:00 p.m.This allows us to narrow down the time of Jesus' death to a very specific point in history:?around 3:00 p.m on Friday, April 3, A.D. 33.Of course, there are a lot of detailed arguments that I haven't taken space to deal with here. But this is the thrust of things.This is when it happened.?Read more:?, AS SHEPHERDBlind SkiersDate: 12/2007.101Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching from Leadership Journal ed. Craig Brian Larson #252 A television program preceding the 1988 Winter Olympics featured blind skiers being trained for slalom skiing, impossible as that sounds. paired with sighted skiers, the blind skiers were taught on the flats how to make right and left turns. When that was mastered, they were taken to the slalom slope, where their sighted partners skied beside them shouted "Left!" and :Right!" As they obeyed the commands, they were able to negotiate the course and cross the finish line depending solely on the sighted skiers' word. It was either complete trust or catastrophe.What a vivid picture of the Christian life! In this world, we are in reality blind about what course to take We must rely solely on the Word of the only One who is truly sighted - God himself. His Word gives us the direction we need to finish the course.CHRIST, AS SHEPHERDHerd InstinctDate: 6/2007.101Nov 13 2011 DCFC English [Jesus came to the world to...] John 10:1-18 – Lay down His life?Daily Bread April 17 2007Near the village of Gevas in eastern Turkey, while shepherds ate their breakfast, one of their sheep jumped off a 45-foot cliff to its death. Then, as the stunned shepherds looked on, the rest of the flock followed. In all, 1,500 sheep mindlessly stumbled off the cliff. The only good news was that the last 1,000 were cushioned in their fall by the growing woolly pile of those who jumped first. According to The Washington Post, 450 sheep died.The Bible often refers to human beings as sheep (Psalms 100:3; Isaiah 53:6; Matthew 9:36). Easily distracted and susceptible to group influence, we would rather follow the crowd than the wisdom of the Shepherd.I’m glad the Bible also describes sheep in a positive way. Jesus said, I am the Good Shepherd . . . . My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me (John 10:14,John 10:27).So the big question for us is: Whom are we following? One another? Self-centered shepherds? Or the voice and direction of the Good Shepherd?Our challenge is to avoid the mistake of the sheep who blindly followed one another over a cliff. We must make it our daily purpose to ask ourselves: Am I listening for the voice of the Good Shepherd? Am I following Him? Mart De HaanCHRIST, AS SHEPHERDGood, Great & Chief Shepherd16 April 2017 QBC Chinese – Matt 28:1-15 The victorious King16 April 2017 QBC English – Matt 28:1-15 The victorious KingThis past Saturday, GenPaul has a prayer marathon. We had reading of God’s Word, prayer, meditation and just lingering. Without realizing, I spent 3 hours there. One of the recurring themes that came up during the reading, the devotion that was provided was the imagery of Jesus being the shepherd. In the NT, there are three different description of Jesus being our shepherd. He is the Good Shepherd, the Great Shepherd and the Chief shepherd! John 10, he is our Good Shepherd that laid down His life willingly. It is because of Jesus laying down his life that He becomes a Great shepherd (Heb 13:20) who leads us through the valley of shadow of death. But not only is he the Great shepherd, he is the chief shepherd who will come again and give us an unfading crown of glory (1 Pe 5:4). The point is Jesus laid down his life as a good shepherd but He resurrected to be able to lead us in life as the Great shepherd and He will come again as the Chief shepherd.Ps 23Date: 6/2009.1017 June 2009 DCFC English Worship - [Heavenly Songs for Earthly Woes] Ps 23 The Lord is my shepherdDec 2016 GenPaul Retreat [Lingering in the presence of God] – Ps 23 The Lord is my shepherdThis psalm is popular and endearing because it brings out deep theological truths of God's provision and protection in such simple poetic terms even when misquoted by children. As a little child said, "The Lord is my shepherd, what more shall I want?" What more do we need? Truly, with the Lord in our lives, what else do we need?CHRIST, AS SHEPHERDThe Evangelist & the Post OfficeDate: 5/2007.101Hot Illustrations A famous evangelist was in town to hold an evangelistic crusade. On the way to the stadium where the crusade was being held, the evangelist wanted to stop at the post office and mail a letter. But he got hopelessly lost and finally decided to ask someone for directions.He noticed a little boy walking on the sidewalk, so he pulled over and said, Excuse me, son, but can you tell me where the post office is?The little boy said, Sure. Turn around and go back down the street to the first light, turn left and it’s a block or two on your right.Thank you very much, young man, said the evangelist. By the way, he added, handing the boy an announcement for the crusade, I’d like to invite you to come to a meeting later today where I’ll tell you how you can find Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.Fat chance, said the little boy. You can’t even find the post office.Where to Take It from Here...Fortunately for us, we don’t have to find Jesus. Jesus finds us. In Luke 15, Jesus describes us as lost sheep. As a shepherd with a flock of one hundred sheep, he says, he leaves the ninety-nine in order to go out and find the one that has gone astray. We don’t have to find our way back to the fold. Jesus is pursuing us. All we need to do is stop running and let him take us back.CHRIST, AS SHEPHERDThe Trek of Machoo-PeechooDate: 7/2006.101July 22 2006 - DCFC YOC16 March 2008 DCFC English - Mark 12:28-34 - A Mountaineering Guide12 July 2006 - ABC NightlineA group of 18 kids went to Peru to climb a mountain - the mountain of Machoo-peechoo, it is one of the sacred trails of the Incas.An interesting feature of this group is that it consist of a group of blind kids with some normal kids. They lived together and trained together, with the normal kids guiding the blind. Their treks takes a few days, up and down slopes, crossing rivers, through forest. It was difficult because the air gets thinner as they go higher. It was essential that the blind kids follow their guide as they ascend and descend slopes. They can't see anything but managed to complete the journey, wholly trusting and following their guide through all the obstacles before them.Likewise, we have a guide who walks with us through our lives - Christ. And we need friends who would walk with us too.CHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTEChuck Colson05 Dec 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Satisfying Life’s Desires] Ps 51 Living in JoyJesus Became Man’s Substitute In January 1975, after I was in prison seven months, I hit my low point. I learned that my son, in college, had been arrested for drug possession. He was in jail, and I couldn’t reach out to him. I learned I was disbarred in one state. My dad, my closest friend, had died. My mother was alone. My wife was having difficulty managing things. The other three guys in Watergate, who were in prison with me, were released because they’d been sentenced by another judge. Then I received a phone call from Al Quie, seventh ranking Republican in the House of Representatives. He said, “Chuck, we’ve been praying, and we’ve been hurting for you. I found an old pre-Civil War statute that says one man can serve another man’s prison sentence, and I’m going down tomorrow to ask President Ford if I can come in and serve your sentence so you can go home.” That night, by my bunk, I got down on the dirty floor and said, “God, thank You, because now I know the truth.” —Chuck Colson, quoted by Mike and Amy Nappa in?Men of Integrity, Vol. 3, no. 5. See:?John 15:13;?Romans 5:6-8;?Ephesians 2:1-10 CHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTEDoing push upsDate: 12/2008.101This past week, Josie received a rather interesting story via the e-mail that I would like to paraphrase for you this morning. Unfortunately, I do not know the name of the author. However, I do know that it was written by one of the students who witnessed this experiential sermon in a small Christian college, somewhere in the western United States. It happened during an introductory course in Christian theology. The professor who taught this course was named Dr. Christianson. Every student was required to take this course his or her freshman year, regardless of their major. Although Dr. Christianson tried hard to communicate the essence of the Gospel to his class, he found that most of his students looked upon the course as nothing but required drudgery. Despite his best efforts, most students refused to take the course, and subsequently, Christianity seriously. There was, however, one special student in his class. Steve had entered college with the intent of later going on to seminary to study for the ordained ministry, and so he took this course seriously. Steve was also popular among the student body. He was not only well liked, he was an imposing physical specimen. Even as a freshman, he was the starting center on the school football team. One day, Dr. Christianson asked Steve to remain after class in order to talk with him. Dr. Christianson then asked Steve, "how many push-ups can you do?" Steve responded, "I do about 200 every night." "Well, that pretty good, Steve," Dr. Christianson responded. Then he asked, "do you think you could do 300?" "I don't know," Steve answered. I've never done 300 at a time." "Can you do 300 in sets of 10? I have a class project in mind and I need you to do about 300 push-ups in sets of ten for this to work. Can you do it?" the professor asked. Steve said, "Well, I think I can. Yeah, I can do it." Dr. Christianson said, "Good. I need you to do this on Friday. Let me explain what I have in mind." Friday came and Steve got to class early and sat in the front of the room. When class started the professor pulled out a huge box of donuts. Now, these weren't the normal kind of donuts. They were the extra fancy, BIG kind, with cream centers and frosting. Everyone in the class became excited. It was Friday, the last class of the day, and it looked as though they were going to get an early start on the weekend with a party in Dr. Christianson's class. Dr. Christianson then went to the first girl in the first row and asked, "Cynthia, do you want to have one of these donuts?" "Yes," she replied. Dr. Christianson then turned to Steve and asked, "Steve, would you do ten push-ups so that Cynthia can have a donut?" "Sure," Steve said, as he jumped down to the floor in front of his desk and did a quick ten. Then he returned to his seat. Dr. Christianson then put a donut on Cynthia's desk, and went to the next person in the row and asked, "Joe, would you like a donut?" Joe said "Yes." And again, Dr. Christianson asked, "Steve, would you do ten push-ups so that Joe can have a donut?" And again, Steve hit the floor and did a quick ten. And so it went, down the first row of students. Steve did ten push-ups for every person before they got their donut. Then Dr. Christianson started down the second row, and came to Scott. Scott was on the basketball team, and an athlete in his own right. When Scott was asked if he wanted a donut, he responded by saying, "Well, can I do my own push-ups." Dr. Christianson responded, "No. Steve has to do them." Scott then said, "Then I don't want one.? Dr. Christianson shrugged his shoulders, turned to Steve, and asked, "Steve, would you do ten push-ups so Scott can have a donut that he doesn't want?" And in obedience, Steve started to do ten push-ups. Scott then said, "Hey, I said I didn't want one." Dr. Christianson retorted, "Look, this is my classroom, my class, and my donuts. Just leave it on the desk if you don't want it." And he put a donut on Scott's desk. By this time, Steve had begun to slow down. He just stayed on the floor between sets, because it took too much effort to be getting up and down. You could start to see perspiration coming out around his brow. And as Dr. Christianson started down the third row, the students were beginning to get angry. "Jenny, do you want a donut?" he asked. And as sternly as she could, she said "No." But again, Steve did ten for the donut that Jenny didn't want. By now, a growing sense of uneasiness filled the room. The students were all beginning to say "No," and there were all these uneaten donuts on the desks. Steve also had to really put forth a lot of extra effort to get his push-ups done for each donut. A small pool of sweat formed on the floor from beneath his face. The class could clearly see that his arms and brow were red from the physical effort involved. Dr. Christianson started down the fourth row. During his class, however, some other students from other classes had wandered in and sat on the steps along the side wall of the classroom. When the professor realized this, he did a quick count, and realized that there were now 35 students in the room. He began to worry if Steve would be able to make it, because it was taking him much longer to complete each set. When he came to the end of the last row, he asked Steve, "Do you think we should give a donut to these five, who are not members of our class? You realize that if we do, you will need to do ten push-ups for each one. Steve picked up his head, his arms now visibly shaking from exhaustion, and said, "Give them a donut. But do I have to touch my nose to the floor on each push-up." Dr. Christianson thought for a moment and said, "Well, they're your push-ups. You are in charge now. You can do them any way you want." As Dr. Christianson went to those last few students, the tone in the voices had changed from defiance, and anger, to sadness and compassion. The next to last student very sadly uttering, "No, thank you." Again, Dr. Christianson quietly asked "Steve, would you do ten push-ups so that Linda can have a donut she doesn't want?" Grunting from the effort, Steve did ten, very slow push-ups for Linda. Then he stood before the last student, and asked, "Susan, do you want a donut?" With tears flowing down her face, she asked, "Dr. Christianson, why can't I help him? Dr. Christianson responded, with tears of his own, "No, Steve has to do it alone. I have given him the task and he is in charge of seeing that everyone has an opportunity for a donut, whether they want it or not. When I decided to have this party, I looked at my grade book. Steve is the only one with a perfect grade. Everyone else has either failed a class, skipped a class, or offered me inferior work. Steve shared with me that in football practice, when a player messes up, he has to do push-ups. I then told Steve that none of you could come to my party unless he paid the consequences for you, by doing your push-ups. He and I made a deal for your sakes. Then he added, "Steve, would you do ten push-ups so Susan can have a donut?" As Steve very slowly finished his last push-up, his arms buckled beneath him, and he fell to the floor. Two students helped an exhausted Steve to a seat. Dr. Christianson then turned to his class and said, "My wish is that you might understand and fully comprehend all the riches of grace and mercy that have been given to you through the sacrifice of our Lord, Jesus the Christ, who gave himself up for us all. Whether or not we choose to accept his gift to us, the price has been paid. Wouldn't it be foolish and ungrateful, to leave it lying on your desk?" CHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTEDr Drew's DiscoveryDate: 8/2006.101Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks 4 P172 For much of its history, the USA has not been so united. For centuries, American societies was racially segregated. From schools to buses, public restrooms to drinking facilities, restaurants to churches, the country was divided into black and white.Hospitals were among the last institutions to desegregate because many people were afraid they might get the "wrong blood" during a transfusion. They feared that if they received blood from a person of another color or ethnicity, they might actually develop characteristics of that race.All that changed when Dr Charles Drew came along.In the 1930s, Dr Drew created the process we now use to make plasma. Plasma means it can be used to treat bleeding patients without the need for whole blood.Dr Drew's discovery was so noteworthy that he was asked to head the Blood for Britain campaign during WWII. After the war, Drew founded the American Blood Bank which is still in operation today.Ironically, Dr Charles Drew died in 1950 at the age of 46 because he did not receive blood transfusion or blood plasma in time.Dr Drew was injured in an automobile accident and taken to the hospital that was still segregated - a hospital that would not admit black people. And since Dr Drew was a black man, he bled to death.Application:Dr Charles Drew dedicated his life to saving lives - yet he could not save his own. Sounds familiar? When Jesus was hanging on the cross, the leaders of the religious establishment mocked him, "He saved others,: they said, "but he can't save himself! He's the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross and we will believe in him!" (Matthew 27:42).It is only in retrospect that we can appreciate the injustice of Dr Drew's death. because public policy has changed, we may believe we're different from the people of 1950. We cling to the belief that we would have behaved in a more caring manner than those who turned Dr Drew away during his time of need.But can we be sure of that?What about Jesus' death on the cross? Are we any different today than those who mocked the Savior and drove nails through his hands and feet? Unless we truly appreciate what he did for us, we aren’t different at all. We have to put our faith in Jesus and make him Lord and Savior of our lives. Only then can we be changed by him from inside out.CHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTEFighting Fire with Fire- Burnt over GroundDate: 8/2006.101Oct 16 2011 DCFC English [Jesus came to the world to...] John 3 - Give us second birthHot Illustrations For Youth Talks 4 P59 The pioneers who settled the American West often had to travel for days at a time across miles and miles of grassy plains. And while pioneers considered mountain ranges difficult and treacherous to cross, they dreaded these vast plains even more. It wasn't hostile Indians, prairie wolves, rattlesnakes or summer heat that caused their fear. It was lightning.The high grass on the plains was often so dry that lightning could ignite a small fire that could then be whipped up by the winds and spread quickly across the land, engulfing everything and everyone in its path. Many died on their journeys across the plains simply because they were unable to outrun a raging prairie fire.After many tragic journeys, the pioneers developed a method of finding refuge from these fires that is still used today. Whenever they saw smoke from a lightning fire in the distance they would go downwind from their wagons and set the plains on fire. The wind would then push that fire and burn the grass downwind from them. Once the grass was burned, they would then move their horses and wagons across the scorched land. When the fire from the lightning did reach them, they were safe because there was no longer any grass to be burned.The pioneers found safety by fighting fire with fire.Application:In a sense, Jesus fought fire with fire. He took the sins of the world upon himself and endured a cruel death so that we would not have to suffer the fires of hell. Jesus knew the only way for us to avoid death was for him to die. By taking our sins to the cross, he destroyed them "as far as the east is from the west" (Psalms 103:12) and provided us with a safe place to stand. 'Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1)Don't try to outrun the flames. You can’t do it. You need to stand firm on the solid rock of faith in Jesus Christ.CHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTEFiorello LaGuardiaDate: 11/2007.101June 04 2012 DCFC English [Worship Acceptable to God] Mal 2:17-3:5 A call to trust in a just GodIllustrations for Preaching & Teaching From Leadership Journal: Ed. Craig Brian Larson #5 The fame LaGuardia airport in NY was named after its irrepressible mayor.One winter's night in 1935, it is told, Fiorello LaGuardia, the irrepressible mayor of New York, showed up at a night court in the poorest ward of the city. He dismissed the judge for the night and took over the bench. That night a tattered old woman, charged with stealing a loaf of bread, was brought before him. She defended herself saying, "My daughter's husband has deserted her. She is sick and her children are starving." The shopkeeper refused to drop the charges, saying," It's a bad neighborhood, your honor and she's got to be punished to teach other people a lesson."LaGuardia sighed. he turned to the old woman and said, "I've got to punish you; the law makes no exceptions. Ten dollars or ten days in jail." However, even while pronouncing sentence, LaGuardia reached into his pocket, took out a ten-dollar bill and threw it into his hat with these famous words: "Here's the ten-dollar fine, which I now remit and furthermore, I'm going to fine everyone in the courtroom fifty cents for living in a town where a person has to steal bread so that her grandchildren can eat. Mr. Bailiff, collect the fines and give them to the defendant."The following day, a New York newspaper reported, "Forty-seven dollars and fifty cents was turned over to a bewildered old grandmother who had stolen a loaf of bread to feed her starving grandchildren. making forced donations were a red-faced storekeeper, seventy petty criminals and a few New York policemen."Application:Atonement of Christ. Judgment & PaymentCHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTEJack BauerDate: 10/2007.10124 hours - Jack Bauer takes a bullet for the president. Secret Service agents are willing to do such a thing because they believe the President is so valuable to our country and the world that he is worth dying for. Obviously they would not take a bullet for just anyone. At Calvary the situation was reversed. The President of the Universe actually took a bullet for each of us. At the Cross, we see how valuable we are to God.CHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTENebelun Jabelun - Yali TribeDate: 11/2007.1012007 Germany Magdeburg - John 4:1-24 The Samaritan woman06 Sept 2015QBC Mandarin Worship – Ps 67 Heart for the NationsGrace Baptist Mission conferenceYali tribe. Missionary noticed that they have maimed figures & ears. Old folks only have two digits on their left hand and 3 on their right. Their ears are very small too. This was because at the funerals of their relatives, they would cut off 1/3 of their fingers. They are a violent tribe so always kill each other. After 9 relatives die, they world start with their right hand and then their ears. He tried sharing the gospel with them for a few years, but efforts were in vain. One day he asked them, "Why do you maim yourself? Isn't it painful enough that your relative died?""Yes. you see, we believe that man once had eternal life. But one day, the spider of life and bird of death had an argument. The bird won and the spider - called Nebelun Jabelun left. We believe that Nebelun Jabelun will return when the pain quota is filled. The usual pain and sickness of death is not enough. Thus we inflict more pain on ourselves, hoping for Nebelun Jabelun to return. We must be careful because Nebelun Jabelun will come in a disguise and we must welcome him."The missionary hit on an idea - Jesus Christ is Nebelun Jabelun. We need not inflict pain on ourselves or do good deeds - all is done by Christ. By this the gospel door was opened.CHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTENew EarsDate: 5/2007.1017 Oct 2007 - DCFC English - Luke 10:25-32/ John 15:12-13 - Crossing the Street23-25 Sept 2011 ACBC Missions Conference (Mandarin) – Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan July 08 2012 DCFC Chinese Luke 10:25-37 Good SamaritanHot IllustrationsGuy Dowd tells this story:Danny was born with no ears. He could hear all right, but he didn’t have ears like normal people. All his life, Danny endured ridicule and rejection because of his deformity. But he learned to live with it. Thankfully, he had loving parents and a strong family to sustain him.When Danny was in high school, his doctor told him of a new procedure that made it possible to transplant ears from one person to another. That meant Danny could get new ears if someone who was compatible to him ever donated theirs.This was exciting news. After all, people donated body parts all the time hearts, lungs, kidneys. But Danny soon found that donor ears were extremely scarce.Danny didn’t give up hope, however. He knew that someday he would get new ears. He graduated from high school with honors and was accepted at a major university thousands of miles away. He kissed his parents good-bye and began his life as a college student. Again, though, he found it hard to make friends and fit in because of his ears.One day he got a phone call from his father. Go to the hospital tomorrow, Danny. A donor has been found.The very next day Danny checked into the university hospital where doctors were ready to perform the surgery. A few hours later, Danny had new ears.When the bandages came off, Danny gazed into the mirror for hours. He finally had ears like normal people. For the first time in his life, he wasn’t ashamed of the way he looked. He not only had new ears, he had a new life.A few weeks later, Danny received another phone call from his father. Son, your mother is very ill, his father said. She may not live through the night.Danny was on the first plane home. When he arrived, his father gave him the sad news that his mother had died.Together they went to the funeral home, where Danny was able to see his mother for the last time. He leaned over to kiss her cheek. Brushing her hair back from her face, he noticed that she had no ears.Where to Take It from Here...It was a mother’s incredible love that provided Danny with new ears. And it was a Fathers incredible love that provided us with new life. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).CHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTENo Greater LoveDate: 5/2007.101Hot Illustrations In the open salvos of World War II, a large British military force on the European continent, along with some English citizens and diplomats, retreated to the French coastal port of Dunkirk. With its back against the English Channel, the British army faced a German army that threatened to drive it into the sea. To save what he could of his army, British prime minister Winston Churchill called for all available sea vessels, whether large or small, to evacuate the soldiers and civilians from the besieged French beaches and bring them back across the Channel to safety.An incredible array of ships and boats raced to the rescue fishing boats and cruise ships alike. As the flotilla made its way to the beach to pick up soldiers and then move out again, Nazi aircraft set upon them like vultures while German artillery pummeled them with shells. Ships were strafed with machine gun fire, and some were blown out of the water altogether.Three German Messerschmits attacked the defenseless Lancastria, a converted cruise liner, whose decks and hold were packed with soldiers. One bomb dropped directly down the ships smokestack, tearing a huge gap in her lower hull. Nearly 200 men were trapped in the forward hold of the now severely listing ship. No one doubted that the liner was going down. Chaos, smoke, oil, fire, and blood, mixed with terrified cries of the men trapped below, created pandemonium on deck as those hopeful of surviving searched for lifeboats or simply leaped into the water.Moving through the middle of this living nightmare, a young Navy chaplain quietly worked his way to the edge of the hold and peered in at the darkness below.Then, knowing he could never get out, he lowered himself in.Survivors later told how the only thing that gave them courage to survive until passing ships could rescue them was hearing the strong, brave voices of the men in the hold singing hymns as the ship finally rolled over and went to the bottom.Where to Take It from Here...This true story testifies to the courage and compassion of one faithful Christian who gave his life to provide comfort, courage, and hope to the suffering. We are also called to demonstrate that kind of love in our lost and dying world. Greater love has no man than this (John 15:13).CHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTESatisfaction of GodDate: 8/2007.101YOC Retreat 2007 (Lake Lavon) - Phil 3:7-16 ~ The One Pursuit of LifeSept 2007 FWC Retreat: The Kingdom is Here - Kingdom Goal Phil 3:7-16As the founder of Dallas Seminary, Dr Chafer said, "In Christ, God is fully satisfied - we can do nothing more or nothing less to please Him - that is the grace of God." CHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTESaving Private RyanDate: 8/2006.101DCFC Sunday School 2006 - Ruth 316 March 2008 DCFC English - Mark 12:28-34 - A Mountaineering GuideHot Illustrations for Youth Talks 4 P142One of the most powerful films in recent history is Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan. The film begins on D-Day, June 6 1944, as the Nazis were advancing across Western Europe. Faced with the ugly possibility of defeat, the Allied powers staged on the beaches of Normandy the greatest military invasion in history. Their goal was to cripple the German army and ultimately force Hitler and his army into retreat.Following the bloody battle, Captain John Miller (played by Tom Hanks) and his surviving company of soldiers receive very unusual orders from their commander. They must locate and rescue a soldier, Private James Ryan (played by Matt Damon), who is fighting somewhere behind enemy lines. We are told that Pte Ryan and his 3 older brothers enlisted in the Army. What Pte Ryan doesn't know is that all three of his brothers perished during the Normandy invasion. To spare Pte Ryan's mother the anguish of losing all four of her sons, Miller and his men must find James and bring him back alive.As Miller and his 8 men move deeper into enemy territory in search of Pte Ryan, they engage in an intense debate about why one man's life is so important that they should risk theirs. "This Ryan better be worth it," Miller says. "He better go home and cure some disease or invent a new longer-lasting light bulb."Despite their misgivings, Capt. Miller's band of soldiers bravely carried out their orders, with several of them paying the ultimate price as they successfully locate and rescue the young soldier. In the final battle scene, Miller takes a bullet that will ultimately cost him his life. But before he dies, he whispers to Pte Ryan, who is kneeling by his side, "Earn this...earn it."The movie ends with a scene set some 50 years after the war, with elderly James Ryan standing over Capt. Miller's grave at Arlington National Cemetery. With a trembling voice, he says, "Every day I think about what you said to me that day on the bridge. I've tried to life my life the best I could. I hope that was enough... I hope I earned what you did for me."Application:In the movie, Ryan then asks his wife, "Have I been a good man?" For 50 years, her was tormented by the realization that he could never do enough to earn what Capt. Miller and his men did for him.Contrast that with Jesus, who gave his life so that we could love. His dying words were not "Earn this." Instead, he said, "It is finished."Had Jesus said, "Earn this." you would quickly come to realize that there's no way to earn what it costs for Jesus to give his life for yours. To spend a lifetime trying to earn your salvation only leads to frustration and despair.That's why Jesus said, "It is finished!" He declared once and for all that nothing more needs to be done. You don't have to earn it. The free gift of salvation is yours - no strings attached. Just believe and accept him as your savior and friend.Does this mean we live our lives as if nothing happened? Do we go on living as we did before? "By no means!" writes Paul in Romans 6:2. Instead we demonstrate that we have new life in Christ by living in obedience to him. Our good works won’t earn our salvation, but they will provide evidence that we have gratefully received it.CHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTEThe Knitting NeedleDate: 9/2007.101Fresh Ideas: Illustrations, Stories & Quotes - Jim Burns & Greg McKinnon - Is 53:5 There was once a young boy named Jim whose parents died when he was very young. His grandmother took him in and by herself, tried to raise him and worked long hours to provide for him. One day when little Jim came home from school his grandmother discovered that he had some things that didn't belong to him. He had stolen them from some of his classmates. His grandmother told him that is was wrong to take something that didn't belong to him even if other people had more than he did. She made him promise never to steal anymore. He promised but it was not long before he broke his promise and his grandmother found out.She asked Jim to come with her and she turned and walked down the hall of their small house toward the kitchen. On the way she stopped and took a knitting needle from her knitting bag. When they got to the kitchen she turned on one of the burners on the gas stove and laid the knitting needle across the hot flames. Jim watched as the knitting needle got hotter and hotter until finally it was red hot. His grandmother then picked up the needle with a pot holder and held it up where little Jim could see its sizzling hot metal. Then she told Jim, "if I ever catch you stealing anything again, I'm going to put this red hot knitting needle in the palm of your hand. Little Jim's eyes were as big as saucers and he was so scared that he promised her he would never steal again.But as time passed, Jim's fear of the knitting needle faded and he began to steal again. Finally he was caught by his grandmother. She confronted him and asked him to come with her. They started walking down the hall toward the kitchen and on the way she picked up the knitting needle. Jim was so afraid he began to shake. His grandmother grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall toward the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, she turned on the burner and laid the knitting needle across the flame. Little Jim shook with fear and began to cry as he saw the needle getting hotter & hotter. His grandmother held his little hand tight. She then picked up the needle with the pot holder, stretched open Jim's plan and brought down the needle. But at the last moment she let go of Jim's hand and put the needle in her own. After that day, Jim never stole anything again. What fear could not do, the sacrificial love of his grandmother did.Application:You should want to obey God, not out of fear of what might happen to you if you don't but out of love for the One who first loved you.Is 53; Romans 8:1-2; Ephesians 2:1-9CHRIST, BECAME MAN’S SUBSTITUTETrying to stop deathDate: 9/2007.10125 July 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Extreme Makeover: Church Edition] 1 Cor 15:50-58 Rethinking Death & Resurrection Apr 03 2011 DCFC Chinese Worship Eph 1:1-14 What is so good about being a Christian?20 April 2014 – Evangel Morning & Xiyang – Mark 16:1-8 Go Shout it on the mountain!20 July 2014 – Funeral of Caleb’s Grandfather (Mr Ang Song Hai Chinese) – Death is going home14 Nov 2015 – Funeral of Mother of Soo Leng & Bob Soo Min (Mdm Foo Hai Hee English) – Death is going homeFresh Ideas: Illustrations, Stories & Quotes - Jim Burns & Greg McKinnon P27 - Hebrews 2:14-15Dr Pierce Harris told the story about a dear Christian woman who became very weak. She went to her physician and he administered a series of tests and told her that she had cancer. With compassion, the physician told her that her condition was not good. He shared with her that she had a type of cancer that was very rare, but it was also a rapidly spreading type. She asked the doctor, "How long do I have?" He responded, "You have at the outset three months to live."When she returned home, her pastor came to see her. After telling him the news, he asked her, "How are you doing?" She said, "I’m fine, but I am having difficulty telling my little boy Billy. 5 times I've tried to tell him and I just can't do it. Will you please tell him for me?" The pastor said, "I’ll try the best I can!"He prayed for grace and he went into the backyard where the little boy was. He put his arms around the lad and said, "Billy, your mother is getting ready to take a long trip." And the little boy in his childish innocence looked into the eyes of the pastor and said, "Pastor there are two questions I want to ask. One, how long will she be gone and two when is she leaving?"The pastor swallowed hard and said, "Billy, your mother is not coming back." And then he looked up at a big tree overhead. it was in the latter part of September and the leaves were beginning to change colors. he said, "When the leaves have all fallen from this big tree overhead, your mother will be gone." Over the next two months, he faithfully visited the lady. After nearly three months had ended he came to see her one day and she was weak. She had lost weight and was hardly able to speak. he said to her, "How are you doing?" She said with a faint smile, "Oh, I'm fine, but I don't see my little boy much. He stays in the backyard and I am too weak to go to the window to see what he is doing. Would you go out and check on him?"The pastor went into the backyard and could not find the little boy. He shouted, "Billy! Billy! Where are you?" he then heard a quivering voice above as he turned and looked up into the tree and there he saw the little boy with pockets filled with leaves and several strands of string in his little tears, said, "Pastor, I'm up here tying to tie the leaves to the tree. I don't want the leaves to fall. I don't want Mama to leave."Application:You cannot stop death no matter how hard you try, but because of Christ, you no longer have to fear death.Matthew 16:21-23; John 5:24; Romans 6:23CHRIST, BEING LIKEBurning for Christ Requires Being Close to HimDate: 3/2006.101John RW Stott "The Cross is the blazing fire at which the flame of our love is kindled, and we have to get near enough for its sparks to fall on us." CHRIST, BEING LIKEHow much time do we spend in Quiet Time?Date: 3/2006.101We become who we associate with most. We were discussing about children with friends and then they told us that they took after their parents when it came to quarrelling - both of them just do not raise their voice and do not know how to quarrel because of their environment. The wife shared with us that She could not remember once that her father raised his voice, so much so that her sister do not shout or raise her voice at all because she don’t know how. Well, I realized that I was the opposite and began thinking - How do I want my children to grow up to be? Then I must set the correct environment. Because the more time they spend with me, the more they will take after me - thru observation etc.How do we want to take after? We say Christ - but how much do time do we spend with Him?MichaelangeloRobert J. Morgan, On This Day: 365 Amazing and Inspiring Stories About Saints, Martyrs & Heroes, electronic ed. (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997).March 6, 1475 is the birthdate of the creator of David, Moses, the Pieta, and the dome of St. Peter’s. Michelangelo Buonarroti was born in a small Italian town, nursed in a marble quarry, and raised in nearby Florence. He spent his leisure painting and drawing, and was chosen at age 13 for admittance to a new art school established by Lorenzo de’ Medici in the Medici Gardens. Between lessons, he listened to the mighty Savonarola preaching his fiery gospel nearby.As a young man he gained rapid fame for his Pieta (Madonna holding her crucified son), then for carving David from an 18-foot piece of discarded marble. Pope Julius next put him on his back atop scaffolding, painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He was called a genius.But behind Michelangelo’s genius resided a tragic figure. He didn’t get along with others and frequently burned with jealousy, foul moods, and disdain for others. He wore old clothes which he seldom changed, and he never bathed. Though rich, he lived as a miser. He ate whatever he found, sometimes only crumbs, and he slept in his raiment and boots. He hated small talk and preferred being alone. He disliked women. All his passion went into his work, and he had little need for friends, except for a servant who tended to him for 25 years and shared his bed.Michelangelo’s bad temper caused one pope to remark, “He is such an alarming man, and there is no getting on with him.” At times the artist was depressed to the edge of insanity, and in his old age he became obsessed with the fear of hell.But in advancing age his thoughts turned more and more to the Christ he had so frequently painted, and to the sermons he had heard from the martyred Savonarola. Near the end of his life, Michelangelo wrote that neither Painting nor sculpture now can lull to rest / My soul, that turns to His great love on high, / Whose arms to clasp us on the cross are spread.He died in his eighty-ninth year.CHRIST, BIRTHThe Heli FamilyDate: 10/2008.101Christmas The Heli family lived in a village in northern Palestine. As you know this is a part of the world marked by terrible violence and age old hatreds. The Heli children grew up hearing stories of how their grandparents and great-grandparents had lived freely in their land, how their country had been invaded and taken over by a foreign government. Life was hard and the conflict was often brutal. Some of the village folk grudgingly accepted the state of affairs and got on with life as best they could; others fought back, becoming terrorists bent on forcing the foreign government to withdraw.When the Helis were about to have their first child the government demanded they move to a village in the south. They made what was a difficult trip for a heavily pregnant woman and set up their home in a new village. Any peace they experienced was short-lived. One morning the villagers awoke to the sound to government soldiers moving door to door, tearing terrified children from the arms of their parents and then cold-bloodedly executing them. The slaughter was ordered by a government which figured the best way to eliminate future threats to power was to kill the future leaders.The Helis were lucky to escape. Knowing the government had given orders to kill all children in that area they had no option but to flee to their neighboring country, Egypt, and seek refuge. They had no time to arrange visas, no time to apply for asylum and then wait for their application to be processed. If they were to save their child there was no option other than sneaking across the border and living the fearful shadow life of an unlawful entrant into a foreign land. It was only years later, after the threat died down, that they were able to go home to their beloved homeland.You of course know the Helis. You recount their story every Christmas, the story of Joseph, son of Heli, his wife Mary, and their baby son, Jesus.CHRIST, BLOOD OFDEFINING MOMENTS OF FAITHSeveral years ago Jeff Strueker was a US Army Ranger posted in Mogadishu, Somalia. Today he is a master of divinity student at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.For him Oct 3-4, 1993 were the defining moments of his life. He was one of the troops called on to go into the center Mogadisu to secure a building as part of a larger operation. The movie “Black Hawk Down” came out about a year ago chronicling the events of those two days.In the first trip into the city he and most of his friends got out through a hailstorm of bullets. One man was shot and killed. It was then that he felt the fear. He began to pray. The humvee was painted with blood as they escaped the city with their dead and wounded comrades.The news soon worsened. A helicopter was shot down. The team received orders to return to the melee. Yet, his men understandably couldn’t fight in the bloody humvees. Struecker spent the next 30 to 45 minutes cleaning. No running water. Only sponges and buckets."I began to talk to the Lord. I thought I was going to die," he said. Feeling his fear grow, he began to ask God to protect him. But his prayer soon changed. "I’ll never forget this for the rest of my life. ... A scene appeared in the landscape of my mind. The scene was Jesus in the Garden. ... He clearly and honestly knew that he was going to die. ... He also showed that he did not want to go to that cross and die. And I knew that I didn’t want to die that night. But Jesus courageously said, ’God, not my will, but yours be done.’ "If I die tonight, that’s fine, as long as your will is done," Struecker said. For the first time in his life, Struecker -- who had been a Christian since age 13 -- was prepared to die. "God spoke to my mind and my heart and said, ’I’ve been protecting you every day of your life,’" Struecker said. "He did not tell me, ’You will live through the night.’ He simply showed me my life has always been in his hands."Struecker and his men returned to the field of fire in Mogadishu that night and fought with a God-given courage. The sergeant first class would later... CHRIST, BLOOD OFSplattering Chicken BloodDate: 11/2007.101Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching From Leadership Journal: Ed. Craig Brian Larson #11 Dennis Fulton, former pilot with the Wings of Caring ministry in Zaire, tells of landing a newly purchased Cessna 402 at one of his regular stops in the back country. As always, the villagers excitedly gathered around the plane, but this time Dennis was approached by two men carrying a live chicken. One had the bird by the feet and the other had it by the head and before either the chicken or Dennis knew what was happening, the fowl's head and body parted company. The man with the flopping chicken corpse began swinging it over his head, round and round with predictable results. Dressed in a freshly pressed white shirt, Dennis was splattered with chicken blood as were the plane and the villagers.When Dennis asked what that meant, a native explained that for generations, the splattered blood signified an end to suffering. To the people of Zaire, the Cessna promised hope and help of all kinds. In a graphic way, the splattered blood of that chicken, signifying the end of suffering, was a fitting reminder of the blood Christ shed to end the suffering of a world caught in the grip of sin.CHRIST, BLOOD OFThe Blood of an OvercomerDate: 2/2007.101Hot Illustrations 1 P42 Louis Pasteur's coworker in the demonstration of what used to be called the germ theory was Dr. Felix Ruh, a Jewish doctor in Paris. The physician's granddaughter had died of black diphtheria and Dr. Ruh, vowing he would find out what had killed his granddaughter, locked himself in his laboratory for days. he emerged with a fierce determination to prove with his colleague Louis Pasteur, that the germ theory was more than a theory.The medical association had disapproved of Pasteur and had succeeded in getting him exiled but he did not of far from Paris. He hid in the forest and erected a laboratory in which to continue his forbidden research.Twenty beautiful horses were led out into the forest to the improvised laboratory. Scientists, doctors and nurses came to watch the experiment. Ruh opened a steel vault and took out a large pail filled with black diphtheria germs, which he had cultured carefully for months. There were enough germs in that pail to kill everyone in France. The scientist went to each horse and swabbed its nostrils, tongue, throat and eyes with the deadly germs. Every horse except one developed a terrific fever and died. Most of the doctors and scientists wearied of the experiment and did not remain for what they thought would be death of the remaining horse.For several more days this final horse lingered, lying pathetically on the ground. While Ruh, Pasteur and several others were sleeping on cots in the stables, the orderly on duty had been instructed to awaken the scientists should there be any change in the animal's temperature during the night. About 2 am, the temperature showed a half degree decrease and the orderly awakened Dr. Ruh. By morning the thermometer had dropped two more degrees. By night the fever was entirely gone and the horse was able to stand, eat and drink.Then Dr. Ruh took a sledgehammer and struck that beautiful horse a deathblow between the eyes. The scientist drew all the blood from veins of this animal that had developed the black diphtheria but had overcome it. The scientists drove as fast as they could to the municipal hospital in Paris. They forced their way past the superintendent and the guards and went into the ward where three hundred babies lay, segregated to die from black diphtheria. With the blood of the horse, they forcibly inoculated every one of the babies. All but three lived and recovered completely. They were saved by the blood of an overcomer.Application:We have been saved by the blood of an overcomer. Jesus Christ overcame sin and death on the Cross and by His blood we are saved (Ephesians 1:7).CHRIST, BORE THE SINS OF MANYSelf-justification04 Oct 2015 QBC English [7 Churches of Revelation] – Jesus: Judge, Savior & PriestOne night Kara was very mad and kept saying that she wants to leave home. Finally after calming her down, we ask her why? She finally admitted that she is mad because she doesn’t feel that she deserves forgiveness. She knows that we teach her unconditional forgiveness, but she does not think she deserves it. SO it is better for her to leave the home. John Newton to a pastor who is depressed because he feels guilty over his own sins. But Newton said that he has not confessed his real sin, which is the sin of self justification. “You say that you are overwhelmed with guilt and a sense of unworthiness. Well you cannot be too aware of inward and inbred evils you complain of, but you may (indeed you are) improperly controlled and affected by them. You say it is hard to understand how a holy God could accept such an awful person as yourself. You, then express not only a high opinion of yourself and a low opinion of the person, works and promises of the Redeemer… You complain about sin, but when we examine your complaint, it is so full of self-righteousness, unbelief, pride and impatience that they are a little better than the worst evils you complain of.”Lord, show me the difference between self justification and real faith. Help me to see the false trusts that keep me feeling like a false servant with you. Let the cross and your fatherly love become a daily reality in my lifeThe Bus Driver's GiftDate: 8/2006.101Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks 4 P105 One afternoon a bus driver was taking 40 children home from school. As the bus made its way down a steep grade, the brakes failed. The driver was unable to steer the bus to the left because of a high embankment or to the right because of a steep cliff.As the bus hurtled down the hill, the driver recalled that there was a narrow gate at the bottom which led into a field. He decided to try to steer the bus through the gate and into the field, figuring that it would eventually come to a safe stop. He hoped that no cars or other obstacles would get in his way before he got to the gate.When the bus reached the bottom of the hill, the driver saw the gate approaching fast. But to his horror, he noticed a small child sitting on the gate, waving at the bus.It was too late to change plans now. If the driver tried to avoid the gate, 40 children would die. He cried out in anguish as the bus slammed directly into the gate. The innocent child died instantly in the collision, but the bus and all of its passengers were saved.Emergency vehicles were the first to arrive on the scene, followed shortly by relieved parents and grandparents. Many of them wanted to show their appreciation and gratitude to the driver who had kept the bus under control long enough to save their children. But the driver was nowhere to be found. They asked the police officer where he had gone."They've taken him to the hospital," the officer said. "He's suffering from severe shock.""Well, that's understandable," they replied."No, you don't understand," said the officer. "You see, that little boy on the fence was his own son."Application:God's decision to save us came to us at a great expense to himself. Jesus cried out in the garden, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me" (Matthew 26:39). But it was God's love for us that sent Jesus to the cross (John 3:16). He gave his only son so that we could live.CHRIST, BORE THE SINS OF MANYThe Draw Bridge Operator – GospelDate: 6/2006.101YOC - July 2006 - Lock in: Be A Mountaineering Guide (Mark)Apr 29 2012 DCFC Chinese [Worship Acceptable to God] Mal 1:1-5 A call to respond to God’s loveMore Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P46There was once a man who worked in a small town as the operator of a drawbridge on a river. A train track ran across the bridge, and the operator's job was to keep the bridge up when no train was coming so that the boats could pass underneath. When the train approached, he was to blow the whistle and let down the bridge.One sunny Saturday morning, the man brought his seven-year-old son along to work with him. The boy could frolic along the river, skip rocks on the water, chase butterflies or even try to catch a fish.Shortly before noon, a passenger train was due to come through the area. The man began to make preparations to let the bridge down so the train could pass safely across the river. As he examined the bridge, he noticed that someone - a small child - had somehow climbed over the guardrail next to the bridge, and was playing at the very spot where the bridge would come down. As he looked closer, he realized with horror that the child was his son. In desperation, he yelled out his son’s name, but the sound of the approaching train drowned out his screams. He knew he had to make a quick decision. If he lowered the bridge now his son would die as the train plunged into the river. He barely had time to think.As he screamed in agony, the main thrust forward the lever to lower the bridge just as the train arrived. His son died instantly. And as the train passed by, the people just smiled and waved as they passed by the man in the control booth, with his head bowed low, oblivious to what had just taken place.Application:Isn't this what God did for us?The Train and the BoyI would like to tell you a story about a man named John Griffith. John was the father of an 8-year-old boy during the 20’s and 30’s. John was very fortunate during those times, because he had job. John loved his son very much. He was the apple of his eye. John’s son was a normal little boy who constantly wanted to go to work with his father. John decided he would take his boy to work with him one day. John was bridge conductor across the Mississippi River. John was in charge of raising and lowering the bridge so that boats could get through and trains could pass. John’s son was so amazed at the gears and all the things that went along with his father’s job. They had brought their lunch to work with them that day and decided to eat their lunch on the bank of the river. John and his son was eating lunch and John had realized that in about 3 minutes the Memphis Belle carrying 300 passengers was getting ready to cross the bridge, but the bridge was not lowered. John didn’t want to alarm his son so he patted him on the shoulder and told him to sit right there and he would be right back. John hustled up the stairs, he grabbed the lever to lower the bridge and he had realized that somehow his son had climbed to the bridge and had fallen in between the gears of the bridge. John could hear the train coming carrying the 300 passengers. In his mind he started going over ways he could get his son from the gears and still lower the bridge, but he knew he had to make a choice. John lowered the bridge just in time for the train to pass crushing his son in between the gears. John looked at the train passing by and saw a man reading his newspaper a woman drinking her tea and another talking to his wife. John screamed at the top of his lungs “Hey, Don’t you know what I’ve just done for you” they didn’t hear him so he screamed again “Hey, Don’t you know what I’ve just done for you” But again they just went along with their lives not ever realizing what John had done for them. God is asking us the same question “Don’t you know what I’ve done for you. I sent my only son to this earth for you. He died a terrible death so that you could spend eternity with me. Why are you going on with your busy meaningless live not serving me, and some of you have not even accepted me as your savior. I love you so much.我曾经在Youtube看到这个短片。当中有一个父亲把独生的儿子带到他工作的地方。他的工作是控制一座铁桥。当火车来的时候,他需要把桥放下让火车可以开过下面的那条河。那天中午时有一列火车正开过来。他准备把桥放下来,突然发现有一个小孩越过了栏杆,正好在桥跟铁轨的连接处。他仔细一看,原来是自己的孩子。他大声喊叫孩子的名字,但火车的响声把他的声音淹没了。他知道需要赶紧做出一个决定。把桥放下,他儿子就没命。不把桥放下,火车里上百人的生命就没了。他只能含着眼泪,按钮把桥放下,好眼睁睁看着自己的独生儿子被桥压死。火车安全过了桥,而火车上的乘客有的在睡觉、有的在看报纸、有的在讲话,根本没有意识到发生了什么事。他站在一边对火车大叫,“难道你们不知道我为你们做了什么?”CHRIST, BORE THE SINS OF MANYThe Puppy Nobody Wanted - Jesus Paid the Price For US!Date: 6/2006.101DCFC English Worship 22 April 2007 - Rom 12:1-2Sept 2007 FWC Retreat: The Kingdom is Here - Kingdom Transformation Rom 12:1-2Sept 3-5 2011 RCCC Retreat [Renewing our first love for Christ] Renewing our minds for worship Rom 12:1-2July 21 2013 DCFC Chinese Rom 12:1-10 – An extraordinary life, an extraordinary love?More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P143The sign on the door said "PUPPIES FOR SALE" and so the little boy went inside to look. The man inside the pet shop showed him 5 little puppies who were ready now to leave their mother. They were about the cutest dogs the little boy had ever seen."How much are they?" the little boy asked.The man replied, "Some are fifty dollars, some are more."The little boy reached into his pocket and pulled out some change. After counting it, he said, "I have a dollar and forty-seven cents.""Well, I am afraid I can't sell you one of these puppies for a dollar and forty-seven cents, little boy. You'll have to save your money and come back next time we have more puppies for sale."About that time, the pet store owner's wife brought out another puppy that had been hidden in the back of the store. It was smaller than the other puppies and had a bad leg. It couldn't stand up very well and when it tried to walk, it limped very badly."What's wrong with the puppy?" asked the little boy. The pet store owner explained that the veterinarian had examined the puppy and had discovered it didn’t have a hip socket. It would always limp and always be lame."Oh, I wish I had the money to buy that puppy!" exclaimed the little Boy with excitement. "That's the puppy I would choose!""Well, that puppy is not for sale, son. But if you really want him, I'll just give him to you. No charge."But the little boy got quite upset at this. He looked straight at the pet store owner and said, "No, I don't want you to give him to me. That little dog is worth every bit as much as the other dogs you have for sale. I'll give you a dollar and forty-seven cents now and I'll give you fifty cents a month until I have paid for this dog in full."The pet store owner was perplexed. "You don't really want to spend your money on this little dog, son. He is never going to be able to run and play with you like the other puppies."Then the little boy reached down and rolled up his pant leg to reveal a badly twisted, crippled left, and supported by a big metal brace. He looked up at the pet store owner and said, "Mister, I don't run and play too good myself. I figure this little puppy is going to need someone like me who understands."Application:Scripture says that you were "bought with a price." Jesus paid a very high price for you when he went to the cross. He did it because he loves you and wants you to be with him. And he understands what you are going through. As it says in the book of Isaiah, he was the "Suffering Servant" who "bore our iniquities." He tool all of the pain we deserve upon himself. You may feel like an outcast, a nobody. You may think nobody likes you, that nobody wants you. You may be suffering, going through difficult times. Through all of that, you can be sure that Jesus understands. He knows exactly how you feel.CHRIST, CORNER STONERock of my SalvationDate: 12/2008.101Personal - grand Canyon We drove to Grand Canyon on a road trip to California in 2008. Climb down to a pointed cliff and walked right onto it. I was feeling a little nervous as I sat down on the edge, feet dangling over. I didn't dare to walk to the pointed end, so I sat down on the side edge of the cliff. My wife came along and walked till the very edge and sat down. Now I was really nervous. I cried out, "Be careful OK?" Suddenly my world seem to be collapsing. I was so paranoid that she would fall over and my world would end. I suddenly realize how important she was to me. Even though rationally, I know it wouldn't happen and the cliff had enough space, it was about 2 feet wide right at the tip. The chances of her falling over is really really slim, though possible. But I was so afraid and yet didn’t want to make her afraid, so in the end I just walked away and didn’t want to see her sitting there, all the while, heat beating quickly. finally she came back and I sighed in relief. I asked her, "Aren’t you afraid?" "Yes, initially. Then I thought, I am standing a on a solid rock and it won't shake our anything. As long as I had faith in the rock I won't fall over. I am ok!" :That's easy for you to say!" I retorted.But later as I reflected on what she said. It makes perfect sense. She wasn't trembling as much as me because she had full faith in the rock, while I did not. Isn't this what the Psalmist said, "The Lord has planted my feet on the rock of my salvation" The image is of the psalmist standing at the edge of a deep muddy pit which was formerly used to collect water. If he falls, over, he can't get out. But around the edge of this pit, they put solid rocks so that one would not lose one's footing easily. The Lord is akin to this rock. Steady & sure. As long as we have faith in Him, it is fine.In life, Christ is my rock of salvation. I have sure footing on Him. he is the Lord that bears my daily burdens (Psalms 69)CHRIST, CRUCIFIXIONGovernors/ Crucifixion of ChristWhen Jesus was handed over to Pilate, his fate was sealed. Two factors ensure Pilate will execute Jesus. One factor concerns keeping his allies happy by respecting their wished. The second factor concerns the content of the charge. To claim to be King of the Jews without Rome’s assent is to pose a political threat and to be guilty of treason. But to execute a kingly pretender was risky. Pilate knows that it may provoke an uprising. So he conducts a poll to assess the strength of his support. He offers a public bait and switch with Barabbas. His allies manipulate the crowd to shout for Barabbas’s release. Pilate tests their support by asking several times. The crowd calls for Jesus’ execution. This is a masterful piece of work by Pilate. Aided by his Jerusalem allies, Pilate manipulates the crowd into demanding what he already intended to do, thereby disguising his will as theirs (Matt 27:24-26). But the narrative is equally skillful in exposing Pilate’s work. (1) Mrs. Pilate testifies that she has learned in a dream that Jesus is righteous or just. The word in Matthew’s Gospel attests faithfulness to God’s purposes. She ironically announces that Jesus’ faithful challenge to Rome’s way of structuring the world accounts for his death. (2) Pilate washes his hands of Jesus, blaming the people and having them take responsibility. But the narrative’s references to Pilate’s questioning of Jesus as king of the Jews, to the Jerusalem elite’s manipulation of the crowd to Pilate’s polling of the crowd reveal the self serving nature of Pilate’s and Rome’s rule.CHRIST, DOMINIONIn the shadow of the CrossDate: 7/2008.10131 August 2008 DCFC English - Heb 11:24-29 - Moses the Man who withstood Pharaoh2009 OK Retreat - Heb 11:28-31 Faith 2 Finish: Choose, See, Do2011 FCCD Retreat - Heb 11:28-31 Faith 2 Finish: Choose, See, DoPersonal - German Trip 2008An artist was told to design some art pieces in a popular square in Berlin. In the square was a statue of Marx sitting down facing a tall radio tower, one of the most popular landmark in Berlin. The artist designed some blocks of concrete with holes in it to look at this radio tower from various angles - contemporary art. This new art piece drew many people to the square. It’s so beautiful and well designed. Unknown to the communist party, this artist was a Christian. At a certain time of the day, when the sun strikes the silver radio tower, together with the concrete blocks, it will cast the shadow of a cross on Marx. Later this artist was arrested as a result.In the years of Communist domination of East Germany there was a symbol which brought hope and comfort to believers in Jesus. A huge TV tower had been erected to broadcast atheistic propaganda. Near the top of the building was a globe-shaped structure housing a restaurant. The remarkable thing was that the sunlight always reflected off the globe in the shape of a cross. The authorities were embarrassed and tried everything they could think of to prevent this optical phenomenon, even covering the dome with paint. But nothing worked. A pastor commented wryly, "No matter how hard they try, they can’t get rid of the Cross!" Paul would agree and would say, "God forbid that we even try to do that!"Where to take it:Even the greatest human system, lives in the shadow of the Cross. man will pass away but not Christ.Sometimes like the communist, we are well pleased with the plan of salvation until we discern that in it is the cross of self-denial. CHRIST, GREATNESS1809Date: 4/2007.101Youth Specialties - Hot Illustrations Had you picked up a daily newspaper in 1809, you would have read the big news that Napoleon I, emperor of France, had conquered Austria at Wagram, annexed the Illyrian Provinces (now part of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), and abolished the Papal States.But in that same year, in France...Louis Braille, who devised a way for the blind to read, was born.And in Germany...Felix Mendelssohn, the great composer of symphonies, was born.And in England...William Gladstone, the four-time Prime Minister and the father of public education, was born.Alfred Lord Tennyson, the poet laureate of Great Britain, was born.Charles Darwin, the most influential scientist of the nineteenth century, was born.And in America ...Edgar Allen Poe, the master poet and storyteller, was born.Oliver Wendell Holmes, the writer and physician who developed surgical techniques still in use today, was born.Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States, was born.But at the end of the year 1809, the only event anyone thought to be important was Napoleons conquest of Austria. That was the big news.Today, who remembers the big news of 1809? Hardly anyone. Napoleons conquest is just a tiny blip on the big screen of history. But the world was changed forever by a few seemingly insignificant births which took place that same year.Where to Take It from Here...The year Jesus was born, most people missed it. Only a few were aware of the cosmic implications of his presence in a manger in Bethlehem.And so it is with all of God's work. Most of it is behind the scenes hardly ever visible. It rarely make headlines; instead it makes a huge difference in the lives of people because it is eternal.CHRIST, GREATNESSSalvationDate: 3/1998.178122 Feb 2009 DCFC English Worship - [Heart for the Nations] Acts 9:1-22 What is so amazing about grace?07 Mar 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 3:1-13 What is the Church called to do?2-4 Apr 2010 ACBC Revival Meeting (Mandarin) – [Growing in Love, Building the Church] Eph 3:1-13 The Calling of the Church10 July 2011 DCFC Chinese Worship – Eph 3:1-13 What is the Church called to do?Jan 10 2016 QBC Chinese Col 2:6-15 – The new walk: Christ centered identityFeb 07 2016 DCFC English Col 2:6-15 – The new walk: Christ centered identityJohn Newton is remembered for his hymn "Amazing Grace." In his later years, he often lost his memory in the pulpit and had to be reminded of the subject about which he had been preaching. He said, "My memory is nearly gone; but I remember two things: that I am a great sinner and that Jesus is a great Savior."-- Robert C. Shannon, 1000 Windows, (Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Publishing Company, 1997).See: Philippians 2:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:15; Titus 2:11-13 CHRIST, INCARNATIONA Stranger At The Door – GospelDate: 6/2006.10128 Feb 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 2:11-22 What is Church?More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P25It was snowy Christmas Eve. Inside the warm house, the Christmas tree was cheerfully ablaze with lights and surrounded by dozens of presents. The man's wife and children were dressed and ready to leave for church. "Come with us," they urged, for they loved him."Not me," he snapped. "I don’t believe all that religion garbage."For many years the man’s wife had been trying to tell him about Jesus Christ and the salvation he offers. How God’s Son had become a human being in order to show us the way to heaven."Nonsense," the man always said.The family left for church and the man was all alone in his cozy country home. He glanced out the window at the cold snowy scene outside. He turned to warm himself by the fire.But as he turned, his eyes caught a movement in the snow outside. He looked. Cats! Three young cats walking slowly past his window."The fools," he thought. "They'll freeze for sure!" The man put on his hat and coat and opened the door. A blast of wintery air sent a shiver through his body."Come here, cats! Come inside where there's warmth and food. You'll die out there." But the cats ran away, frightened by the stranger at the door.He walked outside. "Come back! Don’t be afraid, I want to save you."But the cats were gone. It was too late."Well, I did everything I could do? I'd have to become a cat myself in order to reach them and save them. If I became a cat, I could tell them and show them. They would have to believe me then, unless they were fools."Just as he reached the door, the church bells rang in the distance. The man paused for a second and listened. Then he went in by the fire, go down on his knees and wept.Application:And that is what the Christmas story is all about. The Creator of the universe loved us so much that he came to earth to show us how to be saved. And if we listen to him and follow him, we will not perish, but instead will be given everlasting life (John 3:16; John 2:6-8).EpiphanyThe Year in Liturgical Cinema: EpiphanyThe Avas and Samanthas of our world—the technological avatars—cannot replace the power of fleshly presence.Joel Mayward/ December 29, 2015Note: “A Liturgical Year in Cinema” is an ongoing series, a personal exploration of the thematic connections between the Christian calendar and films. In the Christian year, January 6 marks the celebration of Epiphany, a commemoration of the revelation of God the Son as a human being in Jesus Christ.Bodies are gross. At least that’s what I learned growing up in a conservative evangelical environment, where I heard numerous warnings about the dangers of sex, the importance of modest attire, and the apparent biblical equation between “flesh” and “sin.”A quick reading of Romans 8 or Galatians 5 drives the point home: flesh = bad. Many evangelicals seem deeply uncomfortable with the human body.So perhaps it’s not surprising that when it comes to the paradoxical doctrine that Christ is both fully human and fully God, we tend to emphasize the latter over the former. Jesus is “God in a bod.” He’s more akin to an alien Superman than a true human.We would never actually say this, but many of us find that our distrust of the flesh makes it difficult to see Jesus as fully human, with sweat and tears and hair and odor and desire. And this plays out in our church environments and communities, where it is far easier to talk about incarnational community than actually live in flesh-and-blood intimacy with one another. It’s easier to send an email or text message than have a face-to-face confrontation. It’s simpler to catch the sermon via podcast or video than make a commute to the building filled with faces and strangers.Yet if Jesus was fully human—not just God with a skin suit, but an actual human being—then perhaps we need a fuller understanding of God’s fleshly revelation and our response as flesh-bearers.Two recent science-fiction films, Alex Garland’s Ex Machina (2015) and Spike Jonze’s Her (2013), point to our innate human desire for embodiment in a disembodied technological culture. Both stories build on themes from seminal sci-fi films, in which humans seek hope and salvation in artificial intelligence and technology—movies like Lang’s Metropolis or Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey.In Ex Machina, a young programmer, Caleb, wins a contest enabling him to spend a week with Nathan, a technological guru and CEO of an Internet company. Nathan has invited Caleb to be part of a Turing test with Ava, a beautiful robot with exemplary artificial intelligence capacities. As Caleb gets to know Ava through conversations, he clearly begins to develop an emotional attachment, despite her clear robotic (yet feminine) figure.Caleb’s affections for Ava mirror Theodore’s romance with Samantha in Her, where lonely Theodore falls in love with his OS (operating system), Samantha. After his marriage crumbles, Theodore turns to the latest technology for solace, finding the perfect romantic companion in Samantha, who adapts herself to Theodore’s personality and desires. The power of Spike Jonze’s script lies in its ability to make audiences believe in the romance between Theodore and his OS; there is a sense of genuine affection and empathy between the two, despite Samantha being a small device akin to an iPod and the HAL-9000.One significant difference between these two robotic love interests is the presence of a body—Ava has one, while Samantha doesn’t. Samantha attempts to correct this deficiency by hiring a human surrogate for Theodore in their love-making attempts, which feels awkward and ironically robotic. Theodore rejects this move; a surrogate won’t do, because this bodily replacement isn’t Samantha.Similarly, Ava’s own body has some fleshly components, but feels incomplete with her mechanics exposed by lack of skin. Late in the film, when she procures skin and hair, she appears more satisfied and approachable, more herself. She’s still a robot underneath, but the presence of skin and flesh makes her complete.It’s interesting that in both films—where technology is employed as a romantic device—the need for bodies still arises. Apparently it’s not enough to simply see or hear a “person” through text or a voice.In both Ex Machina and Her, the feminine technologies end up using and rejecting their human suitors, leaving them for greater pursuits. Samantha abandons Theodore for the superior community of the OS world, unhindered by the limitations of human interactions or bodies. Ava flees Nathan’s compound in order to integrate with human society; with her newfound body, she is finally free to be herself.Both Caleb and Theodore are left isolated and lonely, wounded by their relationship with a disembodied technology. While seemingly superior, the technology ultimately deceives and leaves the user wanting. In Ex Machina, Ava can achieve liberation only through acquiring a human-like body, one which covers her exposed interior and makes her whole. In Her, there is a final glimmer of hope as a human head rests on a flesh-and-blood shoulder while the sun rises over the flickering city landscape.In both films, bodies are the sources of salvation.Sometimes I think God could have been more strategic in how he chose to reveal himself to his creation. Why didn’t he wait until television, when he could have done a two-hour evening special on how much he cares for us and desires relationship with us? Certainly he knew the Internet was coming—he could have created a Facebook account and given us constant updates on his love for us through his statuses, sharing special nuggets of inspirational verses and catchphrases through his Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr accounts. Wouldn’t the latest technological advancement be far more effective (at least until the next upgrade)?Instead, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1). God knew that intimacy, face-to-face contact, lives and stories shared, hugs and kisses, fingertips meeting when hands were held, the brutal blows on hands nailed to a wooden cross—this is the embodiment of divine love. God closed the distance between heaven and earth as he showed up in our world as one of us.This love requires presence, the messy flesh-and-blood intimacy of human interactions. God does not communicate his love through abstract theological ideas or mass-media announcements. He communicates his love through flesh and blood. The Avas and Samanthas of our world—the technological avatars—cannot replace the power of fleshly presence.I think God knows this. It’s the significance of Epiphany, a moment in the Christian calendar where we pause and celebrate the incarnate love of God. Epiphany means “manifestation” or “revelation,” and is typically connected with the visitation of the Magi in the West and the baptism of Jesus in the East. It’s the “aha” moment where humanity recognized God in the flesh.We commemorate Epiphany because Jesus the human reveals the divine through his body, not another medium.Let’s be sure to celebrate this season with flesh-and-blood human beings beside us, following in the footsteps of our human-divine Savior. The human body may sometimes seem gross—but it’s also how God chose to save the world.Joel Mayward is a pastor, writer, youth worker, and film critic living in Portland, Oregon. The author of three books, you can find Joel’s writings on film and spirituality at and . Follow Joel on Twitter: @joelmayward.CHRIST, KNOWING OFYou Know the Psalm - Knowing the Author of the BibleDate: 6/2006.1012 Sept 2006 - YOC Camping - Eph 4:7-13 ~ Gifts of a believer 12 Oct 2008 DCFC English "We have a dream..." Eph 4:11-13 - Candle in the Darkness2-4 Apr 2010 ACBC Revival Meeting (Mandarin) – [Growing in Love, Building the Church] Eph 4:1-16 The Growth of the ChurchMore Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P177There was once a Shakespearian actor who was known far and wide for his one-man show of readings and recitations from the classics. He would always end his performance with a dramatic reading of Psalms 23. Each night, without exception, as the actor began his recitation - The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want - the crowd would listen attentively. And then at the conclusion of the psalm, they would rise in thunderous applause in appreciation of the actor's incredible ability to bring the verse to life.But one night, just before the actor was to offer his customary recital of Psalms 23, a young man from the audience spoke up. "Sir, do you mind if tonight I recite Os 23?"The actor was quite taken aback by this unusual request, but he allowed the young man to come forward and stand front and center of the stage to recite the psalm, knowing that the ability of this unskilled youth would be no match for his own talent.With a soft voice, the young man began to recite the words of the psalm. When he was finished, there was no applause. There was no standing ovation as on other nights. All that could be heard was the sound of weeping. The audience had been so moved by the young man's recitation, that every eye was full of tears.Amazed by what he heard, the actor said to the youth, "I don't understand. I have been performing Psalms 23 for years. I have a lifetime of experience and training - but I have never been able to move the audience as you have tonight. Tell me, what is your secret?"The young man humbly replied, "Well sir, you know the psalm... but I know the shepherd."Application:It's not enough to just know the content of the Bible & its stories, its sayings and its teachings. Unless you know the author, the Bible is nothing more than just another book. But when you put your faith in Jesus Christ and have entered into a personal relationship with God the Father, the Bible truly becomes "living and active - sharper than any double-edged sword." (Hebrews 4:12)CHRIST, LORDSHIP OF,$160 GiftDate: 3/2008.1013 Mar 2008 DCFC English Mark 8:27-38 - No Fool DisciplePersonal2 years ago I was on a mission trip to Saipan an island in the Pacific ocean which belongs to the US. There are quite a number of clothing factories there and they hire seamstresses from Mainland China. Their salary is only about $1.60 per hour, that is 4-5 times lower than the minimum wage in US. Whatever they earn in the first year goes to the agent and they only have two more years to earn money for themselves. So most of them come with one objective in mind - to make as much money as possible! But they never expected to encounter God. And their lives are so radically change that we just cannot help but get infected by their joyous faith in the Lord. We were teaching them of giving Jesus lordship over their lives, but they had taught us so much more with their lives. When we were about to leave, two of the sisters came up to me and gave me an envelope. I opened it and saw $160 inside. I could not accept it, but they insisted and just ran off. $160 may not be much to us, we would probably blow that in a week - but it means 100 hours of manual labor for them I was really touched & humbled. They lived out for me what I could only tell them in words. For people whose only objective when they left home was to earn money, this was a picture of the lordship of Christ over their lives. A Man Called PeterDate: May 2014Then, I guess I might as well give up and go to bed," as if he could think of nothing so awful.Somehow, he succeeded in taking God into his recreation. He knew perfectly well that there are plenty of good, sincere Christians who do not approve of any card games, and while he respected their views, he could not see it that way. Being somewhat of a game connoisseur, he thought of contract bridge as a fine game, exactly as he considered chess a fine game. His viewpoint on this matter was expressed in one sermon he called "Do Whatever He Tells You":. a God of singing, asGod is a God of laughter, as well as prayer. well as of tears.God is at home in the play of His children. He loves to hear us laugh.We do not honor God by our long faces ... our austerity. God wants us to be good—not "goody-goody." There is quite a distinction.We must try to make the distinction between worship and work and play less sharp.. . .If God is not in your typewriter as well as your hymnbook, there is something wrong with your religion.If your God does not enter your kitchenthere is something the matter with your kitchen.If you can't take God into your recreationthere is something wrong with the way you play.If God, for you, does not smile,there is something wrong with your idea of God.We all believe in the God of the heroic. What we need most these days is the God of the humdrum .. . the commonplace ... the everyday.The proof that Peter succeeded in taking God into his recreation is that often people's lives were literally redeemed by the contact they had with him at such times. This might be a revelation to those who feel that certain games are wrong, per se.A friend asked Peter if he would be willing to play bridge some evening with a couple whose marriage was on the rocks. The bridge, of course, was only a camouflage. The real point of the evening was to bring Peter and the couple together.In this case, the husband and wife had been separated for two years, but were still on friendly terms. The real trouble was materialism. The husband had a $3,ooo-a-year job in the Department of Agriculture; the wife, being a very clever woman, was earning several times that much elsewhere. Money had become the woman's first love. The husband, feeling unable to cope with such a rival, had left her.Sometimes God has so prepared a human heart for His help that even one or two sentences spoken at the right moment work the needed transformation. It turned out to be so in this case.During that evening, Peter privately asked the wife two questions:"What good is a beautiful house," he asked, "filled with expensive furniture, if there isn't any love between those who live inside the house? What good are expensive clothes and beautiful adornment if there aren't love, contentment, and happiness in the hearts of the people wearing the clothes?"Those simple questions suddenly stabbed the woman's consciousness with a shaft of inner illumination. For the first time she saw clearly just how foolish she had been. Her attitude toward money and the things money could buy changed completely. The marriage was saved and has lasted.At another time, a bridge game was also the initial contact Peter used to help a prominent Washington attorney who was rapidly drifting into alcoholism. I shall call the lawyer "Bill."Bill was rapidly losing both his health and his law practice. His wife appealed to Dr. Marshall for help. " But, Dr. Marshall," she said, "you'll have to slip up on Bill's blind side. My husband is wary of preachers. He's been to church about three times in ten years. He would never agree to come to your study to talk about this."Larry Flynt07 May 2017 QBC English [Kingdom Parables] Matt 13:24-43 Parable of weeds14 May 2017 QBC Chinese [Kingdom Parables] Matt 13:24-43 Parable of weedsFlynt was the founder of Hustler magazine. He claimed to be an evangelical Christian for one year, "converted" in 1977 by evangelist Ruth Carter Stapleton, the sister of President Jimmy Carter. He said he became "born again" and that he had a vision from God while flying with Stapleton in his jet. He continued to publish his magazine. Finally they confronted him with the fact that being a Christian meant he would have to give up his friends and his profession. The logic of his response was this: there are “Christian football players, Christian cowboys, Christian politicians; why not a Christian Hustler?” He wanted to continue to “hustle for God”. He has since declared himself an atheist. Your Latte & Your FaithDate: 3/2008.1013 Mar 2008 DCFC English Mark 8:27-38 - No Fool Disciple07 May 2017 QBC English [Kingdom Parables] Matt 13:24-43 Parable of weeds14 May 2017 QBC Chinese [Kingdom Parables] Matt 13:24-43 Parable of weedsPersonalThere is a new phrase about current trends in Evangelical Christianity - that is to have your latte & your faith. It refers to new trends that churches allow people to sit around with their lattes, watching the worship going on in another building on the big screen. Now, I have nothing against drinking our lattes when we worship, but I hope we do not misunderstand the idea behind this trend. It is to lower the barriers so that unchurch people are willing to come. But there is a lot of work in small groups and discipleship that goes on to help the unchurched become believers and get plugged in. However, most of us do not see this part and we begin to copy the style without the substance, thinking it's a cool way of worshipping, or cool way of doing church. Maybe when we go off to college, we may attend a church like this, but the problem is, we just stop there! We do not get plugged in, do not get involved in the spiritual community. What happens as a result is we have this religious consumerism mentality - that we go to church to be entertained and there is no deeper step of commitment, no price to pay. But Brothers & sisters, Christianity without a cross becomes a mere religion without a crown. When we just go to church & be entertained, without commitment, without paying the price for our faith, it’s like drinking overnight coffee from Gilbert's office - have you tried that? Instead of strong aromatic coffee, you just go blah! So let's not cheapen our faith & settle for blah when we can have the real thing! CHRIST, ONLY SAVIORA Great ManDate: 5/2007.101Feb 13 2011 DCFC English Worship – [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 4:1-13 The Credentials of the Master23 Dec 2012 DCFC Chinese –Isa 65:17-25 Joy to the WorldJan 27th 2013 Fort Lauderdale Chinese Church – Isa 65:17-25 A festival of rejoicingHot Illustrations History records that he was great man. Yet he had humble beginnings. He grew up in a small village, an ordinary boy who did nothing to draw attention to himself.Like most boys his age, he attended school. He also worked in the family business and did his best to grow up strong and healthy. Deep inside, however, he knew he had a special purpose, a destiny to fulfill.As he grew older people began to notice that there was something special about this young man. He had talent and charisma. He was gifted like no other. It wasn’t long before he started attracting crowds. Thousands came to see and listen to him.He chose a small band of loyal companions who traveled with him everywhere he went. Many of them had given up their jobs just to be with their idol and take care of his needs.As his fame spread, some grew jealous of him. Others thought he was leading people astray, and they plotted against him. But his popularity only increased. He touched the lives of young and old alike and brought joy and laughter to the weak and downhearted. Many hailed him as king.Toward the end of his short life, he suffered quite a bit. Some who had followed him fell away and turned to worshiping others.He died alone. Those closest to him were left discouraged and confused. They never expected his life to end that way.Soon after his death, there were rumors that he didn’t really die. His followers spread the news all around. He lives! They said. He is not dead! Some claimed they actually saw him. Even today, many believe he is still alive.By now, you’ve probably figured out who this great man was.His name was Elvis Presley.Where to Take It from Here...If you word things generally enough, you can find a lot of similarities between Jesus and Elvis. In fact, you can find a lot of similarities between Jesus and you. That’s because Jesus was a human being, just like you. He was fully God, but he was also fully human.That’s where the similarities end, however. Elvis came to sing; Jesus came to save.There is only one Jesus Christ, Son of God, who was born of a virgin, died on a cross for the sins of the world, rose again on the third day, and today sits at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for everyone who calls on his name.While others have been hailed as king, there is only one King of King and Lord of Lords. His name is Jesus.曾经有一个人,历史记载他是一个伟人。他生长在一个小村子,环境贫穷。从小他跟其他的孩子一样,乖乖的上课,在父亲的店里帮忙,只是一个普通的孩子。但是,他知道他的生命有一个特别的使命。这孩子渐渐成长,别人开始注意到他非常特别,有特别的恩赐,也特别吸引别人。不久后,有许多人寻找他,为了来听他。他也特地选了一小群人跟着他-他到哪里,他们也跟他到那里。有好几个人为了跟随他,也放弃了他们的事业。他声名远播,有一些人就妒忌他,说他误导别人,甚至计谋要害他。但是,男女老少都被他吸引。甚至,还称他为王。随着名声的增长,他也面对许多的苦。特别在他临死之前。最后,他一个人孤零零的死了。跟随他的人也离开他。他们没有想到自己的偶像就这样死了。但是,他死以后,一些跟随他的人就开始传闻说,“他活了!他并没有死!”甚至有一些跟随者还说看到他复活了!到今天还是有人相信他仍然活着。那你应该知道我讲的是谁-猫王ELVIS PRESLEY. 弟兄姐妹,其实我们这样看,似乎耶稣和猫王有很多相似的地方。但是,猫王来是为了唱歌,耶稣来是为了拯救。CHRIST, ONLY SAVIORThe Art Auction Date: 4/2007.101Oct 2007 Germany Magdeburg- John 4:1-26 - The Samaritan WomanHot IllustrationsYears ago a wealthy man shared a passion for art collecting with his devoted young son. Together they traveled around the world, adding only the finest art treasures to their collection. Priceless works by the likes of Picasso, Van Gogh, and Monet adorned the walls of the family estate.The widowed elder man looked on with satisfaction as Mark, his only child, became an experienced art collector. The son’s trained eye and sharp business mind caused his father to beam with pride as they dealt with art collectors around the world.As winter approached, war engulfed their nation, and Mark left to serve his country. After only a few short weeks, his father received a telegram: his beloved son had died saving the life of a fellow soldier. Distraught and lonely, the old man faced the upcoming Christmas holidays with anguish and sadness. The joy of the season, a season that he and his son always looked forward to, would visit his house no longer.On Christmas morning a knock on the door awakened the old man. As he walked to the door, the masterpieces of art on the walls only reminded him that his son was not coming home. At the door was a soldier with a large package.I was a friend of Mark, the soldier said. I was the one he rescued. If I may I come in for a few moments, I have something to show you.The two were soon deep in conversation. From the soldier the old man learned that Mark had rescued dozens of wounded soldiers before a bullet stilled his caring heart. The unfolding image of his son's gallantry awakened a fatherly pride that eased his grief. The soldier then recounted how often Mark had spoken of his father's love of fine art. Placing the package on the old man's lap, the soldier told him, I'm an artist. I want you to have this.The old man unwrapped the package, pulling the paper away to reveal a portrait of his son. The canvas featured the young man’s face in striking detail, though the world would never consider the painting the work of a genius. Overcome with emotion, the man thanked the soldier.Once the soldier had departed, the old man set about hanging the portrait above the fireplace, pushing aside paintings by masters that had cost thousands of dollars. Then seating himself in his chair, he spent Christmas gazing at the gift he had been given. In the weeks that followed, the man grew peaceful realizing that Mark lived on because of those he had touched. The soldier's gift soon became his most prized painting, it’s worth to him far eclipsing the value of the pieces in his collection for which museums around the world clamored. He told his neighbors it was the greatest gift he had ever received.The following spring, the old man became ill and passed away. The art world stirred in anticipation of the public auction of the old man's estate. He had stipulated that his collection be sold on Christmas Day the day he had received his greatest gift. On the appointed day art collectors from around the world gathered to bid on the spectacular paintings. Many who coveted the reputation of owning the greatest art collection waited eagerly for the auctioneer to open the bidding.The auction began with a painting not on any museum's must-have list the soldier's painting of the old man's son. May I have an opening bid, the auctioneer requested. The room was silent. Who will open the bidding with $100? he prompted. Minutes passed and still no one spoke.Who cares about that painting? shouted a bidder from the back of the room.It's just a picture of his son, commented another. More voices echoed agreement. Let's forget it and go on to the good stuff.No, we have to sell this one first, replied the auctioneer. Now, who will take the son?Finally, a friend of the old man spoke. I'd like to have the painting. I knew the boy. Will you take ten dollars for it? That's all I have.I have ten dollars," called the auctioneer. Will anyone go higher? More silence. Going once. The auctioneer raised the gavel. "Going twice," he said looking around for any takers. Gone, he said at last, letting the gavel fall.Cheers filled the room. Now we can get on with bidding on these treasures! remarked the man from the back of the room.Over the microphone the auctioneer said. Thank you for coming. The auction is now over.Stunned disbelief quieted the room.What do you mean it's over? growled an irate bidder.We didn't come here for a picture of some old guy's son! said another.What about all of these other paintings? shouted the irate bidder coming to his feet. There are millions of dollars of art here! I demand that you explain what's going on!It's very simple," replied the auctioneer. According to the will of the father, whoever takes the son...gets it all.Where to Take It from Here...And that is the will of the Father today. Whoever takes the Son...gets it all. When you take Christ as Savior, you will have the riches of life to its fullest. (John 10:10, Matthew 6:33) Jesus is God's greatest treasure, his pearl of great price (Matthew 13:45-46).CHRIST, ONLY SAVIORThe Face On The PuzzleDate: 6/2006.101More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P66 A father just settled into his recliner on Sunday afternoon, looking forward to wading through his six-inch thick newspaper, when his five-year old son Bobby came scampering into the room. "Daddy! Daddy!" said the boy, "Can you play with me?"The father tried to be gentle in his response when he told his son, "Bobby, Daddy wants to read his paper for a little while. But if you come back in twenty minutes we can play together."Though mildly annoyed at being put off, Bobby rumbled out of the room, leaving his father alone to read his paper.But five-year olds have a poor sense of time, so it was only a few short minutes when Bobby was back. "Daddy, can we play now?""Not now, Bobby," said thee father. "Don't bother me until I'm finished with my paper."Bobby stomped his way out of the room to wait, but before his father could even get to the sports pages, Bobby returned. He shoved his head up under the paper and said, "Please Daddy, can we play now?"The father now convinced that he would never get a moment's peace without giving in, looked on the floor and noticed that there was a full page map of the world included in his newspaper. He reached for his wife's sewing scissors and proceeded to cut the map into about twenty pieces. Leading his son to the kitchen table, he told Bobby to put together this puzzle of the world as the first of their afternoon games. "When you finish the puzzle, then I'll play with you," the father promised. He knew it would give him plenty of time to read his paper.Not five minutes had passed when Bobby burst back into the room. "Daddy, I'm through with the puzzle! What can we play next?""What? You finished already?" asked the father. He got up from his chair and went into the kitchen to look. Sure enough, the puzzle was complete, with every piece in its proper place. "Bobby... how did you ever do this so fast? Where did you learn how to do this?" asked the father in amazement."It was easy, Daddy." said Bobby. "You see, on the back of the map of the world was a picture of a person. I decided to put the person together first. When I did that, the whole world seemed to fit right into place."Application:We live in a broken world in desperate need of being put back together. But it can't be done with social programs, more laws, better schools, the right politicians, or systems of government. The only way to put a broken world together is by putting broken people back together. Changed lives will result in a changed world.The best thing you can do is to impact your world is to lead someone to Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only one who can put broken people back together again. And when a person has been put back together, the whole world seems to fit right into place.CHRIST, ONLY SALVATIONThe final bidRobert StrandThe very wealthy English Baron Fitzgerald had only one child, a son, who understandably was the apple of his eye, the center of his affections, an only child, the focus of this little family's attention.The son grew up, but in his early teens his mother died, leaving him and his father. Fitzgerald grieved over the loss of his wife but devoted himself to fathering their son. In the passing of time, the son became very ill and died in his late teens. In the meantime, the Fitzgerald financial holdings greatly increased. The father had used much of his wealth to acquire artworks of the "masters."And with the passing of more time, Fitzgerald himself became ill and died. Previous to his death he had carefully prepared his will with explicit instructions as to how his estate would be settled. He had directed that there would be an auction in which his entire collection of art would be sold. Because of the quantity and quality of the art works in his collection which was valued in the millions of English pounds, a huge crowd of prospective buyers gathered, expectantly. Among them were many museum curators and private collectors eager to bid. The art works were displayed for viewing before the auction began. Among them was one painting which received little attention. It was of poor quality and done by an unknown local artist. It happened to be a portrait of Fitzgerald's only son.When the time came for the auction to begin, the auctioneer gaveled the crowd to attention and before the bidding began, the attorney read first from the will of Fitzgerald which instructed that the first painting to be auctioned was the painting of "my beloved son."The poor quality painting didn't receive any bidders. ..except one! The only bidder was the old servant who had known the son and loved him and served him and for sentimental reasons offered the only bid. For less than an English pound he bought the painting.The auctioneer stopped the bidding and asked the attorney to read again from the will. The crowd was hushed, it was quite unusual, and the attorney read from the Fitzgerald will: "Whoever buys the painting of my son gets all my art collection. The auction is over!"CHRIST, POWER OFMugged!Date: 8/2007.1013 February 2008 DCFC English - Mark 3 20-35 ~ Butt Print Legacy??05 July 2009 DCFC English Worship - [Heavenly Songs for Earthly Woes] Ps 73 From Theodicy to Credo21 June 2015 QBC Chinese Worship – Ps 73 Prayer as argumentPersonalIn Swissaire, August 6 2007. Two persons force their way into apartment complex. grabbed bicycle and tried to run off. I grabbed it and refused to let go. They threatened to punch me. If they did, I would fight back, but I was holding myself back. But what if they had a gun? He ask his friend to pull out the pistol, I thought about it twice but felt they were lying. Suddenly my wife screamed and I woke up and let go! I was very angry after that - vengeance belongs to the Lord. Angry at myself and at them - wanted to revenge. If I persisted - something might have happened - get hurt or hurt them! But vengeance belongs to the LordA few months ago when we just moved into new apartment complex, one night while we were trying to go home, these two young men wanted to follow us in. I refused to let them in because they were not residents and send my wife to look for the apartment manager. But after she left, they pushed me aside and went in. The first thing they saw was a bicycle and one of them said, "This is mine!" So he hopped onto it and started to ride away. My first thoughts were, "Thief!" So I called out and chased after him. I got into this tug-of-war right at the front gate. He threatened to punch me and even to shoot me. But because of this stupid adrenalin rush, I just refused to let go! Then I heard my wife scream and I came to my senses, "What am I doing? I am willing to die for Jesus, but for a bicycle?" So I just let go. In order for the thief to steal, he first has to get by me, which he did. Who was stronger? Obviously its him - he was tall with all those bulging muscles. But you know how our imagination works right? Since he won me, in my mind he was probably 7 ft. tall and the next time I re-tell the story he would probably have six pack and look like Mr. Universe.Another angle:Sometimes, when we experience unrighteousness, it is not easy to say that vengeance belong to God. I remember sharing this with you last year, when I was still staying down town near the Seminary. I was trying to get into my apartment complex from the car park when two men blocked our way and wanted to go in with us to look for a friend. I knew something was amissed because anyone in the car park should be a tenant and have a key. Moreover, one of them looked kind of high and was evening bleeding from his forehead. Anyway, They barged their way in, saw the first bicycle and said, "That is mine." One of them jumped on it and started riding to the front door. So I ran after him and got into a tug of war. He threatened to shoot me, but somehow because of the adrenalin, I refused to let go! Until my wife screams from behind woke me up and I thought, "What am I doing? Die for a bicycle?" So I let go. That was the first part of the story which I told you before. It took me a full week to get over this incident. I was mad! I felt so violated and angry with that person! I went to the apartment manager and told him, "We should call the police!" He replied, "Well, they will take a record, but will not do anything. This is too minor in Dallas. They have other things to investigate?" "What? But but this guy ..we have his DNA! He wiped his blood on the wall at the car park!" You know what the manager did? He laughed and said, "ha! Ha! You watched too many episodes of CSI! The police won't come and scrap his blood to look for the DNA!" I felt so upset for a whole week! Felt so unjust. His blood was there and yet the police wouldn't come to get his DNA? CHRIST, PREEMINENCE OFChrist is First PlaceDate: 6/2006.10128 May 2006 - Pandan Chinese Xi Yang - Luke 5:1-11 ~ Qualities of a Disciple2 Sept 2006 - YOC Camping - Luke 5:1-11 ~ The Qualities of a DiscipleDec 5 2006 - Senior Sermon DTS - Luke 9:18-27Senior Chapel 24 April 2007 - Luke 9:18-27 Sept 2007 FWC Retreat: The Kingdom is Here - Kingdom Path Luke 9:18-27Oct 2007 Germany Leipzig/Weimar - Luke 5:1-11 - Qualities of a discipleAug 10 2008 - FCBC Mandarin - Luke 9:18-27 - Way of the CrossAug 24 2008 - MSU Mission Trip - Luke 9:18-27 - Way of the CrossFeb 13 2011 – DCFC Chinese - Luke 9:18-27 – Way of the CrossMar 13 2011 DCFC English Worship – [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 6:20-49 The Call of the DiscipleSept 3-5 2011 RCCC Retreat [Renewing our first love for Christ] Renewing our vision of the Cross Luke 9:18-27Nov 16 2014 – QBC Chinese Luke 9:18-27 – Way of the Cross?2002 SARSWhen the SARS broke out in Singapore in 2002, the first person to die of it was a pastor. The first doctor to die of SARS was also a Christian. The pastor got infected because he visited a church member who was the first to be infected. The doctor, was one of Singapore's finest. He knew the dangers of the virus but knew that he had to go. He told his wife - "I have to go, this is my job." At that time a lot of doctors and nurses tried to take leave because they were afraid. But this doctor did not. Not because he was looking for trouble, not because he was trying to be funny, but because he knew that it was his God-given responsibilities. We have many sisters who are nurses and during that time, a sister shared with me, "When the virus first broke out, the hospital asked for volunteers who would take care of SARS patients. Many who volunteered initially were Christians. They were not looking for trouble, but they knew the true and living God. If they did not go, who would? God takes first place in their lives.CHRIST, PRECIOUSReal TreasureRobin Jones GunnWe went to Open House tonight at the public elementary school. When Rachel's teacher met us, her eye-v v brows seemed to elevate slightly. She spoke kindly of our first grader but said she had some concerns. She then invited us to look at the artwork; we would see what she meant.Dozens of brown paper treasure chests were tacked to the bulletin board. Each had a barreled top attached with a brad. On the front was printed, "A Real Treasure Would Be...." We walked over and began opening the lids to find Rachel's treasure and see why it so concerned the teacher.As we peeked into each chest, we saw TVs and Nintendos, a few genies, heaps of gold coins, and a unicorn. Rachel's chest was in the very bottom corner. We had to stoop to open it. Inside, our daughter had drawn Christ, hanging on a cross with red drops of blood shaped like hearts dripping from his hands. She had completed the sentence, "A Real Treasure Would Be...Jesus.""Do you see my concern?" the teacher asked, her arms folded across her chest."Yes," my husband agreed, "I see what you mean. The J is backwards, isn't it?"CHRIST, REAL HOPERats in the TubDate: 6/2006.10112 July 2009 DCFC English Worship - [Heavenly Songs for Earthly Woes] Ps 129 Hope!More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P145Several years ago, an experiment on endurance was conducted at the University of California at Berkeley involving Norwegian field rats. The rats were placed in a tub of water, where they were forced to swim until they grew exhausted and finally drowned. During the first experiment, the researchers discovered that on average, Norwegian field rats were capable of swimming for over seven hours before drowning.A second experiment was conducted, exactly like the first, but with one exception. When a rat was getting too exhausted to swim any longer, the researchers would remove the rat from the tub of water for a few seconds, then put the rat back into the water to continue swimming. These rats were able to swim for almost twenty hours before perishing.The researchers concluded that the rats in the second group were able to swim much longer than first group because they had hope. They had experienced a rescue - and what kept them going was the hope that they would be rescued again.Application:Human beings are no different. Without hope, we drown. but with hope, we have a reason to live. Hope is what keeps us going. It has been said that "as oxygen is to the lungs, so hope is to the human heart."Many people today have false hopes. They put their hopes in technology or in hedonism, or in accumulating material wealth or power. But these hopes are like fool's gold. ultimately they are worthless and have no power to keep us afloat.That's why Jesus cane. He conquered death and the grave so that we would know that we also can do the same. This means no matter what happens, ultimately nothing can hurt us because we have victory in Christ Jesus. Christian hope is a living hope, "an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade, kept in heaven for you!" (1 Peter 1:3-4)CHRIST, REAL HOPESomebody Loved Him April 13 2014 QBC English – Matt 27:27-31 Why is it not enough for Jesus to die?Rebecca Manley PippertHe was an eastern European Jew. He had prospered professionally, married a Gentile and had one son. Then came World War II and the deportation of the Jews. His Jewish identity was not widely known, and because of his marriage he thought he might be protected from going to prison camp. But one day as he returned home from work, he saw to his horror that the Gestapo were waiting for him. They grabbed him and led him off* to the train. His mind was dazed, wondering who had betrayed him. As they were dragging him away, he cried out to one of the soldiers that he hadn't even been allowed to embrace his wife before he left.The soldier laughed grimly and said, "You fool. Don't you know that it was your wife who tipped us off?""You liar!" Jacob cried. "She would never do a thing like that!"But the soldier replied, "Then you must be the only one who doesn't know. Your wife is having an affair with the chief of police." Jacob looked back at his wife in disbelief and horror. But the expression of guilt on her face and her inability to look him in the eyes confirmed that it was true.He spent the next five years in a prison camp. Several times he nearly died. He certainly hoped that he would. The bitterness and despair that filled him was the only reminder that he was still alive. One thing, however, occasionally gave him a flicker of hope. If he could survive prison camp, perhaps his son would still be home and they could be reunited. That was the only thought that ever brought light into his darkness.Finally the war was over and he was released. As he made the long journey home only one thought obsessed him: the intense desire to see his son. When he arrived at his hometown he was told that his wife had left years before to an unknown destination.Somewhere in northern Europe, he was told. She had taken their son with her. He now knew that he would never see his son again. His last hope was gone. He was physically ill, emaciated, desperately hungry, and penniless. He had nowhere to go, so he went to a park bench where the bums of the town gathered.Even in his misery he could not overlook the irony. These were the men that he had given loose change to on his way to work in days gone by. Now he was one of them. Before long the police arrested him for loitering. He told the police it was a relief. At least in jail he would get some food and a place to sleep. They saw immediately that he was not a skid row bum but a man in desperate straits. They asked him if he had family. He said he had one brother he had not seen since he was a teenager, who now lived in Tel Aviv. The government decided to pay for the ticket to send him there, as they did not know what else to do with him.Jacob arrived in Israel with no money. He had hardly eaten in a week and was terribly ill. He went to his brother's home and the brother would not let him in the door. That is almost unheard of in Jewish culture, but the brother had not seen him in years and refused to believe that this haggard, decrepit-looking bum at his door was really his brother Jacob. He told him to come back with papers to prove that it was really he. Jacob did not give him the chance to find out. He could not suffer the indignity of one more rejection.Now he was almost too poor to secure the means to kill himself. And too tired. So he found another park bench where the lowest of the low gathered and he waited to die. He did not eat, because there was nothing to eat He had actually sunk to begging for food in his own country, but here he could not bear the humiliation of it. All he thought of was death. He knew it would only be days now.Several days had passed as he by on the park bench, when at a distance he saw a blond, freshly scrubbed teenage girl, obviously an American, entering the park with a friend. He wondered what on earth someone so innocent and angelic-looking was doing in a parkfor derelicts. He closed his eyes. Suddenly he heard a soft voice speaking to him. Jacob opened his eyes and to his astonishment he saw her looking at him with a compassion and sincerity that caught him off guard. It was the first time he had heard anyone speak to him with kindness in six years. He did not know whether he wanted to cry in gratitude or laugh in cynicism. But her concern moved him in spite of himself. "What do you want?1' he growled at her."Sir, I wasn't even supposed to be here in this park. I got off the bus at the wrong place. But when I saw you, and the terrible sadness in your face I just couldn't leave without telling you something," she said softly."Why don't you get back on your bus and leave me alone!" he snapped, appalled as he heard himself sounding as surly as the street people he used to give money to."Sir, I was afraid to come over here, but I feel like God is nudging me to tell you something, before I get back on my bus. I wish I knew how to say it better but, well, sir, Jesus loves you. He loves you. He really does."He looked at her in disbelief. This child was telling him that somebody in heaven loved him? After all the hell he had been through, all the indignity he had suffered, all the rage that had filled his soul for so many years. And now this naive American, who had probably never known a day of real suffering, who had lived a sheltered and protected life, in her innocence, was telling him that some Gentile God loved him. He could not decide whether he was outraged by the audacity, or moved that she took the effort to talk with him. But as he looked up at her face he saw tears streaming down her cheeks, and to his astonishment he began to weep as well."No one could love me, child. It's too late for me," he said between sobs.“No," she replied urgently as she took his thin, gnarled hand into hers. "It's not too late. God will gladly cake you if only you'd let him. Just tell him that you want to. He will love you and help you."He said it was at that moment that he knew that Someone was reaching out to him through her. He could not have imagined a more unlikely messenger. But he knew deep within that he was being offered help in his last hour. But the choice was his. He decided to take it. He prayed with this girl on some park bench in the outskirts of nowhere, in his own language. Then he looked at her and said, "I am thankful to you, more than you can ever know. But 1 am very sick. I am dying." With that, the girl and the friend who was with her helped him up and they took him by bus to the home where they were staying.The family nursed Jacob back to health for one entire year. During the course of that year they shared their faith, read to him from the Bible and prayed with him. Eventually what began as a dying man's desperate invitation to God to take his life, became a total commitment of his life and soul to his Messiah. He laughed and said to us, "The problem with you Gentiles is that you always keep forgetting that Jesus is Jewish! He belonged to us first!"Jacob eventually found a good job, lived in his own apartment and went back to his brother and was reconciled. He came to faith in his mid-fifties; when I met him he was in his early seventies. As long as I live I will never forget the expression on his face as he spoke of what Jesus meant to him. "It would have been so easy," he said, "to have rejected that girl. To have chosen to harbor all the years of resentments and disillusionment in my heart. But to think that God reached out to me, gave me a home and a family who loved me, restored my health, and above all else, filled my heart with a gladness and joy I never knew was possible! You know what I want to do when 1 get to heaven? I want to be the one who offers a cup of water to everyone else. What could 1 ever do to express my gratitude to God for all that he has done for me? How will I ever be able to thank Jesus enough? So much has happened in my life since that moment twenty years ago. But the one fact that staggers me most of all, is that the girl was right. Jesus loves me. He really does."TO ENDUREEndurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.William BarclayCHRIST, RESURRECTION OFRoom in the LifeboatsDate: 6/2006.101Still More Hot Illustrations For Youth Talks P29 Catering to the rich and famous, this luxury liner was advertised as unsinkable. On Titanic's fateful night, passengers who somehow still believed the advertisement refused to get in the lifeboats, even thought they were told the ship was going down. They held to their belief in the advertisement that the ship was unsinkable - and were actually offended by officers who told them to climb into a cramped lifeboat when they had paid enormous sums for luxurious accommodations.Other passengers were unable to enter a lifeboat because of the selfish privileged who felt no concern for anyone but themselves. The first-class passengers feared that added weight in the lifeboats would jeopardize their chance for survival. As a result, many of the ship's lifeboats, which were made to hold up to 60 people, left the ship with only 15 people aboard.Although there were enough lifeboats to save hundreds more, people either refused to use them or they were left stranded on the sinking liner.Application:The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ provided the lifeboat we all must climb aboard. To miss that lifeboat is to perish. Many people either continue to belief that the world can offer them happiness or salvation through their own efforts, or they are left stranded because Christians have been too selfish to reach out to them. There is more than enough room at the Cross for those who are perishing.CHRIST, SECOND COMINGNT Background of Gospel TermsPaul identifies “the Lord Jesus Christ” who will come from heaven as the savior. He uses the term savior that was widely used for the emperor. By using it for Jesus, Paul indicates that he does not think Rome and its emperors have saved the world from anything. Rome’s claim to have brought security and safety, to have affected deliverance from danger is false. Rather God saves the world from Rome and its false claims. The coming of Jesus will bring peace and security. This phrase openly evokes Pax Romana which was celebrated on Ara Pacis Augustae in Rome, the Altar of Augustan Peace. The Cube shaped monument with highly decorated walls, witnessed to Rome’s victories in wars that derived from its faithfulness to its god given mission to rule the world. Paul uses terms to confront the imperial claims, denying their legitimacy by contrasting them with God’s significantly different purposes of justice for all.Good News – denoted the empire’s benefits such as an emperor’s birth, military conquest or ascension to power. In the tradition of Isaiah (Isa 40 & 52) Paul uses the same language to speak not of Rome’s so called blessings but of God’s saving activity and the establishment of God’s reign or empire in place of Rome’s. To believe the gospel is to commit to and to be obedient to God as king or emperor.Salvation – this term named the blessings of Rome’s world, especially its security and order achieve through deliverance from all threats and dangers. But this order of course was nothing other than benefit for a few – Rome’s military power and to enforced submission to most. Again invoking Isaiah, Paul presents an alternative reality in which God’s saving power frees from imperial powers.Righteousness or Justice – Paul’s gospel is a challenge to Rome and he uses the imperial sounding language of victory to affirm God’s inevitable triumph. What God is doing is fundamentally different. Rome proclaimed its mission to give justice to the world “to crown peace and justice” Roman justice was an agent of its imperial system. It functioned to sustain the control of the elite over the rest by punishing and removing threats to its power. Paul sees the gospel, not Rome as revealing the justice of God. CHRIST, SECOND COMINGWaiting for the presidentDate: 6/2007.101We wanted to move into an apartment but did not know what it looked like. We wanted to see the size and shape so that we know what furniture to bring. We have a friend staying in that apartment, so we told him that we would visit. From that day, he started cleaning his apartment, making sure it is kept clean for our visit. Waiting for us. Dr P, when Swiss Tower was build, was invited to move in and stay in the Tower for couples. He gladly accepted because his wife had passed away and was lonely at 85. Before he moved in, the President of the Seminary told him that he would visit Dr P. From that day, Dr. P had to keep his apartment clean, waiting for the President to come. He do not know when it would be, but it could be at anytime.CHRIST, SECURITY INBread of lifeNov 06 2011 DCFC English [Jesus came to the world to...] John 6:24-37 – be the bread of lifeIn his book entitled God’s Psychiatry, Charles Allen tells this story: As World War II was drawing to a close, the Allied armies gathered up many hungry orphans. They were placed in camps where they were well-fed. Despite excellent care, they slept poorly. They seemed nervous and afraid. Finally, a psychologist came up with the solution. Each child was given a piece of bread to hold after he was put to bed. This particular piece of bread was just to be held—not eaten. The piece of bread produced wonderful results. The children went to bed knowing instinctively they would have food to eat the next day. That guarantee gave the children a restful and contented sleep. It seems that regardless of the socio-economic group to which we belong, or how sophisticated our palette becomes, every one of us recognizes the significance of bread as a staple of our basic human existence. CHRIST, SECURITY INSecurity in ChristDate: 12/2007.101Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching from Leadership Journal ed. Craig Brian Larson #200 In a sermon, Juan Carlos Ortiz spoke of a conversation with a circus trapeze artist. The performer admitted the net underneath was there to keep them from breaking their necks, but added, "The net also keeps us from falling. Imagine there is no net. We would be so nervous that we would be more likely to miss and fall. if there wasn't a net, we would not dare to do some of the things we do. But because there's a net, we dare to make two turns and once I made three turns - thanks to the net!"Ortiz makes this observation: "We have security in God. When we are sure in his arms, we dare to attempt big things for God. We dare to be holy. We dare to be obedient. We dare because we know the eternal arms of God will hold us if we fall."Club Med - Trapeze. I very scared - remember diving platform incident in the army when I froze at the height. So I did not want to go up. But colleague went up and just jumped. he let go bravely and ended up in the hands of the other person. Why was he so brave? Because of net - he trusted it and was able to let go.CHRIST, SUFFERED AND DIEDTHE RIGHT PERSPECTIVEApr 17 2011 DCFC English Worship – [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 22:31-38 The price the Master paidOct 21 2012 DCFC Chinese Worship – Luke 22:31-38 Cracked PotsA man was walking through an art gallery when he came upon a picture of the Lord Jesus dying upon the cross. He stopped and looked at the beautiful portrait of Calvary's love. As he stared into the face of Christ, so full of agony the gallery guard tapped him on the shoulder. "Lower," the guard said. "The artist painted this picture to be appreciated from a lower position."So the man bent down. And from this lower position he observed new beauties in the picture not previously shown. "Lower," said the guard. "Lower still." The man knelt down on one knee and looked up into the face of Christ. The new vantage point yielded new beauties to behold and appreciate. But motioning with his torch toward the ground, the guard said, "Lower. You've got to go lower." The man now dropped down to two knees and looked up. Only then as he looked up at the painting from such a low posture could he realize the artist's intended perspective. Only then could he see the full beauty of the cross. Is the same not true in worship? Only as we position ourselves lower and lower in humble submission can we behold more fully the glories of our wonderful Lord.From David Moore's Sermon "In and Around Heaven"CHRIST, SUFFERED AND DIEDOld Rugged CrossMay 06 2012 DCFC Chinese [Worship Acceptable to God] Mal 1:6-14 A call to authenticityMar 15 2015 QBC Chinese [John 12:20-26 – A kernel of seed]August 16 2015 QBC English [John 12:20-26 – A kernel of seed]Sept 13 2015 Evangel BP Chinese [John 12:20-26 – A kernel of seed]FB postingAgnes Tham: I am working at a Dementia Nursing Home in Singapore, these days lots of news about the pass over of Mr LKY, my home residents and elders mourn and crying to Mr LKY although they are demented. Mostly of them did not forget Mr LKY as LKY was part of their memory deep inside their min. We respect what Mr LKY had done for Singapore… In his book, Reaching the Invisible God, author Philip Yancey tells the story about his wife, Janet, who leads a weekly “Christian Circle” at a local nursing home. An Alzheimer’s patient named Betsy faithfully attends, led there by a staff worker, and sits through the hour. Every week Janet introduces herself, and every week Betsy responds as if she’s never seen her before. After a few weeks, Janet learned that Betsy has retained the ability to read. She has no comprehension of what she is reading and will repeat the same line over and over, like a stuck record, until someone prompts her to move on. But on a good day she can read a passage straight through in a clear, strong voice. Janet began calling on her each week to read a hymn. One Friday the senior citizens, who prefer to sing the older hymns they remember from childhood, selected “The Old Rugged Cross” for Betsy to read. “On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, the emblem of suff’ring and shame,” she began, and stopped. She suddenly got agitated. “I can’t go on It’s too sad Too sad” she said. Some of the seniors gasped. Others stared at her, dumbfounded. In years of living at the nursing home, not once had Betsy shown the ability to put words together meaningfully. Now, obviously, she did understand. Janet calmed her: “That’s fine, Betsy. You don’t have to keep reading if you don’t want to.” After a pause, though, she started reading again, and stopped at the same place. A tear made a trail down each cheek. “I can’t go on It’s so sad” she said, unaware she had said the same thing two minutes ago. She tried again, and again reacted with a sudden shock of recognition, grief, and the exact same words. Finally, when Betsy seemed tranquil, Janet led her to the elevator to return her to her room. To her amazement Betsy began singing the hymn from memory. The words came in breathy, chopped phrases, and she could barely carry the tune, but anyone could recognize the hymn: On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross The emblem of suff’ring and shame. New tears fell, but his time Betsy kept going, still from memory, gaining strength as she sang: And I love that old cross where the dearest and best For a world of lost sinners was slain. So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, Till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, And exchange it some day for a crown. Somewhere in that tattered mind, damaged neurons had tapped into a network of old connections to resurrect a pattern of meaning for Betsy. In her confusion, two things only stood out: suffering and shame. Those two words summarize the human condition, the condition she lives in every day of her sad life. Who knows more suffering and shame than Betsy? For her, the hymn answered that question: Jesus does. Philip Yancey,一位著名的作家写了一本书“触摸到看不见的神”。其中,他分享,“我太太Janet 每个星期都会到老人院帮忙。有一位患了老人痴呆症的妇女叫 Betsy 每个星期都会来。但是,她从来不记得我的太太。后来,我太太发现 Betsy 还能够阅读。她没有办法明白字的意思,而且常常象一架坏的光碟播放机重复的读同样的一句话,直到有人叫她继续读下去。有一天,我太太就叫 Betsy 读一首旧诗歌:古旧十架。她念,“各各他山岭上,独立一十字架,这是羞辱痛苦记号。” 她突然停下变成非常激动说,“我没办法继续读下去。这太悲伤了!太悲伤了!”当时周围的人愣了一下,因为Betsy已经很多年无法理解这些字的意思了。Janet 镇定的对她说,“你不想读,就不要读下去。”Betsy停了一会儿,又开始读。但又再同样的地方停下。这次她开始掉泪,“太悲伤了!我无法读下去了。” 当她冷静以后,Janet 就扶着她回房。她们在电梯里时,Betsy 忽然一段一段开始唱起歌。“各各他山岭上,独立一十字架,这是羞辱痛苦记号。”到此,Betsy再次掉眼泪。但她凭着记忆继续唱下去。“神爱子主耶稣,为世人被盯死,这十字架为我最爱珍宝。故我爱高举十字宝架,直到在主台前见主面。我一生要背负十字架,这十架可换公义冠冕。”在那一刻 Betsy 衰弱的脑里,突然神经细胞连起线。而在她混乱的状态中,两个词汇对她产生极大的反应。羞辱和痛苦。这两个词也概述了人类的情景,也描述了Betsy 每一天的生活情况。有谁比 Betsy 能够明白羞辱和痛苦呢? 对她而言,这首诗回答了这问题。耶稣能够。 CHRIST, SUFFERED AND DIEDThe Bee StingDate: 6/2006.101Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P30 A vacationing family drives along in their car, windows rolled down, enjoying the warm breeze of the sunny day. All of a sudden, a big black bee darts in the window and starts buzzing around inside the car. A little girl, highly allergic to bee stings, cringers in the backseat. If she is stung, she could die within an hour."Oh, Daddy," she squeals in terror. "It's a bee! It’s going to sting me!" The father pulls the car over to a stop, and reaches back to try to catch the bee. Buzzing around toward him, the bee bumps against the front windshield where the father traps it in his fist.Holding it in his closed hand, the father waits for the inevitable sting. The bee stings the father's hand and in pain, the father lets go of the bee. The bee is loose in the car again. The little girls again panics, "Daddy, it's going to sting me!" The father gently says, "No, honey, he's not going to sting you now. Look at my hand."The bee's stinger is there in his hand.ApplicationsPaul exulted in 1 Corinthians 15:55, "Where, O death, is you victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" Jesus says to us, "Look at my hands." He has Satan's sting, the sting of death, the sting of sin, the sting of deceit, the sting of feeling worthless. Jesus has all of those stingers in His hands. When you see that nailed-scarred hand, realize that, on your behalf, Jesus took all the pain that Satan could throw at Him. He reduced Satan to a big black bee that’s lost its stinger - all Satan can do is buzz. That's the victory that Jesus won for you.CHRIST, SUFFERED AND DIEDThe PrizeDate: 6/2006.101September 22 2013 DCFC Chinese Deut 6:4-9 The third seat is emptyMar 15 2015 QBC Chinese [John 12:20-26 – A kernel of seed]August 16 2015 QBC English [John 12:20-26 – A kernel of seed]Sept 13 2015 Evangel BP Chinese [John 12:20-26 – A kernel of seed]Still More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P49 A billionaire oil tycoon from Texas decided to find a husband for his only daughter, rather homely 18-yeard old. He initiated a search by inviting the local bachelors to a party in his backyard. A large, elegantly designed swimming pool dominated the yard. As the men edged by it to get their refreshments, they saw it was filled with man-eating sharks, piranhas, alligators and other animals that wouldn't think twice about eating you alive. Clustering beside the pool, the bachelors puzzled over the strange sight.Just then, the tycoon appeared on the patio and gave an emotional speech, telling how much he loved his daughter and expressing how much he wanted her to marry someone deserving of her. He then laid out The Deal."Anyone who will jump in the swimming pool and swim to the other side will have their choice of a check for $1 million with no questions asked or the title deed to my most profitable oil field, or the hand of my daughter in marriage and your place in my will, which will result in your inheriting my entire fortune."The bachelors were speechless. Their questioning looks seemed to say that none of them would be crazy enough to risk his life - even for all that money.The long silence was finally broken by a splash. Everyone turned to see one of the men swimming to the far side of the pool as fast as any Olympic swimmer. Leaping out of the water, he shook himself and stalked back to the tycoon. With a hug and a handshake, the tycoon congratulated the young man on a fine swim. "Son, would you like a million dollar check?" he asked."No sir, I wouldn't," responded the young man politely and slightly out of breath."Fine," said the tycoon. "Then would you like my most profitable oil field?""No, sir," he replied, getting a hold of himself.With a tear in his eye the tycoon asked, "Then, my boy, would you like my only daughter’s hand in marriage?"To the surprise of the gawking bachelors, the young man replied, "No sir."Puzzled and a little hurt, the tycoon asked, "Well, then, son, what do you want?""I only want one thing," answered the young man with assurance. "I want the name of the guy who pushed me into the pool."ApplicationNobody would willingly jump into a shark-infested pool - even for a million dollars. And nobody would willingly let themselves be nailed to the cross - even if he thought he might get some fame or recognition out of it.Jesus let himself be nailed to the cross, not because there was something in it for him personally, but because there was something in it for you and me. Jesus did more than risk his life for us, Jesus gave his life for us. Nobody pushed him into it. he chose to die because he loves us.CHRIST, SUBSTITUTIONCinderellaMax LucadoDec 08 2013 – QBC English and Chinese – Christmas Genes Matt 1:1-17 I received a call from a friend named Kenny. He and his family had just returned from Disney World. "I saw a sight I'll never forget," he said. "I want you to know about it."He and his family were inside Cinderella's castle. It was packed with kids and parents. Suddenly all the children rushed to one side. Had it been a boat, the castle would have tipped over. Cinderella had entered.Cinderella. The pristine princess. Kenny said she was perfectly typecast. A gorgeous young girl with each hair in place, flawless skin, and a beaming smile. She stood waist-deep in a garden of kids, each wanting to touch and be touched.For some reason Kenny turned and looked toward the other side of the castle. It was now vacant except for a boy maybe seven or eight years old. His age was hard to determine because of the disfigurement of his body. Dwarfed in height, face deformed, he stood watching quietly and wistfully, holding the hand of an older brother.Don't you know what he wanted? He wanted to be with the children. He longed to be in the middle of the kids reaching for Cinderella, calling her name. But can't you feel his fear; fear of yet another rejection? Fear of being taunted again, mocked again?Don't you wish Cinderella would go to him? Guess what? She did!She noticed the little boy. She immediately began walking in his direction. Politely but firmly inching through the crowd of children, she finally broke free. She walked quickly across the floor, knelt at eye level with the stunned little boy, and placed a kiss on his face."I thought you would appreciate the story," Kenny told me. I did. It reminded me of another one. The names are different, but isn't the story almost the same? Rather than a princess of Disney, it's the Prince of Peace. Rather than a boy in a castle, it's a thief on a cross. In both cases a gift was given. In both cases love was shared. In both cases the lovely one performed a gesture beyond words.But Jesus did more than Cinderella. Oh, so much more.Cinderella gave only a kiss. When she stood to leave, she took her beauty with her. The boy was still deformed. What if Cinderella had done what Jesus did? What if she assumed his state? What if she had somehow given him her beauty and taken on his disfigurement?That's what Jesus did."He took our suffering on him and felt our pain for usHe was wounded for the wrong we did; he was crushed for the evil we did. The punishment, which made us well, was given to him, and we are healed because of his wounds."Make no mistake:Jesus gave more than a kiss—he gave his beauty.He paid more than a visit—he paid for our mistakes.He took more than a minute—he took away our sin.CHRIST, SUBSTITUTERagmanWalter J. WangerinI saw a strange sight. I stumbled upon a story most strange, like nothing my life, my street sense, my sly tongue had ever prepared me for. Hush, child. Hush, now, and I will tell it to you.Even before the dawn one Friday morning I noticed a young man, handsome and strong, walking the alleys of our City. He was pulling an old cart filled with clothes both bright and new, and he was calling in a clear, tenor voice: "Rags!" Ah, the air was foul and the first light filthy to be crossed by such sweet music."Rags! New rags for old! I take your tired rags! Rags!""Now this is a wonder," I thought to myself, for the man stood six-feet-four, and his arms were like tree limbs, hard and muscular, and his eyes flashed intelligence. Could he find no better job than this, to be a ragman in the inner city?I followed him. My curiosity drove me. And I wasn't disappointed.Soon the Ragman saw a woman sitting on her back porch. She was sobbing into a handkerchief, sighing, and shedding a thousand tears. Her knees and elbows made a sad X. Her shoulders shook. Her heart was breaking.The Ragman stopped his cart. Quietly, he walked to the woman, stepping round tin cans, dead toys, and Pampers."Give me your rag," he said so gently, "and I'll give you another."He slipped the handkerchief from her eyes. She looked up, and he laid across her palm a linen cloth so clean and new that it shined. She blinked from the gift to the giver.Then, as he began to pull his cart again, the Ragman did a strange thing: he put her stained handkerchief to his own face; and then he began to weep, to sob as grievously as she had done, his shoulders shaking. Yet she was left without a tear."This is a wonder," I breathed to myself, and I followed the sobbing Ragman like a child who cannot turn away from mystery."Rags! Rags! New rags for old!"In a little while, when the sky showed gray behind the rooftops and I could see the shredded curtains hanging out black windows, the Ragman came upon a girl whose head was wrapped in a bandage, whose eyes were empty. Blood soaked her bandage. A single line of blood ran down her cheek.Now the tall Ragman looked upon this child with pity, and he drew a lovely yellow bonnet from his cart."Give me your rag," he said, tracing his own line on her cheek, "and I'll give you mine."The child could only gaze at him while he loosened the bandage, removed it, and tied it to his own head. The bonnet he set on hers. And I gasped at what I saw: for with the bandage went the wound! Against his brow it ran a darker, more substantial blood— his own!"Rags! Rags! I take old rags!" cried the sobbing, bleeding, strong, intelligent Ragman.The sun hurt both the sky, now, and my eyes; the Ragman seemed more and more to hurry."Are you going to work?" he asked a man who leaned against a telephone pole. The man shook his head. The Ragman pressed him: "Do you have a job?" "Are you crazy?" sneered the other. He pulled away from the pole, revealing the right sleeve of his jacket—flat, the cuff stuffed into the pocket. He had no arm.CHRIST, THE LAMB OF GODLambing in New ZealandDate: 6/2006.101DCFC Sunday School 2006 - Ruth 3 Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P133The beautiful green hills of NZ, a country known for its sheep industry are dotted everywhere with white sheep. During the yearly lambing season, thousands of baby lambs are born. Unfortunately, some lambs’ die at birth. Many mother sheep are also lost during lambing season; they die giving birth. In an attempt to save the orphaned lambs, the shepherds match baby lambs who have lost their mothers with mother sheep who have lost their lambs. It is not as easy as it sounds, though - a mother sheep won’t accept a lamb and nurse it unless it is her own.How then, do shepherds get a mother sheep to accept an orphaned lamb as her own? The process is as old as shepherding itself. The mother's own lamb, which had died, is skinned and the skin of the dead lamb is draped over the living lamb as it is placed by the adoptive mother’s side. The mother sheep then smells the skin and accepts the orphaned lamb as her own.Application:Lambing season in New Zealand reminds us of what JC did for us on the Cross. When John wrote in Revelation 7:14 and Revelation 12:11 of our being saved by "the blood of the Lamb," it was in terms that people in agrarian societies vividly understood. Paul wrote to the Ephesians, "But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. For he... has destroyed the barrier the dividing wall of hostility..." (Ephesians 2:13-14). because of Christ's blood, God accepts us as His own. Once we were orphans, but now we are God's adopted children.Gal 3:36-27; Is 61:10; Zechariah 3:1-4, Romans 13:14CHRIST, THE LAMD OF GODSacrificeDate: 3/1998.1765Under the Old Testament system, every worshiper had to bring his own lamb. If he had no lamb, he had to buy a lamb. He could not borrow a lamb. No one could give him a lamb. He had to provide his own lamb. In the New Testament everything is reversed. God provides the Lamb! -- Robert C. Shannon, 1000 Windows, (Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Publishing Company, 1997).See: Genesis 22:7-8; John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7; 1 Peter 1:18-19 CHRIST, SINNER’S FRIENDBride of ChristNov 13 2011 DCFC English [Jesus came to the world to...] John 10:1-18 – Lay down His lifeJoni Erickson Tada, a quadriplegic who was paralyzed in a diving accident as a teenager, talks about her wedding day. She says, “I felt awkward as my girlfriends strained to shift my paralyzed body into a cumbersome wedding gown. No amount of corseting and binding my body gave me a perfect shape. The dress just didn’t fit well. Then, as I was wheeling into the church, I glanced down and noticed that I’d accidentally run over the hem of my dress, leaving a greasy tire mark. My paralyzed hands couldn’t hold the bouquet of daisies that lay off-center on my lap. And my chair, though decorated for the wedding, was still a big, clunky gray machine with belts, gears, and ball bearings. I certainly didn’t feel like the picture-perfect bride in a bridal magazine. I inched my chair closer to the last pew to catch a glimpse of Ken in front. There he was, standing tall and stately in his formal attire. I saw him looking for me, craning his neck to look up the aisle. My face flushed, and I suddenly couldn’t wait to be with him. I had seen my beloved. The love in Ken’s face had washed away all my feelings of unworthiness. I was his pure and perfect bride. How easy it is for us to think that we’re utterly unlovely — especially to someone as lovely as Christ. But he loves us with the bright eyes of a Bridegroom’s love and cannot wait for the day we are united with him forever.” And we, unattractive, frightened, paralyzed and imperfect, yet wild with hope, come to the wedding feast of the Lamb. We feel inadequate and unworthy, yet our eyes are fixed on Christ. We are overwhelmed with emotion as we know that we are loved and accepted just as we are, and that the wedding will bring about a transformation. The blood and water that flowed from his side has released us from our bondage, healed our brokenness and cleansed us from our sin. We become the Bride of Christ, not just in theory or potentially, but in reality. And there, together with him and all the redeemed, we will taste the new wine of the kingdom. Just as I amNov 06 2011 DCFC English [Jesus came to the world to...] John 6:24-37 – be the bread of lifeCHARLOTTE ELLIOTT learned an important lesson about Jesus one sleepless night in 1834. She was an invalid, so when her family held a bazaar in Brighton, England, to raise money to build a school, she could only watch from afar. That night she was overwhelmed by her helplessness and could not sleep. But her sadness turned to joy when she realized that God accepted her just as she was. Her experience inspired these well loved words: "Just as I am, without one plea but that Thy blood was shed for me, and that Thou bidd’st me come to Thee, 0 Lamb of God, I come! I come!" When she published the poem in The Invalid’s Hymn Book she included with it John 6:37. CHRIST, SINNER’S FRIENDPoem - The Watered LiliesDate: 6/2006.101The Best Loved Poems of the American People P308 The Master stood in His garden,Among the lilies fair,Which His own right hand had planted,And trained with tend ‘rest care.He looked at their snowy blossoms,And marked with observant eyeThat the flowers were sadly drooping,For their leaves were parched and dry."My lilies need to be watered,"The Heavenly Master said;"Wherein shall I draw it for them,And raise each drooping head?"Close to his feet on the pathway,Empty and frail and small,An earthen vessel was lying,Which seemed no used at all;But the Master saw and raised itFrom the dust in which it lay,And smiled as He gently whispered,"This shall do My work today:"it's is but an earthen vessel,But it lay so close to Me;It is small, but it is empty -That is all it needs to be."So to the fountain He took it,And filled it full to the brim;How glad was the earthen vesselTo be of some use to Him!He poured forth the living waterOver His lilies fair,Until the vessel was empty,And again He filled it there.He watered the drooping liliesUntil they revived again;And the Master saw with pleasureThat His labor had not been vain.His own hand had drawn the waterWhich refreshed the thirsty flowers;But He used the earthen vesselTo convey the living showers.And to itself it whispered,As He laid it aside once more,"Still will I lie in His pathway.Just where I did before."Close would I keep to the MasterEmpty would I remain,And perhaps some day He may use meTo water His flowers again."CHRIST, SINNER’S FRIENDThe Empty ChairDate: 5/2007.101Hot Illustrations Brennan Manning tells the following story of an old man who was dying of cancer.The man’s daughter had asked the local priest to come and pray with her father. When the priest arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows and an empty chair beside his bed. The priest assumed that the old fellow had been informed of his visit. I guess you were expecting me, he said.No, who are you?I’m the new associate at your parish, the priest replied. When I saw the empty chair, I figured you knew I was going to show up.Oh yeah, the chair, said the bedridden man. Would you mind closing the door?Puzzled, the priest shut the door.I’ve never told anyone this, not even my daughter, said the man. But all of my life I have never known how to pray. At the Sunday Mass I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but it always went right over my head?/p>I abandoned any attempt at prayer, the old man continued, until one day about four years ago my best friend said to me, love, prayer is just a simple matter of having a conversation with Jesus. Here’s what I suggest. Sit down on a chair, place an empty chair in front of you, and in faith see Jesus on the chair. It’s not spooky because he promised, he’ll be with you always. Then just speak to him and listen in the same way you’re doing with me right now.So, Father, I tried it and I’ve liked it so much that I do it a couple of hours every day. I’m careful, though. If my daughter saw me talking to an empty chair, shed either have a nervous breakdown or send me off to the funny farm.The priest was deeply moved by the story and encouraged the old guy to continue on the journey. Then he prayed with him, anointed him with oil, and returned to the rectory.Two nights later the daughter called to tell the priest that her daddy had died that afternoon.Did he seem to die in peace? he asked.Yes, when I left the house around two o’clock, he called me over to his bedside, told me one of his corny jokes, and kissed me on the cheek. When I got back from the store an hour later, I found him dead. But there was something strange, Father. In fact, beyond strange, it’s kind of weird. Apparently, just before Daddy died, he leaned over and rested his head on a chair beside the bed.(From Abbas Child by Brennan Manning, Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1994, pg. 126-7)Where to Take It from Here...John, who was known as the beloved disciple, wrote twice in his Gospel of the time that he laid his head on Jesus chest in a moment of intimacy. (John 13:23, John 13:25; John 21:20) It was a special memory for John, one that assured him that he was indeed a disciple whom Jesus loved.Brennan Manning writes, The Christ of faith is no less accessible to us in his present risenness than was the Christ of history in his human flesh to the beloved disciple. We can have the same kind of relationship with Jesus that John did.Do you have that kind of relationship with Jesus? Are you and Jesus so close that you can converse with him as you would with a friend? Do you know that he loves you passionately and that he is interested in you and wants to listen to everything that you have to say? Can you lay your head on his chest and feel his heartbeat?That’s the kind of relationship that Jesus wants to have with you.CHRIST, THE TRUE LIGHT OF LIFEFollowing the Right LightDate: 5/2006.101ACC English - 1 April 2007 Heb 12:1-331 August 2008 DCFC English - Heb 12:1-3 Heroes of the Faith: Run the Marathon of Faith2009 OK Retreat - Heb 12:1-3 Faith 2 Finish: Faith is a marathon2011 FCCD Retreat – Heb 12:1-3 Faith 2 Finish: The Christian Life is a MarathonIn the army, we used to train at night. Each time the platoon goes out, we walk in rows, about 10 feet apart. When the commander in front stop, the rest of us need to stop too and hide in the bush - not just stand around. Sometimes, it’s very dark so we can’t see each other. What we do is that we use little cylum straws. And in the darkness we just follow the light before us. When it moves, we move, when it stops we stop.The problem is we get tired after training 2-3 days in a row. And when we stop, sometimes you just fall asleep without realizing. The next moment you wake up, the light is gone, so you have to run ahead to find it. Once, I fell asleep. Suddenly I woke up and could not see the light. I panicked and went forward, then saw the little light and was relief. As I followed that light, it appeared strange. I followed it for almost 5 min then realized that this light was going around in circles. Finally, I ran up to it and realized that it was not the cylum straw behind my buddy, but a fire fly.So I followed the wrong light and left the right path.In our lives, we need a light to guide us in the right path - Christ. But there are many false lights that beckons us to follow them, if we do, we will leave the right path. CHRISTIAN, CALLINGCalling – Self Apr 24 2011 DCFC English Worship – [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 24:28-36Sept 3-5 2011 RCCC Retreat [Renewing our first love for Christ] Renewing our vision of the Cross Luke 9:18-2723-25 Sept 2011 ACBC Missions Conference (Mandarin) – Matt 28:18-20 The Great Commission20 April 2014 – Evangel Morning & Xiyang – Mark 16:1-8 Go Shout it on the mountain!Jan 31 2016 QBC Chinese Phil 3:7-11 – ‘No-Fool’ Passion: God centered passionFeb 28 2016 QBC English Phil 3:7-11 – ‘No-Fool’ Passion: God centered passion01 Oct 2017 QBC English/Chi - [Condition of Discipleship] Matt 8:18-21I remember the day I accepted Christ. I was at this IV-retreat as a freshman in college. There were only two non-Christians there and I was one of them. But after a culmination of struggling with the purpose and meaning of life and reading up and I guess God just working in my heart, I was challenged by the room-mate they gave me, if I wanted to accept Christ and I did. Incidentally, this room-mate later became my small group leader and he currently works for Coke as a Financial Controller at their Thailand office. He recently also had a set of boy-girl twins through IVF. Anyway, that morning, during the morning worship, I remembered telling God, “Why is it that these Christians around me are so emotional and they seem to feel you and experience you as if you are next to them. But I don’t feel anything. When I accepted you, I didn’t feel anything or hear anything! Nothing! Is this real? Or are they just emotionally weak?” I prayed, “Lord, let me experience you!” In the midst of the worship, I just felt this stirring in my heart and I grasp what a wretched sinner I was. Then the first tear trickled down my cheeks and then the dam broke. I told you I don’t cry well! Snoot & saliva and the guy beside me, someone I barely knew, put his arms around me and I just cried. God became real! Then the pastor spoke on John 21 and my heart was strangely warm. Perhaps that was what these disciples of Emmaus felt when Jesus spoke to them. I realized that I was like Peter in John 21 and I responded and told God that I wanted to feed his sheep. It was in that moment then I felt called to full time ministry. This is another story that perhaps I will have an opportunity to share in future. But in that moment, not only was my mind informed, but my heart was touched. Allow the message of the Cross to burn in our hearts. 01 Oct 2017 QBC English/Chi - [Condition of Discipleship] Matt 8:18-21 – added to the aboveThis is the purpose of my life. What I desired more than anything else is to experience that God is real, that He is alive and working in my life. More than anything else, I have experienced this reality. This is what my life is about – Him! And it was such an assurance for me. In a new country, in a new church with new people, it is simple to live my life as a Christian ought, as a Christ follower. The call to follow Jesus is a call of wholehearted commitment – not a call to success or blessing, nor a call to perfect and total obedience. It is to follow Christ and let your life tell the story of your commitment – “let the dead bury the dead, because if Christ is not Lord of all, then he is not Lord at all!” Whatever job you do, wherever you are, whenever it is requiredCalling of God – Self Jan 31 2016 QBC Chinese Phil 3:7-11 – ‘No-Fool’ Passion: God centered passionFeb 28 2016 QBC English Phil 3:7-11 – ‘No-Fool’ Passion: God centered passionMarch 19 2013We are in the process of thinking about returning to Singapore. But we were filled with fear and uncertainties. Thinking about Singapore’s busy and high pressure lifestyle, family issues, our children’s future and education, cost of living (how am I going to support my parents), ministry opportunities, I was stressed. Compared to what we had in America, a big house with a 3-car garage. We had a comfortable lifestyle at a price we could afford. Ministry was good, as we reach out to the Chinese and also get to serve in the English congregation, both my wife and I can serve together, we like the people we serve, I get a big say in what needs to be done. I wonder, “Why did we want to go home? For parents so that our kids can grow up around them – yes, but there are some many problems to deal with too!” Apart from this, there isn’t any particular leading from God.“Father, what should we do? Please lead us clearly. I am afraid that we would make the wrong decision to give up what we have now. I don’t seem to be able to find anywhere to serve that I can maximize my calling. Is this decision, my will or yours? I think both are fine, but I am struggling. I do want to know your calling where we can be most effective for you and our kids and us can grow together with a spiritual family.”Well this morning, I was in the toilet where I do most of my deep thinking and a read this article from guide post. “Discovering Faith” from Krista Trippett. Of the entire 2 pages of words, 4 passages were highlighted.“I’m still discovering right up to this moment, that it is only by living completely in this world that one learns to have faith… In so doing we throw ourselves completely into the arms of God.” Dietrich BonhoefferPerhaps like Bonhoeffer, we need to return to face reality. In so doing, we bear our crosses and we would need to depend on God. Returning to Singapore is a cross to bear, but it is only by completely living in this world and not running away from reality that we learn faith. Isn’t this what I have desired all my life? I think it is a clear message from God.“Feed my lambs… Tend my sheep… Feed my sheep.” John 21:15-17When my eyes caught these words, a chill ran down my spine. This passage means a lot to me. It was through this passage that God first called me on the day of my conversion. It was this passage that I asked God to call me three times and He did – once while reading a magazine on Bus 199 in NTU, another time was from the sharing of a Korean Student from FEBC.I am worried that I would not have ministry opportunities to preach and teach God’s word. But this is God’s assurance that He still has use for me. It is what He called me to do. Just as He assured me that he wants to use me to feed the 500 thousands as I was asked to transfer to the Chinese congregation to help them, now He tells me that He has use for me in Singapore.Ora et Labore “Pray & Work” from the Rule of St BenedictPray and work. That’s what I need. Work hard, but pray harder. I need to work hard to finish off my work here, with my dissertation and all. I need to work hard when I return to Singapore, but I need to pray more. More dependence of God. “You were made and set here to give voice to this, your own astonishment” Annie DillardWe were made to give voice to God’s work in our lives. To tell others and to testify with our lives how God is moving in our lives. How He astonishes us. This is the purpose of my life. What I desired more than anything else is to experience that God is real, that He is alive and working in my life. More than anything else, I have experienced this reality. This is what my life is about – Him! Experienced such comfort and peace about my decision to go home.Focus on EarthDate: 10/2007.101Fresh Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching - Leadership Journal - Ed Rowell P73 (Stephen Nordbye) On Day Six of the ill-fated mission of Apollo 13, the astronauts needed to make a critical course correction. If they failed, they might never return to Earth. To conserve power, they shut down the onboard computer that steered the craft. Yet the astronauts needed to conduct a thirty nine second burn of the main engines. How to steer? Astronaut Jim Lovell determined that if they could keep a fixed point in space in view through their tiny window, they could steer the craft manually. That focal point turned out to be their destination - Earth.As shown in the 1995's hit movie, Apollo 13 for 39 agonizing seconds, Lovell focused on keeping the earth in view. By not losing sight of that reference point, the three astronauts avoided disaster. Scripture reminds us that to finish your life mission successfully, "Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." (Hebrews 12:2)CHRISTIAN, CALLINGSuper Bowl 1993Date: 10/2007.101Fresh Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching - Leadership Journal - Ed Rowell P75 (Steve Chandler) Tom Friends of the NY Times asked coach Jimmy Johnson what he told his players before leading the Cowboys onto the field for the 1993 Super Bowl."I told them that if I laid a two-by-four across the floor, everybody there would walk across it and not fall because our focus would be on walking the length of that board. But if I put that same board 10 stories high between two buildings only a few would make it, because the focus would be on falling." Johnson told his players not to focus on the crowd, the media or the possibility of falling, but to focus on each play of the game as if it were a good practice session. The Cowboys won the game 52-7.A Christian must not focus on what people think but only on what is excellent or praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8)CHRISTIAN, CALLINGThe Call of the BarnyardDate: 6/2006.101More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P49 A flock of wild ducks were flying in formation, heading south for the winter. They formed a beautiful V in the sky and were admired by everyone who saw them from below.One day, Wally one of the wild ducks in the formation spotted something on the ground that caught his eye. it was a barnyard with a flock of tame ducks who lived on the farm. They were waddling around on the ground, quacking merrily and eating corn that was thrown on the ground for them every day. Wally liked what he saw. "It sure would be nice to have some of that corn," he thought to himself. "And all this flying is very tiring. I'd like to just waddle around for a while."So after thinking it over a while, Wally left the formation of wild ducks, made a sharp dive to the left and headed for the barnyard. He landed among the tame ducks and began to waddle around and quack merrily. He also started eating corn. The formation of wild ducks continued their journey south, but Wally didn’t care. "I'll rejoin them when they come back north in few months," he said to himself.Several months went by and sure enough, Wally looked up and spotted the flock of wild ducks in formation, heading north. They looked beautiful up there. And Wally was tired of the barnyard. It was muddy and everywhere he waddled nothing but duck doo. "It's time to leave," said Wally.So Wally flapped his wings furiously and tried to get airborne. But he had gained some weight from all corn-eating, and he hadn’t exercised his wings much either. he finally got off the ground but he was flying too low and slammed into the side of the barn. He fell to the ground with a thud and said to himself, "Oh well, I'll just wait until they fly south in a few months. Then I'll rejoin them and become a wild duck again."But when the flock flew overhead once more, Wally again tried to lift himself out of the barnyard. He simply didn't have the strength. Every winter and every spring, he saw his wild duck friends flying overhead and they would call out to him. But his attempts to leave were all in vain.Eventually Wally no longer paid any attention to the wild ducks flying overhead. He hardly even noticed them. He had, after all, become a barnyard duck.Application:Sometimes we get tired of being wild ducks - followers of Jesus Christ. It’s not always easy to be obedient to God and to discipline ourselves to hang in there for the long haul. When we are feeling that way, that’s when Satan tempts us to "fall out of formation" and to join the barnyard ducks - the world.But look what happened to Wally. He thought he would just "check it out" for awhile and then leave when he wanted to. But he couldn't do it. Sin is like that. Sin is a trap and it has a way of changing us into people we don’t even want to become. Eventually we lose touch with who we really are - the sons and daughters of the Most High. We become barnyard ducks.Let us focus on things above and not things below. God has called us to fly, to soar, let us not settle for waddling.The Lifesaving Station Date: 6/2006.1015 Oct 2008 DCFC English "We have a dream..." Matt 28:18-20 Dreaming God's dream23-25 Sept 2011 ACBC Missions Conference (Mandarin) – Matt 28:18-20 The Great CommissionHot Illustrations for Youth Talks P140On a dangerous seacoast where shipwrecks often occur, there was once a crude little lifesaving station. The building was no more than a nut and there was only one boat; but the few devoted members kept a constant watch over the sea. With no thought for themselves, they went out day and night, tirelessly searching for the lost. Some of those who were saved and various others in the surrounding area wanted to be associated with the station and give their time, money and effort to support the work. New boats were bought and new crews trained. The little life saving station grew.Some of these new members of the lifesaving station were unhappy that the building was so crude and poorly equipped. They felt that a more comfortable place should be provided as the first refuge of those who were saved from the sea. They replaced the emergency cots with beds and put better furniture in the enlarged building. Not the lifesaving station became a popular gathering place for its members and they decorated it beautifully and furnished it exquisitely because they used it as a sort of a club. Fewer members were now interested in going to sea on lifesaving missions, so they hired lifeboat crews to do this work. The lifesaving motif still prevailed in this club's decoration and there was a memorial life boat in the room where the club initiations were held.About this time a large ship was wrecked off the coast and the hired crews brought in boatloads of cold, wet half-drowned people. They were dirty and sick and some of them were foreigners. The beautiful new club was in chaos. Immediately, the property committee hired someone to rig up a shower house outside the club where victims of shipwrecks could be cleaned up before coming inside.At the next meeting, there was a split in the club membership. Most of the members wanted to stop the club's lifesaving activities because they felt and pointed out that they were unpleasant and a hindrance to the normal social life of the club. A small number of members insisted upon lifesaving as their primary purpose and pointed out that they were still called a lifesaving station. The small group's members were voted down and told that if they wanted to save lives, they could begin their own lifesaving station down the coast.They did.As the years went by, however, the new station experienced the same changes that had occurred in the old station. it evolved into a club and yet another lifesaving station was founded. History continued to repeat itself and if you visit that seacoast today, you will find a number of exclusive clubs along that shore.Shipwrecks are frequent in those waters but most of the passengers drown.Application:As disciples of Jesus, our primary task is to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19). To put it another way, we are to go and save lives. Unfortunately, we sometimes forget our purpose. We need to recover our passion for lifesaving. We need to be doers of the Word and not hearers only (James 1:22)CHRISTIAN LIFEAdventure in PhilippinesDate: 11/2005.1012005-7-16: YF (Pandan Chinese)2005-8-21: SaipanDCFC English Worship 22 April 2007 - Rom 12:1-2Sept 2007 FWC Retreat: The Kingdom is Here - Kingdom Transformation Rom 12:1-2Sept 3-5 2011 RCCC Retreat [Renewing our first love for Christ] Renewing our minds for worship Rom 12:1-2July 21 2013 DCFC Chinese Rom 12:1-10 – An extraordinary life, an extraordinary love?Personal 1997 in PhilippinesThe headlights were blinding my eyes, speeding toward me with each passing second. I froze in my seat, hands tightening around the overhead grip. All I could do was stutter, "Car! Car!" Suddenly, at the last moment, it swerved to the right and I saw this white Mazda whiz by. Immediately, a motorcycle flew by on the left. And to my horror, there was a huge bus coming straight at us, blaring its horns.At that time, I was working in a bank in the Philippines. We were usually driven thru and fro our offices and the hotel by local drivers. On that fateful day, the office informed me that they were short of drivers and had assigned a new driver to me. That evening, as I went to the car, there, standing before the silver Honda Civic was a young man - not more than 18 years old. He informed me that it was his first day of work. Wow! First day? So I asked him, "Do you know the way back?" "Yes sir! Yes sir!" Well, as long as he could bring me home, then I am Ok with it. So I hopped on the back of the Honda Civic and started reading the papers. My stomach was growling and I was thinking of the nice little Italian restaurant beside my hotel. I should be sitting before a delicious plate of seafood linguine in about half an hour - or so I thought!45 minutes later, I was still zooming through traffic, going in circles. What was taking so long? It was supposed to be only half an hour. So I asked the driver, "Do you know the way back?" "Yes, sir! Yes, sir!" "You sure?" "Yes Sir!" Well, what can I say, if he's so sure? So I kept quiet, trying to appease my growing impatience and growling stomach. 15 minutes later, we were still in traffic. By this time, I was pretty sure we were totally lost. Then, to the east, I saw Shang-rila hotel in a distance. That was where I was staying - not at Shang-rila, but at the little hotel beside it. So I asked the driver, "Are we lost?" "No sir! No, sir!" "No? Then why is Shang-rila on our East when we are going west?"Suddenly, both his eyes widened like two saucers, "Aah!" It was as if some light had gone on in his head. I scoffed and thought "He finally gets it!" I was momentarily pleased with myself for pointing this out to the driver! Well, I said momentarily because in the next instance, he swerved into a single lane road which went eastward. I was heading home. But there was one small tiny problem. We were going in the opposite direction on a single lane road! We were going against the traffic. As I was facing that bus barreling toward us, blaring its horn, I shot a quick prayer to the Lord and prepared myself to meet Jesus! There was no way out! At the last moment, my skillful driver went up the pedestrian pavement, kept going against the traffic, until finally he turned into another main street, the right directions this time. Going against traffic was one of the scariest experiences of my life.Do you hear the people sing?22 Oct 2017 QBC English/Chi - [Cause of Discipleship] Matt 9:35-10:15Do you hear the people sing?Do you hear the people sing?Singing the songs of angry men?It is the music of the peopleWho will not be slaves again!When the beating of your heartEchoes the beating of the drumsThere is a life about to startWhen tomorrow comes!Will you join in our crusade?Who will be strong and stand with me?Somewhere beyond the barricadeIs there a world you long to see?Fear no evil: Christian witness in a time of darknessDecember 29, 2016?by?Kristin Du Mez? truck plows into crowds at a Berlin Christmas market. Heart-wrenching images from Aleppo disquiet us on a daily basis. A young white man is convicted in the horrific killing of nine African American worshippers. The fourth anniversary of Sandy Hook comes and goes. Stories of police violence continue to surface. And in the midst of it all, our nation seems to be coming undone, fracturing along political lines that pit neighbor against neighbor, family against family.Despite the relative security many of us enjoy, fears loom large. At the close of a year that seems particularly dark, as we peer ahead into the unknown, it’s worth reflecting on?how the historic Christian faith positions believers to respond to a culture of fear.Several years ago, my attention was drawn to this question after coming across Rodney Stark’s?The Rise of Christianity: How the Obscure, Marginal Jesus Movement Became the Dominant Religious Force in the Western World in a Few Centuries. In this book, Stark, a sociologist, contends that it was?a series of devastating plagues?that were key to the seemingly miraculous growth of the early church.In AD 165, and again in AD 251, terrifying epidemics descended upon the Roman Empire, killing between a quarter to a third of the population. Contemporary accounts describe?widespread panic?as family members abandoned their loved ones at the first sign of disease, sometimes tossing them into the roads even before they had died. As a result, many victims were left without food, water, and basic care that could have dramatically increased survival rates.Christians, however, soon gained a reputation for?their boldness in the face of death. The bishop Dionysius, for example, described how Christians “showed unbounded love and loyalty, never sparing themselves and thinking only of one another. Heedless of danger, they took charge of the sick, attending to their every need and ministering to them in Christ.” When infected, they “departed this life serenely happy,” having willingly drawn “on themselves the sickness of their neighbors,” and having accepted their suffering with good cheer.Indeed, for Christians such as these, the epidemic became “a time of unimaginable joy,” a chance for believers to witness to their faith by offering themselves as martyrs (Stark, 81-82).Stark makes clear that it was?Christian doctrine?that motivated believers’ courage in the face of the terrors of the plague.While their non-Christian neighbors retreated in fear, Christians found in their faith both a source of comfort and a call to action. They knew they were their “brothers’ keepers,” that it was “more blessed to give than to receive,” and that they ought to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Stark, 84)To further understand the radical claims of the Christian faith, Stark suggests taking another look at?Matthew 25:35-40:?“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” It was by loving one another sacrificially that Christians reflected God’s own sacrificial love. Because they believed that God loved all humanity, they also believed that their own love must extend beyond family and tribe.These were?revolutionary concepts?at the time, and by taking these teachings to heart, early Christians earned a reputation—even among their enemies—for their?radical loving-kindness.Christian compassion and fearlessness in the face of death had?lasting consequences.Although many Christians perished from the plague, those who survived developed an immunity that enabled them to continue nursing their neighbors in ways that seemed nothing short of?miraculous.?As a result, many pagans, abandoned by their own families, owed their survival to the care of Christians. Not surprisingly, many of these survivors became converts themselves.Stark concludes that it was the?witness of faithful Christians at this time of crisis, together with demographic consequences of the plague, that played a decisive role in the phenomenal growth of early Christianity.After reading Stark’s account of the rise of Christianity, I was struck by the?contrast?between the sacrificial behavior evidenced by early Christians, and the reputation of many American Christians today.Looking back over recent American history, it is discouraging to note how frequently?fear, rather than sacrifice,?seems to have motivated Christians to act.In issues ranging from tax policy to gun control to concerns about religious freedom, are Christians motivated more by faith or by fear?And what about terrorism? In the aftermath of?September 11,?2001, many Americans found in terrorism and Islamic extremism a new source of fear. Many American Christians, quick to draw clear distinctions between “good” and “evil” in the “war on terror,” led the way in calling for an aggressive, militaristic foreign policy aimed at protecting the nation’s security and the American “way of life.”But?what if American Christians simply refuse to be “terrorized”—if, like their sisters and brothers in the early church, they perceived the?threat of failing to bear witness to Christ’s love?a greater evil?than the threat posed by terrorists to their lives and livelihoods?At first glance, such a?radical?re-conception?of values?might seem dangerously na?ve. Yet is it really any more na?ve than the actions of those early Christians who exposed themselves to the terrors of the plague for the sake of their neighbors, and?for the gospel of Christ?While one might argue that such a?posture of willing sacrifice?constitutes an untenable foreign policy for a modern nation state, perhaps it is time for American Christians to?identify first as Christians,?and only secondly as Americans.What might happen if, rather than scrambling to protect our own well-being and interests, American Christians instead prioritized the radical command to?love their neighbors as themselves?In light of this fundamental reorientation,?whose rights?would American Christians be most likely to defend—their own, or?those of their neighbors? Would freedom be defined in terms of the freedom to have, or in terms of the?freedom that comes from letting go—a freedom that enables one to love one’s neighbors more profoundly?At a time when some fear the dissolution of democratic institutions and civic norms, and the possible erosion of basic rights and protections, what if Christians across the political spectrum fearlessly commit to doing justice and loving kindness, without regard to consequence?If Christians were to embrace a culture that calls them to offer themselves as living sacrifices, might they not discover in the end that they have?little left to fear??HypocritesJan 15 2017 QBC Chinese [Kingdom Living II] Kingdom PietyFeb 12 2017 QBC English [Kingdom Living II] Kingdom PietyARE ALL CHRISTIANS HYPOCRITES? YES, MAYBE AND NO.May 27 2015 you missed it, please read my previous piece “Preventing the Next Josh Duggar Situation” dealing with our mere baptism of culture’s celebrity obsession and our failure to realize exactly from where sin originates.The revelations about Josh Duggar have brought to the forefront a much broader discussion about Christians and hypocrisy.?(If you need a recap, here is?The Washington Post’s excellent?timeline of the entire situation.)Does his criticizing the sexual behavior of others, while engaging in not just sexual sins, but criminal molestation, mark him a hypocrite? Are Christians, in general, hypocrites for so often critiquing the behavior of others, while failing to live up to their own standards?As a Christian, my answer would be yes, maybe, and no. Let me explain.Yes, all Christians are hypocrites.Part of answering the question comes with identifying what it means to be a hypocrite. If someone is a hypocrite because they fail to live up to the moral standard they proclaim, then Christians are clearly hypocrites. In fact, we might be the biggest hypocrites on the planet.The Person we claim to follow and whose live we attempt to emulate was perfect. We base our moral standards on His perfect example. And we fail to live up to that. Every single day.But even more to the point, unfortunately, we are particularly hypocritical in terms of our criticizing certain?sexual sins. We have made those behaviors, especially involving homosexuality, to be somehow more worthy of condemnation.Not only that, we have done this while ignoring our own proclivity to sin, even sexually. There is not one of us who is blameless. From pornography to adultery, from lust to molestation, we have repeatedly failed to live up to the standard we preach.Often times, even in the midst of this failure, we have displayed arrogance and a lack of self-awareness. In that way, yes, we are hypocrites.Maybe, all Christians are hypocrites.If you are speaking of Christians as being part of some exclusive club of hypocrites for excusing their own behavior or mistakes, even heinous ones, made by those within their circles, then I believe you are wrong.This is not a trait peculiar to Christians, it’s a very human one. And it’s one that reinforces the biblical teaching of the fall. We all have succumbed to the effects of sin entering the world and we all want to make excuses for our mistakes.Yes, Christians have been quick (perhaps too quick) in accepting the statement of Josh Duggar and seeking to move past it without being overly concerned if he truly understands the gravity of what he (and to some extent, his parents) did.?But Christians are hardly alone in this.The majority of feminists have?not rejected Lena Dunham?over what she did as a child to her younger sister. Hollywood continues to embrace Woody Allen despiteaccusations of sexual abuse?from his adopted daughter, not to mention marrying his step-daughter 35 years his junior.Despite admitting to and being arrested for the rape of a 13-year-old girl as a 44-year-old, Roman Polanski has continued making films and has been repeatedly honored by the movie industry, including an Oscar for Best Director in 2002.Maybe Christians are hypocrites, but in this way, we (unfortunately) reflect our surrounding culture. That does not excuse hypocrisy. It simply recognizes it as a temptation to which many succumb.No, all Christians are not hypocrites.Christians aren’t automatically hypocrites for holding to a moral system even when we fail to meet those standards. True hypocrisy enters the conversation when we dishonestly claim to personally meet that standard.It’s not hypocritical to say people should eat more vegetables after you’ve just had a hamburger. It is hypocritical to say people should be like you and eat more vegetables when the only green thing you’ve had in the last six months was a bottle of Mountain Dew.While there are numerous Christian leaders who have been dishonest, most followers of Christ are upfront about failing. In fact, it’s part of our theology.The very nature of embracing Jesus is admitting that you have failed and will continue to fail. Christians may have done a poor job of explaining it, but it is no less true.We aren’t proclaiming perfectionism just a perfect moral standard met by a perfect Person. In that way, in our best times, we are far from hypocrites.Does it matter?In one sense, it absolutely matters if Christians are hypocrites. We should be striving to better follow Christ and have our actions reflect Him. That is a given.But in another sense, the issue of hypocrisy often becomes a surrogate for a much different claim—the Christian moral standard is wrong.People claim Christians are hypocrites … therefore we don’t have to listen to them when they talk about morality. Because they fail to live up to their own standard, their contribution to a discussion about morality is worthless.But actions are right or wrong intrinsically, not based on the person condemning or condoning it. Lying does not cease being wrong simply because a murderer disapproves of it.Demonstrating the validity and trustworthiness of biblical morality is a much larger task than one blog post could contain. The same is true, however, of its rejection.It takes much more than one cable talking head ranting about Josh Duggar and Christian hypocrites to disprove anything at all about what the Bible says about morality.Are Christians hypocrites? Yes, maybe, and no. Do any of those answers say anything about biblical morality? Only that everyone fails to adhere to it, which is what it has?claimed all along.Melt Them Down & Put In CirculationDate: 6/2006.101Preaching Magazine 6 June 2006 Chuck Swindoll relates that during the reign of Oliver Cromwell, the British government began to run low on silver for coins. Lord Cromwell sent his men to the local cathedral to see if they could find any precious metal there. After investigating they reported: "The only silver we can find is in the statues of the saints standing in the corners."To which the radical soldier and statesman of England replied: "Good! We'll melt down the saints and put them in circulation!"That brief but direct order states the essence of the practical goal of authentic Christianity. Not rows of silver saints crammed into the corners of cathedrals, but melted saints circulating through the mainstream of humanity. Where life transpires in the raw.On campuses where students carve through the varnish of shallow answers. In the shop where employees test the mettle of everyday Christianity. At home with a house full of kids, where R&R means run and wrestle. In the concrete battlegrounds of sales competition, seasonal conventions, and sexual temptations, where hard-core assaults are made on internal character. On the hospital bed, where reality never takes a nap. In the office, where diligence and honesty are forever on the scaffold. On the team where patience and self-control are checked out.The cost factor of being a saint occurs on Monday and Tuesday and throughout the week. That's when we're "melted down and put in circulation." "Sunday religion" may seem sufficient, but it isn't. And pity the person who counts on it to get him through. (Dallas Seminary Daily Devotional, 5-30-06)Walk with GodDate: 11/2005.101Dr Doug Cecil - PM 102 Evangelism class Cut through all the fluff. How is your walk with God?CHRISTIANITY Black outDate: 1/2007.101DCFC Sunday School 2007 - Mark3 February 2008 DCFC English - Mark 3 20-35 ~ Butt Print Legacy??AMG Bible Illustrations Book 3 #221Dennis E. Hensley writes:When I was a newspaper reporter, I did a feature on training procedures for Air Force pilots. One flight condition a pilot must understand is hypoxia or 'oxygen starvation.' Students are paired off in an altitude simulation chamber. With oxygen masks on, they are taken to simulated conditions of 30,000 feet. Then one student removes his mask for a few minutes and begins to answer simple questions on a sheet of paper. Suddenly, their partners force the oxygen masks on the uncovered mouth and noses of the people who are writing. After a few gulps of normal air, each writer is astounded at what he sees on his paper. The first few written lines are eligible, but the last few lines are unreadable. One minute earlier, the participant was absolutely sure he had written his answers in perfectly legible script. In reality, he was on the verge of losing total consciousness. Remarkably, he didn’t even know he was blacking out.Similarly, people can be spiritually starved. They may not know anything is wrong, but unless someone explains how to obtain the 'breath of life,' those disconnected from God will never gain spiritual 'consciousness.'Personal experience...CHRISTIANITY Catacombs, Cathedrals and the Kingdom04 Oct 2015 QBC English [7 Churches of Revelation] – Jesus: Judge, Savior & Priest?? | ? August 11, 2015 ? | ??Several years ago, I led a group of seminary students on a study tour of Rome, working through the Book of Romans and the relevant aspects of church history there. One rainy day we spent the morning in Saint John Lateran Cathedral there, and the afternoon in the ruins of the ancient Christian catacombs. I spent time alone from the crowds in both places, praying. As I did so, it struck me that we Christians sometimes forget the paradoxical grace of God in giving us a legacy of both cathedrals and catacombs.The catacombs, of course, are the legacy of a tiny persecuted band of believers, meeting in their underground graveyards, to escape the all-seeing eye of imperial Rome. The cathedrals represent a very different turn, a church that not only grew in size but, in fact, outgrew and outlasted the Empire itself. The catacombs represent simplicity and earthiness; the cathedrals transcendence and wonder. We need them both.I’ve noticed that American evangelicals who go on trips like this tend to be disappointed when they travel to sites of significance in church history. They want them to be a theme-park-like restoration of ‘the early church” in a way that makes it seem as though the faith went by time-warp straight from a pristine golden era to the Billy Graham crusades. This sort of Christian tends to like the catacombs for the same reason some people love working on their antebellum family histories but don’t like family reunions. The catacombs don’t talk back.But the catacombs and the cathedrals, taken together remind us of two things we need to know: God’s sovereignty in sending down the faith, and the frailty of humanity as stewards of that faith. We can’t romanticize the early persecuted church. After all, the New Testament Scriptures are often rebuking those churches for precisely the things we lament in our churches today: sexual immorality, division, carnality, arrogance (1 Cor. 4:7-13; 5:1-8; 6:1-8). And if Christianity had remained in the catacombs, it is quite possible that you and I would never have encountered Christ.The basilica at Saint John Lateran was planted there by the Emperor Constantine. As a Baptist committed to church/state separation, my skin crawls at the mention of Constantine. His vision of a Christian empire was, in my view, a failed experiment that led to persecution and to all sorts of nominal Christianity, which is the antithesis of my believers’ church conviction. And yet, God used Constantine to end a sometimes bloody persecution and to, among other things, call together the church to put down a deadly heresy or two. In the providence of God, the Trinitarian theism and the orthodox Christology with which I critique the idea of Christian empire came down to me due to the actions of the prototypical Christian emperor. Not to recognize that would be the sin of ingratitude.Crawling through catacombs and walking through cathedrals reminded me of the paradoxical wonder of the way Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God. One the one hand, Jesus spoke of the kingdom as tiny, a “little flock” hounded by wolves (Lk. 12:32; Acts 2:29). The way is narrow, he told us, and there are few who enter therein (Matt. 7:14). On the other hand, Jesus told us the kingdom is like a tiny seed that grows into a massive tree in which all the birds of the air may rest (Mk. 4:30-32). If we only see the catacombs, we could valorize smallness and persecution as equivalent to holiness. And we could ignore our responsibility to build institutions and cultures to protect future generations from persecution. If we only see the cathedrals, whether of the ancient sort or of the local suburban megachurch, we could identity godliness with bigness, and authority with “influence.”There’s a lot in church history that went wrong. The people who build the majestic cathedrals were sinners deserving of hell. So were the martyrs of the catacombs. So are we. Lots of bad decisions were made, and some of them persist. But the biblical story too was filled with sinful people making stupid decisions, and, in all that, God was working everything out toward the glory of Christ (Rom. 9:4-5). In the heroic episodes of the church’s story (Athanasius defeats Arius! Augustine turns back Pelagius! Bonheoffer stands down Hitler!) and in the awful parts (state churches and political preening and scandal after scandal), God is orchestrating a flow of the river of redemption, taking it from the hillsides of Judea through the bustling streets of Antioch right down to that place in Dubuque or Dubai or Buenos Aires or Little Rock, or wherever it was where you first heard the name of the Christ of God.Seeing oneself as a prophetic minority does not mean retreat, and it certainly does not mean victim status. It also does not confer faithfulness. Marginalization can strip away from us the besetting sins of a majoritarian viewpoint, but it can bring others as well. We must remember our smallness but also our connectedness to a global, and indeed cosmic, reality. The kingdom of God is vast and tiny, universal and exclusive. Our story is that of a little flock and of an army, awesome with banners. Our legacy is a Christianity of persecution and proliferation, of catacombs and cathedrals. If we see ourselves as only a minority, we will be tempted to isolation. If we see ourselves only as a kingdom, we will be tempted toward triumphalism. We are, instead, a church. We are a minority with a message and a mission.This article is adapted from my new book?Onward: Engaging the Culture Without Losing the Gospel.?Christian-lite Sermonspice21 Feb 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 2:1-10 What is the gospel about?2-4 Apr 2010 ACBC Revival Meeting (Mandarin) – [Growing in Love, Building the Church] Eph 2:1-10 The Purpose of a Christian29 May 2011 DCFC Chinese Worship – Eph 2:1-10 What is the gospel about?CHRISTIANITY Coming back to an orderly homeMar 12 2012 DCFC English [Dan 12: Ultimate hope lies in God] Mar 12 2012 DCFC Chinese [Dan 12: Ultimate hope lies in God] Passport Through Darkness – Kimberly L SmithI believed saving lives of helpless children mattered more than just about anything I could imagine. I wanted others to see there was something more important than going to church and coming home to a clean and orderly home. I began to realize that I used to think that faith was about the joy I reaped from walking with Christ. But now I realized that living a life of faith starts with knowing the whole heart of God – what brings Him joy, and what breaks his heart. Once I knew both of these things, my life began to keep rhythm with His heartbeat and I found myself reaching out to the world as just He would.Effects ofWhat Good is God? Yancey P201I came across the writings of Rene Girard, a French philosopher and anthropologist whose brilliant career culminated in a position in Stanford University. Girard became fascinated with the fact that in modern times a “marginalised’ person assumes a moral authority. Girard noted that a cavalcade of liberation movements – abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, the civil rights movement, human rights, animal rights, gay rights, women’s rights, minority rights – had gathered speed in the 20th century. The trend mystified Girard because he found nothing comparable in his readings of ancient literature. Victors, not the marginalized, wrote history and the myths of Babylon, Greece and elsewhere celebrated strong heroes, not pitiable victims. In his further research, Girard traced the phenomenon back to the historical figure of Jesus. It struck Girard that Jesus’ story cuts against the grain of every heroic story from its time. Indeed, Jesus chose poverty and disgrace, spend his infancy as a refugee, lived in a minority race under a harsh regime and died as a prisoner. From the vey beginning, Jesus took the side of the underdog: the poor, the oppressed, the sick, the marginalized. His crucifixion, Girard concluded, introduced a new plot to history the victim becomes the hero by being a victim. To the consternation of his secular colleagues, Girard converted to Christianity Girard disciples has called the most sweeping historical revolution in the world, namely, the emergence of an empathy for victims. Today victims occupies the moral high ground everywhere in the Western world: consider how the media portray the plight of AIDS orphans in Africa or Tibetan refuges or uprooted Palestinians. Girard contends that Jesus life and death brought forth a new stream in history, one that undermines injustices. In the great irony, the ‘politically correct’ movement defending these rights often positions itself as an enemy of Christianity, when in fact the gospel has contributed the very underpinnings that make possible such a movmene.t Mega Church moves to export lucrative religionBy Laura Philomin | Reuters?–?Mar 7 2014Reuters/REUTERS - Worshippers attend a church service at the City Harvest Church in Singapore March 1, 2014. With a "prosperity gospel" that blends the spiritual and the material, City Harvest and?…more?By Laura PhilominSINGAPORE (Reuters) - "God is here, God is here," croons Singapore church official Sun Ho as she struts across a neon-lit stage and thousands of people in the congregation pump their hands and sing along.Kong Hee, the church's founding pastor and Sun Ho's husband, then takes the stage. In keeping with the electrifying mood, he invites his followers to speak "in tongues" and a pulsing murmur echoes through the auditorium of 8,000 people.During the service, ushers hand out envelopes for donations, which consume at least a tenth of the salaries of most church members, going to fund different ministries, mission trips and special events.Welcome to one of Asia's most profitable churches: Singapore's City Harvest.With a "prosperity gospel" that blends the spiritual and the material, City Harvest and other Pentecostal megachurches in the wealthy Asian city-state have perfected a popular and lucrative model.Now they are working to export it to the world and turn Singapore into a hub for evangelical Christianity."We want to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth," said Pastor Bobby Chaw, City Harvest's missions director.Evangelising missions by City Harvest, including pop concerts by Sun Ho in China, Taiwan and the United States, have helped it gather followers across Asia and set up 49 affiliate churches in Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and India.City Harvest - whose founder faces trial, along with five others, on charges of criminal breach of trust and falsifying accounts over the use of nearly S$51 million in church funds - also has a bible college that trains church leaders from countries such as Norway, Kazakhstan and Zimbabwe.Last year the founding pastor of another Singapore megachurch, New Creation's Joseph Prince, toured the United States, preaching to a sell-out crowd at Long Beach Arena in Los Angeles and filling the country's largest church, Lakewood in Texas.Prince's book "The Power of Right Believing" made it to number two on the New York Times' bestseller list in the advice and "how to" category. SUCCESS, SCANDAL AND CONTROVERSIESAsia is a growth market for Christianity, with the religion estimated to be growing 10 times faster than in Europe, according to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts.While the idea of megachurches originated in the United States, some of the largest are in Asia, notably South Korea's Yoido Full Gospel Church, with about 1 million members.Packaging the traditional biblical message into a more dynamic format of pop-rock music, lively services and social media has lured a new generation of followers and turned the churches into major enterprises.New Creation, which says it has a congregation of 30,000, collected S$75.5 million in tithes in 2012, while City Harvest took in S$38.6 million in 2009, accounts filed with Singapore's Commissioner of Charities show."Whatever method that can most effectively convey the message to our generation, we will do it," said Chaw, who is also the vice chairman of City Harvest's management board.City Harvest, which says its congregation numbered nearly 20,000 in 2012, with about 62 percent single, ventured into the entertainment industry after seeing how enthusiastically Chinese-speaking youth in Asia responded to Mandarin pop music from Taiwan.The church's Crossover Project led Sun Ho to collaborate with Asian stars such as Jay Chou and she broke into the U.S. market under the guidance of producer David Foster, producer-songwriter Wyclef Jean and other veterans.With a wealth-affirming model and efforts to engage the young, fast-growing Pentecostal megachurches have helped to dilute Buddhism as Singapore's traditionally dominant religion.The most recent census showed the proportion of Christians rose 18.3 percent in 2010 from 14.6 percent in 2000, while the number of Buddhists fell to 33.3 percent from 42.5 percent.Rolland Teo, 25, whose family is Buddhist, said his view of religion as "very static" changed when he joined City Harvest."It was something more dynamic, more relational," Teo said. "This was something I couldn't find in my parents' beliefs."But allegations of corruption have accompanied success.City Harvest's Crossover Project is at the centre of charges that Kong and five other officials financed his wife's singing career by funneling church funds of S$24 million into sham investments and then used S$26.6 million more to cover up the deals.Kong and the others deny the charges. Kong's wife is not on trial and has resumed her executive duties at the church.In South Korea, David Yong-gi Cho, Kong's spiritual mentor and founder of Yoido Full Gospel Church, was recently found guilty of embezzling $14 million in church donations to buy stocks owned by his son, at four times their market value.PROSPERITY GOSPELMegachurches dismiss accusations of being wealth-obsessed, although Chaw has said that "prosperity is a byproduct of obeying God's commandments".Critics say wealth is not necessarily a bad thing but they decry selfish enrichment at the expense of helping others."The prosperity gospel is a very big movement, a very visible movement, that doesn't represent what I believe to be biblical Christianity," said Paul Choo, founding pastor at Gospel Light Christian Church.But a growing number of people in Singapore have found an affinity with the megachurch doctrine of faith entwined with wealth and personal well-being."That's quite attractive to many socially mobile Singaporeans who, in going up the class strata, do look for some moral bearings," said Terence Chong, a researcher at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.Tithing - the donation of 10 percent of income to the church - is assumed by some to be a way of "buying" God's love. But New Creation member Jared Asalli and others say it is a way of thanking God.Either way, the practice helps swell megachurch coffers.City Harvest raised S$22.7 million with its Building Fund Campaign, helping it to buy a stake of 39.2 percent in the venue for its services, Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, for S$97.8 million in 2012.New Creation's Miracle Seed event raised S$21 million in one day, contributing to the S$348 million it spent on building the 5,000-seat Star Performing Arts Centre, one of four venues where it holds services."I don't think there's been any era as materialistic as this one," said Choo of Gospel Light Christian Church. "If it promises wealth, it will have some ready audience."(Editing by Jason Szep, John O'Callaghan and Clarence Fernandez)Orange RevolutionWhat Good is God? Yancey P171Have you heard of the orange revolution that occurred in the Ukraine in 2004? Let me tell you a little known story about the unlikely heroes who help spark that revolution. Like other parts of the Soviet Union, Ukraine moved towards democracy as the Soviet Empire collapsed. If you think our elections are dirty, consider that when the Ukrainian reformer Viktor Yushchenko dared to challenge the entrenched party he nearly died from a mysterious case of dioxin poisoning. Against all advice, Yushchenko, his body weakened and his face permanently disfigured by the poison, remained in the race. On election day, the exit polls showed him with a clear 10% lead, nevertheless, through outright fraud the government managed to reverse those results. The state run television station reported, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we announce that the challenger Viktor Yushchenko has been decisively defeated.’ However, government authorities had not taken into account one feature of Ukrainian television, the translation t provides for the hearing impaired. On the small scree inset in the lower right hand corner of the television screen , a brave woman raised by deaf mute parents gave a different message in sign language, “I am addressing all the deaf citizens of Ukraine. Don’t believe what they say. They are lying and I am ashamed to translate these lies. Yuschenko is our President!”Deaf people, inspired by their translator, Natalya Dmitruk, led the Orange Revolution. They text messaged their friends on mobile phones about the fraudulent elections and soon other journalists took courage from Dmitruk’s act of defiance and likewise refused to broadcast the party line. Over the next few weeks as many as a million people wearing orange flooded the capital city of Kiev to demand new elections. The government finally buckled under the pressure, consenting to new elections and this time, Yushchenko emerged as the undisputed winner. When I heard this story behind the Orange Revolution, the image of a small screen of truth in the corner of the big screen became for me an ideal picture of the church. You see, we in the church do not control the big screen. Go to any magazine stand or turn on the television and you will see a consistent message What matters is how beautiful you are, how much money or power you have, Magazine covers feature shapely supermodels and handsome hunks, even though very few people look like that You parents know what a devastating impact the relentless big screen message can have on an unattractive teenager. We no longer value character but trumpet personality.Our society is hardly unique, Throughout history nations have always glorified winners, not losers. Then like the sign language translator in the lower right hand corner of the creen comes along a person named Jesus who says in effect, “Don’t believe the big screen – they are lying. It is the poor who are blessed not the rich. Mourners are blessed too, as well as those who hunger and thirst and the persecuted. Those who go through life thinking they are on top will end up on the bottom. And those who go through life feeling they are at the very bottom will end up on top. After all, what does it profit a person to gain the whole world and lose his soul?CHRISTIANITYRelationship with Christ?Nov 13 2011 DCFC English [Jesus came to the world to...] John 10:1-18 – Lay down His lifeAs Pastor Rodney Buchanan said, “Jesus, the good Shepherd, has come to give us life. It is unfortunate that we have reduced the Christian life to a moral code. There is a moral code, but it is so much more than that. It misses the point when we present the Christian life as a set of rules, or a body of doctrine. It is tragic when we reduce the Christian life to some kind of formula: Believe these things and say these things in this order, and you will be saved and won’t have to worry about going to hell. It totally misses the point that the Christian life is a relationship. It means loving our Shepherd. Following him. Listening to his voice. Staying near him. Trusting him.CHRISTIANITY Tebow, Faith & CultureUT San Diego – Eddie Pells Jan 9 2012DENVER — He kneels in prayer at times when many players would be pounding their chest, and is winning with a style the experts insist cannot work for long. Tim Tebow's formula for success and fame is not typical for the NFL. So, is it a football miracle? Or the perfect blend of luck, timing and big plays? That's the debate that makes the tale of the Denver Broncos quarterback one of the most compelling stories in America these days. Hardly anyone stands on neutral ground when it comes to the purveyor of this unorthodox mix of throwing mechanics, big-time sports and devout religion, a 24-year-old Christian who is the subject of comedy skits on Saturday nights and serious sermons on Sunday mornings. But what most people will agree on is that it's hard to take your eyes off Tebow these days - a man who unapologetically uses football to take his message beyond the field while also taking his team on an unexpected ride through the playoffs. "I'm just very thankful for the platform that God has given me, and the opportunity to be a quarterback for the Denver Broncos - what a great organization," Tebow said after his latest shocker - an 80-yard touchdown pass on the first play of overtime Sunday to beat Pittsburgh 29-23 in the wild-card playoffs. The play, according to Twitter, spawned a record 9,420 tweets per second. Not lost in that flurry was that Tebow threw for 316 yards and set an NFL playoff record by averaging 31.6 yards. That's "316," as in John 3:16, one of the most-often cited Bible passages for Christians, the most widely searched item on Google for much of Sunday night into Monday, and the message Tebow used to stencil into the eye black he wore when he played college ball at Florida. Not that referencing the Bible or thanking God is anything new in sports. After NFL games for years, a small group of athletes gather around midfield, kneel, hold hands and pray. That devotion has been largely ignored or even criticized by media and fans. "The thing with Tebow is that he seems more genuinely religious than most athletes, who seem to be religious to win games," said Clifford Putney, author of the book "Muscular Christianity: Manhood and Sports in Protestant America, 1880-1920." That might help explain why Tebow's gestures are not being overlooked, but part of an ever-growing sensation. It started building when he won the Heisman Trophy and two national titles at Florida, though he was steeped in strong religion well before that - born in the Philippines to missionary parents. More recently, he introduced mass culture to the art of "Tebowing" - kneeling on one knee, elbow perched on the other, fist to forehead - while chaos is erupting around him. The practice now has its own website, with pictures of people Tebowing in a research lab, in front of the Sydney Opera House, in front of the Western Wall in Jerusalem, etc. DENVER — Entertaining as all that has been, it has made fans and the media rethink the way they judge and cover their sports stars. Reporting that a player was including the Lord in his postgame analysis has long been widely thought of as trite and inappropriate, something to simply skip over when typing in the quotes. Tebow's five fourth-quarter comebacks and his four overtime victories - each more improbable than the last - and his steady, genuine, yet somehow unassuming insistence on bringing God into the conversation has forced an uncomfortable question upon those who want to make it only about what happens between the lines. Does God really care about football? "Not one whit," said Joe Price, a professor in the religious studies department at Whittier College. "But does God care about people who play football? You betcha." In a sports season filled with unsavory stories - NFL and NBA labor wars, child sex abuse scandals at Penn State and Syracuse, and a baseball MVP accused of using steroids - Tebow is seen by many as a sports star who really could be a role model, contrary to what Charles Barkley or anyone else might say. But the Tebow angst still exists, in large part because there is seemingly no way to analyze what he does on a football field without religion seeping into at least some part of that analysis. Opine about his unorthodox throwing motion - widely derided by scouts and coaches and seemingly more suited for tossing a boomerang than a football - and the quick assumption becomes that you might not like him because of his religious beliefs. Defend him as a winner who cares less about conventionality and depends more on moxie than mechanics - well, then you must be drinking the Kool-Aid, a Tebow fan because you're in line with his Christian beliefs. "I still have doubts about him as a long-term answer, as I think most reasonable people do," said radio host Sandy Clough, who has been manning Denver's sports talk shows for more than 30 years. "Does one game, if he plays well, not only invalidate his play from the other (bad) games but anything anyone's ever said about it? Well, no it doesn't. It's all part of the mix. It's a fascinating mix. He's the toughest player I've ever had to analyze, because there are all these extraneous factors you have to bring in." Sensing the excitement and loving his message, Tebow is also being courted by Republican presidential candidates. The quarterback recently told The Associated Press he's been asked by more than one of the contenders for his support. He wouldn't name names, but did say he'd declined the offer. "I think you have to have so much trust in who you support, just from product endorsements to endorsing a candidate because if that person or company does something (bad), it reflects on you," said Tebow, who's a pitchman for Nike, Jockey and FRS energy drink. Tebow has, however, placed himself in the political realm before - two Super Bowls ago when he starred in a Focus on the Family commercial with his mother sharing the story of how she gave birth to him in the Philippines in 1987 after spurning a doctor's advice to have an abortion for medical reasons. After being criticized for that ad, he didn't do an encore and instead tries to toe the line of showing his religion without shoving it down people's throats. DENVER — That hasn't stopped people from mocking him - and worse. After Tebow was particularly bad in an ugly loss to Buffalo on Dec. 24, comedian and talk show host Bill Maher sent out a tweet that basked in the QB's misfortune, blaming Jesus for the loss. "And on Xmas Eve! Somewhere in hell Satan is tebowing, saying to Hitler `Hey, Buffalo's killing them,'" Maher tweeted. Maher, in turn, was roundly ripped for the post. Less toxic was the recent skit on "Saturday Night Live," where "Jesus" materializes in the locker room with an actor portraying Tebow, admits he is pulling some strings during these Bronco games, then after being told the New England Patriots are next on the schedule, suggests Tebow substitute his playbook, "the holy Bible," for one with some Xs and Os. The "SNL" Jesus also concedes that he, personally, prays to the Broncos place-kicker, Matt Prater, whose excellence has defined what the Tebow sensation has been about for most of this season: a bunch of teammates, motivated by a less-than-perfect leader who never gives up, coming together and picking each other up when the going gets tough. A great story line that has held most of the year. The twist on Sunday, though, was that for the first time this season, it could reasonably be argued that Tebow was a one-man show. In the win over Pittsburgh, he completed five passes of 30 yards or more. And with his defense struggling, he threw a perfect strike for the game-winner to receiver Demaryius Thomas, who didn't have to change his stride and, thus, ran untouched into the end zone. "He was the same Tim, calm and collected," Thomas said. "He took it one play at a time and was in the huddle and said, `It's either we win or we go home.'" CHRISTIANITYDECEMBER 13, 2010Change usually happens slowly in the Church. But a review of the past year's research conducted by the Barna Group provides a time-lapse portrayal of how the religious environment in the U.S. is morphing into something new.Analyzing insights drawn from more than 5,000 non-proprietary interviews conducted over the past 11 months, George Barna indicated that the following patterns were evident in the survey findings. ? 1. The Christian Church is becoming less theologically literate.What used to be basic, universally-known truths about Christianity are now unknown mysteries to a large and growing share of Americans--especially young adults. For instance, Barna Group studies in 2010 showed that while most people regard Easter as a religious holiday, only a minority of adults associate Easter with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Other examples include the finding that few adults believe that their faith is meant to be the focal point of their life or to be integrated into every aspect of their existence. Further, a growing majority believe the Holy Spirit is a symbol of God's presence or power, but not a living entity. As the two younger generations (Busters and Mosaics) ascend to numerical and positional supremacy in churches across the nation, the data suggest that biblical literacy is likely to decline significantly. The theological free-for-all that is encroaching in Protestant churches nationwide suggests the coming decade will be a time of unparalleled theological diversity and inconsistency.2. Christians are becoming more ingrown and less outreach-oriented.Despite technological advances that make communications instant and far-reaching, Christians are becoming more spiritually isolated from non-Christians than was true a decade ago. Examples of this tendency include the fact that less than one-third of born again Christians planned to invite anyone to join them at a church event during the Easter season; teenagers are less inclined to discuss Christianity with their friends than was true in the past; most of the people who become Christians these days do so in response to a personal crisis or the fear of death (particularly among older Americans); and most Americans are unimpressed with the contributions Christians and churches have made to society over the past few years. As young adults have children, the prospect of them seeking a Christian church is diminishing--especially given the absence of faith talk in their conversations with the people they most trust. With atheists becoming more strategic in championing their godless worldview, as well as the increased religious plurality driven by education and immigration, the increasing reticence of Christians to engage in faith-oriented conversations assumes heightened significance.3. Growing numbers of people are less interested in spiritual principles and more desirous of learning pragmatic solutions for life.When asked what matters most, teenagers prioritize education, career development, friendships, and travel. Faith is significant to them, but it takes a back seat to life accomplishments and is not necessarily perceived to affect their ability to achieve their dreams. Among adults the areas of growing importance are lifestyle comfort, success, and personal achievements. Those dimensions have risen at the expense of investment in both faith and family. The turbo-charged pace of society leaves people with little time for reflection. The deeper thinking that occurs typically relates to economic concerns or relational pressures. Spiritual practices like contemplation, solitude, silence, and simplicity are rare. (It is ironic that more than four out of five adults claim to live a simple life.) Practical to a fault, Americans consider survival in the present to be much more significant than eternal security and spiritual possibilities. Because we continue to separate our spirituality from other dimensions of life through compartmentalization, a relatively superficial approach to faith has become a central means of optimizing our life experience.4. Among Christians, interest in participating in community action is escalating.Largely driven by the passion and energy of young adults, Christians are more open to and more involved in community service activities than has been true in the recent past. While we remain more self-indulgent than self-sacrificing, the expanded focus on justice and service has struck a chord with many. However, despite the increased emphasis, churches run the risk of watching congregants’ engagement wane unless they embrace a strong spiritual basis for such service. Simply doing good works because it's the socially esteemed choice of the moment will not produce much staying power.To facilitate service as a long-term way of living and to provide people with the intrinsic joy of blessing others, churches have a window of opportunity to support such action with biblical perspective. And the more that churches and believers can be recognized as people doing good deeds out of genuine love and compassion, the more appealing the Christian life will be to those who are on the sidelines watching. Showing that community action as a viable alternative to government programs is another means of introducing the value of the Christian faith in society.5. The postmodern insistence on tolerance is winning over the Christian Church.Our biblical illiteracy and lack of spiritual confidence has caused Americans to avoid making discerning choices for fear of being labeled judgmental. The result is a Church that has become tolerant of a vast array of morally and spiritually dubious behaviors and philosophies. This increased leniency is made possible by the very limited accountability that occurs within the body of Christ. There are fewer and fewer issues that Christians believe churches should be dogmatic about. The idea of love has been redefined to mean the absence of conflict and confrontation, as if there are no moral absolutes that are worth fighting for. That may not be surprising in a Church in which a minority believes there are moral absolutes dictated by the scriptures.The challenge today is for Christian leaders to achieve the delicate balance between representing truth and acting in love. The challenge for every Christian in the U.S. is to know his/her faith well enough to understand which fights are worth fighting, and which stands are non-negotiable. There is a place for tolerance in Christianity; knowing when and where to draw the line appears to perplex a growing proportion of Christians in this age of tolerance.6. The influence of Christianity on culture and individual lives is largely invisible.Christianity has arguably added more value to American culture than any other religion, philosophy, ideology or community. Yet, contemporary Americans are hard pressed to identify any specific value added. Partly due to the nature of today’s media, they have no problem identifying the faults of the churches and Christian people.In a period of history where image is reality, and life-changing decisions are made on the basis of such images, the Christian Church is in desperate need of a more positive and accessible image. The primary obstacle is not the substance of the principles on which Christianity is based, and therefore the solution is not solely providing an increase in preaching or public relations. The most influential aspect of Christianity in America is how believers do--or do not--implement their faith in public and private. American culture is driven by the snap judgments and decisions that people make amidst busy schedules and incomplete information. With little time or energy available for or devoted to research and reflection, it is people’s observations of the integration of a believer’s faith into how he/she responds to life’s opportunities and challenges that most substantially shape people’s impressions of an interest in Christianity. Jesus frequently spoke about the importance of the fruit that emerges from a Christian life; these days the pace of life and avalanche of competing ideas underscores the significance of visible spiritual fruit as a source of cultural influence.With the likelihood of an accelerating pace of life and increasingly incomplete cues being given to the population, Christian leaders would do well to revisit their criteria for "success" and the measures used to assess it. In a society in which choice is king, there are no absolutes, every individual is a free agent, we are taught to be self-reliant and independent, and Christianity is no longer the automatic, default faith of young adults, new ways of relating to Americans and exposing the heart and soul of the Christian faith are required.About the ResearchThis summary is based upon a series of national research studies conducted in the?Barna Poll?by the Barna Group throughout 2010. Each study was conducted via telephone interviews with a random sample of adults selected from across the continental United States, age 18 and older. With one exception, each study included a minimum of 1,000 adults; the exceptions were one study among 400 adults, and one among 603 adults. Each survey included a proportional number of interviews among people using cell phones. The data set for each study was subjected to minimal statistical weighting to calibrate the aggregate sample to known population percentages in relation to several key demographic variables.Mosaics are individuals born between 1984 and 2002.?Baby Busters are individuals born between 1965 and 1983.CHRISTIANITY, CHARACTERICSTICS OFChristianityDate: 3/1998.1079One frustrated oppressor of Christianity in the former Soviet Union once said, "Religion is like a nail. The harder you hit it the deeper it goes into the wood." -- Robert C. Shannon, 1000 Windows, (Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Publishing Company, 1997).See: Matthew 16:18; John 16:33; 1 Peter 1:24-25 CHRISTIANITY, CHARACTERISTICS OFCoffeehouse ConversationsDate: 3/2009.10115 Mar 2009 DCFC English Worship - [Heart for the Nations] Acts 15:1-21 The truth will set you free. - judgmental & legalism[Coffeehouse Conversations #5]CHRISTIANITY, CHARACTERISTICS OFGet in the GameDate: 6/2007.101Aug 10 2008 - FCBC English ~ 1 Pet 4:10-11 Get in the Game!19 Oct 2008 DCFC English "We have a dream..." 1 Pet 4:10-11 Get in the Game!- Personal at Soldier's Field experience/ or NBA Mavericks experienceDaily Bread June 9 2007I love going to Chicago’s Wrigley Field for a baseball game sitting in the stands, downing a great hot dog, and cheering the Cubs on to victory!Unfortunately, Christianity has become a lot like professional sports. As a friend of mine has observed, there are nine guys on the baseball field doing all the work and thousands in the stands just watching. And as you probably know, that’s not Gods game plan for His people. He wants us to climb out of the stands, get out on the field, and join the team.If you are wondering what good you can do on the field, wonder no more. What about your financial resources? Jesus can take your silver and gold and use it to accomplish great things for His glory.But more than just getting out your checkbook, you have gifts you can contribute. God has given each of us spiritual gifts that can help advance His kingdom. Whether its teaching, encouraging, serving, showing hospitality, or extending mercy, each ability can yield great dividends. Lets follow the example of Paul, who tirelessly served on Gods field for the joy of being used by Him (Colossians 1:28-29).Believe me, it’s far more rewarding to be on the field than to sit in the stands. Joe StowellStart where you are in serving the Lord,Claim His sure promise and trust in His Word;God simply asks you to do what you can,He’ll use your efforts to further His plan. Anon.Don’t make a cemetery of your life by burying your talents.Swish! The shot left Nowitzki's hands from beyond the three-point line and it was pure net. That sent the boisterous crowd crazy. Immediately that familiar beat came over the PA system, "boom-boom-ba! Boom-boom-ba!" And the crowd chanted in unison, "D-fence! D-fence!" It was just an amazing feeling watching the Dallas Mavericks play the LA Lakers live in the American Airline Center. Though it was just a regular season game, the atmosphere was just electrifying. 5 seconds left on the clock and we are leading by 1 point as a result of Dirk's shot. We just need to hold them for 5 seconds. It was so tensed that everyone stood up, cheering, crying out, some praying because of the adrenalin that was coursing through our bodies. 5 seconds! The inbound pass came and alas! Devin Harris made a rookie mistake and allowed Kobe Bryant from the Lakers an open passage to the basket. No one came to help and he made an easy 2, clinching the game! The crowd was just stunned into silence, "How did we let the game slip through our fingers?" People began streaming out in disappointment, some just staring in disbelief and there was just this sense of frustration! That day was such a treat for my wife and I. We had received some free tickets to this game from the Seminary and so we went. We screamed our voices hoarse, felt the emotional highs & lows through the game, even though we were just spectators! I felt so frustrated! In my mind I thought, "If only we could have done something about it then just watch & scream! I would not have made that stupid rookie mistake!" Yeah! Right! That's what I thought! Of course reality is much different! But brothers and sisters, that is spectator sports! In the case of basketball, its just 10 men running after the ball, doing all the work on the court with tens of thousands watching & screaming in the stands. I am sure those of us who has been to a basketball game, a football game or a baseball game, don't you wish you could get involved, rather than just watch? CHRISTIANITY, CHARACTERISTICS OFShemaDate: 12/2009.101Confident Parenting P64 Most people in Jesus' day who heard him quote the shema has probably repeated those words themselves a few times a day. Then Jesus did something radical by adding a phrase not in the Shema but found in Leviticus. In Matthew 22 Jesus summarized the Law & the Prophets with two phrases, "love God" & "love your neighbor" This is what Scot McKnight calls the Jesus Creed. When Jesus amended the Shema of Judaism by adding the statement about loving our neighbor, he probably brought the crowd to silence. CHRISTIANITY, CHARACTERISTICS OFTebow practices what he preachesDate: 7/2009.10110/18/2009 DCFC English [Life & Theology - Is there a connection?] Theology of SinFeb 17 2013 DCFC English [Creation 2 Christ] Redemptive Plan Gen 3Jemele Hill July 24 2009 ESPNSo Tim Tebow is college football's Andy Stitzer.But unlike Stitzer -- the lead character played by Steve Carell in "The 40 Year Old Virgin" -- Tebow isn't embarrassed he's a virgin, and he's planning to stay nookie-free until he's married. For some reason, Tebow's chastity admission -- which came at SEC media day on Thursday when Clay Travis of AOL's asked if he was a virgin -- has caused great debate in the sports world. Questioning Tim Tebow's virginity wasn't inappropriate, but he showed fortitude by not being afraid to answer. Should we care that the most popular athlete in college football hasn't gotten his freak on? Was it an appropriate question? Should Tebow have even answered?Yes.Yes.And, yes.Asking Tebow about his virginity wasn't out of bounds, and his answer was more important than people realize. Tebow has used his enormous platform to promote his Christian beliefs. He utters the words "Jesus Christ" almost as often as "spread offense." At media day, he spoke in detail about ministering to prisoners, and he's been praised considerably for doing missionary work overseas. Tebow's faith preaches abstinence before marriage, and if Tebow is going to regularly endorse Christianity to millions of people, he should be prepared to respond to questions about his adherence to those beliefs. Instead of engaging in a debate about an athlete's right to privacy, we need to be celebrating Tebow for exhibiting that much backbone under such heavy public scrutiny. I've heard a lot of athletes profess to be devout Christians for the cameras -- only to see them at the bar later picking up women. Here we have arguably the most popular college athlete ever supporting abstinence, which, let's be honest, isn't considered conventional in today's society. Isn't that the very definition of true leadership? "I think you're stunned right now," Tebow joked with reporters after revealing his virginity. "You can't even ask a question. I was ready for that question, but I don't think ya'll were." Promiscuity is so deeply embedded in sports culture that most people think the 21-year-old Tebow would be crazy not to take full advantage. Considering his popularity and the breadth of his accomplishments, Tebow must spend a good bit of his day stiff-arming willing women as if they were SEC linebackers. Though after this recent announcement, Tebow's female fan base probably will triple in size. To his credit, Tebow takes being a role model very seriously. He realizes that not only are other Christians watching him, but so are thousands of young people across the country. So shouldn't we be happy Tebow is teaching them about restraint rather than "making it rain?" Isn't it a good thing Tebow is showing them they can be themselves and they don't have to succumb to peer pressure? Shouldn't we be relieved college's most visible athlete is taking a different course, especially in light of the circumstances following Steve McNair's tragic murder?I'm no holy roller, but I'll take Tebow admitting he's a virgin over Wilt Chamberlain's boast that he bedded 20,000 women or Magic Johnson's claim he had sex with multiple women at a time, any day. The fact Tebow answered a question about his virginity is a testament to his character. All he did was successfully put another bull's-eye on his back. I can't imagine what a defensive end might say to Tebow after a sack or the ridicule he'll incur nationally. Whether Tebow stays a virgin isn't the issue. The lesson here is true belief sometimes requires you to separate from the pack, and only a chosen few are strong enough to handle it."Although there has been a backlash, oh well," Tebow said at media day. "I'll deal with it if I have to. It's not a big deal to me because of the kids and the people that have been encouraged by the stories that we have had to tell and the life I've tried to live."CHRISTIANITY, CHARACTERISTICS OFThe End of Christian AmericaDate: 4/2009.10110/04/2009 DCFC English [Life & Theology - Is there a connection?] Theology of the Bible10/11/2009 DCFC English [Life & Theology - Is there a connection?] Theology of ManFeb 27 2011 DCFC English Worship – [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 6:20-49 The Character of the DiscipleThe End of Christian AmericaThe percentage of self-identified Christians has fallen 10 points in the past two decades. How that statistic explains who we are now-and what, as a nation, we are about to become.By Jon Meacham | NEWSWEEKPublished Apr 4, 2009From the magazine issue dated Apr 13, 2009It was a small detail, a point of comparison buried in the fifth paragraph on the 17th page of a 24-page summary of the 2009 American Religious Identification Survey. But as R. Albert Mohler Jr.-president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, one of the largest on earth-read over the document after its release in March, he was struck by a single sentence. For a believer like Mohler-a starched, unflinchingly conservative Christian, steeped in the theology of his particular province of the faith, devoted to producing ministers who will preach the inerrancy of the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the only means to eternal life-the central news of the survey was troubling enough: the number of Americans who claim no religious affiliation has nearly doubled since 1990, rising from 8 to 15 percent. Then came the point he could not get out of his mind: while the unaffiliated have historically been concentrated in the Pacific Northwest, the report said, "this pattern has now changed, and the Northeast emerged in 2008 as the new stronghold of the religiously unidentified." As Mohler saw it, the historic foundation of America's religious culture was cracking."That really hit me hard," he told me last week. "The Northwest was never as religious, never as congregationalized, as the Northeast, which was the foundation, the home base, of American religion. To lose New England struck me as momentous." Turning the report over in his mind, Mohler posted a despairing online column on the eve of Holy Week lamenting the decline-and, by implication, the imminent fall-of an America shaped and suffused by Christianity. "A remarkable culture-shift has taken place around us," Mohler wrote. "The most basic contours of American culture have been radically altered. The so-called Judeo-Christian consensus of the last millennium has given way to a post-modern, post-Christian, post-Western cultural crisis which threatens the very heart of our culture." When Mohler and I spoke in the days after he wrote this, he had grown even gloomier. "Clearly, there is a new narrative, a post-Christian narrative, that is animating large portions of this society," he said from his office on campus in Louisville, Ky.There it was, an old term with new urgency: post-Christian. This is not to say that the Christian God is dead, but that he is less of a force in American politics and culture than at any other time in recent memory. To the surprise of liberals who fear the advent of an evangelical theocracy and to the dismay of religious conservatives who long to see their faith more fully expressed in public life, Christians are now making up a declining percentage of the American population.According to the American Religious Identification Survey that got Mohler's attention, the percentage of self-identified Christians has fallen 10 percentage points since 1990, from 86 to 76 percent. The Jewish population is 1.2 percent; the Muslim, 0.6 percent. A separate Pew Forum poll echoed the ARIS finding, reporting that the percentage of people who say they are unaffiliated with any particular faith has doubled in recent years, to 16 percent; in terms of voting, this group grew from 5 percent in 1988 to 12 percent in 2008-roughly the same percentage of the electorate as African-Americans. (Seventy-five percent of unaffiliated voters chose Barack Obama, a Christian.) Meanwhile, the number of people willing to describe themselves as atheist or agnostic has increased about fourfold from 1990 to 2009, from 1 million to about 3.6 million. (That is about double the number of, say, Episcopalians in the United States.)While we remain a nation decisively shaped by religious faith, our politics and our culture are, in the main, less influenced by movements and arguments of an explicitly Christian character than they were even five years ago. I think this is a good thing-good for our political culture, which, as the American Founders saw, is complex and charged enough without attempting to compel or coerce religious belief or observance. It is good for Christianity, too, in that many Christians are rediscovering the virtues of a separation of church and state that protects what Roger Williams, who founded Rhode Island as a haven for religious dissenters, called "the garden of the church" from "the wilderness of the world." As crucial as religion has been and is to the life of the nation, America's unifying force has never been a specific faith, but a commitment to freedom-not least freedom of conscience. At our best, we single religion out for neither particular help nor particular harm; we have historically treated faith-based arguments as one element among many in the republican sphere of debate and decision. The decline and fall of the modern religious right's notion of a Christian America creates a calmer political environment and, for many believers, may help open the way for a more theologically serious religious life.Let's be clear: while the percentage of Christians may be shrinking, rumors of the death of Christianity are greatly exaggerated. Being less Christian does not necessarily mean that America is post-Christian. A third of Americans say they are born again; this figure, along with the decline of politically moderate-to liberal mainline Protestants, led the ARIS authors to note that "these trends suggest a movement towards more conservative beliefs and particularly to a more 'evangelical' outlook among Christians." With rising numbers of Hispanic immigrants bolstering the Roman Catholic Church in America, and given the popularity of Pentecostalism, a rapidly growing Christian milieu in the United States and globally, there is no doubt that the nation remains vibrantly religious-far more so, for instance, than Europe.Still, in the new NEWSWEEK Poll, fewer people now think of the United States as a "Christian nation" than did so when George W. Bush was president (62 percent in 2009 versus 69 percent in 2008). Two thirds of the public (68 percent) now say religion is "losing influence" in American society, while just 19 percent say religion's influence is on the rise. The proportion of Americans who think religion "can answer all or most of today's problems" is now at a historic low of 48 percent. During the Bush 43 and Clinton years, that figure never dropped below 58 percent.Many conservative Christians believe they have lost the battles over issues such as abortion, school prayer and even same-sex marriage, and that the country has now entered a post-Christian phase. Christopher Hitchens -a friend and possibly the most charming provocateur you will ever meet-wrote a hugely popular atheist tract a few years ago, "God Is Not Great." As an observant (if deeply flawed) Episcopalian, I disagree with many of Hitchens's arguments-I do not think it is productive to dismiss religious belief as superstitious and wrong-but he is a man of rigorous intellectual honesty who, on a recent journey to Texas, reported hearing evangelical mutterings about the advent of a "post-Christian" America.To be post-Christian has meant different things at different times. In 1886, The Atlantic Monthly described George Eliot as "post-Christian," using the term as a synonym for atheist or agnostic. The broader-and, for our purposes, most relevant-definition is that "post-Christian" characterizes a period of time that follows the decline of the importance of Christianity in a region or society. This use of the phrase first appeared in the 1929 book "America Set Free" by the German philosopher Hermann Keyserling.The term was popularized during what scholars call the "death of God" movement of the mid-1960s-a movement that is, in its way, still in motion. Drawing from Nietzsche's 19th-century declaration that "God is dead," a group of Protestant theologians held that, essentially, Christianity would have to survive without an orthodox understanding of God. Tom Altizer, a religion professor at Emory University, was a key member of the Godless Christianity movement, and he traces its intellectual roots first to Kierkegaard and then to Nietzsche. For Altizer, a post-Christian era is one in which "both Christianity and religion itself are unshackled from their previous historical grounds." In 1992 the critic Harold Bloom published a book titled "The American Religion: The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation." In it he cites William James's definition of religion in "The Varieties of Religious Experience": "Religion shall mean for us the feelings, acts, and experiences of individual men in their solitude, so far as they apprehend themselves to stand in relation to whatever they consider the divine."Which is precisely what most troubles Mohler. "The post-Christian narrative is radically different; it offers spirituality, however defined, without binding authority," he told me. "It is based on an understanding of history that presumes a less tolerant past and a more tolerant future, with the present as an important transitional step." The present, in this sense, is less about the death of God and more about the birth of many gods. The rising numbers of religiously unaffiliated Americans are people more apt to call themselves "spiritual" rather than "religious." (In the new NEWSWEEK Poll, 30 percent describe themselves this way, up from 24 percent in 2005.)Roughly put, the Christian narrative is the story of humankind as chronicled in the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament-the drama of creation, fall and redemption. The orthodox tend to try to live their lives in accordance with the general behavioral principles of the Bible (or at least the principles they find there of which they approve) and anticipate the ultimate judgment of God-a judgment that could well determine whether they spend eternity in heaven or in hell.What, then, does it mean to talk of "Christian America"? Evangelical Christians have long believed that the United States should be a nation whose political life is based upon and governed by their interpretation of biblical and theological principles. If the church believes drinking to be a sin, for instance, then the laws of the state should ban the consumption of alcohol. If the church believes the theory of evolution conflicts with a literal reading of the Book of Genesis, then the public schools should tailor their lessons accordingly. If the church believes abortion should be outlawed, then the legislatures and courts of the land should follow suit. The intensity of feeling about how Christian the nation should be has ebbed and flowed since Jamestown; there is, as the Bible says, nothing new under the sun. For more than 40 years, the debate that began with the Supreme Court's decision to end mandatory school prayer in 1962 (and accelerated with the Roe v. Wade ruling 11 years later) may not have been novel, but it has been ferocious. Fearing the coming of a Europe-like secular state, the right longed to engineer a return to what it believed was a Christian America of yore.But that project has failed, at least for now. In Texas, authorities have decided to side with science, not theology, in a dispute over the teaching of evolution. The terrible economic times have not led to an increase in church attendance. In Iowa last Friday, the state Supreme Court ruled against a ban on same-sex marriage, a defeat for religious conservatives. Such evidence is what has believers fretting about the possibility of an age dominated by a newly muscular secularism. "The moral teachings of Christianity have exerted an incalculable influence on Western civilization," Mohler says. "As those moral teachings fade into cultural memory, a secularized morality takes their place. Once Christianity is abandoned by a significant portion of the population, the moral landscape necessarily changes. For the better part of the 20th century, the nations of Western Europe led the way in the abandonment of Christian commitments. Christian moral reflexes and moral principles gave way to the loosening grip of a Christian memory. Now even that Christian memory is absent from the lives of millions."Religious doubt and diversity have, however, always been quintessentially American. Alexis de Tocqueville said that "the religious atmosphere of the country was the first thing that struck me on arrival in the United States," but he also discovered a "great depth of doubt and indifference" to faith. Jefferson had earlier captured the essence of the American spirit about religion when he observed that his statute for religious freedom in Virginia was "meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and the Mahometan, the Hindoo and infidel of every denomination"-and those of no faith whatever. The American culture of religious liberty helped create a busy free market of faith: by disestablishing churches, the nation made religion more popular, not less.America, then, is not a post-religious society-and cannot be as long as there are people in it, for faith is an intrinsic human impulse. The belief in an order or a reality beyond time and space is ancient and enduring. "All men," said Homer, "need the gods." The essential political and cultural question is to what extent those gods-or, more accurately, a particular generation's understanding of those gods-should determine the nature of life in a given time and place.If we apply an Augustinian test of nationhood to ourselves, we find that liberty, not religion, is what holds us together. In "The City of God," Augustine -converted sinner and bishop of Hippo-said that a nation should be defined as "a multitude of rational beings in common agreement as to the objects of their love." What we value most highly-what we collectively love most-is thus the central test of the social contract.Judging from the broad shape of American life in the first decade of the 21st century, we value individual freedom and free (or largely free) enterprise, and tend to lean toward libertarianism on issues of personal morality. The foundational documents are the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, not the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament (though there are undeniable connections between them). This way of life is far different from what many overtly conservative Christians would like. But that is the power of the republican system engineered by James Madison at the end of the 18th century: that America would survive in direct relation to its ability to check extremism and preserve maximum personal liberty. Religious believers should welcome this; freedom for one sect means freedom for all sects. As John F. Kennedy said in his address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association in 1960: "For while this year it may be a Catholic against whom the finger of suspicion is pointed, in other years it has been, and may someday be again, a Jew-or a Quaker-or a Unitarian-or a Baptist Today I may be the victim-but tomorrow it may be you-until the whole fabric of our harmonious society is ripped."Religion has been a factor in American life and politics from the beginning. Anglican observance was compulsory at Jamestown, and the Puritans of New England were explicitly hoping to found a New Jerusalem. But coerced belief is no belief at all; it is tyranny. "I commend that man, whether Jew, or Turk, or Papist, or whoever, that steers no otherwise than his conscience dares," said Roger Williams.By the time of the American founding, men like Jefferson and Madison saw the virtue in guaranteeing liberty of conscience, and one of the young republic's signal achievements was to create a context in which religion and politics mixed but church and state did not. The Founders' insight was that one might as well try to build a wall between economics and politics as between religion and politics, since both are about what people feel and how they see the world. Let the religious take their stand in the arena of politics and ideas on their own, and fight for their views on equal footing with all other interests. American public life is neither wholly secular nor wholly religious but an ever-fluid mix of the two. History suggests that trouble tends to come when one of these forces grows too powerful in proportion to the other.Political victories are therefore intrinsically transitory. In the middle of the 19th century, the evangelist Charles Grandison Finney argued that "the great business of the church is to reform the world-to put away every kind of sin"; Christians, he said, are "bound to exert their influence to secure a legislation that is in accordance with the law of God."Worldly success tends to mark the beginning of the end for the overtly religious in politics. Prohibition was initially seen as a great moral victory, but its failure and ultimate repeal show that a movement should always be careful what it wishes for: in America, the will of the broad whole tends to win out over even the most devoted of narrower interests.As the 20th century wore on, Christians found themselves in the relatively uncontroversial position of opposing "godless communism," and the fervor of the Prohibition and Scopes-trial era seemed to fade a bit. Issues of personal morality, not international politics, would lay the foundations for the campaign for Christian America that we know as the rise of the religious right. The phenomenon of divorce in the 1960s and the Roe decision in 1973 were critical, and Jimmy Carter's born-again faith brought evangelical Christianity to the mainstream in 1976.Growing up in Atlanta in the '60s and '70s, Joe Scarborough, the commentator and former Republican congressman, felt the fears of his evangelical parents and their friends-fears that helped build support for the politically conservative Christian America movement. "The great anxiety in Middle America was that we were under siege-my parents would see kids walking down the street who were Boy Scouts three years earlier suddenly looking like hippies, and they were scared," Scarborough says. "Culturally, it was October 2001 for a decade. For a decade. And once our parents realized we weren't going to disappear into dope and radicalism, the pressure came off. That's the world we're in now-parents of boomers who would not drink a glass of wine 30 years ago are now kicking back with vodka. In a way, they've been liberated."And they have learned that politics does not hold all the answers-a lesson that, along with a certain relief from the anxieties of the cultural upheavals of the '60s and '70s, has tended to curb religiously inspired political zeal. "The worst fault of evangelicals in terms of politics over the last 30 years has been an incredible naiveté about politics and politicians and parties," says Mohler. "They invested far too much hope in a political solution to what are trans political issues and problems. If we were in a situation that were more European, where the parties differed mostly on traditional political issues rather than moral ones, or if there were more parties, then we would probably have a very different picture. But when abortion and a moral understanding of the human good became associated with one party, Christians had few options politically."When that party failed to deliver-and it did fail-some in the movement responded by retreating into radicalism, convinced of the wickedness and venality of the political universe that dealt them defeat after defeat. (The same thing happened to many liberals after 1968: infuriated by the conservative mood of the country, the left reacted angrily and moved ever leftward.)The columnist Cal Thomas was an early figure in the Moral Majority who came to see the Christian American movement as fatally flawed in theological terms. "No country can be truly 'Christian'," Thomas says. "Only people can. God is above all nations, and, in fact, Isaiah says that 'All nations are to him a drop in the bucket and less than nothing'." Thinking back across the decades, Thomas recalls the hope-and the failure. "We were going through organizing like-minded people to 'return' America to a time of greater morality. Of course, this was to be done through politicians who had a difficult time imposing morality on themselves!"Experience shows that religious authorities can themselves be corrupted by proximity to political power. A quarter century ago, three scholars who are also evangelical Christians-Mark A. Noll, Nathan O. Hatch and George M. Marsden-published an important but too-little-known book, "The Search for Christian America." In it they argued that Christianity's claims transcend any political order. Christians, they wrote, "should not have illusions about the nature of human governments. Ultimately they belong to what Augustine calls 'the city of the world,' in which self-interest rules all governments can be brutal killers."Their view tracks with that of the Psalmist, who said, "Put not thy trust in princes," and there is much New Testament evidence to support a vision of faith and politics in which the church is truest to its core mission when it is the farthest from the entanglements of power. The Jesus of the Gospels resolutely refuses to use the means of this world-either the clash of arms or the passions of politics-to further his ends. After the miracle of the loaves and fishes, the dazzled throng thought they had found their earthly messiah. "When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone." When one of his followers slices off the ear of one of the arresting party in Gethsemane, Jesus says, "Put up thy sword." Later, before Pilate, he says, "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight." The preponderance of lessons from the Gospels and from the rest of the New Testament suggests that earthly power is transitory and corrupting, and that the followers of Jesus should be more attentive to matters spiritual than political.As always with the Bible, however, there are passages that complicate the picture. The author of Hebrews says believers are "strangers and exiles on the earth" and that "For here we have no lasting city, but seek the city which is to come." In Romans the apostle Paul advises: "Do not be conformed to this world." The Second Vatican Council cited these words of Pius XII: the Catholic Church's "divine Founder, Jesus Christ, has not given it any mandate or fixed any end of the cultural order. The goal which Christ assigns to it is strictly religious The Church can never lose sight of the strictly religious, supernatural goal."As an archbishop of Canterbury once said, though, it is a mistake to think that God is chiefly or even largely concerned with religion. "I hate the sound of your solemn assemblies," the Lord says in Amos. Religion is not only about worshipping your God but about doing godly things, and a central message of the Gospels is the duty of the Christian to transform, as best one can, reality through works of love. "Being in the world and not of it remains our charge," says Mohler. "The church is an eternal presence in a fallen, temporal world-but we are to have influence. The Sermon on the Mount is about what we are to do-but it does not come with a political handbook."How to balance concern for the garden of the church with the moral imperatives to make gentle the life of the world is one of the most perplexing questions facing the church. "We have important obligations to do whatever we can, including through the use of political means, to help our neighbors-promoting just laws, good order, peace, education and opportunity," wrote Noll, Hatch and Marsden. "Nonetheless we should recognize that as we work for the relatively better in 'the city of the world,' our successes will be just that-relative. In the last analysis the church declares that the solutions offered by the nations of the world are always transitory solutions, themselves in need of reform."Back in Louisville, preparing for Easter, Al Mohler keeps vigil over the culture. Last week he posted a column titled "Does Your Pastor Believe in God?," one on abortion and assisted suicide and another on the coming wave of pastors. "Jesus Christ promised that the very gates of Hell would not prevail against his church," Mohler wrote. "This new generation of young pastors intends to push back against hell in bold and visionary ministry. Expect to see the sparks fly." On the telephone with me, he added: "What we are seeing now is the evidence of a pattern that began a very long time ago of intellectual and cultural and political changes in thought and mind. The conditions have changed. Hard to pinpoint where, but whatever came after the Enlightenment was going to be very different than what came before." And what comes next here, with the ranks of professing Christians in decline, is going to be different, too.Read more about NEWSWEEK's poll on religion in America here .With Eliza Gray CHRISTIANITY, CHARACTERISTICS OFThe Giving KindDate: 6/2007.101Daily Bread April 23 2007 At one end of the truck terminal where H. H. Lee worked years ago was a coal company. Nearby was a railroad, and each day several freight trains passed by. Lee often noticed that the owner of the company, who was a Christian, threw chunks of coal over the fence at various places along the track. One day he asked the man why he did this.The man replied, An elderly woman lives across the street, and I know that her pension is inadequate to buy enough coal. After the trains go by, she walks along and picks up the pieces she thinks have fallen from the coal car behind the engine. She doesn’t realize that diesels have replaced steam locomotives. I don’t want to disappoint her, so I just throw some pieces over the fence.That’s Christianity in action! The book of Ruth vividly portrays this principle of giving. When Boaz saw Ruth gathering grain behind the reapers in his field, he commanded them to leave some handfuls of grain for her. To her, this was a blessing from the Lord.In the same way, the people whose lives we touch need to experience Gods love through our compassion and generosity. That’s why we should ask God to make us aware of opportunities to show kindness. Henry G. BoschDo a deed of simple kindness;Though its end you may not see,It will reach like widening ripplesDown a long eternity. Anon.CHRISTIANITY, CHARACTERISTICS OFWright BrothersDate: 12/2009.10114 Feb 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 1:15-23 22 Oct 2017 QBC English/Chi - [Cause of Discipleship] Matt 9:35-10:151What is the gospel about? Wright BrothersHenry David Thoreau "If a man does not keep pace with his companion perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away."CHRISTIANSCHRISTIANSAmateur & Professional ChristiansDate: 10/2008.10126 Oct 2008 DCFC English "We have a dream..." 2 Ti 2:2-6 Power of MultiplicationPersonal – YueeYuee once told me what his father said, "there are two kinds of Christians. Amateurs & Professionals. Amateur Christians love God and serve God only when they feel like it. But professional Christians love and serve God despite of how they feel." CHRISTIANSBarna ResearchDate: 3/2009.101Sermoncentral In a 1995 survey by Barna Research Group, it was discovered that non-Christians have no clue what Christians mean when some they use some of the phrases Christians often take for granted. 63% of non-Christians don’t know what Christians mean when they talk about the Gospel. 75% of non-Christians don’t know what John 3:16 is. Add to the phrases like "a broken heart", "I’ve been convicted", and "get into the Word, which non-Christians would hear quite differently. The problem for unbelievers is they hear the unspoken message from Christians, "If you don’t understand the holy lingo, you don’t belong to the holy huddle." However, 40% of Christians don’t know what the Gospel means, and 53% don’t know John 3:16. CHRISTIANS Changing the WorldDate: 3/2009.10129 Mar 2009 DCFC English Worship - [Heart for the Nations] Acts 20:17-38 Set your world alight!24 Apr 2015 GenPaul - Acts 28:11-30 To the ends of the world!Creative Venue: Amazing GraceAllow me to show a clip from the film Amazing grace, where the future prime minister of Britain, William Pitt was meeting with his friend William Wilberforce. At that time, Pitt was planning to become the Prime Minister and he wanted his eloquent friend, Wilberforce to be with him. But Wilberforce felt that God has called him to serve as a pastor and he was contemplating on how he can serve God and make a difference in this world.[Amazing Grace Clip]"Do you want to use your beautiful voice to praise the Lord or to change the world?" My friends, are these options mutually exclusive?I would like to leave you with this speech by Charles Fox, a one time opponent of William Wilberforce. In fact, Fox lost his job as Prime Minister because of Wilberforce. After 20 years of tireless effort on the abolition of the slave trade, Wilberforce finally succeeded. Let's see what Fox says and at the end, let's just close with a few minutes of silent meditation. Then you can leave quietly from the back.[Clip on Amazing grace]Chinese Christians10 Chinese Christians the Western Church Should KnowMeet the men and women who have rooted the gospel message within the Chinese soul.ANDREW T. KAISER AND G. WRIGHT DOYLEThe global Christian community is buzzing with excitement about the?arrival of Chinese Christians?eager to serve on many mission fields around the world. While the Chinese church is still developing its capacity as a sending church, this new phase in world missions holds great promise for China and the world—providing a moving demonstration of the maturity of the church in China. Throughout the centuries, many different global mission agencies and missionary workers have contributed to the growth of the mainland Chinese church. The endeavors of Western missionaries like?Matteo Ricci,?Gladys Aylward,?Jonathan Goforth, and?Timothy Richard?have been well documented in biographies and sermon illustrations. Even today, mentions of?Hudson Taylor?and his China Inland Mission (CIM) continue to inspire Christian men and women to leave home to share the gospel overseas.While many expatriates contributed to the present moment in Chinese mission sending, this missionary vision of the Chinese church owes as much if not more to the host of Chinese men and women over the last two centuries who have rooted the gospel message within the Chinese soul. These saints who played such an essential role in the establishment of an explicitly?Chinese?church deserve to be recognized for their service. May their stories inspire new generations of women and men in China and beyond to serve God wherever he may lead.1. Ding Limei (1871–1936) A determined evangelistEvangelist Ding Limei was born into one of the first Christian homes in the province of Shandong. At the age of 13, Ding left home for Dengzhou, (modern Penglai) and enrolled in Tengchow College, which had been founded by the American Presbyterian Mission, North. After graduating, he worked for a few years before returning to study theology for two years at the same school.Ding was ordained as a pastor in 1898. During the Boxer Uprising in 1900, he was persecuted for his faith and thrown into prison for 40 days where he suffered almost 200 blows by the rod leaving terrible lesions on his skin. After his release, he accepted a position as a Presbyterian minister, resolving to preach the gospel in every province in China, to establish an indigenous Chinese church, and to save the souls of millions of his countrymen. Over the next 20 years he was an active itinerant evangelist, speaking at revivals across the country and leading many Chinese men and women to put their faith in Christ. At the end of his life, Ding focused on theological education, teaching in the North China Theological Seminary and pastoring several congregations. Illness in his later years prevented him from engaging in front line evangelism, but he persisted in praying for the salvation of thousands of countrymen by name, never wavering in his desire to see the people of China won for Christ.2. Jeanette Li (1899–1968) Cross-cultural evangelistJeannette Li was born in 1899 into a Buddhist household. A childhood illness compelled her family to bring her to a missionary hospital and her subsequent recovery led her to enroll in the mission’s school. Li was baptized as the first Christian in her family at age 10. At the age of 16, Lee entered an unhappy marriage with a non-believer. After several years her husband married another woman, leaving Li to raise her son as a single mother.While caring for her son and her ill mother, Li persisted in her studies and eventually found employment teaching in a government school—an intentional decision she undertook in pursuit of evangelistic opportunities outside the Christian mission school community. Realizing that her true calling was evangelism, she resigned from the school in 1930 and enrolled at the Ginling Bible College in Nanjing to train for ministry. In 1934 she made the first of many trips to Manchuria where she was part of a fruitful cross-cultural outreach in streets, homes, hospitals, and orphanages throughout the region. Her ministry during these years was subject to near constant persecution and harassment from Japanese occupiers. In 1952 Li was imprisoned for 17 months by Communist officials for her faith. Upon her release, Li moved to Guangzhou where she once again volunteered as an evangelist until she was allowed passage to Hong Kong and, eventually, the United States. Throughout all the difficulties in her life, Li continued to share her faith, witnessing to God’s steady provision in times of trouble.3. Liang Fa (1789–1855) China’s first Protestant ChristianLiang Fa embodies the indigenization of Chinese Christianity—a process that proceeded with fits and starts, periods of foreign patronage, internal persecution, and tension between Christian and Chinese identities. In his early life, Liang grew up in a village where he participated in local folk religious life. As a young adult, Liang worked as a printer assisting the recently arrived Robert Morrison of the London Missionary Society. His subsequent conversion led to the baptism of many family members and a job as the first ordained Chinese evangelist. By midlife, Liang was participating in most of the institutions of the early Protestant missionary movement (the missionary press, local fellowships, schools, a hospital, etc.) and penned one of the most influential Chinese gospel tracts of the 19th century.Liang showed a tendency towards iconoclasm and embraced a form of Christianity that was strident in rejecting idolatry. Because of his faith and ministry, Liang’s family life became more complicated as he aged, demonstrating several layers of the kinds of conflicts that accompanied becoming a Christian: the real risk in professing faith in Christ, the challenge of participating in religious or ritual life, and tensions over the next generation. Liang Fa is often described as the first fruit or the seed of the indigenous Chinese church.4. Shi Meiyu (Mary Stone, 1873–1954) Accomplished missionary doctorOne of the earliest second-generation Christians on the continent, Shi Meiyu was born to a Methodist pastor and a mission school principal. As a child, Shi studied both the Chinese classics and Christian literature before heading to the University of Michigan to study medicine.One of the first two Chinese women to receive a medical degree from an American university, Shi returned to China in 1896 to serve as a medical missionary with the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. She spent her remaining decades establishing and running multiple hospitals and participating in a wide range of evangelistic work. Shi served on the China Continuation Committee after the Edinburgh World Missionary Conference of 1910, was the first president of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union in China, and was one of the organizers of the Bethel Worldwide Evangelistic Band. In 1918 she cofounded the Chinese Missionary Society in order to support and send Chinese Christians to evangelize other Chinese people.5. Shu Shan (?–1900) A courageous Boxer MartyrShu Shan and her family were Christians living on the outskirts of Beijing when the Boxer turmoil erupted in the summer of 1900. A grassroots uprising with complicated causes, the Boxer participants called on the spiritual assistance of traditional Chinese mythical heroes to destroy all foreign influences and restore prosperity and security to the common people of North China. Shu’s husband was a local evangelist in charge of his own mission station just outside Beijing. As news of the coming Boxer violence spread, he fled to the mountains in search of safety, sending his wife and their three children under the age of 10 to live with nearby relatives. As the Boxers closed in on their village, Shu and her children were gradually turned away from all possible places of refuge by friends and family alike, eventually returning to their home to wait for death. Shu and her children were seized by the Boxers because of their Christian faith and then tormented, murdered, and cast into a shallow grave near the ruins of their home. The blood of Shu Shan and the many other Christian martyrs of 1900 inspired a generation of expatriate missionaries and local disciples to take up their crosses and follow Jesus wherever he led—their obedience forming the foundation of today’s Chinese church.6. Sung Shangjie (John Sung, 1901–1944) China’s John the BaptistSong was born in Fujian province in 1901, the fourth son of a Methodist pastor. Eager to follow in his father’s footsteps, Song graduated from the local mission school and headed to the United States to study theology. Once there, however, he studied chemistry instead, eventually earning his PhD from Ohio State University in 1926. Shortly afterwards, he repented of his selfishness and endeavored to honor his original call by enrolling at Union Theological Seminary in New York. In 1927 Song reported having a dramatic “conversion experience” that compelled him to criticize the liberal theology of his professors. This was a troubled time for Song, resulting in a mental breakdown that saw him placed in an insane asylum. An American pastor intervened, and Song was allowed to return to China where he juggled teaching chemistry and Bible during the week with running evangelistic campaigns on the weekends. In 1931 Song accepted the invitation of Shi Meiyu (see above) and left all his other work to join the Bethel Worldwide Evangelistic Band. Sung was soon known throughout Asia as a fiery preacher whose dramatic behavior on stage and moving songs spoke directly to people’s hearts. For the next eight years, his message of judgment, repentance, and healing brought many people in China and throughout the Chinese diaspora to faith in Jesus. The persistent health problems that he claimed kept him humble eventually took his life in 1944.7. Wang Laiquan (1835–1901) Hudson Taylor’s brother in ministryA painter and interior decorator, Wang was baptized into missionary Hudson Taylor’s congregation in Ningbo in 1859. Wang agreed to help Taylor with his struggling hospital, working with the understanding that he would receive no salary but only “a share of whatever the Lord provided.” Wang joined Taylor when he returned to England in 1860 for medical reasons where he helped care for the Taylor children and assisted with the translation of the New Testament into the Ningbo dialect.After returning to China, Wang began pastoring independent local churches on his own. With no salary from the CIM, Wang used his own money to open a country chapel and supervised a growing number of itinerant local evangelists, eventually becoming a superintendent pastor of a network of self-supported, self-governing churches in the Hangzhou area. Wang cooperated well with CIM expatriate missionaries and on at least one occasion sent money from his churches to support the work of CIM expatriate missionaries.8. Wu Baoying (1897–1930) Medical missionary to western ChinaBorn in in 1897 to a Christian family in the western China province of Gansu, Wu was one of the first Chinese medical missionaries in China, personally trained by second generation CIM missionary George King at the Borden Memorial Hospital in Lanzhou. Wu and his wife proved indispensable in the running of the hospital following the recall of all the expatriate missionaries from western China after the anti-Christian and anti-foreign violence of the 1927 Nanjing Incident. Wu and his brother also established a mission hospital in their hometown, where Wu was killed by Hui minority rebels during an ethnic uprising in 1928. His final words, as he died at the age of 33, were “The Lord is with us.”9. Xi Shengmo (Pastor Hsi, 1835–1896) The Overcomer of DemonsThe Confucian scholar Xi Zizhi became a Christian following a failed attempt to pass the provincial level exams in Taiyuan, Shanxi. As he exited the examination hall, he received several gospel tracts as well as a list of essay questions on general moral and religious topics devised by British missionaries Timothy Richard and David Hill as a means of opening gospel discussions with Chinese elites. Xi submitted several winning entries in the essay competition, and when he visited the missionaries to collect his monetary prize, Xi was asked by Hill to serve as his secretary and Chinese language tutor. Xi accepted and his new foreign friend soon helped him overcome his opium smoking habit.Xi became a Christian, changed his name to Xi Shengmo (“Xi, the overcomer of demons”), and returned to his hometown to convert his traditional Chinese medical dispensary into a church and opium refuge for others seeking to overcome their addictions. He was the first indigenous pastor in Shanxi province, immortalized in Geraldine Taylor’s biography,?Pastor Hsi: Confucian Scholar and Christian. Xi was fiery, and while he did at times get into conflict with foreign missionaries, a long string of CIM missionaries (including many of the famous?Cambridge Seven) served effectively under his direction. His opium refuge played an important role in the early development of the indigenous Protestant church in Shanxi.10. Yu Cidu (Dora Yu, 1873–1931) An independent revival preacherBorn a preacher’s daughter in the Hangzhou American Presbyterian Mission compound, Yu Cidu was trained as a medical worker. In 1897 she briefly joined an early cross-cultural mission outreach to Korea. In 1904 Yu gave up medicine for full-time ministry and began preaching at revivals across the country. Yu was one of the earliest preachers to cut financial support from the West, seeking to build up the indigenous Chinese church and completely “live by faith.” She later founded the Bible Study and Prayer House, (later the Jiangwan Bible School) in Shanghai, as well as a series of winter and summer Bible study classes, and trained many qualified preachers for the Chinese church. Many of those who became Christians through Yu’s evangelism efforts played important roles in the early 20th century Chinese church revival movement. After hearing her preach at a revival meeting in Fuzhou, Watchman Nee converted to Christianity and dedicated himself to serving God. In 1927 Yu was invited to be the main speaker at the Keswick Convention, the famous annual gathering of evangelical believers committed to spiritual holiness, unity, and global mission, where she implored Western Christians to stop sending missionaries with liberal theology to China.Andrew T. Kaiser, PhD, has been living and working with his family in China since 1997. In addition to his various online contributions, Andrew is also the author of?Voices from the Past: Historical Reflections on Christian Missions in China?and?The Rushing on of the Purposes of God: Christian Missions in Shanxi since 1876.G. Wright Doyle is director of?Global China Center, editor of the?Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity,?editor of?Builders of The Chinese Church: Pioneer Protestant Missionaries and Chinese Church Leaders,?editor and translator of?Wise Man from the East: Lit-sen Chang,?and co-editor of the series?Studies in Chinese Christianity. of cold ChristiansDate: 1/2010.101When God weeps P135 By itself suffering is no good, but when it becomes a thing between God and me, it has meaning. Wedged in the crux - the cross - suffering becomes a transaction. 1 Corinthians 1:18 "The cross is.. the power of God. The cross is the place where power happens between God and us. It is where a relationship is given birth and depth. The cross was first a transaction between God the Father & Christ. But it is also for us all. It is where we die. We go there daily but it isn't easy. Normally, we will follow Christ to a party where he changes water into wine, to a sunlit beach where he preaches from a boat to a breezy hillside where he feeds thousands, even to the temple where he topples the tables of the money changer, but to the cross? We dig in our heels. The Lord does not give a general appeal, but a specific one, personal to you. The transaction exists between the Almighty of the universe and you. We simply cannot bring ourselves to go to the cross. Nothing attracts us to it. Thus we live independently of the cross. Or try to. As time passes, the memory of our desperate state when we first believe fades. The cross was something that happened to us "back then" We forget how hungry for God we once were. We grow self sufficient. We go through the motions - turning the other cheek and going the extra mile - but the effort is just that, an effort. We would hardly admit it, but we know full well how autonomous of God we operate. This is where God steps in.He permits suffering. He allows Peter's blindness. Laura's degenerative disease, Mr. Beach's hunting accident, my paralysis. Suffering reduces us to nothing as Soren Kierkegaard noted, "God creates everything out of nothing. And everything which God is to use, he first reduces us to nothing." To be reduced to nothing is to be dragged to the foot of the cross.A miraculous exchange happens at the cross. When suffering forces us to our knees at the foot of Calvary, we die to self. We cannot kneel there for long without releasing our pride and anger, unclasping our dreams and desires - this is what "coming to the cross" is all about. In exchange, God imparts power and implants new and lasting hope. We rise, renewed. His yoke becomes easy and his burden light. But just when we begin to get a tad self sufficient, suffering presses harder. And we seek the cross again, mortifying the martyr in us, destroying the self-display. The transaction then continues.CHRISTIANSHow to live in this worldRumors of a forgotten worldYancey – the key is to think myself as an amphibian living in two different environments at once, physical and spiritual. IN one I breathe without thinking. In the other, I must set my mind to the task. It takes no effort to notice a gorgeous specimen of humanity or a neighbour’s new sports car. It takes continues effort to pay attention to a homeless person with a hand lettered sign asking for food or a single mother with a disabled child who lives down the block. Those who believe only in the visible world have a single proving ground of worth and for this reason they celebrate beauty, success, wealth, talent – the values on prominent display at the magazine racks. The winners who excel get an ample reward in our celebrity culture.On the other hand, if I believe in two worlds, I will look on the same values differently. With gratitude I accept the grace of athletes, the beauty of supermodels, the talent of successful people as God’s gifts. God is after all, the creator and sustainer of all good things on this earth At the same time I ask that my wyes be opened to a different kind of beauty, one that lies beneath the surface as manifest in the Elephant man. Those who have no chance for success in this visible world, may, after all , lead the way in God’s kingdom. All too often, the attractions of the visible world simply overwhelm those of the invisible. Three centuries after Jesus, when the church had already spread throughout the Roman empire, Joh Chrysostom complained, “We admire wealth equally with them (non-Christians) and even more. We have the same horror of death, the same dread of poverty , the same impatience of disease, we are equally fond of glory and of rule, ..How then can they believe?”Mahatma GandhiDate: 4/2009.10110/11/2009 DCFC English [Life & Theology - Is there a connection?] Theology of ManHope Again - Chuck Swindoll P188Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian nationalist leader once said, "I like your Christ, but I don't like your Christians... They are so unlike your Christ." What a rebuke. But so often his words are true.Moralistic Deism19 Sept 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Brick by Brick, Life to Life] Neh 4 Obstacles & OpportunitiesNov 20 2011 DCFC English [Jesus came to the world to...] John 11? offer the resurrected life07 May 2017 QBC English [Kingdom Parables] Matt 13:24-43 Parable of weeds14 May 2017 QBC Chinese [Kingdom Parables] Matt 13:24-43 Parable of weedsAugust 27, 2010 8:57 a.m. EDT Harvard of Atlanta, Georgia, may be a rarity. She's an American teenager who is passionate about her Christian faith.STORY HIGHLIGHTSMore teenagers embracing watered-down Christianity, author argues in new bookTeenagers see God as "divine therapist," author saysTeenager: "They don't want to make sacrifices"Who's responsible for inspiring teens? Parents and pastors are, author says(CNN) -- If you're the parent of a Christian teenager, Kenda Creasy Dean has this warning:Your child is following a "mutant" form of Christianity, and you may be responsible.Dean says more American teenagers are embracing what she calls "moralistic therapeutic deism." Translation: It's a watered-down faith that portrays God as a "divine therapist" whose chief goal is to boost people's self-esteem.Dean is a minister, a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary and the author of "Almost Christian," a new book that argues that many parents and pastors are unwittingly passing on this self-serving strain of Christianity.She says this "imposter'' faith is one reason teenagers abandon churches. "If this is the God they're seeing in church, they are right to leave us in the dust," Dean says. "Churches don't give them enough to be passionate about."What traits passionate teens shareDean drew her conclusions from what she calls one of the most depressing summers of her life. She interviewed teens about their faith after helping conduct research for a controversial study called the National Study of Youth and Religion.They have a lot to say. They can talk about money, sex and their family relationships with nuance.--Kenda Creasy Dean, author The study, which included in-depth interviews with at least 3,300 American teenagers between 13 and 17, found that most American teens who called themselves Christian were indifferent and inarticulate about their faith.The study included Christians of all stripes -- from Catholics to Protestants of both conservative and liberal denominations. Though three out of four American teenagers claim to be Christian, fewer than half practice their faith, only half deem it important, and most can't talk coherently about their beliefs, the study found.Many teenagers thought that God simply wanted them to feel good and do good -- what the study's researchers called "moralistic therapeutic deism."Some critics told Dean that most teenagers can't talk coherently about any deep subject, but Dean says abundant research shows that's not true."They have a lot to say," Dean says. "They can talk about money, sex and their family relationships with nuance. Most people who work with teenagers know that they are not naturally inarticulate."In "Almost Christian," Dean talks to the teens who are articulate about their faith. Most come from Mormon and evangelical churches, which tend to do a better job of instilling religious passion in teens, she says.No matter their background, Dean says committed Christian teens share four traits: They have a personal story about God they can share, a deep connection to a faith community, a sense of purpose and a sense of hope about their future."There are countless studies that show that religious teenagers do better in school, have better relationships with their parents and engage in less high-risk behavior," she says. "They do a lot of things that parents pray for."Dean, a United Methodist Church minister who says parents are the most important influence on their children's faith, places the ultimate blame for teens' religious apathy on adults. Some adults don't expect much from youth pastors. They simply want them to keep their children off drugs and away from premarital sex.Others practice a "gospel of niceness," where faith is simply doing good and not ruffling feathers. The Christian call to take risks, witness and sacrifice for others is muted, she says."If teenagers lack an articulate faith, it may be because the faith we show them is too spineless to merit much in the way of conversation," wrote Dean, a professor of youth and church culture at Princeton Theological Seminary.More teens may be drifting away from conventional Christianity. But their desire to help others has not diminished, another author says. Barbara A. Lewis, author of "The Teen Guide to Global Action," says Dean is right -- more teens are embracing a nebulous belief in God. Yet there's been an "explosion" in youth service since 1995 that Lewis attributes to more schools emphasizing community service. Teens that are less religious aren't automatically less compassionate, she says. "I see an increase in youth passion to make the world a better place," she says. "I see young people reaching out to solve problems. They're not waiting for adults."What religious teens say about their peersWe think that they want cake, but they actually want steak and potatoes, and we keep giving them cake.--Elizabeth Corrie, Emory University professor RELATED TOPICS Christianity TeenagersElizabeth Corrie meets some of these idealistic teens every summer. She has taken on the book's central challenge: instilling religious passion in teens.Corrie, who once taught high school religion, now directs a program called YTI -- the Youth Theological Initiative at Emory University in Georgia.YTI operates like a theological boot camp for teens. At least 36 rising high school juniors and seniors from across the country gather for three weeks of Christian training. They worship together, take pilgrimages to varying religious communities and participate in community projects.Corrie says she sees no shortage of teenagers who want to be inspired and make the world better. But the Christianity some are taught doesn't inspire them "to change anything that's broken in the world."Teens want to be challenged; they want their tough questions taken on, she says."We think that they want cake, but they actually want steak and potatoes, and we keep giving them cake," Corrie says.David Wheaton, an Atlanta high school senior, says many of his peers aren't excited about Christianity because they don't see the payoff."If they can't see benefits immediately, they stay away from it," Wheaton says. "They don't want to make sacrifices."How 'radical' parents instill religious passion in their childrenChurches, not just parents, share some of the blame for teens' religious apathy as well, says Corrie, the Emory professor.She says pastors often preach a safe message that can bring in the largest number of congregants. The result: more people and yawning in the pews."If your church can't survive without a certain number of members pledging, you might not want to preach a message that might make people mad," Corrie says. "We can all agree that we should all be good and that God rewards those who are nice."Corrie, echoing the author of "Almost Christian," says the gospel of niceness can't teach teens how to confront tragedy."It can't bear the weight of deeper questions: Why are my parents getting a divorce? Why did my best friend commit suicide? Why, in this economy, can't I get the good job I was promised if I was a good kid?"What can a parent do then?Get "radical," Dean says.She says parents who perform one act of radical faith in front of their children convey more than a multitude of sermons and mission trips.A parent's radical act of faith could involve something as simple as spending a summer in Bolivia working on an agricultural renewal project or turning down a more lucrative job offer to stay at a struggling church, Dean says.But it's not enough to be radical -- parents must explain "this is how Christians live," she says."If you don't say you're doing it because of your faith, kids are going to say my parents are really nice people," Dean says. "It doesn't register that faith is supposed to make you live differently unless parents help their kids connect the dots."'They called when all the cards stopped'Anne Harvard, an Atlanta teenager, might be considered radical. She's a teen whose faith appears to be on fire.Harvard, who participated in the Emory program, bubbles over with energy when she talks about possibly teaching theology in the future and quotes heavy-duty scholars such as theologian Karl Barth.She's so fired up about her faith that after one question, Harvard goes on a five-minute tear before stopping and chuckling: "Sorry, I just talked a long time."Harvard says her faith has been nurtured by what Dean, the "Almost Christian" author, would call a significant faith community.In 2006, Harvard lost her father to a rare form of cancer. Then she lost one of her best friends -- a young woman in the prime of life -- to cancer as well. Her church and her pastor stepped in, she says."They called when all the cards stopped," she says.When asked how her faith held up after losing her father and friend, Harvard didn't fumble for words like some of the teens in "Almost Christian."She says God spoke the most to her when she felt alone -- as Jesus must have felt on the cross."When Jesus was on the cross crying out, 'My God, why have you forsaken me?' Jesus was part of God,'' she says. "Then God knows what it means to doubt."It's OK to be in a storm, to be in a doubt," she says, "because God was there, too."CHRISTIANSMediaDate: 11/2009.10110/25/2009 DCFC English [Life & Theology - Is there a connection?] Theology of lifeEarly ChristianityChristianity Today cited a study that looked at the movie viewing habits of "religious" Americans. They found that when it came to watching R-rated films, there isn't much difference between the religious and nonreligious.How would we respond? How did Christians in the past respond to their culture? Look at the early Christians. The Roman theater was borrowed from the Greeks and the favorite dramatic themes were very much like today - crime, adultery, immorality, violence and the likes. Tertullian, an early apologist said, "The father who carefully protects and guards his virgin daughter's ears from every polluting word takes her to the theater himself, exposing her to all its vile language and attitudes. How can it be right to look at things that are wrong?" And of course, there is the all time favorite entertainment - the Gladiators. These brutal fights drove crowds wild with feverish excitement! Lactantius a Roman Christian told his fellow Romans, "He who finds it pleasurable to watch a man being killed pollutes his conscience just as much as though he were an accomplice of a murder committed in secret. Yet they call this "sport!" The crowds are even angry with gladiators if one of the two isn't slain quickly. By steeping themselves in this practice, they have lost their humanity. Therefore it is not fitting that we who strive to stay on the path of righteousness should share in this public homicide. When God forbids us to kill, he not only prohibits the violence that is condemned by public law but he also forbids the violence that is deemed lawful by men!" And I would add, "That includes make-belief violence that men deem as entertainment!" CHRISTIANS Saint & SinnerMy Dad, the Sinner and Saint I learned to see my father as more than his unfaithful past.Editor’s note: Spouses are left with mistrust, anger, and betrayal after an affair. But what about children? Their hurt gets mixed with shock and confusion, unaware of the relational dynamics that led up to the infidelity. The news can have long-term emotional and spiritual effects, as kids wonder how a parent they loved could do something so hurtful.Today's contributor—a writer and divinity school student—reflects on her family’s story. Out of respect for her father, who has not shared this publicly, she is writing anonymously. – KateIwas 17, a senior in high school, working in my father’s store. Rumors had been floating for a few months that my dad was having an affair with a sales representative who visited the store periodically.I did not believe it. My parents were adorably in love: regularly going on dates and trips, getting a bit too affectionate in front of their kids, laughing at each other’s jokes like they were in high school. And my dad was one of my most important spiritual role models: leading the family in devotions, spending hours talking theology with me, inspiring me to go to divinity school.Then, one day he called me into his office. There was no mention of that woman, but he brought up problems with my mom and the possibility of divorce. I was in shock. I thought,Who are you, and what did you do with my real father??I could not reconcile this person with the dad I knew.Six years later, my dad was pursuing his third affair. Each lasted a few months. I could tell when he was cheating by how little he was around and how much his personality changed. The timing was always terrible. Each major event in my life—graduating high school, going to college, and my wedding day—felt tainted by his infidelity. I didn’t know what triggered him to leave and come back, he and my mom returning to normal. During those times, my dad was his old self: affectionate, fun, generous, and devoting himself to God in prayer and Bible study. I didn’t know if he apologized to my mom and made things right again, but he had never apologized to me and my two sisters.By that third affair, I was angry at my mom too. “You never gave him any consequences,” I said. “You let him have his cake and eat it too. What did you expect?” This might have been unfair, but she took it. And the scenario played out differently that time. My mom made him move out for a time, and she went on a date with someone else. Dad became so jealous he could hardly stand it. Finally, as he was beginning to break off the affair, his mistress's husband tracked him down and beat him up.It’s been 14 years since his last affair. It seems my dad is “cured.” Was that the low point he needed to reach in order for things to change? Maybe. Over time, the Holy Spirit worked to grow and flourish the seeds of faith he had always had. He developed relationships of openness and accountability with other Christian men. He and my mom reached a new level of honesty, grace, and mutual respect. He dove in wholeheartedly to his relationships with his kids and grandkids. Perhaps the most striking sign of redemption? He and my mom now meet with couples in their church who are struggling with the effects of an affair.Meanwhile, those of us hurt by his sin were left to make sense of it all. What was happening? Could we forgive without naively opening ourselves up to being hurt again?A few years after my dad's final affair, our family was invited to sit in the audience of an?Oprah?show featuring married couples who had stayed together after an affair. When I spoke to one of Oprah’s people a few weeks before, I remember narrating my dad’s story and realizing for the first time:?I’ve forgiven him.That forgiveness had not come easily. My dad and I never had the bare-it-all, face-to-face talk I would have liked. But he began to talk openly about his sin in a way he never had—even if only in spurts. At dinner one night, he said that he saw himself as being like King David—whose name my dad shares—in all of David’s brokenness and sinfulness, but also in the restoration God brought to him. While my dad never fully apologized for the hurt he had caused me, I received moments like that as his way of acknowledging his sin and its consequences. I knew how hard it was for him to speak openly—his own family had a lot of brokenness and never spoke openly about sin and hurt—and recognized he was trying to build a bridge.I am finally able to hold together the two sides of my dad. Previously he had existed in my head as evil/hurtful dad and good/loving dad. But then I allowed myself to view the two together. My dad is a complex person, full of sin and weakness, but also strengths and gifts. As we all are. This understanding allowed me to view the temptation toward infidelity as my dad’s “thing.” Mine is laziness and procrastination. For some, it’s alcohol. For others, greed. My dad’s is being tempted by sexually and emotionally intimate affairs with other women. That stinks. And it hurts a lot of people—so the recovery and reconciliation process can be longer and more difficult. But, ultimately, it’s a sin like any other sin.As Christians we affirm that?all have sinned?and stand condemned apart from Christ. Certainly, some sins have greater earthly consequences than others. But no sin is “worse” than the other in the sense that all sin separates us from God. The good news of the gospel is that Christ saves us from sin?byidentifying himself with sinners. We learn from Romans 8 that there is no condemnation for those in Christ—whatever their history—because God has condemned sin in the flesh by “sending his Son in the likeness of sinful flesh.” Or, as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5, “He made him who knew no sin?to be sin.” He did that for us: the greedy, the gossipers, the liars, and, yes, even the adulterers.At that?Oprah?show, a young man sat on stage with his wife sharing about an affair he had had early in their marriage. He talked about being “disgusted” with himself, even as it was happening. Oprah rolled her eyes: “You were disgusted while you were having sex with this neighbor?” Her scorn was palpable. And I thought,?Of course he was! That’s how sin works!?As Augustine, the premiere Christian theologian on sin, wrote, “For these two can coexist in one person: both the hating it because one knows it is evil and the doing it because one decided to do it.”As Christians, we understand sin in the light of grace and of the created goodness of humanity. Our society likes to alternatively demonize and idealize people. It’s happening right now in the political sphere. But we Christians must be different. We must embrace the complexity of our fellow humans, knowing that our most admired hero can (and will) fail us. But we must also remember that their failures don’t define them any more than their successes do. Christ defines them, as he defines me, as he defines you. Thank God.ShemaDate: 12/2009.101Confident Parenting P64 Most people in Jesus' day who heard him quote the shema has probably repeated those words themselves a few times a day. Then Jesus did something radical by adding a phrase not in the Shema but found in Leviticus. In Matthew 22 Jesus summarized the Law & the Prophets with two phrases, "love God" & "love your neighbor" This is what Scot McKnight calls the Jesus Creed. When Jesus amended the Shema of Judaism by adding the statement about loving our neighbor, he probably brought the crowd to silence. CHRISTIANSSpiritual Health ChecksDate: 3/2009.101Apr 24 2011 DCFC English Worship – [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 24:28-36(Hungry for God's Word) A healthy Christian will not find his strength or determine his weakness in the size of the church he attends. Healthy Christians gain strength to overcome the flesh, the world, and the devil by what is written in Acts 2:42, "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." The Christian's first heart check is his devotion to God's Word. Albert Barnes wrote, "One of the evidences of conversion is a desire to be instructed in the doctrines and duties of [Christianity] and a willingness to attend the preaching and teaching of [God's Word]. A healthy Christian is hungry for Holy Spirit inspired teachings and he makes time to be exposed to it." The Christian who is devoted to the teaching of the Word of God goes to church and Bible studies, prayerfully reads his Bible, watches quality Christian programs, listens to Christian music, and takes every opportunity possible to fill his eyes, mind and heart with things of God. There is an eagerness of mind and openness of heart to seek and hear what God's will is for him. He walks into church with anticipation and expectancy that the Lord has something specifically for him. He is not like the church attendee who walks out of church unmoved, critical and unfed because he refuses to eat from the table prepared for him. A Christian who is devoted to the teaching of the Word of God is like the Bereans in Acts 17:11. He "...receives the message with readiness of mind,"(prothumia) meaning to listen attentively and respectfully. He is willing to hear the Word of God, can comprehend it, and has a heart hungry to know God's will for him. A Spiritually healthy Christian takes to heart what was written by wise Solomon, "Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong." (Ecclesiastes 5:1) Can those who see your life say? "There goes a man or woman that has high regard for the Word of God." If so then you are a healthy child of God on the right path to eternal life with Jesus Christ.The Wrong Kind of ChristianI thought a winsome faith would win Christians a place at Vanderbilt’s table. I was wrong.Tish Harrison Warren/ AUGUST 27, 2014I thought I was an acceptable kind of evangelical.I'm not a fundamentalist. My friends and I enjoy art, alcohol, and cultural engagement.We avoid spiritual clichés and buzzwords. We value authenticity, study, racial reconciliation, and social and environmental justice.Being a Christian made me somewhat weird in my urban, progressive context, but despite some clear differences, I held a lot in common with unbelieving friends. We could disagree about truth, spirituality, and morality, and remain on the best of terms. The failures of the church often made me more uncomfortable than those in the broader culture.Then, two years ago, the student organization I worked for at Vanderbilt University got kicked off campus for being the wrong kind of Christians.In May 2011, Vanderbilt's director of religious life told me that the group I'd helped lead for two years, Graduate Christian Fellowship—a chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship—was on probation. We had to drop the requirement that student leaders affirm our doctrinal and purpose statement, or we would lose our status as a registered student organization.I met with him to understand the change. During the previous school year, a Christian fraternity had expelled several students for violating their behavior policy. One student said he was ousted because he is gay. Vanderbilt responded by forbidding any belief standards for those wanting to join or lead any campus group.In writing, the new policy refers only to constitutionally protected classes (race, religion, sexual identity, and so on), but Vanderbilt publicly adopted an "all comers policy," which meant that no student could be excluded from a leadership post on ideological grounds. College Republicans must allow Democrats to seek office; the environmental group had to welcome climate-change skeptics; and a leader of a religious group could not be dismissed if she renounced faith midyear. (The administration granted an exception to sororities and fraternities.)Like most campus groups, InterVarsity welcomes anyone as a member. But it asks key student leaders—the executive council and small group leaders—to affirm its doctrinal statement, which outlines broad Christian orthodoxy and does not mention sexual conduct specifically. But the university saw belief statements themselves as suspect. Any belief—particularly those about the authority of Scripture or the church—could potentially constrain sexual activity or identity. So what began as a concern about sexuality and pluralism quickly became a conversation about whether robustly religious communities would be allowed on campus.In effect, the new policy privileged certain belief groups and forbade all others. Religious organizations were welcome as long as they were malleable: as long as their leaders didn't need to profess anything in particular; as long as they could be governed by sheer democracy and adjust to popular mores or trends; as long as they didn't prioritize theological stability. Creedal statements were allowed, but as an accessory, a historic document, or a suggested guideline. They could not have binding authority to shape or govern the teaching and practices of a campus religious community.At first I thought this was all a misunderstanding that could be sorted out between reasonable parties. If I could explain to the administration that doctrinal statements are an important part of religious expression—an ancient, enduring practice that would be a given for respected thinkers like Thomas Aquinas—then surely they'd see that creedal communities are intellectually valid and permissible. If we could show that we weren't homophobic culture warriors but friendly, thoughtful evangelicals committed to a diverse, flourishing campus, then the administration and religious groups could find common ground.When I met with the assistant dean of students, she welcomed me warmly and seemed surprised that my group would be affected by the new policy. I told her I was a woman in the ordination process, that my husband was a PhD candidate in Vanderbilt's religion department, and that we loved the university. There was an air of hope that we could work things out.Line in the SandBut as I met with other administrators, the tone began to change. The word?discrimination?began to be used—a lot—specifically in regard to creedal requirements. It was lobbed like a grenade to end all argument. Administrators compared Christian students to 1960s segregationists. I once mustered courage to ask them if they truly thought it was fair to equate racial prejudice with asking Bible study leaders to affirm the Resurrection. The vice chancellor replied, "Creedal discrimination is still discrimination."Feeling battered, I talked with my InterVarsity supervisor. He responded with a wry smile, "But we're moderates!" We thought we were nuanced and reasonable. The university seemed to think of us as a threat.For me, it was revolutionary, a reorientation of my place in the university and in culture.I began to realize that inside the church, the territory between Augustine of Hippo and Jerry Falwell seems vast, and miles lie between Ron Sider and Pat Robertson. But in the eyes of the university (and much of the press), subscribers to broad Christian orthodoxy occupy the same square foot of cultural space.The line between good and evil was drawn by two issues: creedal belief and sexual expression. If religious groups required set truths or limited sexual autonomy, they were bad—not just wrong but evil, narrow-minded, and too dangerous to be tolerated on campus.It didn't matter to them if we were politically or racially diverse, if we cared about the environment or built Habitat homes. It didn't matter if our students were top in their fields and some of the kindest, most thoughtful, most compassionate leaders on campus. There was a line in the sand, and we fell on the wrong side of it.We liked being in pluralistic settings, mining for truth in Nietzsche and St. Benedict alike. But if Christian orthodoxy was anathema in a purportedly broad-minded university, where did that leave us?My husband and I love the idea of the university, a place of libraries and lawns, a space set aside to grapple with the most vital questions of truth, where many different voices gather to engage in respectful conversation. Both of us had invested considerable time and money into pursuing advanced degrees. He was preparing to be a professor.We liked being in pluralistic settings, mining for truth in Nietzsche and St. Benedict alike. But if Christian orthodoxy was anathema in this purportedly broad-minded university, where did that leave us? What did that mean for our place in the world and how we interacted with culture?And what did that mean for all the PhD candidates in my student group who were preparing for a life of service in the secular university? Did we need to take a slightly more Amish route of cultural engagement?And what did all this mean for the university?Facing an ImpasseA culture of fear seemed to be growing on campus. There were power plays and spin. A group of professors penned a thoughtful critique of the new policy, but remained silent when sympathetic department heads warned that going public could be "career damaging."As a private university, Vanderbilt had the right to adopt particular beliefs and exclude certain religious groups. What bothered me was that they didn't own up to what they were doing. I wanted them to be truthful, to say in their brochure, "If you are a creedal religious person, don't expect to find a campus group here." I wanted intellectual honesty and transparency about their presuppositions.Instead, top officials seemed blind to their assumptions, insisting all religious groups were welcome while gutting our ability to preserve defining beliefs and practices.Those of us opposed to the new policy met with everyone we could to plead our case and seek compromise. We published essays and held silent protests with signs calling for pluralism and religious liberty. Hundreds of students and some faculty respectfully objected to the new policy. Catholic and Protestant students, low-church and high-church, met together daily in front of the administration building to pray.As a writer and pastor, I value words, love careful argument, and believe good ideas prevail. I believed that if we cast a vision of principled pluralism, showed how value-laden presuppositions are inherent in any worldview, and reiterated our commitment to Vanderbilt and avoided the culture wars, the administration would relent.But as spring semester ended, 14 campus religious communities—comprising about 1,400 Catholic, evangelical, and Mormon students—lost their organizational status.A year later, my family and I moved to a different state to plant a new InterVarsity chapter. It was painful to leave beloved faculty, students, and ministry colleagues with the campus conflict unresolved. There was no happy ending, no triumphant reconciling moment. After that long and disorienting year, I left not in confident, defiant protest, but in sadness. What I thought was a misunderstanding turned out to be an impasse.We Are HereWhat's happening at Vanderbilt is happening at other universities. Increasingly, orthodox beliefs and practices are forbidden as those in power forfeit a robust understanding of religious pluralism.Our task moving forward is to resist bitterness, cynicism, or retaliation, demonizing the university or the culture. As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, the line between good and evil runs through every human heart, a reality that makes everything more complex. We have to forgive and to look squarely at places in our own heart that require repentance. In community, we must develop the craft of being both bold and irenic, truthful and humble.And while we grieve rejection, we should not be shocked or ashamed by it. That probationary year unearthed a hidden assumption that I could be nuanced or articulate or culturally engaged or compassionate enough to make the gospel more acceptable to my neighbors. But that belief is prideful. From its earliest days, the gospel has been both a comfort and an offense.We need not be afraid; the gospel is as unstoppable as it is unacceptable.N. T. Wright points out in?Paul: In Fresh Perspective?that the unlikely message of a crucified Jew raised from the dead "was bound to cause hoots of derision, and, if Acts is to be believed, sometimes did." Throughout history and even now, Christians in many parts of the world face not only rejection but violent brutality. What they face is incomparably worse than anything we experience on U.S. college campuses, yet they tutor us in compassion, courage, and subversive faithfulness.We need not be afraid; the gospel is as unstoppable as it is unacceptable. Paul persisted, proclaiming that Jesus was, in fact, the world's true Lord. And, as Wright notes, "people (to their great surprise, no doubt) found this announcement making itself at home in their minds and hearts, generating the belief that it was true, and transforming their lives with a strange new presence and power."After we lost our registered status, our organization was excluded from new student activity fairs. So our student leaders decided to make T-shirts to let others know about our group. Because we were no longer allowed to use Vanderbilt's name, we struggled to convey that we were a community of Vanderbilt students who met near campus. So the students decided to write a simple phrase on the shirts: WE ARE HERE.And they are. They're still there in labs and classrooms, researching languages and robotics, reflecting God's creativity through the arts and seeking cures for cancer. They are still loving their neighbors, praying, struggling, and rejoicing. You can find them proclaiming the gospel in word and deed, in daily ordinariness. And though it is more difficult than it was a few years ago, ministry continues on campus, often on the margins and just outside the gates. God is still beautifully at work. And his mercy is relentless.Tish Harrison Warren is a priest in the Anglican Church in North America and works with InterVarsity at the University of Texas–Austin. For more, see?.CHRISTIANS, IMPORTANCEI am a ChristianMorgan, R. J. (1997). On this day: 365 amazing and inspiring stories about saints, martyrs & heroes (electronic ed.). Nashville: Thomas Nelson PublishersAugust 12The firestorm against the early Christians created a belief that martyrdom was the norm, something to be expected and even desired. When Emperor Diocletian forbade possession of Scriptures, Euplius, a Christian in Sicily, a deacon and a Bible owner, worried that he might escape persecution. To forestall such a calamity, he stood outside the governor’s office one day shouting, “I am a Christian! I desire to die for the name of Christ.”When ushered before the governor, he was found to have a manuscript of the Gospels. “Where did these come from?” he was asked. “Did you bring them from your home?”“I have no home, as my Lord Jesus Christ knows,” replied Euplius.“Read them,” said the prosecutor. So Euplius began reading the words: “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:10, kjv). He turned to another passage: “Whosoever will come after me, let him take up his cross and follow me.”The judge interrupted him. “Why haven’t you surrendered these books?” Euplius replied that it was better to die than to give them up. “In these is eternal life,” he said, “and whoever gives them up loses eternal life.” The governor signaled that he had heard enough, and Euplius got what he wanted. He was subjected to a series of horrible tortures, then executed on this day, August 12, 304, with his Gospels tied around his neck. His last words, repeatedly uttered, were “Thanks be to Thee, O Christ. O Christ, help. It is for Thee that I suffer.”The Bible nowhere tells us to deliberately seek persecution, and some of the early Christians undoubtedly overglorified the pursuit of martyrdom. Yet given the choice it is surely better to shout, “I am a Christian!” than to hide our testimony from those around us in this world.Who I am makes a differenceDate: 4/2008.101Youtube A teacher in NY decided to honor each of her seniors in high school. She called them out in front of the class and gave them a blue ribbon and told each one of them the difference they made in her life and why they are special. Then she pinned a blue ribbon on each of them that said, "Who I am makes a difference." She gave each of them 3 more blue ribbons and told them to carry out this assignment."Find one person who has made a difference in your life and give them this blue ribbon. Then give them the other two and tell them to carry on this experiment by looking for someone else who had made difference in their lives. Report back to me next week what happened."One young man in her class took the blue ribbon and gave it to a junior executive in a financial company nearby because he had helped the young plan on his financial planning. The young man thanked this junior executive and gave him the remaining two ribbons. After the young man left, the junior executive thought about whom he should give the blue ribbon too. He decided to go give it to his boss who was known as a grouch. He gave his boss a call and told him that he appreciated his boss' creative genius. His boss was surprised. Then the junior executive said, "Can I place this ribbon on you?" The surprised boss said, "Sure!" Then the young executive gave his boss the next ribbon and told him to find someone he could honor.That day the boss went home and sat with his 14 year old son and told him, "The most amazing thing happened today. One of my subordinates came up to me and told me that he appreciated me for being a creative genius. Then he told me that who I am made a difference. That's surprising. And he told me to give this remaining blue ribbon and told me to continue this ceremony with someone I want to honor. As I was driving home tonight, I thought about you. I want to honor you. My days are hectic and I don't pay enough attention to you. I just yell at you for your grades and messy bedroom. But tonight I just want to tell you how important you are to me. Besides your mother, you are the person most important to me. I love you! You are a great kid." The startled boy just started weeping and his whole body shook uncontrollably. Then he said to his father, "Dad, today I was sitting up in my room writing you a later explaining why I took my own life. I didn't think I mattered at all. I wanted to commit suicide tonight. But I don't think I need it anymore."The father went upstairs and found a letter filled with pain and anguish. The next day, he went back to work a changed man, never a grouch again.You make a difference.CHRISTIANS, VALUES OFKnowing our valuesDate: 6/2006.10128 May 2006 - Pandan Chinese Xi Yang - Luke 5:1-11 ~ Qualities of a Disciple2 Sept 2006 - YOC Camping Luke 5:1-11 ~ The Qualities of a DiscipleOct 2007 Germany Leipzig/Weimar - Luke 5:1-11 - Qualities of a disciplePersonalWhen I was working, I had a boss who loves to talk. So every other day, he would summon me into his office and talk for hours. His favorite topic is to criticize God. He is a RC - retired Catholic. Well, I was afraid to talk back because this man determined my pay, annual bonuses and performance evaluation. But I knew I had to because, if I did not, it would affect my testimony in office, since everyone knew that I was a Christian.Eventually, I realized - that the person against me was my boss, but the person on my side was God. The creator of heavens & earth. So I had to speak up.It is important for us to realize how God values us. When we want to testify for God or share the gospel, we often need to overcome our own fears. However, knowing how God looks at us makes us realize that we have value, we are valuable to God. And that gives us the strength.CHRISTLIKENESSBorn to FlyDate: 6/2006.101DCFC Retreat 2008 (TWU) Juan Eclarin on Spiritual gifts Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P48One day a prairie chicken found an egg and sat on it until it hatched. Unbeknownst to the prairie chicken, the egg was an eagle egg, abandoned for some reason. That's how an eagle came to be born into a family of prairie chickens.While the eagle is the greatest of all birds, soaring above the heights with grace and ease, the prairie chicken doesn't even know how to fly. In fact, prairie chickens are so lowly that they eat garbage.Predictably, the little eagle, being raised in a family of prairie chickens, thought he was a prairie chicken. He walked around, ate garbage and clucked like a prairie chicken.One day he looked up to see a majestic bald eagle soar through the air dipping and turning. When he asked his family what it was, they responded, "It's an eagle. But you could never be like that because you are just a prairie chicken." Then they returned to pecking the garbage.The eagle spent his whole life looking up at eagles, longing to join them among the clouds. It never once occurred to him to lift his wings and try to fly. The eagle died thinking he was just a prairie chicken.ApplicationYou were born to fly. But some of you think and act like prairie chickens because the world keeps telling you that's what you are. God created you "a little lower than the angels" (see Psalms 8 and Hebrews 2:7). Do you ever feel like there's something more to life than what you are experiencing? Look up! Lift your wings and fly! God wants you to be all that you were created to be.The apostle Peter writes in 1 Peter 1:14, "As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance." In other words, "Stop living like eagles who think they are prairie chickens." You are no longer ignorant. You know who and what you are. You are born again through the living and enduring Word of God. Now live that way. Spread your wings and fly.CHRISTMASAkiane KramarikDate: 11/2007. - Rodney Buchanan (Methodist) God continues to show up in our day, though largely unnoticed by an unbelieving world. When he comes again it will be impossible to ignore him, for every eye will see him (Revelation 1:7). But until then, we need to have eyes that see and ears that hear. There are many examples that I could use, but take this one for a start. Akiane Kramarik is only 12-years-old, but she has abilities far beyond her years. Her mother chose to give birth to her underwater at the family home on July 9, 1994 in Mount Morris, Illinois. The family now lives in Idaho. Akiane speaks four languages, writes poetry, plays piano and composes her own music, and most of all she paints. Her paintings have deep expression and magnificent, living colors. She explains that she had a spiritual encounter with God at the ripe old age of four, and that now her paintings are attempts to help people experience God through her eyes. She claims to have actually visited heaven and gives vivid expression to what she saw there. She wants to put on canvas what she has seen in her visions and dreams. She says, "I want my art to draw people's attention to God. I want my poetry to keep people's attention to God.? Her desire is that people find hope in her paintings. The picture of Jesus here is entitled, "Father forgiven them," and was painted when she was 9. The next one is called "The Journey" also painted when she was 9. This painting is called "Slanted Eyes, “and the one next to it is called "Prince of Peace." Both were painted when she was only 8. Her web site defines her goal as: To be an inspiration for others and to be the gift to God. That's very profound for a 12-year-old - to be the gift of God.But the interesting part of the story is that Akiane did not come from a Christian home. Her American father is a culinary art instructor and chef, and her stay-at-home, Lithuanian mother was an atheist. There was no teaching in the home about the Christian faith, they never went to church and there was no talk of God. The entire family has now converted to Christianity, but home was not the place where she received any spiritual training. She has appeared on many TV shows, and been featured in several magazines. How did God break through to a 4-year-old girl in an atheistic home? I have absolutely no idea. Why did he do it? Well, he gave this girl a vision and a mission. But beyond that, this is just what God does. He chooses unusual people in unexpected places. Jesus was not born in the Temple, he was born in a stable. His father was not a priest, he was a peasant. His mother was not wealthy, they lived in poverty. They did not live in Jerusalem, they lived in Nazareth. No one really knew about Jesus’ birth and very few cared anything about it. But God was changing the world, and only a handful of people were in on the secret, and even they did not understand the full impact of what was happening. CHRISTMASChristmasDate: 3/1998.1105The Muslim calendar is dated from the Hegira, when Mohammed fled to Medina to escape persecution. Our calendar is also dated from a journey, but it was not a journey to flee persecution. Christ willingly made the journey from Heaven to earth, and when his time had come, willingly went to the cross to die at the hands of his enemies. -- Robert C. Shannon, 1000 Windows, (Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Publishing Company, 1997).See: Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-14; Galatians 4:4 CHRISTMASChristmas BoxMany Christians Just "Play with the Box" of God's GiftI gave birth to a son who just doesn't understand gifts. My wife and I would go out when he was a little guy to buy what we thought was the [perfect] gift. He would tear open the gift, and he'd end up playing with the box. It drove us crazy.We decided on Christmas that we were going to find … the gift of gifts that he would not be able to resist. We shopped and shopped. We found the gift. We were so excited.We were much more excited at that moment when the gift came out from under the tree and he was about to unwrap it—much more excited than he would have ever been.He ripped open the gift like a little boy would … and, actually got out this toy and began to play with it. I had a feeling of such victory. I went into the kitchen to get something to drink, was in there for a few minutes, and came out and he was sitting in the box. I couldn't believe it.If you're one of God's children, you have been given the most awesome gift that could ever be given. It's gorgeous from every perspective. It's a gift of such grandeur that it's hard to wrap human vocabulary around it and explain it. It's beautiful from every vista …. It's the gift that every human being needs. It's a gift that in all of your work and all of your effort and all of your achievement you couldn't have ever earned; you could have never deserved; you could have never achieved. It is absolutely without question the gift of gifts. It's the gift of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, [but] I am deeply persuaded in the face of this gift, there are many Christians who are content to play with the box.Paul Tripp, from the sermon "Playing with the Box," Gospel Coalition; submitted by Van Morris, Mt. Washington, KentuckyChristmas Changed the CalendarDTS – Mark Bailey“And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister.”?(Colossians 1:21–23, ESV)There is a slightly carnal side of me that enjoys the fact that every time an unbeliever or an atheist dates and signs a check or another official document they are having to give credence to the fact that over two thousand years ago something dramatic happened that ultimately changed the way the world keeps track of time. On archaeological signs in Israel you will find dating as BCE or ACE. BCE means “before the common era,” and ACE means “after the common era.” Sometimes just CE is used for the “common era.” These are nonreligious designations since to use BC (before Christ) or AD (Anno Domini, the year of our Lord) would link the dating to what really changed the world—the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God who really is the Lord. Those who don’t believe Jesus is Messiah and Lord just don’t want to go there. Ironically, the dates are all the same regardless of the designation one uses. Hence it really is Jesus who defines the eras.At a more personal level, Paul in?Colossians 1:21–23?shows the change Jesus brings into our lives as he describes what life is like before and after Christ changes our birthday spiritually.Without the incarnation there could be no death and resurrection—hence no good news as to how we who were born into this world with a nature tainted by alienation, hostility, and evil behavior could be reconciled, declared righteous, and one day, stand before Him in holiness. All of this happens as a result of our second birthday, our spiritual birthday when we trusted Christ by faith. The connections between gospel proclamation, personal faith, steadfast living, and hope are held together because of what happened as a result of that first Christmas.Christmas changing the worldDate: 11/2007. - Stephen Colaw How does Christmas change your world? Think about that for just a minute. How does Christmas change your world? How will your world be different on December 26th, January 18th, February 12th or March 23rd because of Christmas? Will you be happier? Will you have more peace in your life? Will you be a better person? Or will you simply have more things and owe more money and have to work more hours to help eliminate the additional strain that debt puts on your budget?If we are completely honest, Christmas doesn't really change our world all that much. Even for those of us believe in Jesus Christ as God's Son and the Savior of the world, Christmas doesn't change our lives that much. Largely, we celebrate Christmas as a great American holiday. Snow, Santa, holly and mistletoe, family and friends gathered around the fireplace remembering what Christmas was like when we were kids. The shopping, the parties, and all of the busy activities that we cram into the season are a part of how Christmas goes. But when everything is said and done, the only real change Christmas brings to our world is that it makes us a little bit poorer and a lot more tired; and all of this for an event that God never called us to commemorate.We are never once asked to remember the birth of Christ. Our celebration of Christmas is a purely human endeavor. He commanded us to remember his death, which we do through the act of communion, but he never asked us to celebrate his birth. That's our thing. It's not a bad thing, in fact it can be quite good, but does it change our lives?The purpose of Christmas, the birth of Christ, was to bring a change to our world. I don't mean just the world in general, but I mean he came to bring a change to each and ever one of our personal worlds. Where we carry out life on a day to day basis, our job, our relationships, our families, our spirituality, all should be radically transformed by Christmas. Not transformed by our celebration of Christmas, but transformed by Christmas itself. How does Christmas change my world?CHRISTMASChristmas LinebackerDate: 12/2008.101Media - Taking Christ out of ChristmasCHRISTMASChristmas themeDate: 11/2007.101Stonebrier - Chuck Swindoll "Mary had a little Lamb"CHRISTMASEpidemic of Loneliness during ChristmasA British medical doctor named Ishani Kar-Purkayastha shared a story about his interaction with Doris, an 82-year-old hospital patient. Two days before Christmas, Doris seemed healthy and ready for discharge. But for some reason she kept complaining about inexplicable health issues. Dr. Kar-Purkayastha wrote: "Yesterday it was her arm that was hurting, before that her hip. Truth is, Doris is an incredibly healthy 82-year-old, and we can't find anything. I have no doubt that it will be the same today."When the X-rays came back normal, he told Doris that he would have to stick to the plan of sending her home. Doris looked down at the floor and quietly said, "I don't want to go home …. It's just that I'm all alone and there are so many hours in the day." Then after a long pause, she sighed and asked, "Doctor, can you give me a cure for loneliness?"Dr. Kar-Purkayastha reflected on this incident:I wish I could say yes. I wish I could prescribe her some antidepressants and be satisfied that I had done my best, but the truth is she's not clinically depressed. It's just that she has been left behind by a world that no longer revolves around her, not even the littlest bit.There are thousands like her, men and women … for whom time stands empty as they wait in homes full of silence …. They are no longer coveted by a society addicted to youth ….[Doris] is alone, and it brings home the truth of this epidemic that we have on our hands—an epidemic of loneliness …. The most difficult part is that I don't know how to solve this, although I wish I could. For now, I simply retract my diagnoses. Sheepishly, I insist that Doris spends her Christmas this year on the ward, and I can see her mood lift. But as I steel myself for the inevitable influx of unwanted grandparents whom I know will arrive, I cannot help but wonder how it is that things could have gone so badly wrong.First Radio MessageDate: 12/2007.101Sermon Central The first ever vocal radio broadcast on December 24, 1906- Consisted of a reading from Luke chapter two.- A Canadian engineer and inventor, Reginald Fessenden - 1866-1932- The eldest son of an Anglican minister growing up near Niagara FallsOn Christmas Eve, 1906, from his workshop in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, Fessenden sent the Morse message "CQ....CQ", alerting all ships at sea to expect an important transmission. When the telegraphers had assembled in their shipboard radio shacks, they heard the unimaginable: The sound of the human voice! . Fessenden, at this moment spoke for the first ever a vocal radio broadcast. He read from Luke 2 including, "Glory to God in the highest -and on earth peace to men of good will," then played the song O Holy Night on the violin.Those who were listening that night were no less stunned than if a tree had talked to them. Earphones that had only ever carried Morse code were communicating the full range of soundJolly ChristmasRussell Moore Problem with Our Holly Jolly Christmas SongsRussell Moore Dean of Theology, Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySometimes I learn a lot from conversations I was never intended to hear.This happened once as I was stopping by my local community bookstore. It’s a small, quiet store, so it was impossible not to eavesdrop as I heard a young man tell his friend how much he hated Christmas. To be honest, the more he talked, the more I understood his point. This man wasn’t talking about the hustle and bustle of the holidays, or about the stresses of family meals or all the things people tend to complain about. What he hated was the music.This guy started by lampooning one pop singer’s Christmas album, and I found myself smiling in agreement on how awful it is. But then he went on to say that he hated Christmas music across the board. That’s when I started to feel as though I might be in the presence of the Grinch. But then this man explained why he found the music so bad. It wasn’t just that it was cloying. It’s that it was boring.“Christmas is boring because there’s no narrative tension,” he said. “It’s like reading a book with no conflict.”Now he had my attention.I’m sure this man had thought this for a long time, but maybe he felt freer to say it because we were only hours out from hearing the horrifying news of a massacre of innocent children in Connecticut. For him, the tranquil lyrics of our Christmas songs couldn’t encompass such terror. I think he has a point.Some of the blame is on our sentimentalized Christmas of the American civil?religion. Simeon the prophet never wished anyone a “holly-jolly Christmas” or envisioned anything about chestnuts roasting on an open fire. But what about our songs, the songs of the church? We ought to make sure that what we sing measures up with the, as this fellow would put it, “narrative tension” of the Christmas story.The first Christmas carol, after all, was a war hymn. Mary of Nazareth sings of God’s defeat of his enemies, about how in Christ he had demonstrated his power and “has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate” (Luke 1:52). There are some villains in mind there. Simeon’s song, likewise, speaks of the “fall and rising of many in Israel” and of a sword that would pierce the heart of Mary herself. Even the “light of the Gentiles” he speaks about is in the context of warfare. After all, the light, the?Bible?tells us, overcomes the darkness (John 1:5), and frees us from the grip of the devil (2 Corinthians 4).Far too often, though, our corporate worship ignores this spiritual warfare. Our worship songs are typically celebrative, in both lyrical content and musical expression. In the last generation, a mournful song about crucifixion was pepped up with a jingly-sounding chorus, “It was there by faith I received my sight, and now I am happy all the day!” Even those ubiquitous contemporary worship songs that come straight out of the Psalms tend to focus on psalms of ascent or psalms of joyful exuberance, not psalms of lament (and certainly not imprecatory psalms!).We can easily sing with the prophet Jeremiah, “great is thy faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:23). But who can imagine singing, in church, with Jeremiah: “You have wrapped yourself with a cloud so that no prayer can pass through. You have made us scum and garbage among all the peoples” (Lamentations 3:43-45). This sense of forced cheeriness is seen in the ad hoc “liturgy” of most evangelical churches in the greeting and the dismissal. As the service begins a grinning pastor or worship leader chirps, “It’s great to see you today!” or “We’re glad you’re here!” As the service closes the same toothy visage says, “See you next Sunday! Have a great week!”Of course we do. What else could we do? We’re joyful in the Lord, aren’t we? We want to encourage people, don’t we? And yet, what we’re trying to do isn’t working, even on the terms we’ve set for ourselves. I suspect many people in our pews look around them and think the others have the kind of happiness we keep promising—especially around Christmas– and wonder why it’s passed them by.By not speaking, where the Bible speaks, to the full range of human emotion—including loneliness, guilt, desolation, anger, fear, desperation—we only leave our people there, wondering why they just can’t be “Christian” enough to smile or why they, like Charlie Brown, still feel unhappy when they stand to sing “Joy to the World.”The gospel speaks a different word though. Jesus says, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). In the kingdom, we receive comfort in a very different way than we’re taught to in American culture. We receive comfort not from faking cheerfulness or trying to drown out the throbbing of our souls with holly jolly sentimentality. We are comforted when we see our sin, our brokenness, our desperate circumstances, and we grieve and cry out for deliverance.In a time when we seem to learn of a new tragedy each day, the unbearable lightness of Christmas seems absurd to the watching world. But, even in the best of times, we all know that we live in a groaning universe, a world of divorce courts and cancer cells and concentration camps. Just as we sing with joy about the coming of the Promised One, we ought also to sing with groaning that he is not back yet (Romans 8:23), sometimes with groanings too deep for lyrics.We have a rich and complicated and often appropriately dark Christmas hymnody. We can sing of blessings flowing “far as the curse is found,” of the one who came to “free us all from Satan’s power.” Let’s sing that, every now and then, where we can be overheard.?KrampusHe Sees You When You’re Sleeping, and Gives You NightmaresBy?MELISSA?EDDY - MUNICH JOURNALDECEMBER 21, 2014MUNICH — Long before parents relied on the powers of Santa Claus to monitor their children’s behavior, their counterparts in Alpine villages called on a shaggy-furred, horned creature with a fistful of bound twigs to send the message that they had better watch out.Tom Bierbaumer recalls the trepidation he felt every Dec. 6, when the clanging of oversize cowbells signaled the arrival of the Krampus, a devilish mountain goblin who serves as an evil counterpart to the good St. Nick. He would think back over his misdeeds of past months — the days he had refused to clear the supper table, left his homework unfinished or pulled a girl’s hair.“When you are a child, you know what you have done wrong the whole year,” said Mr. Bierbaumer, who grew up in the Bavarian Alps and now heads a Munich-based club, the?Sparifankerl Pass?— Bavarian dialect for “Devil’s Group” — devoted to keeping the Krampus tradition alive. “When the Krampus comes to your house, and you are a child, you are really worried about getting a hit from his switch.”Besides visiting homes with St. Nicholas, the Krampus has for centuries run through village and town centers spreading pre-Christmas fear and chasing away evil spirits. That tradition dwindled across much of Bavaria during the 1960s and ’70s, as postmodern society moved away from its rural past.But with cultural homogenization spreading across an increasingly unified Europe, a new generation is bringing back the customs that defined their childhoods, and those of their parents and grandparents.A decade ago, Mr. Bierbaumer, 46, persuaded Munich authorities to stage an old-fashioned Krampuslauf: a spectacle in which the fearsome seasonal beasts run through rows of adorned wooden huts at the Bavarian capital’s oldest holiday market. He saw it as a way to ensure that future generations would share his childhood ritual, which takes place between late November and Dec. 23. At that point, similar beasts, known as Perchta, take over the fun until Epiphany.The Munich Krampuslauf celebrates the history of the custom, including the artistry of the hand-carved, hand-painted masks. Advocates of the ritual say reviving it is important because American Christmas customs, which they see as more commercialized, have made their way into the German holiday.Only old-fashioned Krampus, mixed with their cousins, the Perchta, are allowed to participate in the Munich runs, held on the second and third Sundays before Christmas. To join the run, they must be dressed in wooden masks with horns and goat or sheep pelts, and carry bells and switches — though only for show.Upholding the seasonal ritual is of “absolute importance,” said Günter Tschinder from Lavanttal in Austria’s Carinthia region.“This is a tradition that our great-grandparents were already doing that must be handed down to the next generation,” said Mr. Tschinder, a member of the H?fleiner Moorteufel from Carinthia, one of 27 groups that participated in Munich this year. “But properly handed down, as it was 40, 50, 60 years ago, not with a lot of commercialization, like from Hollywood films.”Local Krampus clubs will spend 1,800 to 2,500 euros, or about $2,200 to $3,000, each year to acquire costumes, made only from local materials found in the Alps. Masks are carved from lime, Swiss pine or alder wood. Skins come from farm animals such as sheep or goats, although no one turns away a Krampus wearing wild boar.The dress code is not the only rule that the 400 creatures must abide by when rushing nearly a mile through the Christkindlmarkt crowds. The devilish enforcers of good behavior are themselves bound to uphold a strictly enforced decorum, including the cardinal rules of the modern, urban Krampus: No drinking! No hitting! Be nice!Gabriele Papke, who helps organize Munich’s main Christkindlmarkt, on the Marienplatz square before the neo-Gothic turrets of the Neues Rathaus, stresses the importance of crowd-friendly and safe anizers estimate that this year’s holiday market attracted some 1.7 million people in its first two weeks alone, drawn by its hot mulled wine, heart-shaped gingerbread cookies and roasted candied almonds.Its Krampus clubs are hand-selected, based in equal measure on the artistry of their costumes and their clean reputations. “People in Munich don’t know what to expect from the Krampus,” said Ms. Papke, and that is especially true of the thousands of tourists from across the globe who descend on the market. This year, a special event the day before the run allowed children to meet the people behind the masks and learn about the 500-year-old custom.A Krampuslauf can easily get out of hand. The police in the Bavarian town of Immenstadt are searching for a Krampus with light-colored fur and a long bearded mask who whipped a 19-year-old during a parade there in early December, while those in Kufstein, Austria, canceled the annual event after removing illegal fireworks from several participants.As men and women covered in furs, their masks tucked beneath their arms — no masks are allowed before or after the run — made their way to the Munich run’s starting point on a recent Sunday, the pounding of drums and clanging of cowbells echoed off the walls of narrow back streets. Edeltraudt Danzing and her husband, Kurt, looked on.“This is a pagan tradition that belongs in the village,” said Mrs. Danzing, shaking her head at the spectacle in the Bavarian capital. “I am glad my grandchildren aren’t here, they would be terrified.”Once the run began, some children ducked behind their parents’ legs as the horned beasts wound their way through the crowds, pulling boys’ caps down over their eyes, or ruffling claws through women’s hair. One Krampus made a game of pulling ponytails loose, looping the hairbands over his long, curved horns in a teasing game of Krampus ringtoss.But other children grew bold as each Krampus or Perchta romped past, darting out to tug at their fur, reveling in the thrill of a roar or the threat of a tap from a switch.Eight-year-old Marlene Michl insisted that she was not afraid — this year, anyway. “Last year was a lot more scary,” she said. “This year, I knew what was coming.”CHRISTMASLonely BirthdayDate: 12/2007.101Sermon Central Illustration ?e-mail letter I receivedAs you well know, we are getting closer to my birthday. Every year there is a celebration in my honor and I think that this year the celebration will be repeated. During this time there are many people shopping for gifts, there are many radio announcements, TV commercials, and in every part of the world everyone is talking that my birthday is getting closer and closer. It is really very nice to know, that at least once a year, some people think of me.As you know, the celebration of my birthday began many years ago. At first people seemed to understand and be thankful of all that I did for them, but now in these times, no one seems to know the reason for the celebration. Family and friends get together and have a lot of fun, but they don't seem to know the meaning of the celebration.I remember that last year there was a great feast in my honor. The dinner table was full of delicious foods, pastries, fruits, assorted nuts and chocolates.The decorations were exquisite and there were many, many beautifully wrapped gifts. But, do you want to know something? I wasn't invited. I was the guest of honor and they didn't remember to send me an invitation. The party was for me, but when that great day came, I was left outside. They closed the door in my face......... and I wanted to be with them and share their table. In truth though, that didn't really surprise me that much because in the last few years it seems all are closing their doors to me.Since I was not invited, I decided to enter the party without making any noise.I went in and stood in a corner. They were all drinking; there were some who were drunk and telling jokes and laughing at everything. They were having a great time. To top it all, this big fat man all dressed in red wearing a long white beard entered the room yelling Ho-Ho-Ho! He seemed drunk. He sat on the sofa and all the children ran to him, shouting: "Santa Claus, Santa Claus"... as if the party were in his honor!At 12 midnight all the people began to hug each other; I extended my arms waiting for someone to hug me and.... do you know.... no one hugged me.Suddenly they all began to share gifts. They opened them one by one with great expectation. When all had been opened, I looked to see if, maybe, there was one for me.What would you feel if on your birthday everybody shared gifts and you did not get one? I then understood that I was unwanted at that party and quietly left.Every year it gets worse. People only remember to eat and drink, the gifts, the parties but nobody remembers me. I would like this Christmas that you allow me to enter into your life. I would like that you recognize the fact that almost two thousand years ago I came to this world to give my life for you, on the cross, to save you. Today, I only want that you believe this with all you heart.I want to share something with you. As many didn't invite me to their party, I will have my own celebration, a grandiose party that no one has ever imagined, a spectacular party. I'll still making the final arrangements. Today I am sending out many invitations and there is an invitation for you. I want to know if you wish to attend and I will make a reservation for you and write your name with golden letters in my great guest book. Only those on the guest list will be let into the party. Those who don't answer the invitation, will be left outside.Do you know how you can answer this invitation? It is by extending it to others whom you care for...I'll be waiting for all of you to attend my party this year...See you soon.... I love you!-Jesus-CHRISTMASMerry Christmas In AdvanceDate: 11/2007.101The church was crowded. The minister said he was very glad to see so many out to the Easter services, and as many of you will not be here again until next Easter, I want to take this occasion to wish you a Merry Christmas. Paul Lee Tan, Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations : A Treasury of Illustrations, Anecdotes, Facts and Quotations for Pastors, Teachers and Christian Workers (Garland TX: Bible Communications, 1996, c1979).CHRISTMASMichigan AveDate: 12/2007.1019 Dec 2007 - DCFC English - Ps 96 - Tell the Candy Cane Story 9 Dec 2007 - DCFC Mandarin (both) Ps 96 - Tell the Candy Cane StoryPersonal - Trip to Chicago Catherine's Wedding 2007There were bright neon lights everywhere, flashing billboards, red & green Christmas lights blinking down the entire street, even the trees were lit up. The sounds of Christmas jingles were mixed with the blare of car horns from the traffic on the street. You could feel the festive season in the air. My wife and I were wrapped up like dumplings walking through the icy cold street of Chicago, down Michigan Avenue, also known as the Golden Mile of Chicago. You could see a mist coming out with every breathe we took, as we strolled down the street, trying to take in the sights. We had driven around for an hour in the down town of Chicago just to find a parking spot. I would have given up after 5 minutes, but my friend who brought us around was a determined person. I did not know how determined until, after an hour, we were still circling the block. He said, "The Christmas lights on Michigan Avenue are the best, you need to walk down the street and enjoy the sights." We said, "Can't we just drive down the street? I mean we have already driven up and down this street quite a few times and I have seen everything." "No! It's different." So we did. We found a parking spot and then walked down the street. And because we had spent an hour searching for a parking space, we decided that we must at least walk for an hour to make the wait worth it! It was so cold about 35-38 F, and we went "wooyrrugh! Cold! Oh that's nice! Hmm! Blinking lights, wow! Wooorrygh! Cold! Hmm! Oh look at that!" I was just amazed at the amount of "Christmas" activities. Everywhere you turn it was sale, sale, sale. You have Santa Claus, Rudolph, Christmas elves and all kinds of Christmas stuff and it was not even Thanksgiving yet! And yet, in the midst of the hustle and bustle, there is little mention about Christ - the Christ of Christmas. The reason for celebration!CHRISTMASPolar ExpressSermonCentral – Rodney Buchanan Every year we watch The Polar Express video with our grandchildren. It is the story of what it means to have childlike faith. It is not only a journey to the North Pole, but a twelve-year-old boy’s journey from doubt to belief. In the movie, the boy struggles with his belief in Santa Claus. He is in bed on Christmas Eve wishing that Santa was real, but becoming more cynical as the minutes tick by. His doubt is growing, but he is still listening for the sound of the bells on Santa’s sleigh. Suddenly, he is awakened by the thundering arrival of a train pushing back the snow in his front yard. It’s the Polar Express. As he walks outside, the boy is greeted by a conductor, who asks, “Well, are you coming?” He has a choice: to go or stay, but he reluctantly boards the train, but with a jerk the train begins the trip to the North Pole, where Santa will present the first gift of Christmas. The boy continues to be skeptical during the train ride, even though he is on a magical journey. He is deciding whether to believe, or not believe. At one point he even pinches himself hard, thinking it must only be a wild dream. There are some salient moments in the film. At one point, the conductor says to the boy: “It doesn’t matter where you’re going; what matters is deciding to get on.” Near the end, the conductor punches his ticket and hands it back. The boy looks at the ticket and sees that the conductor has punched out the word “BELIEVE.” He now believes, because he has seen with his own eyes, but the conductor reminds him: “The most real things in the world are the things we can’t see.” When he arrives back home he crawls back into bed, and on Christmas morning, one of the things he unwraps is a bell from Santa’s sleigh. His parents cannot hear the beautiful chiming of the bell, but he can, because you can only hear the bells of Christmas by faith.?Jesus says to us, “Well, are you coming?” It doesn’t matter if you understand everywhere you will be going, it is a journey of faith, and the important thing is whether you decide to get on board. He invites us to get on the train, but the decision is ours. Nothing can stop Christmas, not even death. No one can stop Christmas, even by their doubt and unbelief. But no one can enjoy Christmas unless they believe.?Buchanan牧师讲道有一部电影“Polar Express” 是一个圣诞节常播放的卡通片。当中的故事内容是描述什么是有一个孩子般的信心。有一个12岁大的小孩不相信有圣诞老人。在圣诞前夕,他希望圣诞老人是真实的。之后,他就在床上等着,想听到圣诞老人的铃声,但是却没什么动静。突然,有一辆火车停在他家的前门。是那辆“Polar Express”。那孩子走到前院,售票员就问他,“你上不上车?”他需要做一个决定。最后,他决定上车。虽然,他在这神奇的火车上,他仍然不停的怀疑着,甚至还捏了自己,也许只是一场梦。到了终点,孩子下火车的时候,售票员给他打票。那小孩看着自己的火车票上打出“要相信” 他这可信了。售票员说,“世上最真实的事件,是我们看不见的。” 当那小孩回到家时,就是圣诞节当天了。其中一份礼物是一个雪橇铃铛。他父母听不到铃铛美丽的响声,因为圣诞的铃铛声只有靠着信心才听的到。Rudolph the red nose reindeer Matt Woodley, managing editor, ; source: Kristen Parrish,?No Cape Required?(Thomas Nelson, 2013), pp. 219-220Dec 12 2014 – QBC English Luke 1:26-38 – Who is the Christ of Christ-masRudolph the red nose reindeer, had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows. But all the other reindeers, used to laugh and call him names, they never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games. Then one foggy Christmas eve, Santa came to say, “Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sleigh tonight..” This was one of the first Christmas jingle that I learned. I did not grow up in a Christian family. So I still remember the 1st time I learnt this song when I was ten and attended some day camp where I caught chicken pox…This song started out as an advertising gimmick. In 1939 Montgomery Ward tapped advertising executive Robert May to write a poem that their store Santa Claus could give away to children who came to visit him. "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" first appeared in a little booklet published by the department store chain. More than 2.5 million copies were handed out. And by 1946 more than 6 million copies of the poem were distributed. Rudolph's story came to musical life in 1949 when May's brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, wrote the music. Today "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" is the highest-selling Christmas carol, at more than 25 million units.What makes this little carol so loved? Some people might say that it's the pluckiness and courage of Rudolph, the alleged hero of the story. But the real beauty of the story focuses on grace. By grace, Santa chooses Rudolph despite the fact that he's a clear outsider and "reject." He has a defect—his big, annoyingly shiny red nose—that has usually disqualified him from getting chosen for other reindeer games. But despite all the other available candidates, who did Santa choose (or "elect") when the fog rolled in? That's right, the one with the weird shiny red nose. The "weakness" that was considered a liability by Rudolph and his fellow reindeer became the "strength" that Santa used to accomplish his mission.The Saint who punched a HereticBrandon Vogt marks the feast of?St. Nicholas, a saint remembered by most for his association with Santa Claus, some for his commendable charity, but a small number for his famous punch against a third-century heretic.As the story goes, during the First Ecumenical Council of Nicea (AD 325) there was a big argument over the divinity of Christ. Arius, a heretical bishop, believed that Christ was not divine, but rather just a creature. The Council challenged him to defend his claims in front of his brother bishops, including jolly old St. Nicholas.St. Nicholas tried to listen patiently but he considered Arius’ proposal so radical, so heretical, that he could no longer contain himself. In the middle of the speech, he rose with a scowl, charged toward Arius, and punched him right in the face.The noted Punch is memorialized in many icons and works of art, including this piece:??Unfortunately, the Punch got St. Nichols into serious trouble. The Emperor Constantine was present at the Council, and he was so alarmed by St. Nicholas’ act of violence that he and the other bishops stripped Nicholas of his office and confiscated his two episcopal markers: his personal copy of the Gospels and his pallium, the vestment worn by all bishops in the East.But the story didn’t stop there.?According to tradition:?“After Nicholas was deposed, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary visited Nicholas who was being held in a prison cell for his fist-fight with the heretic.?Our Lord Jesus Christ asked Saint Nicholas, “Why are you here?” Nicholas responded, “Because I love you, my Lord and my God.”?Christ then presented Nicholas with his copy of the Gospels. Next, the Blessed Virgin vested Nicholas with his episcopal pallium, thus restoring him to his rank as a bishop.?When the Emperor Constantine heard of this miracle, he immediately ordered that Nicholas be reinstated as a bishop in good standing for the Council of Nicea. Today we recite the Nicene Creed every Sunday so we know how the controversy played out. The bishops at Nicea sided with Saint Nicholas and Saint Athanasius and they condemned Arius as a heretic.?To this very day, we still recite in the Creed that Christ is “God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God, begotten not made, consubstantial with the Father.””The True meaning of the Candy CaneDate: 8/2007.1019 Dec 2007 - DCFC English - Ps 96 - Tell the Candy Cane Story 9 Dec 2007 - DCFC Mandarin (both) Ps 96 - Tell the Candy Cane StoryIntense Illustrations - Jim Burns & Mike Devries P118Many years ago as the Christmas season approached, a humble candy maker living in a small town in the state of Indiana wanted to create something with his own hands that would be symbolic of the true meaning of Christmas. Although his creation had become known throughout the world simply as a candy cane. It actually offers an often needed reminder of the birth, ministry, death of Jesus Christ! This is that story as told through a simple piece of candy:As a believer, the candy maker began with pure hard, white candy - 'white' to symbolize the virgin birth and the sinless nature of Jesus and 'hard' to represent Christ as the solid rock, the foundation of the Church and the firmness of the promises of God.The candy maker then shaped the candy into the form of a J, representing both the precious name of Jesus and also His staff as the Good Shepherd who reaches down into the ditches of the world to lift out His fallen lambs, bringing them into eternal salvation. The candy maker then stained the candy with red stripes to represent the scourging Jesus received and the blood he shed on the cross as redemption for each who will believe in Him and accept Him as Lord.His final act was to make his creation and all that it stood for available to everyone - to partake and to experience its sweetness. Thus the candy maker hung the candy abundantly on the Christmas tree in his shop, around the window and the door frame, offering it free to anyone who would enter the shop and ask.Unfortunately as with many other things now associated with the commercialism of Christmas, the candy cane has become to most of the world just an inexpensive decoration for trees and fireplaces. But like a parable for those who have ears to hear, it's real message is the birth and life and ministry of Jesus Christ for whom this holiday is celebrated. From this day forward, may every candy cane you see remind you of this story. may it also provide you with the opportunity to use this little piece of sweetness to share with at least one friend, relative, classmate or co-worker the true meaning of Christmas and the good news of Jesus Christ!CHRISTMASWright Brothers' HometownDate: 11/2007.101Dec 2007 - DCFC English - Ps 96 - Tell the Candy Cane Story Dec 2007 - DCFC Mandarin (both) Ps 96 - Tell the Candy Cane StoryOrville and Wilbur Wright had tried repeatedly to fly a heavier-than-air craft. Finally one December day, off the sand dunes of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, they did what man had never done before. They actually flew! Elated, they wired their sister Katherine, ?We have actually flown 120 feet. Will be home for Christmas.?Hastily she ran down the street, shoved the telegram, the news scoop of the century, at the city editor of the local paper. He read it carefully and smiled, ?Well, well! How nice the boys will be home for Christmas!?Maxwell DrokePaul Lee Tan, Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations : A Treasury of Illustrations, Anecdotes, Facts and Quotations for Pastors, Teachers and Christian Workers (Garland TX: Bible Communications, 1996, c1979).On December 17, 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright made their first flight of an airplane at Kitty Hawk NC. On their 5th attempt, the plane under the control of Orville, embarked on a 12 second flight.Wilbur rushed to the local telegraph office and sent the following message ?WE HAVE FLOWN FOR 12 SECONDS - WE WILL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!Upon receiving the telegram their sister, Katherine went to the newspaper office, told the editor of her brother new flying machine, and informed him, they would be home for Christmas, if he would like to set up an interview.He told her that was nice, and he would be sure to put something in the paper regarding the boys.On December 19th, the local paper placed the following headline on the 6th page of the paper: “WRIGHT BROTHERS HOME FOR CHRISTMAS” The most important story of the year, man’s first flight, and the editor missed it!I wonder if the same could be said about us when it comes to Christmas. Look all around us! The trees are decoratedThe music is festiveThe Season is Right It is Christmas, and there are only 14 shopping day’s left!In all of our rushing around, in all of our gift buying, in all the things we have to do during this season ?HAVE WE MISSED THE IDEA ?Jesus has come to earth!CHRISTMASThe GiftGeorge ParlerIt was our turn to open our presents this particular Christmas morning. The living room was already covered with torn wrapping paper from the onslaught of the children's eagerness to unveil the hidden treasures that had tormented them for nearly a month. Now we adults sat around the room with our presents at our feet, slowly removing the paper while at the same time holding back the child within ourselves and maintaining our dignity in front of each other.My wife, Brenda, and her family have a tradition of getting each other gag gifts. This always makes me a bit uneasy at Christmas or my birthday, never knowing what form of embarrassment lies waiting for me under the thin confines of the wrapping paper.One of my daughters, Christy, who at the time was six years old, was standing directly in front of me. The excitement of the moment just beamed across her face. It was everything she could do to keep herself from helping me rip the paper from each present. Finally, I came to the last gift. And with my natural Sherlock Holmes ability, I deduced that this had to be the gag gift. Because with them it was never a question of "if," it was a question of when you came to it. So, with everyone looking on, I decided to go ahead and get it over with—just let them have their laugh—and I ripped off the paper. And there it was...a toy airplane about two inches long. Our holiday guests started giggling to themselves as I looked up to my wife with a smirk on my face and blurted out, "A toy airplane, give me a break!"Brenda gave me the look—that look that always tells me I have just put my foot in my mouth and am in the process of thoroughly chewing it. I had failed to look at the name tag before I opened the present to see who it was from. As I picked up the paper from the floor and read the name tag, my heart sank. On the tag were scribbled block letters that read, "To Dad, Love Christy." I have never felt as low at any time in my life as I did at that moment. One of the most agonizing experiences of my life was having to look down into her little face to find the joy that had once been there replaced with a look of total embarrassment and humiliation. The fear in her eyes spoke her thoughts of hoping no one would find out that the gift her father found so repulsive had come from her.This loving child had taken her spending money that she could have spent on herself, but she had chosen instead to buy her daddy a Christmas present. And it wasn't just any present. She knew from watching me play computer video flight-simulator games that I was fascinated with airplanes.I quickly knelt down and grabbed her up in my arms and held her as tight as I possibly could, willing to give anything to be able to take back those words. I made a feeble attempt to explain that I thought it had come from Mom, but since I found out it came from her, that made it different. It was obvious that nothing I could say was going to change the hurt in her little heart. I had to find a way to prove I meant what I said.And I did. I took that toy airplane in my hand and began making airplane noises. I taxied onto the runway, which was the counter, and throttled to full thrust and was soon airborne. My mission goal was to remove the hurt from my baby's face—that I had caused—and to continue until her smile returned. I played all day with that airplane. I put so much excitement into that airplane that the other children left their new Christmas toys and wanted a turn playing with my little two-inch airplane. And just like a little selfish kid I said, "No, this is mine!" It wasn't very long until Christy's face was beaming with a smile again. But I didn't stop there. That little plane became a treasure of great wealth to me, and still is, for I still have that little two-inch plane.I keep that plane mainly because it came from my little girl's heart with love. But it's also a reminder to me of the power of words.CHRISTMAS, BUSYNESSShoot HimDate: 12/2007.101Sermon central I heard a story of a woman who was out Christmas shopping with her two children. After many hours of looking at row after row of toys and everything else imaginable. And after hours of hearing both her children asking for everything they saw on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator with her two kids. She was feeling what so many of us feel during the holiday season time of the year - Overwhelming pressure to go to every party, every housewarming, taste all the holiday food and treats, get that perfect gift for every single person on our shopping list, make sure we don't forget anyone on our card list, and the pressure of making sure we respond to everyone who sent us a card. Finally the elevator doors opened and there was already a crowd. She pushed her way in and dragged her two kids in with her and all the bags of stuff. When the doors closed she couldn't take it anymore and stated, "Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should be found, strung up, and shot." From the back of the car everyone heard a quiet calm voice respond, "Don't worry, we already crucified him." For the rest of the trip down the elevator it was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.CHRISTMAS, DATE OFDate of ChristmasDate: 12/2007.101As a theologian said in 320, "We hold this day holy, not like the pagans because of the birth of the sun, but because of him who made it."CHRISTMAS, MEANING OFBon Fire of ChristmasDate: 12/2007.101Sermon Central History records for us an interesting footnote. It was during the dark winter of 1864. At Petersburg, Virginia, the Confederate army of Robert E. Lee faced the Union divisions of General Ulysses S. Grant. The war was now three and a half years old and the glorious charge had long since given way to the muck and mud of trench warfare. Late one evening one of Lee's generals, Major General George Pickett, received word that his wife had given birth to a beautiful baby boy. Up and down the line the Southerners began building huge bonfires in celebration of the event. These fires did not go unnoticed in the Northern camps and soon a nervous Grant sent out a reconnaissance patrol to see what was going on. The scouts returned with the message that Pickett had had a son and these were celebratory fires. It so happened that Grant and Pickett had been contemporaries at West Point and knew one another well, so to honor the occasion Grant, too, ordered that bonfires should be built.What a peculiar night it was. For miles on both sides of the lines fires burned. No shots fired. No yelling back and forth. No war fought. Only light, celebrating the birth of a child. But it didn't last forever. Soon the fires burned down and once again the darkness took over. The darkness of the night and the darkness of war.The good news of Christmas is that in the midst of a great darkness there came a light, and the darkness was not able to overcome the light. It was not just a temporary flicker. It was an eternal flame. We need to remember that. There are times, in the events of the world and in the events of our own personal lives, that we feel that the light of the world will be snuffed out. But the Christmas story affirms that whatever happens, the light still shines.Dinosaur in the mangerChristmasWes Seelinger, a Methodist minister told of one of his family events at Christmas. They were making a Christmas manger scene and everybody was putting in animals and the statues of Mary, Joseph and Jesus. As he walked by it once, he did a double take. His five year old boy, Scott wanting to make his contribution, had put a T-Rex right into the middle of the manger scene There it stood, so menacing, so terrifying. Seelinger said that his first reaction was to take it out, but he did not want to hurt Scott’s feelings. SO he thought he would tell him that the dinosaur was out of date, was extinct by the time of Christ. Or to tell him that it just did not look good, was not very decorative. Then he said, “I caught myself because I realized that, in essence, he had caught the truth of Christmas. For Christmas came to help us face the dinosaurs life places before us – those menacing terrors that seem to be so strong and so powerful. Christmas came to defeat them. I can understand his reaction. When I came in and saw that dinosaur standing in the middle of this manger scene on the table, I wanted to take it out, It shouldn’t be there! I want angels and shepherds and wisemen and Mary and Joseph and the baby – all the nice images in the story. Maybe you felt that way as you saw it today. But the more I thought about it, I think Seelinger was right. We have to leave it there, For this dinosaur symbolizes terror and pain an suffering and death. And as much as we do not want to think about it, it is a vital part of our Christmas story. For the truth is I think there as a dinosaur in the Christmas story – and its name was Herod. CHRISTMAS, MEANING OFLittle MishaDate: 12/2007.1019 Dec 2007 - DCFC English - Ps 96 - Tell the Candy Cane Story 9 Dec 2007 - DCFC Mandarin (both) Ps 96 - Tell the Candy Cane StoryIn 1994, two Americans answered an invitation from the Russian Department of Education to teach morals and ethics (based on biblical principles) in the public schools. They were invited to teach at prisons, businesses, the fire and police departments and a large orphanage. About 100 boys and girls who had been abandoned, abused, and left in the care of a government-run program were in the orphanage. They relate the following story in their own words:It was nearing the holiday season, 1994, time for our orphans to hear, for the first time, the traditional story of Christmas. We told them about Mary and Joseph arriving in Bethlehem. Finding no room at the inn, the couple went to a stable, where the baby Jesus was born and placed in a manger.Throughout the story, the children and orphanage staff sat in amazement as they listened. Some sat on the edges of their stools, trying to grasp every word. Completing the story, we gave the children three small pieces of cardboard to make a crude manger. Each child was given a small paper square, cut from yellow napkins I had brought with me. No colored paper was available in the city.Following instructions, the children tore the paper and carefully laid strips in the manger for straw. Small squares of flannel, cut from a worn-out nightgown an American lady was throwing away as she left Russia, were used for the baby's blanket. A doll-like baby was cut from tan felt we had brought from the United States.The orphans were busy assembling their manger as I walked among them to see if they needed any help. All went well until I got to one table where little Misha sat. He looked to be about 6 years old and had finished his project. As I looked at the little boy's manger, was startled to see not one, but two babies in the manger. Quickly, I called for the translator to ask the lad why there were two babies in the manger. Crossing his arms in front of him and looking at this completed manger scene, the child began to repeat the story very seriously.For such a young boy, who had only heard the Christmas story once, he related the happenings accurately -- until he came to the part where Mary put the baby Jesus in the manger. Then Misha started to ad-lib. He made up his own ending to the story as he said, "And when Maria laid the baby in the manger, Jesus looked at me and asked me if I had a place to stay. I told him I have no mamma and I have no papa, so I don't have any place to stay. Then Jesus told me I could stay with him. But I told him I couldn't, because I didn't have a gift to give him like everybody else did. But I wanted to stay with Jesus so much, so I thought about what I had that maybe I could use for a gift. I thought maybe if I kept him warm, that would be a good gift.So I asked Jesus, "If I keep you warm, will that be a good enough gift? “And Jesus told me, "If you keep me warm, that will be the best gift anybody ever gave me.?So I got into the manger, and then Jesus looked at me and he told me I could stay with him---for always."As little Misha finished his story, his eyes brimmed full of tears that splashed down his little cheeks. Putting his hand over his face, his head dropped to the table and his shoulders shook as he sobbed and sobbed. The little orphan had found someone who would never abandon nor abuse him, someone who would stay with him FOR ALWAYS.Showing KindnessDec 08 2013 – QBC English/Chinese – Christmas Genes Matt 1:1-17ChristmasAn article in Reader’s Digest written by Dr Norman Vincent Peale, famous author and minister goes like this, “New York City, where I live, is impressive at any time, but as Christmas approaches, it's overwhelming. Store windows blaze with light and color, furs and jewels. Golden angels, 40 feet tall, hover over Fifth Avenue. Wealth, power, opulence— nothing in the world can match this fabulous display. Through the gleaming canyons, people hurry to find last-minute gifts. Money seems to be no problem. If there's a problem, it's that the recipients so often have everything they need or want that it's hard to find anything suitable, anything that will really say, "I love you." Last December, a girl came from Switzerland to live in an American home to perfect her English. Her name was Ursula. She was grateful to her American friends; she wanted to show her gratitude by giving them a Christmas present. But nothing that she could buy with her small allowance could compare with the Christmas gifts that the family has been receiving. Besides, even without these gifts, it seemed that her employers already had everything. Dr Peale continues his story of Christmas, “On her day off, which was Christmas Eve, Ursula went to a great department store. She moved slowly along the crowded aisles, wondering, “What can I for my American friends with my meager allowance?” Then an idea came to her. Happily, she bought something, and had it wrapped in gaily colored paper. She went out into the gray twilight and looked helplessly around, asking everyone she met, “Can you tell me where to find a poor street?" The poorest in the city." But she was met only with puzzled looks. Finally, a Salvation army man standing by the road asked her in curiosity, “Why do you want to go to the poorest in the city?” “Why do you want to the poorest people in the city?” that man inquired. Ursula said, “I'm looking for a baby. I have here a little present for the poorest baby I can find." And she held up the package with the green ribbon and the gaily colored paper. "A little dress. For a small, poor baby. Do you know of one?” "Oh, yes," he said. Soon they were sitting in the cab and she explained to the Salvation army man what she was trying to do. He listened in silence, and the taxi driver listened too. Finally, they arrived at a deserted street with a gust of iron cold wind stirring the garbage and rattling the reeling ash cans. There stood a dark decaying building, saturated with hopelessness. “They live on the third floor," the Salvation Army man said. "Shall we go up?" But Ursula shook her head. "They would try to thank me, and this is not from me." She pressed the package into his hand. "Take it up for me, please. Say it's from...from someone who has everything." She got back into the cab and it took her back. Arriving at the apartment on Fifth Avenue where she lived, she fumbled in her purse. But the driver flicked the flag up. "No charge, miss." "No charge?” echoed Ursula, bewildered. “Don't worry,” the driver said. "I've been paid." He smiled at her and drove away. Ursula was up early the next day. She set the table with special care. By the time she was finished, the family was awake, and there was all the excitement and laughter of Christmas morning. Soon the living room was a sea of gay discarded wrappings. Ursula thanked everyone for the presents she received. Finally, when there was a lull, she began to explain hesitantly why there seemed to be none from her. She told about going to the department store. She told about the Salvation Army man. She told about the taxi driver. When she was finished, there was a long silence. "So you see," said Ursula, "I didn’t know what I could get for you that you needed, so I try to do kindness in your name. And this is my Christmas present to you." Dr Peale concludes, “How do I know all this? I know it because ours was the home where Ursula lived. Ours was the Christmas she shared. We were like many Americans, so richly blessed that to this child there seemed to be nothing she could add to all the material things we already had. And so she offered something of far greater value: a gift from the heart, an act of kindness carried out in our name. By trying to give away love, she brought the true spirit of Christmas into our lives, the spirit of selfless giving. That was Ursula's secret and she shared it with us all.” CHRISTMAS, SECULARIZTIONSeculariztion of ChristmasDate: 12/2007.101John Gibson, a popular anchor for the Fox News Channel, has been digging up evidence about activists, lawyers, politicians, educators, and media people who are leading the war on Christmas. And he reveals that the situation is isn't just hype. For instance: In Illinois, state government workers were forbidden from saying the words Merry Christmas while at workIn Rhode Island, local officials banned Christians from participating in a public project to decorate the lawn of City HallA New Jersey school banned even instrumental versions of traditional Christmas carolsArizona school officials ruled it unconstitutional for a student to make any reference to the religious history of Christmas in a class projectMillions of Americans are starting to fight back against the secularist forces and against local officials who would rather surrender than be seen as politically incorrect. Gibson shows readers how they can help save Christmas from being twisted beyond recognition, with even the slightest reference to Jesus completely disappearing.Now, honestly, I don't care if someone says Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. I don't look to retailers or the general culture to validate the meaning of the season for me. What does concern me is the attempt to rewrite history to rob Jesus of the enormously positive influence He has had on the world over the past two thousand years.CHURCHAmerica Return to God – Francis SchaefferJuly 10 2011 DCFC English Worship – [Carpe Diem: Live, Laugh & Love] Eccl 8:1-15 What is the connection between faith & politics? Vernon McLellanToday the separation of church and state in America is sued to silence the church. When Christians speak out on issues, the hue and cry from the humanist state and media is that Christians and all religions are prohibited from speaking since there is a separation of church and state. The concept used today is totally reversed from the original intent. This would have amazed the Founding Fathers. The French Revolution that took place shortly after the founding of the USA, with its excesses and final failure leading to Napoleon and an authoritative rule, only emphasized the difference between the base upon which the US was founded and that of the French Revolution. As a matter of historical fact, the Founding Fathers believed that the public interest was served by the promotion of religion. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which set aside federal property in the territory says, “Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind.In 1811, the NY State court upheld an indictment for blasphemous utterances against Christ and its ruling given by Chief Justice Kent, the court said, “We are Christian people and the morality of the country is deeply engrafted upon Christianity.”The establishment of Protestant Christianity was one not only of law but far more importantly of culture. It supplied the nation with its system of values until around 1920. As Terry Eastland said concerning John Adams, “Most people agreed that our law was rooted, as John Adams had said, in a common moral and religious tradition that stretched back to the time Moses went up to Mt Sinai. Similarly almost everyone agreed that our liberties were God-given and should be exercised responsibly. There is a distinction between liberty and license.?Vernon McLellanOur forefathers came to this country to carve from the wilderness the greatest nation in the world. With a gun in one hand and the Bible in the other, they stood against insurmountable odds. And they passed the greatest amount of freedom and the highest standard of living of any nation. For too long, Christians were told that their place was in those hallowed halls of the nation’s churches. The separation of church and state philosophy was heralded so loudly that we were made to believer that we had absolutely no say at all in the legislative decisions and government programs – that our mission to this world was purely a spiritual matter.Former Congressman & Arizona State Senator John Colan, “Separation of church and state is a false issue. It is a slogan created by the secular humanist which sounds legal but in fact is a sham. It does not appear anywhere in the constitution and it is not a concept of that our Founding Fathers believed. The Constitution was written with godly influence of the government was a given.” Humanists love to tell us, “You cannot legislate morality.” It is illogical because every law – air pollution, murder, taxes, every single one of them legislate morality. The question is not whether we legislate morality, but whose we legislate.CHURCHCHURCHAmerica, Return to God – Jim Nelson BlackJuly 10 2011 DCFC English Worship – [Carpe Diem: Live, Laugh & Love] Eccl 8:1-15 What is the connection between faith & politics?One of the gurus who provoked the mischief of the sixties was a German born philosopher and Berkeley professor named Herbert Marcuse. He wrote voluminously and laid out an agenda for undermining the capitalist system of the West. Marcuse proposed a radical environmentalism. He encouraged and an all out assault on Judeo-Christian morality. He saw the value of homosexuality and lesbianism in shocking and shaking the culture and he was critical of the nuclear family. An avowed Marxist, his purpose was the utter defeat of capitalism. “If the New Left emphasizes the struggle for the restoration of nature, if it demands a new sexual morality, the liberation of women, then it fights against material conditions imposed by the capitalist system.” He added that Art and fashion are ideal tools of the evolution.” He called for an assault on the English language and the use of profanity and obscenity to desecrate the everyday speech. The use of sexualized curse words are especially important, he said: “It turns easily against sexuality itself” and is a debasement of human intimacy. Slang, violent, loud vulgar rock music were useful tools in undermining the culture. Sadly, by the time he died in 1979, all these invasions were well under way.There is no more ominous threat to our future as a nation than the campaign for homosexuality being waged today in the popular media. The same perversions that brought ancient societies to ruin and that have been an anathema to every civilization known to man for more than 5000 years, are now paraded in the public eye and almost universally defended as inalienable rights. 45% of adults in the country believer homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle and thanks to relentless programming in schools, 85% of high school seniors say homosexuality is acceptable. Likewise, 86% say that homosexuality is determined at birth. Throughout Scripture, God’s judgment on sexual perversion is made strikingly clear. Yet the secular world has chosen sodomy over sanity.Dr Alfred Kinsey whose studies on sexual behaviors shocked the nation, and changed attitudes and behaviors of Americans dramatically, claimed to reveal what was really going on in America’s bedroom. In Sexual Behavior and the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior and the Human Female (1953) he claimed that 95% of American males engaged in some of form of not just promiscuous but criminal sexual behavior. He claimed that women were much more sexually active than anyone realized and that was a good thing. His book sold more than 200,000 copies within the first two months. However, in a brilliant expose, Dr Judith Reisman uncovered a fraud that Kinsey’s report was based on surveys conducted in prisons, including some 1,400 sex offenders. It was shockingly dishonest and statistically invalid. Yet the media soaked it up. This corruption continues to permeate today through internet pornography today. In 1973, Americans spent about $10 million on pornography, by 1987 it was $8 billion and by 2001 it exceeded $14 billion a year. Teenage pregnancy and violence against women rose 525% since 1960. This country has the highest number of reported rapes in the world. It is no accident that the states which recorded the highest volume of sales of adult and sexually explicit materials also have the greatest number of rape cases. In the culture, 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 7 boys will be sexually molested before their 18th birthdays. In 1973 some 167,000 cases of child abuse were reported in America, by 1990 it exceeded 2 million. In addition 50% of all American households are run by single parent. In 1960, just 5% of all births in the country were to unmarried women, by 2000, 33% of all births and 70% of African American births were to unmarried women. Out of wedlock childbirth is not just the leading cause of single parenthood, it is the number one cause of poverty among women.The greatest on-going tragedy of this generation is the crisis of abortion in America. Since 1972 there have been over 41 million abortions. That is more than 1,350,000 abortions a year in America. That horror that has been unleashed on America n the name of “a woman’s right to choose” is nothing less than the American Holocaust. IN Germany, the Nazis killed more than six million Jews, Poles, Christians and other undesirables. In America 41 million innocent children have been slaughtered. The famous Roe vs. Wade decision that on the woman’s right to abort was handed down in 1973. It helps to understand the context of it. Having just passed through the sixties and the moral values, traditions, and laws that had governed Western civilization for 2000 years, had been jettisoned in barely one decade. It was in this moral vacuum that the Court decided to act to provide a solution to the problem created by this new immorality. D. James Kennedy said, “The sin which was engendered in the sexual revolution was to be covered up by the abortion revolution. Today those aborted babies would be graduating from high school choosing colleges. If you watch a graduation ceremony, you should know that every fourth place should have been occupied by a cap and a gown that was empty, for the child was not there.”?CHURCHAmerica, Return to God – Vernon McLellanJuly 10 2011 DCFC English Worship – [Carpe Diem: Live, Laugh & Love] Eccl 8:1-15 What is the connection between faith & politics?Feb 26 2012 DCFC English [Dan 7 – Triumph of the Messiah] Feb 26 2012 DCFC Chinese [Dan 7 – Triumph of the Messiah]?I remember hearing one university history professor who reported, “The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been around 200 years. These nations progressed through this sequence:From bondage to spiritual faith;From spiritual faith to courage;From great courage to liberty;From liberty to abundance;From abundance to selfishness;From selfishness to complacency;From complacency to apathy;America Return to God - Vernon McLellanFeb 26 2012 DCFC English [Dan 7 – Triumph of the Messiah] Feb 26 2012 DCFC Chinese [Dan 7 – Triumph of the Messiah]Oswald Spencer who wrote The Decline of the West said, “You are dying. I see in you all the characteristic stigmas of decay. I can prove that your great wealth, and your great poverty, your capitalism and your socialism, your wars and your revolutions, your atheism and your pessimism and your cynicism, your immorality, your broken down marriages, your birth control, that is bleeding you from the bottom and killing you from the top in your brains, can prove to you that these a characteristic marks of dying ages of ancient States – Alexandria and Greece and neurotic Rome.Barna ResearchDate: 3/2009.101Sermoncentral In a 1995 survey by Barna Research Group, it was discovered that non-Christians have no clue what Christians mean when some they use some of the phrases Christians often take for granted. 63% of non-Christians don’t know what Christians mean when they talk about the Gospel. 75% of non-Christians don’t know what John 3:16 is. Add to the phrases like "a broken heart", "I’ve been convicted", and "get into the Word, which non-Christians would hear quite differently. The problem for unbelievers is they hear the unspoken message from Christians, "If you don’t understand the holy lingo, you don’t belong to the holy huddle." However, 40% of Christians don’t know what the Gospel means, and 53% don’t know John 3:16. CHURCHBe the ChurchDate: 3/2009.101Sermonspice"Be the church" - be the hands and feet and mouth...power of one, being able to make a difference as a churchCHURCHChurchDate: 11/2008.101Humor / joke Pastor: Mrs. Smith, I really appreciate your devotion. You are present at all services.Mrs. Smith: Yes, it is such a relief after a long hard week of work. I just love to come to church, sit down on the soft cushions and not think about anything for an hour.CHURCHChurchDate: 11/2008.101Humor / joke An usher went up to a man with his hat on in church and asked him to remove it. "Thank goodness," said the man. "I thought that would do it. I have attended this church for months and you are the first person who has spoken to me."CHURCHChurch & CultureDate: 6/2008.101Personal - German Trip Church affected by culture. Chinese go to Germany, cohabit. Even after they become Christians, still take time to change. Need to counsel them to get married. The church cannot live apart from the culture. We are called to be out of this world, but God did not bring us out of it. So the church needs to be aware of what is cultural and what is biblical and make the right decision.CHURCHChurch & DemocracyDear Colson Center Friend,Christianity has been making headlines in the media lately, but often not in a way we'd like.As we approach a critical election year in 2012, some in the press continue to fixate on the faith of Christian political candidates. They throw out words like "theocrats" and "dominionists" with dark hints that Christian politicians desire to "impose" their religion on an unwilling populace.But friends, we teach here at The Colson Center that Christians aren't seeking to "impose" anything on anyone.?As a supporter of our movement, I'm sure you agree. What we?do?is "PROPOSE"—propose a way of life that benefits the common good and promotes human dignity.Remember, Western liberal democracy (which gives the media the freedom to bite the hand that feeds it) arose from Christian roots.It was in the monasteries of Christian Europe during the Middle Ages where we begin to find democracy for all—noble and peasant alike. Capitalism, guided by Augustine's writings, took root in the northern Italian states. In fact, the moral standards that Christianity engendered in Western culture were crucial for the development of democracy:?People must be able to govern themselves and practice self-restraint before they can rule themselves via elected government. I talk about this at length in my book,?The Faith, which I'd like to send you as a thank you for becoming a Charter Member of The Colson Center.Even beyond modern liberal democracy, think for just a moment about how Christianity made Western culture the most humane culture in history: schools for all, charities, hospitals, the great universities?.?.?.?these are all fruits of Christian culture in the West. The belief in the sanctity of life made Christians defenders of each individual's dignity.We believe men and women are sovereign creatures made in God's image.Because we bear His image and were granted free will by God Himself, we enjoy freedom as a right—it's in our nature. (That's also, by the way, why the Church has always defended the right of private property—another hallmark of the West.)So, the next time a friend or acquaintance blithely comments that Christians seek to "impose" their religion on others, gently remind him or her that we seek no such thing. We will continue as our forbearers did, PROPOSING that which benefits the common good and promotes human dignity.?Western civilization has been shaped by this proposal and every American who enjoys the blessings of freedom—believer and non-believer alike—benefits from it.CHURCHCHURCHCS Lewis & ChurchDate: 4/2009.101What so Amazing about Grace - Philip Yancey P45 During a British conference on comparative religions, experts from around the world debated what, if any belief was unique to the Christian faith. They began eliminating possibilities. Incarnation? Other religions had different versions of gods appearing in human form. Resurrection? Again, other religions had accounts of return from death. The debate went on for some time until CS Lewis wandered into the room. "What is the rumpus about?" he asked and heard the reply that his colleagues were discussing Christianity's unique contribution among world religions. He responded, "Oh, that's easy. It's grace."CHURCHHigh EQ Church - Chinese建立高EQ的教會原則一: 察看表層底下的問題?(Proverbs?4:23)戴得人牧師, 2016/04/10水面上的冰山只是整個冰山的十份一,大部分的冰山都是隐藏的。人也有很多隐藏的事,自己和別人都不知道。當你檢查自己表層底下的生命時,你會感到恐懼和困擾嗎?為什麼真相是那麼難以令人接受?你會在什麼時候難去接受真相的呢?知道神無條件的愛,怎樣幫助我們察看表層底下的問題?(答案:神知道我們表層底下的問題,已經赦免了我們。)?井旁的婦人:請讀約翰福音4:7-18耶穌怎樣把對話由表面進到深一層次? (答案:他問問題和聆聽。)耶穌怎麼看見婦人有人際關係的問題?(答案:在中午時分一個人打水。)當婦人表層底下的冰山給耶穌顯露出來時,她怎樣回應?你會怎樣回應別人把你的表層底下的生命顯露出來?分享最近一次發生負面情緒的經歷:例如,愤怒、挫败、恐懼?問問自己,為什麼你會有這些感覺?這星期你可以怎樣去察看自己表層底下的問題?MOH 問題: 你是否看見在家中、工作間、或教會裡經常出現負面情緒或行為?發生了什麼事和為什麼會發生?___________________________________________________________________________原則二: 破除往事的影響力?(Ezekiel?36:26-27)梁建中傳道, 2016/04/17個人分析:以下是你自己的環節,盡量擴闊分析範圍,包括家族中重要的人物。用兩、三個形容詞形容你每一個家人。形容一下你父母(監護人)和祖父母的婚姻。你家兩、三代是怎樣處理衝突?憤怒?性別角色?你的家族有這些嗎?上癮濫用、婚外情、損失、虐待、離婚、抑鬱、精神病、墮胎、未婚生子?你的家人談感覺容易嗎?談性方面的事情嗎?有或無表示了什麼呢?家族有秘密嗎?你的家庭怎樣界定“成功“?你們怎樣處理金錢、屬靈的事、假期、與親戚的關係?你的種族怎樣模造了你?你的家族裡有英雄嗎、替罪羊、失敗者?為什麼?家庭裡的上癮濫用是哪方面的呢?有什麼大的损失嗎?例如突然的過世、長期患病、胎死腹中/小產、破產、離婚?小組討論問題:分析關係:父母之間、你與配偶、與小孩等。選一或兩條以上的問題,?與小組分享這些關係怎樣影響你的個人發展和成長。讀以西結書36:26-27.?與小組分析內容,你們學到了什麼?靈命成長超過聖經的知識,是發掘表面底下的90%的過程。教會是一個破除往事影響力的地方。可採用三個步驟:1)以客觀角度,有勇氣去看往事,2)有勇氣去面對真相,3)培養屬靈操練和學習聖經。?要實踐以上每一項,你會面對什麼挑戰?小組可以怎樣互相幫助?MOH:選其中一個問題。神要你發掘你什麼的過去,為要使你進步?你現在有什麼屬靈的操練把你帶進心靈裡,不是頭腦?原則三:活在破碎和脆弱裡面?(2 Corinthians?12:1-10)杜麥芝穎姊妹, 2016/04/24在哪一個關係、小組或教會裡,你覺得可以安全地去承認錯誤、接受指正、或分享掙扎。?什麼因素使這個地方安全?你認為哪一個你認識的人是破碎和軟弱的模範?請形容一下這個人。以下三個常見的反應,哪一個最適合形容你?逃跑?– 我們有些人的反應是逃跑,他們把痛苦埋藏在某種形式的上癮行為中,只集中在生活的一小部分上,藉此來迴避問題。許多基督徒都遭受到痛苦,但是他們若不是逃離它,就是麻木不仁。爭鬥 – 我們另外一些人的反應是生氣、苦毒、或者暴力,因為生活沒有按照他們的心願進行。在教會裡有許多人,他們不是被生活的困難所破碎,而是向神發怒,因為神沒有回答他們的禱告,或者似乎沒有以明智的方法理這個世界。隱藏 – 還有些人營造生活的方式是隱藏,他們掩蓋自己是如何地受害、支離破碎、軟弱、有限、和不完全。分享最近你逃跑、爭鬥或隱藏的經歷。查經?–?哥林多後書12:7-10神為什麼給保羅一根刺?這怎樣影響他的性格和生命?如果保羅沒有刺,他會是怎樣的一個人?想像一幕情景。神給了你什麼刺?這些刺怎樣影響了你的性格和生命?? 5.?詳閱以下圖表,圈出形容你靈性的特徵。你在哪些方面是屬於“驕傲和?防禦”。有什麼過往經驗使你有這樣反應(例如:好批評的父親、被人錯怪、被人閒話)?請分享。?(可以在MOH時間分享。)你在哪些方面是屬於“破碎和脆弱”。神怎樣藉此建立你的性格?分享一個例子。建立一個“軟弱的簡歷”這是一個誇耀我們軟弱的機會。歷代以來,神使用破碎的器皿,『要顯明這莫大的能力是出於神?,不是出於我們?。?』(林後4:7)? ? ? ? ? ?名字: _____________________________?沒有足夠的訓練和教育:“?我從來沒有學過?…” ?(例如:彼得沒有受過專業的聖經訓練)沒有恩賜和/或技術:?“我不善於??… “ ?(例如:?摩西不善於演說)個性和氣質有障碍:?“我傾向於?…” (例如:提摩太傾向於懷疑和猜疑)你有可疑的過去和見證?: ?“我曾經?…” (例如:保羅曾經是劊子手)屬靈和情緒成熟程度低?: ?“我需要成長?…” ?(例如:亞伯拉罕需要在信心方面成長) ?????????????7.?為兩種領袖的類型禱告:”驕傲/防禦“相對於”破碎和脆弱“。思想一些神可能會改變你的地方,以致你的生命更加破碎和脆弱。原則四:接受『有限性』這個禮物?(Proverbs?30:2-3)熊潤榮博士, 2016/05/011. 你經歷過一些情況,是你難於說“不”的嗎?2. 如果你越過你的有限,你可能會面對什麼後果?3. 每一個人的界限都不同,有些是永久的,有些是暫時的。有些是可見的,有些是在個性裡的。有些是別人造成的,有些是自己造成的; 或是神給的。你有一、兩個神給的界限嗎?它們為什麼是禮物呢?作者說:『當我們在神所設定的限制中生活得快樂,我們的生命就會成熟。』4. MOH 分享:若你能忠於自己的『真我』,你會是什麼樣? (神創造你的模樣?)原則五: 接受悲痛和損失?(2 Samuel?1:1-18)Kathy Tse, 2016/05/08在你的家裏, 有沒有一些地方你是不願意去清潔? 為什麼?試想想你有沒有曾經為一個死人而憂傷過? 你可以分享嗎?試想想你生命中有沒有一些損失使你悲痛, 不想再提及呢? 並且在你的內心留下傷痛和傷痕? 例如親人/好友去世, 與人分離, 失去了寵物, 失去了工作, 患上了嚴重的病, 一次撞車.查看以下悲痛反應的圖表, 通常你是在那一個階段開始呢? ?你會不會停留在某一兩個階段呢? 試想想你曾經有過的損失, 你經過了多少時間才能接受?階段對死亡的反應1否認/孤立2生氣3討價還價4抑鬱5接受?查看以下合乎聖經的悲痛反應的圖表. 你覺得你能夠學習從典型的悲痛轉變到合乎聖經的悲嗎? 請分享.階段典型悲痛合乎聖經悲痛(Biblical Grief)1否認/孤立Candor: 對自己誠實2生氣Complaint: 對神誠實3討價還價Cry: 呼求神幫助4抑鬱Comfort: 接納神的幫助5接受信心接受讀 撒 母 耳 記 下 1:1-181. 為什麼是那麼重要大偉要為掃羅王和約拿單悲哀?2. 大偉吩咐以色列人也要為掃羅王和約拿單悲哀. 這個吩咐告訴我們大偉的什麼品格?3. 假如大偉沒有為掃羅王和約拿單悲哀, 反而慶祝自己做王, 你覺得大偉會是一個怎樣的王?4. 大偉的悲痛和哀歌怎樣教導了你去面對悲痛呢?原則六: 以道成肉身作為愛的模範?(John?1:14)梁建中傳道, 2016/05/151. 想一個愛你的人,形容一下他們的特質,什麼質素使他們與其他人不同?傾聽能力測驗:我非常努力地進入他人的生活經驗中。我不認為自己瞭解別人所想要說的。我很親近的朋友會說我聽的要比說的多。當人們生我的氣的時後,我能夠平靜地聽他們所說的。人們可以無拘無束地和我分享,因為他們知道我會很認真地傾聽。我不單聽人們所說的,而且還注意他們無聲的信息、身體語言、聲調等等。我對說話的人非常專心。我可以給人回應,也可以同情別人的感覺。在我有壓力的時後,我注意到我的防衛機制,列如撫慰、責備、草率解決問題,或者心煩意亂。我注意到,我所成長的家庭對我目前傾聽別人的方式所產生的影響。當我不清楚他人的意思時,我會問清楚,而不是猜測其意思。除非人們很清楚地說出來,否則我從不作假設,尤其是負面的假設。當我在傾聽的時候,我會問問題,而不會猜測他人的思維或作假設。當他人說話的時候,我不會打斷他,也不會找機會陳明自己的觀點。當我聽到他人講到我自己的問題時,我會生氣、難過、害怕或是神經質。優秀的傾聽者 : 12 或以上非常好的傾聽者 : 8-11不錯的傾聽者 : 5-7較差的傾聽者: 4嚴重的傾聽問題 : 3 或以下2. ?你學到什麼關於你自己?3.?在長大的過程中,你被人傾聽的經驗是什麼?4.?這些經驗怎樣影響今天的你?5.?讀腓力比書2:5-11a.?為什麼耶穌要離開天堂,進入我們的世界?b. 倘若我們離開我們的現實和舒服,進入別人的處境和他們的世界,我們要付什麼代價?6.?聆聽的挑戰是什麼??原則七:慢下來,以正直去領導?(Mark?2:27)戴得人牧師, 2016/05/22本系列的重心是:基督徒是無可能情緒上不成熟,而有成熟的靈命。在整個系列裡,我們觀察生命表層下面的情況,你們發現了什麼以前不知道的?請分享一下。讀提摩太前書4:7。– 你希望能夠有成熟的情緒嗎?為什麼?– 分享一些你訓練自己情緒的方法?什麼挑戰使你未能實踐以下:a. 慢下來,與神同行?(例如:操練安息,足夠睡眠等)b慢下來.與配偶/家人相處,榮神益人?MOH 分享: 請提議一至兩個方法,幫助我們的情緒更加成熟? 特別題目:不可能的愛?(Hosea?3:1-5)特別題目:火和血的比賽?(1 Kings?18:39-43)熊潤榮博士, 2016/06/05 without ParachutesDate: 11/2007.101Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching From Leadership Journal: Ed. Craig Brian Larson #30 Tim Bowden, in his book One Crowded Hour about cameraman Neil Davis, tells about an incident that happened in Borneo during the confrontation between Malaysia and Indonesia in 1964.A group of Gurkhas from Nepal were asked if they would be willing to jump from transport planes into combat against the Indonesians if the need arose. The Gurkhas had the right to turn down the request because they had never been trained as paratroopers. Bowden quotes Davis's account of the story:Now the Gurkhas usually agreed to anything but on this occasion they provisionally rejected the plan. But the next day one of their NCOs sought out the British officer who made the request and said they had discussed the matter further and would be prepared to jump under certain conditions."What are they?" asked the British Officer.The Gurkas told him they would jump if the land was marshy and reasonably soft with no rocky outcrops because they were inexperienced in falling. The British officer considered this and said that the dropping area would almost certainly be over jungle and there would not be rocky outcrops so that seemed all right. Was there anything else?"Yes," said the Gurkhas. They wanted the plane to fly as slowly as possible and no more than 100 hundred feet high. The British Officer pointed out the planes always did fly as slowly as possible when dropping troops but to jump from 100 feet was impossible because the parachutes would not open in time from that height."Oh," said the Gurkhas, "that's all right then. We'll jump with parachutes anywhere. You didn't mention parachutes before!"Any church could use such Gurkhas-like commitment and courage.Life is Mostly Edges - Calvin MillerNeedless to say, we children didn't want to go to those churches that brought us baskets. The last place you want to go worship? is the place where people need you to be poor so they themselves can feel rich in the dispensation of their charity. There is something grandiose about giving a beggar a dime, but there is nothing grandiose in receiving it. Beggar don't ask for money so they can think well?of themselves, but because feeling bad about themselves is usually less painful than starvation.I think it was in this spirit that Mama received gifts?from the church. She knew church members usually gave two ways. To their own well heeled members, they bake casseroles and dropped them off at elegant addresses?with a sprig of parsley and a Hall mark card. But to the poor, they dropped off a basket and a can opener.?Of course, Mama never refused their baskets, for the shame of it was less than the joy she derived out of being sure her little ones were fed.There was one other difference in how church members gave food to their own peers. They never asked if they'd been born again when they dropped off a casserole. But it was mandatory that they win as many of us poor people as they could. They could have said they were giving a cup of cold water in Jesus' name. But it was demeaning to have to confess Christ every time they dropped off a basket.CHURCHCHURCHLoneliness in ChurchPassport Through Darkness – Kimberly L SmithWe found no comfort in church. Most churches we visited focused on salvation, forgiveness, Bible studies and doing good works – almost exclusively programmatic things taking place within their four walls. We could find none that taught about the reality of extreme poverty, how vulnerable those conditions made women and children to trafficking, or about a biblical response required from the church. I tried to tell myself not to be angry or sad. After all, until I was faced with Carlos a few years ago, I didn’t know about trafficking either. My self talk didn’t help much; I still couldn’t understand how – once they knew, so many could turn away. At one time, going to church provided a deep sense of joy and comfort. Now, I felt more alone in the center of a beautiful worship service with glorious music rocking the rafters than I did as the only white woman in the middle of the Sahara Desert surrounded by a mob of hungry, thirsty, smelly, sick and dying people.CHURCHLife is Mostly Edges - Calvin Miller11 Apr 2010 DCFC English Worship - [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 6:10-17 What about the devil?Dr Calvin Miller, bestselling author, poet, pastor and seminary professor, wrote of his life story from his humble beginnings in Enid OK, to his midnight inspiration that led him to write the best selling singer trilogy, tells a story about church. His grade school teacher Mrs. Deurksen noticed that he was too poor to own a pair of galosh. SO his feet were always wet when it rained. One day after school, she asked him to remain behind while all the other students left. Then she presented to him a pair of galoshes, black with four shiny metal hooks. They were beautiful. Calvin Miller said, “I started to take off my shoes so I could try them on and she said, “No child! You can keep your shoes on. These are made to slip right over your shoes.” I was amazed that you could actually wear two pair of footwear at the same time. I put them on and asked, “How much do they cost?” “They’re free for everyone in our school whose initials are CM.” I was flabbergasted! Those were my initials!” “You wear them home. They are yours” Said Mrs. Duesksen. I hung around and asked, "Well, don't you want me to be born again or something? I never got anything free without being born again." "Well, now you have. I'm sure if you need to get born again, the Baptists can help you with that. But the galoshes are yours. You run along now."Years later, at his mother’s funeral, an old man approached him, “Dr Miller, did you ever wonder where the two hundred and fifty dollars came from on your second year at OBU?” “I’ve wondered all my life about that anonymous gift that allowed me to continue my studies,” Miller replied. “I gave it and by the way, you were worth every penny of it and then some!” Miller comments on these two stories, “In such moments, I forgive the church for sometimes being so unlike her Founder. It wasn’t just Jesus that appealed to me. It was what Jesus did through people who could for brief shining moments stop thinking about themselves and turn their minds to someone else. To give up selfish concerns and think of others is a small miracle in a selfish world. This is the grand narcotic – self denial. How addictive it is in the life of anyone with the courage to put it into practice. This is Church.Me ReligionMore Americans tailoring religion to fit their needsBy Cathy Lynn Grossman, USA TODAY 9/13/2011If World War II-era warbler Kate Smith sang today, her anthem could be Gods Bless America.By Eric Gay, APPeople take part in a National Day of Prayer gathering in San Antonio in May. Polls show that in 1991, 24% of U.S. adults hadn't been to church in the past six months; today, it's 37%.EnlargeBy Eric Gay, APPeople take part in a National Day of Prayer gathering in San Antonio in May. Polls show that in 1991, 24% of U.S. adults hadn't been to church in the past six months; today, it's 37%.That's one of the key findings in newly released research that reveals America's drift from clearly defined religious denominations to faiths cut to fit personal preferences.The folks who make up God as they go are side-by-side with self-proclaimed believers who claim the Christian label but shed their ties to traditional beliefs and practices. Religion statistics expert George Barna says, with a wry hint of exaggeration, America is headed for "310 million people with 310 million religions.""We are a designer society. We want everything customized to our personal needs — our clothing, our food, our education," he says. Now it's our religion.Barna's new book on U.S. Christians, Futurecast, tracks changes from 1991 to 2011, in annual national surveys of 1,000 to 1,600 U.S. adults. All the major trend lines of religious belief and behavior he measured ran downward — except two.Religious beliefs, practices shiftIn a typical week, U.S. adults who say they:Source: Barna Group OmnPollsMore people claim they have accepted Jesus as their savior and expect to go to heaven.And more say they haven't been to church in the past six months except for special occasions such as weddings or funerals. In 1991, 24% were "unchurched." Today, it's 37% .Barna blames pastors for those oddly contradictory findings. Everyone hears, "Jesus is the answer. Embrace him. Say this little Sinners Prayer and keep coming back. It doesn't work. People end up bored, burned out and empty," he says. "They look at church and wonder, 'Jesus died for this?'" The consequence, Barna says, is that, for every subgroup of religion, race, gender, age and region of the country, the important markers of religious connection are fracturing.When he measures people by their belief in seven essential doctrines, defined by the National Association of Evangelicals' Statement of Faith, only 7% of those surveyed qualified.Barna laments, "People say, 'I believe in God. I believe the Bible is a good book. And then I believe whatever I want.'"LifeWay Research reinforces those findings: A new survey of 900 U.S. Protestant pastors finds 62% predict the importance of being identified with a denomination will diminish over the next 10 years.Exactly, says Carol Christoffel of Zion, Ill. She drifted through a few mainline Protestant denominations in her youth, found a home in the peace and unity message of the Baha'i tradition for several years, and then was drawn deeply into Native American traditional healing practices.Yet, she also still calls herself Christian."I'm a kind of bridge person between cultures. I agree with the teachings of Jesus and … I know many Christians like me who keep the Bible's social teachings and who care for the earth and for each other," Christoffel says. "I support people who do good wherever they are."And it's not only Christians sampling hopscotch spirituality. The Jewish magazine Moment has an "Ask the Rabbis" feature that consults 14 variations of Judaism, "and there are many," says editor and publisher Nadine Epstein."The September edition of Moment asks 'Can there be Judaism without God?' And most say yes. It's incredibly exciting. We live in an era where you pick and choose the part of the religion that makes sense to you. And you can connect through culture and history in a meaningful way without necessarily religiously practicing," Epstein says.Sociologist Robert Bellah first saw this phenomenon emerging in the 1980s. In a book he co-authored, Habits of the Heart, he introduces Sheila, a woman who represents this.Sheila says: "I can't remember the last time I went to church. My faith has carried me a long way. It's Sheilaism. Just my own little voice. … It's just try to love yourself and be gentle with yourself. You know, I guess, take care of each other. I think God would want us to take care of each other."Bellah, now professor emeritus at University of California-Berkeley, says, "Sheila was a jolt to some at the time. But to a lot of people, it wasn't a jolt at all, they had been living that way for a while. Don't romanticize the past. Fervent religiosity was always in the minority. Just because people showed up in church didn't always mean a deep personal conviction or commitment."Bellah sees two sides to the one-person-one-religion trend. On the positive: It's harder to hold on to prejudices against groups — by religion or race or gender or sexuality — if everyone wants to be seen individually."The bad news is you lose the capacity to make connections. Everyone is pretty much on their own," he says. And all this rampant individualism also fosters "hostility toward organized groups — government, industry, even organized religion."Today, even the godless disagree on how not to believe, says Rusty Steil of Denver.He grew up Lutheran and retained his parents' "strong moral code," but, he says, he couldn't stick with "ancient myths of people trying to make sense of the world.""I don't find much comfort in imagining there's an all-powerful God who would allow people starving and all the natural and man-made disasters," Steil says.Steil calls himself a "live-and-let-live atheist," as apart from the virulently anti-religious variety such as Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins, or "those who actively promote disbelief."Paul Morris, an Army medic at Fort Bragg in North Carolina and veteran of six tours in the Middle East, says he has seen Christianity, Judaism and Islam in action, for better and for worse, and, frankly, he'll pass.Morris grew up "old-style Italian Catholic," but says he never felt like his spiritual questions were answered. So, he says, "I just wiped the slate clean. I studied every major religion on the face of the planet. Everyone had parts that made sense, but there was no one specific dogma or tenet I could really follow," Morris says."So now, I call myself an agnostic — one who just doesn't know. What I believe is that if you can just do the right thing, it works everywhere."CHURCHMissing the obviousDate: 12/2008.101Feb 20 2011 DCFC English Worship – [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 4:1-13 The Purpose of the DiscipleSermon Central - don't miss the point. let the main point be the main pointSpeaking of missing the point, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are camping. They pitch their tent under the stars and go to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night, Holmes wakes Watson. "Watson, look up at the stars and tell me what you deduce."Watson says, "I see millions of stars, and if even a few of those have planets, it's quite likely there are some planets like Earth, and if there are a few planets like Earth out there, there might also be life."Holmes replies, "Watson, you idiot, somebody stole our tent!"Application:Gospel MessageChurchPurpose of LifeCHURCHCHURCHThe Good SamaritanTim HanselOne semester, a seminary professor set up his preaching class in an unusual way. He scheduled his students to preach on the Parable of the Good Samaritan and on the day of the class, he choreographed his experiment so that each student would go, one at a time, from one classroom to another where he or she would preach a sermon. The professor gave some students ten minutes to go from one room to the other, to others he allowed less time, forcing them to rush in order to meet the schedule. Each student, one at a time, had to walk down a certain corridor and pass by a bum, who was deliberately planted there, obviously in need of some sort of aid.The results were surprising, and offered a powerful lesson to them. The percentage of those good men and women who stopped to help was extremely low, especially for those who were under the pressure of a shorter time period. The tighter the schedule, the fewer were those who stopped to help the indigent man. When the professor revealed his experiment, you can imagine the impact on that class of future spiritual leaders. Rushing to preach a sermon on the Good Samaritan they had walked past the beggar at the heart of the parable. We must have eyes to see as well as hands to help, or we may never help at all. I think this well-known poem expresses it powerfully:I was hungry and you formed a humanities clubto discuss my hunger,Thank you.I was imprisoned and you crept off quietlyto your chapel to pray for my release.Nice.I was naked and in your mind you debated themorality of my appearance.What good did that do?I was sick and you knelt and thanked God foryour health.But I needed you.I was homeless and you preached to me of theshelter of the love of God.I wish you'd taken me home.I was lonely and you left me alone to pray for me.Why didn't you stay?You seem so holy, so close to God; but I'm stillvery hungry, lonely, cold, and still in pain.Does it matter?AnonymousThis is our placeDate: 3/2009.101Sermonspice"This is our place" - Introduction for churchCHURCHWelcome to our churchDate: 3/2009.101Sermonspice"Welcome to our church" - What is our church about?CHURCHWhat about the Church?Date: 4/2009.10121 June 2009 DCFC English Worship - [Heavenly Songs for Earthly Woes] Ps 103 The Scandal of GraceWhat so Amazing about Grace - Philip Yancey P15Quoted from Charles Leung, from Gordon MacDonald, "The world can do almost anything as well as or better than the church. You need not be a Christian to build houses, feed the hungry or heal the sick. There is only one thing the world cannot do. It cannot offer grace.CHURCHZapposOne of the most striking Internet success stories in recent years is Zappos, the $1+ billion e-commerce business which was bought last year by Amazon.But, as is often the case, the Zappos empire was not created overnight.? Ten years ago, the online retailer known for selling shoes was actually desperate for sales.? It wasn’t until a young Tony Hsieh came aboard in 1999 -- as a business consultant and investor -- did that all begin to change.Hsieh’s unorthodox approach to company culture turned Zappos not only into a very lucrative business, but one beloved by customers and employees alike.? He was named CEO in 2000 and attributes Zappos’ success to sticking by the company’s core values, which were designed to make employees happy.“Our number one priority at Zappos is company culture. Our belief is that if we get the culture right most of the other stuff like delivering great customer service or building a long-term enduring brand for the company will happen naturally on its own,” says Hsieh who is also the author of a new book “Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose.”Hsieh, 36, has stayed CEO of Zappos, despite making a salary that one would normally associate with an entry-level customer-service rep--$36,000 a year. Hsieh has been so successful as an entrepreneur that money no longer motivates him. What does, he says, is continuing to develop the company and culture that the Zappos team built over the past decade. And, so far, Amazon has allowed him to do that.? He must be on to something:? Fortune magazine named Zappos #15 on its annual ranking of “Best Companies to Work For” at the beginning of the year.Born for businessHsieh, a first-generation Taiwanese-American, was only in his mid-20s when he joined the Zappos team.? He may have been fresh out of college, but he certainly was no stranger to creating and cultivating multi-million dollar businesses.From a very young age, he had the entrepreneurial instinct. At just nine years old, he had started his very first business – a worm farm.? A few years later came his mail-order make-your-own button company.? Then while studying computer science at Harvard he started making his peers what every college student demanded more than anything: pizza. His first “real” companyShortly after college in 1996 at the age of 24, Hsieh co-founded LinkExchange a website development business from the comfort of his own basement. Two years later Microsoft paid him $265 million – yes, nine figures – for his creation.Of course Hsieh needed another challenge and to feed his insatiable entrepreneurial appetite.? That challenge would be Zappos.? His goal was to make the company – at the time fighting for financial stability - the largest online shoe retailer. Zappos named him CEO and he did what he set out to do. Hsieh grew the company that had nearly non-existent sales when he started, to over $1 billion in sales today.? His guiding principle:? Happiness.? When you enjoy what you do and where you work, great things will happen.“We have 10 core values at Zappos. We try to do is hire people whose personal values match their corporate values,” says Hsieh while also stressing the importance not hiding or holding back who you are outside of the office. “It is about being yourself in the office because we found that when true friendships are formed, that is when creativity really blossoms (in our employees) and great ideas come out, which is what has driven our growth.”The company will not hire anyone who does fit within their corporate culture.“One our values are to be humble, and that is the one that trips us up most during the hiring process. There are a lot of smart people out there that are also egotistical and for us it is not a question, we just won’t hire them,” says Hsieh.In the same vein, the company will fire employees who do not live up to those standards.Often, when growing companies are acquired by much-larger ones, such cultures are destroyed, as the acquirer seeks to wring out the "synergies" used by financial folks to justify the acquisition.But that's not so in this case, Hsieh says.Before Amazon and Zappos agreed to their deal, Amazon signed a document saying it would let Zappos continue to do its own thing. And Hsieh says Amazon has honored that commitment.Basically, the only thing that has changed, Hsieh says, is that Zappos has swapped its old board of directors for a new one--at Amazon. Zappos still runs its own show, and that has enabled it to maintain the culture that it so carefully cultivated in its years as an independent company.CHURCH, ANOLOGIESInfluenceDate: 3/1998.1465A strange sign greets visitors to Vienna, Austria. Translated from the German, it says, "Welcome to Vienna, where the salt is in the saltshaker." Of course, the salt is in the saltshaker. Where else should it be? They mean that they don't put salt on the streets in the winter! The church, however, must never make the same boast. We are the salt of the earth, but we do no good if we stay in the saltshaker. -- Robert C. Shannon, 1000 Windows, (Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Publishing Company, 1997).See: Matthew 5:13; Acts 17:1-6; Romans 1:8; 2 Corinthians 2:14; 1 Thessalonians 1:8 CHURCH, ANALOGIESRethinking the Message5 June 2010 DCFC English Worship - [Extreme Makeover: Church Edition] 1 Cor 1:18-25 Rethinking the MessageSermonSpice - Rethinking Church CHURCH, ATTENDANCEBored and Busy Date: 4/2007.101Hot Illustrations A local newspaper had a Sunday morning religion section that contained, among other things, letters to the editor about various religious issues. Most weeks these letters were pretty innocuous, but one Sunday something was printed that became quite controversial.A man wrote:I quit going to church this year. I decided that listening to sermons week after week was a stupid thing to do. After all, I went to church for more than 40 years and during my lifetime I probably heard 5,000 sermons. I can only remember about five of them. What a waste of time. Bored and BusyThis sparked a fury of incoming letters. Some people wrote that sermons do make a difference, while others sided with Bored and Busy’s opinion that they were basically meaningless and unnecessary. Finally, one letter was printed that ended the debate:I quit eating this year. Thanks to Bored and Busy’s insights, I decided that eating week after week was a stupid thing to do. After all, I have been eating for more than 40 years and during my lifetime I probably have eaten 5,000 meals. I can only remember about five of them. What a waste of time. Starved and StupidWhere to Take It from Here...Sometimes you may wonder what good it does to listen to sermons or participate in weekly Bible studies or have daily devotions. Like the first letter writer in the story, you may feel that you’re too bored or busy for the things of God. But don’t overlook the fact that you need those things to survive.In order to grow as a Christian, you need spiritual food (1 Corinthians 3:2). You need to feed on the Word of God. Not every spiritual meal is going to be memorable, but it will provide you with the nourishment you need to survive and thrive as a Christian.CHURCH ATTENDANCEChurchDate: 11/2008.101Humor / joke Dictionary for Church attenders:Pillars - worship regularly, giving time and moneyLeaners - use the church for funerals, baptisms and weddings.Specials - help and give occasionally for something that appeal to themAnnuals - dress up for Easter and come for Christmas programsSponges - take all blessings and benefits and even the sacraments but never give out anything themselves.Scrappers - take offense and criticizeCHURCH, ATTENDANCEGoing in CirclesDate: 11/2005.101June 26 2011 DCFC English Worship – [Carpe Diem: Live, Laugh & Love] Eccl 5:10-20 Is knowing God more practical than having money?Scott Horrell - From The Ground Up - NT Foundations for the 21st Century Church, P 11 Processionary caterpillars feed on flowers and leaves as they move in long lines across the jungle floor. Each butts its head against the extremity of the one before it. And so life goes on.Studying a group of processionary caterpillars, the French naturalist Jean-Henri Fabre induced them onto the move of a large vase. Uniting the last caterpillar with the first, Fabre formed a living circle with neither a beginning nor an end. He supposed that after a while the caterpillars would tire of their repetitious march, break their useless cycle and set off in a new direction. This however, was not the case. The caterpillars continued at the same velocity on the same futile path, hour after hour, night after night.After several days, a favorite food was deliberately placed near the vase where it could be sensed by the caterpillars but not within immediate reach of the circle. Even then, each habitually followed the one before it. The caterpillars refused to vary from their routine, persisting instead on the same trajectory - day after day - in what became for them a march of death.The processionary caterpillars were following past experience, instinct, tradition, precedent, custom, established pattern, what they had always done. But they were following blindly. Their confused activity with progress. Despite their best intentions, persistence and fortitude, these processionary caterpillars were going to die.Are we like that in pursuit of material things, in 'doing-church'?Many times we recall with gratitude our past experiences in the presence of the Lord. With nostalgia, we remember certain youth group, powerful evangelistic meetings, hymns or choruses that had touched us deeply. We yearn for others in the church to experience today the same consecration and aliveness in Christ that we have known.ALSO -how are we doing church? Still the same? No change?CHURCH, ATTENDACEHabitsDate: 11/2007.10107 Nov 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Satisfying Life’s Desires] Ps 84 Satisfying Soul ThirstDec 2016 GenPaul Retreat [Lingering in the presence of God] – Ps 84 Desiring GodIllustrations for Preaching & Teaching from Leadership Journal ed. Craig Brian Larson #100 In Pulpit Digest William H. Willimon used this illustration:Philip Haille wrote of the little village of Le Chambon in France, a town whose people, unlike others in France hid their Jews from the Nazis. Haille went there, wondering what sort of courageous, ethical heroes could risk all to do such extraordinary good. he interviewed people in the village and was overwhelmed by their ordinariness. They weren't heroes or smart discerning people. Haille decided that the one factor that united them was their attendance, Sunday after Sunday, at their little church where they heard sermons of Pastor Trochme. Over time, they became by habit people who just knew what to do and did it. When it came time for them to be courageous the day the Nazis came to town, they quietly did what was right. One old woman, who faked a heart attack when the Nazis came to search her house, later said, "Pastor always taught us that there comes a time in every life when a person is asked to do something for Jesus. When our time came, we knew what to do."The habits of the heart are there when they are most needed.CHURCH, ATTENDANCEJoke - Sporting ExcusesDate: 6/2006.1011001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking #70 - Joke Here's on old classic entitled "Pastor Quits Sports: 12 reasons Why Local Clergyman Stopped Attending Athletic Contests."1) Every time I went, they asked me for money.2) The people with whom I had to sit didn’t seem very friendly.3) The seats were too hard and not comfortable.4) The coach never came to call on me.5) The referee made a decision with which I could not agree.6) I was sitting with some hypocrites who came only to see what others were wearing.7) Some games went into overtime and I was late getting home.8) The band played a few numbers that I had never heard before.9) The games are scheduled when I want to do other things.10) My parents took me to too many games when I was growing up.11) Since I read a book on sports, I feel that I know more than the coaches anyhow.12) I don’t want to take my children because I want them to choose for themselves what sport they like best.On the bottom of the page was this one line postscript: "With apologies to those who use the same excuses for not coming to church."CHURCH, ATTENDANCESecret Service – JokeDate: 5/2008.10117 Aug 2008 DCFC English - Heb 11:32-34/ Jud 6-7 - Gideon, 300 the Original The Army of the Lord - Joke/ humorJack was in front of me coming out of church one day, and the preacher was standing at the door as he always is to shake hands.The preacher grabbed Jack by the hand and pulled him aside. The pastor said to him, "You need to join the Army of the Lord! “Jack replied, "I'm already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor."Pastor questioned, "How come I almost never see you except at Christmas and Easter?"Jack whispered back, "I'm in the secret service."CHURCH, ATTENDANCESleeping In ChurchDate: 3/2007.101Preaching Magazine Jan 2007 A Sunday School teacher asked her children as they were on the way to church service, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?" One bright little girl replied, “Because people are sleeping."CHURCH, ATTENDANCEThe Sanctifying Act of Meeting TogetherThink about it–what do you have to sacrifice in order to regularly meet with the people of God? is a very, very clear instruction for group ministry found in Hebrews 10:24-25:And let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works,?not staying away from our worship meetings, as some habitually do, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”For the writer of Hebrews, it is essential that we continue to gather. There are a lot of reasons for this:We need to remind each other of who God is.We need to sit under the preaching of God’s Word so that we might know Him more.We need to be surrounded by people who can encourage us in our faith and in good deeds.We need to sing and speak and read so that we might remember the promises of God.And the list can and should go on and on. But these are all things that happen?when?we meet together. The truth is, though, there is something very sanctifying about the very action of choosing to meet together at all, apart from what happens during that actual meeting. Let me hold up my family as a case study.It’s Wednesday morning, 6:55 a.m. My wife and I are, most of the time, standing in the kitchen together. One of us is usually making eggs; the other one of us is about to head up the stairs to wake the zombies and taste their wrath because they’ve got to get up and go to school. Then comes the breakfast, the brushing of teeth and hair, the gathering of books, and we’re off—me to the interstate, and the lovely Jana Kelley to the minivan and the drop-off line.Then the day is really rolling. For me, it’s an endless stream of conversations, emails, and meetings at work. By the time it’s 3 p.m., my eyes are usually bleary from looking at a screen all day. For Jana, it’s delivering kids to this school and then that one, then a regular system of other errands and necessities that have to happen on a weekly basis so that our home doesn’t implode. About the time my eyes are bleeding from the screen time, she’s back in line at the pick-up to gather kids, then onto the homework, the piano lessons, and even more household management. And this is where it gets tricky, because Wednesday is community group night.And community group night is at our house.So after the homework is done, the kids are fed, and I get home around 5:45, we’ve got roughly 30 minutes until the folks start showing up. And many weeks—most weeks—it’s really, really hard. Much harder than watching TV. At least once I think about how easy it would be for someone to be “sick.”And that’s why the act itself of meeting together is sanctifying—it’s because when we choose to meet together, there’s an element of faith and sacrifice associated with doing so. And those two things move us forward with Jesus. Think about it—what would you (or do you) have to sacrifice in order to regularly meet with the people of God? Here are a few things:You must sacrifice your time, which could be spent doing something else.You have to sacrifice your priorities in order to make room for this one.You have to sacrifice your comfort (especially if you’re an introvert) and give of yourself to this meeting.You have to sacrifice your rest.And in each of those things, you flex the muscle of faith in order to propel and motivate you into making that sacrifice:You believe that the time you spend here will not be wasted.You believe, no matter how important the other things you have going on are, that this is essential for the sake of your heart.You believe that what God is doing in you is more important than feeling good at a given moment.You believe that ultimate rest is bigger than sleep; rather, it is finding true Sabbath in your accomplished status before God through Jesus.So, friends, maybe this week you’re wondering if it’s the week to skip. Maybe you’ve got a lot going on. Or maybe the guy leading that environment just isn’t awesome at doing his job. But maybe you should meet together anyway, because the sanctification doesn’t begin and end with what’s discussed in the group. The act of meeting itself has great value.The Lonely AmberAug 20 2017 QBC Chi [Christ and Community] Ro 12:9-13 Loving BodySept 10 2017 QBC Eng [Christ and Community] Ro 12:9-13 Loving BodyDate: 10/2008.101A member of a certain church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going. After a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for his pastor's visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a big chair near the fireplace and waited. The pastor made himself comfortable but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the play of the flames around the burning logs.After some minutes, the pastor took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone. Then he sat back in his chair, still silent. The host watched all this in quiet fascination.As the one lone ember's flame diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and "dead as a doornail."Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting.Just before the pastor was ready to leave, he picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow once more with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it.As the pastor reached the door to leave, his host said, "Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the fiery sermon. I shall be back in church next Sunday."CHURCH, ATTENDANCEThrowing Dirt on YouDate: 5/2007.101Funny Stuff by Clyde Murdock (Humor) P154 A minister asked a man why he didn't come to church.The man said, "Preacher, the first time I attended church, they dunked me in the water, the second time I attended, you tied me to a wife that I've had ever since."And the minister said, "And the next time you come, we'll throw dirt on you.CHURCH, ATTENDANCEWhat I Never EatDate: 6/2006.10117 Aug 2008 DCFC English - Heb 11:32-34/ Jud 6-7 - Gideon, 300 the OriginalStill More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P97Everybody has a good excuse for not attending church. If you take those excuses and apply them to other things we do (or don't do), like eating, they might look like this list:1 don't eat any more because...1) I was forced to ear as a child.2) People who eat all the time are hypocrites; they aren't really hungry.3) There are so many different kinds of food. I can't decide what to eat.4) I used to eat, but I got bored and stopped.5) I only eat on special occasions, like Christmas and Easter.6) None of my friends will eat with me.7) I'll start eating when I get older.8) I don't really have time to eat.9) I don't believe that eating does anybody any good. It's just a crutch.10) Restaurants and grocery stores are only after my money.Application:Giving lame excuses for not attending church or not getting involved in ministry is just as silly as giving up eating. Church attendance for Christian is as important as regular, balanced meals. Without spiritual food, we will die (1 Peter 2:2)CHURCH, ATTITUDE TOWARDSMe Church07 Mar 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 3:1-13 What is the Church called to do??Sermonspice - [Me Church]CHURCH, ATTITUDE TOWARDSWhat Do You Get Out of the ChurchDate: 1/2007.101DCFC Sunday School 2007 - Mark 3Aug 12 2007 - DCFC English Gen 28:10-22 ~ Rock PilesMay 24 2009?- CCCFC English Gen 28:10-22 ~ Rock PilesAMG Bible Illustrations Book 2 #198Have you heard the story of Jim Smith and Ron Jones? Jim went to church one Sunday morning. He heard the organist miss a note and he winced. He saw a teen talking when everyone else was praying. He felt certain the usher was watching to see what he put in the offering plate and it made him boil. Five times, by actual count, he caught the preacher in slip-of-the-tongue mistakes. During the invitation, he slipped out the side door all the while muttering to himself, "What a waste of time!"Ron went to church also. He heard the pianist play an arrangement of "A mighty Fortress Is Our God," and he was stirred to worship by the majesty of it. A special missions offering was received and he was glad his church was doing what they could for people around the world. He especially appreciated the sermon that Sunday; it really spoke to a need in his life. He thought, as he shook the preacher's hand and left, "How can anyone come here and not feel the presence of the Lord?Both men were in the same church the same day. Each found what he was looking for. It has been said that churches and banks are much alike in one respect: "What one gets out is, for the most part, dependent upon what one puts in."CHURCH, ATTITUDE TOWARDSJames Hewitt - Illustrations Unlimited?07 Mar 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 3:1-13 What is the Church called to do??2-4 Apr 2010 ACBC Revival Meeting (Mandarin) – [Growing in Love, Building the Church] Eph 3:1-13 The Calling of the Church?THE CHURCH WITHOUT COMMITMENTEmerson Colaw tells about doing some work with his church’s nonresident membership list. He wrote a letter to one family that had been very active in his church. A letter came back saying, “Mr. Colaw, we now live near a university campus and we go every Sunday to the chapel service there. They have unusually fine music… they have nationally known preachers ever Sunday morning.” And she added a note he didn’t think necessary. “We had not heard such preaching as that before. The children are being taught in church school by seminary students.” And then she ended, “But the best of all there is no membership, no pledging, and no women’s society asking me to work. So if you don’t mind, we’ll just leave our membership at Hyde Park and continue to enjoy what we have here.” No involvement, no bother. No crosses.CHURCH, ATTACK ONAmerica, Return to God – Ravi ZachariasAll around us ‘Christmas bashing” has gone on. After all, not everybody believes in it, so why should anyone be wished well on Christmas? The ACLU, ever present to eradicate belief from the public square, lent its oppressive muscle to those who denied any government or state agency the freedom to put up a Christmas tree or children singing Christmas carols in school. That is why in Capital Hill, the lighting of the Christmas tree became known as lighting of the “People’s Tree”. One civil libertarian demand a school in NJ that no Christmas tunes be played because it was not just the words that offended his sensitivities but the melodies as well. One well know talk show host said she would be offended if someone wished her “Merry Christmas” This bigotry has come from our culture of tolerance, which allowed cultural liberals to express their views in public while banishing everyone else’s views to their private chambers. So Happy Holidays rolled in on the heels of Happy Turkey day. Is a day coming when someone will be uncomfortable with saying Good morning, because good is a derivative of God and they would not want to offend an atheist?There is a venomous and brazen anti-Christian attitude now being wielded in the West. How did this come to be? How did it come about that while so-called Muslim scholars do not hesitate to admit that Islam and democracy are not compatible, a Muslim can still have a democratic right to call his festivals by their names, while Christians cannot? How is it that a Muslim in Canada can get away with demanding Shari’a law be introduced into the Canadian legal code but would scream outrage if a westerner in a Muslim country were to ask to be tried by his own legal system. How is it that while Muslim radicals attacked the US, the Koran is required reading at some academic institutions in the West, though the same institutions will mock the Bible? The issue is bigger than just banning Christmas carols. Something has gone radically wrong.Remember the words of Martin Niemoller who tried to warn those who remained silent to the Nazi atrocities, “First they came for the communists and I did not speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.” Those who wipe out the memory of the Christian faith will find out that the logic of their position may one day lead to someone wiping them out as well and there will be no one left to come to their aide, for there will be no one left with reason to speak of loving those who despise you.So what is the glimmer of hope? I began this essay while I was in Beijing China, where all over the city I saw banners that said, “Merry Christmas” I spent one morning at the Forbidden city. As I walked through the cold with some friends deep in the inner sanctum of the Forbidden city, I saw a small Starbucks with a sign that said, “Merry Christmas” I stopped and pondered, “How odd it is that in the land of Mao where individuals were humiliated for the sake of the “People” I should see a sign wishing me merry Christmas, while in the land where individual freedom is touted as defining the nation’s reason for being, “the people’s tree” won the day.CHURCH, ATTACK ONAmerica, Return to God – James Dobson “How can we win this war?”Your concern and convictions must be translated into action. As Edmund Burke, the English parliamentarian once said, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Contact your senators and representatives. Write a letter, place a phone call. Register to vote. Do it now. Take part in radio and TV call in programs. Volunteer to teach a class or hold a seminar about marriage and family related issues. Out up lawn signs and distribute bumper stickers proclaiming the sanctity of marriage.Dr. Corts, former president of the Billy Graham organization told of this story. When he was 16, he and his younger cousins went to visit their grandfather’s farm. They couldn’t wait to get out there and go out into the fields. They wanted to pitch hay and ride on the tractor. It sounded like so much fun. But grandfather was reluctant to let them go. They whined and begged until finally he said to John, “You are the eldest. You can take the kids to the field if you promise not to bring them back early. You must keep them out there until the end of the day.” John said, “I will do that grandpa.” SO they climbed on the hay wagon and the tractor pulled them out to the field. Very quickly, the kids grew tired and started complaining. The work was hot and sticky and they were miserable. They began asking to go back to the house. But John said, “No, grandfather told me to jeep you out here.” By lunch time, they were exhausted. The hay was getting under their shirts and it itched. Everyone wanted to go home. But again John said, “No. Grandfather told me to keep you here.” About 3 o’clock, a large storm gathered overhead. The kids got scared and several were crying. “please,” they begged. “Let us go home!” Still John refused. Finally at about 5, it was time. John loaded all the kids and brought them back. After their baths and meals, grandfather praised them warmly for their work and they felt proud of themselves. That’s when his grandfather said to John, “This farm has been successful through the years for one reason: We have stayed in the field when we felt like coming in. We did what needed to be done, even when we wanted to quit. That is why I wanted the kids to have a satisfying experience of staying with something through the day.”We are in a very difficult situation now. It is tough. It is hard swimming against the tide of political correctness, the liberal media, the entertainment industry, Congress, the libraries and cultural forces making fun of us. It is not pleasant to be called the religious right, the extremists, fundamentalist right wing crazies. None of us like that. But being ridiculed and marginalized is the price we must pay to defend what we believe. Jesus told us that it would that way. God has called us to stay in the field till the end of the day, and I for one, will do that as long as I have breath in my body.CHURCH, ATTACK ON America, Return to God – Thomas WangAmerica and the West are showing signs characteristic of pre-exilic Judah. One by one the Western countries are turning away from God. Is America following suit? There are elements working to secularize and paganize America, twisting the meaning of noble and virtuous words:Tolerance – tolerance of different views including the tolerance of evil, otherwise you are a hate mongerFreedom – free on everything otherwise you are a bigotMulti literalism – all isms and religions are equal and none could claim as uniqueUnity – We will have unity, if you agree with my ideologyPeace – we will have peace when you adopt my lifestyleProchoice – In reality it is pro-murderLove – love is sex and sex is love. One should be free to have sex with anyone, anytime, anywhere and any number, otherwise you are restrictive and archaic Mozilla Founder04 Oct 2015 QBC English [7 Churches of Revelation] – Jesus: Judge, Savior & PriestApril 3, 2014,Brendan Eich, the well-known techie who has gotten swept up in a controversy about his support of California’s anti-gay marriage law Proposition 8, is resigning as CEO of for-profit Mozilla Corporation and also from the board of the nonprofit foundation which wholly owns it.Mozilla confirmed the change in a blog post.“Mozilla prides itself on being held to a different standard and, this past week, we didn’t live up to it. We know why people are hurt and angry, and they are right: it’s because we haven’t stayed true to ourselves,” read the post, in part. “We didn’t act like you’d expect Mozilla to act. We didn’t move fast enough to engage with people once the controversy started. We’re sorry. We must do better.”In several interviews this week, Eich had insisted that he would not step down from the job he was only recently appointed to, due to the intense backlash over a $1,000 donation he made in 2008 in support of the ballot measure to ban gay marriage.“So I don’t want to talk about my personal beliefs because I kept them out of Mozilla all these 15 years we’ve been going,” he said to the Guardian, for example, yesterday. “I don’t believe they’re relevant.”Not so, of course. In an interview this morning, Mozilla Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker said that Eich’s ability to lead the company that makes the Firefox Web browser had been badly damaged by the continued scrutiny over the hot-button issue, which had actually been known since 2012 inside the Mozilla community.“It’s clear that Brendan cannot lead Mozilla in this setting,” said Baker, who added that she would not and could not speak for Eich. “The ability to lead — particularly for the CEO — is fundamental to the role and that is not possible here.”She said that Eich — who created the JavaScript programming language, among other prominent computing achievements — had not been forced to resign by her or others on its board, which includes prominent Silicon Valley entrepreneur and investor Reid Hoffman.“I think there has been pressure from all sides, of course, but this is Brendan’s decision,” Baker said. “Given the circumstances, this is not surprising.”Indeed, those circumstances included vocal protests on Twitter by Mozilla staffers and a call by the OkCupid dating site to not use Firefox.The controversy has been a difficult one for Mozilla, which could be described as more of a movement than a tech company and which has a very vocal community around it.It has also resulted in scrutiny of its governance, in which Baker and also Eich — who have worked together for 15 years since founding Mozilla on deeply held beliefs over the development of an open Internet — played a big part.In addition, three of Mozilla Corporation’s board members — former Mozilla CEO and current Greylock Partners VC John Lilly, former Mozilla CEO Gary Kovacs and well-known tech exec Ellen Siminoff — have recently resigned.But each of their departures seems to have been only tangentially related to Eich’s appointment — though none of them supported his selection as CEO, according to numerous sources, for other reasons — and not to the controversy over Prop 8.Baker said that she had not known about Eich’s views on gay marriage throughout most of their working relationship, until the donation came to light last year.“That was shocking to me, because I never saw any kind of behavior or attitude from him that was not in line with Mozilla’s values of inclusiveness,” she said, noting that there was a long and public community process about what to do about it in which Eich, then CTO, participated. “But I overestimated that experience.”Baker — who became emotional at one point during the interview — noted that she was “doing a fair amount of self-reflection and I am wondering how did I miss it that this would matter more when he was the CEO.”Preserving Mozilla’s integrity was paramount, she said, especially since “we are heading into a period of global mass surveillance and the role of those fighting against will be more important than ever.”She added: “This is hard since Brendan is a founder and has contributed so much here. But making sure others continue to join and support Mozilla’s efforts is even more important.”Baker said there was not another leading candidate for the CEO role as yet, although Mozilla had been conducting an extensive search using Spencer Stuart before the Eich selection, which also included another internal candidate, Jay Sullivan.“There are certainly very talented people we have talked to, so we are not at ground zero by any means,” she said. “But we are now in the middle of what is clearly a crisis, and this had to happen.”A crisis indeed, not helped much by a series of Eich interviews this week, in which he declined to apologize and used?what can only be described as pretzel logic about how a clearly tolerant community like Mozilla should also support what many now consider intolerant beliefs.Eich told the Guardian, for example: “So far we’ve been able to bring people together of diverse beliefs including on things like marriage equality. We couldn’t have done this, we couldn’t have done Firefox One. I would’ve been excluded, someone else would’ve been excluded because of me — I wouldn’t have done that personally, they’d have just left. So imagine a world without Firefox: not good.”He also dragged in?a truly bizarre point about people in Indonesia not liking gays marrying to justify his continued leadership. He noted to the newspaper that LGBT marriage was “not considered universal human rights yet, and maybe they will be, but that’s in the future, right now we’re in a world where we have to be global to have effect.”(Hey Brendan, does that mean we need to just say bygones about some of the virulent anti-women sentiments and laws in some countries, since it’s a Firefox world after all? No, I did not think so.)“I think I’m the best person for the job and I’m doing the job,” Eich insisted to the Guardian.Throughout the interviews, it was not hard to get the sense that Eich really wanted to stick strongly by his views about gay marriage, which run counter to much of the tech industry and, increasingly, the general population in the U.S. For example, he repeatedly declined to answer when asked if he would donate to a similar initiative today.Instead, he tried to unsuccessfully hedge those sentiments and, perhaps more importantly, did not seem to understand that he might have to pay the inevitable price for having them.Thus, something had to give — and it did.When asked about worries that the continuing controversy about Eich would have had broader impact, such as negotiations to renew a longtime lucrative contract with Google — which has been a high-profile supporter of gay rights — Baker said that while making this move aligned with that, it was not a factor in Eich’s departure.“This is more important than business relationships,” she said.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTA Candle In The Darkness - Putting your Life on the LineDate: 6/2006.10103 April 2016 QBC Chinese [Pace – Importance of the Word] Eph 4:1-1601 May 2016 QBC English [Pace – Importance of the Word] Eph 4:1-16More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks P 17 Several years ago in Timisoara, Romania, Laszlo Tokes became pastor of Timisoara's small Hungarian Reformed Church. Tokes preached the Gospel bodily and within two years membership had swelled to five thousand.But success can be dangerous in a Communist country. Authorities stationed police officers in front of the church on Sundays, cradling machine guns. They hired thugs to attack Pastor Tokes. They confiscated his ration book so he couldn’t buy food or fuel. Finally in December 1989, they decided to send him into exile.But when police arrived to hustle Pastor Tokes away, they were stopped cold. Around the entrance of the church stood a wall of humanity. Members of other churches - Baptist, Adventist, Pentecostal, Orthodox, Catholic - had joined together to protest.Though police tried to disperse the crowd, the people held their post all day and into the night. Then, just after midnight, a 19 year old Baptist student named Daniel Gavra pulled out a packet of candles. He lit one and passed it to his neighbor.When Tokes peered out the window, he was struck by the warm glow reflecting off hundreds of faces. That moment, he said later, was the "turning point in my life." His religious prejudices evaporated. Here were members of the body of Christ, completely disregarding denominational divisions, joining hands in his defense.It was a moving testimony to Christian unity. The crowd stayed all through the night - and the next night. Finally, police broke through. They bashed in the church door, bloodied Pastor Tokes' face, then paraded him and his wife through the crowd and out into the night.But that was not the end.No. the religious protest led - as it always does - to political protest. The people streamed to the city square and began a fill-scale demonstration against the Communist government. Again Daniel passed out his candles.First they had burned for Christian unity; now they burned for freedom.This was more than the government could tolerate. They brought in troops and ordered them to open fire on the crowd. Hundreds were shot. Young Daniel felt a searing pain as his leg was blown off. But the people of Timisoara stood bravely against the barrage of bullets.And by their example they inspired the entire population of Romania. Within days the nation had risen up and the bloody dictator Ceausescu was gone.For the first time in half a century, Romanians celebrated Christmas in freedom.Daniel celebrated in the hospital, where he was learning to walk with crutches. His pastor came to offer sympathy but Daniel wasn't looking for sympathy."Pastor, I don’t mind so much the loss of a leg," he said. "After all, it was I who lit the first candle."The candle that lit up an entire country.Application:With a candle, a nineteen-year-old boy sparked a revolution that is still being felt today. Romania is a free country thanks to the efforts of people like Daniel Gavra who were willing to put their lives on the line for the sake of the Gospel and for basic human rights. You can make a difference wherever you are if you willing to take a stand. Don't wait for everyone else to do it. Be the first to light your candle.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTAnimal SchoolDate: 4/2007.10111 July 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Extreme Makeover: Church Edition] 1 Cor 12:20-30 Rethinking the Body of ChristYouth Specialties - Hot IllustrationsA group of animals got together in the forest one day and decided to start a school. There was a rabbit, a bird, a squirrel, a fish, and an eel. They formed a board of education and tried to create a curriculum.The rabbit insisted that burrowing in the ground be in the curriculum. The fish insisted on swimming. The squirrel insisted that perpendicular tree climbing be included, and the bird wanted flying.They put all these courses together and wrote a curriculum guide. Then they insisted that all of the animals take all of the subjects.Although the rabbit was getting an A in burrowing, perpendicular tree climbing was a real problem for him; he kept falling over backwards. Pretty soon he became brain damaged from these falls, and he couldn’t burrow well any more. He found that instead of making an A in burrowing, he was making a C. And, of course, he always made an F in perpendicular climbing.The bird was really beautiful at flying, but when it came to burrowing in the ground, he couldn’t do it so well. He kept breaking his beak and wings. Pretty soon he was making a C in flying as well as an F in burrowing. And he had a very bad time with perpendicular tree climbing.The squirrel was terrific at perpendicular tree climbing, but was so afraid of the water that he failed swimming altogether.The fish was easily the best in swimming class, but he wouldn’t get out of the water to come to any of the other classes.The valedictorian of the class was a mentally retarded eel who did everything in a halfway fashion. But the teachers were happy because everybody was taking all the subjects in their broad-based educational curriculum.(From Everything You’ve Heard is Wrong by Tony Campolo, Dallas: Word, 1992, pg. 130)Where to Take It from Here...Have you ever felt like the animals in that school? Have you ever been in situation where you are supposed to do things that you are not equipped to do?The Body of Christ, the church, was designed by God to include everyone, but God never intended for everyone to do everything. You don’t have to be like your pastor, or like your youth minister, or like anyone else. God gave you specific abilities called spiritual gifts which are to be used in the church and in the world by you and you alone. No one else is gifted quite the way you are, and there are many jobs that only you can do. (1 Corinthians 12)The call to follow Christ is the call to discover our unique giftedness and then to use our God-given gifts and abilities to bring glory and honor to him.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTBamboo Hut in Thailand 1998Date: 11/2005.101Saipan 2005 - Man That God Uses 28 May 2006 Pandan Xi Yang - Luke 5:1-11 ~ Qualities of a Disciple9?Sept 2006 YOC Camping - Luke 5:1-11 ~ Qualities of a DiscipleDec 5 2006 - Senior Sermon DTS - Luke 9:18-27Senior Chapel 24 April 2007 - Luke 9:18-27 Sept 2007 FWC Retreat: The Kingdom is Here - Kingdom Path Luke 9:18-27Oct 2007 Germany Leipzig/Weimar - Luke 5:1-11 - Qualities of a discipleAug 10 2008 - FCBC Mandarin - Luke 9:18-27 - Way of the CrossAug 24 2008 - MSU Mission Trip - Luke 9:18-27 - Way of the CrossFeb 13 2011 – DCFC Chinese - Luke 9:18-27 – Way of the CrossMar 13 2011 DCFC English Worship – [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 6:20-49 The Call of the DiscipleSept 3-5 2011 RCCC Retreat [Renewing our first love for Christ] Renewing our vision of the Cross Luke 9:18-27Nov 16 2014 – QBC Chinese Luke 9:18-27 – Way of the CrossPersonal:In a missions trip to Thailand in 1998. When we reached there, we were shocked to find that there is not electricity. The first meal was eating instant noodles & there were flies all around. I prayed very hard that no fly will drop in and started to gobble down my food. As I finished my last bite, 1 fly fell in. Thank God. Then went for a night meeting, each one carried a candle to the meeting. Very dark & solemn. Then went toilet, one of us will hold a torch and shine at the hole for the other to use it. The place we sleep was just blanket over bamboo. When I laid down, I felt the bamboo bent and my body sunk in. I asked the person beside me if he felt it, and he said no. So I said, "If you hear the bamboos snap in the middle of the night, please go down the hill to look for me." This is because the house was built on a slope. So if it snaps, I will roll down the hill. Every night we shared & one of those nights, I confessed that I found it very difficult to adapt. I found it a challenge if God calls me to this place. At that moment, I really questioned my commitment to God - I am not even willing to do this, how can I claim to love God? Brother comforted me, "God knows our hearts. If we are unwilling now, it does not mean that we will remain unwilling in the future. Moreover, if God calls you here, He would certainly give you the grace to be willing to come. Also, it has got to do with your spiritual growth. It takes time. So you should focus on your spiritual walk instead.". Are you willing to sacrifice for God? Really willing?- During the Bible study, it was very dark. I was wondering how we can read. But soon, I as I looked outside, I saw little lights coming up the hill. Each person coming to the BS brought a little oil candle for himself. As they entered the room, each brought a little light and soon the room was lit up and we could each read out Bibles. Each of us make a difference in the body of Christ. We have a part to play.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTBody BuilderDate: 8/2008.101Aug 10 2008 - FCBC English ~ 1 Pet 4:10-11 Get in the Game! Feb 28 2010 - DCFC Sunday School12 June 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Extreme Makeover: Church Edition] 1 Cor 3:5-17 Rethinking the MinistryBody builder –A man approached a body builder and pointed to his muscles, "What are these for?" "Urgh!!" (he posed). "Ur...ok, but what are they for?" "Urgh!" (he posed again). "Ur.. ok, but what are they for?"Purpose of muscles, not for posing, but for using. Church also.IJM - adds, huge muscles only good for opening jammed jars. Don't do the trivial & only open jammed jars.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTCan One Person Make a Difference?Date: 5/2007.101Preaching Now - Rick Ezell Can one person really make a difference?In his One Minute Uplift newsletter last week, pastor Rick Ezell shares this story: I lived in Chicago for eighteen years. I watched the Chicago Bulls win six NBA championships over an eight-year period. Why didn't they win those two years between their two sets of three championships? One major reason was that for most of those two seasons one of their players decided to try a different sport. The sport was baseball. The player was Michael Jordan. Those two years he sat out from basketball the Bulls did not make it to the finals, much less win them. Excluding Jordan, the personnel on the team was virtually the same. Michael Jordan made the difference.Yet for several seasons before the Bulls went on their historic run of six NBA championships Michael Jordan was playing and the Bulls did not win either. But then the Bulls drafted a virtually unknown player from a small college in Arkansas. Scottie Pippen brought a dimension to the Bulls that even Michael Jordan did not possess. Pippen was, for lack of a better term, a forward-guard. He would often bring the ball up the court. He could single-handedly break opposing team's full-court presses. Opposing teams found him difficult to match up with. He was too tall to be guarded by a guard. He was too quick to be guarded by a forward. He was an unselfish playmaker. He could play inside, but also was deadly from behind the three-point line. He was one of the best defensive players to ever play the game.Scottie Pippen made Michael Jordan a better player. And Michael Jordan made the Bulls a better team. Together, they won championships. Together, they made a difference.What is true for basketball is also true for a business or a club or a church. One person can make a difference. Will you be that one person? CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTConversation with JesusAugust 13 2017 – QBC Chi [Christ & Community] Ro 12:1-8 Belonging to one bodySept 10 2017 – QBC Eng [Christ & Community] Ro 12:1-8 Belonging to one body “Hey there, I saw you leaving right after Sunday’s service. You mumbled a polite excuse when some members invited you to stay for lunch but I saw the tension and unease on your face. You’ve often confided in me about how you feel worse in church than outside – more lonely, more misunderstood, more different than ever. Everyone in church already has his own group of friends, you said, or grew up there because of his parents, so they all know each other. You are not from the same background, so you feel like an outsider. You feel like a misfit. They are nice to you, but it feels fake. Every week, it’s the same ‘how are you?” conversation – over friendly yet superficial. You get tired of it. You don’t feel like anyone really knows you. You don’t feel that you belong. Yet you worry that there is something wrong with you for feeling this way. You are more comfortable when it is simply you and me. Can’t you just stay at home and worship on the internet? Why do you need a church community?”In Karen Kwek’s imaginary conversation of the church misfit, it turns out that it was Jesus talking to the church misfit. She says continues, “I will tell you a secret, almost everyone has felt out of place in church at some time or other, even the preacher (yes he told me). But you don’t have to be like anyone else, or conform to anything, except me. You can be yourself – the person saved by me, because I saved you for me and my family God put the church together so that every unique member has something to offer to others. Outside the church, the world treats each person according to worldly standards, celebrating the rich, strong, beautiful and successful and despising the rest. But the church is the family that God gives Christians, to live by His standards instead of the world’s and to care for one another without bias.CooperationDate: 11/2007.101Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching From Leadership Journal: Ed. Craig Brian Larson #35 CBS radio newsman Charles Osgood told the story of two ladies who lived in a convalescent center. Each had suffered an incapacitating stroke. Margaret's stroke left her left side restricted while Ruth's stroke damaged her right side. Both of these ladies were accomplished pianists but had given up hope of ever playing again. The director of the center sat them down at a piano and encouraged them to play solo pieces together. They did and a beautiful friendship developed. What a picture of the church's need to work together! What one member cannot do alone, perhaps two or more could do together - in harmony.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTDepending on Each OtherDate: 11/2005.10111 July 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Extreme Makeover: Church Edition] 1 Cor 12:20-30 Rethinking the Body of ChristElder Huang - Bible Camp 2005 (Pandan) Romans 12:5Each of us are part of the body of Christ. We need to learn to work together and depend on each other. If part of the body do not move, the body becomes paralyze. If every part of the body moves at the same time, the body is crazy. But if every part moves with co-ordination, then it becomes a proper body. Each of us need to play our part.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTPotassium no less11 July 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Extreme Makeover: Church Edition] 1 Cor 12:20-30 Rethinking the Body of ChristI once knew this young energetic pastor. When he preaches, you want to sit at the back of the room because his voice is so loud that it will deafen you if you sit close by. Of course, also to avoid the flying spit! One day, he woke up and he could not move a muscle. Young and energetic as he was, he could not even lift up his arms and could barely move his fingers. Later the ambulance took him to the hospital and found out that his body ran out of one little bitty salt – potassium. Just because of this one little thing called potassium, he could not move his body because his neurons could not communicate. CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTGet in the GameDate: 6/2007.101Aug 10 2008 - FCBC English ~ 1 Pet 4:10-11 Get in the Game! 19 Oct 2008 DCFC English "We have a dream..." 1 Pet 4:10-11 Get in the Game!- Personal at Soldier's Field experience/ or NBA Mavericks experienceDaily Bread June 9 2007I love going to Chicago’s Wrigley Field for a baseball game sitting in the stands, downing a great hot dog, and cheering the Cubs on to victory!Unfortunately, Christianity has become a lot like professional sports. As a friend of mine has observed, there are nine guys on the baseball field doing all the work and thousands in the stands just watching. And as you probably know, that’s not Gods game plan for His people. He wants us to climb out of the stands, get out on the field, and join the team.If you are wondering what good you can do on the field, wonder no more. What about your financial resources? Jesus can take your silver and gold and use it to accomplish great things for His glory.But more than just getting out your checkbook, you have gifts you can contribute. God has given each of us spiritual gifts that can help advance His kingdom. Whether its teaching, encouraging, serving, showing hospitality, or extending mercy, each ability can yield great dividends. Lets follow the example of Paul, who tirelessly served on Gods field for the joy of being used by Him (Colossians 1:28-29).Believe me, it’s far more rewarding to be on the field than to sit in the stands. Joe StowellStart where you are in serving the Lord,Claim His sure promise and trust in His Word;God simply asks you to do what you can,Hell use your efforts to further His plan. Anon.Don’t make a cemetery of your life by burying your talents.Swish! The shot left Nowitzki's hands from beyond the three-point line and it was pure net. That sent the boisterous crowd crazy. Immediately that familiar beat came over the PA system, "boom-boom-ba! Boom-boom-ba!" And the crowd chanted in unison, "D-fence! D-fence!" It was just an amazing feeling watching the Dallas Mavericks play the LA Lakers live in the American Airline Center. Though it was just a regular season game, the atmosphere was just electrifying. 5 seconds left on the clock and we are leading by 1 point as a result of Dirk's shot. We just need to hold them for 5 seconds. It was so tensed that everyone stood up, cheering, crying out, some praying because of the adrenalin that was coursing through our bodies. 5 seconds! The inbound pass came and alas! Devin Harris made a rookie mistake and allowed Kobe Bryant from the Lakers an open passage to the basket. No one came to help and he made an easy 2, clinching the game! The crowd was just stunned into silence, "How did we let the game slip through our fingers?" People began streaming out in disappointment, some just staring in disbelief and there was just this sense of frustration! That day was such a treat for my wife and I. We had received some free tickets to this game from the Seminary and so we went. We screamed our voices hoarse, felt the emotional highs & lows through the game, even though we were just spectators! I felt so frustrated! In my mind I thought, "If only we could have done something about it then just watch & scream! I would not have made that stupid rookie mistake!" Yeah! Right! That's what I thought! Of course reality is much different! But brothers and sisters, that is spectator sports! In the case of basketball, its just 10 men running after the ball, doing all the work on the court with tens of thousands watching & screaming in the stands. I am sure those of us who has been to a basketball game, a football game or a baseball game, don't you wish you could get involved, rather than just watch? CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTGrab a What? Date: 4/2007.101Youth Specialties - Hot Illustrations There is a college that offers a course called Environmental Science, which is another way of saying its a class about the outdoors. The class usually includes several field trips, one of which often is a long hike in the mountains up several steep trails.One year, to prepare the students for the hike, the professor gathered all the students in a clearing and asked them to do something very unusual.I want you to mingle around and grab each other in the butt, he said. Just keep grabbing each other in the butt until I tell you to stop.So about twenty college students started moving among each other, grabbing each other’s butts. They were a little nervous about it at first, but after a while it became fun.After this exercise, the professor told the class the reason for this unusual procedure.We are going to be walking up a steep, narrow, slippery slope, he explained. Because of this, we will have to walk single file, hunched over, using our hands and feet. If the person in front of you should slip, the first thing you’ll meet is his or her butt. If that happens, you’ll need to reach up with both hands, grab on, and stop him or her from falling. If you aren’t used to touching someone’s butt, you might be tempted to step aside and let the person slide. This would put him or her at risk, as well as those behind you.Where to Take It from Here...The same principle applies in the church. We don’t grab butts, but we get to know each other well enough that we will be better able to help each other in time of need. That’s what the body of Christ is all about. There may be a time when someone has a deep need, and you may be the only person around to give help. If you haven’t taken the time to get to know that person, there is a good chance you will just step aside and let the person slide.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTHalley & NewtonDate: 11/2007.101Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching From Leadership Journal: Ed. Craig Brian Larson #179 Every young student knows of Isaac Newton's famed encounter with a falling apple. Newton's discovered and introduced the laws of gravity in the 1600s which revolutionized astronomical studies. But few know that if it weren't for Edmund Halley, the world might never have learned from Newton. It was Halley who challenged Newtown to think through his original notions. Halley corrected Newton's mathematical errors and prepared geometrical figures to support his discoveries. Halley coaxed the hesitant Newton to write his great work, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. Halley edited and supervised the publication and actually financed its printing even though Newton was wealthier and easily could have afforded the printing costs.Historians call it one of the most selfless act in the annals of science. Newton began almost immediately to reap the rewards of prominence; Halley received little credit. He did use the principles to predict the orbit and return of the comet that would later bear his name but only after his death did he receive any acclaim. And because the comet only returns every 76 years, the notice is rather infrequent. Halley remained a devoted scientist who didn't care who received the credit as long as the cause was being advanced. Others have played Halley's role. John the Baptist said of Jesus, "He must become greater; I must become less." Barnabas was content to introduce others to greatness. Many pray to uphold the work of one Christian leader. Such selflessness advances the kingdom.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTHumor - No differenceDate: 4/2007.101Preaching Now 3 April 2007 August 13 2017 – QBC Chi [Christ & Community] Ro 12:1-8 Belonging to one bodySept 10 2017 – QBC Eng [Christ & Community] Ro 12:1-8 Belonging to one body"What is the similarity between air traffic controllers and pilots? If a pilot messes up, the pilot dies; If ATC messes up . . . the pilot dies."The buck stops with me - no difference if one member of the body hurts, the rest hurts. If you or I mess up - its Christ that is hurt.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTInvention of CommitteeDate: 3/2007.101Treasury of Humor 1994 A traveler stopped to observe the curious behavior of a farmer who was plowing his field. A single mule hitched to the plow was wearing blinders, and the farmer was yelling, "Giddyap, Pete! Giddyap, Herb! Giddyap, Ol' Bill! Giddyap, Jeb!"After watching the farmer carry on like this for a while, the traveler asked, "Say, mister-how many names does that mule have?""Just one-his name is Pete.""Then why do you call out Herb and Bill and-""It's like this," explained the farmer. "If Ol' Pete knew he was doing this work alone, I couldn't make him do it. But if he thinks he's got three other mules working' alongside of him, he does the job all by himself.""What a marvelous idea!" exclaimed the traveler.And when he got back to his corporate office in New York, he invented the committee.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTJell-O makingDate: 8/2008.101Fellowship Dallas14 Mar 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 4:1-16 How does the Church grow?make jello - break up into each step - take milk, pour jello, cover , shake, shake again...Everyone has a part to play. Eat the sweetness at the end.Just like church - which one more important? All!CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTLaying Bricks or Building CathedralsDate: 3/2007.10128 Feb 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 2:11-22 What is Church?Feb 01 2015 QBC Chinese Worship – [Series on Work] 1 Thess 4:9-12 Meaningful work, meaningful lifeFeb 08 2015 QBC English Worship – [Series on Work] 1 Thess 4:9-12 Meaningful work, meaningful lifeHot Illustrations for Youth Talks P135Christopher Wren, who designed St. Paul's Cathedral in London (one of the world's most beautiful buildings), wrote about the reactions of construction workers who were asked what they were doing. Those workers who were bored and tired responded by saying, "I'm laying bricks" or "I'm carrying stones."But one worker, who was mixing cement, seemed cheerful and enthusiastic about his work. Asked what he was doing, he replied, "I'm building a magnificent cathedral."Application:Surveys have found that most people hate their work. They don't look forward to going work; instead they are bored with it and weary of it. They dream of winning the state lottery so they never have to work another day in their lives.God didn't create us to be bored and unfulfilled by our work. He created us to serve Him in everything we do, including our work. "Work" in Scripture is another word for "worship." God wants us to enjoy our work because our work is what brings glory to God. It's one way we worship God. Paul wrote that we should be happy in our work because we are not working for men, but for God. (See Colossians 3:23). In another place he wrote, "Whatever you do, do it all for glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).If you look at your work merely as something do to make a few bucks and survive, you won't be happy in your work. On the other hand, if you decide to glorify God in your work, you will not only be happy as you work, but God will meet all of your needs as well.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTLOTR28 Feb 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 2:11-22 What is Church??LOTR: In the first installment of the Lord of the Rings, the Fellowship of the ring, the entire world was facing the greatest evil that ever walked on this earth – Sauron. In order to destroy him, the good guys, which included, the dwarves, the elves and mankind had to destroy the one ring made by Sauron to control all things. And the only way to destroy this one ring is to deliver it to Mordor, the home of Sauron and throw it into the volcano from which it was made in the first place. They literally were delivering the one thing that Sauron wanted to him. This mission that was crucial to saving the entire world was given to one little Hobbit called Frodo Baggins. They gathered a team to protect Frodo and help him complete this mission. The team included an old graying wizard, a cynical, cussing Master dwarf, one cool elf, one ambitious and insecure human and another down-trodden human being despised by his fellow men. What a team! Add to that 3 other small, dim witted hobbits who didn’t know a thing in the world. How can this important world saving mission be entrusted to such a bunch? ?ConclusionThe final scene of LOTR as they face imminent death in a battle with Saruman. Notice how the relationship between the master Dwarf and the Elf, Legolas has changed. Notice how, the camera switched immediately to the scene where Samwise Gimgee carries Frodo to complete his mission.??CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTPull Buddy!Date: 8/2006.101Hot Illustrations For Youth Talks 4 P23 A man from the big city was enjoying a relaxing drive in the country when a dog ran in front of his car. He swerved to miss it but lost control of his car and ended up in a ditch. After a few unsuccessful attempts to get his car out, the man sat on his bumper and waited for help to arrive.He didn't have to wait long. A farmer who lived just down the road came to his aid with a big powerful looking horse.The watched as the farmer hitched the horse to the car's bumper.When the rope was secured, the farmer yelled, "Pull, Nellie, pull!" But the horse didn’t move.Then the farmer yelled, "Pull, Buster, pull!" But the horse didn’t move.Next the farmer yelled, "Pull, Cococ pull!" But the horse still didn't move.Finally, the farmer said, "Pull, Buddy, pull!"And the horse dragged the car from the ditch with very little effort.The motorist was very appreciative - and a little curious, "Why did you call out four names when your horse only responded to one?" he asked.The farmer smiled. "Oh, Buddy is blind," he explained, "and if he thought he was the only one pulling he wouldn't even try!"Applications:Just like Buddy, we need other people to bring out the best in us. As the Scripture says, "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:12)That's why God created us to be part of a community, part of a family, part of the church.It's very difficult to live the Christian life alone. It can be done, but like the verse says, one can be overpowered. The devil will find you easy prey. When you have others who are standing with you - even though they are not physically present - you can draw strength and encouragement from their prayers and support. We all really need each other.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTReal FriendsDate: 6/2006.101Hot Illustrations For Youth Talks P169 A teenage boy in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, had cancer and was in the hospital for several weeks to undergo radiation treatment and chemotherapy. During that time, he lost all of his hair. On the way home from hospital, he was worried - not about the cancer, but about the embarrassment of going back to school with a bald head. He had already decided not to wear a wig or a hat.When he arrived home, he walked in the front door and turned on the lights. To his surprise, about 50 of his friends jumped up and turned on the lights. To his surprise, about 50 of his friends jumped up and shouted, "Welcome home!" The boy looked around the room and could hardly believe his eyes - all 50 of his friends had shaved their heads.Application:Wouldn't we all like to have caring friends who were so sensitive and committed to us that they would sacrifice their hair for us if that's what it took to make us feel affirmed, included and loved? Friends like that are hard to find in today's world. When we become Christians, we are adopted into an extended family love and support - the church, the body of Christ. The Bible teaches us in 1 Corinthians 12 that when one member of the body hurts or experiences joy, the whole body shares in that pain or that joy. We suffer together and we rejoice together. That's what it means to be the church. We are a community, a family - real friends.When we act this way, we are doing for each other what Jesus Himself did for us. Jesus loved us so much that He did more than shave His head. He went to the cross for us. He gave up His life so that we might live. "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTRoles in ChurchDate: 11/2005.1019 Sept 2006 YOC Camping - Eph 4:7-13 - Gifts of a believer 12 Oct 2008 DCFC English "We have a dream..." Eph 4:11-13 - Candle in the Darkness2-4 Apr 2010 ACBC Revival Meeting (Mandarin) – [Growing in Love, Building the Church] Eph 4:1-16 The Growth of the Church03 April 2016 QBC Chinese [Pace – Importance of the Word] Eph 4:1-1601 May 2016 QBC English [Pace – Importance of the Word] Eph 4:1-16Personal: Mission Trip to Thailand – 1998In a missions trip to Thailand in 1998. When we reached there, we were shocked to find that there is not electricity. The first meal was eating instant noodles & there were flies all around. I prayed very hard that no fly will drop in and started to gobble down my food. As I finished my last bite, 1 fly fell in. Thank God. Then went for a night meeting, each one carried a candle to the meeting. Everyone who came made the place brighter & gave more life for the other. This is exactly what the body of Christ - the church is about. Each of us have a part to play. Each of us add a dimension to church life. Each of us become a light which brightens the place. Love shared is love multiplied. Sorrows shared is sorrows divided.I found myself staring into pitch black darkness as I lowered my head and stepped into bamboo hut that was only as high as my shoulders. Immediately, my nostrils flared at the musky stench that filled the hut. There were some people in the hut, but I just could not see them. Gradually, as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could barely make out a man sitting on the bed with a lady and a boy sitting by his feet. Then the missionary said to me, "This is where we will have our Bible study tonight!" At that time I was in Thailand on a mission trip. We were supposed to lead a bible study that night at an Ahka village. So after dinner, the missionary brought me to that hut. As I stood there in the hut, the man greeted me in broken Mandarin and lit a little candle. He turned out to be the village chief. "Welcome! Welcome! Please sit here beside me." He offered me the seat on the bed because it was the cleanest spot in his home. "We are waiting for the others. Why don't we sing some worship songs?" So they began worshipping God by their songs. Even though I could not see a thing, but those songs they sung were familiar, so I just sang along with them. I thought to myself, "It's so dark, how are we going to be able to read the Bible?" As we were singing, I looked out of the little window and saw and interesting sight. There was this line of little lights coming toward our huts, like fireflies. It turns out that these were the villagers, coming for Bible study, each carrying a little candle. They came into the hut, a few at a time, each bringing a little candle. By now, I could make out the interior of this hut. It was just a tiny hut, about 10 by 15 feet and with sparse furniture. Then more people came, each with their little candle and the room got brighter and by the time the Bible study began, we had no problems reading our Bibles. Why? Because of the little candle that each believer brought!When I was in that Thai village, because of the little candle that each believer brought with them, we were able to light up the hut and as a result we could read the Bible. And as I looked over to the other hut on the other hill where they were having a Bible Study, it was lit up like ours. Because of the little candle that each believer brought with them, the church on the hill became a light house that lit up the darkness. Brothers and sisters, this is church. This is what church is about! When each of us brings our gifts together, help each other grow then go out into the world to make a difference becoming the light of the world.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTServiceDate: 12/2007.101Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching from Leadership Journal ed. Craig Brian Larson #207 Don McCullough writes in Waking from the American Dream:During WWII, England needed to increase its production of coal. Winston Churchill called together labor leaders to enlist their support. At the end of his presentation he asked them to picture in their minds a parade which he knew would be held in Piccadilly Circus after the war. First he said, would come the sailors who had kept the vital sea lanes open. Then would come the soldiers who had come home from Dunkirk and then gone on to defeat Rommel in Africa. Then would come the pilots who had driven the Luftwaffe from the sky. Last of all, he said, would come a long line of sweat stained, soot-streaked men in miner's caps. Someone would cry from the crowd, "And where were you during the critical days of our struggle?" And ten thousand throats would come the answer, "We were deep in the earth with our faces to the coal."Not all the jobs in a church are prominent and glamorous. But the people with their "faces to the coal" play a vital role in helping the church accomplish its mission.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTShaking Bamboo StandDate: 8/2008.101Aug 10 2008 - FCBC English ~ 1 Pet 4:10-11 Get in the Game! 19 Oct 2008 DCFC English "We have a dream..." 1 Pet 4:10-11 Get in the Game!Personal – SpeakingAfter I became a Christian in my college days, I began to attend a local church. I realized that the Bible was so interesting and had every answer to my needs. I was so excited, I wanted to share it with others, through writing letters, over the phone or in the fellowship. But I had a problem. I didn't like talking in front of a crowd, in front of people. I mean I could if I had to since I was a platoon commander in the army, but I felt unworthy to talk about Scripture because it is so sacred and I am so unholy & know so little. But this godly brother encouraged me to do something about it. In fact, we went on a mission trip to Thailand together and he gave me a chance to share my testimony at this drug rehabilitation center. I decided to get in the game and get my hands dirty instead of sitting on the sidelines. I will always remember that first time. The stand was made of bamboo and I prepared a 40 minute testimony. I stood up there and gripped on the sides and in 15 minutes I had gone through my 40-minute script. The whole time, no kidding, the bamboo stand was going "shudder!" But you know what? I got hooked! And now more than a decade later, it’s something that gives me so much joy doing - being able to share God's word. This is a privilege and joy that I would not exchange for anything in this world because it is what God has enabled me to do. CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTSpiritual disciplinesDate: 12/2007.101Aug 10 2008 - FCBC English ~ 1 Pet 4:10-11 Get in the Game! Feb 28 2010 - DCFC Sunday School12 June 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Extreme Makeover: Church Edition] 1 Cor 3:5-17 Rethinking the MinistryIllustrations for Preaching & Teaching from Leadership Journal ed. Craig Brian Larson #222A while back on "The Merv Griffin Show," the guest was a body builder. During the interview, Merv asked, "Why do you develop those particular muscles?" The body builder simply stepped forward and flexed a series of well defined muscles from chest to calf. The audience applauded. "What do you use all those muscles for?" Merv asked. Again, the muscular specimen flexed and biceps and triceps sprouted to impressive proportions. "But what do you use these muscles for?" Merv persisted. The body builder was bewildered. he didn't have an answer other than to display his well-developed frame.Our spiritual exercises - Bible study, prayer, reading Christian books, listening to Christian radio and tapes - are also for a purpose. They are meant to strengthen our ability to build God's kingdom, not simply to improve our pose before an admiring audience.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTStatue of LibertyDate: 9/2006.1012 Sept 2006 - YOC Camping - Eph 4:7-13 ~ Gifts of a believer We were in NY and went to see the Statue of Liberty. We had to take a ship there and could see it from afar. Everyone wanted to get into the picture and rush to take photos. But do you know that such a wonderful statue almost didn’t make it to NY? It was almost build in Cleveland or Baltimore. The government of France hired Fredric Auguster Bartholdi the architect and Gustave Eiffel to help build the supporting structure. They wanted to give this statue to the people of NY. But they had to build a pedestal for $280,000. The government of NY could not afford it. So when the government of Baltimore and Cleveland heard about it, they flew to France to try to convince the French government to move the statue to their state. However, the people of NY came together and raised every single cent required to build the statue. So because of their efforts, we have the statue of liberty at the entrance of the Hudson river today.As a church, everyone needs to come together and contribute to make things possible.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTTeamworkDate: 12/2007.101Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching from Leadership Journal ed. Craig Brian Larson #240 A sea captain and his chief engineer were arguing over who was the most important to the ship. To prove their point to each other, they decided to swap places. The chief engineer ascended to the bridge and the captain went to the engine room. Several hours later, the captain suddenly appeared covered with oil and dirt. "Chief!" he yelled, waving his monkey wrench. "You have to get down there: I can't make her go." "Of course you can't" replied the chief engineer. "She’s aground!"On a team, we don’t excel each other. we depend on each other.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTThe BodiesDate: 9/2007.10111 July 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Extreme Makeover: Church Edition] 1 Cor 12:20-30 Rethinking the Body of ChristFresh ideas: Illustrations, Stories & Quotations - Jim Burns & Greg McKinnon P177 - Ephesians 4:16Once upon a time, there were 4 people named, Everybody, Somebody, Nobody and Anybody. When there was an important job to be done, Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. When Nobody did it, Everybody got angry because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Somebody would do it. But Nobody realized that Nobody would do it. So it ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done in the first place.Application:Everyone has a purpose within the Church - the Body of Christ. If you are not doing what God called you to do, it may not get done.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTThe Toe-TapperJoan SparksOne day a wise man came to a small town. He needed a place to stay so he went to the first church he found. Inside, a small group of people argued about how they could best please God."I'll help you," the man said, "but you must promise to use what I do to glorify God.""Oh, we will," the people assured him. "We will." He gave each of them gifts—one was to be a pianist, another a flutist. To one he gave a cello, to another a violin, and to yet another he gave the role of toe-tapper.The people worked long and hard to prepare a song of praise for the church. The music became more and more beautiful.One afternoon during practice the violinist said to the pianist, "I'm so glad I have the important job of playing the violin. I'd sure hate to be only a toe-tapper." The toe-tapper was so hurt that he went home.The next day, when the group met to practice, nothing came together right. Finally, the flutist said, "Without the toe-tapper here I don't know when to come in for my part." They started over time and time again, but the music sounded terrible.It was then that the violinist spoke up in a very sad voice. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I thought I was so important that I didn't need the help of the toe-tapper. I was wrong!"So he led the way to the toe-tapper's house and asked him to come back with them. The toe-tapper agreed and once againthe music was beautiful. Then, one Sunday, they played their music in church. Godlooked down and smiled. I think he even winked at the toe-tapper.CHURCH, BODY OF CHRISTKeeper of the Spring Charles R. SwindollThe late Peter Marshall, an eloquent speaker and for several years the chaplain of the United States Senate, used to love to tell the story of "The Keeper of the Spring," a quiet forest dweller who lived high above an Austrian village along the eastern slopes of the Alps. The old gentleman had been hired many years ago by a young town council to clear away the debris from the pools of water up in the mountain crevices that fed the lovely spring flowing through their town. With faithful, silent regularity, he patrolled the hills, removed the leaves and branches, and wiped away the silt that would otherwise choke and contaminate the fresh flow of water. By and by, the village became a popular attraction for vacationers. Graceful swans floated along the crystal clear spring, the millwheels of various businesses located near the water turned day and night, farmlands were naturally irrigated, and the view from restaurants was picturesque beyond description.Years passed. One evening the town council met for its semiannual meeting. As they reviewed the budget, one man's eye caught the salary figure being paid the obscure keeper of the spring. Said the keeper of the purse, "Who is the old man? Why do we keep him on year after year? No one ever sees him. For all we know the strange ranger of the hills is doing us no good. He isn't necessary any longer!" By a unanimous vote, they dispensed with the old man's services.For several weeks nothing changed. By early autumn the trees began to shed their leaves. Small branches snapped off and fell into the pools, hindering the rushing flow of sparkling water. One afternoon someone noticed a slight yellowish-brown tint in the spring. A couple days later the water was much darker. Within another week, a slimy film covered sections of the water along the banks and a foul odor was soon detected. The millwheels moved slower,some finally ground to a halt. Swans left as did the tourists. Clammy fingers of disease and sickness reached deeply into the village.Quickly, the embarrassed council called a special meeting. Realizing their gross error in judgment, they hired back the old keeper of the spring...and within a few weeks the veritable river of life began to clear up. The wheels started to turn, and new life returned to the hamlet in the Alps once again.Fanciful though it may be, the story is more than an idle tale. It carries with it a vivid, relevant analogy directly related to the times in which we live. What the keeper of the springs meant to the village, Christian servants mean to our world. The preserving, taste-giving bite of salt mixed with the illuminating, hope-giving ray of light may seem feeble and needless...but God help any society that attempts to exist without them! You see, the village without the Keeper of the Spring is a perfect representation of the world system without salt and light.CHURCH, THE BODY OF CHRISTThe OrchestraJudy Urschei StraahundThere was once a town with an orchestra. The Orchestra had every kind of instrument you could possibly imagine. From banjos to bagpipes, piccolos to pianos, castanets to cornets.It was an honor and a privilege to be a member of The Orchestra though there were no musical requirements to get in. The Conductor had offered a standing invitation to anyone who would like to join, with one stipulation. The contract was for life. Some instrumentalists refused to join because they were afraid that such an agreement would stifle their artistic creativity. Others worried about what would happen if they didn't like the music the Conductor would give them to play.The Conductor had given all His musicians the score of a piece He had composed called "The Grand Finale," and He asked them to practice it in preparation for the coming of the Concert Day. Each section took its part seriously and practiced very diligently. But the musicians couldn't help noticing that some of the other sections were practicing differently than they were."Look at those violins," groused the French horn section. "There's no rhyme nor reason to the way they practice—it's something different every time. Why don't they do what we do and practice the scales and etudes? They have no understanding of the fundamentals!""I declare," sniffed the violinists as they observed a French horn rehearsal. "It's hard to believe they always do the exact same thing. It must be so boring! Why don't they do what we do and let the joy of the music take them wherever it will?""Can you believe it?" gasped the drummers. "All those bassoonists ever do is go to their stuffy practice room and back home again. They don't have any experience playing for other people at all; they've got to be getting stagnant.""Sometimes it makes you wonder if they really signed the contract," sighed the bassoonists. "Those drummers are so busy; out on the town every night, playing in the worst kinds of places. They probably don't spend any time practicing at all."Once some of the musicians chanced to meet, and of course their conversation centered on the way to interpret the score."It's a victory march," the trumpet player announced decisively. "It is meant to be played with a solemn yet triumphal air.""No, no," the harpist declared. "It's a love song—sweet and joyous and tender.""That's crazy!" the clarinet player interrupted. "It's a hymn— reverent and worshipful."Though there were many sectional rehearsals, the players could never agree on when to rehearse as a full orchestra, so no one knew how the piece would finally sound. And they disagreed so violently about the time and conditions of the performance, it was better not to bring up the subject at all.The town still has its orchestra. The sections are still rehearsing. But those who hear them, wonder. Will they really be ready to play together when the Conductor raises His baton on the Concert Day?What good is God?August 27 2017 – QBC Chi [Christ & Community] Ro 12:14-21 Counter cultural bodySept 17 2017 – QBC Eng [Christ & Community] Ro 12:14-21 Counter cultural bodyYancey “What Good is God?” P 253 Weep with those who weepSome of you know Dr Paul Brand who taught at the Christian Medical College in Vellore and founded a leprosy hospital. From him I learned the value of pain as the body’s unifer. Dr Brand once told me of an old man with leprosy in New Guinea who would reach into a bed of hot coals with his bare hands to turn a roasting potato. After observing scenes like that, Dr Brand went on to discover that virtually all the disfigurement that makes leprosy such a dreaded disease results from a single cause: the person with leprosy cannot feel pain. The old man no longer treated his fingers as something worth preserving, as part of his self, because his fingers felt no pain. A healthy body attends to the pain of the weakest part. CHURCH, CHINESEShow-and-Tell Date: 2/2009.101Beliefnet - joke - humor A kindergarten teacher gave her class a "show and tell" assignment. Each student was instructed to bring in an object to share with the class that represented their religion.The first student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Benjamin and I am Jewish and this is a Star of David."The second student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Mary. I'm a Catholic and this is the Crucifix."The third student got in up front of the class and said, " My name is Tommy and I am Baptist and this is a casserole." (I am a Chinese...)CHURCH, COMMUNITYAccountabilityYancey “What Good is God?” P 237George told me that when he first stumbled into an AA meeting on a bitterly cold night some twenty years ago, a group of total stranger welcomed him with open arms and told him to ‘keep coming back’. George had hit bottom, his life was a mess and since nobody else was telling him that in thos days, he accepted their invitation. George sometimes gets a different response from his church friends, “Aren’t you done with the issue yet?” they ask. And this is what George says, “I realize that for the rest of my life, I can go to AA meetings and nobody will ask me, “Aren’t you finished with all this talk about your alcoholism?” They will just say, “Keep coming back – glad you could make it.” May the church learn.Accountability – FamilyAug 20 2017 QBC Chi [Christ and Community] Ro 12:9-13 Loving BodySept 10 2017 QBC Eng [Christ and Community] Ro 12:9-13 Loving BodySamantha and Samuel began attending Grace church after they discovered they were pregnant and that the baby, their second, would have significant birth defects. The congregation welcomed the young couple and prayed with them as they shared their fears and questions. The congregation's encouragement helped assure them that abortion was not the only option for such a pregnancy. How should the church help them? Oh! By the way, they are not married! When little James was born, with misshapen legs and a compromised immune system, the congregation prayed him through the treatments and surgeries, and brought meals and baby outfits to the family and toys for older brother Peter. Within months Samantha had committed her life to Christ and was in a women's Bible study, eager to grow in her faith. Samuel, however, did not find close connections at church. One day one of the elders asked Samantha if she and Samuel planned to get married. "Oh, I would love to get married!" she said. "But he says we can't afford it. If we got married, his insurance premiums would more than triple. Baby James still needs treatments and medical supplies. We're barely making it on Samuel's paycheck as it is. Someday we can get married, but not right now. Friends, if Church is family, how would you respond? If we are focus on coming to church, then it is easy – either say, “No! They are in sin and reject them! Or “Forget it, let’s be loving and not confront their sin!” But if we see each other as family, then we would confront the sin, but walk with them! We would confront in a gentle manner, knowing that I ma just like you, I am just as liable to fall into the same sin, if not for the grace of God. The men of Grace Church walked with and speak truth to Samuel as he explores the claims of Christ. The church also helped them become wise stewards of their financial resources, potentially even removing the financial impediment to marriage. AddictionThe Opposite Of Addiction is ConnectionDo?Stronger?Human Connections Immunise Us Against?Emotional Distress?Right now an exciting new perspective on addiction is emerging. Johann Harri, author of?Chasing The Scream, recently captured widespread?public interest?with his Ted talk?Everything You Know About Addiction Is Wrong, where he concluded with this powerful statement:The?opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection. – Johann HarriThese sentiments are augmented by a growing number of experts, including addiction specialist Dr Gabor Maté, who?cites?’emotional loss and trauma’ as the core of addiction. Compare this ’emotional loss’ to?Johan Harri’s idea about lack of connection and it is clear they’re talking about a similar emotional condition.Limbic ResonanceIf connection is the opposite of addiction, then an examination of the neuroscience of human connection is in order. Published in 2000,?A General Theory Of Love?is a?collaboration between three professors of psychiatry at the University of California in San Francisco.?A General Theory Of Love?reveals that?humans require social connection for optimal brain development, and that babies cared for in a loving environment are psychological and neurologically ‘immunised’ by love. When things get difficult in adult life, the neural wiring developed from a love-filled childhood leads to increased emotional resilience in adult life. Conversely, those who?grow up in an environment where?loving care is unstable or absent are less likely to be resilient in the face of emotional distress.How does this relate to addiction? Gabor Maté observes an extremely high rate of childhood trauma?in the addicts he works with?and trauma?is the extreme opposite of growing up in a consistently safe and loving environment. He asserts?that it is extremely common for people with addictions to have a reduced capacity for?dealing with emotional distress, hence an increased risk of drug-dependence.How Our?Ability To Connect Is Impaired By TraumaTrauma is well-known to cause interruption to healthy neural wiring, in both the?developing?and?mature?brain. A deeper issue here is that people who have suffered trauma, particularly children, can be left with an underlying sense that the world is no longer safe, or that people can no longer be trusted. This?erosion (or complete destruction) of a sense of trust, that our family, community and society will keep us safe, results in?isolation –?leading?to the very lack of connection Johann Harri suggests is the opposite?of addiction.?People who use drugs compulsively do so to?avoid the pain of past trauma and to replace the absence of connection in their life.Social Solutions To AddictionThe solution to the problem of addiction on a societal level is both simple?and fairly easy to implement.?If a person is born into a life that is lacking in love and support on a family level, or if due to some other trauma they have become isolated and suffer from addiction, there must be a cultural response to make sure that person knows that they are valued by their society?(even if they don’t feel valued by their family). Portugal has?demonstrated?this with a 50% drop in addiction thanks to programs that are specifically designed to?re-create connection between the addict and their community.Personal Solutions To Addiction“Ask not why the addiction, but why the pain.”– Gabor MatéRecreating bonds is essential in the long term, but human connection is crucial in in the immediate task of clearing trauma. When a person decides to finally face and feel the pain that they may have been avoiding for years or decades, the first steps cannot be done?alone.“You have to be with that pain, but you have to have support.”– Gabor MatéThis support is essentially the reintroduction of the care and support which?is so important in creating?the neural structure of emotional-resilience in early life. By doing so, we begin to replace what was missing, and thanks to the?revelations?of?neuroplasticity?we now know that you can in fact teach an old dog new tricks; neural rewiring?is?possible in adult life.?Though?it is essential for addicts to feel supported in order to finally face and feel the pain they have been trying to avoid, this is ultimately an inner journey that must be taken by the individual.“Whatever you do, don’t try and escape from your pain, but be with it.?Because the attempt to escape from pain creates more pain.”–?The Tibetan Book Of Living And DyingThe Roots Of HealingWhen we are young, our parents care for us until we are able to do it for ourselves, after all they won’t be there to do it for us forever. Perhaps, on an emotional level this is also true: our parents?love us so that we may?learn?to do it for?ourselves. The programs in Portugal have demonstrated that addicts do remarkably well when they feel?valued by their community. Whether they realise it or not, the Portuguese are creating?positive limbic modelling by valuing the addicts so they can learn to value themselves. When people are there to provide loving support for an addict wishing to face the emotional pain they carry, they are loving them and caring for them until they can learn do love themselves. With this in mind, perhaps?the neural-wiring of emotional resilience developed through the loving reflection?of another, once fully developed,?could simply be called self-love. of FaithJan 17 2016 QBC Chinese Deut 6:4-9 – The third chair: Bible centered identityFeb 14 2016 QBC English Deut 6:4-9 – The third chair: Bible centered identityOnce, my family went out with some young adults. My wife and kids were in the car in front and I was riding in the car behind. Suddenly, the car in front made an emergency U-turn, came back against traffic and came to a sudden stop – eeehhhhh! Right in front of an old man. Alright, I used my artistic license ok! I was like, “Wow! Why did that brother drive so dangerously?” The sister beside me said, “Oh! He is like that! Whenever, he sees old people walking on the street, he would stop and ask if they needed a ride!” OH! That’s nice. So later that night, I spoke to my wife about it and she said, “You know when the brother was talking to that old man, your son was asking what happened. SO I explained to him, you know what Jayden said? “Coool! When I grow up and have a car, I will do this too!” Hmmf! I was so touched! …but did he really have to drive so dangerously? I mean my whole life was in his car!!Showing GraceYancey “What Good is God?” P 221I asked George why most of his friends in AA avoid church. He told me about people who have experienced rejection and who see church as a place to underscore their failures. “When I invite friends, they feel uncomfortable in church. They feel like misfits, Church people are so together, they think. They dress nice and have families and jobs. Their lives work out. Our lives are a mess. We’d rather sit in our blue jeans and T shirts and smoke cigarettes or drink coffee and be totally honest with each other. In Church, when someone comes in late, people turn and look at the latecomer. Some scowl, some smile a self satisfied smile – See, that person’s not as responsible as I am. In AA, if a person shows up late, the meeting comes to a halt and everyone jumps up to greet the latecomer, aware that his tardiness may be a sign that the addict almost didn’t make it.Social Media's Isolation EffectAug 20 2017 QBC Chi [Christ and Community] Ro 12:9-13 Loving BodySept 10 2017 QBC Eng [Christ and Community] Ro 12:9-13 Loving BodyPolice say Taiwanese woman killed herself while chatting with Face book friends, none helpedBy Annie Huang, The Associated Press | Associated Press?–?3 hrs. agoTAIPEI, Taiwan - A woman in Taiwan killed herself by inhaling poisonous fumes while chatting with friends on Face book and none of them alerted authorities, police said Tuesday.Claire Lin killed herself on her 31st birthday, March 18, and family members who reported her suicide were unaware of the Face book conversations that accompanied it, Taipei police officer Hsieh Ku-Ming said.Lin's last Face book entries show her chatting with nine friends, alerting them to her gradual asphyxiation. One picture uploaded from her mobile phone depicts a charcoal barbecue burning next to two stuffed animals. Another shows the room filled with fumes.One friend identified as Chung Hsin, told Lin, "Be calm, open the window, put out the charcoal fire, please, I beg you."Lin replied: "The fumes are suffocating. They fill my eyes with tears. Don't write me anymore."A few of the Face book friends chatting with her tried to stop her and track her down on their own, but none called police. Chung did not respond to attempts to reach him for comment.Lin's last words, in Chinese, were: "Too late. My room is filled with fumes. I just posted another picture. Even while I'm dying, I still want FB (Face book). Must be FB poison. Haha."Lin's Face book postings indicated she was unhappy because her boyfriend was ignoring her, and had failed to return home to be with her on her birthday. Her boyfriend found her body the next morning and alerted her family, Hsieh said.Hsieh said he regretted that none of her friends called police to help her during the 67-minute episode, but he added it may have been difficult for them to know her whereabouts because of the nature of social media."It could be true that it would be hard to track down a Face book friend without her address or phone contact," Chen said.Chai Ben-rei, a sociologist at Taiwan's Feng Chia University, said the incident reflected social isolation in the Internet age."People may have doubts about what they see on the Internet because of its virtual nature, and fail to take action on it," he said.CHURCH, DOUBT OFChurchDate: 8/2007.10116 March 2008 DCFC English - Mark 12:28-34 - A Mountaineering Guide Choice Contemporary Stories & Illustrations for preachers, teachers & writers - Craig Brian Larson #28People should no more asses the church or the gospel by looking at hypocrites than they should test the value of diamonds by looking at a counterfeit. The question is, "What is true? not how have people failed to live up to the truth."Every Good Church is MessyMAY 13, 2017 by?Keith WeltonPastor, Alpharetta, GeorgiaI have been in the church for over twenty years now. I’ll never forget my first experience in a real Bible-believing, Spirit-filled, grace-singing church. I was surprised people enjoyed being there, floored that they knew the words to the songs, and freaked out that they talked about their faith when they weren’t at church. I saw spouses doting over each other, kids being respectful, and college students staying sober. It had a tremendous effect on me — I was sold on the church.Twenty years later, I have felt the pains of being in church. I have felt the pain of getting ground up in the gears of church politics, leaders leaving members in the dust on decisions, friends uttering harsh words, members ruining their lives in sin, and congregational meetings that almost seemed like an episode of Jerry Springer.Church hasn’t always been pleasant. But while I’ve watched many people give up on the church and flee from it like a haunted house, nevertheless, I still love the church and even decided to move my family to rebuild a struggling church. What I am doing may confound people, but despite the imperfection and sin we see in the church, we still love the church.No SurprisesNo one should be surprised that the church is made up of sinners — it’s one of the admissions that opens the membership door in the first place: we are not perfect and never will be in this life. At its best, the church in this age consists of sinners who are sincerely but imperfectly following Christ. And inevitably, the church also has people who are not truly following Christ.Even the earliest churches in the New Testament were this way. People were proud of their gifts (1 Corinthians 12:21), unloving, unwilling to associate with other races (Galatians 2:11–12), some were involved with lawsuits (1 Corinthians 6:1), some were getting drunk during communion (1 Corinthians 11:21), some were living in sexual immorality and even sleeping with their own family members (1 Corinthians 5:1)! Paul actually told one church their meetings did more harm than good (1 Corinthians 11:17) — that’s amazing.Paul was not derailed by any of these things. And he certainly didn’t give up on the church. He said these differences are necessary to prove who is genuine in their faith (1 Corinthians 11:19). The mess was in line with what the apostles expected, and it should be with us, too.So, why do I love the inconvenient, messy, and sometimes painful local expression of Christ’s body?1. We are humbled by those who are hard to love.God is bringing people of different backgrounds, nationalities, socioeconomic statuses, and spiritual maturity levels together (Ephesians 3:10). The church’s diversity is a beautiful thing, and part of the beauty is that it grows us by bringing us into orbit with people unlike us — sometimes with people who are hard to love.Loving lovable people is easy. Associating with unlovable people in unlovable situations will always make us marvel at the love of Christ. It forces us to grow in knowing and sharing that love. In the mess, we will find beautiful displays of forgiveness, compassion, humility, and reconciliation. These never would have been seen apart from the mess.2. We are warned by those who fall away.Some of the worst things I’ve seen in the church were caused by people who had fallen away (or were falling away) from the faith. Seeing the results of their actions was sobering. When I first saw the problems in the church, I thought Jesus was the problem. I thought his work in our church was insufficient, or at least incomplete, and that he was the reason we faced the issues we did.Then I realized most of those people causing scenes were struggling in their faith. This aroused compassion in me, rather than judgment, and it made me want to pray for and help them (Matthew 18:12). If I had left the church at the first glimpse of trouble, I would not have understood the root issue of the problems — or the vital importance of striving in faith side by side with other Christians (Philippians 1:27).3. We are prepared to love outside the church.I have become more gracious and less judgmental. I have learned to work through disagreement when it occurs. This lesson has been massive, not just in church settings, but for how I act at the office and with my family. I have learned to love better, more fervently and consistently.If you have not had a reason to question loving the church, then your love has not been tested. Great lessons happen in the life of the church.4. We learn to love what God loves.The greatest and most important reason why I love the church is that?Godloves the church. Christ loves his bride, his holy ones for whom he died to purchase them with his own blood (Acts 20:28;?Ephesians 5:22–23;?Revelation 21:2,?9–10;?22:17). If the one who had to die to make us holy is not ashamed to call us brothers, how could we refuse to love those who are sinners like us (Hebrews 2:11)?God’s plan to make his grace known to the world is not for a bunch of perfect people to live together in perfect harmony, but rather, for sinful people to cling desperately to Jesus, even in the hardest instances. God’s light may not shine in every corner of the church, but it still shines all around. When the church looks to Jesus for help in our weaknesses, powerful things can happen.Paul saw the mess in each of the churches, and he still gave his life to building them (Acts 20:24). The reason we love the church, and all its mess, and all its baggage, is because it’s there that we see God’s amazing grace conquering our sins and transforming us to look like his Son. When the world sees that, even the mess of the church can make Jesus look great.Keith Welton?is the lead pastor at Bridgeway Church in Alpharetta, Georgia. He is the author of?Finding Reasons to Believe?and?Working for Glory. He and his wife Amanda have four children.CHURCH, FAMILY OF GODPull Buddy!Date: 8/2006.101Hot Illustrations For Youth Talks 4 P23 A man from the big city was enjoying a relaxing drive in the country when a dog ran in front of his car. He swerved to miss it but lost control of his car and ended up in a ditch. After a few unsuccessful attempts to get his car out, the man sat on his bumper and waited for help to arrive.He didn't have to wait long. A farmer who lived just down the road came to his aid with a big powerful looking horse.The watched as the farmer hitched the horse to the car's bumper.When the rope was secured, the farmer yelled, "Pull, Nellie, pull!" But the horse didn’t move.Then the farmer yelled, "Pull, Buster, pull!" But the horse didn’t move.Next the farmer yelled, "Pull, Cococ pull!" But the horse still didn't move.Finally, the farmer said, "Pull, Buddy, pull!"And the horse dragged the car from the ditch with very little effort.The motorist was very appreciative - and a little curious, "Why did you call out four names when your horse only responded to one?" he asked.The farmer smiled. "Oh, Buddy is blind," he explained, "and if he thought he was the only one pulling he wouldn't even try!"Applications:Just like Buddy, we need other people to bring out the best in us. As the Scripture says, "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:12)That's why God created us to be part of a community, part of a family, part of the church.It's very difficult to live the Christian life alone. It can be done, but like the verse says, one can be overpowered. The devil will find you easy prey. When you have others who are standing with you - even though they are not physically present - you can draw strength and encouragement from their prayers and support. We all really need each other.CHURCH, GOVERNMENT OFQualification of EldersDate: 11/2007.101PM 201 - (Topical Sermon Outline) Qualification to lead the ChurchOpening Image - Tech man who could not set up the computer. He was incompetent and created so much problems. Are we qualified to lead the church?2 ways to qualify - 1 Timothy 3 - attributes can be categorized - how he leads in church, in community, in home. The focus of this sermon is the home.1) Faithful to wife - Titus 1:6; 1 Timothy 3- avoid adultery- Guard our minds2) Lead out children- teach them the faith- discipline themCHURCH, GROWTH OFChurch GrowthDate: 3/1998.1122Our Lord seemed to be very much concerned with numbers. The fish in the miraculous catch were counted. The leftovers after the feeding of the five thousand were counted. And the five thousand themselves were counted! Converts at Pentecost were counted. And in the parable of the lost sheep, the shepherd would never have known that one of his flock of one hundred was lost, unless he had counted them! -- Robert C. Shannon, 1000 Windows, (Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Publishing Company, 1997).See: Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 1:22-23; Ephesians 3:10; Ephesians 4:11-13; 1 Timothy 3:15 Conservative churchesLiberal churches are dying. But conservative churches are thriving.A Canadian study found that conservative churches are still growing, while less orthodox congregations dwindle away.By David Haskell January 4 David Millard Haskell is a professor of religion and culture at Wilfrid Laurier University.Mainline Protestant churches are in trouble: A 2015 report by the Pew Research Center found that these congregations, once a mainstay of American religion, are now shrinking by about 1 million members annually. Fewer members not only means fewer souls saved, a frightening thought for some?clergy members, but also less income for churches, further ensuring their decline.Faced with this troubling development, clergy members have made various efforts to revive church attendance. It was almost 20 years ago that John Shelby Spong, a U.S.?bishop in the Episcopalian Church, published his book “Why Christianity Must Change or Die.” It was presented as an antidote to the crisis of decline in mainline churches. Spong, a theological liberal, said congregations would grow if they abandoned their literal interpretation of the Bible and transformed along with changing times.Spong’s general thesis is popular with many mainline Protestants, including those in the United Methodist, Evangelical Lutheran, Presbyterian (U.S.A.) and Episcopal churches. Spong’s work has won favor with academics, too. Praising Spong’s work specifically, Karen L. King of Harvard Divinity School said in a review of Spong’s book that it “should be required reading for everyone concerned with facing head-on the intellectual and spiritual challenges of late-twentieth-century religious life.” Harvard Divinity professor and liberal theologian Harvey Cox said “Bishop Spong’s work is a significant accomplishment,” and indeed, Cox himself has long been at the task of shifting Christianity to meet the needs of the modern world. Thus, liberal theology has been taught for decades in mainline seminaries and preached from many mainline pulpits. Its enduring appeal to embattled clergy members is that it gives intellectual respectability to religious ideas that, on the surface, might appear far-fetched to modern audiences.But the liberal turn in mainline churches doesn’t appear to have solved their problem of decline.Over the last five years, my colleagues and I conducted a study of 22 mainline congregations in the province of Ontario. We compared those in the sample that were growing mainline congregations to those that were declining. After statistically analyzing the survey responses of over 2,200 congregants and the clergy members who serve them, we came to a counterintuitive discovery: Conservative Protestant theology, with its more literal view of the Bible, is a significant predictor of church growth while liberal theology leads to decline. The results were published this month in the peer-reviewed journal, Review of Religious Research.We also found that for all measures, growing church clergy members were most conservative theologically, followed by their congregants, who were themselves followed by the congregants of the declining churches and then the declining church clergy members. In other words, growing church clergy members are the most theologically conservative, while declining church clergy members are the least. Their congregations meet more in the middle.For example, we found 93 percent of clergy members and 83 percent of worshipers from growing churches agreed with the statement “Jesus rose from the dead with a real flesh-and-blood body leaving behind an empty tomb.” This compared with 67 percent of worshipers and 56 percent of clergy members from declining churches. Furthermore, all growing church clergy members and 90 percent of their worshipers agreed that “God performs miracles in answer to prayers,” compared with 80 percent of worshipers and a mere 44 percent of clergy members from declining churches.Outside our research, when growing churches have been identified by other studies — nationally and internationally — they have been almost exclusively conservative in doctrine. As we explain in our academic work, because of methodological limitations, these other studies did not link growth to theology. But our work suggests this is a fruitful avenue of research to pursue.What explains the growth gap between liberal and conservative congregations? In defense of liberal churches, one might venture that it is the strength of belief, not the specifics of belief, that is the real cause of growth. In this case, pastors embracing liberal theology are just as likely as conservative pastors to experience church growth, provided they are firm and clear in their religious convictions. Yet different beliefs, though equally strong, produce different outcomes.For example, because of their conservative outlook, the growing church clergy members in our study took Jesus’ command to “Go make disciples” literally. Thus, they all held the conviction it’s “very important to encourage non-Christians to become Christians,” and thus likely put effort into converting non-Christians. Conversely, because of their liberal leanings, half the clergy members at the declining churches held the opposite conviction, believing it is not desirable to convert non-Christians. Some of them felt, for instance, that peddling their religion outside of their immediate faith community is culturally insensitive.It should be obvious which of these two convictions is more likely to generate church growth.While our research helps explains the dwindling ranks of liberal mainline congregations, it isn’t likely to bring much “joy to the world” of mainliners, especially those on the theological left. But, if it’s any consolation, when it comes to growth in mainline churches, Spong and other liberals are right to claim that Christianity must change or die. They just get the direction of the change wrong., GROWTH OFJoke - Keep it simpleDate: 2/2006.1012 Sept 2006 - YOC Camping - Luke 5:1-11 ~ Qualities of a DiscipleOct 2007 Germany Leipzig/Weimar - Luke 5:1-11 - Qualities of a discipleJokeOrdinary pens cannot be used in space because of the lack of gravity. So the US spent US$5 billion to invent a pen that could write in the space. Guess what the Russians did? They used a pencil.Sometimes the simple way is the way to do it and we oversee the obvious.Church - do not build big organizations, organize marketing events - keep it simple and dun miss the obvious. Teach the Bible and care for the flocks.Even witnessing - keep it simple. We do not have to use big terms, organize big events, have attractive reasons or have answers to everything - just share the gospel of ChristCHURCH, GROWTH OFLobster Shell – ChangeDate: 10/2007.101Fresh Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching - Leadership Journal - Ed Rowell P43 (Brent Mitchell) From time to time, lobsters have to leave their shells in order to grow. They need the shell in order to grow. They need the shell to protect them from being torn apart, yet when they grow, the old shell must be abandoned. If they did not abandon it, the old shell would soon become their prison - and finally their casket. The tricky part for the lobster is the brief period of time between when the old shell is discarded and the new one is formed. During that terribly vulnerable period, the transition must be scary to the lobster. Currents gleefully cartwheel them from coral to kelp. Hungry schools of fish are ready to make them a part of their food chain. For a while at least, that old shell must look pretty good.We are not so different from lobsters. To change and grow, we must sometimes shed our shells - a structure, a framework - we've depended on. Discipleship means being so committed to Christ that when he bids us to follow, we will change, risk, grow and leave our shells behind.Mega Church in SingaporeMany recent articles on churches in Singapore From the Straits TimesArticle (1) Jul 17, 2010 - Are mega sheep stolen or saved? WHILE the loss of even one family is keenly mourned by smaller congregations, it is worsened by the knowledge that it is a mere drop in the ocean for the bulging megachurches, with tens of thousands of members.Observers say megachurches, which burst onto the scene here in the 1980s, now unquestionably dominate the Protestant church scene in terms of numbers, growth rates, offshoots, income, staff strength, programme offerings, visibility and international reach.A megachurch is popularly defined by America's Hartford Institute for Religion Research as a cluster of very large Protestant congregations with weekly worship attendance of 2,000 or more.By that measure alone, at least 19 churches in Singapore qualify.The biggest five independent churches here - which are run autonomously and report only to their own church council - are City Harvest Church, leading the pack with 33,000 members, New Creation Church (20,000), Lighthouse Evangelism (12,000), Faith Community Baptist Church (10,000) and Victory Family Centre (6,000 members over seven venues).Three other large denominational churches with over 6,000 members each are Trinity Christian Centre from the Charismatic Assemblies of God fold, St Andrew's Cathedral, the largest Anglican church here, and Wesley Methodist Church, which has the biggest Methodist congregation.Then there are at least eight other influential churches with 3,000 to 5,000 members in weekly attendance. Two are Anglican - Church of Our Saviour and St John's St Margaret's Church. The others are Grace Assembly of God from the Assemblies of God fold, and independents Covenant Evangelical Free Church, the Church of Singapore, Hope Church, Cornerstone Community Church and RiverLife Church.At around the 2,000-member mark are Bethesda Cathedral, another independent church, and two other Methodist churches - Barker Road Methodist Church and Paya Lebar Methodist Church.But this numerical definition of 2,000 attendees alone is insufficient and misleading, says Dr Roland Chia, professor of Christian doctrine at Trinity Theological College. 'Megachurches have more in common than just size. These include worship style, use of contemporary media, and the way these churches are organised,' he says.They also tend to have a charismatic senior pastor, inspirational preaching, rock-concert style of worship, a large staff and a multitude of social and outreach ministries.Spectacular growthWithout a cross, pew or hymnal in sight, Singapore's big five megachurches boast spectacular year-on-year growth. New Creation Church registered 12 per cent annual growth over the last five years.City Harvest's membership grew at an even more breathtaking 15 per cent yearly over the last decade - peaking at 27 per cent in 2000 and slowing, relatively, to 5 per cent in 2006. Since its founding in 1989, its size has ballooned over 1,600 times from 20 to 33,000, an exponential surge seen only in the first New Testament churches.In fact, Singapore's megachurches punch well above their weight in growth and numbers, despite coming from such a small population base. In a 2008 book titled Global Pentecostalism, University of Southern California researchers Donald Miller and Tetsunao Yamamori, who spent four years visiting churches in 20 countries, singled out City Harvest's inventiveness and outreach, declaring 'it may not have a rival in the history of Christendom'.Now contrast the local megachurches' double-digit growth with that of other popular denominations here.The Presbyterians saw a more modest 4 per cent average annual growth over the last decade, the Methodists 2.4 per cent, and the Anglicans 1.6 per cent. In fact, City Harvest's attendance has already outstripped the largest denominations that used to reign here.City Harvest's 33,000-strong fold exceeds the 32,460 Methodists who attend 44 churches here on average weekly. It has already outpaced the Anglicans' average attendance of 20,577 spread over 27 parishes and the Assemblies of God's 21,809 among 49 churches.All trends indicate that the independent churches are on the ascendant here. Observers estimate that the 160 independent churches in 2006 have since proliferated to over 200 - and counting.This mirrors the situation in the United States, where almost 90 per cent of the 1,200 megachurches are growing, and at breakneck speed. A 2008 Hartford Institute survey found that their average attendance growth rate over five years is around 50 per cent, or about 10.66 per cent year on year.Growth at the expense of others?The big controversy raging here is whether megachurches have grown at the expense of others and one another. Do they poach from other churches, instead of pursuing the 'unchurched'?The megachurches roundly refute that. Executive Pastor Derek Dunn of City Harvest points to in-house surveys which show that 60 per cent of his members are first-time churchgoers. 'We don't go for transfers,' he says.Faith Community Baptist Church's Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong maintains that nearly 90 per cent of members were converted at his church and baptised there. The rest come from transfers.New Creation Church's deacon Jack Ho concedes it has 'some regular visitors from other churches' but says the number of official transfers is 'negligible'. He trots out the latest figures: 'In 2009, our average attendance grew to 18,087, a growth of 2,790 from the previous year. During that period, we had 2,325 salvations, which means new conversions account for 83 per cent of our growth.'The exact profile of megachurch members is another touchy area.Megachurches like City Harvest have assiduously put out membership profile surveys to debunk long-held impressions that their members are predominantly poorer and less-educated heartlanders, for whom the prosperity gospel - centred on the notion that God blesses believers with riches - holds particular appeal.City Harvest has even collated data on its website to show that of its salaried adult members, the biggest group or 42 per cent are 'associate professionals and technicians', followed by 'professionals' (21 per cent) and clerical support workers (17 per cent).The jobs are further broken down by industry, with the three top groups in finance and insurance (13 per cent), education (12 per cent) and administrative and support services (11 per cent).Notably, the average age of its members rose from 19 years in 1993 to 28 years last year. In 1993, the working population formed only 16 per cent of its congregation, but this spiked to 49 per cent last year, indicating ever more salaried members who are able to tithe.So although established denominational church pastors used to sniff that megachurches consist mostly of aspirants and the nouveau riche, that could well be changing.Dr Fong Choon Sam, dean of academic studies at the Baptist Theological Seminary, says it would not be a surprise if megachurch members have now overtaken denominational church members in 'economic power', since many young careerists, business owners and professionals are there and 'like attracts like'.But just in case this revision of status is not widely known, megachurches often parade a bevy of celebrities and rags-to-riches entrepreneurs in their services. A big part of their routine here is celebrating success.At the recent Asia Conference hosted by City Harvest, there was an 'honour roll call', with 77th Street entrepreneur Elim Chew, national badminton player Ronald Susilo and Singapore Business Federation chief executive Teng Theng Dar coming on stage to take a bow on opening night.This is not unlike Californian megachurch Crystal Cathedral's founder Robert Schuller, who often interviews Olympic champions and celebrities onstage, in a calculated alignment with winners.And this works, as success begets more success, says sociologist Mathew Mathews, a visiting affiliate with the National University of Singapore's Asia Research Institute, who has researched and written extensively on megachurches. In Singapore-style religion, he notes, people gravitate towards the big, efficient and successful.'Singapore is big on excellence and professionalism. Think of the airport. The megachurch model is a very tight system, from professional ushering to sound system set-ups,' Dr Mathews says. 'There are methods to pay tithes by Internet and Giro.'The 'sense of being part of a success story' is seductive to many.'Megas have successfully revolutionised the image of Christianity - making it trendy, cool, and market-savvy, especially to the young,' he says.'The megachurch phenomenon is an urban thing...like the hypermarts. As Walmart and Carrefour rose, the reaction of small churches was like small-time retailers. They wondered whether it was going to help business or create problems.'Dr Fong Choon Sam, dean of academic studies at Baptist Theological Seminary'We have not embarked on any church growth strategy. We have not done any evangelistic rallies in 10 years. The growth is natural. When people's lives are touched, if they have breakthroughs in finances, family or health and they find their needs are met, and they find that the Christian way fits with their walk, we don't have to tell them 'Bring your friends and family to church.' They will come themselves to see who is this God who provides miracles.'Deacon Jack Ho, New Creation Church'Unfortunately, many churches convey an image of a God who is, apart from forgiving and compassionate, rather demanding in wanting us to do a laundry list of things to 'extend His Kingdom'... Whereas I used to leave a church service feeling condemned and burdened that I can't live up to God's standards, I now experience the joy of a Christian life, which motivates me to want to share about God's goodness. In short, out with performance and in with being a new creation and its logical consequences for everyday living.'Professor Tan Ern Ser, sociologist, New Creation Church member------------------------------------------------------------------Article (2) Jul 17, 2010 - How will things all play out? Youth dancers from Faith Community Baptist Church. The church's Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong says: 'The Bible does promise prosperity in body, soul and spirit. Yet the Bible also speaks about the benefits and blessings which come through suffering.'SO HOW will this spiritual salesmanship all play out? As mighty megachurches and multitudes of tiny churches slug it out for believers, who will prevail?Theologians say that Singaporeans' romance with megachurches is still at the honeymoon stage. They have not seen the downside of too much money or the downfall of American teleevangelists like Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker, says Dr Daniel Koh, a theological lecturer in pastoral theology and ethics. Swaggart was in a 1988 sex scandal; Bakker was indicted for financial fraud in 1988.But many worry that the prosperity gospel preached by some megas - that God will make Christians rich, if only they have enough faith - will breed a generation of fair-weather Christians.Sociologist Mathew Mathews notes: 'It's appealing for people who always had to struggle between enjoying a good life and being a Christian. Traditional Christianity is equated with a life of spiritual disciplines - praying, reading the Bible, carrying one's cross. You are freed from that, it's liberation from 'work'.'In traditional Christianity, everything is invested in good works and the afterlife. One lives modestly and builds treasure in heaven. But some high-living mega leaders debunk all that.'The deal is: If your religious leader is not making it in this life, what hope do you have? They have a blessed life. That gives you hope that their message works and is proven,' Mr Mathews adds.'Members are not ignorant that their leaders have good lives. That's what they hope to have too.'Hence, New Creation founder Joseph Prince's flock made no issue of his annual income, said to be between $500,001 and $550,000, nor of his BMW or Swiss Alps holidays. Even so, he stopped taking a salary in late 2009 to forestall murmurs.Theologians have issues with the prosperity gospel, saying: Sure, it's OK to be rich, but what about the dangers, which the Bible clearly warns about?Dr Bobby Sng, president of the Bible Society of Singapore and a preacher at the Wilkie Terrace Christian Assembly church, says: 'The line that 'The more you give, the more God will bless you', that's not scriptural. There are many who are poor and good Christians. Others pray with faith to be healed, and yet are not healed.'The trouble, says Dr Koh, is how to square such materialistic reasoning with the statement every church ultimately has to make, which is that 'worth is not measured by the car you drive or the clothes you wear, but about who you are as someone loved by God, regardless of your status and possessions'.He adds: 'Of course you should be thankful if you are materially blessed. But the abundant life is a life of contentment, generosity and the cultivation of virtues.'Dr Roland Chia, dean of postgraduate studies at Trinity Theological College, says it is heartening that not all the megachurches in the US peddle the prosperity gospel. Of America's 12 largest churches, only three do. One study indicates that only 50 of the 260 largest churches in the US are prosperity-based, he notes.'Rick Warren, a megapastor and author of the popular Purpose Driven Life, had this to say about the prosperity gospel: 'This idea that God wants everybody to be wealthy? There is a word for that: baloney. It's creating a false idol. You don't measure your self-worth by your net worth. I can show you millions of faithful followers of Christ who live in poverty. Why isn't everyone in the church a millionaire?'' he points out.Likewise here. Dr Fong Choon Sam of the Baptist Theological Seminary says: 'Some seem more self-professed in identifying with the prosperity gospel, others would not identify with that label.'In response, Faith Community Baptist Church's Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong says: 'The Bible does promise prosperity in body, soul and spirit. Yet the Bible also speaks about the benefits and blessings which come through suffering, which is inevitable in a problematic world.'The other concern with megachurches is that too much hinges on the founding pastor's personality, charisma and interpretation of Gospel. This is unlike denominational churches where there is a constant stream of pastors being trained and rotated, rule books, checks and balances.For example, Methodist bishops can stay in office for only up to three terms - or a maximum of 12 years.Dr Fong notes: 'Megachurches in a way can lead to a new clergy-laity division. The people at the top interpret the Bible for you. Because the senior pastor has lots of authority over so many thousands, the net result is less participation by members on how to interpret scripture.' Also, members do not have much say in how funds are spent, he notes.What megachurches need, Dr Koh says, is to institute more accountability. 'The independents, which are dominated by stellar pastors and close friends, need to be more transparent and put in place clearer checks and balances, especially on management of funds, to minimise conflict of interests.'After all, history has shown that big churches can fold, with just one false move. His Sanctuary, an aspiring megachurch two decades ago, was led by a young, vibrant pastor who was caught out by some impropriety. From a peak of over 1,000 members, it has split into several flocks as small as 100.There is also the question of continuity, since charismatic leadership is non-transferable. Dr Fong notes that few know who the No. 2s and No. 3s of megachurches are, and there is a distinct dip in attendance when they speak.'One concern is that megachurches will not last beyond one generation,' he says. He cites how Trinity Christian Centre, Victory Family Centre and Wesley Methodist Church all took turns being No. 1 in popularity but they each 'got outstripped' when the senior pastor - the 'face' of the church - moved on.'Megachurches really need to be current and trendy in their ability to address felt needs. But trends and felt needs change, so the church needs to keep reinventing itself,' he adds.Because leaders are so beloved, succession tends to succeed only when family members take over, Dr Albert Ting, principal of Singapore Bible College, notes.US evangelists John Osteen and Billy Graham successfully groomed their sons to succeed them: Joel Osteen is pastor at Lakewood Church, America's largest; while Franklin Graham heads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. 'If you groom your own children, followers are more accepting. They trust the family brand name,' Dr Ting says.Even so, after the first-generation founder passes or moves on, the church may revert to 'a more mainline' structure, says theologian Simon Chan.'German sociologist Max Weber made an observation about the 'routinisation of charisma'. Over time, charismatic churches become more mainline in their structure and operation.'If the trend (here) is similar to the US, there will be a time that young people will outgrow the need for entertainment. They may look for something more serious than rah-rah on Sunday or drop out altogether.'Also, a drift away could be a function of megachurch-goers eventually growing up - or at least growing older.Dr Koh says megachurches could be a rite of passage for the young. 'Once people have their own families, anecdotally, they tend to go back to the mother church. My guess is that they can't be sustained by a feel-good message for life.'As a result, Dr Sng notes some mature megachurch members have moved on to smaller, more intimate denominational churches 'because they reached a stage where they wanted systematic teaching' and a 'more complete Christian experience'. But he says it may be a culture shock to adjust to the slower pace.What is emerging elsewhere is a movement combining the best of megachurches and denominationals. One which, Dr Fong says, stresses relationships and participation without hierarchy, has a stronger sense of church history and uses traditional icons for worship. 'The megachurches are in a way so cutting-edge that they have little interest in the past.'Ultimately, it is best to look at both big and little churches from a higher perspective, says Dr Sng, who wrote In His Good Time: The Story Of The Church In Singapore. 'From the macro perspective, it's the total work of God. Like a chessboard, each piece is important at a certain time. Each megachurch reaches a certain sector that other churches find hard to reach. Megachurches have a role to play in the overall scheme, so do smaller churches.'----------------------------------------------------------------Article (3) Jul 17, 2010- Rise of the splints and sprouts THE dazzling advance of the megachurches has undoubtedly shaken up traditional churches here, bringing the winds of change and of conflict.Sometimes, disagreements on growth directions and how to respond to the mega threat - whether to be more or less like them - have led to splintering among already-small churches.Beyond losing their flock to the megas, some small churches - from Bible-Presbyterian to Baptist, with 100 or so members each - are splitting ranks. These breakaways can comprise as much as 40 per cent of the original membership.The most oft-cited reasons for these splits, say theologians, include personality conflicts and doctrinal differences. Disagreements can arise over the type of red wine or grape juice or bread (unleavened or otherwise) used for Holy Communion, baptism (immersion or sprinkling, adult or infant), or type of Bible (King James version only or others permissible).In 2003, the late founding pastor of Life Bible-Presbyterian Church, Dr Timothy Tow, broke away over doctrinal disputes on whether the Bible was without error. He started True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church, which now meets at the RELC Auditorium.The congregation size of the average church today is down to 100 to 200, say observers like Dr Fong Choon Sam of the Baptist Theological Seminary. About half of the close to 700 churches here are around that size. This does not include some 200 small, unsignposted churches, said to have about 50 members each and set up in recent years. Beyond breakaways, many of these are new sprouts by young seminary graduands, note theological professors. This is because church is possibly the last frontier in Singapore for charismatic leadership and religious entrepreneurs are sure to display some of that, says sociologist Mathew Mathews.After all, stories abound of the likes of New Creation Church growing from a 12-man affair in a Holland Drive HDB flat in 1983 to more than 20,000 members today - and seize the imagination of those hoping to emulate such feats.Many young seminary students are fuelled by such mega dreams, notes Pastor Teoh Chong Tatt, 57, of Bukit Panjang Gospel Chapel. 'It's like everyone wants to be an entrepreneur nowadays, young pastors view running a church like running their own business. Everyone wants to be their own boss.'There are already so many churches. But when they graduate from theological college, they don't look for a church to serve in but choose to start their own. Their dream is to start small, in the hope of growing it one day into a megachurch. The megachurches around make them feel this is achievable.'Many of those who go it alone are from independent churches and are seldom trained in established seminaries, says Dr Daniel Koh of the Trinity Theological College. 'They see what their home churches have done, they think they can do it better. It could also be that their home churches might not have places for them.'They also tend to be self-funded seminary students, who are free to move upon graduation. Others are sent by their own small breakaway congregation to attend seminary, and they preach on Sundays, from a hotel or home pulpit, even as they are getting trained, says a Bible college dean.Yet others, supported by bigger mainline churches, upon returning from local or overseas Bible schools, cite doctrinal or personality conflicts after a few years, and break away, taking some of the flock with them. Even if they are bonded to the church that paid for their education, no penalty is usually exacted, say pastors.Many theologians worry that this self- starting development could lead to an excessively high church growth rate, that could attract unwelcome clampdowns from the Government. 'If this goes on, in a couple of years, we could have 800 or 1,000 churches, most of them small ones,' worries Mr Teoh.------------------------------------------------------------------Article (4) - Jul 17, 2010 Rise of the megachurchProtestants here are spoilt for choice as megachurches grow in stature and dazzle their congregations with high-tech, feel-good services. Meanwhile, micro churches are springing up all over, as eager seminary graduates dream of building their own megachurch. By Lee Siew Hua & Susan Long SUNDAY morning, and thousands of the faithful descend on Singapore Expo, pouring out of hired buses, MRT trains and shiny cars that circle and jostle for lots.The twin flocks of City Harvest Church and Faith Community Baptist Church pack two darkened cavernous halls with blinding stage lights where spectacle meets spirituality. The coffers are brimming, the senior pastors magnetic, the worship thunderous.Across the island in a commercial office block, 50 young intellectuals gather for their inaugural service after meeting for a year and deciding they want to set up church together.There are no frills, no flash here. The bulletin looks homespun. The pastor, newly returned from seminary studies overseas, sits eye-to-eye with everyone. The music is all of one amplified guitar.This tale of three churches reflects the rapid advance of the megas and micros.Both are fast gaining ground here, though in different ways.Protestant Christianity in Singapore has become largely a 'winner-takes-all' game, with megachurches daily adding new members to their tens of thousands.Meanwhile, as the big have become bigger, the small have become smaller, thanks to a drift towards megachurches and a growing number of breakaways, spin-offs and fresh start-ups.At last count in 2006, there were 468 Protestant churches here, according to the Singapore Every Home Crusade, which publishes a church directory. But in just five years, the number has surged to close to 700 today, estimate church statistics compilers and observers.A third of these are said to have about 50 members, some fewer. They include small and unregistered churches which have mushroomed in recent years.Reverend Rick Seaward, 54, a veteran on the church scene and founder of Singapore's first megachurch Victory Family Centre (formerly known as Calvary Charismatic Centre), notes: 'There are a lot of new churches in the last few years that we have no data on. They are small because they are new.'His estimate is derived from his leadership roles in the LoveSingapore movement that unites up to 150 Protestant churches in events and prayer summits, the collaborative meetings he conducts with pastors of independent churches and pastor feedback.The National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCCS) represents 192 Protestant churches here and the main denominations, including Methodists, Anglicans, Presbyterians and Assemblies of God.The council says the multiplying of churches results from those that have grown big spawning offshoots, as well as more like-minded fellowship groups registering themselves as churches. Another factor is that differences over doctrine have resulted in some rifts and breakaway congregations.'Christians understand churches as not mere buildings or institutions; they are regarded as spiritual communities of people who share a common faith in Jesus Christ,' says council general secretary Lim Kay Tham.The council receives up to five new applications for membership each year but has rejected some because they did not meet all the criteria.'A church wishing to apply to be a member of the NCCS must first have been legally registered in Singapore, to ensure it is properly constituted and bound by rules which require accountability and good governance,' he says.The council also considers factors such as the 'stability of its leadership structure, the size of its congregation and the number of years the church has been in existence', Mr Lim says.Yet, despite the steep rise in the number of Protestant churches in just five years, observers say there has been only a very marginal rise in the number of Christians here over the past decade.Dr Mark Chan of Trinity Theological College, the oldest seminary here, says the growth of Christians seems to have plateaued and stabilised in recent years.According to the latest 2000 Census, the rising proportion of Christians was very gradual - from 10 per cent in 1980 to 13 per cent in 1990 and 15 per cent in 2000. Two-thirds of Christians here are Protestants and the rest are Catholics.Observers say the minimal growth of Christianity, if any, is fuelled by foreigners like the Koreans, Indonesians, Myanmar nationals, Chinese and Filipinos. Last month, the fast-expanding, 1,500-strong Korean Church In Singapore outbid three other churches to win a 32,000 sq ft plot of church land at Gangsa Road for $11.28 million.But by and large, most observers say there is no significant increase in the number of Protestants here, just an ever-growing array of churches to choose from, and many more church-hoppers sampling the range.'It's a circulation of the saints,' says Dr Chan. 'Part of it is the increasing consumeristic ethos among church-goers here. Like a restaurant, if there's good food, people are friendly, music is nice, I will go there.'It's about church shopping. That's a departure from what church was meant to be - family, organic, and if things don't work out, try to work it out.'Today's Protestant church landscape here might be summed up, with a somewhat theological flavour, as: Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not, even what he has will be taken from him (Mark 4:25). In other words, those losing the most sheep to the megachurches are the ones who can least afford to lose them.These include Chinese churches, smaller-sized traditional denominational churches and those with predominantly elderly congregations, whose numbers are already dwindling owing to natural attrition, say observers.Many of these old-style churches find it impossible to compete with the snazzy suite of services offered by megachurches, from professionally managed infant care and business networking to weight-loss contests.The leakage from smaller, dowdier churches is so acute that more than 60 concerned pastors met earlier this month to discuss membership transfers and how they can stay united amid such upsets.But aside from official transfers, there is an undocumented drift that happens week after week. Although many established denominational churches here still have big memberships on paper, actual attendance is said to be dwindling.'Many of their members go to church three times a year, for Christmas, Easter and New Year,' says a compiler of church statistics for over 30 years, who spoke on condition of anonymity. They continue to be listed as members but are in effect 'permanent visitors' to megachurches, leaving mainly the old and the sick in their home congregation, she says.Leading the exodus are young people, among them professionals. Denominational pastors lament that churches invest time and resources to nurture them through their schooling years, only to see them hit the megachurches when they grow up, graduate and are in a position to give back.'When they go out into the working world, the megachurches preach a message they love to hear, like God wants to bless you with a BMW or a promotion,' says a small Brethren church pastor.Mr Kenny Chee, pastor of the 400-strong independent church World Revival Prayer Fellowship in Geylang, has seen several families leave for megachurches in the last few years. He says: 'For a small church of 40 members, losing a family is losing five members, and that can be demoralising. They have left the provision shop for the shopping mall.'He confesses to feeling a 'sense of loss and grief' but comforts himself that 'they are still in the kingdom of God and have not left the faith'.'You may criticise the feel-good theology of Joseph Prince and the prosperity gospel. But some churches make you feel bad. They are all the time preaching brimstone and hellfire. We need balanced teaching from the pulpit.'Dr Bobby Sng, president of the Bible Society of Singapore'It's just growth in a different way for megachurches. The traditional way was to plant another church. For the megachurches, it's to get big where you are. So it's more of a 'come' approach, rather than a 'go' approach.'Dr Fong Choon Sam, dean of academic studies at the Baptist Theological Seminary'On the other side, there are some churches which are so dead, they are an embarrassment to God. The Corpus Christi (body of Christ) is like a corpse. They need to change or they will end up like churches in England with only 12 people attending.'Prominent pastor of a large mainline church in central Singapore-----------------------------------------------------------------------Article (5) - Jul 17, 2010 THE 5Ms: Message - Living the good life THE crux of the message preached at some megachurches here is that you can have the good life now - not just the good afterlife.The golden theme: that Christians are blessed to be a blessing to the world. To that end, sermons are kept light, applicable and motivational, with lashings of humour. When Senior Pastor Joseph Prince speaks at New Creation, his message of God's abundant grace is leavened with comic interludes, sonorous songs and Hebrew lessons. His congregation is in stitches and walks out on air.To critics of this 'feel-good theology', Deacon Jack Ho of New Creation counters: 'Ask yourself, what is the gospel? It's good news, and the good news makes you feel good, and the good news is Jesus.' The art megachurches have mastered is of making God ultra-accessible through TV, radio, Web-based streaming videos, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, books, DVDs, teaching resources.Charisma, a Christian magazine in the United States, recently reported that Americans who read Mr Prince's books and watch his shows have quit smoking, been 'healed' and started new businesses. One of them even booked a bar on weekday nights for friends and business contacts to watch video recordings of Mr Prince's messages.City Harvest founder Kong Hee's messages also go global. His half-hour programme Harvest Time is aired in 107 countries on 14 satellite and cable TV networks, including Better Life Channel in Japan and Daystar Television Network in the US.Theologians say the fear that megachurches are breeding right-wing Christian fundamentalists is quite unwarranted. Megachurches here and elsewhere tend to be politically moderate, if anything. The causes they endorse and embrace tend to popular, generic ones like global warming and poverty.Theologian Roland Chia says: 'The main emphases in the teaching in megachurches appear to be focused on Christian living, interpreted and framed in rather individualistic terms.'There is very little emphasis on the broader social implications of Christian existence in the world and, therefore, not very much stress is put on social justice issues.'In Singapore, observers say megachurches go even further than the most conservative churches - they are manifestly pro-Singapore and pro-government. A service is often like a pledge of allegiance, where the pastors pray for Singapore and model themselves on Singapore's leaders with their hyper-efficiency, able stewardship, responsibly large reserves and pro-business ethos.'They seem to display an uncritical form of patriotism. I suspect that this is mainly due to the fact that the undisputed success of the Singapore Government and the affluence of our society are perfectly in sync with the prosperity doctrine of the megachurches,' says a well-known theologian here.All the National Council of Churches of Singapore would say is that there are 'differing responses' to megachurch theology and practices, even within the Christian community.'While there are Christians who believe that they preach the gospel and are doing effective outreach work, there are also others who have difficulties with what they consider as their undue emphasis on health and wealth issues and their understanding of Christian spirituality,' says the council's general secretary Lim Kay Tham.He adds: 'It is the duty of all churches to address the whole of life's issues and challenges and to be faithful to biblical teachings.'----------------------------------------------------------------------Article (6) Jul 17, 2010 THE 5Ms: Music Worship at a rock concert WHETHER it's big days like Christmas and Easter or any given Sunday, every moment at megachurches is lived large on Jumbotron screens, complete with flashy multimedia and cameras on cranes.Worship leaders are often heavily mascara-ed, clad in leather jackets and knee-high boots.All the better to get the faithful on their feet in large functional spaces like the Singapore Expo, where both City Harvest and Faith Community Baptist Church (FCBC) meet.The rock concert setting does not come cheap. At City Harvest, spending on its audio and lighting ministry exceeded expenses for its children's ministry in the last financial year.Megachurches like City Harvest, New Creation, FCBC and Lighthouse Evangelism are open and unapologetic about hiring full-time musicians to elevate the worship experience and ensure quality.'It's an investment in excellence,' deacon Jack Ho of New Creation says. 'As the church grows, you want to maintain a certain level of competence.' Full-time musicians also write songs and conduct training, and are always available.Musically gifted Filipinos are visible on stage during Sunday worship at Lighthouse Evangelism. One of them, Mr Marvin Calica, was billed as a 'rocking guitarist from the Philippines' on the Facebook page of the Musiclighters, the church's music ministry.Worship, enhanced by sleek stage craft and on-key singing, is seen as one vital element of church growth, and the megachurches are more than mindful of its effect on wooing the unchurched.No effort is spared in producing musical extravaganzas for evangelistic outreach. Last year, FCBC staged The Christmas Stomp, which transported the audience into an imaginative Wii-like experience, with gaming animation filling the giant stage. One hundred young people were trained as street-style percussionists, with huge plastic cylinders as improvised drums, while 8,000 churchgoers and their guests held mini-drums.Although other churchgoers think their sleepy denominational church services could take a leaf out of the megachurches' book and liven things up, many have reservations about paying professionals to lead worship.Education researcher Lim Chih Ing, 37, who attends a Presbyterian church, says: 'Sure, I sometimes squirm when I hear pitchy singing by amateurs. But then I think, these folks are volunteers up there inspiring others and worshipping God in the best way they know. And ultimately, are we here to be entertained or to worship?'----------------------------------------------------------------------Article (7) - Jul 17, 2010 - Rise of the church shopperThey believe in multiple loyalties and a divine right to choose - weeklyMR JONATHAN Koh has been searching half his lifetime but still hasn't found a church to give his heart to.In the last 15 years, he has sojourned through the independent Covenant Evangelical Free Church, Adam Road Presbyterian with its young 'thinking Christians', tiny Providence Reformed Presbyterian with fewer than 20 members, Elim where 'God changed my life', the charismatic Covenant Presbyterian - and now megachurch New Creation, which he likes for its uplifting sermons.Mr Koh, 31, lingered between six and 30 months at each of these sanctuaries. He has also popped into countless others such as City Harvest Church, which he applauds for 'reaching a lot of youth and doing a lot of good', and the gay-affirming Free Community Church, for special events. Last month, he went on a four-day retreat with the 400-member World Revival Prayer Fellowship, which he found while surfing the Internet.'I don't mean to go church hopping,' says Mr Koh, a teacher, who was baptised as an infant and grew up in an Anglican church. 'It's just that I keep learning from different churches and traditions, so it's been a journey for me.'He is part of an emerging breed of church shoppers here, who have multiple brand loyalties and believe they have a divine right to choose - weekly.They go from church to church, trying them out for size, often not sticking around long enough at any one place to serve or grow. They tend to be spectators, who want to 'do' church but on their own terms. Those who prowl charismatic churches in particular are called 'cruisematics'.Singapore, with its consumeristic ethos and concentration of megachurches which offer seamless access and anonymity, is happy hunting ground for these nomadic Christians. Mr Lim Kay Tham, general secretary of the National Council of Churches of Singapore, discerns an 'increasing consumerist spirit that motivates people to search for a place of worship that more adequately satisfies their spiritual needs'.Some are burnt out or disappointed with church politics, and start to cruise. Sociologist Mathew Mathews notes that in a city-state with an enviable transport system, Christians confront 'few structural barriers' to being permanent visitors to other churches. This is especially so for those who are 'not so integrated that they are liable to move if there's something else attractive out there'.He adds: 'Defections are everywhere. Where do upset people migrate? The megachurches. The thinking is that if they are big, they have a certain reputation and quality.'Because the last thing these movers want is a lot of closeness, at least not in the beginning, he reckons. With megachurches, they can slip in and out unnoticed.Not all the movement is flitting, however. Dr Daniel Koh of Trinity Theological College says there are Christians who genuinely wish to be actively involved but may not find their niche ministry where they are. 'Then the reason is not consumerism, but to use their gift in a significant way.'Well-resourced megachurches, especially, have an expansive menu of ministries, with City Harvest listing 34 - ranging from drama to dialect teams.It helps that denominational lines are fluid in Singapore as well, especially for many who were converted by para-church groups like Campus Crusade for Christ when they were young.'Most churches don't stress so much on denominational distinctiveness, so people cross quite easily. A Methodist may hear about City Harvest. He doesn't transfer membership but worships there,' notes Dr Koh.Although roamers tend to be the young, who enjoy a looser structure in church as in life, mature believers ship out too.One of them is Ms Diva Lim, 41, a travel industry executive. She took a break from the large charismatic Anglican church where she had served on the worship team for 14 years. She wanted to explore other churches as well as recharge, and has visited Cornerstone Community Church, City Missions and City Harvest.'We need simple messages that will pierce your heart and bring you closer to God,' says Ms Lim, who frequently visits City Harvest. 'Every time I go there, I am moved. Some say I like vibrant crowds. If that's true, I'd tear every time I walk down Orchard Road.'She says she was impressed with the changes in her siblings who worship at the megachurch too, and finds that her teenage nephews are motivated to study harder. City Harvest leaders recommend that secondary and junior college students study at least 15 hours a week.Meanwhile, Mr Koh, the free-spirited explorer of churches, is not idling. He now serves in a ministry that helps international students assimilate into Singapore culture.'I do believe in being committed to serve in a church,' he emphasises. 'I'm stepping up my search now and praying about it.'And his next stop? A small church, he thinks, for its authenticity and community.----------------------------------------------------------------------Article (8) - Jul 17, 2010 THE 5Ms: Members Services from cradle to grave CHURCH members are their best advertisement.And megachurches take them seriously, caring for their flock from cradle to grave, offering a suite of social services, training centres and business networking arms.Unlike other churches where Sunday school starts at 18 months, the megachurches nurture 'new' members from birth.At City Harvest and New Creation churches, you can drop off your newborn, with feeding instructions, and collect him after service.New Creation has a full-time staff of 15 who, aided by more than 800 church volunteers, care for almost 2,000 children - aged one month to 12 years - weekly.It is an almost 1:1 ratio of caregivers to the tiniest tots aged one to eight months, and that covers feeding, nappy changing and even chaperoning by shuttle bus to another auditorium if necessary.Chances are if mum and dad feel too lazy for church this week, it is Junior who will drag them there. City Harvest is decked out with a bouncy inflatable castle and an indoor adventure playground at its Singapore Expo premises.For its children's church, it has a troop of iSmile ushers, stage and prop designers who work on weekly themes, and a Geek Team that creates animation for worship songs.Last month, City Harvest organised a Shrek-themed treasure hunt at Sentosa for young people. It also urges its student members in secondary school and junior college to study at least 15 hours a week, which keeps their parents happy.The church's statistics show that their students consistently outperform the national average at the N, O and A levels.Other services that keep pews packed: adoptive parenting workshops, funeral advice and discounted Holy Land tours.And that is what megas want as they keep score by attendance, not membership. New Creation's deacon Jack Ho says the church does this as 'membership does not tell the whole story'.In his previous small church, he adds, membership was 400 but attendance was 150. This was because folks had moved on, without transferring membership, or were living overseas. 'We treat regular attendees like members,' he says.-------------------------------------------------------------------------Article (9) - Jul 17, 2010 THE 5Ms: Multinational Plugged into global grid MEGACHURCH might as well be a new denomination. Or world domination.Singapore's megapastors are all firmly plugged into international grids. They learnt from global 'mentors, models and methods', sociologist Mathew Mathews observes.Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong of Faith Community Baptist Church regards Colombian superpastor Cesar Castellanos as his 'spiritual father'. He seeks his counsel in growth strategy and show business, according to his book Give Me The Multitudes!Mr Castellanos, whose gigachurch in Bogota counts 200,000 members, once advised the Singaporean pastor-illusionist to ignore naysayers and stick to entertainment shows that portray the magic of love.In 2002, Mr Khong embraced his mentor's G-12 (The Government of Twelve) vision. This concept rests on the conviction that as Jesus led 12 disciples, each believer can mentor 12 people - and potentially draw in many more.The movement has since spread to all seven continents, and the Singapore megachurch now hosts its annual Asia-Pacific conference. About 1,000 delegates from 24 countries, as well as 5,000 church members, attended the conference in March.City Harvest Church founder Kong Hee is on the board of Church Growth International, a network of 70 heads of global churches that shares principles of evangelism and church growth. It was founded in 1976 by Korean evangelist Cho Yonggi, whose 750,000-strong Yoido Full Gospel Church is the world's biggest. Mr Kong is his protege and City Harvest hosts the network's biennial Asia Conference.New Creation Church's Senior Pastor Joseph Prince is a regular speaker at Sydney megachurch Hillsong, which has branches in London, Kiev, Cape Town, Sweden and elsewhere. Hillsong's chart-topping worship leader Darlene Zschech and Grammy-winning Israel Houghton - who is a worship leader at America's largest Lakewood Church - both testify that Mr Prince's message of grace has inspired their music and ministry.The Singapore megachurches are also leaders in international missionary work. Victory Family Centre has started more than 6,000 churches in over 80 countries since its beginnings as Calvary Charismatic Centre in 1977. More than 2,000 members in the 6,000-strong decentralised church, which gathers at seven locations here, have volunteered to devote at least one year of their life to serving in another country.Last year, City Harvest conducted pastors' conferences, teaching seminars and Bible distributions in 70 cities in 16 countries. It has nearly 300 mission trips planned for this year - nearly one a day. It starts a new church every three months.So while the megachurches here are ostensibly independent, and walked away from denominations such as the Baptists and Assemblies of God, so intensely networked are they across continents that they have the look of a global denomination.------------------------------------------------------------------------Article (10) - Jul 21, 2010Guidelines on use of mall space for religion Govt outlines limits to the use of commercial complexes By Lee Siew Hua NEW government guidelines have made clear that it is all right for religious organisations to make use of commercial premises for their activities, subject to certain limits.Christian groups have been using places such as hotel function rooms and convention centres on weekends for a number of years, as reported in the media.From now, no more than 20,000 sq m of a commercial complex's gross floor area (GFA), or 20 per cent of GFA, whichever is lower, may be used for religious purposes. And such activities may be held for no more than two days a week.A religious organisation is also limited to using 10,000 sq m, which is equivalent to about 11/2 football fields. This will ensure that a religious organisation does not dominate a particular commercial complex.In a joint statement, the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) explained they were prepared to exercise some flexibility and allow commercial premises such as hotels, auditoriums, function halls, convention centres and cinemas to be used in a 'limited, non-exclusive way' by religious groups that hold large gatherings.This is provided the events do not cause noise, traffic or parking problems. To protect the secular nature of the venues, there must also be no signage or religious symbols, and the interiors should not be furnished to resemble a worship hall when not used by the religious group.The guidelines take effect immediately and apply to all religions. Religious organisations using commercial space will have to register with the URA.The clarification of land use rules was received with relief as most churches are currently not at any risk of flouting the rules.It is understood that the URA discussed the guidelines on Monday with representatives of the bigger megachurches - 33,000-strong City Harvest Church, 10,000-strong Faith Community Baptist Church and 20,000-strong New Creation Church - and their landlords, Singapore Expo and Suntec Singapore.Currently, Faith Community Baptist Church and City Harvest Church use less than 10,000 sq m atthe Singapore Expo each.City Harvest Church has also made a controversial $310 million investment to become a co-owner of Suntec Singapore and hold services in a 12,000-seat auditorium there.Regarding City Harvest's purchase, a URA spokesman told The Straits Times it does not regulate property ownership.'However, the actual use of the premises must adhere to the planning and land use zoning intentions regardless of the ownership. The contractual agreement between City Harvest and Suntec City is a private matter between the two parties,' he said.A City Harvest spokesman said: 'We are currently liaising with the relevant land owners and studying the implications of the new guidelines. City Harvest will abide by the new guidelines.'Ngee Ann Polytechnic real estate lecturer Nicholas Mak saidthe guidelines make sense.'Rather than let religious organisations slowly take over commercial spaces and make other users feel uncomfortable, the guidelines ensure that members of the public of all religions can use the premises,' he said.National University of Singapore cultural geographer Lily Kong welcomed the guidelines, saying secular spaces should not be entirely off-limits to religious groups.'What this new set of guidelines does is to relax the clear compartmentalisation of land use in a cautious and regulated way,' she said.However, Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong of Faith Community Baptist Church felt that such explicit guidelines could be restrictive and preferred leaving it to the market to 'self-regulate'.For example, he said, it would be in landlord Singapore Expo's interests to safeguard its commercial character and not lease all its space to religious groups.For landlord Suntec Singapore, which currently leases space to New Creation Church, the guidelines mean 'business as usual'.A spokesman said: 'We are in compliance with the guidelines set forth by the authorities.'New Creation Church declined to comment.--------------------------------------------------------------------------Article (11) Jul 17, 2010 THE 5MS: ManagementBusiness of spreading Gospel The megas are innovating in a big way and the traditional churches have taken their ideas to heart.A MARKET model right out of the corporate world reigns in how the megas 'do church'.It is a sleek customer-driven experience, featuring sharp-suited greeters with earpieces, hospitality booths and welcome packs with gifts and mugs embossed with the church logo.At City Harvest Church, tithe collection can be done via credit card, Giro and eNets online.Market wages are paid to an army of church staff. City Harvest employs 154 full-timers and has a wage bill of $9.3 million - making up 23 per cent of total expenses. Faith Community Baptist Church (FCBC) has 121 and New Creation, 170. In addition, outside consultants are engaged to do everything from printing the church bulletin to developing glitzy websites.Reserves are corporate-sized too. The audited 2009 accounts of City Harvest showed that Singapore's biggest Protestant church had built up $103 million in reserves. In addition, its 14,000 sq ft office headquarters in Suntec City and designer church complex in Jurong West, costing $47.6 million, are fully paid up, as are Lighthouse Evangelism's two church properties in Tampines and Woodlands. Lighthouse has been bidding for a plot since 2003 to build a third church, to the tune of $10.53 million.To steward staggering resources, many big-church pastors, leaders and staff hold business degrees.FCBC founder Lawrence Khong has a business administration degree from the University of Singapore and is the son of a commodity trader. He founded entertainment production house Gateway Entertainment and has staged magic shows for a decade.Being in the marketplace keeps him in tune with 'new approaches and methodologies in management, marketing and messaging' and the 'demands of the consumers as well as the needs of the workforce', he says. 'All organisations, whether they're profit-driven, voluntary welfare organisations or churches, should be managed professionally. Good management and leadership principles are found throughout the Bible. God is a God of order.'City Harvest founder Kong Hee describes himself as a businessman and believes his mercantile instincts lie in his Indonesian-Chinese blood. He and pop star wife Sun Ho own motivational and training firm International Harvest and Skin Couture, which has three boutiques.Senior Pastor Joseph Prince of New Creation has a TV show aired in 150 nations, potential markets for his books, CDs, MP3s and teaching resources. Among his deacons are Mr Matthew Kang, a Manulife Financial director, and Mr Jack Ho, who once owned a real estate business.One pastor of a large mainline church in the central area says he relies more on his business administration degree than theology to run his church these days, because of the stringent regulatory environment. 'The question is how to be in the world, but not of the world,' he qualifies.Theologian Roland Chia laments that this equating of pastor with CEO has come about because the church is now understood to be a business. 'Each local church is seen as a franchise with a core product to sell, namely the Gospel. The predominance of the business model has meant that the traditional tasks associated with pastoral ministry, such as teaching and counselling, are replaced by newer tasks and demands,' he says.'If the church is a business, it must be run in a way that it can penetrate and service its market efficiently and profitably...What the church needs, according to proponents of this paradigm, is not so much people with MDivs (Master of Divinity) but those with MBAs.'It is only with this requisite qualification that pastors can successfully manage and market the church. The modern pastor, according to this view, must be a good manager or a capable CEO.'But Dr Mark Chan of Trinity Theological College cautions that churches which use marketplace methods should put in safety measures because 'business models are not values-neutral'.Weighing in, the National Council of Churches of Singapore says that while it is not wrong for churches to go into business, they should not allow themselves 'to be distracted from their core mission of preaching the Gospel'.CHURCH, LOVE FORPoem - It isn't the church - it's youDate: 6/2006.101The Best Loved Poems of the American People P93 If you want to have the kind of churchLike the kind of a church you like,You needn't slip your clothes in a gripAnd start on a long, long hike.You'll only find what you left behind,For there's nothing really new.It's a knock at yourself when you knock your church;It isn't the church - it's you.When everything seems to be going wrong,And trouble seems everywhere brewing;When prayer meeting, Young People's meeting and all,Seem simmering slowly - stewing,Just take a look at yourself and say,"What's the use of being blue?"Are you doing your "bit" to make things "hit"?It isn’t the church - it’s you.It's really strange sometimes, don’t you know,That things go as well as they do,When we think of the little - the very small mite -We add to the work of the few.We sit and stand round, and complain of what's done,And do very little but fuss.Are we bearing our share of the burdens to bear?It isn't the church - it's us.So, if you want to have the kind of a churchLike the kind of a church you like,Put off your guile and put on your best smile,And hike. my brother, just hike,To work in hand that has to be done 0The work of saving a few.It isn’t the church that is wrong, my boy;It isn’t the church - it's you.CHURCH, MEMBERS OFChurch Membership Faith Sufficient for Membership?A case study in leadership discernmentMarshall ShelleySerena and Santiago began attending Hope Fellowship after they discovered they were pregnant and that the baby, their second, would have significant birth defects. The congregation welcomed the young couple and prayed with them as they shared their fears and questions. The congregation's encouragement helped assure them that abortion was not the only option for such a pregnancy.Even though Serena and Santiago were not married, that did not prevent the congregation from welcoming and supporting the couple. "We don't pull back when people are in need," said the pastor. "We want to be where Jesus would be—and that's walking alongside people even in messy situations."We ask couples in this situation to live apart, but for the man to continue to financially support the woman and his children. We point to the truth and away from worldly ways.When Serena and Santiago expressed their appreciation for the congregation's support, it was affirming to the leaders of Hope Fellowship, who had been seeking ways to reach out to the Spanish speaking community near the church.When little Javier was born, with misshapen legs and a compromised immune system, the congregation prayed him through the treatments and surgeries, and brought meals and baby outfits to the family and toys for older brother Pedro.Within months Serena had committed her life to Christ and was in a women's Bible study, eager to grow in her faith. Santiago, however, did not find close connections at church. He stayed home with the boys on Sunday mornings, but he was supportive of Serena's church involvement.Then Serena, in response to a sermon on the value of church membership, applied to become a member. When she met with the elders to share her testimony, she happily told about accepting Christ and being discipled by the women in the church to be a faithful mom to Pedro and Javier.One of the elders asked Serena if she and Santiago planned to get married. "Oh, I would love to get married!" she said. "But Santiago says we can't afford it. I'm on Medicaid, and if we got married, his insurance premiums would more than triple. Javier still needs treatments and medical supplies. We're barely making it on Santiago's paycheck as it is. Someday we can get married, but Santiago says no way for right now."The interview ended with the elders thanking Serena for her testimony and praying for her. They said they'd be back in touch regarding the membership process.As they debriefed afterward, the elders realized they weren't in agreement. Some wanted to approve Serena for membership, and they emphasized:1. She is a believer, growing in her faith.2. No one is without sin, and while her relationship with Santiago may have started out as sin, Serena is now being faithful to her children and their father.3. She wants to get married, but she can't if Santiago doesn't consent. And she is right not to make her children fatherless by leaving Santiago. The spirit of?1 Corinthians 7:13-17?applies here.Those not in support of Serena's application for membership emphasized:1. Having sex without being married is living in an ongoing sinful relationship.2. The church cannot endorse cohabitation as acceptable for members. Endorsing her as a church member now would be a bad example and even worse as a precedent.3. Even if they were to marry, Serena would be "unequally yoked" (2 Cor. 6:14).A divided elder board asks you, as pastor, for your guidance. What biblical truths are most important here? What is the best decision here for both the church and for Serena and Santiago? What, if anything, can the church do to make this decision as redemptive as possible?We asked four church leaders for their responses to this case study.Don't Sacrifice TruthScott KedershaWatermark ChurchDallas, TexasI am encouraged by how Hope Fellowship leadership is wrestling through this together. Membership in a local church shows us who knows Jesus and wants to represent him. Membership provides a spiritual family who can support, encourage, and care for individuals in their walks with Christ (Gal. 6:1-2,?Heb. 10:24-25,?1 Cor. 12:26-27).While the church has cared for Serena and Santiago surrounding Javier's birth, it is now time to care for Serena in a different way. As followers of Jesus Christ, the church is to speak the truth to one another in love (Eph. 4:15). In the case of Serena, this means denying her membership while she lives in ongoing sin.Does living with someone who is not her spouse and not a Christ follower represent Jesus? Scripture is filled with admonitions to flee from sexual immorality (Eph. 5:3,?1 Cor. 6:12-20,?1 Thess. 4:3-8). We also see Jesus speak in a negative light about cohabitation (John 4) with the woman at the well. Culture often follows the opposite pattern (sexually active, move in together, and maybe get married).Ongoing cohabitation does not represent a repentant heart. Cohabitation is an ongoing sin. In?John 8:11, Jesus tells the adulterous woman to "Go and sin no more." Serena does not have the option to "sin no more" unless she or Santiago moves out.If Serena continues to do what Santiago wants and what the world offers, why would he think there is a reason to follow and obey the God she, as a believer, chooses not to follow and obey?Even if Santiago were willing to marry Serena, I would not recommend they get married until he, too, decides to follow Jesus.There are some tangible ways to make this a redemptive situation.The men of Hope Fellowship can walk with and speak truth to Santiago as he explores the claims of Christ.Hope Fellowship can also help them become wise stewards of their financial resources, potentially even removing the financial impediment to marriage.At Watermark Community Church, we challenge couples in similar situations to move out, but for the man to continue to provide financially and help support the woman and his children in any way possible, through finances, time, and other resources. These are great discipleship opportunities, and the church has to point people toward truth and help them break away from the pattern of the world.Consider TrajectoryMark PertuitPathway Vineyard ChurchWoodbridge, VirginiaMarriage is a swiftly depreciating asset in our culture. Whatever we decide, we want to hold marriage in high esteem as something God ordained for human flourishing (Gen. 2).A church should not be harder to join than it is for someone to go to heaven. Discernment must prevail over the letter of the law.Serena and Santiago are refraining from marriage in order to keep the insurance needed to care for their ailing child and to avoid the financial pressures that would result from marrying. We could view a future marriage either as Serena yoking herself unequally, or as ratifying the set of relationships in which she's already inextricably involved (a de facto?1 Cor 7:13-17?situation). Though they aren't bound by covenant, Serena and Santiago are bound together by virtue of their children.We can't pretend cohabitation is God's plan or desire. Jesus clearly affirms marriage, to such an extent that he says that God himself has joined the couple that marries (Matt. 19:6).We must also recognize that Jesus came bringing grace and truth, together (John 1:14,?17). Not truth harshly served, nor mushy compassion that ignores biblical facts. Truthfulness impedes us from fudging moral boundaries. Graciousness implores us to consider Serena's trajectory.Serena is moving toward Jesus. Shall we insist upon the dissolution of this nuclear family for the sake of her strict adherence to the law? What happens then to Javier, or Pedro? All indicators point to a family in which the parents are moving toward marriage, and to a woman who is growing and trying to be faithful to her Lord and to the people in whom she's invested her life.Our church is best served by allowing for members who are works in progress. (Aren't we all?) Church membership can be structured such that baptized Christians are taken as members if they are moving toward the biblical values we uphold. Trajectory is the critical consideration. People are allowed time to grow, to integrate truth, to change-without being rejected for not having arrived. This embraces the reality of process without sidestepping difficult biblical commands.In a spirit of truth and grace, I propose we accept Serena for membership, encouraging her to continue growing to embrace and pursue biblical norms.Help Remove ObstaclesEric BryantGateway ChurchAustin, TexasWith God's help, our efforts as a church in loving this family have helped Serena follow Jesus! Through her faith, her children's lives will never be the same!With that said, I would invite an elder or two to go with me to share a meal with Serena and Santiago. With the other elders and leaders fasting and praying for our time with the young couple, our goals for the conversation would be the following:1. Determine how much the insurance increase would cost the couple and offer to pay the difference for a year and pray that God will provide miraculously beyond that. This will help determine if that is truly the only thing keeping them from getting married and help demonstrate God's love for the couple in another tangible way.2. I would like to determine the barriers keeping Santiago from following Christ in hopes of continued conversations with him to help him discover faith. In those conversations, I would want to make sure Santiago understood the importance of the entire family building the foundation of their lives on Christ.3. I would encourage the couple to fast from having sex for a month or 40 days while they ask God for wisdom if they should get married sooner than later (1 Cor. 7:5).At the end of the month, if their situation has not changed, I would affirm her desire for membership as a great thing while reminding her that we have proven that to be loved, cared for, discipled, and encouraged, she does not need to become a member. We will do all we can for her and family even as she is not yet ready to be a member.If Santiago does not come to Christ, but they are willing to get married then we will help them in that process along with faith-based pre-marital counseling. Serena could then continue the process toward membership. If Santiago comes to Christ, then they can both move toward membership after they are married.At Gateway Church in Austin and at Mosaic in Los Angeles, anyone can belong to our community no matter where they may be on their spiritual journey. Rather than using the word "membership" which implies belonging, we have shifted towards a "commissioning" for those who are investing in the lives of others. I would lead this church towards similar language. We have a wide open front door, but to become a leader requires a narrow path where those who are commissioned share our convictions and values.A Time For DiscernmentPatrick NyagaGospel Celebration ChurchNairobi, KenyaLeadership is not etched in stone. It is dynamic and so must the leaders be. "He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life" (2 Cor. 3:6). We must ask, "What would the Lord say on this matter if it was brought to him?"Before I say whether Serena should be allowed to join the church, consider the analogy of Noah's Ark. Noah's responsibility was not to choose which animal was to get in but to make sure that each of the species had a male and a female entering the ark, without minding their shape or characteristics.One day I was out on a game drive with my friends in Kenya, when we bumped into a family of warthogs. My friend commented on how ugly the warthog looked. One lady said, "Only a mother and God can love this." We all laughed. As ugly as the warthog was, two of such were in Noah's ark; worse still, two skunks were too! Looking at the Ark as the church, how many animals would have been allowed into the ark if it was up to Noah? Most likely only the ones clean, safe, and easy to care for. In the church, we would rather have only clean, safe, and easy people in our congregations. But how would Jesus go about it?"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick," said Jesus. "For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners" (Matt. 19:12).Would I recommend Serena for membership? Yes, I would. A church is not a place only for the pure and holy—only heaven is. Church is a place where people come for transformation by submitting to the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the fellowship of believers. The common requirement for church membership is that one must be born-again, confessing Jesus as Savior and Lord (John 3:3,?Rom. 10:9). This also is the requirement for "heaven membership." A church should not be harder to join than it is for people to enter heaven.To me, Serena and Santiago are married people. They never married the church way or legal way, but spiritually, they are married. The Bible says, "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'for the two will become one flesh'" (1 Cor. 6:16). If this is true of those who sleep with prostitutes, then Serena and Sant are certainly already united. Let the church accept her as a member as well as help Santiago come to know Christ. Later the two, with the help of the church, can formalize their marriage.Discernment must prevail over the letter of the law.This takes me back to Nigeria many years ago when Christian missionaries insisted that one could not join a church if he was polygamous. As a result men were forced to disown all their wives and children except the first wife. As the children and the disowned wives were suffering, Islam came in and allowed men not only to keep their wives but also to marry even more. As a result, Islam got a strong entry into Nigeria. I find myself blaming leaders for lack of discernment and misrepresenting Christ at that time in that land.Some leaders fear the precedent this sets. This fear should be overcome. The Bible records good and bad things done by the heroes of faith. Noah. David. Moses. Paul. All their shortcomings are recorded in the Bible not for us to emulate but to learn from. I believe Serena's case may end up winning even more souls to the Lord. "Issues" and all, welcome her into church membership!Copyright ? 2014 by the author or Christianity Today/Leadership Journal.Click here?for reprint information on?Leadership Journal.Does Membership Matter - Encouraging a deeper commitmentMarshall Shelley - CTThe concept of church membership has gone through some dramatic changes in the last couple of generations.There was a day when for churches, as for certain elite credit cards, "membership had its privileges," and people wanted to be members of a church. It was good for business. They liked the association. It was "my family's church," even if they didn't attend more than once a year. In such churches membership rolls were much larger than weekly attendance.Becoming a member is a step of maturity. It's identifying with a church, believers who have made a commitment to Christ and to one another.With the emergence of casual, come-as-you-are churches, the dynamic shifted. More people were happy to attend but not to commit themselves to anything. These congregations, not wanting to put unnecessary barriers in the way of people hearing the gospel and feeling welcome in the church, downplayed membership. In these churches, attendance is often several times the size of the actual membership.All of this reveals the confusion about what church membership actually means. If people see church membership as just another social club or fraternity they're joining, then that's a problem. If people don't see the need to join a church, if they can attend and enjoy the services and ministries without further commitment, that's a problem too.Becoming a member of a church is a step of maturity. It's identifying with a group of brothers and sisters who have committed themselves to Christ and to one another.While the Bible doesn't refer to church membership in the technical sense, it certainly describes the importance of being "a member of the body." And that's the spirit of the key biblical concept of membership; it means we are vital members of a larger body. This body is both the congregation to which we belong and also the mystical (though very real) body of Christ. "For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others" (Rom. 12:4-5).There are some important by-products of this relationship.For the church, having a clear step of membership is the church's primary opportunity to define the type of community it wants to be. It's "define the relationship" time. Every relationship that goes beyond a casual, no-expectations, just show up (or don't show up if you don't feel like it) level eventually has to have some understandings in place.What is this community all about? What do we hope to accomplish? Who can we count on to help us? How will decisions be made? What behaviors are encouraged? What behaviors are unacceptable? How will differences be handled? These are all aspects that require people's consent. This is what the membership process clarifies.I've appreciated what Ken Sande, who is both a church leader and a lawyer, has said about his church's membership process:"Our first priority is making sure a person has a credible profession of faith and understanding of the gospel. We also cover the theology of the church, our polity, our vision, how we handle conflicts, and an understanding of church discipline. Finally, it is helpful to discuss expectations for members regarding giving, respecting leadership, and serving in the community. The membership process will be different in every church, but it is important to treat it as a significant event. When we treat it casually, it sends the message that membership is casual."This issue of?Leadership Journal?features the insights from a number of church leaders who have wrestled with appropriate ways to emphasize the importance of being in a full relationship with the church, and how to implement that membership process.Marshall ShelleyEditorTrust the Lord – HumorDate: 5/2007.101Funny Stuff by Clyde Murdock (Humor) P173 - Empty Words A young man was asked to preach just before the morning service at a Bible conference. The regular speaker had not shown up for the service. This young man was scared to death. he wasn't prepared and didn't know what to say. he went to the bishop's tent and said, "What will I do? I have no sermon. What will I do?"The Bishop said, 'Trust in the Lord, Son, trust in the Lord."In desperation, he picked up the bishop's Bible and found a nice set of typewritten notes, so he took them and preached the bishop's sermon. Everyone was amazed. The people crowded him and told him what a great sermon it was. Then came the bishop, "Young man," he said, "you preached my sermon - the one I had prepared for tonight. What am I going to do tonight?" With much dignity, the young man replied, "Trust in the Lord, bishop, just trust the Lord."CHURCH, PRECIOUSNESS OFThe Treasures of the Church Date: 4/2007.101Youth Specialties - Hot Illustrations The early church had a stormy relationship with the wicked and powerful Roman government. Cycles of severe persecution interrupted by tenuous peace recurred at the whim of the emperor. Roman officials, ignorant of the actual teachings and practices of true Christians, often acted out of bigotry, fear, superstition, or misinformation. The royal court assumed that the growing Christian church operated along the same lines as their own base and greedy religions.The emperor, coveting the wealth these Christians must surely possess, summoned their head bishop to the royal court and ordered him to produce the treasures of the church. The frustrated bishop protested that the church had no gold, jewels, or other valuables (which was indeed true at this point in history). The emperor, brushing aside the bishop's objection, demanded that the riches of the church be brought to him in the morning. The bishop left the royal presence quietly.The next day the bishop dutifully appeared at the palace doorway. He was empty handed. I told you to bring me the treasures of the church! the emperor raged.The bishop then invited the emperor to look out at the palace steps. Gathered together, peering sheepishly at the great doors of the royal palace rising above them, was a mass of ragged beggars, cripples, slaves and outcasts,These, said the bishop with a sweep of his arm, are the treasures of the church.For his unappreciated but accurate insight, the good bishop was promptly martyred.Where to Take It from Here...You are the treasure of the church. The church is not a building; it is not a doctrine; it is not a program. You are the church, the body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12)CHURCH, PURPOSE OFJames Hewitt - Illustrations Unlimited?A CHURCH WITHOUT WORKS ?I was naked, and you questioned my lack of modesty in my appearance. I was imprisoned, and you debated the legal aspects of interference. I was penniless, and you discussed tax-deductible donations from your wealth. I was sick, and you thanked the Lord for the blessings of your health. I was hungry, and you formed a club to study malnutrition. I was homeless, and you said God’s love was shelter under any condition. I was lonely, and you left me by myself while you and your friends prayed. You seem so holy and close to God. Yet I’m still sick and alone and afraid! Ruth M. WalshCHURCH, PURPOSE OFDamnDate: 10/2008.101Tony Campolo tells of a story about a preacher correcting his inward looking church. "The problem," the preacher's voice boomed, "is that people are dying all over the world and you don't give a damn!" When he punched the final word, the crowd gasped. Women looked at each other, stunned. Kids sat at attention, afraid to budge. The elders eyes one another, sending silent but understood messages, "we have to meet soon!!" The minister continued slowly and with obvious pain, "The saddest part is..." He paused and started again. "The saddest part is that most of you are more upset that I used the word damn in church than you are that people are dying and going to hell."When was the last time you have a lost person over in your home?How many meaningful conversations did you have with non-Christians this week?Who are the nonbelievers you prayed for today?CHURCH, PURPOSE OFEvangelismDate: 4/2007.101Humor for Preaching & Teaching - Ed Rowell P66 A woman bought a parrot to keep her company. She took him home, but returned the bird to the store the next day. "This bird doesn't talk," she told the owner."Does he have a mirror in his cage?" asked the owner. "parrots love mirrors. They see themselves in the mirror and start up a conversation." The woman bought a mirror and left. The next day, she returned. The bird still wasn't talking."How about a ladder? Parrots love walking up and down the ladder. A happy parrot is more likely to talk." The woman bought a ladder and left. Sure enough, she was back the next day; the bird still wasn't talking."Does your parrot have a swing? If not that's the problem. He'll relax and talk up a storm." The woman reluctantly bought a swing and left.When she walked into the store the next day, her countenance had changed. "The parrot died," she said. The pet store owner was shocked."I'm so sorry. Tell me, did he ever say a word?" he asked."Yes, right before he died," the woman replied. "He said, "Don't they sell any food at that pet store?"CHURCH, PURPOSE OFLACK OF COURAGE James Hewitt - Illustrations UnlimitedOne of the bishops attending Vatican II later shared with a few colleagues a note from his personal journal: “Wisdom everywhere, courage nowhere. Dear Lord, we are dying of prudence.”CHURCH, SERVICE INLet The other do itDate: 1/2007.101AMG Bible Illustrations Book 1 #94 There is an incipient danger in thinking, since there are so many belonging to the Church, "Why not let George do it?" An eastern story tells of four brothers who decided to have a feast. As wine was rather expensive, they agreed that each one should bring an equal quantity and add it to the common stock. One of the brothers thought he might escape making his contribution by bringing water instead of wine. "It won't be noticed in the common wine jar," he reasoned. But when at the feast, the wine was poured out, it turned out not to be wine at all but plain water. All four brothers had thought alike. Each one had said, "Let the other do it."CHURCH, SERVICE INSomeone ElseDate: 1/2007.10112 Oct 2008 DCFC English "We have a dream..." Eph 4:11-13 - Candle in the DarknessThe church was bowed in grief this week to learn that one of our most valuable members. Someone Else, passed away. This death creates a vacancy that will be difficult to fill. Someone Else has been with us for many years. During all these years, he did far more than a normal person's share of the work. Whenever leadership was mentioned, this wonderful person was looked to for inspiration as well as results.Whenever there was a job to do, a class to teach or a meeting to attend - one name was on everyone's list: "Let Someone Else do it."Someone Else was also among the largest givers of the church. Whenever there was a financial need, everyone just assumed that Someone Else would make up the difference.This beloved church member was a wonderful person, sometimes appearing superhuman; but a person can only do so much. Everyone expected too much of Someone Else. Now Someone Else is gone. Who will pitch in to do the things that Someone Else has done? If you are asked to take a job in church, we hope you won't reply, "Let Someone Else do it." Now we need you to pick up where Someone Else left off.CHURCH, SERVING INDoing your partJune 17 2012 DCFC English [Worship Acceptable to God] Mal 3:6-12 A call to trust in a faithful GodThere is a story about a guy who came to church with his family. As they were driving home afterwards he was complaining about everything. He said, “The music was too loud. The sermon was too long. The announcements were unclear. The building was hot. The people were unfriendly.” He went on & on, complaining about virtually everything. Finally, his very observant son said, “Dad, you’ve got to admit it wasn’t a bad show for just a dollar.” CHURCH, SERVING INPot of WineJune 17 2012 DCFC English [Worship Acceptable to God] Mal 3:6-12 A call to trust in a faithful GodThere was an old story a king that was coming to visit a certain land. The people in the land were so excited that a king would grace their little village with his presence. They wanted to find a way to honor him, and decided to do so by giving him the best of their wine. Every person was to bring one cup of their best wine from home and they would all put it in one big pot, and when the king came he would taste the best wine from all the people. One person thought if everyone else is bringing their best then I could bring water, it won’t make a bit of difference with hundreds of others bringing their best. When the king arrived and tasted the wine, he discovered that it was all water. The king was not honored. CHURCH, SERVING INThe Little boy who wanted to fight firesDate: 8/2007.101Intense Illustrations - Jim Burns & Mike Devries P69 Once there was a little boy who ever since he could remember wanted to be a fireman. The shrill of the siren and deep rumble of the racing fire truck had filled his dreams almost every night. Deep in his heart there was a longing to someday be able to help people, to save people from the ravaging grasp of fire. It was not the whim of childhood fantasy; his was the unmistakable call of destiny.Growing up never changed his mind. To be sure, he had gone through all the indecisions and doubts of adolescence, the well meaning questions of friends and family who wondered whether he could be happy as a fireman. But he never wavered. He was meant to be a fireman. He was meant to put out fires. Oh how he longed for the day when he would no longer be a spectator but could participate actively as a firefighter.Finally the big day came when he could take the first real step to fulfill his lifelong dream arrived: He was accepted at one of the best firefighter schools in the country. His teachers were world renowned. For three years, he immersed himself in his schooling. he spent hours honing his skills on practice fires. he studied firefighting theory long into the nights. Still, after all these years, he had never fought a real fire. As graduation approached, however, he realized that long-awaited moment was within reach.Suddenly he began to have doubts. For the first time in his life, he was unsure, afraid and worse yet, questioning whether he ought to be a fireman at all. It was then that one of his professors suggested he travel to Europe and study under one of the greatest fireman theorists of all time, He would be recommended by his professors and would receive the finest training available. It would last for two years.The not-so-little boy decided to travel to Europe and for 2 years, he exhausted himself in dedicated study and became one of the most brilliantly educated firemen in the world. But all he had ever done was put out practice fires. Once again, graduation loomed before him and once again he was haunted by indecision. he knew all about fires and could tell anyone how to fight one; in fact, he knew so much, he began to feel that his superior knowledge did in fact place him a notch above the ordinary firemen. He became increasingly concerned that he might have to fight fires with uneducated firemen which could result in him being exposed to unnecessary danger.It was then that he was offered a position to teach at one of the most respected firemen schools in the country. he accepted and for 25 years he taught with honor, receiving worldwide recognition. When he died sometime later, someone found the memoirs he had written on his death bed. In them was this strange passage:I lie here today reviewing my life. I still remember my dream, my passion to be a fireman. More than anything else I wanted to put out fires, but I realized something today. I have never put out a real fire. never.CHURCH, STRIFE INCHURCH FIGHTS 12 June 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Extreme Makeover: Church Edition] 1 Cor 3:5-17 Rethinking the Ministry03 April 2016 QBC Chinese [Pace – Importance of the Word] Eph 4:1-1601 May 2016 QBC English [Pace – Importance of the Word] Eph 4:1-16?James Hewitt - Illustrations Unlimited??It often seems that the church is a place for contention, which seems to turn some people away. But some see fighting in the church as a healthy sign that people care enough to invest the energy in fighting. A few years ago two ministers got into a fight about what they considered to be an important doctrinal matter. They settled the fight when the first minister told the second: “Look, what are we fighting over? We’re both striving to do the Lord’s work. You do it your way and I’ll do it His way!”CHURCH, STRIFE INMaking Music TogetherDate: 10/2007.10114 Mar 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 4:1-16 How does the Church grow?2-4 Apr 2010 ACBC Revival Meeting (Mandarin) – [Growing in Love, Building the Church] Eph 4:1-16 The Growth of the Church03 April 2016 QBC Chinese [Pace – Importance of the Word] Eph 4:1-1601 May 2016 QBC English [Pace – Importance of the Word] Eph 4:1-16Fresh Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching - Leadership Journal - Ed Rowell P106The Atlantic Monthly (11/94) told about superstar tenors Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti performing together in Los Angeles. A reporter tried to press the issue of competitiveness between the three men. "You have to put all your concentration into opening your heart to the music," Domingo said. "You can't be rivals when you're together making music."That's also true in the churchCHURCH, STRIFE INMe Too! Date: 4/2007.101Youth Specialties - Hot Illustrations 14 Mar 2010 DCFC English Worship – [Building a Community in Christ] Eph 4:1-16 How does the Church grow?2-4 Apr 2010 ACBC Revival Meeting (Mandarin) – [Growing in Love, Building the Church] Eph 4:1-16 The Growth of the Church03 April 2016 QBC Chinese [Pace – Importance of the Word] Eph 4:1-1601 May 2016 QBC English [Pace – Importance of the Word] Eph 4:1-16A man was standing by the bridge when he saw a second man about to commit suicide by jumping from a high bridge. “Stop! Stop! Don't do it!” shouted the first man. “But I have nothing to live for,” said the second man. “Maybe I can help you,” the first man offered. “Are you religious?” asked the first man. “Yes I am!” replied the second. “Me too!” said the first. “Are you a Christian, Jewish, or Moslem?” “I'm Christian,” replied the second man. “Me too!” said the first man. “Are you Protestant or Catholic?” “I'm a Protestant,” replied the second man. “Me too! Are you Calvinist or Wesleyan?” “Calvinist,” replied the second man. “Me too! Are you liberal or conservative?” “Conservative, of course” replied the second man. “Me too! Evangelical or Fundamentalist?” “Evangelical,” replied the second man. “Me too! Charismatic, Reformed, or Baptist?” “Baptist,” replied the second man. “Me too!” said the first. “General Baptist, Conference Baptist, or Northern Baptist?” “Conference Baptist,” replied the second man. “Me too!” said the first man excitedly. “Conference Baptist of the 1932 Conference, or Conference Baptist of the 1946 Conference?” “Conference Baptist of the 1932 Conference!” replied the second man with a wide smile. “1932?” exclaimed the first man. “Then die, infidel heretic scum!” And the first man pushed the second man off the bridge.Where to Take It from Here...To categorize and stereotype each other is to hurt each other. When we spend our energy looking for what makes us different, instead of recognizing that God loves us all, we ignore God's command to love each other as we have been loved by God. Regardless of the labels we wear, we are all God's children, created in his image.CHURCH, STRIFE INIt Really Didn’t MatterCharles ColsonThe young people at Shively Christian Church, led at the time by Youth Pastor Dave Stone, were fiercely competitive with their neighbor, Shively Baptist, in all things, especially soft-ball. They were also serious about their Christianity, faithfully attending the summer Bible camp led by the youth pastor.One week the Bible lesson was about Jesus washing His disciples' feet, from John 13. To make the servanthood lesson stick, Pastor Stone divided the kids into groups and told them to go out and find a practical way to be servants."I want you to be Jesus in the city for the next two hours " he said. "If Jesus were here, what would He do? Figure out how He would help people."Two hours later the kids reconvened in Pastor Stone's living room to report what they had done.One group had done two hours of yard work for an elderly man. Another group bought ice cream treats and delivered them to several widows in the church. A third group visited a church member in the hospital and gave him a card. Another group went to a nursing home and sang Christmas carols—yes, Christmas carols in the middle of August. One elderly resident remarked that it was the warmest Christmas she could remember.But when the fifth group stood up and reported what they had done, everyone groaned. This group had made its way to none other than their arch rival, Shively Baptist, where they had asked the pastor if he knew someone who needed help. The pastor sent them to the home of an elderly woman who needed yard work done. There, for two hours, they mowed grass, raked the yard, and trimmed hedges.When they were getting ready to leave, the woman called the group together and thanked them for their hard work. "I don't"Shively Baptist!" interrupted Pastor Stone. "I sure hope you set her straight and told her you were from Shively Christian Church.""Why, no, we didn't," the kids said. We didn't think it mattered."CHURCH, WHAT IT ISCHURCH, WHAT ISBody - Jimmy DuranteThere's a wonderful story about Jimmy Durante, one of the great entertainers of a generation ago. He was asked to be a part of a show for World War II veterans. He told them his schedule was very busy and he could afford only a few minutes, but if they wouldn't mind his doing one short monologue and immediately leaving for his next appointment, he would come. Of course, the show's director agreed happily.But when Jimmy got on stage, something interesting happened. He went through the short monologue and then stayed. The applause grew louder and louder and he kept staying. Pretty soon, he had been on fifteen, twenty, then thirty minutes. Finally, he took a last bow and left the stage. Backstage someone stopped him and said, "I thought you had to go after a few minutes. What happened?"Jimmy answered, "I did have to go, but I can show you the reason I stayed. You can see for yourself if you'll look on the front row." In the front row were two men, each of whom had lost an arm in the war. One had lost his right arm and the other had lost his left. Together, they were able to clap, and that's exactly what they were doing, loudly and cheerfully.CHURCH, WHAT ISChurch is not for me August 13 2017 – QBC Chi [Christ & Community] Ro 12:1-8 Belonging to one bodySept 10 2017 – QBC Eng [Christ & Community] Ro 12:1-8 Belonging to one bodyAmy Ji shares this story of her experience in youth ministry. “After six years, I was annoyed with the whole Sunday school affair. Crazy action songs, kiddy puppet Bible stories. Even sweets for reciting the week’s memory verse no longer appealed to me. Youth ministry on the other hand sounds promising. The song they sung were loud and lively, they dressed well and sang passionately. In short, I thought they were very cool. But finally when I was old enough to go to youth ministry, it took me only three weeks to conclude: I hated the youth ministry. In the first week, the girls sitting behind me “whispered” nasty comments to each other about me. The second week a friend of mine got a boyfriend and abandoned me. In the third week, I overheard youth leaders discussing how to “deal” with the “hyperactive” me! I wasn’t the right fit for this youth ministry! I left in tears. A couple of months later, I had run out of excuses for not attending the youth service. Rather than incurring my mother’s wrath, I began visiting other church services that were being held at the same time. This went on for a year and a half. But I realize the cycle kept repeating itself. Visiting a new church, making new friends, discovering problems! This not only on my self confidence, but affected my belief in God. What was new and exciting at first became exhausting, to the point that I started to consider giving up my faith entirely. It was at this juncture that a youth leader from my home church invited me to a camp. Although I was struggling in my faith journey, I decided to go. One night, during the worship service, we sat in silence. After 30 minutes of trying not to fall asleep, suddenly these numbers appeared in my mind “27” and “4”. I had no idea which book I was supposed to flip to, so I went to the Psalms. Ps 27:4, “One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. As I read these words, I immediately felt rebuked. Why did I go to church in the first place? Whom did I go to see? Whom did I worship? What did I truly seek? Before I knew it, my eyes welled up with tears. That night I confessed my self centeredness and my pride to my group leader. I also sought forgiveness from God for my bitterness I had against those whom I felt had criticized or abandoned me. That episode taught me that church is not instituted to serve my needs or meet my desires! The very next week, I went back to my home church to serve as a small group leader in the youth ministry. I have been serving there ever since, 15 years and counting!Francis ChanFrancis Chan Goes Into Detail With Facebook Employees on Why He Left His MegachurchBestselling author Francis Chan recently exposed his heart to Facebook employees, detailing why he left the helm of his thriving megachurch in California seven years ago.Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California, was drawing around 5,000 people and growing in 2010. But Chan felt the megachurch he founded was not as God intended it to be."I got frustrated at a point, just biblically," Chan said during a?talk at the Facebook headquarters?in California last Thursday. "I'm going wait a second. According to the Bible, every single one of these people has a supernatural gift that's meant to be used for the body. And I'm like 5,000 people show up every week to hear my gift, see my gift. That's a lot of waste. Then I started thinking how much does it cost to run this thing? Millions of dollars!""So I'm wasting the human resource of these people that according to Scripture have a miraculous gift that they could contribute to the body but they're just sitting there quietly. … [T]hey just sit there and listen to me."Moreover, he felt the church wasn't following God's command to love one another — attendees would simply greet each other for 30 seconds and mainly hang out in cliques once a week."I was like, 'God, you wanted a church that was known for their love. You wanted a group of people where everyone was expressing their gifts. … We're a body. I'm one member, maybe I'm the mouth. But if the mouth is the only thing that's working and … I'm trying to drag the rest of the body along, chewing on the carpet …"His decision in 2010 to leave Cornerstone — which he started in his living room — came as a shock to many, including?fellow evangelical pastors. In his?announcement?to the congregation at that time, he said he had been feeling a restlessness and stirring to let go of the megachurch and take on a new adventure.He also indicated that he was wary of being "comfortable."In his talk at Facebook last week, he offered more details about why he made that decision to leave, including a desire to get away from the pride he began to feel as his book,?Crazy Love, became a bestseller and as he became a popular sought-after speaker."I freaked out during that time in my life," Chan recalled. "The pride … [going to] a conference and seeing my face on a magazine … and hearing whispers … and walking in the room and actually liking it."At one point, Chan felt convicted and realized he became everything he didn't want to be. "Everything you (God) said you hated, that's me right now," he realized. "I gotta get out of here. I'm losing my soul."Top of FormBottom of FormWanting to hide from "that weird celebrity thing," he also realized that he missed the old Francis Chan — "that stupid kid who fell in love with Jesus in high school and starts calling everyone in the yearbook that he knew to tell them about Jesus because he was so concerned about their eternal destiny."Chan stressed to the Facebook group that God hates pride and that one can easily lose humility.Today, Chan leads a house church movement in San Francisco called?We Are Church. There are currently 14 to 15 house churches, he said, and 30 pastors (two pastors per church) — all of whom do it for free. Each church is designed to be small so it's more like family where members can actually get to know one another, love one another and make use of their gifts."We've got a few hundred people now and it costs nothing," Chan explained. "And everyone's growing and everyone's having to read this book (Bible) for themselves and people actually caring for one another. I don't even preach. They just meet in their homes, they study, they pray, they care for one another. They're becoming the church and I'm just loving it and realizing that these 30 guys [are] leading this and the women as well."The people who join include "guys coming off the streets, out of prison to doctors and people that work here (Facebook) or Google," he said.He's hoping to double the number of house churches every year so that in 10 years, there would be 1.2 million people in We Are Church. And, he reiterated, it's all free.How would he compare the megachurch he once led to the current house church movement?"This one guy put it like this: It's like being adopted rather than being in an orphanage," Chan said. "Church the way I was doing was like an orphanage. Here's just a bunch of kids with one leader. And rather than saying 'No, you know what, we're going to put you in a home and these guys are going to actually know you and love you and care for you.'"It's just like family."Recalling a sober moment he had while at Cornerstone Church, Chan said he baptized a kid from a gang but that kid later left though he was quite involved in the church."One of my friends asked him, 'Hey, how come you're not at Cornerstone anymore?' He said 'I didn't understand church. When I was baptized, I thought that was going to be being jumped into the gang where it's like 24/7 they're my family, because I didn't know it was just somewhere we attend on Sundays."When Chan heard that, he said it made him sick."That makes me so sick that the gangs are a better picture of family than the church of Jesus Christ. I can't live with that. … We're going to do something different."While Chan said he loves what he's doing now, he admitted that it wasn't easy and that his former gig at the megachurch was easier in some aspects."Some days I think it was a lot easier when I could just preach, go back and drive off in my car and leave all of them like I will today," he said to laughter among the Facebook employees. "I don't have to care for your issues, you know? … I'll never see you again."This is easy. But you have this circle here and you're in each other's lives and no offense, it's not this Facebook — I can just put up what I want about myself. That's kind of like the way church was. It's like let me just show you this one side on Sunday morning and let me just show you the best pictures of me and my greatest accomplishments."But when it's family, it gets messy. And you start finding out people's dirt. Just like you know about your brother and sister every Thanksgiving. It's messy because it's family. That's what Christ wanted. And so we fight for it. And it's been a blast."As for what he does with all the money he earns through his bestselling books, Chan said he gives it all away.He had prayed to God years ago, saying he was frustrated with the rich people in church who only give 5 to 10 percent of their money to church while living off millions. He prayed that God would either raise up a new generation of rich people who would actually live for eternity and give all their money away or make him rich."I'll give it all away to show that you're better than all of that," Chan remembered praying. So when he surprisingly made a million dollars the next year through his book and continued to make more over the following years, he signed it all over to a charitable gift fund "so that I can't even touch it. I can't even buy lunch with the money … I can only give to charity."It's been the best thing. Now I spend my days going and looking where are the needs around the world and how can I contribute to it?" is large 13 2017 – QBC Chi [Christ & Community] Ro 12:1-8 Belonging to one bodySept 10 2017 – QBC Eng [Christ & Community] Ro 12:1-8 Belonging to one bodyI’ll say one thing for megachurches: they can afford quality.? The sermon was both entertaining and insightful, the super-loud music flawless (I declined the earplugs that were considerately offered at the welcome booth), and those parking volunteers got us in and out in record time.Yet the majority of Americans, like me, still attend churches with less than 200 members.? We show up on Sundays to hear less entertaining sermons and less professional music—though we have no trouble finding a parking place.? Why?? Smaller towns don’t have the option of megachurches, of course, and big crowds make some people nervous.? I found one more reason when I came across this paradoxical observation in G. K. Chesterton’s book?Heretics:The man who lives in a small community lives in a much larger world…. The reason is obvious.? In a large community we can choose our companions.? In a small community our companions are chosen for us.Precisely!? Given a choice, I tend to hang out with folks like me: people who have college degrees, drink dark roast coffee, listen to classical music, and buy their cars based on EPA gas mileage ratings.? Yet after a while I get bored with people like me.? Smaller groups (and smaller churches) force me to rub shoulders with everybody else.Henri Nouwen defines “community” as the place where the person you least want to live with always lives.? Often we surround ourselves with the people we?most?want to live with, which forms a club or a clique, not a community.? Anyone can form a club; it takes grace, shared vision, and hard work to form a community.The Christian church was the first institution in history to bring together on equal footing Jews and Gentiles, men and women, slaves and free.? The Apostle Paul waxed eloquent on this “mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God.”? By forming a community out of diverse members, Paul said, we have the opportunity to capture the attention of the world and even the supernatural world beyond.? (Ephesians 3:9-10)In some ways the church has sadly failed in this assignment.? (Yes, Billy Graham, 11 o’clock Sunday is still the most segregated hour in America.)? But even monochrome churches show diversity in age, education, and economic class.? Church is the one place I visit that brings together generations: infants still held at their mothers’ breasts, children who squirm and giggle at all the wrong times, responsible adults who know how to act appropriately at all times, and senior citizens who may drift asleep if the preacher drones on too long.I know one megachurch that tries to seat people based on their commonality: senior citizens down front where they can hear better, single adults over there where they can meet each other, families with young children in the back where they can exit quickly if the kids make noise.? That strikes me as all wrong.? I deliberately seek a congregation comprising people not like me, and I find such people less avoidable in smaller churches.hesterton’s insight about small communities appears in a chapter on “The Institution of the Family,” which gives a whole new slant on family values.??“The common defence of the family,”?he writes,?“is that, amid the stress and fickleness of life it is peaceful, pleasant, and at one.? But there is another defence of the family which is possible, and to me evident; this defence is that the family is not peaceful and not pleasant and not at one.”The smallest units in society, families offer an ideal laboratory in which to test out Chesterton’s principle that “the smaller the community, the larger the world.” ?Reflecting on my own family’s reunions, I must agree that the institution of the family forces me into close contact with characters I would otherwise avoid.? I have no choice about such encounters; we share a gene pool.Several of my family members have served stints in prison.? Some carry on feuds that go back generations.? A few spin elaborate tales to cover up unwed pregnancies.? Geographically, my family extends from Philadelphia to San Jose to Australia.? It includes a drug addict and a professional football player with an estranged gay son, a Ph.D. in Philosophy as well as several who never graduated from high school.? Methodists, Church of Christ, Unitarian/Universalists, Independent Baptists, atheists─they all come together at our reunions.I have learned more about grace, forgiveness, diversity─and, yes, social deviance─from my family than from all the theology books I have read.? Chesterton’s point, exactly.? Troublesome issues like divorce and homosexuality take on a different cast when you confront them not in a state legislature but at a family reunion.Those Christians who trumpet “family values” need to make clear that we are not proposing a lobotomized society of Stepford wives and their offspring.? We recognize that families consist of imperfect human beings.? We simply contend that the family, the smallest social unit, represents a good place to confront those imperfections.Some commentators have attacked the entire institution, blaming society’s problems on the dysfunctions of the family.? Such jeremiads miss the point: family is not a perfect institution by any means but simply a place that accepts its members on a single criterion, shared DNA.? From such a tiny group we can learn the principles of true community needed in larger groups.We have many examples of what happens when enlightened people get together and devise large institutions to improve on the family.? These social engineers want everyone to be alike, sharing common values and beliefs.? Consider extreme versions of the “politically correct” movement on university campuses.? Consider the thought police in Communist North Korea.? Making people more like they “ought to be” is the great experiment of modern times.Any parent could tell you that making just one child more like he or she “ought to be” is a dicey proposition at best.? If the smallest unit in society has trouble reforming individuals, should we trust the largest institution, the government?? Better to work things out in small communities, where we may have less choice about our companions─but so does everyone else.Small group & CommunityThis desire to know and be known, this desire for community is something innate. It something we cannot deny because it is based on who God is. We are made in the image of God, the imago Dei. So what is God like? The very nature of God is the Trinity and that reflects community. Three persons with one essence that is the very essence of God and a doctrine that Paul repeats throughout his writings, especially in this book! Our identity as Christians, as the Church is build upon the Triune nature of God. So being made in the image of God, we too desire community and God has chosen the Church to reflect this community. Not only that, the incarnation of Christ, itself is an act of community. Christ became man, became flesh, became like us, to model community for us. So brothers and sisters, Church must be a place where you do not stand alone. It must be a place where you are held accountable. So it is absurd to view ourselves as individual Christians, relating only to Christ and not to each other. It is wrong to come to this place and not get connected with others – this is not Church!We aim to build authentic community through small groups. We believe in the small group, it is a place where you can connect and build genuine relationships, that is a place where you can know and be known, a place where you serve and are served, a place where you love and are loved. It will be such a waste, if you to this place week-in and week-out and never experience community and never experience Church. Church is family.?CHURCH, WHAT IT ISThis is Church - SelfAugust 20 2017 – QBC Chi [Christ & Community] Ro 12:9-13 Loving bodySept 10 2017 – QBC Eng [Christ & Community] Ro 12:9-13 Loving bodyAfter I became a Christian, one of the best thing I experienced is church community! Especially when you go through trying times, church was especially sweet. As a young Christian, I struggled with some relationship issue and I had brothers who would meet up with me and talk. We would climb up to the roof of my hostel and he would play the guitar and we would be worshipping God under the moonlit sky. This is not just going to church, this is being church! When I was struggling as a young pastor, I had a community who gave my space to unload and prayed with me! Reminding me that despite all these challenges, my hope is in Christ. It is not I who can change lives, but Christ! He bears the burden of His ministry! I have been praying with them almost weekly for the last 10 years. I would not have survived in ministry without this community! This is not just going to church, this is being church! When my daughter had the blood issue at 18 months old, we were devastated! At one point we isolated ourselves at home because Kara’s immune system was down. But people turned up with food on our door steps – they didn’t come in or disturb us – just left it there. Somebody came up with a roster of cooking for us! Till this day, I know not who! And many people prayed for us – devoted to prayer and I was grateful beyond words to know that people care enough to bring our needs before the throne of our heavenly Father – to utter words when we had none! To demonstrate faith when we could not! Friends, this is not just going to church, this is church! At QBC, we are thankful for God’s provision of community who took us in when we just moved back into as strangers, treated us as family. I am truly thankful for a great bunch of young adults who care of our kids – you showed generosity and hospitality! This is not just going to church, this is being the church.We are the churchAugust 20 2017 – QBC Chi [Christ & Community] Ro 12:9-13 Loving bodySept 17 2017 – QBC Eng [Christ & Community] Ro 12:9-13 Loving bodyRafael Zhang’s article titled “The day I walked out of church” – It wasn’t so much a day as it was years, that I was feeling tired. But I did not get down to examining why. I felt that way. Finally one day in 2011, I decided to leave my cell and my church. That year, I was doing my final year paper in XXX. I was stressed out and overwhelmed and the XX of going to church finally got to me. XX, I felt relief after I stopped going to church. I remember waking up on Sunday mornings and realized that I could sleep in and not have to rush … to be on time for morning service. Not attending cell groups also meant I could use the time to do other things. I had so much more free time to myself. And I didn’t miss going to cell group at all. “As I left church, church came to me. In a form of two groups of Christians. We hung out, enjoyed one another’s company, celebrated one another’s birthdays. They gently encouraged me to go back to church without pushing me beyond what I was ready. They gave me space to work through my issues. Yet each time we met, I felt God’s presence through the love of the people showed to me. I felt accepted and embraced by them. During one of these meet up, someone asked me what it was like not going to church. I told them frankly about relief and freedom. But by this time, I was more objective about my issues. It was not cell group or church that was the problem, but my approach. I realized that I lost sight of the truth that going to cell group or church should be an expression of my love for God and His people, instead of being religious about it. Over time, I decided to go back to church and my old cell group. I made a commitment to love and serve them because they were the family God as called me to. I decided to be a blessing to them. I do this not because I want to earn God’s love but because I had experienced his love first. I have learned that going to church gives me opportunities to grasp the greatness of God and to mature in unity and mature in love for one another. I know firsthand that it is possible to go to church and not grow in one’s relationship with God and people. Therefore, rather than merely committing to going to church, let us remember to be church.We are the churchDate: 10/2008.10112 Oct 2008 DCFC English "We have a dream..." Eph 4:11-13 - Candle in the Darkness Craig GroeschelWe love this church because it is convenient for us.We go to this church because our kids love the day careThis church makes me feel better about myself"We are church shopping." Their words imply that they are consumers looking for some church to meet their needs. When they find a church they like, they join it. If one day this church no longer meets their needs, they leave, singing the national anthem of consumeristic church shoppers, "We're not getting fed! We are not growing!" Erwin McManus asked, "When will we realize that the church does not exist for us? We are the church and we exist for the world." ................

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