
P4Average SalesThis line graph shows the average sales for all comics over 12 months. As you can see, by looking at the trend line, the average sales that the business makes is around ?9,860.00. In some months the business performs well in terms of sales and in some months it does not.This line graph shows the average income for the entire business over 12 months. As you can see the business was generating around ?19,000.00 each month for 11 months and on the 12 month (March 2014) it generated around ?21,000.00, which is a dramatic increase.Above is a line graph showing the total sales for Comic/Title “A” over a period of 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that the sales has increased dramatically from ?8,800.00 to about ?9,390.00 over 12 months.Above is a line graph showing the total sales for Comic/Title “B” over a period of 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that the sales has increased slowly from ?6,200.00 to about ?7,000.00 over 12 months.Above is the total sales for Comic/Title “C” over a period of 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that the sales has decreased slowly from ?12,700.00 to about ?10,250.00 over 12 months.Above is a line graph showing the total sales for Comic/Title “D” over a period of 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that the sales has increased slowly from ?7,430.00 to about ?7,690.00 over 12 months.Above is a line graph showing the total sales for Comic/Title “E” over a period of 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that the sales has decreased slowly from ?19,800.00 to about ?19,700.00 over 12 months.Above is a line graph showing the total sales for Comic/Title “F” over a period of 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that the sales has increased dramatically from ?18,750.00 to about ?19,500.00 over 12 months.Above is a line graph showing the total sales for Comic/Title “G” over a period of 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that the sales has decreased dramatically from ?5,650.00 to about ?5,100.00 over 12 months.Above is a line graph showing the total sales for Comic/Title “H” over a period of 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that the sales has decreased slowly from ?6,650.00 to about ?6,350.00 over 12 months.Above is a line graph showing the total sales for Comic/Title “I” over a period of 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that the sales has increased dramatically from ?7,800.00 to about ?8,380.00 over 12 months.Above is a line graph showing the total sales for Comic/Title “J” over a period of 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that the sales has increased dramatically from ?4,790.00 to about ?5,400.00 over 12 months.Above is a line graph showing the retailer costs over 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that over time, the expenditure increased from ?47,000.00 to about ?54,000.00.Above is a line graph showing the Author/translator costs over 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that over time, the expenditure increased from ?9,400.00 to about ?13,500.00.Above is a line graph showing the editing/proofreading costs over 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that over time, the expenditure increased from ?18,900.00 to about ?21,900.00.Above is a line graph showing the publisher costs over 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that over time, the expenditure increased from ?47,000.00 to about ?54,900.00.Above is a line graph showing the average expenses (excluding publisher costs) for the entire business over 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that over time, the average expenditure increased from ?28,500.00 to about ?33,000.00.Above is a line graph showing the printing expenses over 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that over time, the expenditure increased from ?21,000.00 to about ?33,000.00.Above is a line graph showing the distribution costs over 12 months. As you can see, the trend shows that over time, the expenditure increased from ?37,200.00 to about ?43,500.00.Above is a pie chart showing the average expenses (excluding publisher costs) for the entire business over 12 months. As you can see, the best performing month is March 2014.Above is a bar chart showing is the best performing comic in terms of average monthly sales over 12 months. As you can see, the best performing comic is Title “E” with generating about ?20,000.00 in terms of sales over 12 months.Above is a bar chart showing the best performing month in terms of average sales. As you can see, the best performing month is February 2014, generating about ?9,990.00 in terms of sales.P5Restricting data entry (hiding information)35780911021124333461410348930303966939I decided to hide the rows that include the cover cost and the name of the authors. These values are linked to the drop down menus for the cover cost and name authors. By hiding these rows, no one can mess around with figures.119270723928As you can see above, the rows are hidden. Just by looking at the row number you can easily tell if the rows are hidden.1351721220746I also decided to hide the row 13 and 14 which is the publisher profit and whether it is over 41K or not. By hiding these rows, other people cannot know how much profit the publisher is making if we were to present the figures to someone.Protecting worksheets and cellsThis was completed in Assignment 1, please refer to Assignment 1 for more information.Modifying toolbars and menus-1714504679940044386502620645The modifications that were carried out to the toolbar and menu for excel involved going in to excel options and then customise ribbon. The box developer had to be ticked in order to enable developer mode. Developer mode meant that I can now record macros and create buttons that play those macros.Data validationThis was completed in Assignment 1, please refer to Assignment 1 for more information.Range checkingThis was completed in Assignment 1, please refer to Assignment 1 for more information.Ensure certain cells are not nullBy unticking this box, this does not allow any blank boxes to be left for the sales figures. It would not be necessary to be apply this validation rule on any other spreadsheets because it is only the sales spreadsheet where the data is entered by someone. The rest of spreadsheets requires formulas to be used.As you can see, I received an error message when I tried to leave a cell blank.Input MessagesThis is my input message for the data validation I set for sales spreadsheet.This is my input message I set for cover cost where I decided to a list box of data for revenue spreadsheet.This is my input message I set for the expenses figures for the expenses and profit spreadsheet. Error MessagesThis is my error alert for the data validation I set for sales spreadsheet.This is my error alert I set for cover cost where I decided to a list box of data for revenue spreadsheet.This is my error alert I set for the expenses figures for the expenses and profit spreadsheet. P62923644249817800As you can see, I have added the button view graph menu to my main menu. This means that users can navigate straight from my main menu to my graph menu and from then on view my different graphs.Above you can see my graph menu which contains all my buttons to navigate to any graph the user wishes to see, I have even included a button to navigate back to the main menu.4731488157800500477401890815200When clicking on the button to see the graph, the graph is then brought up. Besides the graph I have two buttons, one navigates back to the graph menu and one navigates back to the main menu. ................

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