Orbital Test Cases - HPP

Chase Paymentech Orbital Certification Test Cases Hosted PaymentsTest Case Version 1.5January 26, 2015Table of Contents TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u \t "Heading 2,2" Certification Credentials PAGEREF _Toc410053844 \h 2Certification Instructions PAGEREF _Toc410053845 \h 3Main Test Cases PAGEREF _Toc410053846 \h 4Additional API Test Cases PAGEREF _Toc410053847 \h 6Additional Test Information PAGEREF _Toc410053848 \h 9Certification CredentialsCompany NameWollnerMerchant Number (MID)700000010640Terminal Number (TID)001BIN Number000002Certification Case Number3007146Virtual Terminal URL Name Orbital Gateway Hosted Payment Integration GuideSpecification/API/SDK Version1.04End of Day Settlement MethodManually using VT, Auto-Settle, End of Day Transaction Virtual Terminal UsernameWOLLNER234Virtual Terminal PasswordSee noteHosted Payment Secure Account IDcpt575756735168SBHosted Payment Secure API Tokene26bd1bd072d25dfe892ef78842e75daHosted Pay Page (HPP) URL Pay Form (HPF) URL and Guides System Support EmailOrbitalCertification@Certification Instructions***If all instructions are not followed your pass will be rejected***Only perform the transactions that apply to your business. For example:If you support “Store Only”, complete all test cases for “store_only” transactions.If you support “Store Authorize”, complete all tests cases for “store_authorize” transactions.If you support “Auth Only”, complete all tests cases for “auth_only” transactions.If you support “Auth Capture”, complete all tests cases for “auth_capture” transactions.If you do not support a specific feature (AVS, CVV, PC2, PC3) complete the transaction anyway, but omit the unsupported feature.If your application requires AVS or CVV on all transactions, send this data on all on all transactions.If you support additional items like Comments or Soft Descriptors, send this data on all applicable transactions.Use only the account numbers provided in the table below:Card BrandBINRangeLast 4ChaseNet 4011361100000012Visa 4788250000028291Visa PC2 / PC3 4055011111111111MC 5454545454545454MC PC2 / PC3 5405222222222226Amex 371449635398431Discover 6011000995500000Diners36438999960016JCB 3566002020140006Email the completed Test Cases to OrbitalCertification@Main Test CasesTransaction TypesSection A is store_only – This will create a profile on the Orbital Gateway and return a Customer Reference number for later authorization use.Section B is store_authorize with auth_only – This will create a profile on the Orbital Gateway and perform an Authorization-Only transaction. In order to capture these funds, you must manually mark the transaction for capture through the Virtual Terminal or perform a Mark for Capture request through one of the other Orbital Gateway API’s. For Purchase Card Level 2 or 3 (PC2/PC3) Support, include the Purchase Card data in the Mark For Capture requests via an additional API.Section C is auth_only: The following transactions should be run through the HPP or HPF as auth_only with the information requested below. The Response codes received should be recorded in the appropriate columns. In order to capture these funds, you must manually mark the transaction for capture through the Virtual Terminal or perform a Mark for Capture request through one of the other Orbital Gateway API’s. For Purchase Card Level 2 or 3 (PC2/PC3) Support, include the Purchase Card data in the Mark For Capture requests via an additional API.Section D is store_authorize with auth_capture – This will create a profile on the Orbital Gateway and Authorize & Capture the amount for settlement. These are sale transactions that are authorized and captured for settlement, no need to capture via another process.Section E auth_capture The following transactions should be run through the HPP or HPF as auth_capture with the information requested below. The Response codes received should be recorded in the appropriate columns. These are sale transactions that are authorized and captured for settlement, no need to capture via another process.Test CasesACardTran TypeAmtAVSCVVDetailsCustomer Ref #Timestamp EST1ChaseNetstore_onlyN/AN/AN/APopulate name, address, zip2Visastore_onlyN/AN/AN/APopulate name, address, zip453380852015-03-03 03:00:243MCstore_onlyN/AN/AN/APopulate name, zip4Amexstore_onlyN/AN/AN/APopulate name, zip, email5Discoverstore_onlyN/AN/AN/APopulate name, zip6JCBstore_onlyN/AN/AN/APopulate name, zipBCardTran TypeAmtAVSCVVDetailsCustomer Ref #TransId1ChaseNetstore_authorize with auth_only35.00N/A111Populate name, zip 2Visastore_authorize with auth_only40.00N/A111Populate name, zip 4533810354F523F9CCCADFDE45D46055CC2024BA5146533A3Visastore_authorize with auth_only45.00N/A111Populate name, zip 4Visastore_authorize with auth_only38.01N/A111Populate name5Visa PC2store_authorize with auth_only55.00N/A111Populate name, zip, with tax6Visa PC3store_authorize with auth_only60.00N/A222Populate name, address, zip, with tax7MCstore_authorize with auth_only70.00N/A222Populate name, zip8MCstore_authorize with auth_only75.00N/A222Populate name, zip9MC PC2store_authorize with auth_only80.00N/A111Populate name, zip, no tax10MC PC3store_authorize with auth_only90.00N/A222Populate name, zip, with tax11Amexstore_authorize with auth_only25.00N/A2222Populate name, address, city, state, zip, email12Amexstore_authorize with auth_only11.02N/A1111Populate name, zip, email13Discoverstore_authorize with auth_only65.00N/A222Populate name, zip, email14JCBstore_authorize with auth_only35.00N/AN/APopulate name, zipCCardTran TypeAmtAVS ZipCVVDetailsCustomer Ref #TransId1ChaseNet auth_only35.00L6L2X91112Visaauth_only40.00L6L2X9111N/A54F5247AFA1EE485289412BBB69507C1DB2453563Visaauth_only45.00L6L2X91114Visaauth_only38.01333331115Visa PC2auth_only55.0044444111With tax6Visa PC3auth_only60.0044444222With Tax7MCauth_only70.00L6L2X92228MCauth_only75.00L6L2X92229MC PC2auth_only80.0066666111No tax10MC PC3auth_only90.0077777222With tax11Amexauth_only25.00L6L2X9222212Amexauth_only11.0211111111113Discoverauth_only65.002222222214JCBauth_only35.00DCardTran TypeAmtAVSCVVDetailsCustomer Ref #TransId1ChaseNetstore_authorize with auth_capture35.00222Populate name, zip2Visastore_authorize with auth_capture40.00222Populate name, zip4533822154F524BBD983B32321338C801F9C5A03986453213Visastore_authorize with auth_capture45.00222Populate name, zip4Visastore_authorize with auth_capture38.01111Populate name5MCstore_authorize with auth_capture70.00666Populate name, zip6MCstore_authorize with auth_capture75.00666Populate name, zip7Amexstore_authorize with auth_capture25.002222Populate name, address, city, state, zip8Amexstore_authorize with auth_capture30.002222Populate name9Amexstore_authorize with auth_capture11.022222Populate name, zip, email10Discoverstore_authorize with auth_capture65.00222Populate name, address, city, state, zip, email11Discoverstore_authorize with auth_capture70.00222Populate name, zip12JCBstore_authorize with auth_capture35.00Populate name, zip13JCBstore_authorize with auth_capture40.00Populate name, zipECardTran TypeAmtAVS ZipCVVDetailsCustomer Ref #TransId1ChaseNetauth_capture40.00L6L2X9111AVS2Visaauth_capture30.00L6L2X9111N/A54F524E42E66ECE3AAE33101FF72ED64BA0B534D3Visaauth_capture35.00L6L2X91114Visaauth_capture38.01333331115MCauth_capture41.00444443336MCauth_capture46.00444443337MCauth_capture11.02L6L2X96668Amexauth_capture1055.00L6L2X911119Amexauth_capture75.0066666222210Discoverauth_capture10.007777711111Discoverauth_capture63.03L6L2X944412JCBauth_capture29.00Additional API Test CasesTransaction TypesSection F is for Auth-Only Transactions - Message Type “A”: The following transactions should be run as auth-only with the customer reference number of a profile that was created above. Enter the customer reference number used, and the response codes received in the appropriate columns.Section G is for Auth-Capture Transactions - Message Type “AC”: The following transactions should be run as auth-Capture with the customer reference number of a profile that was created above. Enter the customer reference number used, and the response codes received in the appropriate columns.Section H is for Mark for Capture: The following transactions will mark the previous auth only transactions for capture. The number corresponds to the number of the authorization previously completed in Section A. If you only support full capture please capture the full amount from the original transaction and notate the capture amount in the Amt field.Section I is for Return Transactions: The following transactions should be completed as returns, with all standard transaction data. Section J is for Force: The following transactions should be completed as voice auths/prior sales, with all standard transaction data, and additional information as requested. Use approval codes as listed in the table below.Section K is for Voids: The following transactions are void of previously completed transactions. If supporting Online Authorization Reversal please indicate if the setting will be set up in the VT or sent in your void request. Please review the spec for more information as to what card type and transaction type allow for this.Section L is for Retry Logic: When processing transactions over the internet, there is a risk that a response to a request will not be received. To address this problem and avoid duplicate authorizations, we offer Retry Logic. Retry logic is HIGHLY recommended. For more information please review the Retry Logic section of the Orbital Gateway API specification to which you are coding. Please follow the scripts below to certify for retry logic. Perform the transactions below as Auth-Only, Auth-Capture, Refund, or Force-Capture.Test CasesFCardTran TypeAmtAVSCVVDetailsCustomer Ref #TxRefNum1ChaseNetauth-only35.001112Visaauth-only30.001114533808554F525152A2F2AA8B1D8E7880EBE1BD845A953A63Visaauth-only35.001114Visaauth-only0.005Visa PC2 auth-only40.00111With Tax6Visa PC3 auth-only55.00111With Tax7MCauth-only11.026668MCauth-only11.006669MCauth-only0.0010MC PC2 auth-only60.00666No tax11MC PC3auth-only70.00666With tax12Amexauth-only75.00222213DSauth-only10.0014JCBauth-only29.00GCardTran TypeAmtAVSCVVDetailsCustomer Ref #TxRefNum1ChaseNetauth-capture35.001112Visaauth-capture30.001114533808554F52567C7938344234FD006E9096119A4D153723Visaauth-capture35.001114Visa PC2auth-capture55.00With tax5Visa PC3auth-capture60.00With tax6MCauth-capture11.026667MCauth-capture11.006668MC PC2 auth-capture80.00111No tax9MC PC3auth-capture90.00With tax10Amexauth-capture75.00222211DSauth-capture10.0012JCBauth-capture29.00HCardTran TypeAmtAVSCVVDetailsCustomer Ref #TxRefNum1ChaseNetMark for Capture35.00B-12VisaMark for Capture40.00B-23Visa PC2 Mark for Capture55.00B-4, With tax4Visa PC3 Mark for Capture60.00B-5, With tax5MCMark for Capture35.00B-6, split capture $356MC PC2 Mark for Capture80.00B-8, No tax7MC PC3 Mark for Capture90.00B-9, With tax8AmexMark for Capture25.00B-109VisaMark for Capture40.00C-110Visa PC2 Mark for Capture55.00C-4, With tax11Visa PC3 Mark for Capture60.00C-5, With tax12MCMark for Capture35.00C-6, split capture $3554F523F9CCCADFDE45D46055CC2024BA5146533A13MC PC2 Mark for Capture80.00C-8, No tax14MC PC3 Mark for Capture90.00C-9, With tax15AmexMark for Capture25.00C-1016VisaMark for Capture30.00F-117Visa PC2 Mark for Capture40.00F-4, With tax18Visa PC3 Mark for Capture55.00F-5, With tax19MC PC2 Mark for Capture60.00F-9, No tax20MC PC3 Mark for Capture70.00F-10, With tax21AmexMark for Capture75.00F-1122DSMark for Capture10.00F-1223JCBMark for Capture29.00F-13ICardTran TypeAmtAVSCVVDetailsCustomer Ref #TxRefNum1ChaseNetReturn16.002VisaReturn12.003MCReturn11.004AmexReturn1055.005DSReturn10.006JCBReturn29.00JCardTran TypeAmtAVSCVVAuth CodeCustomer Ref #TxRefNum1VisaForce Capture12.00Auth Code: 6545442MCForce Capture11.00Auth Code: 1589453AmexForce Capture1055.00Auth Code: 1985434DSForce Capture10.00Auth Code: 0987565JCBForce Capture29.00Auth Code: 098757KCardTran TypeAmtAVSCVVDetailsCustomer Ref #TxRefNum1B-2Void45.002B-7Void75.003C-2Void45.004C-6VoidN/AVoid remaining amount $355C-7Void75.006D-2Void45.007D-5Void75.008D-7Void30.009D-10Void70.0010D-12Void40.0011E-2Void35.0012E-5Void46.0013F-2Void35.0014F-7Void11.0015G-2Void35.0016G-7Void11.0017H-4Void35.0018I-1Void12.0019J-1Void12.00LCardTran TypeAmtAVSCVVDetailsOrder ID, Trace #TxRefNum1Visa Auth5.00First Attempt1bVisa AuthSecond Attempt2MCAuth6.00First Attempt2bMCAuthSecond Attempt3Amex Auth7.00First Attempt3bAmex AuthSecond Attempt4DiscoverAuth8.00First Attempt4bDiscoverAuthSecond Attempt5JCB Auth9.00First Attempt5bJCB AuthSecond AttemptAdditional Test InformationTest System Availability The test system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.The test system is monitored M-F, 8am-5pm Eastern Time.Questions not requiring escalation or research will receive responses within 24 hours.Questions that must be escalated or researched may exceed 24 hours. Questions or issues that occur outside of monitored hours will be reviewed on the following business day.Certification TimeframesAll timeframes listed below are an estimate of Chase Paymentech response times during the certification process. Time required for your own development is NOT included in these timeframes. Expectations for certification and live dates should be set accordingly.1st Pass Test Case Review Period: 7 Business Days from the business day the pass is received.Additional Test Case Review Period: 2 Business Days from the business day the pass is received.Inactivity If we have not heard from you about your case within 2 weeks we will issue an inactivity notice. If you we have not heard from you about your case within 2 more weeks, your case will be closed. If your case is closed, you must request a new case from your account or solutions manager.Trigger AmountsThis is list of trigger amounts is set up on our TEST host only. These amounts do not apply to the live environment. If you have any questions please contact OrbitalCertification@. AmountResponse MessageHost ResponseComments$3.00No Responsen/aMimics a time-out$155.00No Responsen/aMimics a time-out$x.01AUTH DECLINED05?$x.02CALL VOICE OPER01?$x.03HOLD - CALL04?$x.04CALL VOICE OPER19?$x.05INVALID CARD NUMBER14?$x.06INVALID EXPIRY DATE54?$x.07INVALID ICA NUMBER15?$x.08INVALID ABA NUMBER15?$x.09INVALID PIN38?$x.10INVALID MERCHANT03?$x.11INVALID TERMINAL NUMBER03?$x.12INVALID AMOUNT13?$x.13INVALID STATE CODE12?$x.14INVALID TRAN FORMAT01?$x.15CALL VOICE OPER01?$x.16LOST / STOLEN CARD43?$x.17INVALID PIN38?$x.18OVER CREDIT FLOOR01?$x.19*REQUEST DENIED*05?$x.20NOT ONLINE TO AUTH01?$x.21APPL ERR SAODSP 002105?$x.22APPL ERR SAODSP 002205?$x.23APPL ERR SAODSP 002305?$x.24APPL ERR SAODSP 002405?$x.25APPL ERR SAODSP 002505?$x.59DECLINED PER CARDHOLDER17$x.92APPL ERR SAODSP 009205?$x.93APPL ERR SAODSP 009305?$x.94APPL ERR SAODSP 009405?$x.97APPL ERR SAODSP 009705?$x.98APPL ERR SAODSP 009805?$x.99APPL ERR SAODSP 009905?$19.58 returns a D in the Auth Code?VISA ONLY> $999,999.99INVALID FIELD IN MESSAGE30Host Max Amt is 999,999.99$98.26 to 98.91PSERV=N; Downgrade Reason = NP?VISA ONLY< $1INVALID AMOUNT13DISCOVER ONLYCVV Trigger ValuesThis list of values is set up on the Test host only. These values do not apply to the live environment. If you have any questions about the values returned please contact OrbitalCertification@. CVV ValueDescriptionResponse CodeComments111Match.M222No Match.N333Not Processed.P444Should have been present.S555Issuer unable to process request.U or N666NoneNone777Decline TranN2222Match Y or MAmex Only1111No Match NAmex Only9999Not Processed UAmex OnlyUnknown?NAVS Trigger ValuesThis list of values is set up on the Test host only. These values do not apply to the live environment. If you have any questions about the values returned please contact OrbitalCertification@. AVS ValueDescriptionResponse CodeComments11111FZip No Match / Zip4 No Match / Locale match33333GNo match at all444446System unavailable or time-out555557Address information unavailable66666HZip Match / Locale match77777X or ZZip Match / Locale no match888884Issuer does not participate in AVSL6L2X9Different values will be kicked back for this postal codeNote:Any expiration date can be used for each of these cards, as long as it is after the testing date. ................

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