
Minutes of a meeting of Ludgershall Parish Council held at Ludgershall Memorial Hallon Thursday 20th February 2020 at 8.08 p.m.Present: Cllr P ThomasCllr.S.LawsonCllr. J. GossCllr. LewinCllr. Jones Also present: Parish Clerk: Bobs Damerell; 6 members of the public The meeting was opened to the public:A resident requested a hard copy of Parish Council’s financial reports and for a copy to be available at each meeting. The clerk agreed to provide a copy to the resident, however also reminded all that copies are available prior to each meeting on the Parish Council website. It is also clearly stated in the Agenda that should anyone want a copy they can request this from the clerk either via email or by post. Meeting commenced at 8:08pmApologies – District Cllr Branston, County Cllr MacphersonDeclarations of Interest – Cllr Jones declared an interest in the planning application for 6 Wootton End.The Minutes from the meeting 9th January 2020 were approvedFinance Account Balances: The balances for the Lloyds Bank accounts are as follows: Treasurers Account?7,319.09(as of 31st December 2019) Deposit Account ?2,511.21(as of 31st December 2019) Village Green Acct?37,780.95(as of 31st December 2019) Play Area Account?34,993.25(as of 31st December 2019)33.2 Payments: RESOLVED to make the following payments from the Treasurers Account: Cheques paid at meeting:Clerk Salary - ?276.35RESOLVED to make the following payments from the Play Area Account: 2019 Draw:1st Prize - ?50 cheque No. 2422nd Prize - ?35 cheque No. 2433rd Prize - ?25 cheque No. 2444th Prize - ?20 Cheque No. 2451st Prize - ?50 Cheque No. 2462nd Prize - ?35 Cheque No.2473rd Prize - ?25 Cheque No. 2484th Prize - ?20 Cheque No. 24933.4 Income - RESOLVED to note income: Treasurers Account: Please see finance spreadsheet available on the website or by request from clerkVillage Green Account: Interest ?3.09;Savings Account: Interest: ?0.22Play Area Account: Please see finance spreadsheet available on the website or by request from clerk33.5 Income and Expenditure reportRESOLVED to approve both Income and Expenditure Reports dated 31st January 2020. Police Matters – nothing to report.Parish Council Business Parking area outside Bull & Butcher – Positive response from the public. The grass seed option was popular with the residents. Cllr Thomas has been researching quotes for different surface options and will look to present at the next meeting. Next step is to have an actual plan drafted. Cllr Thomas proposed approaching an engineer to draw up plans, Cllr Goss seconded, and decision was unanimously agreed. PT also to approach Helena Cox. PC also to investigate curbing at either end to stop cars from using adjacent driveways.Travellers prevention – Cllr Goss stressed importance of access points for mowers and grass cutting. The vulnerable areas were identified as the pond, Bicetser road and area adjacent to Pennwood. The area is approximately 575m. Cllr Lawson presented three quotes:ABC - ?23.93/m +VATDM Fencing – ?30/m (750 posts - ?45,000 + VAT)Henry Bosley - ?20/m (?13,530)Cllr Lewin proposed using Henry Bosley, Cllr Jones seconded, and decision was unanimously approved. The posts would also need to be 2m from the road side. The PC would also need to ensure a maintenance plan was also put in place.Storage Container update – Cllr Thomas confirmed he would continue to chase.Brook on Duck Lane – Brook is flowing much more freely. Also thanks to Cllr Goss for clearing the ditch and easing flow on Wootton End.Village Green update / VG policy and practices used by other Parishes – Cllr Lewin drafted document and is now checking the history and facts of the Village Green. Cllr Lewin suggested putting on hold reviewing and adopting by PC until after the Village Green and Common Land course. Cllr Lewin also to book onto course.The resident of Whitehaven questioned the validity of the letter received from the Parish Council in regards to the stakes on the Village Green outside Whitegables. This is due to the other objects on the Village Green which the Parish Council has neither granted permission for nor has queried. As such the resident stated that he is being discriminated against and would not remove the stakes while the Parish Council ignores the other items. The Parish Council agreed and decided to put the decision on hold until the Village Green Policy is agreed and then all cases can be reviewed fairly. After this a standard letter can also be drafted. Cllr Goss also stated that the mower would need servicing by Steve Fox, at Grendon Underwood.Pond / Trees Update – Cllr Goss provided a quote for the willows by Wayside and by the pond. JG to source two more quotes. Cllr Jones provided three quotes: David Grant - ?5.35/lb carpTony Campbell - ?4.39/lb carpDavid - ?5.00/lb carpThe cost to the Parish Council would be ?1,248. Cllr Thomas proposed, Cllr Goss seconded, decision adopted unanimously.Update from Play Area Committee and 200 Club Results – Cllr Lewin updated the events that there would be a pancake day on 25 February. Pressure washing will be carried out on 4th March. Work is still scheduled to commence on 16 March. Extra equipment has been ordered in order to ensure grant from Wren remains at ?50,000. Funding agreement from Wren should arrive in next two weeks.36.0Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) – No Update36.1 Buckinghamshire County Council – No update37.0 Planning .uk/planningapplications37.1Members noted the status of the following previous applications:Application numberLocationDescription of DevelopmentCurrent Status19/03852/ATPBrookside, Wootton EndT1 Ash - fell to allow more natural light into garden and property tree within 2m of property T2 Ash - overall crown reduction back to previous pruning cuts to allow light in to property T3 Beech - Fell dead Tree Awaiting decision19/03533/APPThe Rosary, High StreetDemolition of existing garage and erection of two storey side extension Awaiting decision19/A1041/DISBridge End, Salters LaneSubmission of details pursuant to Condition 3 (materials) 4 (Landscape) & 6 (Bat boxes) relating to Planning Permission 19/01041/APPAwaiting Decision19/04081/APPLand At Westhaven And Green View The Green Erection of three detached dwellings with garaging, parking and amenity space.Awaiting DecisionLand adjacent to 6 Wootton End – Cllr Jones left the meeting for this planning application:Concern was raised at the narrow access on to a dangerous bend. The application has been refused twice. Cllr Lewin proposed to object, Cllr Goss seconded. Decision was unanimous.Fairfield, Salters LaneConcern over necessity of having a 7.5ft fence when original 6ft fence. Cllr Thomas proposed objection to stop a precedent being set in the parish as no need to have fences over 6ft. Cllr Lewin seconded, decision was unanimous.38.0 Date of next meetings: 2nd April 202014th May 2020 (Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting)25th June 202030th July 202010th September 202022nd October 20203rd December 2020Meeting closed at 9:44 pm. The following remarks were then received from the floor: A resident questioned the decision over the stakes at Whitegables. The clerk explained that the Parish Council could not pursue this issue without pursuing all items on the Village Green. As the Council is drafting a policy it makes sense to delay the decision on Whitegables and other items in order to then treat these and all subsequent queries equally under the same criteria.Signed ……………………………………………………………. Date …………………………………………….. Chairman ................

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