
262_2021.05.25Thu, 5/27 8:13AM ? 1:38:31SUMMARY KEYWORDSvaccine, state, section, constitution, rights, information, find, privacy act, page, incentives, fines, government, health, court, question, people, vaccination, new south wales, offering, article00:01Good evening everyone and welcome to the no you're right show streaming live on the internet over the rat FM network. Our show is proudly sponsored by a web gate IT solutions stretching your it dollar further. If anyone's looking at it experts, please do be sure to contact the guys at a webgate dotnet.au. And of course, we do have our three regular show sponsors. Now in addition to our longtime sponsor, greener cleaner, we are also being officially sponsored now by alkaline health and of course verano resort in Noosa. You can find out more about all three sponsors via the links on our Help page. And we urge you to check out the great range of products that granite cleaner has, make sure you're booking for a session with Phil at alkaline health. And if anyone's looking for a relaxing bike, please do be sure to check out verano resort in Noosa. And of course a reminder to mention the know your rights group to receive a 10% discount on all bookings made direct with them. So with our show sponsors covered as always, my name is Mike, I'm joined again by Dell is back live in the studio with us. How are you? Good. Very good. How are you, ma'am? So he is still alive, still kicking. That's the main thing. So they told me. And Darren's mind the big trick over as well, hey, lights, good night and a happy AstraZeneca cheese day it might01:18not even gonna go they're not even going to go there. At the start of the show, we formed the know your rights group coming up to seven years ago now. And during that time, we have been desperately attempting to find new ways to wake people up to the truth in regards to what's really going on in the world. And falling out of people's liberties and freedoms are being eradicated at an absolutely alarming rate. It does seem like some people are finally starting to wake up now and of course wanting to learn about their rights, which is fantastic. Now as long as people do continue to slowly but surely wake up to the truth, we will continue running these shows as regularly as we can, and doing our bit to teach them about their rights and of course trying to restore our freedoms. And finally, before we get started another important reminder that we have now moved over, essentially from our Facebook group to the me we platform, we do also have a telegram group and a gab account as well as a bit shoot account to replace our YouTube account which we can no longer use. So again, please do be sure to follow us on at least one of our uncensored platforms or the big shoot big shoot me we telegram or gab so that when the inevitable does happen, we don't lose you. Of course reminder, we have had yet another video deleted by YouTube recently, which means that we can't physically post at all for two weeks, and the same so we can't post any other videos for another three months. Because basically, if we say anything that they don't like, they're just gonna delete our whole channel. And we don't want to lose that because there is a lot of information up there, especially for newbies. So just a reminder, there'll be no future uploads to YouTube for at least three months. So we urge you to please follow us on bit shoot, just do a search for know your rights group. And all of our videos will come up and you can watch any that you've missed, as well as any future ones that will now of course be missing from YouTube. And in order to help protect our presence on Facebook for as long as possible. We are of course going to have to limit what we can say about COVID and vaccines on our live via updates moving forwards, just to ensure we can keep posting those videos to Facebook each week. And what we have done now of course is revert back to our weekly radio shows where we can cover a lot more in depth controversial information on these shows, because of course, they are completely uncensored. So moving forwards, these radio shows and live video updates really will work together hand in hand. So please do be sure to keep on top of both. Again, I want to acknowledge and understand that many of you are brand new to our group to our show to our website. But please do spend some time looking through all the information that we've already created over the past seven years. And we do ask you to please refrain from trying to correspond with us via Facebook Messenger or YouTube. We do so the occasional message or comment here or there. But the best way to get hold of us is via email. But again, we can only answer very basic questions via email. As I said before, with all due respect, we are here to help but we're not your on call lawyers. So if you do want a personalised response to your questions, the only way to do that is to book a one on one coaching call, which you can do via the links on the top left of our shop page. And reminder, please do provide all of the details in red at the bottom of that booking page. We have caught up on almost all of our coaching calls now which is great. That's still a couple more to go. We just got a few limited time ranges that have been given to us but we do hope to get on top of those. So if you do want any personalised one on one coaching calls do booked up On line, and we'll do our best to get hold of you as soon as possible. All right, in any event back to our show. For those keeping track this there are 200 and 62nd broadcast, I would of course like to welcome any new listeners to the show, and indeed extend a very warm welcome back to all of our regular listeners as well. That also means that there is, of course, a brand new podcast CD to add to collection after 260 shows you can get that as a single CD, to add to your existing collection, or you can purchase our entire podcast CD pack at a great discount and get all 260 of our shows at once. For those of you who are new to the show, and perhaps to our website, you'll find a list of all of our previous broadcasts on our radio show page. And that of course, is Know Your Rights .au forward slash radio hyphen show, and you can access the first 10 of those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts do include discussions on a wide range of topics as well as interviews with many different people from all around the country. And we cover important topics such as unjust animal food, traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal tax is voluntary. The fact that the ATR is not a legal entity, as well as dealing with the straw man concept and the importance of the Commonwealth constitution. So there's lots of really great information up online now for all listeners new and older like to refer to in case you've missed anything or if you want to refresh on a topic that we've previously covered.06:26So Mike, why do we do these broadcasts06:30might as always, the point of the broadcast is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. And once people do get their head around some of those basic truths, we really want people to take on board and actually implement the many different strategies and techniques that we share on the shows for taking action against these in justices and really helping to set things right again. So in order to achieve that outcome, we will be doing these broadcasts every week, again, for at least this foreseeable future. Because as I've said before, given what transpired last year, this year is shaping up to be another very challenging year as well. And of course, we do want to play our part in keeping everyone informed of their rights, and of course, how to stand up for them. A reminder, of course, we will continue doing our live video updates at least one show once a week, wherever possible on both a Thursday and Sunday evening at 8:30pm. Did you get that Darrell? In case you missed the last one, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 8:30pm for the live updates boys. Now we do also love to receive listeners feedback, as well as any questions they may have suggestions for topics that they'd like us to cover. And you can send those through to us via email at no your rights at Red FM, we can smss on 0412 Don't look at me like that seven, double one, seven double five. So as we usually do, I'm gonna kick off tonight's show with some of the emails that we've received over the past week or so, because I'm sure they will be of interest to everyone for tuning in. Alright, we'll just start at the top and keep going. Some of these are from this week. Some of these are from last week, they're all sort of mixed in all over the place. So we'll just get to them as best we can. What Arthur has said, Hi moans author of a problem that I need some help with. I'm a rideshare driver and have been resisting the implementation of a QR code in my car. The ch o has just informed me that not only not only QR codes are mandatory, but now we will have to record the last name of each passenger in our vehicle for this so called tracing. Now I have a big concern about this. And I've sent my objection to the CH o n the CPV Victoria, and said that I will not comply with this measure. Can you advise me on what other forms of information I can use to reject this measure? psi member, I've been watching your videos with interest the videos on the Thursday and the Sunday night at 830. Just to remind the boys that I was gonna ask about what's a live update, a live video update. So as we cover information that comes to hand on these weekly shows over the two hours, on a Thursday and a Sunday, we try and keep it to about 15 minutes or so. And we just give a brief update of whatever's happened that week. And we're in the last few days and Yeah, lots of quick, short, sharp up to date information. We should put them in our diary where we should. Absolutely. Anyway, back to authorities rideshare Why Why is he talking about QR codes in a rideshare and recording a bit of a shame he wrote to the show, just wave the flag the big red flag look at my chart being the chief health09:25officer if anyone's wondering, yes, yeah, you just wave the big come and check me out and see if I've been doing it flag. Yeah, unfortunately, my personal opinion is I would have continued on my merry way. And because what I do in my private car in my own private capacity is I own private business. Absolutely. And I do believe it's article 17 of the human rights human human rights civil, civil, civil, Civil and Political Rights International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The one that's article 17 says you have the right to privacy. So absolutely. And I do believe if you go to the Privacy Act, you'll see that that's actually backed up all the way in respect of that in Part Eight, which covers all the section 90 fours, in respect of privacy in relation to medical information and the states.10:25There you go. Good stuff. Belinda says Hi, Mike, Darren and Darryl, why is it that New South Wales have a an 1855 and a 1902 state constitution? Much like Victoria having an add in 55 and 1975 constitution? Which one is valid and lawful, and I can't seem to find a referendum for any alteration to be made to either. Are you able to elaborate more on this? Also, Has this happened with all other state constitutions? Also, would you be able to point me in the direction to how to do and fly please? best way to learn how to do and if I was grabbed the fly CD and look how the fly is were drafted and use that as a template to copy and paste whatever your own fly is.11:09And look on the constitution watch website where there's many, many fo owners are seeking. There's a Freedom of Information section they go with, with over there's a lot a lot. Let's go with a lot. Yeah, yeah. So what 64 actually 6411:27There we go. So what do we like? Is it 55 and 9002 state constitutions in New South Wales, and their similarity to the 1855 and 1975 constitutions in Victoria.11:37As my learned friend sitting next to me, Darrell O'Brien would say, section 106 of the Constitution, which says it is the colonies Constitution, which carries over at Federation. So, and then that constitution that carried over can only be amended according to that constitution. It provides no provision to repeal write another constitution that only applies or or gives licence to the states to carry their colonial constitution over at Federation. And that is the valid constitution of the state.12:24I love doing this in Victoria when we go and have a chat to them in lovely big rooms. And I'll say on a reenactment. Wow, yeah, they say oh, no, no, the 1855 one was repealed, really by her Oh, by the state of Victoria by the Parliament of Victoria. Oh, and the Parliament of Victoria get its authority to repeal an imperial act12:45100%, especially 1975.12:47They don't like that. They don't like that one at all. So yeah, and the same obviously applies for New South Wales as well.12:53There is a high court case that talks specifically about the New South Wales constitution. The Attorney General versus truth on money 31 in particular, Dixon's judgments, points out the fact that the cousin in 1929, the Attorney General of New South Wales attempted to amend the Constitution of New South Wales. And they brought in an act called the constitution Legislative Council Amendment Act of which section to raise the point with respect to going into the High Court. And Dixon said, No, no, no, no. You need to seek the permission from the electors of the state. Before you can amend any part of the New South Wales constitution. Well, that's a bit of a problem for them, isn't it? Darrell? is a bit because, of course this would didn't prevail in every other state through section 106 being the head of the beast, per se, in particular, Queensland because Queensland pretty much repealed 99.9% of the whole of the Constitution. I thought it was called briga La Land now they should have signs what a huge injury in Queensland now you are entering the blue collar Corporation, formerly known as the state of Queensland.14:40Yes, indeed, indeed. All right, let's keep moving. No good slave again, has said hi guys. I have recently purchased a property in Queensland. When I asked about my deed I was. I was told by the deeds and title office they no longer issued and they've been gradually phased out since 1996 in Queensland with the law issued in 2019. They told me I could have a copy sent out, but it would have no legal standing. I did some research and found the Queensland property and land act 1974 that I'm entitled to the deeds of the device, I read the act properly. I did buy the property outright. I told them this and they said the act is no longer valid. I asked, I also asked why they had done this, their reply was because people often lost their deeds. And this is a way of keeping permanent record for those who misplaced their deeds. That's so thoughtful of them, isn't it? I then said I would frame mine as it was one of the biggest purchases of my wife, I definitely would not misplace it. My paranoia says they can't just delete my records deeds, and I have no recourse should they wish to take my property. So it is a bit concerning, isn't it?15:47Nice. I think this brings us back to what we touched on last week, which is the the all grains in fee simple, come originate from the crown granted from the crown of the United Kingdom16:02100%. It's interesting how it's come to fruition, from the Bob Hawke speech to the Fabian Society, where he said that the main party policy of the Labour Party was the abolition of property rights, and therefore the right to your deed. That's where it begins, folks. Exactly. We all know where it's going exactly. If you don't go and read the great reset. But But having said that, I can't confirm or deny, but it'll be somewhere around Section seven of the interpretation of legislation, aggers b, seven or 14 somewhere around there. And it's irrelevant whether a Act has been repealed. If there is a right then the right continues on even after the repeal. You just need to invoke it17:09appears in each state legislator as well. So that's the Commonwealth Morin and the interpretation of legislation act in each state. Has that pretty much. Almost all of them glad17:25to hear it's not exclusive to the Bigelow Corporation.17:31Alright, Jaime says, Hi Guys, can you talk about council infringement notices stopping in a no stopping zone and their purported power and how they get your address? And what to politely respond? Well, hello, I get your addresses from your radio they'll make an application through to the groves or RMS or Queensland transport whatever state you're in. As for how to politely respond, we would suggest the three step parking process from the Ozzie speeding fines processes, pretty good place to start. They usually pretty nice polite letters. Ashley says hi guys, I spoke to a magistrate recently. Why would you do that? And he explained to me whenever someone attends court, it goes on their criminal history. We all lose their case. I explained the magistrate is unfair, because what if that person was trying to gain employment but couldn't? Because it comes up on your police check. These days all employers demand a police check before you can start working with them. If this is correct, isn't there something we can do about this? Where can we go to fight this as as discriminatory and our past should not dictate our future? Please help. Ashley. I don't know that any court attendance? Certainly when you make declarations when you're travelling overseas, whether you have a criminal record, if you have speeding fines abiding by knowing like that, you certainly don't need to declare those. I do believe he tried to trick you.18:59And probably to influence the way that you were going to do it. Yes, sorry. vote. plead, should I say plead?19:14Yep, as a win or lose, it goes on your on your record. But19:18that's not true. Because I've been into the magistrate's court. And I've I had about a 7030 strike rate and 30% losses, and every time I went there, those previous losses were not there. You have to be found guilty of the offence.19:41Again, you can make application to your state police force for a copy of your police record. 100% you're entitled to do that. So if you're worried about that at all, actually, or anyone else listening to this, by all means, avail yourself of that.19:54While we're on that subject reminds me of a case I had in the county court. Okay. And I had a conversation with the with the judge because she was going to find me guilty of a traffic offence, okay? And I said, Your Honour, you can't find me guilty of a traffic offence. She said, Well, why not? And I said, because you can only be found guilty for breaking a law. And that's a regulation that I broke in a regulation and he has the force of law, but it's not natural law. And she said, you're correct. I'm not going to convict you. Nice. So there's one for the folks to remember when they're in court. Absolutely. I like it.20:37Nice one. All right. Same says, to whom it may concern like to know how to quote the court cases. You reference in the book, if at court pleading my case. For example, if I was to reference Monday versus Gil, how would I reference that case, to demonstrate that the officers must prove every aspect of their case? As we say to people, knowing what to say is the first step but knowing how to say it is the next. And it's all about raising the relevant section from that case, and then just asking questions, do you have an exemption from that ruling? Do you have an exemption from that particular section of law? Is there some evidence here that, you know contravenes that ruling? It's putting it to them in the way of a question.21:28Yeah. 100% but to reference the actual case name, you would say Monday versus Gil HCA. 30 and then the year 1930. Yeah. The the HCA obviously stands for High Court of Australia. Yep.21:47Indeed. All right. No, good slave again. Hello, Mike. Darrell and Darren Brothers in Arms. I have a question about fee simple. to state local government legislation override the fundamentals of fee simple, ie the right to build any structures of any kind.22:06Regards and I would live section, property law wrecked. Victoria. No third party can force any form of licence against the face a grant in fee simple property. So it's up to it's a matter of definition of whether or not the climate is a form of licence being implemented by an agent of the crown permit is a licence? Well, then it would be in breach of section eight, a nine now you would look in your particular state to whether the Property Law Act in your state reflects section 89. Victoria. But when we talk about fee simple, we also talk about fee tile, which is another way of expressing fee simple. But there's a whole science around fee simple and free trial which dates right back to about the 13th century. case law. So what they're doing just in the last few years in Australia is the breach of all those basic principles of fee simple. Naughty, naughty naughty,23:21but then wants to run would wonder why. And the reason being is that the fee simples and entrenched lore of the United Kingdom. And unfortunately, they've written into all For example, I think it's section three of the Victorian constitution, they say that the laws of England apply in the administration of justice, unless the country intention appears. So if there's a contrary intention, that's the way they're getting around it. They go,23:53and is that contrary intention valid? Is it within the powers of the Parliament to bring you and that's a test that can cause if you're in a situation where you were going to court, then you would do what's called a section 40 uplift into the High Court to bring a bear the definition of whether or not the Victorian law the state law is actually within the powers of that parliament to bring in relating to the restrictions applied upon the states and the Commonwealth through fee simple.24:29There you go. Nice. One more Jaden. Good eye guys. I'll be working all the hard effort you put in keeping us informed. I have a quick question. I was wondering if you've done any more digging in regards to loopholes in our queue our system. As far as I'm aware, the section only applies the COVID safe app and data and not other systems they use. I do realise the easiest way to avoid arguments is to just Bluff, doing it or entering false info etc. and wondering if there's anything solid that applies to Whole thing for those that insist on verifying it's been done. I mean, the problem is, if anyone insists they're going to keep insisting no matter what law you throw at them, they're not going to just change their mind in that moment. So it's kind of a moot point. There's no magical mystical, you know, legislation you can throw at someone, if they're standing there and system that you scan a QR code, you're much better off explaining to them calmly, as we said, on our last show, listen, I know, you're just trying to, you know, do the right thing and protect your business and protect your employees. norisse I get that. So I have that we have a little conversation here, pretend I'm scanning something and you just let me walk in and everybody assumes that it's done. That would be a much better approach, rather than standing there stomping your feet, crossing your arms and creating some legislation that is just going to fall on deaf ears anyway. So that would be my suggestion for what it's worth.25:55I've got a suggestion. Okay. That's what I do. I just leave my phone in the car. So let's simple say they have to manually take your, your your details, and I always tell them that my My name's Mike O'Brien. Oh,26:22one more, one more, one more before the next break, because otherwise, we're just never gonna get anyway. James says, Hi, I know you're getting frustrated by this type of question. But I've searched for hours trying to find the clause within the Privacy Act 1988, which prevents police from asking about a medical exemption. I'm compiling a list of my rights and want verbatim clauses to strengthen my argument. I have the act but cannot find the relevant clause. Again, what are you pointing it? A pointing at the claws? No, no, then don't put. My goodness gracious me. Again, this is the same thing. You can quote the actual clauses. But if you're dealing with a police officer that is standing, they're not prepared to listen to reason. ie all the clauses in the world are not going to I'm not going to help it again. You'd be much better off asking the question, Officer, do you have an exemption against doctor patient privilege?27:20Why 100%? I thought oh, you could go to the Privacy Act section 16 B, one and 16 b one a27:28radio? Well, there's alternatives. And what do they say? I have them printed out. Yeah. Are you related health? Are you do to? I'm very impressed. By the way. They were like Darrell said you were good for nothing. Oh, come27:46on.27:48You're late for us health situations. So please have a look those up. Because it is quite extensive. It runs for a couple of pages. So make sure you have a look at those if that's of interest. But again, please keep the principles in mind. Rather than standing there quoting things at them. Ask them questions. Where is your exemption from? Okay, that kind of thing. You know, where is the public health order with my name on it? Yeah, get back to the basics. And stand around with those. Yeah,28:19just to give you a in a nutshell. They can only ask you for your personal details if they're going to provide you a medical service. And that's it in a nutshell. Yeah. And I do believe a police officer can't provide you a medical service. Correct nor the operator have a business? Correct, unless you're going into a doctor's surgery and engaging in in a private contractual agreement with the doctor, which is voluntary and by consent.28:48Exactly. Exactly. All right. So there's some food for thought as we go into our first break. Now, when we come back from the break, we are going to be covering some extremely detailed information about vaccines, including their ingredients, and also the latest information from the US. This is the stuff that we could never cover on our live video update. So please make sure that you and everyone that you know, choosing at least for the next segment or two, because it's going to contain some really vital information. A little later on the show, we're gonna be addressing this latest insane push to vaccinate everyone, including the blatant bribery that's now occurring in some parts of the world. We're going to explain why there will almost certainly be new outbreaks and restrictions as just occurred in Melbourne today, as we were putting our notes together, and we'll also address scomo his comments last week about vaccination passports. And then to finish off tonight's show, if we've got any time left at all, we will keep going through all of the emails that just keep piling up wage by week by week in doing our best to get through them. So once again, they will almost certainly be questions similar to the ones that you're thinking about or asking right now. So please do listen in so that you don't end up emailing us in another day or two, with the very same questions that we've answered tonight. So like all our shows that he's gonna be another information packed show again, tonight. On that point, quick reminder, podcast members can listen to all of our previous shows. And that's all 261 of them now. Okay, and you can review all the information that we've shared over the past seven years. And you can also listen to our full catalogue of shows for the past seven years by ordering, of course, a new set of 13 podcast CD packs. And of course, as I've mentioned, my last few shows, those new CDs are being included at no extra cost for all of our platinum and ultimate Platinum packs. So if you haven't looked into those, please jump on our products page and have a look at them. Now, if you're not yet a pod podcast member, you want to access all of our weekly podcasts with all the music edited out, as well as our show notes for each podcast, incredible amount of information that we have on a court cases page. And of course, our members only form then please do be sure to join up as a podcast member. And of course, if you're already a member, thank you. And please do know that we'll continue doing whatever we can to make our memberships as valuable as possible, including, of course, a new membership benefit, which is a direct link to each of the articles that we cover on each week show. As part of our show notes. Don't forget, we have had one of our members who's using software to transcribe each of our shows. Now, we are providing copies of those to all of our members as well as part of their podcast membership. So we're gonna play a couple of songs give you a chance to join up as a member. If you haven't already, please do Also be sure to check out our products page, and of course, our bit shoot channel as well with all of those new live video updates. As always, if you do have any friends or family members that may not have tuning yet, jump on the phone, post a message on Facebook, send them a quick text message or an email, just remind them that the show is on live right now in case they forgot, they can go to the website, click on the radio show tab to listen in. Of course, they can listen in on a mobile device via the TuneIn app, just download the TuneIn app or search for rat FM. And you will find us there so we're gonna play a couple songs. And we'll be back with a lots lots more straight after this. To get into some of the nitty gritties about these vaccines. This is the stuff that we keep getting emails about we keep getting questions about this is the stuff that's way too controversial to be putting on Facebook or through those videos. But this is the vehicle for it. So let's have a look. Now there are links to each of these articles in our show notes. And in fact, this week we have we've actually included copies of the actual articles themselves or the certainly the sections that we're reading out because they are so important. Alright, so the first one is entitled urgent. Connecticut publishes madona COVID evacs ingredients, deadly poison sm 102 not for human or veterinary use. And this is what it says the Connecticut Department of Health has published the ingredients list for the madona COVID vaccine. And that data sheet confirms it contains a chemical s m one or two. The sm 102 Material Safety Data Sheet describes this chemical as not for human or veterinary use. So what the hell is it doing in a vaccine, according to the manufacturer came in chemical company in their filing with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. That chemical causes acute toxic toxicity fatal in contact with skin. In that same OSA filing. The manufacturer declares sm 102 causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure. This appears to be what they're injecting into your arm when you take the madona COVID Vax, you are apparently being poisoned. Perhaps this is why so many people are having adverse reactions to the so called vaccine. Now that this information is out, you may wish to carefully rethink whether or not you want someone injecting this into you. For those who made the decision to get this vaccine. You may want to get in touch with a good personal injury lawyer and present this information to that attorney while you're still alive. Of course the lawyer may tell you that the vaccine companies were granted immunity as a condition of releasing their experimental vaccine. But the US Supreme Court has held in the past that fraud vitiates everything. Okay, that is an important legal Maxim fraud vitiates everything including court orders, okay, and if these vaccine companies told the government that their vaccine was When their own ingredients list says otherwise, then it may be that those companies committed fraud and fraud vitiates everything. Thus, maybe a court holds these vaccine companies have no immunity. Of course, proving fraud is a tough legal thing to do. And maybe this will help. pharmaceutical companies are required to put an insert into their products that list ingredients and all known side effects. But as the images below will show, those inserts box with a box with the vaccines are blank. Those of you who have not taken the vaccine should maybe think an awful lot longer before you do. So I urge you go to that, look up that article, click on the links, download the actual list of ingredients, so you can see these for yourself. Download the actual report on sm 102 from the manufacturers and see what they say about it.36:00Just to divert from the ingredients subject. Let's talk about magnets. Let's talk about magnets. Absolutely. So sort of video someone sent me a video about a week ago with a gentleman in Los Angeles, who had been for his AstraZeneca No, sorry, it was a Johnson and Johnson vaccine. And he had a small magnet. And he was putting it on not only all over because he's pretty good. And he's forward non-thinking I You must have a metal plate in your forehead or something. And then he starts putting it on his arm and his chest and it's sticking everywhere. And I was like, looks a bit dodgy. But then today, as they're always showing you we've got a friend associated with the great Australian party. Up in Darwin, big shout out to Steve up there and down. And Steve sent us a video of a customer of his that it just had the AstraZeneca shot. I think within a month, they're five weeks or five weeks ago. And Steve said, Would you mind if I just tried something out? And he said, No, of course not. And so he put a magnet on where he said Where did you get the job and he's in his was his left arm I'm pretty sure. And he puts the magnet onto where the scar was. And it stuck to him. And I just couldn't believe it. Like I you know, you get these these videos from from Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood and you just die. And it's been a movie magic. Exactly. But to see it with, you know, my very own eyes from it from a close friend. And when that you know, yeah, yeah, exactly. So if there's anyone out there, go and stick a magnet on someone's arm where they've had the, the vaccine and have a look. And they're actually going to try it out with the flu vaccine tonight and send us a video. So we want to see if it also happens with the flu vaccine.38:11Yes. And then there's the other reports of people who had the vaccine trying to connect to Bluetooth and connecting two devices. So there's some very, very strange things going on. And we would urge people to look into them. But we're just sadly scratching the surface. I want to keep going because there's so much to get through on this in this topic in this section. So this is another one that was sent through. It says that Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine. In the shocking interview the world's top virologist stated blankly, there is no hope and no possible treatment. For those who've been vaccinated already. We must be prepared to incinerate the body's the scientific genius back claims of other pre eminent neurologists. After studying the constituents of the vaccine, they will all die from antibody dependent enhancement, nothing more can be said. So I mean, this is pretty serious stuff. When you get the world's top virologists making blanket statements like that, it's time to seriously rethink your position and urge others to do the same. Now we've had another article come through. And this one's from a funeral director. And he says as a funeral director, I commented in the COVID video comments section, telling people exactly what my experience was firsthand. During this fake pandemic last year, the death rate was totally normal. In fact, it was a little bit down on 2019 Then towards Christmas, many of my colleagues were actually turning their fridges off, because there was no one dying. We began vaccinating, and it's obvious in the US on January 6 locally here, and the death rate went through the roof almost immediately, within the same week for three months, I've never known a death right like it in my 15 years as an undertaker. That comment was liked over 300 times. And then my YouTube account was deleted without warning for apparently violating their policies, being honest, basically. So again, we're getting reports from someone else who says the death rate is going through the roof. Since vaccinations have started, and death rates actually dropped off beforehand. This is all serious stuff that people need to take. Now, that's the deaths that's hopefully grabbed your attention. Okay, but a lot of people, in fact, I know people close to me, are not worried about dying. It's the unknown side effects, you know, the potentially crippling side effects that could have a seriously detrimental effect on the remainder of your life. That is far more worrying, because of course, if you're dead or dead, you don't know it's only an issue for those who are left behind. But if you have some of these effects, that these adverse effects that permanently affect the quality of your life for the remainder of your life that is, you know, even more serious. So this next article is entitled, CDC quietly admits the death toll from COVID vaccines is greater than every vaccine in the last 20 years combined. Okay, combined. Are you one of the people hesitant to receive a COVID vaccine? Do you know one of those, one of those dangerous and selfish people as the democrats would call you? Who is foolish for not getting the job because after all, it's completely safe. While the CDC has quietly released data that might prove you're not that foolish, after all, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention posted data, which shows that more people have died after receiving a COVID vaccine than for all other vaccines for the last 20 years combined. Okay, the article goes on to talk about Tucker Carlson from CNN, asking about a number of people who've actually you know, what the actual number of people who've died for after taking the vaccine was, and the articles responses we checked today. Here's the answer, which comes from the same set of government numbers we just listed between late December of 2020. And the end last month, a total of 3362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccines in the United States. 3362. That's an average of 30 people every day.43:03So what does that add up to? By the way, that reporting period ended on April 23. We don't have numbers past that. We're not quite up to date, but we can assume them another 360 people have died in the 12 days since that's a total of 3722 deaths. Almost 4000 people died after getting the COVID vaccines, the actual numbers almost certainly much higher than that posset, perhaps vastly higher. Why isn't anyone talking about this to doctors and other medical professionals now understand that you're not supposed to talk about anything that goes against the woke supremacy is COVID stance. We're talking about our own lives here. So this is actual CDC data. Now. That was from about a week ago. And then we've got the follow up, which just came through recently, and the numbers are even worse. So the title of this article again, I urge you to look this up and read it says latest CDC data show reports of adverse effects amongst COVID vaccines surpassed 200,000, including 943 among 12 to 17 year olds, a number of reported adverse events following COVID vaccine past 200,000. According to data released today by the Centre for disease and Disease Control and Prevention, that outcomes directly from reports submitted to the vaccine adverse event reporting system, which is the vejer system. It's the primary government funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the US. report submitted devices require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed every Friday viers makes public all Vaccine Injury reports received as of a specific date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Today's date shows that between December 14 2020 and may 14, so we're still talking 10 days ago is a total of 227,805 total adverse events were reported to buyers, including 4201 deaths, an increase of 144 over the previous week. And 18,528 serious injuries up 1338. Since last week, this week's data showed 943 total adverse events, including 23, were that were right, it is serious among 12 to 17 year olds. So let's do some quick math. See, because I know these numbers are a little bit sort of overwhelming when you just sort of hear them like that. So again, there's been 268 point 4 million vaccines given in the US. And 4201 deaths. So that equates to one in 64,000, who die from this vaccine, one in 64,000. Okay, there's also been turning 27,805 adverse reactions. And that's other than dying, which is obviously a pretty serious adverse reaction. So that works out to be just one in 1178. So let me put it to you this way, if I offered you a jar of 120,000 jellybeans, and I said, two will kill you. And 102 will give you an adverse reaction of some point, who would be prepared to take a jelly bean and try it, and who would be offering those jelly beans to their kids? Okay, hopefully this puts this insanity into perspective for you. And again, I take this opportunity to remind you, right here, right now, in Australia, this year, there have been more COVID vaccine related deaths, then there have been COVID related deaths, okay, many, many times more, it's difficult to find the exact number now because of course, the media keeps chopping and changing the data. But it's somewhere in the vicinity of seven or eight COVID vaccine related deaths and many, many more adverse reactions, and only one actual COVID related death this year. And here we are nearly at the end of my so is it really worth the risk? This is the question that you simply must ask yourselves,47:27why I'm just answering a few questions on the know your odds blown out here is a couple of parents have written in and I'll see if I could get ahold of that jar of jelly beans.47:37I guess they want to get rid of some pizza. Yeah, it's, yeah, it's Look, when you put it in those times, it really does make you think or certainly it hopefully makes you think so. I'm gonna leave you with that thought as we go into our next break. As I said, lots more still to come. Please don't go anywhere. We've got some more vitally important information to cover straight after these few songs. And no, welcome back to The Know Your Rights shows streaming live and the internet over the rat FM network. So we've just covered all of the problems, dangers and issues with the various COVID vaccines, COVID medical treatments, whatever you want to call them, the extraordinarily high death rate after people have taken them and the even higher rate of adverse reactions. So what are the various governments around the world doing about this? Are they doing what they do? When there was the Takata airbag recall, which only killed I think 24 people, and there was a world war two way call on every single airbag. So given that 4200 people have died just in the US alone, are they doing a recall on these vaccines telling everyone No, stop taking them wait till we can get this sorted out? How No, they are doing exactly the opposite. They're going out of their way to convince people to take them. Now, while I'm about to tell you is likely going to shock many of you because it is just so appalling. It is just so blatant. But again, should you be in any doubt as to the truth of what I'm telling you here, by all means, please look up these articles or read the titles out or of course, click the various articles in the links on our show notes. So this is the first one and titled justice jab. offenders getting sentences cut in half if they get COVID vaccine Under shock new policy, certain offenders could get their sentences cut in half if they agree to get the COVID vaccine in a shocking new policy, Georgia's whole endorsing counties offering this incentive in an effort to increase COVID vaccination rates among adults. This incentive will be available to people doing community service as part of this sentence. whole county court administrator Jason Stevenson said that judges can offer up to 20 to 40 hours for those qualified to participate. Stevenson spoke about the new project saying in our judges view, every shot in the arm is a service to the community. One has to ask in what ways are the service to the community because it's going to eliminate a repeat offender or for some other reason. For some offenders, it does seem appropriate to recognise that the time and the cost involved and perhaps lining up childcare, taking time off from work arranging for transportation and making making it to a vaccination site not once but twice. This recognises the commitment they've made in doing that. Court leaders are trying to avoid pressuring people into getting the vaccine, but rather than making those that qualify, aware of the benefits, and what exactly are those supposed benefits, remember, the manufacturers themselves tell you that even if you've had the vaccine, it will not stop you from getting COVID even if you've had the vaccine, it will not stop you from passing COVID on to anyone else. So What on earth are the so called benefits? If you are already healthy COVID is unlikely to affect you in any meaningful adverse way. If you have other underlying comorbidities, you are more likely to die from the COVID vaccine then you are from COVID. So I failed to see what these benefits are. Other states are offering incentives to increase vaccination averages as well in Maryland, starting on Tuesday, one resident in the state who has received the COVID vaccine will win $40,000 every day. As part of a programme launched by Governor Larry Hogan in the Maryland lottery. In New York, anyone who gets vaccinated will receive a $20 lottery ticket for the $5 million mega multiplier lottery as part of the Vax and scratch programme. So what good is that if you're in the grave, exactly.52:49But this is how either stupid or desperate people are. Now, I've said this before more times than I can count, if this vaccine is so good. If it's so effective, and so wonderful. People would be lining up to get it, you're certainly wouldn't have to give them incentives. Okay, you get Apple releasing a new iPhone or an iPad or MacBook. Okay, they don't give away incentives with it, because it's the newest latest and greatest thing and they expect that everybody will want it. And there's always people lining up for them. Okay, why do they have to do this with this vaccine? If it's so good and so effective? As they say, they're available? They're free, it doesn't cost you money. So why should there be any further incentive? Well,53:46I think Mikey can put it down to two words. He said that it's something that benefits the community. Well, one thing that government pushes these days is a thing called a sustainable development. That's what it's based on. Yes, yes, exactly. And again, as many people have said before,54:05you know, if, if this was to do with if this was genuinely, honestly to do with health, the government would step in, just as they did with cigarette advertising. And they stopped all forms of cigarette advertising, no cigarette advertising anywhere in Australia. Okay. So they would cut out McDonald's advertising, they would cut out KFC advertising, they would cut out fast food advertising altogether. Okay, they would be offering incentives for people who join the gym, there will be offering into I mean, most people now have some sort of a phone or watch that that acts as a or doubles up as some kind of a fitness tracker. Okay, if the government was serious about health and safety, why not offer these incentives to people that showed that they were taking some kind of action towards improving their health and fitness via these tracker apps? I mean, these governments love these QR codes and COVID safe apps, why not get one get people to share their medical data via these fitness apps to show that they're becoming healthier and more fit, and then give them incentives and rewards for that. Because of course, they can't make any money from that. So it's all about money. It's all about control, but it gets even worse. That's only the tip of the iceberg. So I'm going to quickly read another article This one is entitled, million dollar cash prizes and free eggs offered to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. As winter creep creeps closer Australia's top Doctor, Doctor of war saw an interesting maintenance is just because someone's a doctor doesn't mean that they're doing good. And there was a picture of Dr. Mengele Dr. Kevorkian Dr. g. Anyway, it's windy crepes closer shows top doctors urging more people to roll up their sleeves and get vaccinated against Coronavirus Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly isn't ruling out introducing incentives such as lottery tickets or merchandise to make sure more Australians get the jab before flu season hits. Now, if this tricky Coronavirus that is so infectious. He's out there. What the hell differences that make whether the flu season is approaching or not? either. This is a super tricky, highly contagious virus that just works 24 seven non stop 365 days a year. It's a load of rubbish that somehow just linked to the flu, which is it? Mr. Kelly? Please make up your mind. I think we really need to look for incentives, as many incentives as we can for people to be coming to become vaccinated. Professor Kelly said at a press conference on Monday, why? why Mr. Kelly, why do we need to do this? Australia is not the first country confronted with vaccine hesitancy. So what incentives are being offered elsewhere to encourage people to get immunised? there? There we have it again, the media twisting the words, the vaccine offers no immunity whatsoever. They can't use that word. This is false advertising. And these reporters need to be picked up on this rubbish. So as we said before, adults in the US state of Ohio who've received at least one dose of the Coronavirus vaccine can win us $1 million. Yes, that's right $1 million. After an increase in vaccinations in Ohio, New York has followed suit with a lottery scheme called vaccine scratch in Europe. Serbia is believed to have led the way in offering direct cash payments with President Alexander Budaj offering the equivalent of about $40 to anyone who receives their first vaccine dose by the end of May. University of Belgrade academic zorana Zorin red, red novakovich told medical journal The Lancet it could convince poorer individuals to overcome their vaccine hesitancy but it would be natural for many people to think now. If I am given money to take this vaccine, the vaccine is not good. There is a risk to it. And the price has been put on that risk. Thank god someone's using their brain posters advertising to cartons of fresh eggs to people older than 60 in exchange for a vaccine circulated on Chinese social media platform we bow in april two how's that swap your life? Two cartons of fresh eggs58:42just unbelievable in it. Also in Beijing, it was reported that some shops offered free vegetables, ice creams, chicken wings and dumplings. As a tasty incentive. I mean, if it wasn't so tragic, you'd laugh wouldn't you realise? No, but it's just oh my lord. In the United States. free beer doughnuts and fresh produce have also been up for grabs. Some Australian pubs have suggested they might not allow entry to patrons who haven't been vaccinated. Well that's the stick could a free B be the carrot that gets some over the line? Really good swap and risk your health for a BIA how stupid you have to be. Professor Kelly may not be ready to pick up the phone to call him an ogre offers free snacks to those who have received the vaccine just yet. He noted on Monday the higher vaccine take up in other countries. Now wait for it. Listen carefully to the words this is the key for the next segment. High vaccine take up in other countries was likely linked to those populations being exposed to larger deadly a Coronavirus outbreaks than those seen in Australia. And other words so far when you use that you UK example, when you look at how rapidly they rolled out the vaccine, the long queues to get the vaccine, they knew why because it was right in front of them, what advantage that would do for them and the communities and their families. Professor Kelly said, it's a little more distant for Australians, because we really, other than the Victorian second wave last winter, haven't had that experience, as is the case in almost every other country in the world. It's about protecting your own health, not sitting there waiting for an outbreak. He said, Now get this, listen to these, because once an outbreak is here, if it comes, IAA, we're going to create one, it will be very difficult for us to roll out to the masses. At roll out masses and masses of vaccines quickly, the more vaccines we can roll out now the better situation they'll be if that occurs. So Mark my words on our 200 and 62nd show on the 25th of may 2021. They will be almost without doubt, some form of other outbreak somewhere in Australia, most likely in Melbourne, as we're already starting to see the beginnings of just today. They are going to create an outbreak to scare people especially as they come into winter into getting this vaccine. Remember before I said that the the the world's top neurologist said that everyone who has taken the vaccine will die, there's nothing that can stop that nothing can be done for them. Okay, there was further comment that said that there's likely to be within the next one to two years. They want everyone vaccinated now, so they don't wait to see what happens to people over that next 12 to 24 month period. This is why there is such a big push on now. Okay, they realise that all the media rubbish that's been going on is not getting the desired effect. So the next thing is to start the next waves, the next outbreaks, the next load of restrictions. Okay, and that will be the strategy that they implement, to scare people into taking these vaccines. Now, I'm going to finish this section off with the article that was sent through to us sort of right at the end of last week's show regarding scomo, and the wonderful vaccine passports. And this one was entitled Australians could need vaccine passports to travel into state Prime Minister Scott Morrison says Australians might one day need a vaccination passport to travel across state borders, with Prime Minister Scott Morrison declaring all of those arrangements will have to be put in place. In an interview with nine news political editor Chris Allman, on the two year anniversary of his election. Mr. Morrison said proof of vaccination for domestic travel would require the agreement of the states and territories, saying that it's them who actually prevents Australians moving from one state to another consistent with their public health orders. Now, isn't it interesting that scomo References these public health orders, get as we've been saying, for however many months now, there's not a single public health order that we're aware of that nominates any specific person. So how can any specific person be prevented from travelling from one state to another? He goes on to say this is Morrison speaking, our illustrious leader, our illustrious Prime Minister, those public health orders are the instrument. So there we have that word. Again, this is something that you've been saying again, for many, many months now, where is the instruments? And he said that he's quoted it, those public health orders are the instrument that is used legally, to prevent Australians moving from one state to another. But how is the legal instrument if it doesn't specify a particular person? It simply can't be. Now, I know you've been looking into this recently, Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. What does that say about the absolute freedom to move in between states among the states1:04:34100% and with we're not going to forget our old good friend, section 92 of the Constitution. Section 92 of the Constitution provides that the intercourse of people shall be absolutely free. And this has been taken to the High Court many many many, many times. They There's a case called Greg wick versus Johnson from 1945. The High Court ruled that the States cannot issue permits to allow people to go across the border. The It was during war time. And it basically a woman was going to see her partner. And they wouldn't let her across the border. So she took it to the High Court. And it was found that they could not issue a permit for her to get over the border, which is what they were doing during the war time. And the High Court said that they cannot restrict that movement, because section 92 is a guarantee that people can pass to and fro among the states without burden hindrance or restriction. Yep. And the guarantee is not infringed by reasonable regulation. And that would include a health regulation, or health order. Yep, absolutely. It's as simple as that. And it's quite interesting. If you go to the DPP vs carb case, which we quite religiously use on this particular show, in respect of not having to stop and talk to police. The FBI also quoted section 92, in that case, and they brought up the cole versus Whitfield case, and Greg wick versus Johnson, all in respect of Section 92. And that there is a constitutional guarantee that extends a guarantee of personal freedom to pass to and fro from state to state without burden hindrance or restriction. It's as simple as that.1:06:45Yeah, absolutely. And I mean, this is backed up in that report from the High Commissioner of human rights in relation to Article 12, that we read out one or two shows ago, and again, it says that a state, a member state can not force anyone to gain a permit to move within that state, within you know, within that Member States or member states are actually countries so in and around that country.1:07:11And of course, we must not forget that the states and territories calling for the always restrictions to our movement, are under the emergency powers. Now, I emergency powers seem to override all of our rights. The emergency powers forces to wear the masks without the public health order, allow us disallows from moving freely among the state and within other states. Now, there's a catch phrase that will destroy the claim relating to emergency powers. And that is seen in Victorian law, New Zealand law and Commonwealth law and the High Court ruled on this number of occasions. And the key words, demonstrably justified. So when the individual but the Harvey's jacket wearing a public servant, or the one with the badge and the gun, or anyone within any arm of government claims that we need to do something in order to move freely or whatever. We asked them, can I demonstrably justify the emergency powers? In other words, can you show me the evidence that the emergency is justified? So one or two people getting a sniffle and a cold? clearly don't fall within the parameters of demonstrably justifying an emergency, one1:08:58person has died of COVID, or from COVID, or with COVID, or whatever you want to call it, one person in the entire country this year. That is not an emergency. That is not a pandemic. And I challenge anyone out there to prove otherwise with evidence.1:09:22So the words the key words, the most probably justified, even looked at as those words up, look them up with relation to the High Court what the High Courts spoken about with respect to the restrictions on the freedoms of movement. The only restrictions with respect to this pair of a state old Commonwealth to restrict our movements between the states has to be shown as demonstrably justified. Yep. Okay, those are the two key words listeners?1:10:01Absolutely. All right, so we're gonna leave you with that key point, we are going to play another couple of songs, we have got a whole bunch of emails to get through after the break. So please, don't go anywhere or lots more still to come. And welcome back to the New Year right show streaming live on grant FM network. So as I said, we've got a bunch of emails to get through. So we'll do our best to work through them as quickly as we can. Deb says, Hi guys, I was listening the radio show I heard something in relation to an eye test. In December, I renewed for five years, and I did this online, so I didn't have the QR code in the joint. The foremast, if I wore glasses to drive and I don't so I take no, I get a letter in April saying I deferred the eye test. I don't recall that on the form at the time, and had six weeks to go in for the eye test or go to an optometrist and send the results letter stating it's in accordance with clause 60 of the road transport driver licencing regulations 2017. I'm looking to remove myself overtime from the system. So I don't want to contract further with them. So how can I challenge aware on your pages? Can you direct me to info that I could look up please, I believe they should not be charging people for these licences, section 53 of the Commonwealth constitution. So I'd be looking at recovering all monies for past payments. If this is the case, getting fired up and wanting to educate the kids and grandkids for a better world. Thanks, heaps. Legends love your work, Deb. So what do we make of that? Well, I've1:11:36I've got the the answer here. But I say to Deb, don't shoot the messenger. So Deb, you're in New South Wales, obviously, because you mentioned the road transport Driver Licence regulations 2017. And I'll just remind all the listeners, when you do write in with specific questions about your state, make sure you either Drop the act, the regulation or the state you're in so that we can adequately answer which Deb has, which I thank her currently for. So when you decide to renew or upgrade your licence on wine in New South Wales, there's an eyesight requirement. And it says that, if you're less than 45, which dead sound she is, you must pass an itis or must have passed an artist within the past 10 and a half years before renewing the licence. And before it expires. And if you're over 45, you must have had an itis within the past five and a half years. So by actually using the convenience factor and going online and stating that you didn't have an itis you provided them information that you didn't meet the criteria for an online application. And that's all it is. And I apologise profusely1:13:06Well, there you go. I mean, that's what it says. That's what it says. Craig hi guys ascending fry in relation to QR codes and the Privacy Act. A question is Where is the instrument that the Commonwealth relies upon to pass section in the knees? females cut off? responses below don't believe the answer the question or without having the full question makes a bit hard, but we'll give it a go. Do you have it I think the context the Australian Government Attorney General's department regarding section 9400 d of the Privacy Act. Privacy Act generally applies to strain government agencies and large private sector organisations with annual turnover of more than $3 million. Privacy Act does not apply to state and territory agencies except in limited circumstances. For example, Part Eight a the Privacy Act regulates state and territory health authorities with respect to their handling of the COVID safe app data. Section 94 is eight days containing Part II The Privacy Act As you may be aware, this part deals with strict privacy protections that apply to COVID safe and the collection use disclosure storage and destruction of COVID safe app data. It does not regulate the handling of data generated by other apps. Section 94 see the Privacy Act provides that the principal constitutional basis of Part Eight A is the Commonwealth legislative powers with respect to matters that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation, also known as the implied nationhood power. Section 94 c further provides the Part Eight a relies on the Commonwealth legislative powers with respect to quarantine within the meaning of paragraph 51 nine of the Constitution postal telegraphic telephonic and other like services, paragraph 51 five of the Constitution and to giving effect to Australia's obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in particular article seven saying don't become so the rising all the right points, which is nice. For queries about the service New South Wales app used to check In the venue's with a QR code, please contact service New South Wales at blah, blah, blah. Thank you, again, for bringing your concerns to the department's attention. I trust this information is of assistance to you? Well, no, not really not overly, nor is it.1:15:14I think what Craig was trying to ask them was wine, the section 94, Zed D, exist, when it is in conflict with section 109 of the Constitution and section not 109 being when a state act is inconsistent with the law of Commonwealth, the state act is invalid to the point of inconsistency. So the question I would suggest should have been, can you provide the instrument that allows the Australian Parliament to enact the law to rise above section 109 of the Constitution to allow the states to write laws inconsistent? When section 106 of the Constitution says the state laws must be subject to? So sometimes you have to be very, very specific? into Yeah, depends. And then other times you must be broad. So you open the whole scope up in case you are so as not to miss what could be provided.1:16:31Yeah. Yeah, look, they're a little bit tricky to get your head around if I was and that's why we suggest you go to Darren site, go to constitution watch Comdata you have a look at some of the the fly and fly responses, grab a copy of that fly CD that we have on our website and go through those the start getting your head around how to actually properly formulate an FOIA request. Alright, n assenza, see a home in a bit of a pickle wondering if you have any ideas. My father, who I have been caring for, for quite a few years now needs more care than I can provide for him on my own. He's waiting to go into a nursing home. But I've been told I cannot go and visit him unless I can prove I've had the current flu vaccination that goes against everything I stand for. And I'm really upset that I'm being blackmailed. Because that's what are these blackmail into getting the flu shot, or else I cannot see my father. years ago, I did have a flu shot and got really sick and had to have a week off work. Apparently Queensland Government have brought in a law to start may 30, that no one can enter an aged care facility unless they've had the flu vaccine. Would you know, of any way around this, please are very concerned follow up. And when we cross it begs the question why if this is so much different to the flu, and so much more tricky, and dangerous and deadly and contagious? Why would it matter whether someone's had the flu vaccine or not?1:17:55Yeah, 100% doesn't make a lot of sense at all, does it? Well, it's to impose something upon people but put Look, there is something that does cover this because what's happening is the giving you thought you said the Queensland Government have written a law to say you can't enter unless you've you've submitted to the to the flu. Vax. Yep. When you're not labouring under an infectious disease, that would be a legal compulsion, which would engage section 5123 a, huh. I do believe you have a high court matter right there? Absolutely. He's going on? No, I just wanted to write a letter. So unfortunately, you're going to have to either take this to the High Court, or you would be able to challenge this, you could only really do it in the courts. Having said that, I have helped Queensland health care workers to avoid getting flu shots. And I know a couple of Queensland health care workers to this day that still have not had their flu shot and work in aged health care. So it's not that it cannot be done. The is on the constitution watch website a provision or sorry, should I say I post in respect of Section 5123? a, it provides all the relevant information and case law there is also a YouTube video there on that page that is all accessible to the public. I suggest this is this is what I gave it was a gentleman named Craig. Craig if you're listening, and Craig actually sent the video to his employer and after that, the question didn't have the flu shot was never raised again, in front of him. So, you know, aside from that, it just depends on how you go about these things. So you know, some people have the have the skills to get these things over the line, other people are a little bit more timid. So it just depends on the position you stand in and respect of entering that particular premises. This is the thing if you have a constitutional guarantee not to have any type of medical procedure forced upon you through section 5123 A, which is a guarantee to doctors, as well as the patient according to one versus the Commonwealth. Then you have a guarantee which you can rely on. And I do believe there's some good news, there's a group of concerned Australians who are taking this particular issue to the High Court. They go, good stuff, one of the one of them that is there right now, right now gentleman named Sol. Indeed, indeed. Absolutely.1:21:17All right, we're gonna whip through these last couple. Steve says, Hi, Guys, can you please go into more detail on what you said last week shows about councils operating under an ABN, and therefore not being a valid tier of government. You said something about there being provision for a system of local government in Australia, but no provision for a corporation to act as such a level of government. Thanks, Steve. Well, good to see someone's listening to the show. That's that's always nice.1:21:44Yeah, they're a municipality. within the state, they have not an I'm a third tier of government. The Quicken garren, the annotation to the Constitution only registers them as an it's a trawls under the residual powers of the state. And it's just a department can never ever be considered a third tier of government. Of course, when you look at what a third tier of government would mean, it would mean that the local government would then have a judicial power. It would have an executive power, and a parliamentary power, of which the state and federal governments do exercise and they earn the right as being governments of local government is not and does not fulfil those criteria, as they are only a department of the state.1:22:42So what about when the local councils issue fines or those sorts of things?1:22:48Because they're running under the business side of the local government, and then they fall victim to the Commonwealth law, being the Competition and Consumer act as I can't tell1:23:00me 100% a lot of people, unfortunately, under the misunderstanding that it's the council who are issuing the fines, and although they do write them out, they're not council fines, they're actually fines under state government legislation, and might just act as agents for the state. So any find that the council operates Oh, sorry, that the council issues that actual fine should not impose a monetary obligation. And you can find that I think it's in shedule, eight of the Local Government Act.1:23:42Now, it's interesting, of course, when you get a parking fine, because I've had the odd one here and there, that they say if you want to pay it, you can pay it to the council. Now, by rights, if they're acting only as a Department of State, then the foreign should be payable to the state 100% not to the council.1:23:57And yes, you know, there is provision in the state's constitution in respect of consolidated revenue, and it says that all fines rates, etc. to go into consolidated revenue and be distributed from that single point. So there's the there's the evidence that local governments are not government.1:24:27So I wonder how that would relate to something like finds Victoria or spur where again, they supposedly collecting on behalf of the State Government enforcing fines on behalf of the State Government, but again, they're expecting you to make payment because they say you can make a check payable to fines victorious or whatever, should that cheque not be payable to that state consolidated revenue fund,1:24:52or totally agree. For example, Spiro finds Victoria. There's a big problem there because They acting as a debt collection agency, one would ask them where the debt collection number is. So they registration, you're entitled to see a copy of a debt collectors registration. They also fall under the Competition and Consumer act then. So, and there's many, many provisions in there in regards to cartel conduct, and certain requirements that the debt collectors must adhere to such as, let me think there's unconscionable conduct. Yeah. But there's certain things like if you challenge the debt, and you are seeking further and better particulars, then the enforcement of that debt must cease until those further and better particulars are provided. And they have 14 days to provide those further and better particulars. And if they fail to do so and contact you, again, it can be construed as harassment.1:26:11Because what they like to do is just suspend your licence or suspend your car Rijo, or take money out of your bank account in certain states and all such fun things like that.1:26:20You can find things in the Competition and Consumer act to cover these things. They're1:26:27able to look that used to be section 50 of the Trade Practices Act, which says that a corporation or company cannot harass or coerce any person to take of that company's goods or services. And it's now in the competition consumer act under what's called Australian Consumer Law, which I think is scheduled for of the Competition Act. And it carries a $1.1 million fine. For anybody who does harass or coerce someone to take up those goods or services, which would also include vaccine, huh, absolutely.1:27:11Absolutely. All right. One more here from Cameron, I know your article, you could have the option to put one message on a billboard, all across the world for all humanity to see. What would it be right? Yes. Yeah, no. So many messages, too many messages. I couldn't be made a lot of billboards, I think put all my messages. Oh, hold on.1:27:40He's asked us to our answer separately. Oh, yes. But just because he's asked me. As I said, I don't want to miss too many billboards to put them away. We're constrained by time. But absolutely. But before we we do run off, do your research. Then. Before we do run off, I've just had a little emergency information from the steps of Canberra. No.1:28:09And and I'm not going to say too much. But there was a secret meeting in Canberra today, today. And there were certain people from a certain political party at these meetings. So didn't the politicians all returned back to camera today? Oh, parliament is sitting there. So I know. I know. Rob Carlson was over in Canberra today. We've pulled over with Pete Yep. and various other members of gap. And there's been a question posed, I'm not going to make any claims or but there's been a question posed to all of the good people out there who will get members? How would you feel if Craig Kelly became a representative of gap? So there's a little indication of what could be coming. Gavin could soon have representation in the parliament. Wow. Wouldn't that be nice. And I do believe Craig's also put it out to all his followers and constituents.1:29:22Wow, there you go. So to where get listeners out there. What are your thoughts?1:29:30Hmm, watch this space. Hopefully, exciting announcements to come. Good stuff. All right, we are almost out of time. We have once again covered a tonne of information on tonight's show. Obviously, we can't cover everything. So if you have enjoyed what you've heard tonight, we would of course encourage you to look into some of the various products and services that we do have available now. These products have of course been specifically designed for people who want to learn more and really try Their knowledge and understanding of these topics to the next level, I want to again remind everyone that we didn't Of course, go to all the trouble of creating these products. Because we got nothing better to do with our time. We certainly didn't do because we're going to make me in selling 20 $30 CDs, we did it to help people access everything that we've learned and experience so that you can learn about your rights in the quickest possible way. And of course, at the cheapest possible price. So, once again, we don't have time to go through all of our products tonight. But please do be sure to check out our products page and our shop page on the know your rights group website, just click on those tabs to have a look and find further details about all the different products that we've got. Of course, we've got that fry CD, which I've mentioned a couple of times tonight. Very, very powerful disc. The main key product that we've got, of course, is our Know Your Rights book, The essential step by step manual for understanding and exercising your rights. Of course, the Quicken garren annotated constitution, say which again, we've mentioned a couple of times tonight, absolutely invaluable resource tool. So please make sure you, you have a look at those. A lot of people have read through our book, they're saying this is brain I want to know more about how to actually implement these things. Again, our four seminar DVD pack is a perfect way to find out more because obviously in those full day events, we go into a lot more detail about not only the arguments to use, but how to present them. So if you don't yet have a copy of our four seminar DVDs, grab those you can watch and learn in the comfort of your own home at your own pace, fast forward, rewind, whatever you need to do. And you can get those DVDs as part of the ebook membership packs and combo packs and all the rest of it. So just have a look around on the site. Have a look on our E book page. And you'll find out more details about all of that as well. Don't forget if you are a motorist in this country, you simply must have a copy of the Ozzy spreading fines book, it contains all the letters all the information you need to successfully challenge all manner of unjust and unlawful traffic fines as well as all manner of COVID fines and unregistered dog finds and value devote fines and all the rest of it as well. So please, if you haven't done so, already, go to Ozzy spreading . And of course, don't forget all the great information as well in the bank Secrets Revealed book, just go to bank secrets .au you'll learn all about the fraud that the banks can meet every single time they engage in a home loan, you'll find out the tried tested and proven four steps process for discharging any unsecured debts, personal loans, credit cards, things like that. And again, if you haven't seen it, make sure you watch our last couple of videos, where we actually read out a detailed testimonial from someone who wiped out a thing was like a $23,000 credit card debt, they put a default against his name, he used all the letters and all the process and actually managed to have that default removed from his credit file. And of course, once defaults removed, it cannot be replaced again. So very, very powerful strategies. So please make sure you grab those books from those various websites where you can of course get them as part of our combo packs as well via the link on our ebook page. So to finish up tonight, I want to do what we always do at the end of each show. And that is reminded that there's many very simple things that people can do cost little or no money take up very little time, but really do add up to make a big difference. You can of course sign up for the local government class action by the link on our local government page. You can download the flyer that's relevant to your state, send it off with the cover letter that you can also download from that page, send it to your local MP and just see if I can answer those few simple questions relating to the constitutional validity of local councils. We do obviously have our Know Your Rights book, know your rights Facebook group up and running for newbies. There's about 10,000 members there but again, please keep it only for people who are new to learning about their rights. Any more detailed controversial information you will find on our bitch shoot channel on our MIUI page, our gab page and our telegram group Ozzie spreading forums does have a large Facebook group with about 7000 people now bank Secrets Revealed got a Facebook group great Australian party of course has a Facebook group so please make sure you join those so you can catch up with like minded people via those groups. If you want to help spread the word for all the different groups you can just send an email through info at no your rights .au info at Ozzie speeding info at Bank Secrets Revealed Comdata you just shoot off an email with your postal address. Say hi I'd love some cards and stickers to help spread the word and they will be sent out to you completely free of charge. Another really great way to help spread the word of course get the message out to people is to send through your short video testimonials just outlining how you've successfully used our information or some of the bank secrets or the spreading funds info to fight back and when it doesn't need to be anything fancy. couple of minutes recording Have a phone is perfectly fine. It's just about getting your story across, to inspire and empower others to challenge the system and fight back as you have. If you want to do even more, make sure you order a copy of the books. As I said, watch the straw man videos on our website, research that concept online, I spoke to the guys who operate in the private about setting up a private foundation. That's something a lot more people are getting into now they're sick to death of the corrupt corporate system that we're being forced to operate under. And they want to step out of that and operate in the private. So please make sure you get it operate in the . To find out about that. Don't forget about our affiliate programme, which is up and running doesn't cost you anything to join, you can earn a commission from everyone who you refer a really great way to earn a little bit of extra money on the side just by informing others about their rights. Just go to our affiliate link on our website, as he spreading funds got an affiliate programme as well. So you can join that one to really great opportunity for people who've got you know, a database that gets a lot of hits or websites or big social media platforms, things like that. So what do we do at the end of the day, make sure you make use of all the information already on all the websites that we discuss, obviously know your rights .au Ozzie speeding , bank secrets .au operate in the . And of course, Darren's website, constitution .au, where the articles are being updated all the time. Don't forget, you can subscribe now to support all the hard work that that Darren does all his ongoing research. And of course, as a paid subscriber, you do get access not only to all of the, the main pages as soon as they're uploaded, but you also get that subscriber only content as well. So I think it works out like $1 a day or something1:36:45every dollar a day and his daily posts now1:36:48daily posts, there you go. So absolutely well worth it. So, look, there is a wealth of information available on all those websites that are very easily accessible, but you need to actually Of course, access it, learn it and then use it. So don't forget, we are always looking for people, groups companies to sponsor our show. So if you would like to do that, please be sure to contact us directly at info at no your rights group Comdata you. Again, I want to thank all of our show sponsors, alkaline health, Verona resorts, and of course, our longtime sponsor greener cleaner. To find out more about them, please make sure you click on the links on our health page. And we will finish off tonight by reminding everyone that as always, nothing in this broadcast is to be considered as legal or financial advice. We do recommend listeners do their own independent research into all the topics that we discussed. And we obviously recommend the websites that I mentioned just before. So as I've said a number of times now 2021 is shaping up to be an even more challenging year than 2020 walls. So it is more important than ever before for people to learn about their rights. So please do help us to spread the word and share the details of our websites around with everyone that you know. So that is it for us. We look forward to speaking to you all again live next Tuesday night for our next live show. We will be back live on Facebook at 830 on Thursday. Darrell 830 this Thursday just so you don't miss it. And again on Sunday night as well for our next live video updates. But otherwise, we will catch you again the following Tuesday night. So have a great week everyone and we will talk to you all later. See Legos, Milan. Bye ................

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