
Practice Test Questions for Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny TestUnder the Missouri Compromise ___________ was admitted as a free state and ____________ as a slave state.Missouri, MaineCalifornia, MexicoMaine, MissouriOhio, CaliforniaTerritoryFrom which country did the US take / receive the land?13 ColoniesTreaty of ParisLouisiana PurchaseFlorida CessionOregon TreatyTexas AnnexationTreaty of Guadalupe-HidalgoGadsden PurchaseThe Missouri Compromise of 1820 resulted in:a. an equal number of slave and free states b. more slave than free statesc. a complete end to slaveryd. a ban on slavery south of 36 degrees 30’Which Native American tribe’s journey to Indian Territory after their forced relocation is called the Trail of Tears? a. Seminole b. Cherokee c. Creekd. SiouxMany northerners were opposed to granting statehood to Texas because:they were against expanding the United Statesthey did not want to take the land away from the Native Americansthey did not want Texas to disturb the balance between slave and free states in Congressthey believed the land rightfully belonged to Mexico21. Which statement about the Siege at the Alamo is true?the Alamo was an old American fortSanta Anna’s army released all Texan men after they captured the fortIt was a victory for the Mexican ArmyIt was a victory for the Texan (American) fighters22. One cause for the war between the United States and Mexico was:a. the California borderb. the issue of slavery in Texasc. the southern border of Texasd. the impressments of American sailors23. Which of the following was a result of the Mexican War?the United States gained Texasthe United States gained the Mexican Cessionthe United States and Mexico became permanent alliesthe United States abolished slavery in Mexico24. The phrase manifest destiny refers to the belief that:the US should be 2 separate nationsthe US should abolish slaverythe US should expand across the entire continentthe US should trade with Mexico and Canada25. The foreign policies of President James Polk involving Texas, California, and the Oregon Territory were all efforts to:a. remain neutral toward western territoriesb. continue traditional American isolationismc. weaken the Monroe Doctrined. fulfill the goal of Manifest Destiny____ 1. With which of the following were the people known as "forty-niners” associated?the California gold rushthe American landing at Veracruzthe controversy over California's application for statehoodthe settlement of Oregon and establishment of its northern borderWho was the founder of the Mormon religion that was killed by an anti-Mormon mob in 1844?Black Hawk.Brigham Young.Joseph Smith.John C. Frémont.____ 4. "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight" referred to a boundary dispute between the United States and - Spain.Mexico.Great Britain.the Sauk and Fox.____ 7. Which event was most responsible for creating a diverse population in California?the gold rushthe Treaty of Fort Laramiethe invention of the steel plowthe war with Mexico____ 9. Which development led to a sharp rise in the number of enslaved people in the US?the cotton gininterchangeable partssteam-powered machinerythe canal system____ 10. Under Mexican rule, the main appeal Texas held for American settlers was - cheap land.legalized slavery.religious ernment protection from Native Americans.102108034163000Map Analysis: Use the map of Trails West to answer questions 11-15. ____ 11. Which trail ends in Salt Lake City?Santa Fe TrailMormon TrailOregon TrailButterfield Trail____ 12. What are the start and end points of the Old Spanish Trail?Fort Hall and San FranciscoNauvoo and Salt Lake CitySanta Fe and Los AngelesIndependence and Santa Fe____ 13. Where does the Butterfield Overland Mail Trail begin for western travelers?Council Bluffs, IowaEl Paso, TexasSt. Louis, MissouriSan Francisco, California____ 14. How many organized territories did the United States have in 1850?threeFourfivesix____ 15. Which trail traversed the state of Iowa?Butterfield TrailSanta Fe TrailOregon TrailMormon Trail42735530861000Map Analysis: Use the map of America’s Boundary Settlements and Territories to answer questions 22-15.____ 22. In what year did Ohio become a U.S. state?A. 1816B. 1803C. 1819D. 1796____ 23. Which current state entered U.S. territory as a result of the Adams-Onís Treaty?FloridaOregonTexasNew Mexico____ 24. In 1819, where was the northernmost boundary of Spanish territory set?between 42° & 43° S latitudebetween 39° & 40° N latitudebetween 93° & 94° W longitudebetween 42° & 43° N latitude____ 25. How many states had been added to the original thirteen by 1819?eight nine ten elevenWhat did settlers of Texas have to agree to do if they were to receive land and live in Texas?What principles of American Democracy did the Texas Revolutionaries cite as reasons to declare their independence from Mexico? ................

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