0 beans

| |0 beans |2 beans |3 beans |4 beans |

| |2 beans |

|Tithing | |

| |No cell phone |Cell phone with minimal |Unlimited minutes, some |Unlimited minutes & texting, camera and video|

|Cell Phone | |talk only (for |texting, no camera or video |capability |

| | |emergencies), NO texting | | |

| |Get rides, walk or ride|Purchase an older style, |Purchase an older, cheaper car |Purchase a new, nice model and drive |

|Transportation |bike |ugly car and carpool. |and drive frequently |frequently |

| |Go natural |Do your own hair / using |Have a friend or family member |Have your hair done at a salon |

|Hair | |only retail store products|do your hair for a discounted | |

| | | |price | |

| |Watch a movie you |Rent a new movie |Go to the movie theater |Go to the movie theater and buy popcorn & |

|Entertainment |already own, play a | | |drinks |

| |game | | | |

| |Trade clothes with |Buy second-hand clothing |Buy new clothing at |Buy brand name clothing |

|Clothes |friends or family |at places like DI or Ebay |lower-priced stores like ROSS | |

| | | |or Walmart | |

| |Listen to the radio |Cheap Mp3 shuffle player |Mp3 player that holds 2000+ |iTouch or similar model – does everything! |

|Music | |-holds 250 songs |songs, no video or internet | |

| |Make at home and take |Buy from school food cart |Buy from the dollar menu at a |Eat regular priced restaurant food |

|Lunches |w/ you |or vending machines |fast food restaurant | |

| |Borrow one from a |Buy a used one/ have your |Buy a new dress (not quite your|Buy the new prom dress of your dreams. |

|Prom Dress |friend or sister |mom or relative make one. |favorite color, but it’ll do). | |

| |None |10% of your monthly income|25% of your monthly income |50% or more of your monthly income |

|Savings | | | | |


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