Ms. Jones's World History Class

Name#Class PeriodDateCrash Course #40: Globalization I: The UpsideQuestionChoice 1Choice 2Choice 3The world today experiences widespread global economicInterdependence DependenceIndependenceScale of international trade has increased dramatically because of : 1) Multinational __ have global reach and increasing powerGovernmentsCorporationsUnions2) Travel & shipping are __ and safeExpensiveCheapEasy3) Govs have decreased tariffs & regulations known as“Free Trade”CollectivismRegulated tradeThe path of the T-ShirtThe cotton for the T-shirt comes fromBrazilAmericaIndiaSpinning & weaving takes place in lower wage nations likeCanadaBritainChinaThe finished blanks are sent to __ for screen-printing MexicoEurope/USAVietnamThe most expensive part of the process isShippingRetail/DesignGrowing Moving manufacturing jobs allows __ people to live betterMoreFewerPoverty is living on less than __ per day$30.00$5.75$1.25These days, people move ___than they ever haveLessMoreThe sameGlobalization also meansCultural BlendingSocial LossEcon GrowthThe Mongols T-shirt will cost you __ of work at min wage10 hours3 hours40 hoursWe study __to understand these changesScienceHistoryEconomics Crash Course #41: Globalization II: Good or Bad?QuestionChoice 1Choice 2Choice 3The fact that when asked to imagine THE future you imagined ___ future, says a lot about the modern worldSociety’s YourAmerica’sMost people now work in ManufacturingServiceAgricultureGlobalization has led to the celebration of SocietyCultureIndividualismIndividualism had a ___ effect on families. DestabilizingPositiveNullifying Technology means that families share __ experiencesMoreFewer NoThe biggest effect of globalization is its impact on theEconomyEnvironmentSocial ClassesGlobalization has made the average person PoorerDumberRicherGrowth has been dependent on unsustainable use of EnergyResourcesWaterThere’s been a relative lack of global __ since the 1918 flu.WarsTakeoversPandemicsIn 1960, trade counted for 24% of the world’s GDP, now itsTripledDoubledQuadrupledSome say an economically interdependent world is less likely To go warCollapseSucceed However, globalization has not rid the world of CrimePovertyViolenceDemocracy and political freedom have been on the RiseFallBut, democracy and economic success __ go hand in hand Don’t Always At all times NeverIs globalization a good thing? YesNoIt depends…. Every __ is a historical forceGreat ManHumanEvent ................

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