






The contracting authority is the European Union (hereinafter referred to as "contracting authority"), represented by the Head of the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro or its duly authorized representative.

The contracting authority plans to conclude a supply contract for the purchase of a new service car for its office.

When drawing up their tenders, tenderers shall take into account the provisions in these tender specifications, in the letter of invitation to tender as well as in the order form (contract), which specify the rights and obligations of the contractor, particularly those on payments, performance of the contract, confidentiality, checks and audits.

The model of the order form that will be used for this contract is attached to the letter of invitation to tender in annex II. These tender specifications and the tender submitted by the awardee of the contract will be annexed to the contract and therefore be binding on the contracting parties during the implementation of the contract.

subject of the contract

The subject of this procedure is the supply and delivery of a service car corresponding to the technical specifications set in this tender specifications.

The tenderer will draw up a technical offer and a financial offer, duly supplemented, dated and signed.

The place of delivery is Podgorica (Montenegro).

Description of public procurement procedure

Economic operators interested in this contract shall submit their complete offer, including all documents as described in point 8 by the deadline indicated in the letter of invitation to tender.

All tenderers shall fill in, date and sign the identification form (annex 1).

It is the responsibility of the tenderer to regularly consult the e-mails received.

The website on which all procurement documents are published will be updated regularly and it is the tenderer's responsibility to check for updates and modifications during the tendering period.

The evaluation of tenders will be made in the following order:

• access to market,

• exclusion criteria,

• selection criteria,

• award criteria.

If the tender does not pass a category, it will not be evaluated under the following category/ies.

Groups of economic operators and subcontracting

Tenders can be submitted by a single economic operator or jointly by two or more economic operators. Subcontracting is allowed but the contractor will retain full liability towards the contracting authority for implementation of the contract.

eligibility of economic operators

1 Access to public procurement

Participation in this tender procedure is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons:

• in one of the European Union Member States;

• in a third country which has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement[1] on the conditions laid down in the agreement;

Participation is also open to international organisations.

Economic operators, including each member of a joint tender, must confirm that they have their headquarters or domicile in one of the abovementioned States and present the supporting evidence normally acceptable under their own law.

2 Non-exclusion of economic operators

Economic operators who have access to public procurement are evaluated on the basis of the information provided in their tenders for exclusion criteria.

Economic operators shall provide a declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria (annex 3) duly filled in, signed and dated by the legally authorised representative.

Whenever requested by the contracting authority, the candidate or tenderer, as well as the entity on whose capacity the tenderer intends to rely shall provide the supporting documents confirming the declaration.

3 Selection of economic operators

Tenderers must only provide a declaration on honour on selection criteria attached to the invitation to tender (annex 3) duly filled in, signed and dated by the legally authorised representative.

The economic operators shall meet the following conditions:

5.3.1. Legal and regulatory capacity:

The tenderer must:

• be enrolled in a relevant professional or trade register, except for international organisations;

• hold a particular authorisation from the automobile official manufacturer proving that it is authorised to perform the contract in its country of establishment or be a member of a specific professional organisation.

Evidence upon request [2]: A statement from the relevant authority of the country in which the candidate has its domicile or headquarters proving that the candidate is authorised to be provider of vehicles and relevant maintenance.

5.3.2. Economic and financial capacity:

The tenderer must demonstrate sufficient economic and financial capacity to perform the services subject to this call for tender by fulfilling the minimum requirement as follows: the average annual turnover for the last two financial years for which accounts have been closed must be at least 60.000 euro. If a foreign currency is used, the exchange rate used to convert the turnover into euros will be the rate from December of the year of the financial statement as published at


Evidence upon request: an extract of the financial statements for the last two financial years for which accounts have been closed.

5.3.3. Technical and professional capacity:

The tenderer must have relevant experience of at least five (5) years in the commercial activity which is the subject of this call for tenders (selling and maintenance of vehicles).

Evidence upon request: a dated and signed statement from the tenderer.


The technical specifications described hereunder are considered as the minimum technical specifications of the required vehicle. If these minimum criteria are not met the offer will be disqualified.

1 Minimum technical requirements

The proposed vehicle will have the following minimum requirements listed below:

|Minimum requirements |

|General |

|Type : Hatchback / Station wagon |

|Steering wheel: Left hand drive |

|Colour : Metallic dark grey |

|Car length: min 4100 mm – max: 4700 mm |

|Minimum size of the trunk: 400 litres with 5 seat capacity |

|Doors: 4/5 |

|Seats: 5 |

|Minimum warranty : Minimum 3 years / 100.000 km |

|Engine /transmission |

|Engine (cm3): Minimum 1000 cc and lower or equal to 1500 cc |

|Power: Minimum 80 HP and lower or equal to 150 HP |

|Fuel: 95 unleaded (EURO 6) |

|CO2 emission : ................

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