

PGC’s Monthly Newsletter

Personal Growth Center

3000 41st Street Ocean, Marathon, Florida 33050

Telephone 305–434–9065


June / July Edition 2008

Director Lisa Marciniak Photography by Wayne L


|PGC outings for June / July |

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|June 6th: Local shopping λ June 13th: Bahia Honda λ June 20th: IHOP λ June 27h: Sombrero Beach |

|July 11th local shopping λ July 18th Sombrero Beach λ July 25th Bahia Honda |

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|Director’s Desk |

|I would like to dedicate this space to the memory of some very special people we have lost in the past few months. |

|Patty J, who worked for us as a Behavioral Health Tech, passed away on 5/23/08. we remember Patty for her amiable personality and can-do attitude. |

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|Rosemarie Smith also worked as a Behavioral Health Technician at PGC. On 5/30/08, Rose left behind three children and a new husband. Rose will be remembered for her|

|pleasant disposition, a beautiful smile, and youthful spirit. |

| |

|Mary G (photo not available) passed away on 6/28/08. she had been a member of PGC since it’s inception in the 80’s. Mary was a long time resident of Heron House and|

|loved by all her peers. Mary will be remembered for her playfulness and intelligence. |

|You will all be missed…. |


|Michael M. |Lori J. |

| |Lori Jones was born on August 2, 1952 in Winsted, Connecticut, where she grew |

| |up. She went to Gillert High School and graduated from there in 1970. She |

| |then went to Data Institute in Hartford, Connecticut for computer and data |

| |entry and graduated. Her profession was data entry at Waring Products. She |

| |also worked in the school system as home teacher for preschool learning |

|Interview By: Tony M. |disabled children. She also worked in the school system as a teacher's aid. |

|Michael was born on October 24th, 1951 in New York, New York. He is 56 years |She also owned her own business as a women's clothing store. |

|old. He grew up in Great Neck, Long Island outside of New York City. He |Lori loves all types of music except country music. She likes action movies, |

|attended Great Neck Elementary School, Great Neck North Junior & Senior High |mystery and documentaries. Lori likes gardening, riding bicycles, and spending|

|School. His favorite pastimes are watching television next to the palm tree |time with her boyfriend. She was married for 28 years and is now divorced. |

|and listening to the radio. His favorite music is a band called Moby Grape. |She has one daughter, who is 33 and three grandsons. |

|For a while he delivered groceries to apartments. He has lived in the Florida|Lori needed help applying for Medicaid and Social Security because of a brain |

|Keys for over 15 years. He came to the Heron House from the Streets of Key |injury from a bad accident ten years ago. That is what brought her to the |

|West. He likes it at the Personal Growth Center. |Growth Center. She loves coming here and loves all the people here. |

| |Interview by Tony March |

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|June Birthdays |July Birthdays | |

| | | |

|June 2nd- Elizabeth C. |July 4th- Mary G. | |

|June 2nd Billy Ray M. |July 24th- Patricia R. | |

|June 29th John W. |July 26th- Matthew A. | |


Lori J- Chairperson

Adrian S- Vice Chairperson

Judy B- Secretary

John W- Treasurer

Estelle L- Member at large

New board members took their seats on Wednesday July 2nd


(((((SMALL BIZ NEWS(((((

PIES PIES PIES!!!! Small Biz Department has pies in stock.. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to purchase our signature dish. Whole pies are $8, or by-the-slice for $1.50.


PGC holds new Nami Connection.Recovery Support Group. The Personal Growth Center is holding the meetings on Tuesday’s from 1:15 -2:15 pm . This group is for those in recovery from mental illness or caregivers of the mentally. For more info call 305-434-9063.

|Blueberry Muffins submitted by Lori J. |

| |

|Makes 3 dozen. Preheat oven to 350. |

| |

|4 eggs |

|1 cup melted butter |

|2 cups sugar |

|4 cups flour |

|2 cups sour cream |

|2 Tablespoons baking powder |

|½ teaspoon baking soda |

|2 cups blueberries. |

|Beat butter & sugar together, add eggs & sour cream. Mix together flour, baking powder & baking soda. Add dry ingredients slowly to wet ingredients. Stir in |

|blueberries. Sprinkle top with cinnamon & sugar, if desired. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes |

|THANK YOU GINI LEE HAFFNER- Associate Director of Programs for the Ohio Office of NAMI |

| |

|Gini spoke at the Personal Growth Center June 2nd. Mental illness first impacted the Haffner family in 1977. With numerous family members having varying degrees|

|of functionality, she has personally experienced the ramifications of chemical imbalance She got involved with NAMI programs in 1996 and has been working |

|continuously since then to help individuals and their families who are struggling with the effects of mental illness. |


|Hello again!  My other email address is not working, so if anyone responded to my last email I can´t access it.  I´ll be using this address from now on.  I hope that |

|all is well.  Next week I´ll be going to the site that I´ll be living at for the next 2 years to meet the people that I will be working with and set things up for |

|when I move there in June.  Things are continuing to go well, I´ve been spending a lot of time with my host family near Panama city and learning Ngbere, which is the |

|indigenous language of the area I will be living in.  Today I´m in a bigger city near where I´ve been living for first aid courses and finally got to get on the |

|Internet again.  I´ll be sure to write again after I´ve been to my site and have more to report. Ciao! |

|Brandy |

|Scalloped Potatoes -------- By Judy B. |From Tony’s Jokebook… |

|8 Potatoes | |

|1 Onion |“What’s the first thing you did when you got to New York?” I took a cab. “What’s the |

|1 Cup of chopped Cheese |second thing you did?” The police made me return it. |

|1 Cup of Milk | |

|Salt & Pepper to taste | |

|Bake in 9 by 10 pan at 350 For 1 hr until the potatoes are tender. | |

Personal Expressions

|By Josepa! |

|My mother was a psychic and it turns out I am too. I had a lot of psychic experiences when I was a child. Dreamt I was a freedom fighter in the Spanish Civil War!|

|Then at the state hospital, I connected with my boyfriend by being psychic. Now I had an incredible psychic dream. It took place in Sanduak. There was a man that|

|was in prison there for attempted murder. 5 years to life. For trying to kill Arnold Swartzenager, the governor of California, with a shotgun. The man in prison |

|was tall with one tattoo on his chest that says, “Mom.” And it's all true! |

|July is Independence month. The birth laws of our nations month. The month of the birth of a new and self-owned America. The month of self-motivation and |

|self-discipline. Th month of self-indulgence and self-value. The month of beginning and self-leadership and self-rule. July is the birth month of a new life and |

|a new international self-image. |

|…James D. |

| “Does anybody stay here?” |Dark Deer |

|“Does anybody leave?” |By Mark M. |

|An article by Josepha W. | |

| |The molecules of oxygen I was breathing were so abundant, I leaped minute by |

|They come and they go. Tennis shoes, khaki shorts, Loud shirts and money. They |minute, exasperating the nature of my own hope. The water I stepped in on the edge|

|buy everything from diamond rings to real estate. They stay for 3 days or 3 |of the river, sparkled and neutralized the essence of my energy, revolving to and |

|years. They come by boat or they buy a boat. And then they tire of the place and |fro, waves crashing across the shore, shimmering sounds, not easy to forget and as|

|leave. |the gulls flew over, I watched and observed. Fish sporting across the level, down |

|The others come to escape another place, or face, or problem. They find the |beneath. Where do I begin? What sounds do I hear, existing positively, or not |

|cheapest housing they can. They find jobs (none up to their resumes) Then they |penetrating things at all. |

|try to leave. But lack of money imprisons them amongst the palm trees between the|I waded into the water, of course the sun would shine constantly during the day. |

|seas. |At night calm and darkness. The moon was the only light at dark , surmising the |

|They can’t leave and never do. |power of the solar force to begin it’s rotation once in a while, always setting |

| |good nurturing power from within and outside of the reflection of infinity. Why |

| |darkness is a good memory of a minute, measure of time, additional to the |

| |calculation moving forward, minus the shining forth perpetuation true to |

| |completion somewhat in an imaginary fashion, engulfing possibilities. Why I am |

| |consistently above the nature of what matters. |

| |And so the entire picture of this creation is fading across the air, moving |

| |slowly, always continuing, never released nothingness at all. So the times weave |

| |through, satisfactorily. |

|Home | |

|An article by Josepha W. | |

|There is a place, nestled among lawns and trees, where the mentally ill are not | |

|treated like fools or witches. They come by bus or on foot and stay all day – | |

|creating beauty out of nothing. They cook elaborate meals for each other. They | |

|operate a shop and sell everything from potato chips to clothing. They operate | |

|computers and produce the Daily Newsletter and the Monthly Newsletter which | |

|contain some of the best prose and poetry you will ever read. | |

|This is their home away from havoc – the place where they prove their humanity | |

|and their excellence. | |

|Visit, if you are ready to have your preconceptions overturned. | |

|To Whom It May Concern, |(Non-Alcoholic) Pina Colada Logic |

|Because of deaths, car accidents, and bad things happening to people, I used to |Edited and Submitted by Michael M. |

|curse and call God “murdering scum.” Then I started to think about what the |based on Songs by Jimmy Buffet |

|elders at the churches I go to say. Bad things that happen to us are not God's |It’s these Changes in latitudes |

|fault. Then who is responsible for all this death, sickness, and disease? It |Changes in attitudes |

|was Satan who tempted Eve through the snake to eat the forbidden fruit. When |Nothing remains quite the same. |

|Adam discovered she had, he took a bite to get her off. Satan abandoned God's |All of my running and All of my cunning |

|word. If it was not for Satan, there would be no sickness, death, disease, |If I didn’t laugh I just would go insane! |

|poverty, corruption, wrong-doers, and all this mess we are in. There would not | |

|even be age. No living thing or anything else would become of age or grow old. |Don’t know the reason |

|Curse not God, curse the Devil. |Stayed here all season |

|One time when I was about to go somewhere, I accidentally brushed my brand new |Nothing to show but this brand new tattoo |

|shirt against a charcoal grill and got a black smudge on it. I made a curse. |It’s a real beauty |

|Then I thought to myself, “maybe God did that there than for me to be run into by|A Mexican cutie |

|a car or get hurt by some way. That makes sense because God is a just, fair, and|How it got here I haven’t a clue. |

|loving God who intends us no harm, though is not a soft touch by any means and | |

|who means business. He is slow to anger and can be disobeyed for some time, but |Wasting away again in Margaritaville |

|when finally angered we have something to deal with and had better straighten up.|Searching for my lost shaker of salt |

|We are all in danger of being devoured by Satan. The whole world lies in the |Some people claim there’s a woman to blame |

|power of the wicked one. |But I know, it could be my own fault. |

|Some people turn to God when times are hard and when things lighten us up again |Havana day dreaming, |

|they abandon God until times get hard again. Faith is not like a comfortable |Boy he’s just scheming his life away. |

|shoe you slip on when you need it and slip off when you don't. Faith has to be |I blew out my flip-flop |

|kept all the time. |Stepped on a pop top |

|Tony M |Cut my heel |

| |Had to cruise on back home. |

|onya |But there’s mix in the blender |

| |Soon we will render |

| |That frozen concoction |

| |That helps me hang on. |


A place to go…

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Recovery in it's respective way is loving, caring and understanding. That makes life simple for all of us in a creative way. ---- Joe D. June 30th 2008


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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