
16 November 2015Dear ParentsSchool fees for 2016After much deliberation the School Board has managed to balance its budget but with some difficulty. There are a number of factors, which have made this onerous task more complicated than usual, namely: sizeable increases passed on by service providers, the exchange rate, static pupil numbers and the need to narrow the already wide gap between the salaries of state teachers and ESCS teachers. Complicating the above is the recent “Fees must fall movement” permeating through the tertiary education sector. Whilst the state coffers (i.e. the tax payer) will inevitably come to the rescue in some shape or form for the tertiary education institutions, this is not possible for independent schools that have to find the additional resources themselves. Independent schools thus have little choice but to pass the increased cost of doing business onto the parents. ESCS, being a registered Non-Profit Organisation, tries to keep the increased costs to a minimum. At ESCS we pass increases on with a heavy heart as we are committed to affordable Christian education and the Board is well aware that every increase really hurts those families who struggle monthly to keep their children at ESCS. The school is mindful that for most parents a substantial percentage of their monthly budget towards school fees. This sacrifice is appreciated.The 10% increase (noted in the table below) merely balances the tight budget at ESCS and ensures the continued delivery of quality education coupled with effective discipling; which are our core values. Academically, Cambridge International Examinations, one of the world’s premier gold card curriculums, opens most tertiary education doors and sees students well prepared for the rigours of tertiary education. With this as our goal, the raised academic standards filter down to the Junior Primary. As a parent, be assured that you do not have to worry about how your child compares with other children in the global village in which we live. Recently, one of our families relocated to Cairo and their children have become part of the international schooling system. This was not only a seamless transition but they have excelled; a credit to the quality education they received at ESCS. As regards discipling; we are currently investing heavily in the Association of Christian Schools’ International Bible Education curriculum at Senior Primary level. In our opinion, despite the cost [US Dollars], it is the best on the market. This will begin to filter into all Primary School grades once the 2016 pilot model has run its course. Additional funding has also been allocated to sport and culture for 2016 and we look forward to the returns on this investment.Quality sure comes at a price! I honour the parent body who have chosen this route for their children despite the price. I know that the life-long rewards will be more than worth the sacrifice being made at the present moment. In addition, I also urge parents who have not yet switched over to the debit order system to do so as it is by far the cheapest way of paying fees (see last week’s letter). For new parents this is not an option but for existing parents please seriously consider the advantages of this system to you. The table below sets out the school fee contributions for 2016. The fee structure is well placed when compared the neighbouring schools in our community – state and independent. In some classes with smaller numbers [<20:1], it is a real bargain!Finally, on a different note, I trust that your children have studied hard for the upcoming examinations and will give you an excellent return on your investment!Yours sincerelyErith BudgeTHE FEE STRUCTURES ARE AS FOLLOWS FOR 2016:Monthly Debit order rate [preferred method of payment]Grade2015Rand p.m.2016Rand p.m.% IncreaseRand IncreaseAnnual AmountR001 6651 8321016720 1520-32 6532 9181026532 09842 8353 1191028434 3095-62 9443 2381039435 6187-93 4353 7791034441 56910-124 0914 5001040949 500Monthly Non Debit order rate [EFT] Grade2016Randp.m.% increaseAdmin charge %RandincreaseAnnual amountRand001 85010118520 3500-32 94710129432 41743 15010131534 6505-63 27010142635 9707-93 81710138241 98710-124 54510145449 995Monthly Non Debit order rate [Credit card / Cash] Grade2016Randp.m.% increaseAdmin charge %RandincreaseAnnual amountRand001 86910220420 5590-32 97610232332 73643 18110234634 9915-63 30210235836 3227-93 85510242042 40510-124 59010249950 490Additional costs associated with all extra curricular music lessons – 2016Time period of lessonsIndividual lessonsGroups of 2Groups of 3-41 x 40 min. lesson per week [minimum of 8 lessons per term]R825per termR690 eachper termR440 eachper term ................

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