
Katelyn MeltonProfessor MoningerENGL1010: Expository Writing IOctober 19, 2012Cosmetics: Beautiful or Deadly?In every store, every mall, every pharmacy there’s a section specifically labeled “cosmetics”. Cosmetics and beauty products aren’t just a new fad, style, or craze that happened over the span of the last 100 years but quite honestly has been happening since the beginning of time. Ishida said, “There is no race on the earth which doesn’t have cosmetic behavior” (1). Every woman in the human race has the need to feel wanted and to feel appealing to men. Sometimes men as well feel as though they have to look good to attract woman or to find favor with superiors, so it’s just as Gheorghe-Virgil Atodiresei explains, “Using cosmetics products emerged as a necessity in man’s desire for seduction, for power” (1). Generally throughout history all beauty items have been made from plants and different dyes found in nature. Some people even made makeup out of dirt or by smearing leaves across their face because they thought that it made them look beautiful or more appealing. In medieval times a bride was even required to carry a bouquet of flowers so she would smell better on her wedding day. This only happened to specific people though because “…cosmetic products were exclusively made of natural substances, but were so expensive that only certain social class, the privileged, could afford using them” (Atodiresei 1). The contemporary consumer can pay extra for specialty cosmetics or purchase items meant to appeal to middle class budgets.With the advancements in time and in the era’s that we’ve seen, cosmetics became available to more people around the word in mass quantities. Unfortunately, with the ability to mass-produce also caused for cheap generic creation of beauty products. With the availability of just make up, women began to believe that just putting beauty products on their faces wasn’t enough. They began to believe that the only way to be appealing was to completely change their appearance through injections and plastic surgery. Injections would cause some people to have little to no side affects until later, according to Lj Jara “…the onset of symptoms was 1 month to 15 years” (2). Different symptoms have been called human adjuvant diseases and each has their own specifications and categories ranging in severity. In fact, “human adjuvant disease is associated with exposure to foreign substances that can act as adjuvants, some of which are injected in to patients for cosmetic purposes including silicone, mineral oil, guayacol, and others” (Jara 1). Mineral oil wouldn’t cause any symptoms at first but then it would require serious surgeries that could result in body deformities. The way that people knew that they were having complications with their injections was when they “…underwent surgical excision of necrotic and inflammatory tissue due to pain, inflammation, spontaneous ulcers, infection, local hardening, or functional limitation for walking and sitting” (Jara 3). The beautification that women were seeking ultimately ended in scarring them for life. Although many women were scared of what could happen with injections like botox, they still wanted to look younger and more beautiful so they could keep up with an ever-changing world around them. Unfortunately for those women the economy and their spending habits would put them in a severe bind because of the economy. According to Atodiresei, “There is a drop in the sale of cosmetics because of the global economic crisis, an important segment of the market registered a slight growth: anti-aging cosmetics” (3). Instead of being set on Botox and plastic surgery, women resorted to the cheapest form of beauty they could rely on, anti-aging crèmes. This just shows how much of an emphasis is put on appearance in our world and how women value it so much.So is beauty worth thousands of dollars or would it be better if all women needed was to smear some mud on their faces to appear beautiful? It’s honestly sad that cosmetics and beauty products have had such a huge impact on how people see themselves or how they see beauty. The person looking in the mirror should judge beauty, whether it’s with or without makeup. Cosmetics only hide the true beauty underneath. Work CitedAtodiresei, Gheorghe-Virgil. "Botanical Resources Of Spontaneous And Cultivated Flora, With Applications In The Cosmetics Industry." Agronomy Series Of Scientific Research / Lucrari Stiintifice Seria Agronomie 54.1 (2011): 94-97. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Oct. 2012.Ishida, K. "From The Age Of Fast Beauty To Age Of Slow Beauty, The Postmodern Value." International Journal Of Cosmetic Science 28.6 (2006): 461. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Oct. 2012.Jara, LJ, et al. "Human Adjuvant Disease Induced By Foreign Substances: A New Model Of ASIA (Shoenfeld's Syndrome)." Lupus 21.2 (2012): 128-135. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Oct. 2012.Sautebin, Lidia. "Understanding The Adverse Effects Of Cosmetics: A Pilot Project In Cosmetovigilance." Drug Safety 31.5 (2008): 433-436. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Oct. rmative EssayComponentsRequirementsPoints6 TraitsIdeasOrganizationVoiceWord ChoiceSentence FluencyConventionsYou interpreted the prompt in a way that makes your writing stand out.You have a logical organization.Your writing isn’t too choppy or stuffy.Your words vary and spark a specific image for the reader. Your sentence length varies.You follow grammar and spelling conventions.Your essay has a specific thesis and story map.(Out of 50)43SourcesAt least 3 acceptable sourcesNo WikipediaAt least one published in reputable magazine, book, or other hard sourceAll sources are included on a MLA formatted works cited page (hanging indents, DS, correct information included).You include at least 1 direct quote.You give credit to paraphrased sources.(Out of 25)25PresentationYou follow MLA formatting for any quotes and to document sources.Your essay is 3-4 pages in length (not counting the works cited page).You use times 12-point font, 1-inch margins, correct student information, and a title.(Out of 25)25Comments: Very well worded essay. Make sure you specifically state the thesis and essay map. For future papers, see where you can prepare the reader with transition sentences at the end and beginning of paragraphs. Look at each paragraph separately to make sure each is as strong as possible (transition, topic, supporting evidence, emphasis or conclusion sentence). You especially shined with the use of quotes to emphasize points and show that your views were backed with academic accuracy.Total(Out of 100)93 ................

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