1. ________ me in open court, then they would hear my answer.

A. were they to accuse

B. If they had accused

C. Unless they had accused

D. Should they to accused

E. If they accuse

2. Hardly ever ___________ more objective reports of the facts.

A. will you find

B. you found

C. you will find

D. you will have found

E. had you found

3. Seldom _____________ such good, cheap newspapers.

A. one saw

B. one saes

C. does one see

D. he saw

E. he had seen

4. Hardly a penny in the world ____________

A. did he possess

B. he possess

C. he possessed

D. he will possess

E. he has possessed

5. Rarely _______________ better “Letters to the Editor”

A. we read

B. we have read

C. we will read

D. hadwe read

E. hawe we read

6. Never ___________ newspapers without advertisements.

A. you find

B. you will find

C. will you find

D. you have found

E. had you found

7. Large areas of the world are overpopalated, _________ many parts have very few inhabitants.

A. nevertheless

B. and

C. while

D. when

E. since

8. Your brother has become a successful man of business, _____________ you are still a penniless artist.

A. whereas

B. because

C. thus

D. therefore

E. yet

9. ____________ he had taken no food for three days, he didn’t feel hungry.

A. Because

B. Unless

C. If

D. Although

E. When

10. __________, the ship would not have sunk.

A. If the captain waited for better weather

B. If the captain waits for better weather

C. If the captain had waited for better weather

D. Unless the captain waited for better weather

E. Unless the captain had waited for better weather

11. Cats were making ___________ nobody could sleep.

A. such a noise that

B. that such a noise

C. so noise that

D. too noise that

E. very noise that

12. A clumsy waiter spilt some coffee, _______.

A. made my white shirt unwearable

B. it is making my white shirt unwearable

C. making my white shirt unwearable

D. he is making my white shirt unwearable

E. having made my white shirt unwearable

13. ___________, she spolit it.

A. She is wearing her new hat in the rain

B. She wore her new hat in the rain

C. Wearing her new hat in the rain

D. If she wears her new hat in the rain

E. Although she is wearing her new hat in the rain

14. _________ the daily newspaper, he sometimes finds funny mistakes.

A. Go through

B. I am going through

C. To go through

D. Went through

E. Going through

15. ___________, I began to look for a publisher.

A. I finished the final chapters

B. The final chapters are finished

C. Finished off the final chapters

D. Finishing off the final chapters

E. When I am finished by the final chapters

16. __________, you’ll be punished severely.

A. A lie is telling

B. For telling such a lie

C. To tell a lie

D. Unless you tell such a lie

E. If you will tell such a lie

17. __________, he must appear before a judge.

A. The law was broken

B. For breaking the law

C. To break the law

D. While breaking the law

E. Provided that you break a law

18. I __________ my car in a “No parking area” for twenty minutes so the police took it away.

A. left

B. will leave

C. have left

D. leave

E. had left

19. I shal take my father’s gun ________.

A. that I might shoot some rabbits with it.

B. I might shoot some rabbits with it

C. shooting some rabbits with it

D. to shoot some rabbits with it

E. not to shoot some rabbits with it

20. Someone brought a chair ___________.

A. I sit on it

B. so that I could join them at the table

C. so not to join them at the table

D. so that I couldn’t sit on it

E. that I could sit on it

21. __________, she went out to post the letter.

A. Having sealed the envelope

B. Envelope is sealed

C. She sealed the envelope

D. Although sealing the envelope

E. That she sealed the envelope

22. _________ what would you do there?

A. If you had elected to parliament

B. If you elect you to parliament

C. Had you been elected to parliament

D. Unless you are elected to the parliament

E. Were you to be elected to parliament

23. No sooner ________ home _______ he was called out again.

A. had the doctor arrived / than

B. the doctor had arrived / and

C. had the doctor arrived / but

D. the doctor had arrived / than

E. the doctor arrived / than

24. I have never lent Max and money ________ for a loan.

A. nor he has ever asked

B. neither he has ever asks

C. but did he ask

D. nor had he ever asked

E. nor has he ever asked

25. The burglar did not break a window ________ by the front door.

A. nor he left

B. neither he left

C. nor did he leave

D. nor does he leave

E. nor he leaves

26. Not only ________ but she knows how to make it, too.

A. Lily likes ice cream

B. does Lily like ice-cream

C. Did Lily like ice-cream

D. Lily liked ice-cream

E. Lily had liken ice-cream

27. The burglars _______ took the money ________ they burnt all our papers too.

A. not only / and

B. not only / than

C. both / than

D. not only / but

E. both / but

28. ___________ they are both nature lovers, they spend their free time in the countryside.

A. Lest

B. So

C. Unless

D. Since

E. Although

29. We could shop now if __________

A. the store were open

B. were the store open

C. the store is open

D. the store opens

E. was he store open

30. This statue looks _________ it could walk away.

A. although

B. as if

C. whether

D. while

E. even if

31. He had ________ little education ________ he had difficulty getting job.

A. such a / that

B. more / than

C. so / than

D. so / that

E. less / that

32. _________ the sculpture was unveiled, everyone checred.

A. Even though

B. Unless

C. While

D. In case

E. When

33. __________ Victor arrived, he rented a car.

A. Since

B. As soon as

C. So that

D. Expect that

E. As if

34. If Nina took singing lessons, she _____ a great singer.

A. will become

B. becomes

C. might become

D. had become

E. might have become

35. If she _______ at the party last night, she ________ Paul.

A. had been / could have met

B. were / could meet

C. was / could meet

D. had been / would meet

E. were / meet

36. He ______ them when he ______ his schedule.

A. telephoned / would arrange

B. telephones / will arrange

C. would telephone / would arrange

D. will telephone / arranges

E. had telephoned / would have arranged

37. If they ______ to collaborate, they ______ frequently.

A. planned / have to meet

B. plan / will have to meet

C. had planned / have to meet

D. will plan / would have to meet

E. would plan / had to meet

38. _____ the polar bear lives in an extremely cold climate, it doesn’t hibernate.

A. As if

B. Because

C. Until

D. Unless

E. Although

39. The director made explanations _______ he showed the film.

A. as

B. even if

C. for

D. so that

E. if

40. ________ Leo arose at 6 a.m., he hasn’t eaten anything.

A. Provided that

B. In case

C. Since

D. Whenever

E. Unless

41. Before he turned fourteen, Mozart ______ a few pieces for the piano.

A. has been composed

B. had composed

C. had the composition of

D. was composed

E. had he composed

42. _____ he ______ about the mysteries of the mind, he dropped his notes.

A. since / lectured

B. Because / was lecturing

C. When / lectures

D. While / was lecturing

E. Suppose / lectured

43 Lincoln had been a successful lawyer ____ he became president.

A. as

B. for

C. no matter when

D. if

E. before

44. She lost lot of weight ______ she had been ill.

A. due to the fact that

B. so that

C. if

D. for fear that

E. even though

45. Gregory plays the banjo very well ______ he has never had lessons.

A. since

B. as though

C. as

D. even though

E. so that

46. ___________ she eats only low-calorie food she wants to remain slim.

A. even though

B. for fear that

C. since

D. in order that

E. so

47. Dr. Jenner developed a vaccine for smallpox, _______ many people were saved.

A. so that

B. though

C. until

D. if

E. test

48. The dentist told the child to hold very still _____ he wouldn’t hurt him.

A. so that

B. when

C. if

D. for fear that

E. seeing that

49. We won’t need a car when we get there _____ there are people to meet us there

A. in order that

B. since

C. except that

D. unless

E. in case

50. They are going to g oto the theatre tonight ____ they can get tickets.

A. whereas

B. except that

C. provided that

D. when

E. supposing

51. If the flowers ______ earlier, they _____ in bloom for the garden party this weekend.

A. were planted / would be

B. had planted / would have been

C. were planted / will be

D. had bee planted / would be

E. planted / are

52. Look at him! He’s talking as though he _____ a professional baseball player.

A. has been

B. are

C. is

D. was

E. were

53. Every time I see him. I feel _____ we had met years ago.

A. as if

B. or

C. in order

D. as

E. even though

54. The Nolans will have to get a permit if they ______ their house.

A. will renovated

B. had renovated

C. would renovated

D. renovate

E. renovated

55. If the Titanic had had additional life boats, more people _______

A. would be saved

B. could have saved

C. could have been saved

D. could save

E. would have saved

56. That plant looked as if it ______ for a long time.

A. wasn't watered

B. hadn’t been watered

C. weren’t watered

D. didn’t water

E. hadn’t watered

57. ______ you had one, what would you photograph?

A. Supposing

B. Providing

C. In case

D. Except that

E. Seeing that

58. It is this wall that makes the room small. If it _____ the room _____ larger.

A. had been removed / was

B. removed / will be

C. would be removed / were

D. is removed /is

E. were removed / would be

59. I spent a year in Germany _____ I might learn German.

A. In case

B. such that

C. in order that

D. so as

E. since

60. Your design is excellent _______ it isn’t suitable for our purposes.

A. while

B. as if

C. if

D. since

E. no matter how

61. They’ll soon find him _____ he is hiding.

A. as if

B. when

C. no matter where

D. so that

E. for fear that

62. I’m going to buy a computer _____ I haven’t got much money.

A. seeing that

B. even though

C. now that

D. lest

E. for fear that

63. Go by train ______ there should be a lot of traffic on the roads.

A. how

B. in case

C. as though

D. while

E. whereas

64 ______ well you write, it doesn’t mean it will be published.

A. No matter

B. Although

C. However

D. Even if

E. Whatever

65. _______ he tells you, don’t believe a word.

A. Even though

B. As

C. In case

D. No matter

E. Whatever

66. Type this again _____ I showed you yesterday.

A. the way

B. as if

C. when

D. seeing that

E. since

67. _______ she is never in when I phone. I’ll have to write to her.

A. Even if

B. Since

C. While

D. No matter when

E. Though

68. You didn’t finish the crossword puzzle _____ I did.

A. so quickly that

B. as quickly as

C. quicker than

D. such a quick one that

E. not so quickly as

69. _____ we saw him run towards us, we realized that something had gone wrong.

A. No sooner

B. As soon as

C. As if

D. Until

E. While

70. I’ll be dead by the time they _____ a cure for the common cold.

A. had found

B. will find

C. find

D. were found

E. found

71. You’ll get a surprise _____ you open the door.

A. the moment

B. in case

C. by the time

D. wherever

E. while

72. I intend to go for a walk this morning ______ it’s raining

A. in case

B. lest

C. in order that

D. even if

E. except that

73. _____ no one answered my call, I left a message on the answer phone.

A. As soon as

B. Since

C. Lest

D. While

E. Unless

74. I walk to work every morning _____ I can get some exercise.

A. so that

B. for fear that

C. although

D. even if

E. while

75. Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen _____ there is a fire.

A. In case

B. if

C. when

D. in order that

E. so that

76. If I _______ not in a hurry. I _____ to dinner and we could eat together.

A. were / would stay

B. am / will stay

C. was / could stay

D. were / stayed

E. had been / would stay

77. Here the children are never scolded ______ they do what they are dold.

A. unless

B. whenever

C. so long as

D. though

E. even though

78. I _____ if he _______ . He’s so good.

A. will be surprised / doesn’t win

B. was surprised / didn’t win

C. were surprised / wouldn’t win

D. would be surprised / doesn’t win

E. would have been surprised / hasn’t won

79. ______ you change mind, I won’t be able to help you.

A. For fear that

B. In order that

C. Unless

D. As long as

E. By the time

80. If I could have stopped, there ______ an accident.

A. won't be

B. wouldn’t have been

C. weren’t

D. wasn’t

E. hadn’t been

81. I was sweating _____ it was so hot.

A. whereas

B. in case

C. even if

D. as

E. although

82. If I ______ any sense. I wouldn’t have bought a second-hand car.

A. will have

B. would have

C. have

D. have had

E. had had

83. We ____ the plane it we _____ the speed limit getting to the airport.

A. wouldn’t catch / didn’t break

B. wouldn’t have caught / didn’t break

C. hadn’t caught / hadn’t broken

D. couldn’t have caught / hadn’t broken

E. didn’t catch / would have broken

84. _______ you gave me $10.000, I still wouldn’t go down a coal mine.

A. Even if

B. Seeing that

C. While

D. Since

E. As

85. ______ it were a holiday on Monday, where ____ you ____ ?

A. If / do / go

B. Supposing / would / go

C. Unless / would / have gone

D. On condition that / will / go

E. Providing / did / go

86. We listened carefully _____ we should miss anything vital.

A. in order that

B. if

C. lest

D. though

E. so that

87. We got down to business _____ we were introduced to each other.

A. as soon as

B. even though

C. seeing that

D. whenever

E. until

88. ______ they fixed the programme, they circulated it to all members of the society.

A. Until

B. Whereas

C. Once

D. Although

E. In case

89. Nothing was moved from the room ______ after the police had taken photographs.

A. when

B. before

C. though

D. if

E. until

90. We immediately recognized each other _____ we hadn’t met for years.

A. even if

B. as soon as

C. though

D. so that

E. lest

91. He particularly wanted to visit London _____ he had never been there before

A. though

B. as

C. while

D. when

E. if

92. He dropped out of the race ______ he had been running for only 5 minutes.

A. since

B. until

C. after

D. even if

E. when

93. The results last term were better _______ anyone had expected.

A. as

B. that

C. so

D. such

E. than

94. Don’t start on Section 2 _____ you complete all the questions in Section 1.

A. whenever

B. until

C. as

D. and

E. no matter

95. I remember my first day at school ______ it were yesterday.

A. since

B. lest

C. imagine

D. as if

E. though

96. I’m learning French _______ I’ll be able to get a more interesting job when I finish my studies.

A. except that

B. suppose

C. in order that

D. that

E. even if

97 We’ll discuss the matter ______ he arrives.

A. the moment

B. whereas

C. for fear that

D. so that

E. though

98 It just isn’t practical to go back to work _____ you’ve had a baby.

A. so that

B. as soon as

C. save that

D. lest

E. so long as

99. I’d completed much of the work ______ he arrived.

A. as soon as

B. even though

C. after

D. by the time

E. as

100. If Britain ______ enough, she _____ this financial problem now.

A. had exported / won’t have

B. exported / wouldn’t

C. exports / didn’t have

D. could export / doesn’t

E. would export / hadn’t had

101. _______ I got off the bus, I set someone I hadn’t seen for years.

A. Although

B. Until

C. Since

D. While

E. As

102. The more I see of him, _______ I like him.

A. the fewer

B. very much

C. the more

D. little

E. the most

103. The meeting became _______ disorderly ___ the speaker had to shout into the microphone.

A. so / as

B. more / than

C. as / as

D. so / that

E. such / that

104. When Concorde ____ into service, the journey from New York to London ______ only 3 hours 20 minutes.

A. came / takes

B. came / took

C. came / will take

D. comes / took

E. will come / takes

105. The population of a country may increase ______ its birthrate is not increasing rapidly.

A. even if

B. if

C. whereas

D. in case

E. seeing that

106. It seems _______ he heard the news before we did.

A. if

B. as though

C. except

D. for fear that

E. so

107. _______ it is now possible to import food from distant countries, people today have a more varied diet than their ancestors.

A. When

B. Even if

C. Though

D. In case

E. Since

108. _____ the increase of population is, the smaller the amount of food available for each person is.

A. So great

B. As great

C. Great

D. The greater

E. The greatest

109. If you ______ me, it impossible for me to get this job.

A. helped / will be

B. help / would be

C. hadn’t helped / would have been

D. have helped / would have been

E. can help / may have been

110. If you _____ late again, you _______ your job.

A. were / may lose

B. had been / would lose

C. were / would have lost

D. are / will lose

E. are / would lose

111. ______ your own private feelings may be, it’s best to take his advice.

A. Whatever

B. No matter

C. Suppose

D. Although

E. In case

112. The English have to pay taxes to the government _____ they like it.

A. even if

B. whether or not

C. if

D. unless

E. until

113. _____ we get there, the sooner you’ll be able to relax.

A. Quickly

B. The more quickly

C. The quicker

D. The quickest

E. As quickly

114. He did the job _____ quickly _____ he could.

A. so / as

B. as / as

C. such / as

D. more / than

E. the more / than

115. Why are you sitting there watching television ______ you know you ought to be getting on with your work?

A. before

B. after

C. when

D. until

E. whenever

116. _____ drunk he was, he shouldn’t have been so rude to his host.

A. Although

B. As if

C. If

D. However

E. As

117. We’ll close all the windows _______ it rains while we’re out.

A. in case

B. seeing that

C. the moment

D. when

E. once

118. Why do people always wear dark clothes at night? If pedestrians _______ light coloured clothes, drivers ______ them much more easily.

A. were wearing / will see

B. wear / see

C. had worn / would have seen

D. wore / would see

E. wear / would see

119. Be careful about the time. If you ______ too long on the first question, you _____ enough time to do the others properly.

A. spent / wouldn’t have

B. spent / won’t have

C. spend / won’t have

D. spend / wouldn’t have

E. had spent / wouldn’t have had

120. They asked him to leave the dining room ____ he wasn’t wearing a tie.

A. if

B. lest

C. while

D. though

E. because

121. I didn’t know how thin the ice was, _____ I was walking on it quite confidently.

A. so

B. as

C. for

D. for fear that

E. in order that

122. You may smoke here ______ you ask for permission.

A. although

B. despite the fact that

C. suppose that

D. lest

E. on condition that

123. I won’t wake ______ the alarm clock does not go off.

A. if

B. in case

C. so that

D. as

E. since

124. ______ I don’t know the area, I’ll have to buy a map.

A. Even if

B. As

C. Though

D. In case

E. For fear that

125. The phone rang just ______ I was getting into my bath.

A. while

B. so

C. when

D. as

E. whereas

126. Everybody sat still for hours ______ that the boat might overturn.

A. lest

B. for fear

C. so

D. in order

E. providing

127. Bill never does anything ______ you tell him what to do.

A. or

B. as

C. no matter what

D. supposing

E. unless

128. ______ one get’s older, one becomes less willing to change his ideas.

A. Though

B. Even if

C. As

D. In case

E. For feat that

129. The meeting, _____ often happens, became very noisy.

A. when

B. as

C. though

D. because

E. whenever

130. I can still criticize her, _____ she’s a friend of mine.

A. even though

B. in case

C. so that

D. whereas

E. no matter what

131. ______ hard the work is, you can always succeed If you try.

A. Even if

B. Although

C. Whenever

D. However

E. No matter

132. ______ he comes or not, I am going to reserve seats for that new play.

A. If

B. Whether

C. As

D. While

E. Whereas

133. Your hair looks ______ it needs cutting.

A. as

B. since

C. as if

D. lest

E. in order that

134. There had been no rain for six months, _____ the ground was as hard as iron.

A. so

B. even if

C. as

D. in order that

E. since

135. ______ you have planted these plants in the shade, they will wither soon.

A. Whereas

B. In case

C. Now that

D. Lest

E. So that

136. You’d better get up early, _____ you won’t miss the train.

A. now that

B. though

C. whereas

D. so that

E. as

137. We had a great time _____ the weather was freezing.

A. except that

B. as

C. if

D. so

E. such that

138. She pulled away from the window _____ anyone see her.

A. despite

B. though

C. lest

D. so that

E. now that

139. ______ the students placed their pencils on their desks and left the room.

A. To complete the lest

B. Having completed the test

C. The test completing

D. The test being completed by

E. The test to be completed

140. Having worked with the elderly for several, _____ how important it is to behave kindly towards them.

A. To know Mrs. Jones

B. Mrs. Jones known

C. known Mrs. Jones

D. Mrs. Jones knowing

E. Mrs. Jones knows

141. The man avoided, ______ suddenly into a driveway, hitting the child riding a tricyle across the street.

A. by turning

B. although turned

C. if turned

D. to turn

E. despite turning

142. _______ a shortage of young workers in the near future, researchers expect unemployment and low wages to decrease.

A. Since predicting

B. To predict

C. Predicting

D. Predicted

E. So as to predict

143. Children should be given immunizing injections ______ their catching some serious disease.

A. although preventing

B. if prevented

C. as if prevented

D. in order to prevent

E. by preventing

144. ______ poor sales, corporate profits have been decreasing lately.

A. In spite of

B. In order to

C. Because of

D. Despite

E. Unless

145. Mr. Sims is in the newspaper room, ______ to find a particular article.

A. he's trying

B. tries

C. to try

D. tried

E. trying

146. While taking a bath, ________ .

A. I always sing

B. the phone always rings

C. my wife keeps coming in

D. there is always a water shortage

E. soap escapes into my eyes

147. While demonstrating a dance step, ______ on a rug and fell.

A. to trip Leah

B. tripping Leah

C. having tripped Leah

D. Leah tripped

E. Leah tripping

148. ______ in his brother’s store, Sean cannot play hockey this morning.

A. In order to work

B. Works

C. Having to work

D. To work

E. Worked

149. _____ the essay twice, Arman handed it in.

A. Having revised

B. To revise

C. He revised

D. While revising

E. Although revised

150. Before gaining independence, _____ a British colony.

A. it was American

B. America had been

C. America being

D. to be America

E. America

151. _____ on the floor, the lamp appeared undamaged.

A. If falling

B. Fallen

C. To fall

D. While falling

E. Although falling

152. _____ Clara joined us.

A. Although tired

B. Tiring

C. She was tired

D. Having tired

E. To be tired

153. ______ on candy and potato chips, Bill didn’t want any dinner.

A. Having been snacked

B. Snacked

C. By snacking

D. Even if snacking

E. Having snacked

154. Before starting the car, _______ .

A. the windows were wiped

B. the windows

C. Val wiped the windows

D. Val wiping the windows

E. Wiping the windows

155. _____ alt day, James was exhausted.

A. To clean house

B. House was cleaned

C. House being cleaned

D. Having cleaned the house

E. House cleaning

156. ______ late last night, Russ slept until noon.

A. To have worked

B. Having worked

C. If worked

D. In working

E. Although working

157. _____ my number, Sue didn’t call back.

A. Not knowing

B. Not known

C. So as not to know

D. Although not knowing

E. If not known

158. _____ Adrian wasn’t able to see well.

A. His glasses breaking

B. To break his glasses

C. Having broken his glasses

D. Even if having broken his glasses

E. In breaking his glasses

159. While baking, _________

A. the baker running out of sugar

B. the baker ran out of sugar

C. sugar ran out

D. sugar running out

E. the baker to run out of sugar

160. ______ Joanne has been present every day since the first day of class.

F. Many personal problems being

G. Many personal problems

H. If she many personal problems

I. She has many personal problems

J. In spite of her many personal problems

161. _____ it is unfair to depositors, bankers have been protesting against the new law.

F. To feel that

G. Although feeling that

H. Though felt

I. Feeling that

J. If felt

162. ______ for about 2 hours, he still was not annoyed.

F. Waited

G. To wait

H. Although having waited

I. If waiting

J. By waiting

163. ________ twice. Mike didn’t answer.

F. By asking

G. Asking

H. While asking

I. If asked

J. Though asked

164. _____ the camp. _____ put out the fire.

F. Left before / they

G. Before leaving / the scouts

H. The scouts left / (

I. The scouts leaving / they

J. Leaving the scouts before / they

165. Although _____ in the US. Gonzales had to get a visa to enter the country.

F. born

G. bear

H. being born

I. bearing

J. to be born

166. While _____ he found the long lost report.

F. his desk being cleared

G. cleared his desk

H. his desk to clear

I. clearing his desk

J. to clear his desk

167. _____ arriving at the finishing line, the car swerved and skidded off the road.

F. As soon as

G. Although

H. On

I. Until

J. For

168. _______ willing to help, Bill cleaned up the park himself.

F. Finding no one

G. To find no one

H. Found no one

I. No one found

J. No on to find

169. _____ to survive the violent storms, the drilling platform wouldn’t have collapsed.

F. Though built

G. To build

H. If building

I. Building

J. If built

170. _____ to find out that someone had copied her paper, Doris went to complain to her teacher.

F. To displease

G. Displeased

H. Displeasing

I. To be displeased

J. While displeasing

171. _____ in pay soon, the workers will be much encouraged.

F. A raise giving

G. A raise given

H. Giving a raise

I. Given a raise

J. To give a raise

172. Natalia aggress, ______ her advisor, to take the course.

F. after consulting

G. after being consulted

H. since being consulted

I. in consulting

J. so as to consult

173. The children did not want to walk, _____ being picked up at school each day by their mother.

F. being used to

G. used to

H. using to

I. to be used to

J. having used to

174. ______ not to, she couldn’t help laughing at the odd clothing which her friend was wearing.

F. In order to try

G. Tried

H. Although

I. Being tried

J. Unless trying

175. Very _______, the informer hesitated to report what he had witnessed.

F. confusing

G. confused

H. confuse

I. to confuse

J. being confused

176. While exploring the area, ______ to notice workmen install a microwave transmitter.

F. to happen

G. having happened

H. happening

I. happened

J. he happened

177. _______ the dog wagged its tail.

F. By forgiving his master

G. Whether forgiving his master

H. In spite of forgiving his master

I. Forgiven by his master

J. His master forgave him

178. _____, ______, waved good-bye to her friends.

F. Crying softly / (

G. Becky / cried softly

H. Cried softly / (

I. ( / crying softly

J. Becky / crying softly

179. Being less expensive than the others, _____ more attractive.

F. this dress is

G. being

H. this dress

I. this dress being

J. is

180. ______ all who knew him, the coach was deeply missed.

F. Although loved

G. After loving

H. Even if loved

I. Loved by

J. To love those

181. Carelessly written. _____ had to be done again.

F. the student

G. the girl

H. the composition

I. writing the essay

J. the article wrote

182. The oldest contestant surprised the spectators _____ faster than everyone in the race.

F. as if running

G. to have run

H. by running

I. run

J. to run

183. Kate was in the conference room, _____ plans with the committee members.

F. to be discussing

G. to have discussed

H. discuss

I. discussed

J. discussing

184. ____ Nell’s original intention to buy the dress, she changed her mind ______ the high price.

F. In order to / owing to

G. In spite of / because of

H. Though / because

I. Despite / thanks to

J. Even if / so that

185. In spite of ______ exceedingly complicated, machine number sixteen was the cheapest in the fair.

F. looking

G. looks

H. to look

I. having looked

J. being looked

186. _________ the problems that confronted the expedition, the mountain climbers decided not to attempt to reach the summit.

F. To have considered

G. To be considering

H. Considered

I. To consider

J. Considering

187. Finally realizgn a life-long ambition. _____ a statue to the city of his birth.

F. the donation

G. the sculptor

H. the sculptor donating

I. the sculptor donated

J. donated

188. When _____ drugs, follow the directions on the bottle carefully.

F. take

G. having taken

H. one taking

I. in taking

J. taking

189. Before arranging a schedule for the conference next week, ____ .

F. an agenda will be prepared by the chairman

G. the chairman prepared an agenda

H. We'll have to start the project the agenda to be prepared by the chairman

I. an agenda will have the chairman prepared

J. preparing an agenda for the chairman

190. _____ impatient for someone to return and give him an answer. ______ paced up and down the hall.

F. To feel / he

G. Feeling / the girl was

H. Feel / she

I. Feeling / the student

J. Being felt / I

191. _____ why he was painting a sunset, the man raplied that he was painting a sunset because he wanted to.

F. Asking

G. To ask

H. When asked

I. While being asked

J. If asking

192. _____ in most offices, you have to be able to type fifty words a minute, carry out instructions, and spell well.

F. Asking

G. To ask

H. When asked

I. While being asked

J. If asking

193. Growing steadity, _____ eight computer operators to its work force.

F. the company added

G. the company

H. adding the company

I. added

J. the company to add

194. After gaining their independence, _____ their names.

F. changing some countries

G. to change some countries

H. some countries changed

I. some countries changing

J. it was some countries that changed

195. _______ _______ both the longest and northernmost state in the United States, Alaska has the smallest population.

F. In spite of / it is

G. Although / is

H. Despite / be

I. Even if / to be

J. Despite / being

196. Despite having all kinds of fabric samples, _______ which one to select.

F. not making up her mind, the designer

G. the designer not to make up her mind

H. the designer couldn’t make up her mind

I. in order to make up her mind, the designer

J. although made up, the designer’s mind

197. Although primarily a vegetarian, _______ cating meat occasionally.

F. the chimpanzee liked

G. liking the chimpanzee

H. likes the chimpanzee

I. the chimpanzee likes

J. to like the chimpanzee

198. ________ to speak the language of the country, we had difficulty in making ourselves understood.

F. To be able

G. Not being able

H. Not to be able

I. Because of the ability

J. The inability

199. _____ airline strikes and other inconveniences, people enjoy traveling

F. In spite of

G. Even if

H. Although

I. Because

J. Even though

200. In spite of _____ one of the worl’s greatest golfers. Bobby Jones never became a professional.

F. having been

G. been

H. his being

I. to be

J. to have been

201. _____ the danger, the fireman warned his friends.

F. When he realized that

G. On realizing

H. Upon being realized

I. While he was realizing

J. Despite the fact that he realized

202. ______ to prices a few years ago, the price of food and clothing today have increased to such a degree that some people cannot afford to buy them.

F. Comparing

G. Compared

H. To compare

I. Having compared

J. Though compared

203. In order to _____ good merchandising skills, one needs to have experience in buying and selling.

F. developed

G. have developed

H. having developed

I. develop

J. developing

204. _____ her name, _____ the petition carefully.

F. Before signing / Luba studied

G. Signing / studied

H. Having signed / to study Luba

I. To sign / Luba

J. Signed / Luba studied

205. The building _____ by the time the fire brigade arrived.

A. was burning

B. had almost burnt down

C. was going to burn down

D. burnt down

E. burning down

206. _________ from the air, oxygen passes into our blood vessels and then _____ to the body cells.

A. To be taken / carries

B. To have taken / is carried

C. Having been taken / is carried

D. Having taken / has been carried

E. Taking / to carry

207. I wont know _____ I’ve got into university ____ I get my exam results.

A. the moment / since

B. if / while

C. when / before

D. once / before

E. if / until

208. It smells _____ something’s burning.

A. in case

B. whenever

C. as if

D. except

E. even though

209. You’ll get a surprise _____ you open the door.

F. though

G. since

H. as if

I. the moment

J. while

201. ______ it’s a public holiday, you won’t find many shops open.

F. As soon as

G. As

H. Though

I. Whereas

J. So that

202. Fail to pay ____ they’ll cut off the electricity.

F. if

G. provided

H. or

I. in order that

J. and

203. _____ the front door locked. I went round the back.

F. Although finding

G. If found

H. Finding

I. To find

J. While finding

204. Not knowing his phone number.

F. was not able to ring him

G. he failed to ring me

H. he couldn’t ring me

I. not being able to ring him

J. I wasn’t able to ring him

205. Being short of money, _____ .

A. it wasn’t bought

B. we couldn’t afford to buy it

C. it was impossible to buy it

D. it is difficult to afford to buy it

E. it couldn’t be bought

206. ______, we’ve made many new friends.

A. By arriving here

B. Whether arriving here

C. Arrived here

D. Since arriving here

E. Since their arriving here

207. Don’t get into any arguments before _____ .

A. to check your facts

B. your facts being checked

C. you checked your facts

D. your facts are checked

E. checking your facts

208. Turning the corner, ____ onto the road.

A. a tile fell

B. I saw a tile fall

C. a tile failing

D. falling

E. there was a tile falling

209. Changing gear, ____ getting up the hill.

A. it was difficult to

B. the driver had difficulty

C. being difficult

D. the bus had difficulty

E. having difficulty

210. ______ years ago, the bridge is still in good order.

A. Though built

B. If building

C. When built

D. As if built

E. Being built

211. _______, the poem is very effective.

A. Before being read aloud

B. When it reads aloud

C. While reading aloud

D. Reading aloud

E. When read aloud

212. ______ several hours, the meat was still hard.

A. If cooked for

B. When it is cooked for

C. Although cooked for

D. Cooking for

E. Having cooked it for

213. _____, you will be informed soon.

A. You are accepted for the job

B. Although accepted for the job

C. Having accepted the job

D. If accepted for the job

E. Your being accepted

214. There was no one in, _____ I left a message.

A. in case

B. so

C. because

D. for

E. since

215. She got very worried, we had had an accident.

A. as if thinking

B. though

C. thinking

D. she thought

E. although thinking

216. You didn’t ask me for me permission ______ you knew I would refuse.

A. so

B. because

C. in case

D. in order that

E. even though

217. I don’t like her very much. She nicer if she _____ so much.

A. was / complained

B. would have been / complain

C. were / couldn’t have complained

D. would be / didn’t complain

E. is / complains

218. They’ll find him ______ where he is hiding.

A. because

B. as

C. seeing that

D. lest

E. no matter

219. The play was wonderful _____ the film was a failure.

A. after

B. so that

C. lest

D. whereas

E. so

220. On the last Christmas Eve _____ where to go, we _____ the night watching TV.

A. having know / spent

B. he didn’t know / have spent

C. not knowing / spent

D. in order to know / spent

E. known / had spent

221. ______ a terrible accident, he ____ more carefully along the with road last night.

A. Having seen / drove

B. As seen / had driven

C. Seen / drove

D. Being seen / drove

E. Having been seen / had driven

222. When I told her the news, she reacted _____ before.

A. ____ before

B. whenever she learnt it

C. no matter what she knew

D. as though she’d heard it

E. so that she learnt it

223. ______, we don’t think we can stay in business any more.

A. In order that we might have difficulties

B. We’ve had such difficulties that

C. Though we’ve had difficulties

D. In case we have difficulties

E. No matter what difficulties we’ve had

224. I damaged the car _____ park it.

A. while trying to

B. I tried to

C. tried to

D. having tried to

E. being able to try it

225. _____, it was hard to find a garage open.

A. That it was Sunday

B. Sunday

C. Although

D. It was Sunday

E. It being Sunday

226. This computer holds ______ that one does.

A. so much information as

B. Icss information than

C. the more information

D. so much information

E. as little information

227. I am going to sign the agreement immediately ______ change your mind.

A. in order that you might

B. so that you can

C. to

D. lest you should

E. no matter when you

228. _____ the Air Traffic Controllers are on strike, we have cancelled our holiday.

A. In case

B. So

C. As

D. Though

E. While

229. _____, I missed the elections.

A. Having been abroad

B. I’ve been abroad

C. When I’m abroad

D. Although abroad

E. For fear that I might be abroad

230. Seen from this angle, ____ rather good.

A. I agree picture is

B. the picture looks

C. you’ll agree that the picture is

D. we found the picture

E. critics will definitely find the picture

231. What would happen to the infant it was born?

A. in

B. by

C. as

D. on

E. on

232. _____ the weather condition, he had to postpone _____ on a-picnic for a week.

A. To realize / go

B. Realize / to go

C. Realizing / going

D. Having realized / gone

E. Being realized / going

233. _____ and I’ll mend it for you.

A. Unless you ask me nicely

B. On condition that you ask me nicely

C. Whether you ask me nicely or not

D. If you ask me nicely

E. Ask me nicely

234. _____ to herself, the little girl waited outside the condominium.

A. Muttering

B. Muttered

C. Being muttered

D. Having been muttering

E. To mutter

235. _____ please say I’m out.

A. He may phone

B. Should he have phoned

C. If he had phoned

D. If he should phone

E. If he phoned

236. ____ get me a paper.

A. Provided that you go out

B. Were you to go out

C. Should you go out

D. If you went out

E. Will you go out

237. If you _____ longer legs, you _____ fester yesterday.

A. had / would have been able to run

B. had / would be able to run

C. had had / would have been able to run

D. had had / would be able to run

E. have / are able to run

238. Had they had more training, _____ .

A. if the play had been better

B. the play would have been better

C. the play was better

D. if the play were better

E. the play will be better

239. He could have told us what to do ____ .

A. were he to know the facts

B. if he knew the facts

C. should he know he facts

D. had he known the facts

E. if he knows the facts

240. _____ you change your mind, I won’t be able to help you.

A. Lest

B. Provided that

C. On condition that

D. Except that

E. Unless

241. _____ he is a strong man, he had no trouble carrying his goods upstairs.

A. Until

B. Since

C. For

D. When

E. Provided that

242. Two years ago there was ____ bad drought _____ the wells in our village began to dry up.

A. hardly / when

B. so / that

C. too / to

D. such a / that

E. no sooner / than

243. __________ the experiment, we checked the results and gave our report to our teacher.

A. Since having completed

B. Completed

C. Having completed

D. Completing

E. To have completed

244. It was such a nice toy ______ at my son’s birthday.

A. as to be given

B. as to giving

C. as to be giving

D. so as to give

E. so as to be given

245. He has been ______ as to persuade the other people.

A. so a witty speaker

B. such witty a speaker

C. as a witty speaker

D. such a witty speaker

246. It was such a nice surprise ________ everybody.

A. that pleasing

B. as to pleasing

C. as to be pleased

D. that to please

E. as to please

247. The patient cannot get out of bed _____ his temperature has gone down.

A. as to

B. for fear that

C. till

D. as it

E. so long as

248. The teacher gave us _____ that most of us failed.

A. such hard test

B. such hard

C. so hard test

D. so a hard test

E. so hard a test

249. She stayed up late till the midnight for the purpose that _______ .

A. will sew her sew skirt

B. she is going to get in touch with her boss

C. she could sew her new skirt

D. she has to be ready for the party

E. she should make her new skirt ready before the party

250. I went to the sale for the purpose of _____

A. buy a new coat

B. to buy a new coat

C. buying a new coat

D. to have bought a new coat

E. I wanted to buy a new coat

251. They will ask you several questions so that ________ .

A. they could have observe your qualifications

B. they should have indicated your experiences

C. they can discover your abilities

D. they must meet your ideals

E. you had to introduce yourself

252. You should have saved enough money so that _______

A. you could buy that nice dress

B. the dress will be very expensive

C. you aren’t extravagant

D. you had spent much money

E. you mustn’t have any trouble

253. He had _______ opened the doors of the shop ______ a customer came in and bought all the fresh cream cakes.

A. not only / but also

B. both / and

C. neither / nor

D. no sooner / than

E. the earlier / the more

254. She has ______ pretty hair that everybody in the class envies her.

A. such a

B. so that

C. so

D. such

E. so as

255. _______ their arrival, the police escort take them to the stadium.

A. On

B. At

C. By

D. When

E. In

256. Before _____ this report to the manager, the students _____ it.

A. shown / must finish

B. showing / have finished

C. we had shown / finished

D. showing / finish

E. showing / must finish

257. The president always took a dozen of bodyguards ______ he should be attacked.

A. lest

B. since

C. for

D. because

E. even if

258. She had _____ placed the plate of cakes on the table _____ the children gave her the empty plates and requested some more.

A. the moment / while

B. hardly / when

C. neither / when

D. neither / nor

E. not only / but also

259. __________ urgently callers say they need to speak to me, I do not want any calls for the next hour.

A. Provided that

B. Although

C. No matter how

D. Even if

E. The more

260. ______ extraordinary clothes does she wear ______ you can never guess which social group she belongs to.

A. So / that

B. Such / that

C. How / that

D. However / so

E. Whichever / so

261. ______ we sat down for our coffee break, the fire alarm rang.

A. Hardly

B. As long as

C. Just as

D. Until

E. Seeing that

262. Party members are holding a meeting tomorrow _____ they can develop a plan for next year’s campaigns well in advance.

A. no sooner

B. in order that

C. in case

D. even if

E. no matter

263. After ______ his job without an apparent cause, Terry _____ extremely depressed.

A. losing / has become

B. losing / became

C. loosing / had become

D. has lost / become

E. lost / become

264. _____ relieve some of the burden on the city’s only bridge over the river, they are planning to build a second one.

A. No matter

B. Owing to

C. In case

D. In order to

E. Even though

265. It was so little _____ carry only 10 passengers.

A. as a plane as to

B. as a plane to

C. so a plane as to

D. a plane as to

E. so as a plane to

266. My students used to look hurt and sad when ______ a lot of homework.

A. he gives

B. had given

C. giving

D. given

E. he was given

267. The inhabitants of the village re-housed in a nearby city _____ prevent any more injuries and deaths from terrorist attacks.

A. in order that

B. in case

C. so as to

D. even if

E. as far as

268. ______ serious did the motorist’s wounds seem _____ we feared for his life.

A. How / when

B. Little / so

C. So / that

D. Such / that

E. Hardly / therefore

269. ______________ everybody likes them.

A. Are they such nice people

B. That they are nice people

C. They are so nice people

D. Such nice people they are

E. They are such nice people that

270. Their terror was _______ they tried to hide themselves even after the police arrived there.

A. it only

B. only it

C. so that

D. such that

E. even though

271. _______ that we cannot decide which one to buy first.

A. There are many things

B. Many things

C. There are so many things to buy

D. The thins are many

E. I had a lot of thins

272. They tried not to swallow any water as they swam across the river _____ it might be contaminated.

A. for fear that

B. meanwhile

C. besides

D. regardless

E. even though

273. Weakened by his long illness, ______ not to run his hotel anymore.

A. he is exhausting

B. exhausting

C. he was exhausted

D. to exhaust

E. he will be exhausted

274. The traffic in big cities usually gets a bit lighter ______ the schools have closed for the summer.

A. in case

B. so that

C. while

D. once

E. although

275. ______ I am concerned, I haven’t ever seen such a wonderful carpet.

A. After

B. As far as

C. However

D. As result

E. Since

276. ________ as your father advised you beforehand.

A. Spend your money

B. Saved your fortune

C. Keeping your wealth

D. Cared for others

E. Keeping your property

277. You must do as ______ as your friends do every day.

A. exercises

B. good exercises

C. many exercises

D. twice as many

E. good exercises as

278. Pull this handle ________ danger.

A. in case

B. whenever

C. when

D. in the even of

E. as soon as

279. Terry picked over the apples, __________ .

A. to choose only the ripest

B. while choosing only ripest

C. choosing only the ripest

D. although choosing only the ripest

E. to have been choosing only the ripest

280. _______ being in charge, he didn’t know what to do.

A. In view of

B. Because of

C. Due to

D. In spite of

E. Owing to

281. ______ I _____ much more money, I could have bought the car I liked.

A. Did / provide

B. Would / provide

C. Had / provided

D. Will / provide

E. Can / have provided

282. _______ language they are learning, children all over the world seems to follow the same order in the acquisition of sounds.

A. No matter what

B. Wherever

C. However

D. Whenever

E. No matter how

283. _________ he has talent, nobody, in the office admires him.

A. It is a fact that

B. However

C. In fact

D. Due to the fact

E. Despite the fact that

284. The suspect was just _____ calm _____ anybody could be under the circumstances.

A. so / that

B. neither / nor

C. much / than

D. as / as

E. not only / but also

285. _______ it was extremely windy, we managed to have a good game of beach volleyball.

A. No matter

B. In spite of

C. However

D. Even though

E. For fear that

289. Eastern Anatolia is wild and mountainous _______ middle Anatolia is plane farmland.

A. despite

B. whereas

C. therefore

D. as a result

E. nevertheless

290. When deap-sea diving, you must pay attention to the time, _______ staying under water too long may result in serious illness.

A. whereas

B. so

C. for

D. but

E. whenever

291. ______ her illness leaving her very weak at times, she tries to derive pleasure from everything she does.

A. Despite

B. Whereas

C. However

D. Although

E. Instead of

292. _____ of how effective the insencticide you use, you cannot avoid being bitten by mosquitoes in the farm land.

A. No matter

B. Nevertheless

C. Whatever

D. Regardless

E. Instead

293. _______ the local police try, they don’t seem to be able to reduce the crime rate.

A. Whoever

B. No sooner

C. No matter

D. Whatever

E. By the time

294. Will you tell me _________ ?

A. provided that you changed your mind

B. should you change your mind

C. had you changed your mind

D. if you will change your mind

E. unless you changed your mind

295 _______ our manager sat there on the curb, his chin resting in his plans.

A. He felt more miserable

B. Feeling more and mare miserable

C. He is feeling more and more miserable

D. More and more miserable

E. That he felt more and more miserable

296. The psychiatrists said our father must have a full analysis ______ he had a deep-seated anxiety.

A. in order that

B. although

C. so that

D. seeing that

E. despite the fact that

297. The men at the next table were looking at us ______ they knew us, but we were sure we hadn’t seen them before.

A. even though

B. although

C. even if

D. however

E. as though

298. ________ the story before, the manager didn’t want to hear it again.

A. To have heard

B. Hearing

C. Heard

D. Had heard

E. Having heard

299. _____ the doctor told you that you had only six months to live, what would you do with the time?

A. Regardless of

B. Owing to

C. In addition to

D. Supposing

E. In order that

300. We are, from this date forward, canceling your company’s credit facility with our bank ______ your poor payment record.

A. on account of

B. even though

C. besides

D. in spite of

E. in addition to

301. Linda spends Money as if she ______ a rich girl.

A. is

B. was

C. were

D. had been

E. has been

302. His parents were happy that he managed to gain a university degree _____ he handicap.

A. thus

B. provided

C. besides

D. though

E. despite

303. ____ we cleaned the floor, _____ obvious it became that a special cleaning fluid would be required to remove the stain.

A. Not only / but also

B. Hardly / when

C. No matter / how

D. However / so

E. The more / the more

304. ____ the dealer gives the appearance of sincerity and reliability, remember that you shouldn’t trust her an inch.

A. Regardiess

B. That

C. So

D. As far as

E. Nevertheless

305. ______ the trainer resented the criticism of the journalists, I must admit that some of the things said were fair.

A. However

B. Contrary

C. Since

D. Despite

E. Regardiess

306. Some pupils had done _____ preparation for their presentations that I felt a little ashamed of myself.

A. so little

B. too much

C. enough

D. such a lot of

E. more

307. The doctor advised our aunt a strict diet _____

A. in view of the fact that she was over weighted

B. because of the fact that she was fit

C. so that she had been extremely fit

D. in case she has been very fat

E. now that she has been ill

308. ______ much fertilizer a farmer uses, the weather conditions must be favorable ____ obtain good and adequate crops.

A. No matter how / for

B. Moreover / besides

C. However / besides

D. Even it / due to

E. Because / in spite of

309. _____, you might learn something about city planning.

A. To visit the foreign countries

B. Unless you hadvisited the foreign countries

C. By visiting the foreign countries

D. By visited the foreign countries

E. Before visiting the foreign contries

310. _____ the new sheriff looks youth and mind, he is in fact a rare combination of discipline and energy.

A. Even so

B. So that

C. In case

D. Therefore

E. In spite of the fact that

311. _____ the way they are portrayed in numerous films and novels asman-eating creatures, only a few species of sharks are known to attack humans.

A. As

B. Owing to

C. Unlike

D. Although

E. Because

312. In developed countries people enjoy a very sophisticated health care system ______ people in underdeveloped countries do not have access even the most primitive health facilities.

A. or

B. while

C. for

D. then

E. since

313. No sound cold be heard ____ the walls were very soundproof.

A. due to

B. although

C. so

D. unless

E. because of the fact that

314. Will you please answer the phone for the next hour _____ the receptionist has gone to the doctor?

A. while

B. until

C. thus

D. so

E. as

315. ______ your son practices continuously he can play the guitar well.

A. Further more

B. Supposing that

C. In order to

D. As a result

E. Despite the fact that

316. We had better take a spare blanket with us _____ it gets cooler than we expect in the mountains.

A. if only

B. so that

C. thus

D. in case

E. though

317. There will be a shortage of water ____ we get some rainfall soon.

A. as if

B. in case

C. whenever

D. unless

E. by the time

318. _____ you need me, I will be at the office all night.

A. In the event that

B. As if

C. Unless

D. So

E. Although

319. Being young and restless, _____ by the long period of inactivity during the cruise.

A. I was bored

B. I was boring

C. Boring

D. After I was bored

E. before I am bored

320. _____ it was, the sight-seeing was very exciting.

A. Long as

B. As long

C. So long

D. Such long

E. As long as

321. The more intimate people become, ______ .

A. they rely on one another

B. the more they rely on one another

C. the most they rely on one another

D. more they rely on one another

E. they rely on the most one another

322. All of us have been infuenced to buy certain products.

A. although they are advertised

B. after they had advertised

C. because they advertised some forms

D. although they are being advertised

E. because of some forms of advertising

323. ______ her boss a word of apology.

A. Did Jean offer

B. If Jean offered

C. Should Jean offer

D. Not once did Jean offer

E. Unless Jean offered

324. Your capacity increases _______ you progressively increase the load on your muscular and organic systems.

A. as

B. in case

C. owing to

D. not until

E. rarely

325. ______ , Sally still won the race

A. Before her twisted ankle

B. If she has a twisted ankle

C. Despite her twisted ankle

D. Because her twisted ankle

E. In case her twisted ankle

326. In many developing countries, millions of children die from mainutrition and disease _______ .

A. after they even reach adulthood

B. besides they even reach adulthood

C. moreover they even reach adulthood

D. thus they even reach adulthood

E. because of some forms of advertising

327. _______the reasons for a subordinate’s reliance on a boss are often obvious; superiors generally depend on subordinates as well.

A. After

B. While

C. Moreover

D. Nevertheless

E. Not only

328. Anaemic people do not have enough iron in their blood, and this causes their hearts to beat faster______.

A. Because their bodies can get more oxygen

B. İf their bodies can get more oxygen

C. As that their bodies can get more oxygen

D. So that their bodies can get more oxygen

E. After their bodies can get more oxygen

329. ______, it is critical to analyse one’s own no agreement alternatives and to assess how the other parties will perceive and value theirs

A. When it is prepared for a negotiation

B. I it was being prepared for a negotiation

C. When preparing for a negotiation

D. As long as it is prepared for a negotiation

E. Despite preparing for a negotiation

330 _______, Mary has felt more confident.

A. Since hearing the results

B. The results have been heard

C. If the results have been heard

D. Heard the results

E. After the results had been heard

331 _______ many intermediate options that specify the player’s alternatives in more balanced ways.

A. Between free agency and the reserve clause lies

B. Between free agency and the reserve clause lie

C. Between free agency and the reserve clause do lie

D. Between free agency and the reserve clause does lie

E. Do free agency and the reserve clause lie between.

332 _______, many people who can be put into a deep trance quite easily, there

A. Since hearing the results

B. The results have been heard

C. If the results have been heard

D. Heard the results

E. After the results had been heard

385 ………the environmentalists and farmers won a substantial court victory.

A. If negotiations sputtered along until

B. After negotiations are sputtered along

C. The more the negotiations sputtered along until

D. Negotiations sputtered along until

E. White negotiations sputtered along until

386 ……..climatologists believe that global warming may eventually trigger extreme weather variations , like the ones we are experiencing, they say it is too early to prove a direct connection.

A. After

B. Although

C. For

D. In order that

E. Providing

337 Computer studies have suggested that if the concentration of dioxide in the atmosphere were to be twice that of today's, there a rise of between 2"C and 3°C in average temperature.

A. was

B. had been

C. will have been

D. would be

E. is

338. (the longer it takes to get there.

A. The most slowly you walk

B. More slowly you walk

C. The more slowly you walk

D. Slowly you walk

E. You walk slowly

339. the Twist in 1961, Chubby Checker achieved a permanent place in rock "n" roll history.

A. Then he introduced

B. Although he introduced

C. Introducing it

D. Unless he introduced

E. When he introduced

340. ……..many colonists continued to support the king, most Americans vigorously opposed the continued dominance of England over the colonies.

A. Although

B. When

C. Because

D. Despite

E. How

391 ………….in 1776 were the American colonies free from the rule of England.

A. After they declared independence

B. If they declared independence

C. They declared independence

D. Not until they declared independence

E. Before they declared independence

393 ……….the Galapagos Islands in 1835, Charles Darwin formulated much of his evolutionary theory.

A. Then he explored.

B. When he explored

C. Although he explored

D. Before exploring it

E. After it is explored

394. ……..rarer, platinum is more expensive than gold.

A. It is

B. If it was

C. Because it is

D. Although it is

E. That it is

395 ………the equator crosses high mountains, one weather is not tropical, as might be expected.

A. At

B. Near

C. That

D. Where

E. Mot until

396. The group stopped…………..tea in the corridor when the tutor the lecture room with a huge box of test papers.

A. to drink/ get into

B. drinking/ got into

C. drink/ to get into

D. goes/ does

E. went/ did

397. ……… many scholars believe that hieroglyphics or cuneiform script formed the basis of the alphabet, others feel that neither of these scripts influenced its development.

A. While

B. Not

C. Not only

D. That

398. ……..requirements for graduation, ai! students must pass both a written and an oral examination

A. Meeting

B. To meet

C. When meeting

D. They met

E. Since their

399 ………..strategic geographical location, St-Louis has become the gateway to the American West.

A. Because of its

B. Although

C. Since its

D. Before

E. That

400. The dean Insisted on giving the Speech,

A. though able to talk hardly

B. he was hardly able to talk

C. hardly able to talk

D. though he was hardly able to talk

E. hardly able to talking

401. ………beautiful scenery, Mount Nemrut has become one of the most famous of all tourist spots.

A. Because of its

B. That its

C. It is a

D. It has a

E. Although it has

402. ………for most mammals, many species will make extraordinary efforts to return to the area of their birthplace.

A. Yet a low priority on a home

B. Because of a low priority on a home

C. When having a low priority on a home

D. A low priority on a home

E. Despite a low priority on a home

403. Ronald Reagan,…………an actor, became the president of the United States.

A. was

B. he was

C. although

D. because

E. if

404. ……..only when considerable speed has been obtained, ram-jets cannot start from rest or function well at low speeds.

A. Since the ram effect occurs

B. It is the ram effect which occurs

C. Because occurring the ram effect

D. The ram effect occurring

E. If the ram effect occurred

405. ………..their small size and the thin soil make them easy prey to a hiker's heel.

A. Alpine flowers which can resist wind, cold and snow

B. When alpine flowers can resist wind, cold and snow

C. While alpine flowers can resist wind, cold and snow

D. Alpine flowers resisting wind, cold and snow

E. Alpine flowers are registered wind, cold and snow

406 …………..pandas eat bamboo almost exclusively, they are carnivorous.

A. Notonty

B. Un

C. As soon as

D. Although

E. Once

407. Although………….a country illegally is risky, the alien who finds work may believe the risk wortrnvMte.

A. whan entering

B. ne enters

C. entering

D. having entered

E. entered

408. The Andean condor glides on air currents *G* and does not flap its wings it can

A. reach updrafts.

B. because

C. so that

D. that as if

E. although

409. ……..sighting an approaching car, some drivers tend to speed up.

A. When slowing down instead of

B. Instead when slowing down at

C. When instead of slowing down

D. once slowing down when

E. Instead of slowing down when

410 …….to England remain strong, the

A. Channel Islanders are exempt from most British taxes.

B. Tiding

C. Although tied

D. Before their ties

E. Although their ties

411. …….. tne travellers found that their flight had been cancelled because of the severe snowstorm.

A. That they arrived at the airport

B. Although arriving at the airport early

C. At the airport

D. They arrived at the airport

E. Because they arrived at the airport early

412. When competing in a demolition derby,…………..until their cars are demolished.

A. that drivers continue

B. drivers must continue

C. drivers continuing

D. although drivers must continue

E. drivers continued

413. ……….governments point with pride to increasing mechanisation in agriculture, human and animal power still produces a significant portion of the world's food.

A. Since

B. Because

C. So that

D. Thai

E. While

414. ..........t tobacco farmers had not yet felt its effect. Though a campaign against smoking

A. That there was a campaign against smoking

B. Evan though there was a campaign against smoking

C. There was a campaign against smoking

D. That there was a campaign against smoking

E. There were few settlements along the North

415. Carolina coast………….many problems for seafarers.

A. the offshore barrier posed

B. before posing the olfshore barrier

C. white posing the offshore barrier

D. that the offshore barrier had posed

E. because the offshore barrier posed

416 …………since the death of her father.

A. The ancestral home of my mother abandoned

B. My mother's ancestral home standing abandoned

C. My mother's ancestral home has stood abandoned

D. My mother's ancestral home which has stood abandoned

E. My mother's ancestral home that is abandoned

417. ………., the owner and buyer finally agreed on a price for house.

A. They had been bargaining for several weeks

B. After bargaining for several weeks

C. After several weeks they began bargaining

D. As if bargaining for several weeks

E. Although bargaining for several weeks

418. ………….of the tranquilliser, the scientist put a tag on its ear and recorded details about the animal.

A. While under the effect the deer

B. While being under the effect the deer

C. The deer was under the effect

D. While the deer under effect

E. While the deer was under the effect

419. He is ………….an unreliable person that trusts him.

A. so/no one

B. such / everyone

C. so / nobody

D. rather / anyone

E. such / nobody

420. ……… granted by the Patent Office, it becomes the inventor's property and he or she can keep or sell it

A. Once a patent is

B. When a patent

C. A patent, once

D. A patent, whenever it

E. Although a patent is

421. Owls can hunt in total darkness ……… their remarkably keen sense of smell.

A. since

B. because of

C. the result of

D. as

E. although

422 …………….capable of walking upright, ape like Australopithecus did so only for short periods of time.

A. As if

B. Though

C. Until

D. Because

E. That

423 …………erupting In May 1980, Mound Saint Helens continued erupting intermittently throughout the following year.

A. After

B. Such as

C. Since

D. As if

E. Before

424. ……….having seized their prey with their mouths; pythons swiftly coil themselves around it and suffocate it.

A. Until

B. Because

C. Since

D. After

E. Although

425 …………running, grizzly bears are capable of attaining speeds of 35 miles an hour.

A. So that

B. That

C. Though

D. So

E. When

426 making a person ill enough to warrant hospitalization, poison ivy floes not kill.

A. As 3oon as

B. Since

C. While

D. So that

E. Once

427. …………..declaring the area useless, Daniel Webster could not have foretold how irrigation would make California's Imperial Valley bloom.

A. Because

B. When

C. Though

D. So that

E. That

428 ………..plotting the field, the farmer uncovered a dinosaur jawbone.

A. As though

B. While

C. Since

D. Until

E. Although

429. ……..publicly executed In 1536 for making what his enemies considered a false translation of the Bible, William Tyndale wrote a version which became the foundation of subsequent English versions.

A. As if

B. After

C. When

D. Though

E. Whose

430 …………..most bamboo blooms every year, there are some species that flower only two or three times a century.

A. Whenever

B. That

C. While

D. However

E. Why

431 ……….most people think of freezing as a relatively modern method of food preservation, it is actually one of the oldest.

A. Even

B. As though

C. However

D. Although

E. That

432. …….. large bodies of water never freeze solid is that the sheet of ice on the surface protects the water below it from the cold air.

A. Because

B. Why do

C. When do

D. For the reason

E. The reason that

433 For centuries scientists have sought to discover when the universe was created and ……….

A. if began the evolutionary process

B. beginning with the evolutionary process.

C. have begun with evolutionary process

D. what began the evolutionary process

E. why began the evolutionary process

434 A successful triathlete must be a strong swimmer ………….., and an excellent cyclist.

A. long distance runner very capable

B. running very capably long distance

C. a very capable long distance runner

D. a runner very capable long distance

E. that is a very capable long distance runner

435. Jared Ingersoll was a candidate for vice president in 1812, signed the Constitution, and twice ………. In the Continental Congress.

A. lo serve

B. that serving

C. a member

D. serving

E. served

436 ………… the wasp deposits an egg, the flower grows a protective covering.

A. Then

B. As if

C. In fact

D. After

E. In case

437. The region is referred to as the "Land of Fruit" ………… it yields a bountiful harvest of oranges and apples.

A. although

B. because

C. so that

D. such as

E. in order to

438. Seat belt laws were introduced ……………….. traffic fatalies would be reduced.

A. so that

B. fan

C. when

D. as if

E. because

439. ………..the fires were blazing; the skewers impaling the fish were tilted toward the flames.

A. As soon as

B. So that

C. As if

D. Such as

E. Had

440. The great stone Angkon flourished for six centuries ………… it fell in 1431 and lay prey to the jungle for four long centuries.

A. as soon as

B. because

C. until

D. so that

E. as long as

441. The most modern ladders cannot reach above seven stories, ……….. fire – fighters must enter skyscrapers dressed in suits designed to supply oxygen and reflect heat.

A. before

B. so

C. as

D. until

E. although

442. …………Kublal Khan's archers destroyed the Burmese war elephants, he shattered the elephant cavalry's myth of invincibility.

A. Although

B. Until

C. When

D. So that

E. While

443. …………the government disapproves, cultivation of the opium poppy thrives.

A. As if

B. Until

C. So that

D. As long as

E. Even though

444. This operating system has become popular because it gives the user the ability to multitask and ……….. the computer in a more Intuitive way.

A. operating

B. to operate

C. the operation of

D. to the operation of

E. operated

445. Nigel studied very hard for the final test, ……... he did quite well.

A. consequently

B. however

C. in addition

D. besides

E. but

446 On their way across the Atlantic tourists ………. sail for several days by ship or flay for a few hours by jet.

A. both

B. either

C. not

D. neither

E. not only

447. An island is being built at that busy Intersection so that traffic ………..more quickly.

A. will flow

B. has flowed

C. might flow

D. would flow

E. had flowed

448. You'd better hurry; …………..you'll be late.

A. unless

B. consequently

C. otherwise

D. provided

E. so

449. Mary complain to the headwaiter, ……….. to the manager.

A. Hardly /when

B. No sooner / than

C. Not only / but also

D. Both / and

E. Not only did / but also

450. The two trains collided with ……… a loud crash that It woke everyone in the station hotel.

A. so

B. such

C. very

D. as

E. too

451. ………….the traffic Jam on the road Michael arrived half an hour fate but finished the exam paper and answered all the questions.

A. Due to

B. Although

C. Since

D. As long as

E. Before

462 I think you'd better take a credit card with you ………… you run out of money.

A. in order to

B. so as to

C. so that

D. in case

E. in order not to

453 …….. the Pilgrims' first winter was mild, half of them died from disease within three months of their arrival.

A. Although

B. When

C. Despite

D. However

E. In spite of

454 The life expectancy of the average Turkish male is 70 years, ………. that of the female is 75 years.

A. not only

B. otherwise

C. because

D. once

E. while

455 The sense of hearing ………..provides enjoyment of sound……..serves to warn of danger.

A. sometimes / otherwise

B. also/and

C. not only / but also

D. either/nor

E. sometimes / but

466 Kelps are valuable to man for fertilizer …….they contain chemical elements.

A. that

B. once

C. while

D. because

E. due to

467. I saw the lorry …………. The cyclist off, so I …………. Forward to see if I could help.

A. Being knocked / rushed

B. Was knocked / had rushed

C. To knock / have rushed

D. Knock / rush

E. Knock/rushed

468. I wish you …… keep interrupting me when I am reading.

A. Wouldn’t

B. Couldn’t

C. Shouldn’t

D. Hadn’t

E. Won’t

469. As long as we …………. Ourselves some of the chronic, degenerative diseases, cancer, strokes and coronaries, we …………. On living for longer periods of time.

Rid/could have gone

Would rid/would be able to go

Can rid/might go

Had for id / must have gone

Were to rid / will be able to go

470. Were she to study a little harder, she …………. The exam easily.

A. Will be able to pass

B. Will have passed

C. Would have passed

D. Has passed

E. Could pass

471. I wish I.... very young, for I couldn't bear the responsibility of marriage.

A. hadn't married

B. wasn't married

C. haven't married

D. didn't marry

E. am not married

472 That was a narrow escape! If I …………., I ………my leg,

A. fell / will break

B. had fallen / would have broken

C. should fell / would break

D. had fallen / would break

E. fall /hadbroken

473. Mr. Sims is in the newspaper room ………… to find a particular article.

A. he's trying

B. tries

C. to try

D. tried

E. trying

474. Having left his home early,

A. my parents did not expect him at that hour

B. the manager was able to get rid of the fire

C. some robbers broke into his bourse

D. the car needed to be repaired

E. the clerk had already finished his work.

475. It is very important for him ………..

A. to complete his tests by tomorrow

B. which was his chief concern

C. but it is not important form e

D. when he graduates

E. that he should have made his decision earlier

476 ……….. had the train left the station, when there was an explosion.

A. Hardly

B. Although

C. Lately

D. When

E. Never

477. ………..the essay twice, Annan handed it in.

A. Having revised

B. To revise

C. He revised

D. To work

E. Although revised

478. ………..the door, Mary off in the car her father had given her as a present.

A. Slammed

B. She slammed

C. If she slammed

D. Although slamming

E. Slamming

479. ……… on the floor, the lamp appeared undamaged.

A. If falling

B. Fallen

C. To fall

D. While falling

E. Although falling

480. ……… since the time you came here.

A. She had been looking at you

B. They were restless

C. If they could prevent your coming

D. My mother felt US

E. So many changes have taken place

481. A ballad, …………, is a song that ………..a dramatic story.

A. for the oldest form of poetry / is told

B. is the oldest form of poetry / told

C. that is the oldest form of poetry / telling

D. the oldest form of poetry / tells

E. which is the oldest form of poetry / tell

482. He claims that the healthier you become, …………….

A. you will look after yourself more carefully

B. the most important of all is health

C. the better you took care of your health

D. no matter what you eat or drink

E. the more careless of your health you become j

483 ……….a" day, James was exhausted.

A. To clean house

B. House was cleaned

C. House being cleaned

D. Having cleaned house

E. House cleaning

484 ………….late last night, Russ slept until noon.

A. To have worked

B. Having worked

C. If worked

D. In working

E. Although working

485 ………….my number-Sue didn't can back.

A. Not knowing

B. Not known

C. So as not to know

D. Although no knowing

E. If not known

486. Having submitted his MA thesis to the institute,

A. he decided to go abroad for further studies

B. I also graduated from the same school

C. his professors congratulated him for his success

D. he was called back to complete his education

E. after a few months he resigned from his position

417. Owing to the relaxed and friendly atmosphere,……..

A. the party turned out to be a disaster

B. most of the visitors were very annoyed

C. they were depressed

D. the young girl soon forgot all about stress and misery

E. the passengers were really determined

488. It was no good …………. the thief in cell because he admitted …………. into the house under no circumstances.

A. keeping/ broken

B. keeping/ breaking

C. to keep/ to berak

D. keeping/ break

E. kept/ to break

489. The injured man failed ………..and had to …….. to the hospital immediately,

A. walking/ take

B. to be walking/ be taken

C. to walk/ take

D. to walk/ be taken

E. to walk/ be taking

490. ……… forming an ideal home for other species, ……… sponges constitute a food source.

A. Because / hardly do

B. While/seldom do

C. Although /on no account did

D. Until/scarcely did

E. If/so do

491. ……..Americans continue to crowd into cities, there is a strong anti-urban sentiment against them.

A. Except that

B. When

C. As if

D. Seeing that

E. Despite the fact that

492. I'll be dead by the time they ………….. a cure for the common cold.

A. had found

B. will found

C. find

D. were found

E. found

493. ……...her mother taught her to sew

A. When the girl was merely a child

B. When merely a child

C. child merely

D. Merely when a child

E. When the girl had been merely a child

494. Frank's father has been transferred to Texas, ………... to school here in the fall.

A. but Frank will not be returning

B. also Frank will be returning

C. therefore, Frank will be returning

D. however, Frank will not be returning

E. therefore, Frank will not be returning

495. Both commuters and residents are concerned about roadside finer, ………….,until recently no one has made a constructive suggestion.

A. and

B. also

C. there fore

D. however

E. for

496 Thomas still had his last paycheque,………he and his wife were not interested in another investment

A. but

B. so

C. so

D. for

E. and

497. ………….they scored poorly, they played a good game against the Giants.

A. Because

B. Lest

C. Although

D. As long as

E. After

498. Cashews, a popular food in the U.S., are most delicious …………..

A. while roasting

B. although roasts

C. it is roasted

D. if it roasts

E. when roasted

499. He treated his wife so ……………that in the end his wife poisoned him.

A. severely

B. harshly

C. cruelty

D. mildly

E. hand

500. Most earthquakes cause little damages on land ……….they occur primarily beneath the ocean surface.

A. as

B. yet

C. otherwise

D. but

E. so

501. Life expectancy is related to factors ……..public health facilities and the standard of living.

A. except that

B. as long as

C. while

D. but

E. such as

502. The supply of raw materials ……….before the demand for these articles can be met

A. should increase

B. increase

C. must be increased

D. have increased

E. are increasing

503. …………..the security guards realized what was W happening, the gang had already got into the bank.

A. Before

B. While

C. Because

D. By the lime

E. Seeing that

504. We have never wanted to go ………….the others are.

A. when

B. due to

C. because of

D. in case of

E. where

505. You can't expect him to tell you the story ……… he hasn't read it.

A. after

B. seeing that

C. but

D. anyway

E. unlace

506. …………. the winter was over, the recently-planted trees began to put forth new branches.

A. As soon as

B. Anyhow

C. Somehow

D. Only if

E. Providing

507. Since you have said this …………I nor my brother is going to stay here. I won't, ……….. forget what you've done.

A. because/anyway

B. or else/anyway

C. anyway/yet

D. neither/however

E. either/or else

508. Doctors were unwilling to perform the operation ………..the patient was suffering from high Wood pressure.

A. still

B. yet

C. as

D. after

E. so

509. …….they have asked us to be punctual, we ought to start now.

A. So

B. Seeing that

C. Therefore

D. Due to

E. Whereas

510. …………what you say to him, he still keeps laughing.

A. However

B. Even though

C. Providing

D. Furthermore

E. No matter

511. You have to pay for bank services, ……..you write a cheque.

A. but

B. such as

C. when

D. while

E. incase

512 Geoffrey suggested going to the folk museum……….he thought it looked Interesting.

A. because

B. whereas

C. moreover

D. instead

E. whether

513. ………..the price of petrol went op again, there was almost no traffic.

A. Then

B. Even though

C. Such as

D. Due to the fact that

E. Before

514 He asked her not to worry , ………..they would have enough time.

A. until

B. before

C. as

D. while

E. ever since

515. ………. You nave already studied that chapter, it will not be necessary to read it again.

A. As

B. Besides

C. For

D. Incase

E. Therefore

516. By the end of last year he …………. Four Shakespeare plays, and by next year he …………. Two more.

A. Had read / will have read

B. Could read / will be reading

C. Had to read/ has read

D. Will have read/am reading

E. Would be reading / will read

517. Tarkan always takes several bodyguards with him ………..he should be attacked.

A. so

B. for fear that

C. as if

D. if

E. therefore

518. ………in meeting, despite public protests, the Victorian manor house was demolished.

A. As soon as

B. Whenever

C. Anyway

D. However

E. Soon after

519. Although he was rather tired …………he had been busy all day, he didn't refuse to help me. ………….I was doing my homework.

A. for/White

B. so/as

C. was

D. then/as

E. as/so

520. You must ……….. work there like a slave or leave ……….. the laws that protect you as a citizen.

A. as well/however

B. however/then

C. whether/and also

D. also/despite

E. either/In spite of

521. ……….I intended to expand my shop, I applied the bank for a loan.

A. Although

B. So that

C. But

D. As

E. For

522. ……..women are skilled in handling many tasks, studies have shown that women are not much eager about doing it.

A. Although

B. For

C. Since

D. Yet

E. Because

523. How can you expect them to receive you so warmly …………. You have not helped him …………. He was trying to establish the business?

A. Although/as

B. When/when

C. As/while

D. For/even though

E. While /for

524. we were not there…………the accident happened, the police refused to listen to us as a witness.

A. -/when

B. Even if/after

C. As/when

D. Since /while

E. While/when

525. I generally spend at least one day per week out of the office ……….my job Involves sales and marketing.

A. as

B. such as

C. likely

D. furthermore

E. unlike

526. We prefer the Grand Hotel ………. it is not the most luxurious.

A. besides

B. otherwise

C. even though

D. for

E. whereas

527. The company's profits were Immense this year,………. the employees did not receive a satisfying pay raise.

A. yet

B. since

C. so

D. as

E. for

528. …………….you can’t afford to buy books ………..you can always borrow them from the library.

A. Either/or

B. Although/such that

C. As/but

D. While/so

E. If/then

529. I felt sleepy and ………… ! were sinking into the couch.

A. Since

B. thus

C. for

D. so

E. as though

530. When they were children, many parents had a lot of homework,……….., children today have very little.

A. however

B. even if

C. whether

D. anyway

E. as though

531. ………you are older than your sisters, you must behave better.

A. As much as

B. However much

C. No matter what

D. Now that

E. Due to

532. Martha has decided to go on a strict diet ………. Lose some weight

A. to

B. thus

C. whether

D. so

E. as

533. Intending aircrew undergo searching tests to discover …………. they are by disposition and character suitable for the work.

A. for

B. whereas

C. moreover

D. instead

E. whether

534. He could see, looking back over the past, ………he had gone wrong.

A. however

B. in order that

C. if

D. where

E. when

535. Actually he is an excellent surgeon, …………. he has a terrible personality.

A. so that

B. inasmuch as

C. in spite of the fact that

D. except for

E. due to

536. …….it may be necessary to spend some time in a hospital, most people do not enjoy the stay.

A. Moreover

B. Anyway

C. Although

D. Hence

E. For

537. He sent his son to university so that he ……. the best possible chance of a good career.

A. is having

B. has been had

C. had to have

D. will be having

E. could have

538. Make a note of our appointment in your diary……….you forget about it.

A. as long as

B. so that

C. incase

D. therefore

E. if

539. We will Interrupt our programmes ………….. we have any further news of the situation.

A. the moment

B. until

C. since

D. by

E. up to

540. The house had Just been decorated …………… we didn't need to do anything before we moved In.

A. incase

B. so

C. however

D. supposing

E. otherwise

541. ……….you arrive at the airport, an escort will be waiting for you. You'll recognize Wm very easily. He'W be wearing a dark green suit and a yellow tie.

A. after

B. when

C. since

D. while

E. before

542. Do you think they'll still be waiting for us………..we get there?

A. while

B. whereas

C. thus

D. so

E. when

543. We cant make any definitive plans for October,………. we may be moving house then,

A. no matter

B. because

C. although

D. therefore

E. also

544. Women are twice as likely to become depressed as men ………. that women naturally have lower levels of the brain chemical serotonin.

A. due to the fact

B. incase

C. test

D. provided

E. though

545. I ……….. the child to the hospital so that the doctors could give her a thorough examination.

A. will have taken

B. could have taken

C. had been taken

D. must have taken

E. took

546. They gave up the hope the of going to Canada In their honeymoon ………. they had failed to provide so much money.

A. by

B. while

C. although

D. since

E. therefore

547. I will be working late at the office this evening……………wont get home till about ten.

A. such

B. enough

C. too

D. so

E. as

548. The two parties decided to break off negotiations, ……….they had come no nearer to a solution during three days of continuous discussion. ,

A. since

B. buffer

C. behind

D. apart

E. moreover

549 ……. I didn't want my son to leave home, since he was twenty-one there was nothing I could do to

prevent it.

A. Besides

B. Otherwise

C. Even though

D. For

E. Or efee

550. The whole truth didn't become known……….many year later.

A. Unto

B. by

C. during

D. since

E. otherwise

551. There are many different possible sources of fuel. The problem, …………… is the time and cost of

developing them

A. however

B. as long as

C. as soon as

D. although

E. if only

552. The man was found to have married again ………still legally married to his first wife.

A. as though

B. while

C. such as

D. for

E. because

553. …………my having already assured him, he insisted on my checking again to see that the train had left or not.

A. Owing to

B. In spite of

C. Due to

D. By

E. Without

554. ……….. the new method had proved Its worth, the management agreed that the old and the new should be kept.

A. So

B. Until

C. Where

D. For

E. Incase

555 ………I generally like doctors, the doctor I had met last year was bad tempered and rude.

A. So

B. As if

C. Anyway

D. While

E. Whereas

556. ……….he wears his warm scarf and his woolly underwear, he will catch cold.

A. For

B. So that

C. Whereas

D. Lest

E. Unless

557. The snip wont be able to sail …….the tide comes

A. when

B. until

C. since

D. by

E. up to

558. While my brother Jack ………..his boots, I ………..in my room.

A. was putting on/was hiding

B. had put on/was hiding

C. was putting on/hide

D. would be putting on / hide

E. was putting on / would have been hidden

559. …………..I had no time, I had great difficulty to finish my master thesis.

A. Despite the fact that

B. Nevertheless

C. Whereas

D. Owing to the fact that

E. Besides

560. ……….. loan associations help people to build homes, a lot of people have their own houses in big cities.

A. While

B. Even though

C. Owing to

D. Unless

E. Due to the fact that

561. ………the cold winter we are having now, nobody wants to go on a long trip.

A. Just as

B. Because of

C. Seeing that

D. 8esides

E. Therefore

562. The office did not let the man see the official paper, ……….. he should tell his friends about them.

A. hence

B. however

C. lest

D. besides

E. due to

563. She dresses like that………..everyone will notice her.

A. so that

B. as long as

C. anyway

D. even if

E. only if

564. He will pay the rent……… he gets his check.

A. incase

B. for fear that

C. provided

D. so that

E. furthermore

565. He didn't give me the money, …………….I begged him for

A. because

B. even if

C. before

D. as long as

E. or else

566. I want to go with him ………..all the conditions are granted.

A. after

B. unless

C. by

D. hence

E. provided that

567. ………..that small town has a population of five thousand, there are two museums.

A. Although

B. Because

C. Since

D. Otherwise

E. If only

568. The students will be able to understand you ………….. how poorly you speak English.

A. even if

B. although

C. whenever

D. however

E. no matter

569. We won’t do it ………..we know there is not other way.

A. besides

B. seeing that

C. even though

D. because

E. white

570. I'll lend you the money……….. you return it within three months.

A. incase

B. on condition that

C. therefore

D. so that

E. besides

571. He had been only a baby then,………….he had not been afraid

A. since

B. so far

C. in that

D. besides

E. yet

572. Her father will let Helen drive his car ………..she has a driving licence.

A. so

B. due to

C. whether


D. provided that

573. Even if you don’t like you can ………… be kind to him.

A. already

B. tough

C. besides

D. moreover

E. still

574. Voters should listen to all the individuals running for office …………. They want to be able to make intelligent decisions.

A. If

B. Therefore

C. While

D. As soon as

E. Even if

575. In some parts of Britain, …………. A family moves house they take burning coals from the fire to the new houe.

A. Whereas

B. However

C. Where

D. Whether

E. When

576. Advertising should be banned……..it persuades people to buy goods they do not need and often can not afford.

A. while

B. whereas

C. thus

D. as

E. so

577. There I learnt that Miss Brown was a little better ………. She was still very ill.

A. Moreover

B. Anyway

C. although

D. hence

E. therefore

578. In factories, work is broken down into small steps …….jobs can bee done quickly and efficiently.

A. as long as

B. so that

C. incase

D. for

E. if

579. Cancer can be cured ………….it is diagnosed and treated early.

A. if only

B. otherwise

C. only if

D. just as

E. whereas

580. He earns………that he doesn't know what to do with it

A. so much money

B. such as a much money

C. so a much money

D. too much money

E. very much money as

581. It seemed ……….I had known them for a very long time.

A. however

B. even if

C. whether

D. anyway

E. as though

582. ……….there are good reasons for being pessimistic about the world's food supplies, I do not approve of it.

A. even though

B. thus

C. considering

D. owing to

E. as if.

583 How can you expect me to work hard …….. you just sit there?

A. where

B. as

C. before

D. when

E. then

584. ............. he was considered to be one of the best members, I don't think they will choose him

president, ……… will they choose any of his friends.

A. as/or

B. while/nor

C. when/for

D. incase/but

E. since/however

585. I finished my work ……….my illness and …………must you.

A. whereas/then

B. despite/also

C. by/then

D. due to/as

E. in spite of/so

586. I……….. walked along this High Street, I met a friend mine but……..I nor he stopped to say hello.

A. While/so

B. Then/so

C. As/neither

D. Even though/however

E. While/after

587. The smaller toys you choose,…….. they will be.

A. as good as

B. the cheaper

C. far more than

D. the least expensive

E. better than

588. As the guests were leaving, I noticed that they ……..in low voices.

A. had been spoken

B. were speaking

C. are going to speak

D. have been speaking

E. had to be spoken

589. I am used to bathing ………. I get up in the morning.

A. if

B. therefore

C. while

D. as soon as

E. even if

590. ……Stan is prejudiced against pop singers, he realizes that their working may help people in Africa.

A. For

B. Despite

C. Although

D. Since

E. Therefore

591. ……….they guarantee that the money buys food, the organizers can't be sure that this is ………….when it reaches America.

A. whenever/-

B. thus/yet

C. if/however

D. even though/so

E. as/anyway

592. They live in a region ………..cattle breeding is the main means of making a living.

A. When

B. Anyway

C. However

D. As far as

E. Where

593. They sent the children and the women to town ………….do the planning more quite.

A. as if

B. when

C. so as to

D. however

E. therefore

594. They made special boxes …………the students could talk to their parents privately.

A. where as

B. for fear that

C. when

D. if

E. so that

595. ……….they have very little room to move, the animals seem quite happy.

A. No matter

B. However

C. So long as

D. Although

E. Despite

596. We've got to find ways of using plastic to make furniture ………… we use less wood.

A. for

B. so that

C. whereas

D. lest

E. if

597. He stood there like a stone ……….. the ball came towards him.

A. because

B. whereas

C. when

D. however

E. whether

598. We had better walk up to the office …………… the bus fares are extremely high.

A. before

B. as soon as

C. since

D. as if

E. ever since

599. He put the candle ……..close to me ……… I turned my face away to save it from the flame.

A. such/as

B. as/as

C. so/as

D. as/then

E. so/that

600. We are not allowed to check in luggage ………. two hours before the flight

A. already

B. by

C. as soon as

D. until

E. in that

601. The box was ……….we needed five people to carry it.

A. as heavy as

B. heavy as

C. as heavily that

D. such heavy as

E. so heavy that

602. The Eiffel Tower was the highest structure in the world ………the Chrysler Building was completed in

New York City in 1930.

A. when

B. while

C. hence

D. providing

E. in that

603. I see you; I remember the day I saw you in front of the guests with no trousers on.

A. White/when

B. When/before

C. As long as/as

D. Whenever/-

E. As/anyway

504. Maggie said the sauna was ………she could only stay in there a minute.

A. so hot than

B. as hot as

C. so hot that

D. such as hot

E. hot enough

605. You should take care ……….there may be strong winds ahead.

A. although

B. because

C. however

D. while

E. besides

606. Although we had a map with us, it wasn't helpful it only showed one path through the woods.

A. as

B. as long as

C. but

D. then

E. and also

607. And this problem is …….difficult …….even you can't solve it.

A. so/that

B. such/as

C. as/as

D. so/as

E. more/than

608. There was ………..advance publicity about this film that I suppose I was expecting a masterpiece, but to be honest I wasn't as impressed as I expected to be

A. such as

B. anyway

C. so much

D. since

E. however

609. The door will open …………the microchip Inside the panel recognizes your voice or fingerprints.

A. ever since

B. only if

C. due to

D. so

E. incase

610. When the Romans conquered Britain, the Anglo - Saxons hadn't yet arrived there ……….the Latin words in English do not come from this early period.

A. because

B. yet

C. somehow

D. for

E. so

611 The writer was hidden at a secret address ………..his safety was guaranteed.

A. but for

B. otherwise

C. until

D. besides

E. if

612 Your aim is to produce a written script for each passage ………..close to the original. …….possible.

A. as/as

B. such/as

C. so/that

D. such/that

E. so/as

613 Try to go to bed at a regular time and remember to set on alarm ………you don't get anxious about waking up on time.

A. although

B. so that

C. or else

D. owing to

E. for

614. As the engine had been repaired, we ………..our journey.

A. will have continued

B. continue

C. had been continued

D. were continued

E. were able to continue

615 She ……..all interest in life when her husband is dead.

A. had lost

B. seemed to be lost

C. had been lost

D. seems to have lost

E. would have lost

616. We ……….our neighbors before we go away on holiday.

A. have been informed

B. ought to inform

C. must be informed

D. could have informed

E. are being informed

617. We ……….many beautiful birds while we……….in a beautiful little lake.

A. had seen /had to fish

B. were seeing/Were fishing

C. were going to see /had been fishing

D. saw/were fishing

E. were going to see / would fish

618 While Bob and I were camping in the mountains, we …….. many wonderful experiences.

A. had

B. were being had

C. would have been had

D. had to be had

E. had been had

619. I drink a lot, and …………. Does my brother …………. We both know that it is both bad for our health and it does a lot of damage to our health.


Nor/even if




620. …………. That he only stanted learning it two years ago, his English is excellent.

A. as long as

B. lest

C. considering

D. also

E. if

621. ………….I grow older I can see things more clearly …………. I don’t fell energetic enouh to do anything positive.

A. As/while

B. However/why

C. If/but

D. While / as

E. Although/thus

622. She …………. Early the following day, so she had to go to bed early.

A. Will have got up

B. Had been getting up

C. Would be got up

D. Had got up

E. Was going to get up

623. People voted for Mr.Wind in the elections ………….he’d promised to employ at least fifty people in the region.

A. Since

B. Provided that

C. Lest

D. Beforehand

E. Then

624. ………….she had so little money there weren’t a lot of cars to choose from.

A. Since

B. For

C. Unless

D. If

E. Owing to

625. There was a stillness in the cool summer air …………. The wold had paused for thought.

A. Despite

B. Moreover

C. Therefore

D. As if

E. Even if

619 + 620 + 621 + 622 + 623 + 624 + 625 ??????????????????????????????

626. ……….the car approached the final bend, It skidded on the oily surface and spun out of control.

A. if

B. although

C. as

D. where

E. by then

627. Ships began stopping at the islands ……….the crews could rest, get fresh food and water, and recrult men to work.

A. even if

B. such as

C. except that

D. so that

E. however

628. We left without taking the food boxes ………..we had no time.

A. hence

B. even if

C. but

D. then

E. for

629. I’m going to answer some more advertisements for jobs ………I don't get the one I’ve applied for.

A. incase

B. however

C. lest

D. besides

E. due to

630. She always has some aspirin in her desk …………… someone has a headache.

A. incase

B. even if

C. hence

D. so that

E. furthermore

631. ………..she doesn’t wake up now, she may sleep until the morning.

A. as soon as

B. buffer

C. somehow

D. if only

E. if

632. ……….some people regard dogs as friendly; others think they are a nuisance

A. except that

B. as long as

C. while

D. but

E. as far as

633. ……….they are beautiful dogs, they, are not suitable for a small flat in the city.

A. although

B. because

C. since

D. only if

E. if only

634. ……….bad treatment, the dog was faithful to its master.

A. besides

B. in as much as

C. in spite of

D. except for

E. due to

635. ……….it's a very affectionate dog, it makes a lot of noise.

A. if only

B. although

C. whenever

D. however

E. no matter

636. ........ its being inconvenient, I wouldn't want to go on holiday without my dog.

A. however

B. then

C. whether

D. also

E. in spite of

637. ……….the warnings about dogs fouling the pavements, people take no notice.

A. whereas

B. despite

C. as far as

D. due to

E. so long as

638. ……….the customers are not dissatisfied, there's no need for you to worry.

A. owing to

B. so long as

C. due to the fact that

D. because of

E. besides

639. In the meantime, people in the Industrialized nations must learn to conserve energy……….they may find themselves walking, not driving.

A. as

B. such as

C. likely

D. furthermore

E. otherwise

640. . ………. I saw smoke coming from the window, I called the free-station.

A. since

B. while

C. lest

D. after

E. as soon as

641. A lasting peace will be established in the area………….both sides accept the agreement.

A. as soon as

B. but for

C. somehow

D. only if

E. as though

642. Many parents In America are upset ………. their children are not learning good reading and math skills in school.

A. since

B. thus

C. for

D. until

E. as though

643. The back of this radio should under no circumstances be removed ……….the set has first been disconnected at the mains.

A. in case ,,

B. for fear that

C. supposing

D. considered

E. unless

644 Problem children not only interrupt their classes from learning……….they prevent themselves and others.

A. in case of

B. due to

C. but for

D. except

E. but also

645. John Is sure he will have a good time there……….he has always wanted to visit such an exotic place.

A. while

B. until

C. furthermore

D. as

E. nevertheless

646. ………. wardens were on strike, thirty- seven prisoners escaped from a Brussels |all, Belgian police said yesterday.

A. Although

B. Where

C. However

D. While

E. Besides

647. He had……….put down the receiver with a great sigh of rellef than the telephone rang again.

A. Due to

B. So long as

C. No socner

D. Because of

E. Besides

648. My father ……….for that export and Import company for long when he was given a sack.

A. had been working

B. may have been working

C. has worked

D. had to be worked

E. was worked

649 Before 1969, nobody could vote in elections …………..they were 20.

A. until

B. by

C. during

D. since

E. otherwise

650. Since my plane is………….leave In twenty minutes I doesn't have time to say good-bye to my friends.

A. for

B. even if

C. just as

D. due to

E. besides

651. Mozart was able to compose some of his masters he was only a child.

A. when

B. as soon as

C. since

D. by

E. up to

652. ……………no one asked me anything, I told them nothing about the robbery.

A. before

B. since

C. for

D. as soon as

E. just as

653 …………I have heard your side of the question, I am more Inclined to agree with you

A. incase

B. for fear that

C. now that

D. after

E. unless

654. …………the truth about the blackmail attempt was finally heard, they were ail astonished to hear who the culprit was.

A. when

B. whom

C. what

D. which

E. why

655. I was supposed to finish the report by today but now they ……..for it for some time.

A. waited

B. have to be waited

C. will have to wait

D. would have to wait

E. are being waited

656. My elder sister has black hair ………….I'm blonde.

A. hence

B. whereas

C. provided

D. such as

E. for

857 I cant remember ………..you had turned off the lights before you left home.

A. whether

B. as though

C. even if

D. still

E. then

658 Perhaps, Me Enroe only plays for money ………. his games are worth watching.

A. for

B. since

C. despite

D. also

E. nevertheless

659 Our diet will go on being the same …………. new techniques are introduced.

A. but

B. even if

C. nevertheless

D. if only

E. otherwise

660. …………. his parents had given him the opportunity to get a musical education, but they couldn't afford It when he was young.

A. but for

B. however

C. until

D. incase

E. if only

661. ……….at the village, we found the moon high In the sky.

A. To be arrived

B. As arrived

C. To have arrived

D. When arrived

E. On arriving

662. I took no notice of him ……. He flew into a rage.

A. so

B. because

C. after

D. moreover

E. for

663. Most private citizens,…….. have just begun to realize the problem realize the problem.

A. however

B. if only

C. because

D. so

E. unless

664. No matter what you, …………. you can never convince me to lend you so much money.

A. can be done

B. would do

C. try doing

D. do

E. to are done

665. That night, we slept in sleeping bags Inside the tent so that we …….. warm.

A. stay

B. hadstayed

C. had to stay

D. could stay

E. were stayed

666. The news was ……… he didn’t know what to say.

A. such surprise that

B. so a surprise as

C. such surprised as

D. such a surprise that

E. so surprised that

667. ………….spring has come, we may perhaps look toward to better weather.

A. now that

B. until

C. where

D. for

E. in case

668. …….the talks haven't appeared to have much chance of success ………quite recently.

A. however/until

B. anyway/whereas

C. so/by the time

D. besides/since

E. since/just as

669. It was they decided to sit at home by the fire and read.

A. so a cold night that

B. such a cold night that

C. so cold night as

D. such cold a night that

E. such cold night as

670. …….….candidates have to be under 21 years of age, you are obviously not suitable.

A. since

B. besides

C. although

D. for

E. if

671. …………he pretended to listen to the teacher, he was thinking of the football match all the time.

A. however

B. as Song as

C. as soon as

D. although

E. whereas

672. Her husband said she was a strong-willed woman who knew her own mind …………he had never doubted her ability to survive.

A. as

B. yet

C. otherwise

D. but

E. so

673. Let's leave early…………, we won't find anywhere to park.

A. otherwise

B. besides

C. now that

D. so that

E. however

674. We will …………drive to Lochaline where we will buy lunch to take with us.

A. yet

B. however

C. incase

D. so that

E. then

675. A teacher is a person who teaches in a school, …………a professor lectures at a university.

A. lest

B. unless

C. whereas

D. hence

E. provided that

676. We'll continue round the coast to the shepherd cottage at the village and …………take the path through the woods to the Rocktown.

A. then

B. whenever

C. moreover

D. hence

E. therefore

577. We sailed ad round the bay ………… anchored at an island and went exploring.

A. besides

B. even if

C. then

D. also

E. although

678. I'd like to ask you a question …………you're not too busy at the moment

A. otherwise

B. as long as

C. anyway

D. since then

E. even if

679 He wore a white coat ………… no one would recognize him.

A. although

B. so that

C. but for

D. assoonas

E. for

680 Christopher Columbus, working for the King and Queen of Spain, discovered America in 1492 and since that time the Spanish had become very rich ………… the silver which they found In Mexico and Peru.

A. despite

B. in spite of

C. due to

D. by

E. without

681. Men have spoken ………… they first appeared on the earth.

A. until

B. before

C. as

D. while

E. ever since

682. The school has Its own garden, ………… they can learn about the environment.

A. such as

B. even though

C. even if

D. besides

E. so that

683. She hates me ………… I do my best to show her I love her.

A. for

B. whereas

C. moreover

D. instead

E. then

684. So far, the work has been easy but things ………… a lot soon.

A. would change

B. has changed

C. were changed

D. had been changed

E. may change

685. I hadn't received the Information I sent away for enclosing ………… a stamped address envelope.

A. so

B. but

C. despite

D. then

E. hence

686. I've asked him several times to pay the bill but he …………it.

A. can already pay

B. isn’t just paying

C. still hasn’t paid

D. isn’t being paid

E. has already been paid

687. The dog broke away from her …………it was on the lead.

A. Besides

B. otherwise

C. even though

D. for

E. or else

688. While we ………. for her, I ………. sight of my other friend.

A. had locked/had to lose

B. were looking/Were lost

C. were going to look/had been losing

D. were looking/lost

E. would look/lost

689. Serious teams keep going day and night for ten hour stretches taking ………. short a time to sleep possible.

A. too/than

B. such/as

C. so/as

D. enough/that

E. as/as

690. Yesterday, John went to the bank after class……….he had to cash a check and ……….he would have enough money for the weekend.

A. As long as/since

B. Because/so

C. For/thefore

D. As/only if

E. So that /though

691. ……….his criticism of the church Voltaire was denied burial in church ground.

A. though

B. because of

C. in spite of

D. even if

E. despite

692. The French Department offers degree courses in general language, linguistics, and ………. classical ………. modern literature.

A. neither/nor

B. both/and

C. as/when

D. so/that

E. either/or

693. You will be able to relax soon if we get there……….possible.

A. such quicker that

B. such quickly as

C. so quickly that

D. as quickly as

E. so quickly as

694. The colour didn't suit her, ……….my wife decided not to buy the dress.

A. so

B. due to

C. whether

D. while

E. considering

695. I think we can leave the usual formalities ………. we all know each other already.

A. besides

B. despite the fact

C. even though

D. because

E. yet

696. ……….It looks quite western, Japan is still In many ways very oriental.

A. So

B. Therefore

C. In spit of

D. Although

E. incase

697. ………. the heavy rain, conditions during the race were hazardous.

A. now that

B. after

C. if

D. despite

E. due to the fact that

698. ……….the Incident, the president of the company canceled the stock holders meeting.

A. for

B. because of

C. just as

D. owing to the fact that

E. besides

699. ………., a policeman signalled me to stop.

A. While backed the truck into an alley

B. In order to back the truck into an alley

C. White I was backing the truck into an alley

D. I backed the truck into an alley

E. I was backed the truck into an alley

700. ………., I wanted to stop over at Harold's house.

A. There was a delay

B. In spite of the delay

C. Because of the delay

D. There must be delay

E. When there is a delay

701. ………., Margaret seized the letter and fled to room.

A. To see her chance

B. Seeing her chance

C. It is her chance

D. She must see her chance

E. Unless Margaret saw her chance

702. Henry picked over the apples, ……….

A. to choose only the ripest

B. while choosing only the ripest

C. choosing only the ripest

D. although choosing only the ripest

E. to have been choosing only the ripest

703. ……….he broke into a wide grin.

A. Hearing his name called

B. Calling his name

C. To call his name

D. Heard his name calling

E. If he heard his name

704. Henry sat next to me, ………..

A. to puzzle over the test questions.

B. after he had puzzled over the test questions

C. puzzled over the test questions

D. in order to puzzle over the test questions

E. puzzling over the test questions

705. ………., the manager handed the guarantee back to me.

A. Shook his head

B. He wanted to shake his head

C. Shaking his head '

D. To shake his head

E. In order to shake his head

706. ………., the nurse placed the chocolate out of reach.

A. She wanted to do her job

B. Trying to do her job

C. Tried to do her job

D. After she had tried to do her job

E. To try to do her job

707. Most of the boys were Indifferent to money, ……….,

A. to work only when they felt like it

B. working only when they felt like it

C. hat they worked only when they felt like it

D. they work only when they felt like it

E. if they want to work only when they felt like it

708. ………., Mr. Hudson groped for the light switch.

A. Coughing

B. Cough

C. Coughed

D. In order to cough

E. Why to cough

709. ………., she merely asked why he had not phoned earlier.

A. Forgiven

B. After forgiven

C. Forgiving him

D. Forgive him

E. Forgives him

710. Rain, has not been predicted……….

A. because the sky is cloudy

B. because it is very cold

C. although the sky is expected to be cloudy

D. although the sky is very bright

E. because it is winter

711. ………., we enjoy pancakes and waffles.

A. When they are serving piping hot

B. When serving piping hot

C. They served piping hot

D. Although they are served piping hot

E. When they are served piping hot

712. ………., you will like the new nylon uniforms.

A. When fitting properly

B. When they are fitted properly

C. Fitting properly

D. Unless you fit properly

E. Although fitted properly

713. ………., you might learn something.

A. To watch Mr. Bums repair the wiring

B. Unless you had watched Mr. Burns repair the wiring

C. By watching Mr. Bums repair the wiring

D. By watching Mr. Bums repairing the wiring

E. Before watching Mr. Burns repair the wiring

714. ………., Jerry moved the wastebasket.

A. Dropping out paper

B. Dropped out paper

C. After he will drop out paper

D. Because he was dropped out paper

E. Although dropped out paper

715. ………., Phyllis was intrigued by the local costumes.

A. After he was a newcomer

B. He is a newcomer

C. If he is a newcomer

D. Unless he was a newcomer

E. Being a newcomer

716. ………., we felt a new responsibility.

A. After we were signed the agreement

B. Before signed the agreement

C. Although signed the agreement

D. After signing the agreement

E. If we signed the agreement

717. ………., the barn seemed a safe place for me to be.

A. When I will be frightened

B. Frightening

C. When I was frightened

D. When frightening

E. When I frightened

718. ………., the argument between them began again.

A. While they gossip

B. While they are gossiping

C. While they were gossiping

D. While gossiped

E. While they wanted to gossiped

719. ………., her mother taught her to sew.

A. When the girl is merely a child

B. When merely a child

C. When the girl was merely a child

D. Merely when a child*

E. When the girl had been merely a child

720 Hastily we pitched out tents, ……….

A. although it began rain

B. since the rain was beginning

C. even if it rains

D. even though it rained

E. because it would rain soon

721 He hasn't shaved………..

A. for he left military service

B. since a long time

C. since he had left military service

D. since he left military service

E. for leaving military service

722. Their nearest neighbours were helpful

A. if they were by nature rather lazy

B. unless they were by nature rather lazy

C. although they were by nature rather lazy

D. since they were by nature rather lazy

E. because they were by nature rather lazy

723. ………., Miranda served them a huge lunch

A. Although the girls had already eaten

B. Since the girls had not eaten yet

C. Even if the girls may have eaten yet

D. Although the girls would have eaten already

E. Because the girls have already eaten

724. ………. because it had been built so soundly.

A. The house survived

B. The house may survive

C. The house will survive

D. The house may have survived

E. The house might have been survived

725. ……….Howard and Tess are unhappy children.

A. Unless they had been disciplined

B. If they were disciplined

C. Although they have never been disciplined

D. Because they have never been disciplined

E. When they have disciplined

726. I have not played the tuba……….

A. since I play in the high school band.

B. for I played in the high school band.

C. since I played in the high school band.

D. unless I played in the high school band.

E. if I played in the high school band.

727. ………., the beautiful model twisted her scarf nervously.

A. The crowd is gathering

B. The crowd gathered

C. Unless the crowd gathered

D. As the crowd gathered

E. Even if the crowd gathered

728. The less other people compliment her, ……….

A. she has less confidence in herself

B. the less confidence she feels in herself

C. the least confidence she feels in herself

D. she has the least confidence

E. she has more confidence in herself

729. ……….up for a year, Sue bought a new motorbike for her son as a birthday present, which he dreamed about

A. Site saved

B. She was saving

C. Having saved

D. Being saved

E. Not having been saved

730. ……….we won’t make it to the bus in time. It leaves In twenty minutes.

A. Had you done your work faster

B. If you did your work faster

C. Should you do your work faster

D. If you don't do your work faster

E. Whenever you do your work faster

731. ………., you have to fill out an application.

A. Before getting a job

B. You are getting a job

C. Before got a job

D. Got a job

E. You got a job

732. I always take my umbrella ……….

A. wherever it rains-

B. if it had rained

C. whenever it rains

D. after it had rained

E. because it rains

733. After he was fired, ……….

A. A good job was found

B. Brian gets a good job

C. Brian got a good job

D. A good job will be found

E. Brian will got a good job

734. ………., Mary had to have an Interview with the boss himself.

A. Before hiring

B. Before she hired

C. Before she had hired

D. Before she had been hired

E. Before she was hired

735. ……….Mrs.' Smith calls, please take a message.

A. Because

B. However

C. So long as

D. in addition to

E. When

736. ……….John had worked for the company for five years.

A. If he gets a raise

B. Before he had got a raise

C. Had he got a raise

D. Before he got a raise

E. When he got a raise

737. I'm afraid that diner isn't ready because. forgot……….on the oven while……….the other courses for the meal

A. turn/ preparing

B. to turn/ preparing

C. turning/ to prepare

D. turning/ preparing

E. having turned/ preparing

738. ………. a big storm is about to come, we must evacuate this place as soon as possible.

A. Now that

B. Then

C. That

D. Now

E. Though,

739. ……….I do not like to play soccer, I play only when my friends insist.

A. Otherwise

B. In case

C. Although

D. Since

E. But

740. ……….I feel very tired, you want me to do some more work. Are you trying to kill me?

A. Sometimes

B. While

C. Whenever

D. After

E. In case

741. ……….you like……….dislike milk, you should drink it every day.

A. Both/and

B. Neither/nor

C. Either/or

D. Not only / but also

E. Whether/or

742. Last season Boban played much better ………. he was expected.

A. then

B. than

C. before

D. since

E. as if

743. ……….you like Arnold's films, I bought two tickets and we are going to watch it tonight.

A. Unless

B. No comment that

C. No matter whether

D. If

E. No matter how

744. ……….stingy people have, ……….they want Because they are eager by their nature.

A. The more / the less

B. The less / the less

C. The more / the more*

D. The less /at least

E. The more / no more

745. There is a social rule that citizens should enjoy all freedom, ………. it does not interfere the freedom of others.

A. otherwise

B. incase

C. the condition that

D. in the event

E. provided that

746. I am taking my books with me ……….I can read them during the holiday.

A. possibly

B. on condition that

C. so that

D. incase

E. though

747. ………. this time the design of airships was constantly being improved and ……….1937 they carried thousands of passengers on regular transatlantic services for millions of miles.

A. During/then

B. Until/then

C. During/up to

D. While /until

E. Whenever / until

748. …………. They were as hard as a rock.

A. Because I cooked the biscuits too long in the microwave oven

B. Despite the hard pillows they gave us at the roadside motel

C. When my mother makes some fairly cakes for the party

D. If she has filled the mattresses with too much cotton

E. Since the ground was not suitable for playing football on

749. ………….by the biological weapon used in the area during the war.

A. They are still negotiating with the UN weapons inspectors

B. The old woman’s face had been disfigured beyond recognition

C. UN peacekeepers have lost credibility in certain areas

D. Palestinians make up a large sector of the refugee population worldwide

E. There have been no long-term studies as to the effects of cyanide gas

750. ………….I have promised to buy her a lop-eared rabbit.

A. As I don’t approve of keeping animals as pets

B. Thanks to the actions of animal rights groups

C. Despite the ban on fur farming

D. As fox fur coats were quite expensive

E. Since my daughter loves animals

751. Since starting to work for a big company ………….

A. The customers seem to be pleased with his attitude

B. It is located just in the commercial centre of the city

C. He has taken several accounting qualifications

D. The branch where he works has closed down

E. He hopes that he will be more satisfied

752. The Australian and New Zealand teams are the giants of rugby in the world, ………….

A. So we weren’t surprised when we beat them

B. Although soccer had never really become popular in Australia

C. Despite being famous for their pre-match routine

D. But both have been beaten by northern hemisphere teams lately

E. In spite of both being part of the British commonwealth

753. Although the workers have demanded a large increase initially, ………….

A. Having seen their pay fall below the national average

B. This, however, would lead other public employees to ask for more money

C. They had been given slightly less than eleven percent

D. They have therefore decided to go on strike

E. They now seem to be willing to accept a lot less

754. However much it may cost, ………….

A. It was a really interesting holiday on a luxury cruise ship

B. We have never eaten at that restaurant before

C. He has been earning quite a lot of money recently

D. They made some errors in the financial calculations

E. We are determined to hold an engagement party

755. In the end we stayed at home, ………….

A. Unless anyone has a better suggestion

B. If I hadn’t turned the radio on

C. That we are getting quite lazy these days

D. Since long traffic queues to the event were reported

E. Whether or not our free tickets are valid

756. Having worked for a large international translation office with a hectic pace. ………….

A. The work at the Town Hall seemed rather slow-paced

B. He found his work for the local council a little monotonous

C. His career was just about to take off there

D. Simultaneous translations were his area of expertise

E. Most of their customers didn’t realize how talented he was

757. ………….we should take some spare copies to the meeting.

A. Since there is always someone who forgets to bring his reports

B. However, the meeting will start just after the lunch break

C. Though we are normally very well organized

D. If they aren’t as necessary as I would think

E. Until we know which room the meeting will be held in

758. ………. The historical novel in many ways, a novel of place has as its theme a specific geographical location.

A. Similar to

B. Rather than

C. Likewise

D. On account of

E. In case of

759. Though historical novels do give information about locations, they are focused on events, ……….a novel of place often contains a great deal of history, but its purpose is to enlighten the reader about the place.

A. thus

B. even

C. in spite of

D. whereas

E. so much

760. ……….of his death, Bill Bixby was directing the television comedy series Blossom.

A. The moment

B. As soon as

C. Instead

D. At the time

E. In spite

761. Having battled drug and alcohol dependence for many years himself, ……….undergoing treatment, he became a licensed drug rehabilitation counsellor.

A. until

B. after

C. even if

D. since

E. before

762. She believed that performers were in a position of power because people often related to them and their characters. .......... she refused roles that did not meet her standards.

A. As a result

B. Still

C. Much as

D. On the contrary

E. Nevertheless

763. Born and educated in the US, T.S. Eliot later became a British subject., ………., the sights and memories of his earlier years make up the substance of his best poetry, with a few exceptions,

A. In asmuch as

B. No matter

C. Whatever

D. Consequently

E. Nonetheless

764. It has been said that to be Chinese is to be Confucian ………. what the temporary political or religious fashion may be.

A. no sooner

B. otherwise

C. regardless of

D. whenever

E. whomever

765. The progress he has made……….he set up his own business a year ago is remarkable, isn't it?

A. when

B. as

C. after

D. as soon as

E. since

766. Despite her hopes, the team didn't find Sandra's proposal practical; ……….they were all against it on the grounds that it was too Utopian.

A. on the other hand

B. in as much as

C. as a consequence

D. on the contrary

E. in contrast to

767. ……….precautions……….taking plenty of vitamins and doing regular exercise would make you more resistant against diseases.

A. Both/and

B. Such/as

C. Whether/or

D. Hardly/when

E. Rather/than

768. ……….her husband's constant cruelty, she felt she would have to continue her marriage for the sake of her children.

A. Owing to

B. Since

C. Instead of

D. Just as

E. Despite

769. It doesn't matter……….we go to a traditional Turkish restaurant ………. try the new Chinese restaurant. I just want to eat out for a change.

A. either/or

B. neither/nor

C. whether/or

D. not only/but also

E. no sooner/than

770. ……….until you know her a little better.

A. Any time you need any money

B. She seems unreliable to me

C. It takes time to get acquainted

D. They have been friends for ages

E. Don't lend her any money

771. ……….even though he isn't as good as the rest of us.

A. He doesn't play basketball any more

B. He probably won't qualify as a doctor

C. We should ask his brother if he wants to play

D. None of us knew him when he was at school

E. Whoever picked him for the team

772. Everybody was asleep, so when her friend phoned her she spoke quietly……….disturb the others.

A. in order not to

B. without much

C. in contrast to

D. nevertheless

E. on account of

773. ………. you need to sort out your priorities.

A. Ever since you taught a course in time management

B. Since you cannot do everything you planned

C. After you discovered you had been picked for the job

D. Whether that was your main aim is debatable

E. When you made a list of the ten most important tasks

774. Today Edgar Allan Poe is regarded as one of America's greatest writers, but ………. his own unhappy lifetime, he knew little but failure.

A. as if

B. when

C. in case of

D. while

E. during

775. ……….even though it is a dangerous job.

A. There is no shortage of applicants

B. There don't seem to be enough volunteers to recruit

C. They offer an incredibly high salary

D. They risk their lives on a regular basis

E. I was considering rejecting the offer

776. I couldn't have produced any better work ………. I had tried harder since the project was not my sole responsibility.

A. no matter

B. in case

C. as long as

D. even if

E. by the time

777. ……….when my daughter starts school next year.

A. The class sizes are quite small there

B. She is doing really well now

C. Her teacher is on leave at the moment

D. I might be able to help you in the shop

E. I would be able to watch the reception for you

778. The police were sure that the fire was started deliberately; ……….they knew who actually set the building on fire.

A. however

B. therefore

C. otherwise

D. moreover

E. no matter

779. Since the houses are built on a flood plain……….

A. I don't know how the developers got away with it

B. it would have cost him more than he could afford

C. the land is not suitable for residential development

D. there is no shortage of buyers for them

E. the banks are reluctant to lend buyers money for them

780. ………. they vary in the amount of choice they give the user in displaying their work.

A. Since I wanted a package with a spell-checker

B. Whether you type your work or handwrite it

C. If you have undergone information technology training

D. As word processor designers don't normally need to type anything

E. Although all word-processing packages are basically the same

781. Having measured the Mood pressure of the patient, ……….

A. the test to detect whether there are other types of irregularities in the patient have been recommended

B. many types of clues can be obtained as to whether there are risks of heart trouble

C. the nurse has been curious why such different ryhthms are present

D. the doctor decided that there was need to consult other doctors as well

E. the pulse rate turned out to be faster than normal

782. The bird’s sanderlings have only three toes on each foot ………. they have no hind toe ……….they have no difficulty balancing on one leg for long periods of time.

A. Moreover

B. Otherwise

C. In addition to

D. Nevertheless

E. Whereas

783. Even though they gave their son every opportunity to succeed in life, ……….

A. he is trying to become the President of the General Medical Council

B. he never keeps a job longer than a couple of months

C. he showed his parents the greatest respect

D. why no one ever gave him a chance

E. everybody knows that, he became a self-made millionaire

784. The American sculpture David Smith's welded metal sculpture, inspired by the work of Julio Gonzalez, was also shaped by his experience……….a welder in a factory during World War II.

A. since

B. like

C. such

D. so

E. as

785. It is the custom in Austria to light real candles on the Christmas tree……….

A. when we had lights on the tree and around the front door

B. thus, fasting during Ramazan is a part of the Muslim tradition

C. so they looked particularly beautiful on the Norwegian pine tree

D. but this would be seen as unnecessarily dangerous in England

E. while Christmas dinner is eaten on the evening of Christmas Eve in Austria and Germany

786. ……….lakes ponds and marshes, some mosquitoes also lay their eggs in small holes where water has collected temporarily.

A. Unless

B. Besides

C. Furthermore

D. In spite of

E. Wherever

787. The depressing atmosphere in our office ……….

A. yet the manager tried to motivate his employees anyway

B. it Is the same whichever day you work

C. has been due to a personality conflict between the two brand managers

D. although Fred did try to remain neutral

E. were caused by Jack, who felt that the assistant brand manager wanted his job

788. In this brave new world, the oft-maligned and despised humanities may yet come back into their own, ………. the attitude of critical questioning they can instill.

A. on behalf of

B. so as not to

C. thanks to

D. with the aim of

E. by means of

789. During the early days of ancient Greece, pirates in the Aegean and the Mediterranean seas became ……….powerful ………. they set up a pirate nation in Cilicia, now part of Turkey.

A. so/that

B. more/than

C. both/and

D. neither/or

E. hardly/as

790. Fossil fuels are decreasing rapidly, ………., modern technology has been working to develop methods of using oil and gas more economically.

A. though

B. even

C. seeing that

D. due to

E. thus

791. After years spent toiling in low-budget productions, Jack Nicholson established himself as a serious actor in …………. Dramas …………. ‘Easy rider’, ‘Five Easy Pieces’ and ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’.

A. Both/and

B. Whether/or

C. Much as/that

D. Cither/or

E. Such/as

792. From the 1970s the Portuguese economy has been in a constant state of crisis, largely …………. Domestic shortcomings.

A. Both/and

B. Whether/or

C. Much as/that

D. Cither/or

E. Such/as

793. She is going to pay for the tickets this time, …………. Sandra paid for them both the last time they went to the cinema together

A. Nor

B. So

C. For

D. Thus

E. But also

794. Michelangelo’s achievements as a painter in the Sistine Chapel and as an architect for St.Peter’s Church in Rome were enough to give him world-wide fame, ……….. he preferred to sign himself “Michelangelo.

A. or else

B. so

C. since

D. yet

E. as

795. In the distant past, …………. Any sciences existed, the beginnings of then world and of society were explained by mythology.

A. during

B. before

C. by the time

D. since

E. as if

796. ……….she had previously appeared in numerous stage and screen productions, it was her role in the film 'Fargo' that brought Frances McDormand popular notice.

A. When

B. Although

C. So long as

D. Since

E. As though

797. Initially, she ventured into stand-up Comedy ……….her career as a comic did not extend beyond her appearing on several short-lived television productions.

A. Likewise

B. While

C. Otherwise

D. Therefore

E. However

788. In a four-year span, Emma Thompson ………. won the Academy award for best actress, ……….wrote a screenplay that won the Academy award for best adapted screenplay.

A. whether/or

B. just as/then

C. such/as

D. not only/but also

E. the moment/when

799 ......... an injury forced Tom Cruise to give up wrestling during his senior year in high school, he tried out for a school musical, and his newfound love of acting soon turned into a full-time pursuit.

A. Just

B. During

C. The sooner

D. As long as

E. When

800 ……….Russia has access to three of the world's oceans — the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific — fishing is a major contributor to the economy.

A. Since

B. Although

C. Where as

D. Even if

E. Owing to

801 Meningitis may develop in patients with mumps and other viral infections …………. tuberculosis and infection by certain fungi or yeasts can produce chronic forms of the disease.

A. In case

B. However

C. Likewise

D. In contrast'

E. In order that

802 Myths did not originate in written form …………. they developed slowly as an oral tradition that was handed down from generation to generation.

A. Other than

B. Instead

C. Whereas

D. Besides

E. Likewise


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