Installation d'un système comprenant;


I have passed 4 months in Nepal that I will remember all my life.

This training in Krishna Grill & Engineering Works, in Biratnagar, was the most interesting experience I have ever done. On the professional as well on human aspect, I have learned so many things…

I would like to thank Mr Laba Mani Rajbhandari, the director of the company, for accepting me in training, and for lodging me in his home with all his family. All my best wishes go to his family, his wife Nina who cooks so nicely.

Thank you for all the people working in KGEW, from the technicians to the engineers. They shared with me like if I was in their family.

Best wishes to all the Shrestha family, and Mr Sanjay and Babu Raja for their kindness.

My special thanks to Roshan who worked with me and I wish him the best for his daughter born in July.


Nepal is a very poor country, underdeveloped and lots of things must be done to improve the life of the people. Few people have access to electricity and national grid. In most of the rural areas, in mountain, it is very difficult and costly to provide electricity.

Renewable energy has many advantages and are used in these remote places because they offer great opportunities. The water resources are great, and Nepal as the second potential of hydro power in the World after Brasil with a possible capacity of 25 000 GW.

Instead of this capacity, and the fact that Nepal has good opportunities, many problems slow the development of the country, with 8 years of maoist guerilla leading to regression and underdevelopment. More than 8000 people died during the conflict which is still claiming life of people everyday.

During my internship in Krishna Grill and Engineering Works Pvt Ltd (KGEW), I have been working essentially in micro hydro and solar panel to provide electricity for poor people. As the water and the sun is available everywhere and is free, these are commonly used even if the power developped is not sufficient for industrial purpose.

With a lot of little rivers falling from mountain, the Pelton turbine is the most suitable turbine for micro hydro project, and KGEW got a long experience in this field.

The water is driven from the river to an intake and a fore bay, and then flow into the penstock to run the turbine, producing electricity. This is the reason why such a project requires civil engineering, mechanical as well as electrical knowledge.

But the power available is still low, and can only provide few electricity for lighting or listening radio, and watching TV.



I/ Nepal, which has huge renewable energy possibilities, is facing difficulties for the development of electrification 2

A) Opportunities and Threats for the electrification in Nepal, 2

1/ A country with a huge hydro-power capacity. 2

2/ A bad political situation with Maoist guerilla 2

3/ Nepalese programme to promote renewable energy 3

4/ Purpose for remote areas, modernity coming into villager’s life 4

B) Micro hydro projects are the most suitable Renewable Energy (RE) for Nepal 6

1/ What is a micro-hydro project ? 6

2/ Calculation of the power available 7

3/ Benefits for villagers life and impact on development and environmental consequences 7

C) Krishna Grill & Engineering Works (Pvt.) Ltd, a leading company of renewable energy in Nepal 8

1/ A long micro hydro experience 8

2/ Others alternate ways of electrification: solar and wind 9

D) How a project starts? 10

II / First step of a Micro-Hydro project on the field, survey and civil works 13

A) The survey to get the data of the site 13

1/Head measurement by abney level 13

2/ Discharge 14

B) Civil works and mechanical design of a micro hydro scheme 14

1/ Civil engineering works estimation 14

2/ Penstock and valve sizing 16

3/ Turbine characteristics : So many different kind of turbines, for so much kind of projects 18

III / The Pelton Turbine, a simple and efficient way to get the power from the river 19

A) Impulse turbine presentation: 19

B) Global presentation of the Pelton turbine 19

1/ The nozzle, used to control flow entrance 19

2/ Runner and buckets: 20

3/ Range of application: 21

C) The design of the whole turbine and calculations 21

1/ Calculations of physical values 22

2/ Driving system, belt, and bearings 24

3/ Housing 25

IV/ Design for generator and all electrical accessories with post installation operations 26

A) Synchronous Generator used to provide a 230V AC current with single phase 26

1/ General features of synchronous generator 26

2/ 3 phases to single phase output with capacitors: 27

B) Electrical control equipment to protect the installation 28

1/ I G Controller 28

2/ Ballast 29

3/ MCB: Protection with MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) 30

C) Calculation for Cable sizing and layout 31

D) Maintenance and operation for villagers after installation 33

1/ Starting and shutting down procedure 33

2/ Checking the installation 33

3/ First Aid in case of electrocution 34

4/ Repairing and maintenance 34

V/ Alternate way to produce electricity like solar, the limits of renewable energies in Nepal 36

A) Pedal Power for charging battery 36

B) Solar systems specifications 37

1/ Description of the solar homelight system set commonly used in Nepal: 37

2/ Solar, his strengths and limits in Nepal villages 38

3/ The nepalese adaptation of solar systems, a more simple Tukimara set to provide home light 38

4/ Improving the performance of battery, comparison between NIMH and Lithium battery. 39

C) Regrets and hopes for this 3 months placement 40

1/ Problems due to the lack of training and illiteracy 40

2/ Problems remaining because of an inappropriate policy 40

3/ A short experience, giving ideas for the future 41

Conclusion 42

Bibliographie 44

Appendix 45


Nepal is a very poor country, full of mountainous remote places underdeveloped and the national grid is far from perfect. These remote areas don't have electricity and alternate ways are commonly used in these places to develop rural electrification.

During my placement in Krishna Grill & Engineering Works (KGEW ), in Nepal, I had the opportunity to work on a subject that I am interested in; renewable energy., like microhydro and solar systems.

In this report I will try to regroup all the things I had learnt about electrification using alternate energy. Electrification is the first step for developing remote villages, and it has many benefits. The first thing is to give light for people, but it also allows using radio, music player, television or computer. One of the main problem is that such equipments have to be affordable for poor people living in mountains.

My attention is focused essentially on Micro Hydro technology with Pelton Turbine and all the aspects of a micro hydro project in a remote area.

But I will also give some indication on Solar systems, used to provide free energy in remote areas where grid is not available. And a little part will deal with pedal power for poor people so as to charge battery.

I/ Nepal, which has huge renewable energy possibilities, is facing difficulties for the development of electrification

A) Opportunities and Threats for the electrification in Nepal,

1/ A country with a huge hydro-power capacity.

The kingdom of Nepal, a country of 24 millions inhabitants, is famous in the world for his mountains, with the Himalayas and Mount Everest. More than 80% of the country is covered by hills and mountains.

The water resources are great, and Nepal as the second potential of hydro power in the World after Brasil.

The estimation of the potential capacity is 25 000 MW which can be used for development. But the reality is that there is just 1% of this capacity which is used, because the total production of electricity of Nepal by micro hydro projects is only 250 MW.[1]

Nepal is also an underdeveloped country, and many things have to be done.All development efforts involve rural development, because less only 15 % of the population live in city.

Electrification is the first step toward development, and with the help of foreign countries represented by Non Governmental Organization (NGO), many projects have been completed.

2/ A bad political situation with Maoist guerilla

During the month of May 2004, there was more than 10 days of strike, and Maoists called indefinite strikes for school during 2 weeks, abducting teachers who didn't obey them, and abducted hundred of children to take them in their teaching camp. They try to force them to believe and follow Maoist movement.

The firebreak was stopped in August 2003, and conflict made thousand of people die from this date. And the conflict has very bad consequences for business, with less investment in Nepal, foreign countries are afraid, and ask for peace coming.

Impact touches also tourism, which is one of the most incomes of foreign currency for Nepal, with people from the entire world, coming for Annapurna's or Everest's treks. But nowadays, there are few people coming to Nepal due to the conflict.

Situation is worse in remote area, where army can't go. That's why there is a major problem for development of remote areas, where it is absolutely not safe.

Maoists want to impose their rules to villagers who are threatened, and have to give money. Also the work of technician and overseer in remote areas is made impossible as long as the guerilla not stop. And projects can't be achieved because no qualified workers can go on the site.

Projects are for the moment stopped because of the Maoist activity in mountains areas. This guerilla, which intention is to give more to people (that's what they say), is worse than anything because it is people who need help who can't receive it. And many projects can't be realized because technicians can't go to the mountains.

3/ Nepalese programme to promote renewable energy

The Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC) was established in 1996 by the government to promote the use of renewable energy needs in rural Nepal. The maximum utilization of renewable energy could contribute to environmental protection and sustainable rural development. AEPC has been executed the Energy Sector Assistance Programme (ESAP), since 1999.

The support to micro hydro projects is one of the most important parts of the programme.

1- Request for potential micro-hydro by the communities

2- Pre-feasibility study by professional's people working in micro hydro field

3- Apply for subsidies by community or Entrepreneur

4- Approval of subsidies

5- Construction and commissioning

6- Power output verification and quality check

7- Training for villagers

Subsidies are given by government to encourage communities to establish micro hydro scheme in remote area.

The subsidy amounts for micro hydro schemes fixed in November 2000 are:

• 55,000 NRs per kW installed for new projects of capacity up to 3 kW (Pico hydro sets)[2]

• 70,000 NRs par kW installed for micro hydro projects of capacity above 3kW to 100 kW.


Figure 1: Solar panel installed in Nepal by ESAP until June 2003

Collaboration with other countries has an important part in development of micro hydro in Nepal. SKAT, the Swiss Center for Appropriate Technology collaborates with Nepalese manufacturer in the field of hydropower technology.

4/ Purpose for remote areas, modernity coming into villager’s life

Access to information is the first important step towards the positive and progressive change in the empowerment of the people and community in rural areas.

Radio TV programs and audio or video cassette players are modern and very fast sources of information, which have been found to widen user's knowledge and provide positive change in the attitude of people.

But we can wonder if such things are always good for people, with the “West” style of life coming by TV.

B) Micro hydro projects are the most suitable Renewable Energy (RE) for Nepal

1/ What is a micro-hydro project ?

As many centuries ago, people were using hydraulic power in mill, to make flour. The force of water allows a wheel to rotate, and this mechanical power can be used in many ways.

The principle of a Micro-Hydro Generating system is still the same.

Converting pressure of water due to head into kinetic energy to a turbine. And convert this mechanical power into electricity with a generator.


Figure 2: A micro hydro project

2/ Calculation of the power available

The power can be estimate according to this simple formula

3/ Benefits for villagers life and impact on development and environmental consequences

The effect of any kind of renewable energy has positive impacts.

The main reasons given by users on their choice for renewable energy (wind turbine, micro-hydro, solar homelight system…) are these:

- Smokeless environment. Rural house of Nepal in remote areas have often an unhealthy atmosphere. Smoke is very bad for young children and increase illness.

- No side effect on health.

- Bright and clean energy.

- More work by children in their study. Thanks to the light, students can work by night. For many children, during the day there is work outside and they can just study at night so they need light.

- Economic advantage with less consumption of kerosene

Obviously use of Renewable energy has lots of advantages for environment protection. There is no pollution; it permits to consume less non-renewable energies like petrol, and also consumption of forest wood.

C) Krishna Grill & Engineering Works (Pvt.) Ltd, a leading company of renewable energy in Nepal

The company is based in Biratnagar, in the South Est Terai region, with an office in Kathmandu. About 100 people are working in Biratnagar, in the field of renewable energy as well as in steel structure used to build bridges, truss, and all kind of pump.

1/ A long micro hydro experience

KGEW has a long experience in manufacturing and installation of micro hydro projects. More than 300 projects have been already completed.

Projects than KGEW works on are very often projects of little power capacity, less than 5 kW. This kind of project is called Pico hydropower project.

In villages of Nepal where turbines are installed, the gross head is often big, because villages are in mountain areas. The Pelton turbine is the more suitable turbine with this specification, and it is also simple to manufacture locally, so they do not need to import the turbine.

During the month of May, KGEW was working on 13 projects of picohydro from 3 to 5 kW, in districts of Salyan, Rolpa, Sankhusawaba and Bhojpur.

They also work with other countries, with installation in Britain, and even if it is rather surprising, they got a request from Zambia for a 100kW project.

The work of the engineer to design the installation, and who play with some factors to decrease the cost. Obviously, technical solutions are not a problem, because this kind of turbine is now very efficient and it works well. KGEW have a long experience in design of Pelton turbine. The real problem is the study of the cost.

Because money is the major problem in every project in Nepal. Recently and because of the political situation of the country, with a civil war against Maoists, the government has decrease the subsidies they give. For the moment, they don't provide subsidies, and KGEW will have to wait to receive this money, in better days.

So economical situation is very bad, and it is more and more difficult to develop the country because of this conflict.

What Engineer has to do is to reduce the cost to the minimum they can with . That is what is working on Roshan Shrestha, the civil engineer of the company.

2/ Others alternate ways of electrification: solar and wind

KGEW has an advantage against competition; it is the only company of Nepal working on all kind of renewable energy. They have request in solar activities, and can provide solar pump, solar home light systems, wind turbine, and naturally hydro power turbine.


Figure 3: Solar panel and wind turbine in the Everest region

Wind turbines systems (WTS)

We can notice than wind turbine is a very small market, not developed.

Actually in Nepal, 7 projects have been launched by ITDG as test projects since 2002.

These projects are experimental, with an average of 200 Watts produced. The purpose of these installation is to see if people are able to use WTS, and the technology is not well used. There are problems of training because villagers have no qualification for maintenance of mechanical and electrical systems.

Solar home light sets allow people of remote areas to have electricity for light, radio, and also TV. Solar projects are very much costly and can't be recommended when the consumption of electricity is higher than 1kW.

For example, a solar panel set of 20W cost about 14000 NRs in June 2004 with all installation.


Figure 4: Solar panel sets from 3 to 120 W

D) How a project starts?

1/ Meeting with villagers

Before everything, a first pre-feasibility visit must be done for a micro hydro project. Remote area are far from the plain, in mountain areas, so it is not easy place to go. Roads in mountains are threatened and are often deteriorated with the monsoon during the rainy season.

Moreover, the location of the river is far from the road, and surveyors have to walk to the site, which access is quite difficult.


Figure 5: Meeting with villagers in Ilam District

For example in Fickle in Ilam district, village was located 1hours walking down from the nearest road, and it took 2 hours to go to the river. But there are some projects in very remote areas where the nearest road is at some days walking of the village.

We can easily imagine all the difficulties to bring materials and doing civil works. Because some places are very remote and can be reached only after a week walking.

During the first survey, there is no question of making precise measurements. Objective is to discuss with villagers, during a meeting. Communication is very important to ask what villagers need, how they want to use electricity, for what purpose…

Villagers can give information on the local weather, and how much big is the river, giving data of discharge. They represent the memory of the place. So surveyors have to take care of villager's opinion, even if what they say can't be taken as true for the design, which need precise measurements.

But for a first estimate, it gives a good idea of feasibility, and capacity of the micro hydro project.

2/ Feasibility, technical and economical study

The information must be presented as estimate. We need to overestimate the cost and underestimate the power available. The detailed survey had to be done by qualified personal, because it is the data collected which will allow to design the whole project, and errors will create problems later.

The demand survey is a vital step for the schene design. The energy which needs a community must be balanced with their ability to pay.

How many houses are there in a 1km radius of the source of water ?

How many people in this area are prepared to pay for an electricity connection and how much?

What activities currently occurring would benefit from pico hydro power ?

Then the project can start and we will see now all the steps of a Pelton project from the survey to the installation.

II / First step of a Micro-Hydro project on the field, survey and civil works

A) The survey to get the data of the site

1/Head measurement by abney level

The head, measured in meters, is the vertical drop from the top of the penstock to the bottom. The greater the drop, the greater the power and the higher the speed of the turbine.

For measuring the Head, there are many techniques, differing in terms of time and accuracy.

The abney level method (or clinometer) is a hand held sighting meter.

With this method, the angle of the slope is measured. The linear distance is also measured using simple trigonometry, and the height difference is calculated. All added gives the total head.


• Procedure:

1/ Two sitting post are driven into the ground and used for mesuring the angle of inclination. The first is positioned at the proposed location of the turbine and the second some distance toward the intake.the distance between the post should be between20 and 40 meters

2/ The angle between the sitting post is measured using the abney level and thr distance is recorded.

3/ The process is repeted up to the hill until the total head has been measured

4/ Heights are calculated and added together and give the Head

2/ Discharge

The flow, measured in liter per second is the amount of water which flows past in one second.

The methos used depends on the quantity. For low flow, the bucket method is more suitable ( up to 10 liters/s)

This is also the cheapest because you just need a watch and a bucket.

The most difficult is to find a place to mesure the flow. A weir can be quickly built.

A more complex method is the salt gulp method: but I have not seen how to use it.

B) Civil works and mechanical design of a micro hydro scheme

1/ Civil engineering works estimation

Intake, Weir

The intake of micro hydro schenes can be a simple and inexpensive arrangement.

A small weir can be constructed out of concrete to ensure that all the available water is diverted during the dry season. This may be a practical solution at somes sites.The foundations and the sides of the weir should be joined to solid rock to prevent water from leaking round and undermining the structure.

Filters are required to prevent pipes that are used from becoming blocked with materials like silt, wood and leaves.

For the head race the size of the filter is not so much important, but just before the penstock, it must be smaller than the nozzle sized


Figure 6: Possible location of the Weir

Head Race

Canal is not always the better solution to bring the water to the fore bay. Availability of cheap labour and local knowledge for maintenance is required.

The flow in the canal depends on the roughness of the material, but has to be kept the lowest possible to prevent erosion.

|Canal material |Maximum velocity to avoid erosion in |

| |canals |

|Sandy soil |0.4 m/s |

|Clay soil |0.6 m/s |

|Concrete/ masonry |1.5 m/s |

Table 1: erosion of canal depending on velocity

Fore bay

The fore bay tank must provide a sufficient depth of water to ensure that the top of the penstock is always recovered. The depth of water should be sufficient to cover by 4 times its diameter.

If the fore bay becomes full, the water must escape without causing damage. The overflow can be a notch or channel cut into the lowest wall of the fore bay.

2/ Penstock and valve sizing

The penstock is often the most expensive component. It is important that the pipe is carefully chosen. There are three things to consider when you choose penstock.

• The material

• The internal diameter, depends on the length and flow rate

• The pressure rating depends on the net head.

The diameter is important because it affects the power available at the turbine. The bigger it is, the less losses you will get so you get more power. But one the other hand, the bigger it is, the more costly it became.

The optimum diameter can be found choosing the losses you desire.

Concerning the material, basically 3 choices:

- HDPE (High density Polyethylene):

- PVC (Polyvinyl-chloride) used for low pressure

- Steel. It is used by Krishna Grill because steel is cheap even if it is difficult to transport, and resist to higher pressure.

Figure 7:Mild steel Penstock

The pressure that the penstock must resist is directly proportional to the Head.

Pressure(bar)= Head(m) / 9.81

So for every step of 10 meter, the pressure will increase by 1 bar.

Sizing will be see later in the part Design of the Turbine

|Material |Young's modulus (E) N/m2 |Coefficient of linear |Ultimate tensile strength|Density ( ro) kg/m3 |

| | |expansion (a) m/m degreeC|(S) N/m2 | |

|Steel |200*10^9 |12*10^-6 |350*10^6 |7.8*10^3 |

|UPVC |2.8*10^9 |54*10^-6 |28*10^6 |1.4*10^3 |

|HDPE/MDPE |0.2..0.8 * 10^9 |140*10^-6 |6….9*10^6 |0.9*10^3 |

|Ductile Iron |170 * 10^9 |11*10^-6 |350*10^6 |0.7*10^3 |

|Cast Iron |100 * 10^9 |10*10^-6 |140*10^6 |7.2*10^3 |

|Concrete |20*10^9 |10*10^-6 |variable |1.8…2.5*10^3 |

Table 2: Physical characteristics of common material

• Expansion joint:

A penstock will change in length depending on the temperature. A joint called expansion joint allow to relieve the forces created by this change of size.

It is best situated just below an anchor block, or for a short penstock on the forebay.

The expansion of pipe is calculated as below:

X = a x (Thot-Tcold) x L

With X the maximum expansion of penstock (mm)

a the coefficient of expansion for the material (m/m degreeC)

L the length of Pipe (m)

T hot and T cold maximum extreme temperature (degree C)

For example in a project of penstock length 18 meters in Zambia, in steel:

X = 12 x 10^-6 x ( 50 – 5 ) x 18 = 9.72 mm

The safety factor can be taken 2 so expansion joint will be designed for 20 mm.

3/ Turbine characteristics : So many different kind of turbines, for so much kind of projects

The main turbines generally used to convert the power of water:

- Reaction turbine (Kaplan, Francis, Propeller…) use the head of water and are suitable for low head and high discharge.

- Impulse turbine, which runs by the impulse of water for low head and high discharge

In Nepal and especially mountainous remote area we often have a little discharge and high head. In such a case, impulse turbine are more suitable. We will see later the main kind of impulse turbine, Crossflow and Pelton.

III / The Pelton Turbine, a simple and efficient way to get the power from the river

A) Impulse turbine presentation:

In an impulse turbine, the water from a dam is made to flow through a pipeline, and then through guide mechanism and the nozzle. In such a process, the entire energy of the water is converted into kinetic energy, by passing through nozzle; wich are kept close to runner.

The water enters the running wheel in the form of a jet (or jets), which impinge on the buckets or the blades fixed to the outer periphery of the wheel.

1/ Cross flow

One category of machines used to take waterpower and make electricity is water turbines. For local manufacturing, the cross flow turbine is the simplest model. This kind of machines is often used with low head and a big discharge. It is composed of a runner with blades.

2/ The Pelton Wheel, more than 300 systems already installed by KGEW

This is the system commonly used in Nepal and by the company, because the Pelton wheel is suitable for high heads of water. We will see the whole design to find the appropriate turbine and how to choose and make it. Because the specification of a turbine are different for two different projects and you need to adapt for each situation.

It is composed of these particular elements, the nozzle, the runner and buckets and the casing

B) Global presentation of the Pelton turbine

1/ The nozzle, used to control flow entrance

Water comes into the turbine passing throw the nozzle The nozzle is a circular guide mechanism which guide the water to flow at a directed direction and to regulate the flow. This water in a form of a jet, strikes the buckets. A conical needle or spear is inside the nozzle so as to control the quantity of water flowing.

Sometimes it is very important to close the nozzle suddenly (in case of generator failure for example). And closing the nozzle causes an increase in pressure, and can cause problem of overpressure in pipe. This was treated above as water hammer effect. So the idea is to deflect the water from shocking the buckets with a plate called deflector.


Figure 8: Nozzle manufactured in Krishna Grill

This system is unfortunately very expensive.

It is usually run by hydraulic system, but such a kind of mechanism is very expensive and cannot be used for poor people. The main thing is to reduce the cost of micro hydro system and in Nepal they cannot afford to have hydraulic deflector.

2/ Runner and buckets:

The runner consists of a circular disc fixed to an horizontal shaft. On the periphery of the runner buckets are fixed.

A bucket resembles to a hemispherical cup or bowl with a dividing wall (splitter), in its center in the radial direction of the runner.

The surface of the bucket is made very smooth to have the best efficiency, and minimize the friction. The buckets have also to resist very high forces. The force of the water jet can be calculated like this:

F = 2.Q x V

With F the force of water in Newton (N)

Q discharge in l/s

V the water velocity in nozzle entrance

For example; with a discharge of 10 l/s, and a jet velocity of 40m /s

The resulting force would be F=800N

It means that the force is equivalent to 81.5 kg of weight. In order to be sure the bucket will resist in case of high-pressure, it must resist 3 times more than this weight.

3/ Range of application:

The head can be between 10 m and 200 m. The minimum discharge must be 0.5 l/s .

The efficiency of a Pelton turbine is in the range of 0.5 to 0.6, it means 50%. To 60% efficiency.

So you would need to have a Power Hydraulic of 10kW to have 5kW produced in electricity.

In projects for pico and micro hydro power in Nepal, the choice is often given to Pelton Turbine with the design of Peltric sets which is used in KGEW.

In this part, We will deal with the whole design of the turbine for micro and pico hydro projects according to engineering sciences.

C) The design of the whole turbine and calculations

This is a list of formulas that can be used to help for design of the Pelton Set.

The size and technical drawing were kept confidential by the company, which bought it from swiss organizations.

1/ Calculations of physical values

• Penstock diameter D

D =( Q ^ 0.38) * 41

With D the penstock diameter in meters (m)

Q the discharge in l/s

41 is the nomina velocity of a Pelton turbine (we will assume it)

• Velocity in the penstock

V = Q / (Pi*D² / 4) * 1000

With V the velocity of water in the penstock in m/s

• Calculation of Head losses

We can divide looses between entrance losses and pipe losses, resulting in power lost.

He= V² / 2g * Tf

With He head losses in entrance in meters (m)

Tf the turbulence factor (we assume 2.2)

Hp = Ff * L *0.08*10^9*Qcarre/D^5

With Hp head losses in pipe in meters (m)

Ff the friction factor given by material, assume 0.015 for mild steel

L lenght of penstock (m)

D penstock diameter in mm

The net Head (in meters) is the head we will use in below calculation because it

Hnet= H – Hp – He

For a big project of 50 kW in Zambia, we had to design all the things

The discharge was 1950 l/s and head of 8 meters. The diameter is 750mm, and 5 mm thickness. The net head resulting was 6.47 meters, so about 20% of loose in penstock.

20% is a reasonable percentage for loose of Head.

• Bernouilli’s formula and the absolute velocity of the water jet after the nozzle

In fluid mechanical, a famous formula given by Bernoulli is used to find the velocity of water. The fluid is taken as not compressible, hypothesis of perfect fluid, and without disturbance:

Then following a flow line :

P + ρgH + (ρ v^2)/2 is constant

With P the pressure (N /m^2)

H the head of water (m)

V the velocity (m/s)

ρ the density of the fluid (1000 kg/m^3 for water)

We can easily simplify Bernoulli equation between points A and B which gives the Torricelli equation :


C1= kc* SQRT(2*g*Hnet)

with C1 the absolute velocity in m/s

kc the nozzle coefficient which take account for loose in nozzle,

estimate gives kc=0.96..0.98

• Jet diameter

Djet = SQRT ( 4*Q / Pi* c1)

with Djet the jet diameter (m)

Q the flow in m^3/s

• Pitch Diameter Circle (PCD)

The PCD is the circle diameter where water strike the runner, in the middle of a bucket.


With PCD in mm

V the velocity of the water striking the bucket (m/s)

Rpm of the runner (round per minute)

2/ Driving system, belt, and bearings

• Length of Belt

L = 2*A + Pi/2*(D1+D2) + (D2-D1)^2/(4*A)

With L= Length of belt in meters

A= Distance Center to Center

D1= diameter pulley 1

D2= diameter pulley 2

• Life of bearing:

Li = 10^6 / (rpm * 60) * (C/R)^3

With Li= life of bearing in seconds

C = basic load (N)

R = Force applied to the bearing (N)

The bearing must be choose carefully to have the longer life possible. Bad design for the bearing can lead to trouble like damage of the shaft and the whole equipment.

Type of bearings:

|Type |Dia shaft |Dia externe |B epaisseur |C load (N) |

|Light |35 |72 |17 |19700 |

| |40 |80 |18 |25100 |

| |45 |85 |19 |25200 |

| |50 |90 |20 |27000 |

|Medium |35 |80 |21 |25700 |

| |40 |90 |23 |31300 |

| |45 |100 |25 |37100 |

| |50 |110 |27 |47600 |

|Heavy |35 |100 |25 |42800 |

| |40 |110 |27 |49300 |

| |45 |120 |29 |59200 |

| |50 |130 |31 |67200 |

Tableau 1: Bearing scheme and specifications

3/ Housing

Strictly speaking, the casing of a Pelton turbine does not perform any hydraulic function. But it is necessary to safeguard the runner against accident and to prevent the splashing of water and lead the water to the tail race. So their is no formula, and every engineer is free for designing the shape he wants.

The casing is generally made of cast or fabricated parts.

IV/ Design for generator and all electrical accessories with post installation operations

A) Synchronous Generator used to provide a 230V AC current with single phase

1/ General features of synchronous generator

The mostly used type of generator used to produce electricity is the synchronous generator. His advantages are that it is robust, simple to control and brushless type makes maintenance easier. Electrical power is generated with a frequency proportional to the speed of rotor.

The basic relation of a synchronous generator which gives the frequency is:

F= P x N

With: F the frequency in Hertz

P the number of poles

N the rotational speed of rotor in rpm

The desire frequency is 50 Hz, so generator is taken with 2 poles and the rotor have to rotate at 1500 rpm. Some driving belt systems are used when the turbine cannot trun so fast as explained later in the design of the turbine part.

The machine generates electrical power in the stator coils by a rotating magnetical field. The current generated by this kind of generator depend on the connection of the coils, and there is 3 phases.

The connection can be star or delta, for a generator which indicate 230V/380V, the most commonly used, it correspond to 230V with Delta connection and 380V with Star connection. So the generator manufactured in KGEW use Delta connection in order to have 230V.

This Generator can be manufactured easily in local workshop. In KGEW, they are able to assembly the generator for micro hydro projects.

2/ 3 phases to single phase output with capacitors:

Generator provides a 3 phases current, so capacitors have to be used to get an output of one phase, 230 V and 50 Hz, which is more simple to control.

The system is known as " C-2C " connection.

For 50 Hz systems : C(μF)= 22 x P (kW)

For 60 Hz systems : C(μF)= 18 x P (kW)

With P the power rating of the motor

The capacitors are kept close to the generator in the Peltric set design in a jointed box. Then the electricity produced have to be controlled before going to user houses.

B) Electrical control equipment to protect the installation

The electrical system has to be protected against failure.

1/ I G Controller

The purpose of the Induction Generator Controller (IGC) is to maintain a constant generator output voltage,nor depending on the load that the users connect to the generator.

It dissipates any surplus power produced by the generator in additional load, called "ballast" or dump load.[3]

Effect of IGC :

- Frequency stability: With resistive loads (heaters or light-bulbs), the IGC will keep the frequency constant.

- Voltage stability: IGC provide a near constant output voltage. If the generator get overloaded, then the voltage fall.

- Over voltage protection: If a fault leads to rise of voltage, the IGC will automatically disconnect the user loads, protecting them from damage.

- Ballast short circuit protection: The ballast will be automatically disconnected in this case.


Figure 14: IGC manufactured in Krishna Grill with 3Kw capacity

In the case of Pico hydro projects, up to 3 kW, specifications of electric system are 230V and frequency must be kept in the range of 49 to 52 Hz for a 50 Hz system.

2/ Ballast

The ballast is an essential part of the control system. An bad designed ballast can damage the IGC, and ballast is the main cause of troubleshooting.

One of the main used ballast is convectors heaters, cooled by natural flow of air. It has a long life, and maintenance is reduced to cleaning from dust.


Figure 15: Water heater ballast

An other kind of ballast used is water heater for micro hydro systems. Their main disadvantage is that they need an important volume of water, and a continuous flow so as to work properly.

Water of the hydro scheme can be used to provide cool water to ballast. It only needs to build a proper tank in output of the power house. It required more maintenance, and protection to by a thermostat. Moreover water heating element will corrode if they are a poor quality.

The load of the ballast must be measured, using a ballast meter. It is also called "percentage ballast meter". It indicates how much power is being dissipated in the ballast loads as a percentage of the maximum power ballast can dissipate.

The meter is a 100μA d.c ammeter, and is connected as indicated on the picture.

When there is no load, the ballast meter must indicate between 40 an 100% of capacity. If it is less than 40%, it means that the ballast is too big, so you have to decrease his capacity.

If it is about 100%, the ballast is too small and can't dissipate all the power.

A good sizing is around 70 % which allows some overpower rating.

3/ MCB: Protection with MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker)

This equipment protect against over current. Under normal operating conditions the current through the capacitor is given by:

Iop = Vop x 2 x Pi x f x C

Where: Iop is the operating current (A)

Vop is the operating current (V)

F is the frequency (Hz)

C is the value of capacitance (F)

C) Calculation for =Cable sizing and layout

The voltage drop must be minimized, between user load and generator. But the cost increase also. The best cost effective solution must be found.

The distribution pole can be only made of wood by the villagers, but life expectancy will be very low because of weather condition and humidity during monsoon.

They should be placed between 25 m and 40 m apart.

The cable of a distribution system are likely to be different diameters in different places. This is because some parts will carry more current than other parts. It would be a waste of money to use large cable when the current is low.

|Copper cable section (mm2)| Current capacity (Amp) |

|1.0 |17 |

|1.5 |22 |

|2.5 |30 |

|4.0 |40 |

|6.0 |51 |

Table 2: Cable size depending on current

• The Voltage drop is calculated using the simple law of Ohm:

Volt (drop) = Current * Resistance (of cable)

With Length of cable L(km)

Resistance = L * Resistance (1km) in table

Cable cost = meters * cost

Current = Power / Voltage

Voltage drop = Current x Resistance.

An acceptable minimum voltage drop is 6%. For example for 220V, the user voltage can be 206.8V.

|Type |Mm2 |Resistance for 1 km |Price in USD/m |

|Insulated Copper |

|3,2 |1.97 |8.63 |0.09 |

|7,22 |2.77 |6.12 |0.15 |

|7,20 |4.59 |3.7 |0.19 |

|7,18 |8.1 |2.08 |0.33 |

|7,16 |14.5 |1.17 |0.69 |

Table 3: Price of copper cables by kilometre

• Example to choose the correct cable:

1 kw in 400 meters, 220 volts

Current flowing will be 1000/220=4.545 Amps

- Try: 7,16 copper cable: 0.4*1.17 = 0.468 Ohms

400 x 0.69 = 276 USD

Voltage drop = 0.468 x 4.545 = 2.12 V means 1 %

We can decrease the size of cable, like :

- Try 7,22:

2.44 ohms

cost = 60 USD

voltage drop = 11.08 V = 5%

This solution is acceptable for a cheaper method.

D) Maintenance and operation for villagers after installation

1/ Starting and shutting down procedure

Before doing any operation on the system, like maintenance, everything must be shut down so a/void any problem. It is absolutely dangerous to operate on the turbine without being sure that all risks are banned. Because with electrical systems there are always risks of electrocution leading to death.

When maintenance has to be done, all equipment must be disconnected.

• Start up procedure:

1/ disconnect the user load

2/ Open the turbine valve

3/ connect the user load

To ensure a long life from the IGC and ballast loads, do not operate the controller with full (100%) ballast.

• Close down procedure

1/ Disconnect the user loads

2/ Close the turbine valve

2/ Checking the installation

The installation must be carefully checked. If not, equipment may fail immediately or be dangerous.

With no user load connected, open the turbine valve slowly. When the generator comes up to speed the voltage will reach the operating voltage, and power should be dissipated in the ballast loads. Check the percentage ballast meter shows. The ideal range is 70% when there is no load.

|System |Range of frequency |

|50 Hz |between 49 Hz and 52.5 Hz |

|60 Hz |between 59 Hz and 63 Hz |

Table 4: range of frequency for an installation

3/ First Aid in case of electrocution

This procedure is given according to what is teached during the AFPS (Attestation de Formation aux Premiers Secours in french), a First Aid Operations Procedure teached by french firemen.

• What to do when you find an unconscious person:?

1/ Take your time and look around for finding if there is still any risk, why this person is shocked. NEVER rush without thinking if there is no more danger.

2/ Check if he/she breathes

3/ Quickly look for help, but no more than 10 second if he/she doesn't breathe.

4/ In this case you will have to do artificial reanimation (explained later)

5/ When the person is out of danger, you can go looking for help.

• Artificial reanimation:

- Put the person on the back

- Put all clothes which can disturb breathe away (neck…)

- The head must be inclinated of 10degree

- Close the nose with your left hand fingers, and with your other hand hold the mouth. Breathe about 3 second (no more because of vomit risk). Do it 2 times.

- Check the breathe with your ear close to the nose.

- The heart massage must be done like this: 11 quick shock in the chest with an amplitude of 4/5 cm.

- Check the breathe

- Then 2 breathes, checking, 11 shock, checking… as long as the person doesn't breathe.

- But as soon as she breathe you have to stop.

4/ Repairing and maintenance

• Maintenance should be only performed with the water supply to the turbine shut off and the motor at standstill. As an additional safeguard hang a sign on the turbine valve to say that maintenance is taking place and that the turbine must not be started. Ifan ELCB is fitted then it should be switched off.If not then the MCBs protecting the capacitors should be switched off.

• Bearings: Regrease and replace the bearings at the interval recommended by the motor manufacturer

• Ventilation: At least once per year, clean around the ventilation holes in the controller box, ballast grills, and fan cover for the generator. Ensure that thay are not obstructed.

With the generator shut down, inspect the two black heatsinks on the top of the printed circuit board and carefully clean them with a dry clothe if they are covered of dust or dirt.

• Cables and connections: At least once per year, check the cables and connections for signs of corrosion or overheating. Clean, tighten and replace as required. Check the earth loop resistance and operation of the ELCB.

V/ Alternate way to produce electricity like solar, the limits of renewable energies in Nepal

A) Pedal Power for charging battery


Figure 17: Pedal Power

Another alternate way to produce electricity is using the old principle of the bicycle. A permanent magnetic generator can give 60W of power with an average effort by a man.

Output would be 5 Amp, with 12 Volts, and it can reach 10 Amps but nobody can stay a long time at this rhythm.

The main advantage of this kind of machine is that is can generate electricity at any time, even if there is no sun, contrary to solar panel. It can be used in health center, so people don't waste their energy.

It allows charging a battery of 12V and 75AH, to charge lamps, or to switch a black and white TV. Actually, people of remote areas bring battery to the nearest city, where they pay for charging, and have to bring it back to the village, only for watching TV. When you know that the weight of this kind of battery is 30 kg, you realized that a pedal generator could be useful in some places.

This is also not expensive, and poor people can afford it, that is the cheapest way to produce energy. The main disadvantage is obviously that you have to run it yourself.

B) Solar systems specifications

1/ Description of the solar homelight system set commonly used in Nepal:

Solar system is a very simple way to provide lighting to people. Range of application is unfortunately limited to low power scheme. KGEW uses solar panel from 3 to 120 W, imported from India. The scheme consist of a solar panel, connected to a Charge Controller ( CC ). The user load is then connected to the charge controller which aim is to protect from over (or under ) voltage.

The battery is also connected to the CC and charged by the solar panel during the day [pic]

Figure 18: Solar scheme with panel, charge controller and batteries

2/ Solar, his strengths and limits in Nepal villages

As we have already seen, solar systems can provide lighting where the grid is missing, in mountainous areas. With some subsidies from government, or from NGOs, the price is divided by two, but it is still an expensive technology, and we can wonder if it is appropriate for poor people in remote places of Nepal.

The weight of a battery of 12V is about 30 kg, so it is very heavy to carry by foot. The power is low and only allow simple lighting.

Another problem is that the technology to manufacture solar panel is not available in Nepal, that’s why they must import it. It implies that there is loose of foreign currency with importations from India, and also that no job is given to nepalese people.

3/ The nepalese adaptation of solar systems, a more simple Tukimara set to provide home light

In Nepali language, Tuki is the old lamp using kerosene, which are commonly used in rural areas of Nepal.

This kind of lamp has bad effect as well on environment, consuming fossil energy, on health of people and also leads to importation of kerosene. The tukimara is a 3W set used to provide light about 4 hours a day, for reading purpose. The Tukimara also have a 3V output so as to use a radio. It allows people to listen to the news, or simply to have leisure listening music in their village.

However it is very simple, this fits to nepalese people needs.

4/ Improving the performance of battery, comparison between NIMH and Lithium battery.

Having a bulb with a long life is very important, amd lamp must be of good quality because in remote areas people cannot find change pieces.

That's why an aspect of job is to improve the quality of the lamps, and increase their life.

In the case of Tukimara, the battery used are 3 pieces of rechargeable battery of 1.2 V, with Nickel MH technology. But the cost of Lithium battery is near the same for the same voltage.

We have made some tests to compare the discharge and efficiency of Lithium and NiMH battery


Figure 20: Testing Leap Acid battery

The first results were giving the advantage to Lithium battery, which is having a very little drop in current and voltage compared to NiMH.( see Appendix ).

The choice of Lithium battery was in appearance better, because it cost the same price.

But in fact, after reading an article in a scientific newspaper, it reveals that lithium battery havec a low life, and loose 20% of efficiency every year.

In fact Lithium is not suitable for Home Light Systems, with a life of only 3 years. For this reason NiMH battery are still used.

C) Regrets and hopes for this 3 months placement

1/ Problems due to the lack of training and illiteracy

People in remote places are often illiterate, and have no know-how. That’s why sometimes there are problems just coming from the lack of maintenance. Villagers don’t know the basis of electricity and cannot recognize plus and minus on a battery. So they think that it is broken but in fact there is just a mistake in polarity

Training is provided for free by KGEW, and is one of the most important thing. Because if nobody is able to use correctly the installation, do the maintenance and repair if there is trouble, it would be useless.

It is very sad to see that it’s very difficult to teach to the people who have no education and make them understand what they have to do.

For example, leap acid battery have to be full of water without minerals to work, but usually villagers forget to put water, so battery are damaged, and then nothing is no more working.

2/ Problems remaining because of an inappropriate policy

The main thing is that actually, lots of problems remains even in AEPC, which is supposed to control the quality of electricity provided. Actually, the number of files required is increasing in a abnormal way, and it became a true problem to make files. They need a lots of certificate, and some of them are useless. Besides everything, there is lack of experience from the people working to control quality and they don't also got knowledge and equipment.

The villagers will accept the project which can convince them and they will be not able to check the quality. So it is obviously to protect consumers from abuse by company who could profit from their ignorance that there is so much files that companies have to do.

But all the energies should be aimed with a positive purpose, instead of giving fine.

Money should be invested in development but actually it is the companies that are taking risks with new design and projects.

3/ A short experience, giving ideas for the future

Micro hydro project take a lot of time to be completed, from the survey to the installation. The study of the land; and head measurement as well as discharge measurement take time. And engineers have to wait to be sure of their measures, and not overestimate the potential. During a training of 3 months it is not possible to work on a project totally from the start to the end. But maybe in a longer training it would be possible to participate in more field work.


Nepal actually knows a very bad situation, with guerilla, political troubles, poverty, underdevelopment and illiteracy. Working in Nepal is very hard in remote places were maoists imposes their rules

But this country got huge opportunities on renewable energies., with a big potential of hydropower electricity.

Working in an underdeveloped country is a good experience for an European; in a so different environment than France.

The technology used in Nepal seems to be from an other time, nothing can be compared with any French factory where everything is made by robot.

The Pelton technology is a very old one, but still efficient and Nepal people can’t afford to have the latest technologies. They have improved their know-how in the field of micro hydro, which is the most suitable in Nepal.

It is possible to manufacture in Nepal the components like buckets, runners, and it’s possible also to assemble the generator. Solar is also used but seem to be limited to the light. It is also rather expensive, but it needs a limited maintenance compared to micro hydro.

Micro hydro for little community and solar panel are a good answer to the Nepalese people need of electricity, where there is no grid. In the future, maybe more money will come from foreign countries to develop Nepal if a cease fire can be restored, and then there will be many projects to participate.

Illustration Table

Figure 1: Solar panel installed in Nepal by ESAP until June 2003 4

Figure 2: A micro hydro project 6

Figure 3: Solar panel and wind turbine in the Everest region 9

Figure 4: Solar panel sets from 3 to 120 W 10

Figure 5: Meeting with villagers in Ilam District 11

Figure 6: Possible location of the Weir 15

Figure 7:Mild steel Penstock 16

Figure 8: Nozzle manufactured in Krishna Grill 20

Figure 21: Runner of a Pelton turbine 20

Figure 22: Bernoulli equation gives velocity with head 23

Figure 23: Synchronous generator with delta connection 26

Figure 24: "C-2C" connection to provide single phase output 27

Figure 25: Principle of the Induction generator controller 28

Figure 14: IGC manufactured in Krishna Grill with 3Kw capacity 29

Figure 15: Water heater ballast 29

Figure 26: Miniature Circuit Breaker 30

Figure 17: Pedal Power 36

Figure 18: Solar scheme with panel, charge controller and batteries 37

Figure 27: Solar lamp Tukimara given to villagers 38

Figure 20: Testing Leap Acid battery 39

Table 3: erosion of canal depending on velocity 15

Table 4: Physical characteristics of common material 20

Tableau 1: Bearing scheme and specifications 25

Table 2: Cable size depending on current 31

Table 3: Price of copper cables by kilometre 32

Table 4: range of frequency for an installation 34



Pico-IGC – Installation operation manual, Dr Nigel Smith, 1996

A text book of hydraulic machines – Rs. Khurmi

S Chand & company Ltd. 12eme edition 1982

Manual on pumps used as turbines 1992

MHPG Series Harnessing Water power on a small scale

Jm Chapallaz – P. Eichenberger – G. Fischer

Small hydropower for asian rural development

By Asian institute of Technology, Bangkok Thailand 1981

Micro hydro design manual guide to small scale water power schemes

Adam Harvey – Intermediate Technology Publications 1993

Memorandum of Understanding

Contract document for Supply and installation of Solar home light systems in (village) VDC, (district)

This agreement is made on (date), between Krishna Grill & Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd., the supplier, and (customer) the purchaser.

By this contract, (customer) is engaged to pay Krishna grill & Engineering Works for the installation and supply for (number) solar panel sets as described below.

Project Summary

Location: (village) VDC ward 9, (district), (zone)

Supply and Installation of Solar Equipment

|Example of a set |Quantity |Price |

|One set is composed of ; | | |

|Solar PV 20 Watt, 12V |1 | |

|Battery 45 AH |1 | |

|Charge Controller |1 | |

|Bulb |2 | |

|LED |2 | |

|Mounting structure |1 | |

|Electrical accessories (wire, clip etc) |1 set | |

|Installation manual book |1 | |

|Total for one set | |15,550 NRs |

There will be also provide training for the villagers, and all accessories for installation of solar systems.

The total cost for supply and installation of (number) sets is (price) NRs (Nepalese Rupees).

This MOU (Memorandum of understanding) has been prepared and signed on this (date) between (customer), and Krishna Grill & Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd., Biratnagar, Nepal, are agreed to work together for a solar supplying and installation project with the following understanding. :

1. Both the parties shall work in come interest hereafter

2. Both the parties will keep interest to smooth completion of Solar Supplying and Installing Project.

3. This MOU is made for project in (village) VDC, (district), (zone), Nepal.

4. (customer) will make payment to Krishna Grill and Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd. according to below mentioned payment schedule for the project described in summary.

5. Payment: 100 % of total order amount against the delivery in Kathmandu the 10 of July 2004, in Euros.

6. Subsidies / Documentation: Regarding subsidy / documentation, both the parties are agreed as below mentioned

To provide all documents required by AEPC to release the subsidy are fully responsibility of Krishna Grill & Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd. in proper manner and time frame.

7. Guarantee: Regarding guarantee both the parties are agreed as below mentioned

The Solar home light system is guarantee for 2 years given by Krishna Grill & Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd. In this period, Krishna Grill & Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd will give free maintenance service for any failure or any complain by users.

In case of force major, the supplier is entitled to an extension of the time of delivery and installation. By force major is understood interference during the execution of the contract, which are due to circumstances beyond the control of the supplier as per following:

- Insurrection, rebellion, war, conditions similar to a state of war, or preparation for war.

- Strikes and lock-outs, the later only in case they are not instituted by the manufacturer.

- Fire or break – down of plants.

- Unusual natural events (earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, inundation and land slides)

- The failure of supplies of the material as result of or more of the above named causes, or by reason or shipwrecks, train accident and the like.

8. This is made in English and executed in two copies, each of which shall be deemed as Original.

Customer signature Supplier signature


| | |


|Capacity |  |

|P30 inverter capacity |1500VA (30 minutes at 40°C ambient temperature) |

|Maximum capacity |2800VA (Retains pure sine wave output) |

|Continual capacity at 40°C |1200 VA |

|Input |  |

|Voltage; Frequency |12V DC / 230V AC ; 50 HZ |

|Output |  |

|Voltage ; Frequency |12V DC / 230V AC ; 50 HZ |

|Max. output |90% |

|Battery charger chage current |65A+3A |

|Charge characteristic |IUoUo 3-stage with temperature sensor and battery minus and plus |

|  |sense indication |

|DC input specification/ |  |

|no-load consumption |  |

|Off-mode |0mA |

|Low energy mode ( 208V ) |330 mA/4W |

|High energy mode ( 230V ) |350 mA/4.2W |

|AC output specifications |  |

|Output voltage waveform |pure sine wave |

|voltage regulation |± 5% |

|Harmonic distortion |< 5%, max, 2.5% typ |

|Cos phi range/ power factor |all ranges |

|Frequency regulation |crystal quartz |

|Stand-by-sense range |always AC output, above 15W the whole invertor is activated |

|Surrounding conditions |  |

|Temperature range | -10ºC to +45ºC (above 40ºC reduced capacity) |

|Dimensions, hxwxd in mm |407x295x220 |

|Weight (in box) |23 kg (27 kg) |


| | |


|Nominal Voltage |12 V |

|Number of battery |7 |

|Rated capacity |120 AH |

|Dimensions hxlxw (mm) |214x330x171 |

|Total height (with terminals) |220 |

|Weight |Approx 32.5 kg |



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|Electrical data |  |

|Voltage at maximum-power |17.2 V |

|point Umpp |  |

|Current at maximum-power |5.8 A |

|point Impp |  |

|Open circuit voltage |21.3 V |

|Short circuit voltage |6.4 A |

| | |

|SOLAR PANEL 12V/100W |  |

|Dimensions and weight |  |

|Dimensions ( ± 2mm ) |module 650x1295mm² |

|Thickness |36 mm |

|Overall height including |36 mm |

|connexion box ( ± 1mm ) |  |

|Weight |9.5 Kg |

|Characteristic Data |  |

|Solar cells per module |72 |

|Type of solar cell |EFG/ Multi-crystalline (10x10cm², full square) |

|Connexion |Terminal box with screw terminals |

|Cable entry |Prepared for cable glands (M12) |

|Connections (optional) |4mm²-/Suhner-cable with MC-Connectors |

|Limits |  |

|Max. system voltage |800 Vdc |

|Operating module temperature | -40 .. +90ºC |

|Storm resistance |Wind speed of 130Km/h and safety factor of 3 |


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|The rated power may only vary by ± 5% and all others electrical parameters by a ± 10%. |

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| | Solar panel 100 W / 12V |

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Tukimara set


Materials provided for 1 set of Tukimara:

1.Lamp two sets with 3 Tukimara bulbs per set including battery.

2.One Solar Panel(3W).


•Tukimara bulbs can be used for more than one lakh hours. Tukimara bulbs can be used for more than 50 years if it is used for 5hrs/day.

•3.6 VDC can light Tukimara bulb. It consumes only 10 mA current/electricity.

•A set of Tukimara bulb consumes only 36mW(milli-watt) of electricity power, which is very less in comparison to other Solar bulbs.

•The lumen or brightness is good enough for ordinary work and to study.

•Tukimara bulb are durable and doesn’t get fused like other bulbs.

•Tukimara doesn’t get heated as other bulbs

•Economic in comparison to other means of home light system.

•Does not effect the health and saves money for unnecessary treatment.

•Tukimara bulbs are cheaper than other Solar bulbs with respect to their life span.

•It has a bendable neck, which can be bent to any extent.

•Can be used as a torch light at night.


[1] Small hydropower for asian rural development, Asian institute of Technology, Bangkok Thailand

[2] In summer 2004, 1 EUR = 90 Nepalese Rupees NRS

[3] Pico-IGC – Installation operation manual, Dr Nigel Smith, 1996







Width 220

Charger Inverter



V. meter

Length 1400

Width 250

How to produce electricity using Renewable Energy Technologies in remote areas of Nepal

Report for a 3 months training placement in

Krishna Grill & Engineering Works (Pvt.) Ltd Biratnagar, NEPAL

LORENTE Christophe

IFI 2006

September 2004

The hydraulic power is

P= Q*g*H

With P power in W

Q discharge in m3/s

G constant of acceleration= 9.81 m/s2

H the gross head in m










Dia Shaft

Dia externe

1 phase

to IGC and

user load


2 C


Figure 10: Bernoulli equation gives velocity with head

Figure 9: Runner of a Pelton turbine



p(B)= Patm



v(A)= 0

p(A)= Patm

Figure 16: Miniature Circuit Breaker

Figure 13: Principle of the Induction generator controller

Figure 12: "C-2C" connection to provide single phase output

Figure 11: Synchronous generator with delta connection

LORENTE Christophe

IFI 2006

Company representative: Laba Mani Rajbhandari

School representative: Didier Lecomte

Figure 19: Solar lamp Tukimara given to villagers

Head (m)

Measurement of the angle alpha between the two sitting post

Charge controller + Inverter

Solar Panel



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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