Chapter 1

Chapter 1

1. Why did two children come to Dink’s backyard? (p3)

a. Because Lucky O’Leary needed help.

b. Because they lost their ball.

c. Because they were hungry.

2. What holiday was it? (p4)

a. New Year’s Eve

b. Christmas

c. Halloween

3. What did the burglar take from Lucky’s house? (p7)

a. a TV

b. a card and lottery tickets

c. a car

4. How did Lucky’s grandfather choose the lottery numbers? (p8)

a. He guessed.

b. He asked his friend.

c. He used the children’s birthdays.

5. How much was the lottery card worth? (p10)

a. seven hundred dollars

b. seven thousand dollars

c. seven million dollars

Chapter 2

1. When could the thief cash the ticket? (p12)

a. the next morning

b. in one year

c. never

2. Why did the children look out the back of the house? (p13)

a. Because they wanted to play in the snow.

b. Because they were looking for a trail.

c. Because they wanted to find a ball.

3. What did Pal find in the snow? (p14-15)

a. a tinfoil bow

b. a bone

c. a shoe

4. Why did the children go to Ellie’s Diner? (p16)

a. Because there was a storm.

b. Because they needed to call home.

c. Because they wanted hot chocolate.

5. Who did the children want to talk to? (p18)

a. Lucky’s grandfather

b. Ruth Rose’s mother

c. their teacher

Chapter 3

1. What was Lucky’s grandfather’s name? (p19)

a. John O’Leary

b. Hector O’Leary

c. Ben O’Leary

2. Where did Hector O’Leary live? (p19)

a. in Tree Garden

b. in Bath House

c. in Atrium

3. What was Hector O’Leary wearing? (p21)

a. a yellow baseball cap

b. a snowsuit

c. scarf and gloves

4. Why was Hector O’Leary so mad? (p24)

a. Because someone stole the lottery tickets.

b. Because his birds flew away.

c. Because he lost his cap.

5. Who did Hector O’Leary tell about the lottery tickets? (p25)

a. Officer Fallon

b. no one

c. everyone

Chapter 4

1. Why did Josh draw a picture of Ruth Rose? (p28)

a. Because there was a bird on her head.

b. Because it was an art competition.

c. Because she was pretty.

2. Where did Hector O’Leary buy the lottery tickets? (p29)

a. at a restaurant

b. at the barbershop

c. at the supermarket

3. When Hector O’Leary bought the tickets, were there customers in the store? (p30)

a. Yes.

b. No.

c. We don’t know.

4. Who was the woman working at the supermarket? (p33)

a. Dorothy Calm

b. Zelda Zoot

c. Mary Money

5. What did Dorothy remember? (p36)

a. a robbery

b. a creepy-looking guy

c. nothing

Chapter 5

1. What was the creepy man’s name? (p37)

a. Joe

b. Patrick

c. James

2. What did Josh sketch? (p38)

a. Dot

b. Joe

c. Ruth Rose

3. Who did the kids show the drawing to? (p42)

a. Hector O’Leary

b. Officer Fallon

c. Lucky

4. Why did the children want to find the man quickly? (p42)

a. Because they were going on holidays.

b. Because he could cash the lottery ticket.

c. Because they didn’t like waiting.

5. What would the children need to get to stop the thief? (p44)

a. proof

b. ice cream

c. handcuffs

Chapter 6

1. What did the children see at the lottery counter? (p47)

a. a present

b. a picture

c. a video camera

2. Who would check the tape? (p47)

a. Officer Fallon

b. Dot’s boss

c. Dot

3. What fell into Ruth Rose’s soup? (p49)

a. another tinfoil bow tie

b. a snowflake

c. raindrops

4. According to Dink’s mother, why were the roads awful? (p50)

a. Because there were many holes in them.

b. Because it was still snowing.

c. Because there were a lot of cars.

5. What would Ruth Rose teach the boys? (p51)

a. how to cook

b. how to draw

c. how to ski

Chapter 7

1. Where did the children ski to? (p53)

a. the library

b. the fitness center

c. the river

2. What were the men and women doing at the fitness center? (p57)

a. bowling

b. swimming

c. running

3. What did the children do at the fitness center? (p58)

a. They bowled.

b. They showed people Josh’s sketch.

c. They ate lunch.

4. Why did Josh think going to the fitness center was a waste of time? (p58)

a. Because he didn’t get any food.

b. Because it was closed.

c. Because no one knew Joe.

5. Who did Josh’s drawing look like? (p59)

a. Zelda Zoot

b. Ruth Rose

c. Josh

Chapter 8

1. Where did the children walk to? (p61)

a. Dink’s house

b. the supermarket

c. the river

2. Where was Dot’s boss? (p62)

a. at home sick all week

b. in the office

c. having a tea break

3. What did Pal find behind the lottery counter? (p64)

a. Lucky’s lottery ticket

b. Joe’s bowling shirt

c. tinfoil bow ties

4. Who stole Lucky’s lottery ticket? (p65)

a. Dot

b. Zelda

c. Hector

5. Why were the children so glum? (p67)

a. Because they didn’t like hot chocolate.

b. Because they had to go to school.

c. Because they had no proof.

Chapter 9

1. What time did the children wake up in the morning? (p70)

a. three o’clock

b. six o’clock

c. eleven o’clock

2. How could the children prove Dot stole the ticket? (p72)

a. by using the video tape

b. by finding fingerprints

c. by finding footprints

3. Whose fingerprints would be on the lottery ticket? (p72)

a. Dot’s and Hector’s

b. Lucky’s and Ellie’s

c. Josh’s and Dink’s

4. Where were the lottery headquarters? (p72)

a. Green Lawn

b. Blue Hills

c. Yellow Plains

5. Why did Dink call Officer Fallon? (p72)

a. Because he wanted a job.

b. Because he wanted him to meet them at Lottery headquarters.

c. Because they robbed a bank.

Chapter 10

1. What was in the car in the parking lot? (p79)

a. bags of money

b. silver tinfoil bows ties

c. a gun

2. Who was the ‘man’ at the counter? (p81)

a. Hector O’Leary

b. Lucky

c. Dot

3. What was Dot wearing? (p81)

a. a wig and mustache

b. lipstick

c. a clown hat

4. Who did the clerk call? (p83)

a. her boss

b. the police

c. the newspaper

5. Why did Officer Fallon bring the children to Lucky’s house? (p86)

a. Because they had to babysit.

b. Because they wanted to give Lucky his lottery ticket.

c. Because they wanted to have a snow fight.


1. “So the burglar must have learned the winning number before your grandfather did,” Ruth Rose said.

2. “If the crook was here last night, maybe he left a trail,” Dink said. “Let’s check out back.”

3. “I see a yellow cap,” Ruth Rose saㅑd, pointing to a man standing at a workbench.

4. Josh glanced around at the old folks. “Could one of them be the thief?” he whispered.

5. “I can sketch him if you tell me what he looked like,” he said.

6. “And the lottery lady said the guy is heading for California!” Josh added.

7. “I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this face before,” he said. “Why don’t you ask inside?”

8. Suddenly, Pal let out a howl. He buried his nose in the pile of dust Eric had swept up.

9. Dink invited Josh and Ruth Rose to spend the night. They unrolled their sleeping bags in front of Dink’s Christmas tree.

10. Dink grinned and handed the seven-million-dollar winning ticket to Lucky. “Merry Christmas!” he said.


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