
CASA Developers Guide

Justo Gonzalez, ESO, 9-12-2016

Scope of CASA

CASA (Common Astronomy Software Applications) is a suite of C++/Python SW components used in radio astronomy. NRAO (National Radio Astronomy Observatory) has the lead for CASA, and the CASA group lead is Jeff Kern (See ).

NRAO uses CASA to support ALMA and EVLA. ESO contributes with 2FTEs as stakeholder for ALMA for development and maintenance of CASA.

CASA has a core (casacore) which is used by various radio-telescopes (e.g. LOFAR, SKA, ALMA, EVLA), and modifications to it have to be compatible with all of them.

ESO has contributed in the following areas of CASA during the last few years:

Flagging (i.e. mark bad data)

Transformation of visibilities prior to imaging

Parallelization Framework (MPI)

Useful links:

CASA Homepage (NRAO):

CASA Cookbook:

High-Level architecture of CASA

There are 4 well defined levels of components in CASA. It is possible to inspect the code as reading this guide using web-browser access to the CASA svn repository:

casacore: Set of low level C++ libraries including:

CASA containers (similar to c++ standard library)

I/O and iterator support for the Measurement Set (MS) format

Low level science-related code (coordinates, measures, fitting, images, …)

Useful links:

ASTRON casacore docs:

CASA MS format:

code: Set of mid level C++ libraries, including the following areas (under maintenance of ESO)

flagging: Set of flagging agents to flagdata covering various algorithms like clip, shadow, or RFI detection. It consists of one top level orchestrator, and separated classes (agents) for each flagging algorithm and the I/O access layer.


AgentFlagger: Top level orchestration with state-like methods like open, configure, run, done..

FlagDataHandler, FlagMSHandler, FlagCalTableHandler: I/O layer which basically relies on the Visibility Iterator / Visibility Buffer interface:



FlagAgentBase, FlagAgent: Set of flagging agents to flagdata covering various algorithms like clip, shadow, or RFI detection.

Flagdata useful links:

Urvashi Rao (NRAO) html pages on flagdata

CASA flagging cookbook pages

mstransform: Common framework to perform transformations in visibility data such as time averaging, channel averaging, hanning smooth, re-gridding, reference frame transformation, Spectral Window combination/separation or simply data splitting. There are two separated areas as this module is going trough a refactoring:

code/mstransform/MSTransform: Old design (although currently in use) where there are only 3 main classes involved:

MSTransform: Top level orchestration with state-like methods like open, configure, run, done.

MSTransformManager: Main class implementing all data transformations

MSTransformDataHandler: I/O handling class implementing methods to create the basic structure of a Measurement Set, and modify subtables as necessary.

MSTransformRegridder: Class containing frequency (channel) re-gridding algorithms.

code/mstransform/TVI: New design where each transformation is encapsulated in a “Transform Visibility Iterator”. For each TVI there is a Google unit test framework (Gtest) that verifies the output of each TVI vs the old framework



mstransform useful links:

Sandra Castro html pages on mstransform

CASA cookbook mstransform pages

MSTransform original design document

Transform Visibility Iterator Development Guide

MSTransform framework article in the CASA Newsletter

gcwrap: This area contains:

Components: High level C++ components which are exposed to the python layer.

Tasks: Python scripts using the before mentioned components to perform standard operations (kind of recipes).

Infrastructure scripts: Like the parallelization framework, regressions, tests, etc

components: These are still C++ components that mainly resort to the orchestrator defined in code. The interface files (.h headers) are automatically generated by SWIG using the definitions contained in an xml file. This xml file also contains the in-line documentation. The following components are maintained by ESO:

gcwrap/tools/flagging/agentflagger_: flagging framework component using the code/flagging/Flagging/ orchestrator, which is forward defined in agentflagger_forward.h and declare as private member in agentflagger_private.h. The .h interface file is generated from mstransform.xml, the methods described in this file are exposed to the python layer.

gcwrap/tools/mstransformer/mstransformer_: mstransform framework component using the code/mstransform/MSTransform/ orchestrator, which is forward defined in mstransformer_forward.h and declare as private member in mstransformer_private.h. The .h interface file is generated from mstransform.xml, the methods described in this file are exposed to the python layer.

tasks: These are python scripts that call different components to perform standard operations. Each task also has an xml file that provides constrains for the parameters and defines in-line documentation. For each task there is a set of functional tests, which are ran routinely to make sure that daily developments don't break existing functionality. The following tasks are maintained by ESO.

gcwrap/python/scripts/task_flagdata: flagging framework task, using the agentflagger component (defined in gcwrap/tools/flagging/agentflagger_). Documentation and constrains are defined in gcwrap/tasks/flagdata.xml, and functional tests defined in gcwrap/python/scripts/tests/test_flagdata.

gcwrap/python/scripts/task_mstransform: mstransform framework task using the mstransformer component, with documentation and constrains defined in gcwrap/tasks/mstransform.xml, and functional tests defined in gcwrap/python/scripts/tests/test_mstransfrom. Additionally the following tasks also resort to the mstransform component:





Infrastructure scripts: Here there are 3 areas of particular interest:

gcwrap/python/scripts/regressions: These are regressions containing end-to-end test cases where many CASA tasks are exercised. At the end of the regressions there is typically a check, on the final image peak or rms values which are the criteria to make sure that the regression has passed successfully. Some of these regressions ran routinely on the testing servers maintained by NRAO (see TODO).

gcwrap/python/scripts/tests: These are the task-level functional tests, that exercise a number of task-level use cases. Typically when a new bug is detected and fixed a new functional test is added to make sure it does not reproduce again. These tests are run using the Python testing framework “nose”:

gcwrap/python/scripts/mpi4casa: This is the python-level parallelization framework based on MPI (in particular mpi4py). Documentation is available here (see TODO)

asap: This is the container for the ALMa Single Dish code developed by NAOJ. It is currently migrating from an old data format (Scan Table) to the standard data format of CASA (Measurement Set), thus it is required that all CASA code supports Single Dish data.

CASA Data Format (Measurement Set)

Measurement Set: The CASA data format is know as Measurement Set (a specialization of the generic CASA Table format), which is organized as a relational database, with a main table containing the visibility data and a series of Ids pointing to meta-data in other Sub-tables:

Tile & Layout: The data cubes (visibilities, spectral weights, channelized flags) are organized with store managers using a tiling approach – that is, the data is read and cached using blocks called 'tiles' which are defined the first time a Measurement Set is created.

MSSelection: There is a defined syntax to select rows on a Measurement set based on various selection axis (spw,time,scan,baseline,uvrange, etc)

TaQL: The Table Query Language is query-like language to select rows from a Measurement Set (actually a generic CASA table):

Visibility Iterator / Visibility Buffer: CASA resorts to an iterator/buffer patter to transverse the data and access to it. Typically the iterator defines chunks of data by sorting and grouping all rows with the same Metadata Identifiers (e.g. SCAN, STATE, FIELD, SPW), and then there is a second level of iterator per time-stamp (integration). At this level the Visibility Buffer interface provides access to a complete integration (all baselines) for a given time-stamp.

Lustre Cluster: The clusters typically used for processing ALMA/EVLA data with CASA are based on Lustre+Inifiniband connection. For more details about this HW architecture please contact the NRAO Lustre Cluster responsible (jrobnett@nrao.edu).

Mstransform Framework

MSTransform is a common framework to perform transformations in visibility data such as time averaging, channel averaging, Hanning smooth, re-gridding, reference frame transformation, Spectral Window combination/separation or simply data splitting.

The key aspect of the mstransform framework is that all transformations are performed in memory w/o requiring intermediate I/O steps:

A first version of the MSTransform framework contained all transformations in a single class (MSTransformManager) with resorted to function pointers to configure all transformations at the various levels (cube/matrix/row).

A second version is on the way, which resorts to different classes (transforming iterators as originally designed) to concatenate all operations. Transforming Visibility Iterators (TVI) have the same public interface as a normal Visibility Iterator used to transverse the data, but perform some transformations in between. It is possible to concatenate transforming iterators in an arbitrary order:

At the time being what is pending is the “SPW Combination” transforming iterator, and migrating MSTransformManager to use TVIs instead of function pointers:

In parallel other applications like flagging (ESO) plotms (Pam Ford) and calibration (George Moellenbrock) are using TVIs from the mstransform framework for averaging or phase shifting, so it is important to keep an eye on their needs and developments:

MPI Parallelization framework

Since CASA 4.3 we have been developing a MPI-based parallelization framework oriented for job farming / trivial parallelization (no interaction between the subprocesses, only sub-process master).

Current design is implemented at python-level using mpi4py backed up by OpenMPI:

And uses a Multi-Measurement Set approach (split MS by scan/spw) to break down the processing in various independent sub-jobs (aka trivial parallelization).

The parallelization framework is stable, however it normally necessary to perform some maintenance work to migrate to new versions or adapt it to other changes in the python infrastructure of CASA:

Flagging framework

The CASA flagging framework was restructured already some years ago and is currently quite stable. Each flagging algorithm is encapsulated in a separated class (Flagging Agent) and all I/O is handled in a separated class (MSTransformDataHandler) with two specializations, one for Measurement sets (MSDataHandler) and another for Calibration Tables (FlagCalTableHandler):

Currently it is quite stable, but there are some interesting developments specially in the area of automatic flagging (RFI), and also in connection with the Transform Visibility Iterator Framework, namely to apply some transformations on the fly before applying flag algorithms:

Setting up development environment

Code repository: Control revision is based mainly on SVN (servers located at NRAO), although we resort to an external reference for casacore (hosted in GitHub). It is not necessary to have an account to check out and/or update, but it is necessary in order to make modifications to the repository. In the case of casacore (Git) there are some administrators handling the pull requests

General repository (everything can be checked out from here):

casacore repository (necessary to make pull requests):

* Some key people taking care of casacore (can resolve questions, help with pull requests, etc)

- Ger van Diepen (ASTRON): diepen@astron.nl

- Jim Jacobs (NRAO): jjacobs@nrao.edu

Data repository: There is also a repository of testing datasets containing small Measurement Sets for the task-level functional tests, and also some bigger Measurement Sets for regressions. Additionally it contains ephemeris and geodetic data which is necessary to start up CASA.

NOTE: Since the data repository is quite big, we typically have only one copy per development machine, and we add a link in the build area pointing to it (see “Build process” section).

Build process: Currently CASA is supported for Red Hat 6/7 and MAC OX 10.10/10.11.

Build instructions for MAC 10.10 and MAC 10.11 include installing all the 3rd party dependencies using MacPorts, and then configure using cmake as described here:

There are also build instructions for RedHat 6/7, including configuration of a yum repository for the 3rd party dependencies:

But the ESO CASA development machines already have this configuration (CASA development 3rd party package dependencies) available in the following machines (using Centos instead of RedHat, but they are almost identical).

|Host Machine |Cores |RAM |Container |OS |Local Storage |Network Area Storage |Data repository |

|(domain | | |(Dockers) | |(No backup!) |(No backup!) |(read-only, updated daily)|

|hq.) | | | | | | | |

|almahost01 |8 |16G |almahpc01 |Centos 6 |/data/users | |/data/data_casa |

| | | | | |/diska | |(local) |

|almahost02 |12 |12G |almahpc02 |Centos 6 |/diska |/data/nas (btrfs) |/data/data_casa |

| | | | | |/data1 |(mounted from sagan5 |(mounted from sagan4 with |

| | | | | |/data/users (solid state |with NFS) |NFS) |

| | | | | |disk – don't use for | | |

| | | | | |storage) | | |

|sagan5 |16 |64G |almahpc03 |Centos 6 |/data/users (ext4) |/data/nas (btrfs) |/data/data_casa |

| | | | | | |/data/nas2 (ext4) |(mounted from sagan4 with |

| | | | | | | |NFS) |

| |16 | |almahpc04 |Centos 7 | | | |

NOTE 1: These machines are accessible using the same ESO login credentials as for the rest of the system (e.g. email, Navision, etc). ESO user accounts are also auto-mounted via NFS under /home/

NOTE 2: The 3rd party dependencies should be upgraded using yum as announced via the casa-staff mailing list.

In any of these machines the sequence is typically

Check out code in same separated compartment (CASA_CODE_DIR)

svn co

Create a build area (CASA_BUILD_AREA), containing and installation directory (CASA_INSTALL_DIR), separated build areas casacore, code, gcwrap, asap and a link to the data repository (as explained previously there should be only one per development machine, say located at CASA_DATA_DIR).

mkdir casa-trunk #This is CASA_BUILD_AREA

cd casa-trunk

mkdir linux_64b casacore code gcwrap build #linux_64b is CASA_INSTALL_DIR

mkdir casacore/build code/build gcwrap/build asap/build

ln -s data #Common data repository is located at CASA_DATA_DIR

Create a file with the following common cmake options (CASA_CMAKE_OPTS)

For CentOS 6 / RedHat 6

# build casacore for CASA


# build casacore python bindings


set(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE "/usr/lib64/casa/01/bin/python" CACHE FILEPATH "" FORCE)

set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR "/usr/lib64/casa/01/include/python2.7" CACHE PATH "" FORCE)

set(PYTHON_LIBRARY "/usr/lib64/casa/01/lib/libpython2.7.so" CACHE FILEPATH "" FORCE)

set(SWIG_EXECUTABLE "/usr/lib64/casa/01/bin/swig" CACHE FILEPATH "" FORCE)


# no library versioning to avoid need to relink everything on update


# workaround for el6 cmake bugs


For CentOS 7 / RedHat 7

# build casacore for CASA


# build casacore python bindings


set(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE "/opt/casa/01/bin/python" CACHE FILEPATH "" FORCE)

set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR "/opt/casa/01/include/python2.7" CACHE PATH "" FORCE)

set(PYTHON_LIBRARY "/opt/casa/01/lib/libpython2.7.so" CACHE FILEPATH "" FORCE)


# no library versioning to avoid need to relink everything on update


# workaround for el6 cmake bugs


Configure and build in order casacore, code, gcwrap, asap (from their build directories)


make all -j8

make install (not automatic for casacore)

Source casainit.sh script which should have been created automatically inside . After that all paths are properly set and it is should be possible to start-up CASA. By default a logger gui pops-up but it is possible to disable it (and have logs showin at the terminal) with the options --nologger --log2term --nogui

source /casainit.sh

casa --nologger --log2term --nogui

Now you can inspect the inline documentation of tasks like flagdata and mstransform by typing “help flagdata” or “help mstransform”. You can also take a look at the input parameters of each tasks typing “inp flagdata”/”inp mstransform”.

Additionally CASA take into account the following configuration files and environmental variables:

$HOME/.casarc: This is a file that may contain some specially configuration to switch on/off low level features, specially in connection with I/O like cache sizes, asyncrnous I/O or memory resident subtable. It looks like this (but Caution!!! It is recommended not to switch on any of these settings).

table.tsm.option: cache

table.tsm.maxcachesizemb: 64

table.tsm.option: buffer

table.tsm.buffersize: 65536

table.tsm.option: mmap

MemoryResidentSubtables.enable: true

$HOME/.casa/init.py: This file contains some python-level imports that are required at init time. It can also include settings of global variables to control e.g. exception handling.

NOTE: This setting is actually recommended: __rethrow_casa_exceptions=True

OpenMP Environmental Variables: OpenMP is used in various places and the number of threads can be control by setting the environmental variable OPM_NUM_THREADS.

Testing environment

C++ unit tests (Gtests)

CASA relies on the Gtest (Google test framework) for low-level testing (e.g. individual classes). Unit tests therefore have to include and derive from ::testing::Test. There are several examples in the code/mstransform/TVI/test module, where a “Transforming Iterator” is compared vs the old code “MSTransformIterator”, for example tChannelAverageTVI is a good example.

These unit tests are compiled as small executables, as defined in the module's CmakeList, using the Cmake macro “casa_add_google_test”: but sometimes it happens that there are dependencies on other modules that come later on in the compilation chain, therefore it is necessary to add the unit test executable to some other module. This happens for instance with many tests under code/mstransform/TVI/test, which are actually defined in code/synthesis/CMakeList:

casa_add_google_test( MODULES mstransform SOURCES ../mstransform/TVI/test/ ../mstransform/TVI/test/)

casa_add_google_test( MODULES mstransform SOURCES ../mstransform/TVI/test/ ../mstransform/TVI/test/)

Once a Gtest has been added to an appropiate CmakeList, then it is possible to compile it, and it will be installed under the module in which the defining CmakeList belongs, for instance:

tUVContSUbTVI has its code under code/mstransform/TVI/test

But it is add es a test in code/synthesis/CMakeList

It is installed under code/build/synthesis/tUVContSubTVI

C++ unit tests are the first line of tests that ran after a commit, so if something went wrong the developer responsible of the offending commit gets a notification email.

Python tasks-level functional tests

As described in the previous sections there is a collection of functional tests that exercise each CASA task. These unit tests are based on Python NOSE framework and in order to use it have to import the NOSE's unittest module, and create unit test classes derived from unittest.TestCase with a setUp method (typically copy over test files) a tearDown method (delete test files) and various unit tests. There are many good examples for the flagging and mstransform tasks:


mstransform (gcwrap/python/scripts/tests/test_mstransform

In order to run these tests there is an utility script called “runUnitTests” in which it is possible to specify in brackets an entire class of tests to be run or only one particular test.

Run all flagdata tests:

casa --nogui --log2term -c /linux_64b/python/2.7/runUnitTest.py test_flagdata

Run all flagdata 'shadow' mode tests:

casa --nogui --log2term -c /linux_64b/python/2.7/runUnitTest.py test_flagdata[test_shadow]

Run only the flagdata test related to ticket CAS-2399

casa --nogui --log2term -c /linux_64b/python/2.7/runUnitTest.py test_flagdata[test_CAS2399]

NOTE: It is fundamental (actually mandatory) to run the task-level unit tests of all tasks affected by modifications in the corresponding code base.

Complete information about the task-level unit tests is available here:


Additionally there are a number of regressions defined under gcwrap/python/scripts/regressions which are routinely ran by the test environment at NRAO:

In case of a failing regressions and email is sent to the case-staff mailing list, in which case it is necessary to inspect which regressions and/or functional tests may have failed. This email points to a Bamboo job, which is a web tool integrated with Jira that shows the failing tests and associated commits and Jira-Issues (See Software Engineering section).

CASA guides

Finally there is a set of CASA Guides available online, describing with lots of details a complete data reduction process using CASA. It is highly recommend to go trough at least one of this guides as an introduction to CASA:

Software engineering

Atlassian tools: CASA Uses the Atlassian ecosystem tools, which are very well integrated among themselves and with svn/git

Jira: Ticketing system, which is used for all work items (bug reports and engineering tasks). It shows the svn/git commits.

Confluence: Team collaboration tool, which shows all tickets and their scheduled start/stop dates automatically. It also shows vacations (license), travels and meetings but not like the Jira tickets, the corresponding dates have to be manually entered by each developer.

Bamboo: Test reporting system that shows for each test job the associated tickets and svn/git commits.

Ticket life-cycle: CASA tickets have a life-cycle with the following phases

Open: This is just ticket creation, it can be a bug open by users and/or other CASA team members, or an engineering tasks open by CASA leads or developers. In general is good to have tickets for all relevant work pieces (including documentation), collected under an umbrella ticket (or “Epic” using the Atlassian terms) and separated individually whenever it makes sense.

Scheduled: At this phase is when it is estimated how much effort a ticket will take (start/stop dates). This is mandatory so that the ticket shows up in the Confluence team collaboration tool. Also it is mandatory to specify the target CASA release.

Ready to verify: This is the verification phase when the main developers of the ticket verify the functionality (using C++ Gtests, Python task tests or similar).

Ready to validate: After the ticket has been verified by developers it goes to user validation phase (typically science validation) which is conducted by an independent team of users/scientists.

Priorities: Typically CASA tickets have priority “High”. Priority “Blocked” is reserved only to issues affecting coming releases. Which cannot be circumvented by a workaround.

Release cycle:

Official releases: CASA has typically 2 major releases per year, but there can be various patch releases (e.g. CASA 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3). For ALMA there is usually a new cycle starting in October-November so a release is produced in September. These are the release dates of the latests CASA releases:

|Version |Release date |

|4.3 |12/30/99 |

|4.3.1 |12/30/99 |

|4.4 |16-Jun-2015 |

|4.5 |29-Oct-2015 |

|4.5.1 |02-Feb-201 |

|4.5.2 |11-Feb-2016 |

|4.5.3 |06-Apr-2016 |

|4.6.0 |04-Apr-2016 |

|4.7.0 |19-Oct-2016 |

Feature freeze: Typically there is a feature freeze 1 month before the target release data, and at that point a release branch is created and commits are quite restricted.

Release criteria: The release is only produce after all regression tests are passing successfully. In case of failing regression a test summary is sent to the casa-staff mailing list and developers have to inspect this list to check if some of their tests are failing.

Continuous integration: Apart from the official releases, there is a continuous integration process, handled by a Jenkins Job, which produces tarballs available for download:

Red Hat:


Jenkins Overview:

Continuous Integration summary:

Documentation: There are 3 levels of Documentation

Developer documentation: It is generated automatically from Doxygen, using the headers documentation.

Top-Level view

Example AgentFlagger:

Example MSTransformDatahandler:

Task and component in-line documentation: This is the documentation defined via xml and exposed to the python-level thanks to SWIG.





User manual: Up to release 4.7 CASA documentation has been compiled in the so-called “CASA Cookbook” which is generated via Latex. But as of today we are migrating to Plone a content management system.

CASA Cookbook Latex sources:

Latest CASA Cookbook:

Plone (New system to be used):

CASA team and community

casa-staff email list: The casa-staff mailing list (casa-staff@nrao.edu) is the fundamental vehicle for communication within the CASA team. Typically developers post questions, concerns, or announcements about new infrastructure changes or upcoming developments.

CASA Twiky: This is the collaborative web area where developers post documentation to share with other team members:

Monday Telecons: There is a weekly Teleconference happening regularly every Monday at 15:00 UTC. Typically each developer fills a weekly report a few days before:



Phone: (434) 817-6524

Usual Topics

Build, Release

Verification Testing

Validation Testing




List of CASA Telecon Minutes-of-Meetings (MoM):

CASA Users Committee: There is a stable CASA users Committee that holds a regular meeting each year to give recommendations about CASA, details can be found here:

CASA Staff: This is a partial list of CASA staff which not at all complete (sorry for whoever I may have missed!!) but contains the most regular contacts in the context of the ESO contributions to CASA. I highlight the following groups:

in green the members of the TVI (Transform Visibility Iterator) development group which is likely to be very active in the future.

In blue the members of the CASA HPC Group who have been working closely with MPI.

In orange the members of the flagdata development group.

|Name |Role |EMail |

|Jeff Kern |CASA Group Lead |jkern@nrao.edu |

|Jared Anand Crossley |CASA Community liaison |jcrossle@nrao.edu |

|Juergen Ott |CASA Project scientist |jott@nrao.edu |

|Crystal Brogan |ALMA CASA subsystem scientist |cbrogan@nrao.edu |

|Jennifer Donovan Meyer |CASA Scientific Testing Lead |jmeyer@nrao.edu |

|Lindsey Davis |ALMA Pipeline lead |ldavis@nrao.edu |

|Brian Butler |EVLA Pipeline Lead |bbutler@nrao.edu |

|Ger van Diepen |casacore responsible |diepen@astron.nl |

|Kanako Sugimoto |Single Dish Lead |kana.sugi@nao.ac.jp |

|James Jacobs |CASA Architect |jjacobs@nrao.edu |

| |casacore responsible | |

| |TVI development group | |

|Takeshi Nakazato |TVI Development Group |takeshi.nakazato@nao.ac.jp |

| |MSTransform development group | |

|Pam Ford |CASA Plotms responsible |pford@nrao.edu |

|(Phasing out?) |TVI Development group | |

|George Moellenbrock |CASA Calibration responsible |gmoellen@nrao.edu |

| |TVI development group | |

| |UVContsub development group | |

|Sandra Castro |CASA HPC Group lead (MPI) | |

| |Flagdata development group | |

| |MSTransform development group | |

|Stewart Williams |ALMA Pipeline Group |stewart.williams@stfc.ac.uk |

| |CASA HPC lead (MPI) | |

|Urvashi Rao |CASA HPC Group (MPI) |rurvashi@nrao.edu |

| |Flagdata development group | |

| |Imaging Development group | |

| |Imaging Parallelization group | |

|Sanjay Bhatnagar |Imaging Development group |bhatnagar.sanjay@ |

| |Imaging Parallelization group | |

| |CASA HPC Group (MPI) | |

|Martin Pokorny |Imaging Parallelization group |mpokorny@nrao.edu |

| |I/O Improvements group | |

| |CASA HPC Group (MPI) | |

|Kumar Golap |Imaging Development group |kgolap@aoc.nrao.edu |

| |CASA HPC Group | |

|Takahiro Tsutsumi |UVContsub development group |ttsutsum@nrao.edu |

| |Imaging Development group | |

| |Imaging Parallelization group | |

| |CASA HPC Group | |

|James Robnett |NRAO Lustre cluster responsible |jrobnett@nrao.edu |

| |CASA HPC Group | |

|Andy Hale |CASA build & test lead |ahale@nrao.edu |

|Darrell Schiebel |CASA build & test |darrell@schiebel.us |

| |CASA Python interface |darrell.schiebel@ |

|Akeem Wells |CASA build & test |awells@nrao.edu |

|Ville Souranta |CASA build & test |vsuorant@nrao.edu |

CASA Accounts

The following accounts are necessary for CASA developers:

|Domain |Server |

|NRAO CASA Atlassian Tools | |

|(Jira, Confluence, Bamboo) | |

| | |

|NRAO CASA Twiky | |

|NRAO Linux domain |login.aoc.nrao.edu |

|(Socorro and Charlottesville cluster) |ssh.cv.nrao.edu |

|NRAO Windows domain | |

|(Plone documentation) | |

List of pending tickets

|Task |Ticket |Description |Effort |

|flagging |CAS-5808 |Changes in rflag threshold scaling defaults |Minor |

| |CAS-6215 |Generalized pre-averaging in flagdata |Minor (follow up validation) |

|mstransform |CAS-8352 |SPW Combination TVI |Major (New development) |

|features | | | |

| |CAS-6835 |Allow combination of SPWs with different number of channels |Major (May require low level infrastructure |

| | | |changes) |

| |CAS-8353 |Migrate MSTransformManager |Major (Significant |

| | |to use new modular TVIs |infrastructure changes) |

| |CAS-9452 |Migrate denoising lib to new version of GSL |Medium-Major (depending on how much robust |

| | | |fit functionality is used) |

| |CAS-9451 |Put Recep's re-indexing package into production |Medium (Requires in-depth verification) |

| |CAS-8094 |conversion to SOURCE frame |Major (Significant |

| | |for non-ephemeris sources |infrastructure changes) |

| |CAS-7929 |Allow phase center re-assigment independent of reference frame |Major (New development) |

| | |transformation in mstransform | |

| |CAS-7930 |Improve OTF phase center shift in mstransform o match fixvix |Major (New development) |

|mstransform |CAS-9414 |mstransform apparently doesn't |Medium (Recently open) |

|bugs | |per-average correctly | |

| |CAS-9441 |Issue with channel averaging |Medium (Recently open) |

| | |TVI with selection | |

|mpi4casa |CAS-9426 |Migrate mpi4casa to adapt to new |Medium (Recently open) |

| | |CASA python initialization schema | |

| |CAS-9287 |Migrate mpi4casa to Open MPI 2.0.1 |Minor (follow up verification) |


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