New Bedford Housing Authority – New Bedford, MA

The New Bedford Housing Authority accepts applications on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at our main office located at the DeMello International Center, 128 Union Street. In order to expedite the application process, please provide the following where indicated.



_____ The names and address of your present and previous landlords for the past (5) years. _____ If you are renting, we require three (3) months’ rent receipts.

_____ If your rent does not include utilities, please provide a computer printout of utilities for the past year. Eversource customer service can assist by calling 1- 800-592-2000.

(Gas and Electric) Shutoff notices are not acceptable.

_____ If you reside in someone else’s residence, a letter from that person indicating your address, how long you have been there and the amount of room and board.

_____ The names of all household members (adults and children) whether related or not.

_____ Proof of immigration status such as citizenship papers or a passport.

_____ Birth certificates and social security cards for all household members.

_____ The name and address of the children(s) father or if you or a family member are expecting a child, the father’s name along with proof of pregnancy.

_____ A picture ID for household members 18 and older.

_____ Verification of full-time student status (college or higher) or verification of participation in a job training program.

_____ Two letters of reference from someone not related to you and not living with you who has known you for two (2) plus years and can attest to your character and as to why you would make a good tenant. The letters must have a telephone number of the person providing the reference.

_____ If you have a pet, a photo of the pet, license, rabies tag, proof of spaying/neutering. All animals in Federal developments must be less than 18 lbs. and animals in State elderly developments must weigh less than 40 lbs. Only one animal per household is allowed.

____ Income

• All sources of money you or any member of your household receives (wages, welfare payments, alimony, social security, pension, etc.)

• Any money you receive on behalf of your children (child support, social security for children, etc.):

• Income from assets (interest from a savings account, credit union, or certificate of deposit: dividends from stock, etc.):

• Earnings from second job or part time job;

• Any anticipated income (such as a bonus or pay raise you expect to receive).

____ Assets

• All bank accounts, savings bonds, certificates of deposit, stocks, real estate, etc. that are owned by you or any member of your family’s household who will be residing with you.

• Any business or asset you sold in within the past 2 years.


_____ If requesting a separate bedroom due to a medical reason or a handicap accessible unit, we will need a completed medical certification form.

____ If any member of the household cannot climb stairs, please provide a doctor’s letter detailing why a first-floor apartment is necessary.

____ If your current apartment has health related issues, please submit the Board of Health inspection report.

____ If a child under the age of seven (7) years old has lead paint poisoning, we will require a letter from the doctor stating the child’s lead level as well as documentation from the Board of Health stating the residence where you currently reside has lead.


____ Copies of any paid health insurance premiums and evidence of any out-of-pocket medical expenses.

____ If you work or are a full-time student, you will need to provide proof of childcare expenses for any child under the age of thirteen (13) if you wish to claim as a deduction.

____ Verification of child support payments.


____ Please provide a letter from the shelter or social service agency stating you have been placed in a shelter or a motel through no fault of your own.

____ Any documentation to support domestic violence. (i.e. 209A, police, hospital reports).

____ Any eviction notices including court summons, notice of judgment or a 48-hour notice.

____ Detailed self-declaration letter stating how, why and when you became homeless.

_____ Provide a list of apartments, public or private, where you have inquired of housing.

_____ If your home is in foreclosure, please provide any foreclosure documents or a purchase and sales agreement.



128 Union Street

TEL. :508-997-4800 EXT.260

FAX: 508-997-4808

TDD: 508-997-4874


Executive Director


Post Office Box 2081

New Bedford, Massachusetts 02741


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