Chapter 11

Chapter 11 V I B R A T I O N


Before working the other exercises in this chapter, write definitions of each of the key terms from the chapter. Place the cursor in the brackets. Begin typing. Your words will be displayed within the brackets.

Vibration: { }

Motion: { }

Cycles: { }

Modes: { }

Phenomena: { }

Ad Infinitum: { }

Bundles: { }

Quanta: { }

Electrons: { }

Neutrons: { }

Quarks: { }

Magnetism: { }

Essence: { }

Cohesion: { }


Attraction: { }

Chemical Affinity: { }

Atomic Attraction: { }

Gravitation: { }

Mass: { }

Quintessence: { }

Void: { }

Elasticity: { }

Pervades: { }

Medium: { }

Hypothetical: { }

Perceptible: { }

Disintegrate: { }

Induction: { }

Psychokinesis: { }

Telekinesis: { }

Telepathy: { }

Dissemination: { }

Immerse: { }


Feedback: { }

Miracles: { }

Scepter: { }


This summary, when completed with answers, gives you a comprehension of the primary points of the chapter in the text. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases that complete the ideas.

1. "Nothing rests; [ ] moves; [ ] vibrates." -- Summum

2. The great third Summum [ ], the Principle of Vibration, [ ] the idea that [ ] is manifest in everything in the [ ]. Nothing is at [ ]. Everything moves, [ ] and cycles.

3. This [ ] and [ ] is generated by the copulation of [ ]; "NOTHING and [ ] come in and out of bond [ ] times in a finite [ ]."

4. Science has proven that all that you call [ ] and energy are but [ ] of vibratory [ ]. Some of the more advanced [ ] are rapidly moving toward the position of

5. Summum which holds that the [ ] of Mind is likewise modes of [ ] or [ ].

6. Science [ ] that all [ ] can be described in terms of its [ ] arising from [ ] or [ ]. Whether an [ ] be [ ] or [ ] (both being but [ ] of the same scale) it [ ] certain [ ] [ ], and in that sense is in [ ] and [ ].

7. Summum teaches that [ ], [ ] and [ ] are but forms of [ ] [ ] connected with and emanating from the [ ] of [ ]. A [ ] energy is the cause of the [ ] of [ ], the principle of molecular [ ] and chemical [ ], which is the principle of [ ] attraction; and [ ], which is the principle of [ ] by which every [ ] or [ ] of matter is [ ] to every other [ ] or mass.

8. The teachings are that the [ ] is a connecting link between the [ ]of vibratory [ ] known as [ ] on the one hand; and also that it [ ] a [ ] of vibration in [ ] and [ ] entirely its own.

9. Summum teaches that if the [ ] be continually increased, the [ ] would mount up the [ ] states of [ ] and would in turn [ ] the various mental stages; continuing on until it would finally re-enter SUMMUM. The [ ], however, would have [ ] to be an "object" long before the stage of [ ] was reached.

10. The Summum teachings go much further. They teach that all manifestation of [ ], [ ], [ ], will, desire or any mental state or [ ] are accompanied by vibrations; a [ ] of which are [ ] off and which tend to affect the [ ] of others by "[ ]." This is the [ ] which produces the [ ] of psychokinesis, [ ], telepathy, mental [ ], and other forms of the [ ] and power of [ ] over mind; all of which the general public is becoming acquainted with owing to the wide dissemination of [ ] by various disciplines.

11. Every [ ], [ ] or [ ] state has its corresponding [ ] and [ ] of [ ]. By an effort of the [ ] of the person or of other [ ], these [ ] states may be [ ] just as a musical tone may be [ ] by causing an [ ] to vibrate at a certain rate. Likewise, [ ] may be [ ] in the same way. By the knowledge of the Principle of [ ] as applied to mental phenomena, one may [ ] their minds at any [ ] they [ ], thus gaining a [ ] control over their [ ] states, [ ], etc. In the same way they may affect the [ ] of others, producing the desired mental states in them. In short, they may be able to produce on the mental level that which [ ] produces on the [ ] level, namely, "[ ] [ ] [ ]." This ability, of course, may be acquired only through [ ] instruction, exercise and [ ] in the Summum [ ] known and taught as [ ].

12. A little [ ] on what has been presented will show you that the Principle of [ ] underlies the wonderful phenomena of the power manifested by the [ ] and adepts who are able to apparently set aside the laws of [ ]. In reality they are simply using one [ ] against another; one principle against [ ]; and accomplish their results by changing the [ ] of material [ ] or forms of energy. Thus they perform what are commonly called "[ ]."


Enter the number of the appropriate answer in the brackets in front of the description. There is one correct answer for each blank.

[ ] Nothing rests; everything moves;


[ ] The great Third Summum Principle, the

Principle of Vibration, embodies the idea

that in everything in the universe there is


[ ] The differences between the various

manifestations of the universal force are

due entirely to the varying rate and mode of

[ ] That which vibrates at such a constant rate

and with such an infinite degree of intensity

that it may be practically considered as at

rest is

[ ] The vibration and movement of SUMMUM

is generated by the copulation of

[ ] Science has proven that all that you call

matter and energy are but degrees or

states of vibratory motion called

[ ] Science teaches that all matter can be

described in terms of its vibration arising

from temperature or

[ ] From electrons to suns, all particles and

objects of matter are in orbital movement;

and many of them turn on their

[ ] Cohesion, the principle of molecular

attraction and chemical affinity are all

principles of the principle of

[ ] Vibrations of mental states are thrown off

and tend to affect the minds of others by


Type your answers within the brackets.

Using the Systematic Law of Learning, apply the following Principles.

1. Find several things which will vibrate.

a) Using the different thing you found which vibrate describe the different tone or qualities they create when you vibrate them.

{ }

2. Using the discussion in the text on mental vibrations and intensity practice the following.

a) Using a strong mental image of an idea you wish for others to understand tell them of the idea while you have an intense mental image in your mind, and describe what happens.

{ }

b) Using the same mental image as in (b) above tell the same idea to a different group of people, but have the image be weak in your mind and describe the effect.

{ }


Formulate answers to these questions. Refer to both your text and your lecture notes. You need not write out the answer in full sentences, but make notes on all the details you would include in a full answer. Review your answers with someone else in the class after each of you has completed the exercise. Type your answers within the brackets.

1. Describe the Principle of Vibration.

{ }

2. How is motion involved in the Principle of Vibration?

{ }

3. Explain why nothing is at rest.

{ }

4. Explain how everything cycles.

{ }

5. Explain how the various manifestations of the universal force are due entirely to the varying rate and mode of vibration.

{ }

6. Be prepared to explain the vibration of SUMMUM.

{ }

7. What is the relationship of Creation's copulation and vibration?

{ }

8. How does the bonding of Nothing and Possibility create vibration?

{ }

9. Explain what is at the other end of the scale of spirit?

{ }

10. What is between the two opposing points of spirit and gross matter?

{ }

11. Describe what science says about matter and energy.

{ }

12. How is science treating the phenomena of Mind?

{ }

13. Explain what turns on its axis.

{ }

14. What are the molecules composed of?

{ }

15. What are atoms composed of?

{ }

16. Explain how light, heat, and magnetism are vibration.

{ }

17. Discuss the different forms of attraction and how they are interrelated.

{ }

18. Describe Creation's Quintessence.

{ }

19. How are thought, emotion, reason, will, desire, or any mental state or condition related to vibration?

{ }

20. Explain Psychokinesis, transmutation, transubstantiation, telekinesis, telepathy, mental influence, and other forms of the action and power of mind over mind and matter.

{ }

21. Explain how the Will is related to vibration and mental states.

{ }

22. What is Vibration at Will?

{ }

23. How does one attain Mental Vibration at Will?

{ }

24. Explain Stablematic Feedback.

{ }

25. What do the Masters and Adepts use in line with natural law?

{ }

26. Explain the scepter of power.

{ }


Place an ‘X’ next to the phrase that most correctly completes each statement.

1. Nothing rests; everything moves; everything

a. vibrates.

b. stands still.

c. does not make a difference.

d. is waiting for you to make your mark.

2. The Principle of Vibration embodies the idea that motion is manifest in

a. only those things you can see move.

b. in flexible objects only, and not solids.

c. everything in the universe.

d. in the season when the temperature changes most.

3. The Summum teachings are that not only is everything in constant movement and vibration, but that the differences between the various manifestations of the universal forces are due entirely to the varying

a. attitudes of the student working these lessons.

b. strength of the religious fervor found only in the true religion.

c. knowledge of the correct teachers with the secret answers.

d. rate and mode of vibration.

4. The vibration of SUMMUM is generated by

a. the inner working of mystical chanting gurus.

b. the copulation of Creation.

c. the BIG BANG

d. the symbols of the Universal God.

5. Even on the physical level a rapidly moving object (such as a wheel) seems to

a. be conscious of which religion is correct.

b. know the right way to spin.

c. be at rest.

d. understand that there is great injustice in the world.

6. The Summum teachings are to the effect that spirit is at one end of the scale of vibration, the other end being certain extremely

a. soft fibrous essences which fill the heaven worlds.

b. hard crystals, which when massaged properly bring power to the masseur or masseuse.

c. healing powers held only by those who have read the book necessary to explain how to do the healing.

d. gross forms of matter.

7. Between the two opposing points are billions upon billions of different

a. things which make no difference.

b. things which may find their way to the right direction.

c. rates and modes of vibration.

d. none of the above.

8. Science has proven that all that you call matter and energy are but

a. releases of fire from burning fuel.

b. things beyond your comprehension.

c. modes of vibratory motion.

d. materials created in six days by a known God.

9. Some more advanced scientists are rapidly moving toward the position of Summum which holds that the phenomena of

a. new world thought is not necessary.

b. intersecting particles need not be explained.

c. Mind is likewise modes of vibration or motion.

d. color meditation is the most important breakthrough in recorded history.

10. Science teaches that all matter can be described in terms of its vibration arising from

a. emanating sounds when put under high pressure.

b. temperature or heat.

c. colors seen when watched closely for extended periods of time.

d. color and auras emitted when quartz crystals are rubbed on the matter or energy by a qualified practitioner.

11. Whether an object be cold or hot (both being but degrees of the same scale) it manifests certain heat vibrations, and in that sense is

a. subject to those practitioners using crystal massage who can determine the problem and cure for most any problem.

b. a matter for resolve through color meditation.

c. in motion and vibration.

d. found to be beyond the reach of most forms of metaphysical manipulation or in the realm of known understanding.

12. From electrons to suns, all particles and objects of matter are in orbital movement; and many of them turn

a. out to be secret messages from divine earth bound spirits which change our lives completely when we listen to them.

b. on their axis.

c. to the left and right depending on their mood.

d. to the side when the necessary words are spoken.

13. The molecules of which the particular kinds of matter are composed are in a state of constant vibration and movement around each other and

a. all stop at certain days of the year.

b. against each other.

c. then fall apart if not dealt with.

d. disappear with the come to your attention.

14. The molecules are composed of atoms, which, likewise, are in a state of

a. confusion.

b. constant movement and vibration.

c. esoteric movement to avoid being discovered.

d. hot and cold flashes.

15. Summum teaches that light, heat, and magnetism are but forms of vibratory motion connected with and emanating from

a. a divine being who sends them out for the benefit of humans.

b. the essence of Creation.

c. a superconducting magnetron powered by angels.

d. unnatural phenomena beyond the imagination of humans.

16. A vibratory energy is the cause of the manifestation of cohesion, the principle of molecular attraction and chemical affinity, which is the principle of atomic attraction; and gravitation, which is the principle of attraction by which every particle or mass of matter is bound

a. to every other particle or mass.

b. to do the necessary thing to complete the unknown path.

c. to be the utmost reality in existence.

d. to the smallest portion found in nature.

17. Creation's Quintessence is the vibratory energy which is the

a. small space found in atoms.

b. noise found when listening to the oceans roar.

c. element of nature which science has used to stabilize protons.

d. void of space.

18. Summum teaches that this Quintessence is of extreme elasticity and forms

a. the field of art.

b. the things which humans desire most.

c. those things which are hidden and do not need to be known.

d. universal space, serving as a medium of transmission for waves and particles of vibratory energy such as light and magnetism.

19. The Summum teachings teach that all manifestation of thought, emotion, will, desire, or any mental state or condition are accompanied by vibrations; a portion of which are thrown off and which

a. can be saved by those knowing how to capture them.

b. tend to affect the minds of others by "induction."

c. pollute the environment.

d. cause static on AM radio stations.

20. The principle of induction is the principle which produces the phenomenon of psychokinesis, telekinesis, transmutation, transubstantiation, telepathy, mental influence, and other forms of the action and power of mind over mind; all of which the general public is becoming acquainted with owing to the wide dissemination

a. of artificial forms of inner space walking.

b. established forms of inner space walking.

c. the paradox of forms of inner space walking.

d. of knowledge by various disciplines.

21. Every thought, emotion, or mental state has its corresponding

a. rate and mode of vibration.

b. reason for establishing its existence.

c. answer to the universal nature of things.

d. confusion and misunderstanding.

22. The mental states may be reproduced just as a musical tone may be reproduced by the

a. instrument called a mind wave vibratory geneiometer.

b. Will of a person, or of other persons.

c. United States mint if given the proper original engraving.

d. Russians, and used to secretly control Americans.

23. Those understanding the Principle of Mental Vibration are able to produce on the mental level that which

a. is a study guide like this one able to confuse you.

b. will never be able to control them.

c. is seen by those in the know to be not worth knowing.

d. science produces on the physical level, namely, "vibrations at will."

24. This ability, of course, may be acquired only through

a. finding the proper channel who receives information from an ancient earth bound spirit which, when listened to, will change your life for it gives you the secret answer of how to Master the Principles of Creation Itself.

b. listening to your spirit within and allowing your subconscious desires and wants for the things of the world to guide you into the direction of fulfilling them.

c. attending numerous classes on metaphysical new age instruction which will allow you to avoid the exercise and practice necessary to acquire the ability.

d. proper instruction, exercise, and practice in the Summum science known and taught as Psychokinesis.

25. The student within Summum is taught and given the instruction to hear within their minds the mental vibrations and then

a. how to use them.

b. knows everything there is to know.

c. wishes they had never learned them.

d. begins to hallucinate.

26. Most advanced and evolved humans can hear within the center of their minds a high pitched frequency or "vibration," known as

a. high blood pressure.

b. hypertension.

c. hypotension.

d. "Stablematic Feedback."

27. With proper instruction, the necessary connections to these mental vibrations can be

a. very annoying.

b. unsettling.

c. mastered and used at will.

d. forgotten about.

28. Stablematic Feedback, the Sound of Creation, is generated by the bonding and breaking

a. of the various radio stations in your area.

b. between Nothing and Possibility.

c. between humans in "Holy Matrimony".

d. nucleotides in the inner ear.

29. A little reflection on what has been presented will show you that the Principle of Vibration underlies the wonderful phenomena of the power manifested by the

a. engines build in Detroit.

b. disembodied spirits who are changing the world by "feel good" slogans.

c. masters and adepts who are able to apparently set aside the laws of nature.

d. those in high government positions.

30. In reality they are simply using one law against another; one principle against others; and accomplish their results by changing the vibration of material objects or forms of energy. Thus they perform what are commonly called

a. positive affirmations.

b. channeled, "feel good about yourself" slogans.

c. miracles.

d. Crystal massage.

31. As it is said within Summum, "Those who understand the Principle of Vibration hold the

a. knowledge to understand the workings of Creation."

b. knowledge of how Creation works."

c. scepter of power."

d. all of the above.




1. motion

2. vibrates


4. Creation

5. modes

6. vibration

7. attraction

8. induction

9. heat

10. axis


everything, everything manifest

Principle, embodies object

motion, universe ceased, Quintessence

rest, vibrates thought, emotion, reason

vibration, movement condition, portion

Creation, POSSIBILITY, infinite thrown, minds

Moment induction, principle

matter phenomenon, telekinesis

modes, motion influence, action, mind

scientists knowledge

phenomena, vibration thought, emotion, mental

motion rate, mode, vibration

teaches, matter Will, persons, mental

vibration, temperature, heat, object reproduced, reproduced

cold, hot, degrees, manifests instrument

heat, vibrations, motion color, reproduced

vibration Vibration

light, heat, magnetism immerse, degree, wish

vibratory, motion, essence perfect, mental, moods

Creation, vibratory minds

manifestation, cohesion, attraction science, physical

affinity, atomic Vibration at Will

gravitation, attraction proper, practice

particle, mass, bound science, Psychokinesis

particle reflection

Quintessence Vibration

forms, energy, matter masters

manifests, degree, rate nature, law

mode others

vibration vibration, objects

object, successive, manifestation miracles


2, 1, 6, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 7, 8


1. a 9. c 17. d 25. a

2. c 10. b 18. d 26. d

3. d 11. c 19. b 27. c

4. b 12. b 20. d 28. b

5. c 13. b 21. a 29. c

6. d 14. b 22. b 30. c

7. c 15. b 23. d 31. c

8. c 16. b 24. d


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