Chemical Equations Unit: Instructor’s Guide DAY LESSON HSCES OBJECTIVES ...

Chemical Equations Unit: Instructor's Guide


Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five




Chemical v. Physical

Change and Bond Energy

Demo and Group


Balancing Equations Introduction

Group POGIL Worksheet

Balancing Equations Practice

Group POGIL Discussion/ Lecture

Balancing Equations Discussion

Technology Assignment

Quantity Relationships in Chemical



C3.4A Explain why it is necessary for a molecule to absorb energy in order to break a bond. C2.1a Explain the changes in potential energy (due to electrostatic interactions) as a chemical bond forms and use this to explain why bond breaking always requires energy. C2.1b Describe energy changes associated with chemical reactions in terms of bonds broken and formed.

C1.1E Describe a reason for a given conclusion using evidence from an investigation. C5.2A Balance simple chemical equations applying the conservation of matter. C5.2B Distinguish between chemical and physical changes in terms of the properties of the reactants and products.

C1.2D Evaluate scientific explanations in a peer review process or discussion format. C5.2A Balance simple chemical equations applying the conservation of matter.

C1.2D Evaluate scientific explanations in a peer review process or discussion format.

P5.p1 Conservation of Matter Prelude to: C5.2e Identify the limiting reagent when given the masses of more than one reactant.

- The students will learn the concept of limiting reagents, but no calculations will be performed.


? TLW distinguish between a chemical

change and a physical change ? TLW identify evidence of a chemical

change. ? TLW explain energy changes that

occur during a chemical reaction.


v Assign 5 textbook questions regarding identification of/ evidence for chemical change.

? TLW apply the law of the conservation v `Real-Life' Reaction Worksheet of matter by balancing chemical equations at the symbolic and particulate level. ? TLW identify the gas produced in a chemical reaction using evidence from the demonstration.

? TLW identify balanced and unbalanced chemical reactions. ? TLW balance simple chemical reactions using both particulate and symbolic representations. ? TLW write balanced chemical reactions based on word problems. ? TLW describe a reaction using words. ? TLW balance chemical reactions that have polyatomic ions. For high achieving students, the teacher may have the option of differentiation with the following objective: ? TLW balance complex reactions (combustion reactions/ polyatomic ions)

v Finish any parts of the worksheet that were not yet completed.

v Read and take notes on a section of the textbook on how to predict products of reactions.

? TLW define a limiting and excess reagent ? TLW identify the limiting reagent and the excess reagent in a given chemical equation. ? TLW explain why a chemical equation does not change based on how many reactants are available. ? TLW report the number of product molecules that can be made from a given number of reactant molecules.

v Laboratory Preparation Worksheet

Day Six

Day Seven

Day Eight

Day Nine Day Ten

Laboratory Preparation

Laboratory Experiments

Types of Chemical Reactions

Laboratory Presentations/


Types of Chemical Reactions Jeopardy

Group Activity

C1.1h Design and conduct a systematic scientific investigation that tests hypotheses. C1.1D Identify patterns in data and relate them to theoretical models. C1.1E Describe a reason for a given conclusion using evidence from an investigation. C5.2A Balance simple chemical equations applying the conservation of matter. C5.2B Distinguish between chemical and physical changes in terms of the properties of the reactants and products. C1.2D Evaluate scientific explanations in a peer review process or discussion format.

? TLW design a procedure in order to identify the species in a reaction. ? TLW determine if a chemical change has occurred based on evidence. ? TLW predict products of a chemical reaction based on evidence. ? TLW balance simple chemical equations. ? TLW develop chemical equation patterns based on the type of reaction. ? TLW present information on a chemical experiment about types of chemical reactions. ? TLW evaluate other classmates on their presentations by giving valuable feedback.

Review Day Assessment

v Finish any laboratory preparation that was not completed in class. v Finish up any questions that were part of the lab experiment (such as balancing equations, identifying the type of reaction). v Prepare for the group preparation.


Chemical Equations Unit: Schedule Matrix

Week One


Pre-Assessment/ Lecture

Tuesday Demo and Group Worksheet

Wednesday Group POGIL


Thursday Group POGIL


Friday Technology Assignment

Week Two

Chemical v. Physical Change and Bond Energy

Teacher- Directed

Laboratory Preparation

Types of Chemical Reactions

Student ?Directed

Balancing Equations Introduction

Teacher/ Student ? Directed

Laboratory Experiments

Types of Chemical Reactions

Student ?Directed

Balancing Equations Practice

Student- Directed

Laboratory Presentations/

Review Types of Chemical

Reactions Student ?Directed

Balancing Equations Discussion

Teacher/ Student ? Directed


Quantity Relationships in Chemical

Reactions Student ? Directed

Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


Activity Chemical Equations Pre-Test

Chemical Change An Introduction to Balancing

Chemical Equations Balancing Chemical Equations

Balancing Chemical Equations

Reactants, Products, and Leftovers

Type of Lesson Pre-Assessment Lecture

Time Estimate 10 minutes

30-40 minutes


50 minutes

Group POGIL Worksheet

POGIL Worksheet Discussion/ Differentiation

50 minutes 30 minutes of worksheet/

remainder for differentiation


50 minutes

Monday Exploring Chemical Reactions

Inquiry Lab

50 minutes

Tuesday Wednesday


Exploring Chemical Reactions Exploring Chemical Reactions

Individual Exam

Inquiry Lab Group Presentations


50 minutes 50 minutes 50 minutes

Assessment Plan

Lesson Lecture

Demonstration/ Group Worksheet

POGIL Group Activity Technology

Inquiry Lab


Assessment -- Formative Assessment during lecture

-- Assign 5 textbook questions regarding identification of/ evidence for chemical change.

-- Demonstration predictions/ observations

-- Balancing Chemical Equations worksheet -- Real- Life Reaction Worksheet -- Balancing Chemical Equations worksheet

-- Reading Assignment Notes -- Reactants, Products, and Leftovers Worksheet -- Pre-lab questions -- Laboratory Hand-In -- Group Presentation -- Student Feedback -- Individual Exam

Total Points

Points 0 points

5 points

8 points 10 points 6 points 15 points 6 points 20 points 5 points 30 points 10 points 5 points 50 points 170 points


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