CHEM 4553

CHEM 4553 Experiments in the Instrumental Analysis of Organic Compounds

7:30-10:20PM Tu-Th in lab 302 Williams Hall, 108 Choppin and in instrumental facilities

PROFESSOR: Dr. Kresimir Rupnik (201 Choppin Hall office /lab 302 Williams Hall)

578-2945 205-1353 cell rupnik@


REFERENCE TEXTS. Make sure you have reference books available, your Analytical Chemistry textbook and your CHEM 1201 and 2001 textbook (–Harris) will be most helpful and needed. There is also web and literature search and there are many good reference texts, a few are listed below+. NOTE: you MUST FIND PROTOCOLS for your independent project. You will practice literature search in the class. + a) Principles of Instrumental Analysis (….. Edition) Skoog, Holler and Nieman, b) Instrumental Methods of Analysis (Seventh Edition)Willard, Merritt, Dean and Settle c) Good analytical and instrumental textbooks and literature

HELPFUL WRITING BOOKS (see scientific paper format): website, Elements of Style, Strunk and White, ACS Style Guide, Dodd, Editor (check the ACS website: ) Writing the laboratory notebook, Howard M. Kanare


This course provides students with hands-on experience with chemical instrumentation, protocols and analytical chemistry (and QA) report writing. The course will also focus on preparing the student to conduct chemical research in various laboratory settings.

CxC: The scientific work is intimately related to the excellent communication skills. We received the formal recognition of this course as the Communication Intensive by the Communication across the Curriculum Program for writing and oral presentations. You will receive specific instructions related to those requirements.


LSU’s general policy states that for each credit hour, you (the student) should plan to spend at least two hours working on course related activities outside of class. For a three credit hours course, you should expect to spend a minimum of six hours outside of class each week working on assignments for this course. For more information see: .

LSU student code of conduct

The LSU student code of conduct explains student rights, excused absences, and what is expected of student behavior. Students are expected to understand this code as described here: . Any violations of the LSU student code will be duly reported to the Dean of Students. Violent behavior and harassments are not be tolerated by the law and will be reported. If you copy somebodies work and are not able to explain what was done you are violating the code and your grade may go down.


Each course syllabus should contain a statement reflecting compliance with The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Section 504. This link contains 4 example statements:


Scale Letter Grades( A+-,B+_,etc.)

Core labs #3 ................

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