Matter Worksheet - The Leon M. Goldstein High School for ...

LMGHS Name _________________________________________ Band_____

Science Department AP: H. Staub Principal: J. Zaza Chemistry: Ms. Katzoff

MATTER Worksheet # 1

1. Define matter in a complete sentence.


2. Draw a particle diagram for each of the three common states (phases) of matter using at least four circles to represent each phase.

3. Find a CREATIVE approach to explain the behavior of particles in the solid, liquid and gas phase.

4. Which state of matter has:

a. no definite shape, nor definite volume _____________________

b. no definite shape, but definite volume _____________________

c. definite shape and definite volume _____________________

5. List some real life examples of phase change.

6. Name the phase change:

s-l _____________________

l-g _____________________

g-l _____________________

l-s ______________________

s-g ______________________

g-s ______________________

7. Can you explain why you think it takes more energy to change water from liquid to gas versus solid to liquid?


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