
Individual Risk Assessment for Athletes using the training facilities at Stockport Harriers Athletics Track During the

Covid-19 Pandemic

This risk assessment may be updated at any time point in accordance with updated guidance from the government website .uk/coronavirus (COVID-19), England Athletics

Stockport Harriers & AC May 21st, 2020 COVID19 Exclusive/RISKASSESSMENT


|Name (role) |DOB |Gender |Ethnicity |Underlying Health |

| | | | |Conditions |

| | | | | |

|Age |Ethnicity/Race |

|Name | |Athlete/Coach/Parent | |

|Preferred Email | |Preferred telephone number | |

|Address | | | |

| | | | |Do you have a disability? |

|Age | |Gender |Male | |

| | | |Female Other| |

|Ethnicity Please tick the box that best describes your ethnic origin |

|White |Asian or Asian British |Black or Black British |Mixed |Other Ethnic Group |

| | | | | |

|British |Indian |African |White and Black African |Arab |

| | | | | |

|Irish |Pakistani |Caribbean |White and Black Caribbean |Any other ethnic group |

| | | | | |

|White European |Bangladeshi |Black Other |White and Asian | |

| | | | | |

|White Other |Chinese | |Mixed Other | |

| | | | | |

| |Asian Other | | | |

|Section 2 – Discipline | |

|Event | | | |

|Level | | | |

|Coach’s name | |Contact no. | |

|Coach’s Email | | | |

|Next of Kin name | |Contact no. | |

|Question |Answer |Comment or action required | |

|1 |Does the athlete’s training allow social distancing to be maintained at all | | | |

| |times? |Yes No | | |

|2 |Does the athlete understand the requirement to observe the 2m social | | | |

| |distancing between people from different households including coaches at all |Yes No | | |

| |times | | | |

|4 |Does the athlete have hand sanitising gel available to use on entry and exit | | | |

| |to the track and after touching any equipment or gates at the track |Yes No | | |

|6 |Does the person require Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to train? | | | |

| | |Yes No | | |

|7 |Has the athlete been trained to use the required PPE for emergency first aid | | | |

| |where the distance between the athlete and first aider is less than 2m |Yes No | | |

|11 |Does the person use public transport to get to and from the track? The | | | |

| |Government’s latest guidance on using public transport |Yes No | | |

|14 |Does the athletes outside employment require them to work in areas where | | | |

| |suspected or confirmed Covid-19 patients are treated or cared for? |Yes No | | |

|Section 3 – Underlying Health Conditions | |

|Question |Answer |Comment or action required | |

|15 |Has the athlete received a “shielding” letter from their GP/hospital? | | | |

| | |Yes No | | |

|16 |Is the athlete aged 70 years or more? | | | |

| | |Yes No | | |

|17 |Is the athlete from a Black, Asian or other ethnic minority background and age | | | |

| |55 or over? |Yes No | | |

|18 |Does the athlete have one underlying health condition (please see Appendix 1, | | | |

| |page10) |Yes No | | |

|19 |Does the athlete have two or more underlying health conditions? (please see | | | |

| |Appendix 1, page 10) |Yes No | | |

|20 |Is the person from a Black, Asian or other ethnic minority background and has | | | |

| |one or more underlying health condition? (please see Appendix 1, page 10) |Yes No | | |

|Section 4 – Accommodation, Living Arrangements and Community | |

|Question |Answer |Comment or action required | |

|21 |Does the person share their accommodation with anyone else? | |If No go to question 27 | |

| | |Yes No | | |

|22 |Are there people in the accommodation from two or more generations? | | | |

| | |Yes No | | |

|23 |Is there someone in the accommodation that he/she shares who is over the age of| | | |

| |70? |Yes No | | |

|24 |Is there anyone in the accommodation that is “shielding”? | | | |

| | |Yes No | | |

|25 |Is there anyone in the accommodation with an underlying health condition? | | | |

| | |Yes No | | |

|26 |Is the person caring for someone who is shielding? | | | |

| | |Yes No | | |

|27 |Is the person caring for someone who how has an underlying health condition? | | | |

| | |Yes No | | |

|28 |Does the person currently undertake any employment work that brings them into | | | |

| |contact with members of the public? |Yes No | | |

| |

|Please tick (() the actions that have been agreed. Only the appropriate action(s) below should be implemented. |

| |Action |By When |In Place |

| | | | |

| |Use alcohol based hand gel prior to and on leaving the track and when unavoidable touching any surfaces that will be cleaned after touching | | |

| |Maintain greater than 2 metres distance from other users of the track and park. | | |

| |The person will approach their own GP for specific medical advice if required | | |

| |Warm up to be completed outside the track to maximise track usage whilst observing social distancing rules and cool down as appropriate | | |

| |No person to come to the track if experiencing any of the symptoms of corona virus (as listed on the current government advice) for at least | | |

| |seven days or until the symptoms have cleared if longer than 7 days | | |

| |No person to come to the track if anyone in their household is experiencing any of the symptoms of corona virus (as listed on the current | | |

| |government advice ) for 14 days | | |

| |To carry personal first aid kit and PPE consisting of gloves and mask in case of emergency requiring help of person from outside household | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Other actions. Please specify. | | |

People at highest risk (the Government defines as clinically extremely vulnerable)

People at highest risk from coronavirus include people who:

• have had an organ transplant

• are having chemotherapy or antibody treatment for cancer, including immunotherapy

• are having an intense course of radiotherapy (radical radiotherapy) for lung cancer

• are having targeted cancer treatments that can affect the immune system (such as protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors)

• have blood or bone marrow cancer (such as leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma)

• have had a bone marrow or stem cell transplant in the past 6 months, or are still taking immunosuppressant medicine

• have been told by a doctor they you have a severe lung condition (such as cystic fibrosis, severe asthma or severe COPD)

• have a condition that means they have a very high risk of getting infections (such as SCID or sickle cell)

• are taking medicine that makes them much more likely to get infections (such as high doses of steroids)

• have a serious heart condition and are pregnant

People at higher risk (the Government defines as clinically vulnerable)

People at moderate risk from coronavirus include people who:

• are 70 or older

• are pregnant

• have a lung condition that's not severe (such as asthma, COPD, emphysema or bronchitis)

• have heart disease (such as heart failure)

• have diabetes

• have chronic kidney disease

• have liver disease (such as hepatitis)

• have a condition affecting the brain or nerves (such as Parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy)

• have a condition that means they have a high risk of getting infections


Individual Risk Factors

Individual Risk Assessment

Agreed Action Plan








Signed electronically

Appendix 1 – Underlying Health Conditions


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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