Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing

Cheque Writing User Guide

Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing

Release Part Number F57214-01

May 2022

Cheque Writing User Guide May 2022 Oracle Financial Services Software Limited

Oracle Park

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Table of Contents

1. About This Manual ................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Related Documents ................................................................................................. 1-1 1.3 Audience.................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.4 Organization ............................................................................................................ 1-1 1.5 Conventions Used in this Manual ............................................................................ 1-1

1.5.1 General Conventions.................................................................................. 1-2 1.5.2 Keyboard Conventions ............................................................................... 1-2 1.6 Glossary of Icons..................................................................................................... 1-2 1.7 Abbreviations and Acronyms................................................................................... 1-2 1.8 Getting Help............................................................................................................. 1-3

2. Processing Cheque Book Requests ..................................................... 2-1

2.1 Cheque Book Requests........................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Processing Cheque Book Requests........................................................... 2-1 2.1.2 Before Entering Cheque Book Request ..................................................... 2-2 2.1.3 Entering Cheque Book Request in Cheque Book Request Screen............ 2-3

2.2 Send Details of Cheque Book Requests ................................................................ 2-5 2.3 Receive Details of Printed Cheque Books .............................................................. 2-5 2.4 Make Changes to Cheque Book Requests ............................................................. 2-5

2.4.1 Invoking the Cheque Book Request Summary Screen .............................. 2-6 2.4.2 Retrieving a Cheque Book Request Record............................................... 2-7 2.4.3 Editing a Cheque Book Request Record.................................................... 2-8 2.4.4 Viewing a Cheque Book Request Record .................................................. 2-8 2.4.5 Deleting a Cheque Book Request Record ................................................. 2-8 2.4.6 Authorizing a Cheque Book Request Record............................................. 2-9 2.4.7 Amending a Cheque Book Request Record............................................... 2-9 2.4.8 Authorizing an Amended Cheque Book Request Record .......................... 2-9 2.5 Statuses for Individual Cheque................................................................................ 2-9 2.5.1 Monitoring Statuses for Individual Cheque................................................. 2-9 2.6 Cheque Writing Status Detail ................................................................................ 2-14 2.6.1 Invoking Cheque Writing Status Detail Screen......................................... 2-14 2.7 Cheque Writing Status Summary .......................................................................... 2-16 2.7.1 Retrieving a Record in Cheque Writing Status Summary Screen ............ 2-16 2.7.2 Editing Cheque Writing Status Record ..................................................... 2-17 2.7.3 Viewing Cheque Writing Status Record .................................................. 2-18 2.7.4 Deleting Cheque Writing Status Record................................................... 2-18 2.7.5 Authorizing Cheque Writing Status Record ............................................. 2-18 2.7.6 Amending Cheque Writing Status Record ............................................... 2-18 2.7.7 Authorizing Amended Cheque Writing Status Record ............................. 2-19

3. Function ID Glossary ............................................................................... 3-1

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4


1. About This Manual


Welcome to Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing TM, a comprehensive mutual funds automation software from Oracle Financial Servicing Software Ltd. ?.

This Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing User Manual helps you use the system to achieve optimum automation of all your mutual fund investor servicing processes. It contains guidelines for specific tasks, descriptions of various features and processes in the system and general information.

Related Documents

The User Manual is organized in to various parts, each discussing a component of the Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing system.


This Fund Manager User Manual is intended for the Fund Administrator users and system operators in the AMC.


This volume of the Fund Manager User manual is organized under the following chapter sequence:



Chapter 1

About This Manual explains the structure, audience, organization, and related documents of this manual.

Chapter 2

Cheque Writing ? Processing Cheque Book Requests explains how to maintain and update details of cheque books requested by an investor

Conventions Used in this Manual

Before you begin using this User Manual, it is important to understand the typographical conventions used in it.



General Conventions

Convention Type of Information

Italic type

Numbered Bullet

Functional /foreign terms Validations for fields on a screen References to related Headings/Users Manuals For emphasis

Step by step procedures


Keyboard Conventions

Convention Type of Information


Shortcut keys

All keys of the keyboard are represented in capital letters. For example, .

All short cut keys are contained in brackets. For example, .


Glossary of Icons

This User Manual may refer to all or some of the following icons. Icons Function Exit

Add Row

Delete Row

Option List


Abbreviations and Acronyms

The following acronyms and abbreviations are adhered to in this User Manual:

Abbreviation/ Acronym



User Administrator


The Agency Branch component of the system


Asset Management Company


Beginning of Day


Contingent Deferred Sales Charge


Capital Gains Tax




Meaning Customer Information File End of Day Earnings per unit Oracle FLEXCUBE Investor Servicing The Fund Manager component of the system Oracle FLEXCUBE Administrator Identification Inflation Hedged Pension Plan Initial Public Offering Life and Endowment Products Letter of Intent Net Asset Value The Registrar component of the system Rights of Accumulation Return on Investment Standing Instructions Security Management System Uniform Resource Locator Value Added Tax Weighted Average Unit Cost

Getting Help

Online help is available for all tasks. You can get help for any function by clicking the help icon provided or by pressing F1




2. Processing Cheque Book Requests

An investor could avail the use of cheque books for a fund. You can maintain details of cheque books requested by an investor, as well as the status of individual cheques in a cheque book that has been issued.

This chapter contains the following sections: Section 2.1, "Cheque Book Requests" Section 2.2, "Send Details of Cheque Book Requests " Section 2.3, "Receive Details of Printed Cheque Books " Section 2.4, "Make Changes to Cheque Book Requests" Section 2.5, "Statuses for Individual Cheque" Section 2.6, "Cheque Writing Status Detail" Section 2.7, "Cheque Writing Status Summary"

Cheque Book Requests

This section contains the following topics: Section 2.1.1, "Processing Cheque Book Requests" Section 2.1.2, "Before Entering Cheque Book Request" Section 2.1.3, "Entering Cheque Book Request in Cheque Book Request Screen"

Processing Cheque Book Requests

To maintain details of requested cheque books and update the status of checks in each issued cheque book, use the `Cheque Book Request Detail' screen. You can invoke this screen by typing `UTDCHKRQ' in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


2.1.2 2.1.3

Before Entering Cheque Book Request

Only those investors, for whom the cheque writing facility has been allowed in their account profiles, can avail the use of cheque books for a fund. Also, rules for the cheque writing facility must also be maintained for the fund for which the cheque books has been requested by the investor.

Typically, cheque books requested by investors for a fund are printed by external agencies known as cheque vendors that enter into an agreement with the AMC, to print the cheques on the investor's behalf. You must maintain a record for each cheque vendor with whom the AMC has entered into such an agreement, as an entity in the Entity Maintenance, in FCIS. You must also associate each cheque vendor with the funds for which the vendor can print cheques. You do this in the Fund Entity screen.

Entering Cheque Book Request in Cheque Book Request Screen

To enter a cheque book request in the Cheque Book Request screen, you must specify the following details:

Specifying the unit holder You must specify the unit holder who has requested the use of a cheque book. Only those unit holders, for whom cheque writing is allowed, as part of their account profiles, may avail the use of a cheque book.

Specifying the fund You must specify the fund for which the unit holder has requested the use of a cheque book. Rules for cheque writing should already have been maintained for such a fund.

Specifying the cheque vendor You must also specify the cheque vendor who will print the cheque books on behalf of the investor. Only those cheque vendors associated with the selected fund for which the cheque book is being requested, can be specified.

Specifying cheque book details You must also specify the details of the cheque book being printed, such as the number of the cheque book, the currency in which it is being issued and any remarks.

Specifying the status of a cheque book request When a new cheque book request is being filled in, in this screen, you must mark the status of the cheque book as `Cheque book Applied'. The interface that you have defined for exporting details for cheque book requests to the designated vendors, when executed, will only pick up those requests whose status is `Cheque book Applied'. After the interface is successfully executed, the status of the requests processed is automatically marked as `Sent to Vendor'.

After a cheque book request has been sent to the designated cheque vendor, if there is any discrepancy reported by the vendor while downloading the cheque book request, you must manually change the status to `Discrepancy Noticed', by either editing or amending the request.

When the details of cheque books printed and issued against each request are received from the vendors and uploaded into the system, the status of all issued cheque books is marked as `Cheque Status Maintained'. In this status, the details of all cheques that are part of the issued cheque book are maintained in the system.

When all cheques in the cheque book have been used up, the status of the book is marked as `Cheque Book Exhausted'. You will need to either edit or amend the record to mark this status. In this status, all cheques contained in the book are marked `Invalid'.



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