Baby SisterbySZENSEI?Baby Sister Ch. 17: BUTLER DID IT"Where is everybody?"Going from bedroom to bedroom, Maria pouted each time she discovered them empty. Not wanting to be nosey she knew better than to intrude further, a good thing since her every move was being recorded. Abandoning the upstairs she straddled the bannister and rode down it three times squealing each time the woods soft shiny exterior smothered between her labia. To her this was the only amusement park she had ever known. Her wetness made it a wonderful water slide. Tiring of her several attempts she stopped at the bottom of the staircase and fidgeted."What do I do now?"Skipping like a far younger child than she truly was Maria went into the Kitchen and discovered the Barnett's faithful Butler Nigel Highbone baking. Pausing to watch him in silence she stood just inside the doorway with her hands held behind her back, her stunning tits poised to show off as she was often taught. Remaining quiet she observed him rolling out dough, his back turned to her, music playing big band sounds of the late great Tommy Dorsey on a radio next to his work station. She found the music quite curious, unlike anything she had ever been allowed to listen too. Unable to stand in one place too long she found herself stalking him from behind. With a beguiling glint of mischief she eased behind him and tickled him in the ribs over his white shirt and black velvet vest."BOO!" The shock was quite dramatic."DEAR GOD!" He released his rolling pin and found flour billowing in clouds all across his front. Luckily he had been wearing a full apron. Catching his nerves he turns cordially and greets Maria with a sigh, "Please do not do that Young Miss. I'm afraid my poor heart cannot take surprises like it used too.""I'm sorry Highbone I did not think before doing it. You may spank me, I know I should be punished." She bends over beside him touching her toes. Old fart or not his eyes did check her cute bottom out. Clearing his throat he instead brushed the front of his apron, knowing he would need to sweep up after his baking anyway."No need my Dear. Just...learn from your mistakes.""SPANK ME!!!" She belted out viscously catching him off guard."That will be quite enough Young Miss.""Noooooooo!" She stomped whining, "I was bad.""All is forgiven." He pats her shoulder. Pouting at him she lowers her gaze to his apron reading the saying embroidered upon it. Smiling she jumped up and snuck in to kiss the Brit on the lips. He could barely fight her off. Once she backed away at his encouragement he frowned, "May I ask what that was about?"Pointing at his apron with sparkling eyes he drops his eyes to his chest. "Your apron say's Kiss the...oh, my mistake..." She kneels in front of him and kisses his crotch by lifting the apron to mask her delivery."YOUNG MISS!! I must insist you...behave.""But the apron says Kiss the Cock.""Cook, not Cock." He lifted his apron enough to realize flour had turned a letter O into a C. "Oh Dearest God! I'm afraid this is my fault. The apron used to say cook. Please do not do that again.""Was it that bad Highbone?" She attempted to beguile him, her hormones just could not be contained."It...was not. But, I cannot partake in such shenanigans. Just so you know...I have another apron that say's Kiss the Cockney. Please do not mistake it should I wear it in front of you. Cockney is my native brogue I'm afraid.""What is brogue?""An accent. Such as...Pipe down you Lot. I used that quite often with the Young Master's when they became...unruly.""I was unruly...SPANK ME!" She hopped up and down then bent over again to literally spank herself. Both hands actively slapping her cheeks the dueling palms cordially showed off her butt pucker. Today there was no coyote tail butt plug having taken a bath before searching for her stepbrothers."Not today Young Miss. Would you like to assist me in making an apple pie?""If you spank me I will." She swayed shamelessly from side to side."You dance divinely Young Miss." He changed the subject in hopes she might give up on her flirtations, "Do you like my music?""Yes. It is beautiful.""I grew up on this...the big band sound. I find it quite soothing. Would you dance with me Young Miss?" He tried a new tactic to calm her hormones. Removing his apron he lay it tenderly aside on a clean counter before extending a hand for hers. "This instrumental is called Close to Me...1936 if memory serves. My Mother and Father used to dance to this waltz." He eases her closer forced to lean dramatically forward to place one hand on her waist. She trembled at his soft touch. Listening to the singing she found it relaxing. Easing closer to him they gently danced until she nearly wept. The music was incredibly beautiful, entrancing even, so much so that she could have almost taken a nap in his arms.Highbone himself enjoyed this lovely waltz, not as spry as he used to be but elegant none the less. The issue was her weight on his spine which was twinging at his lower back. Maria was hardly heavy but to poor Highbone she weighed a ton. Toward the end of the era he let out a snarl, accompanied by, "Forgive me Young Miss, I must sit down." Hearing his growl her well trained mind automatically presumed it was the white devil...the cum built up within all men that deeply hurt their insides until released. In his attempted escape he found her hand reaching for his crotch rather than assisting him to a seat."Young Miss if you please.""I like pleasing. It is a woman's job to do that.""Yes...of course...while that sounds lovely, it is my back that requires attention." He leans on the counter to hold himself up, unable to fully stand erect."What can I do to help you Highbone?" She wanted to touch him so bad but was hesitant."Bring me a chair Child.""I am not a child." She pouted stomping her foot."A CHAIR THIS INSTANT YOUNG MISS." He was in quite an aggravated mood under the pulsating, throbbing pain. His roar made Maria jump and scurry to the dining room to drag a chair into the kitchen, resting it behind him. Seating himself slowly he adapted to the pain holding his breath, eyes closed, his trauma relaxing a bit to an instrumental called A String of Pearls. Best medicine ever!Afraid to leave his side she listened to the music along with him, "I like the horny's.""Horns?" He sighed, "Ah! The trombone's.""Are they related to you Highbone?""Such an adorable Young Miss you are. No relation I am afraid." He knew he needed meds his back was hurting far too badly. "I fear I must lay down. Would you assist me to my home out back?""Your guest house?""Yes Young Miss. I have medicine there to ease my back.""I can go get your medication if you cannot walk." She hovers faithfully."With your help I believe I can make it my dear. A favor though? Shut the oven off please. I will clean things up later." He instructs her how to shut the range off and slowly finds the strength to rise from his chair. Using herself as a human crutch she burrows beneath his armpit and tries her best to keep him steady in his walk. A short distance to the living room they exit the French doors facing the swimming pool and begin their snail's pace trek toward his backyard bungalow. Reaching the front door he pauses to use a keypad to unlock his front door. She found it curious why he would have such a device."There we are Young Miss. Ordinarily I would say after you Madame but this time I shall not." He eases into the lead and carefully breaks away from her assistance. In a zombie waltz he made it to his bathroom and managed to take the appropriate medications to regain his mobility, hardly immediate of course."You have a nice home Highbone. Is this your wife?" She peers up at a painting above his fireplace. Seeing her standing there nude from behind even Nigel had to swallow dryly. Young Miss was entirely too perfect physically."Yes indeed! My late wife Caroline. Is she not beautiful?" He sighs from his bathroom door, using the frame to hold himself upright."She kind of looks like me."He had not thought of that until pointed out. They did share certain characteristics in Caroline's youth, similar in body if not for knowing Caroline to be taller than Maria. Even their hair was dark and full, same big brown eyes, and complexion if not an artist's rendition. The likeness in Nigel's head was spot on. Sighing at this discovery he opted to return to his bathroom closing the door on her in order to attempt urination. Standing over his toilet he teetered in stiffness to unzip his dress slacks. Barely able to draw out his penis he reached at a bad angle and electricity shot throughout his lower back and left leg. "AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGH!"Hearing his cry of pain Maria hurried to the bathroom door and didn't bother to knock, marching right inside to find him struggling to stand. "I am here to help you.""Forgive me Young Miss for my exposure. I quite needed to relieve myself but was caught off guard. Give me a moment alone Sweet One." He was embarrassed over his dick dangling from his pants. Straining he accidently began peeing but not at the toilet bowl, his stream spilling down his pant leg. "Oh Dear God!" This was not going well.Before he could grab his tentative beast Maria moved to his side and reached in to grip his wet penis and held it over the toilet. Knowing it wrong Nigel just let her do it, he really needed to pee. Within her tender fingers he did find himself gradually becoming erect. "Did Caroline do this for you?"Hearing his wife's name made Nigel pause in breath to peer at Maria. "She had no need to do so in our younger days." He grits his teeth, "Ah! I do recall one time. I came home from work quite snockered from hours at the pub. She did indeed care for me that night." His warm smile faltered in Maria's glistening gaze. She was absorbing his every word as if a sponge. "I believe you may let him go now Young Miss, he is done.""Highbone?" She releases him and stands there idle as he uses a hand towel to dab at his soaked pants."Yes Young Miss?""Do you suffer from the white devil too? I mean the cum?""All men do. Please do not get any ideas." He frowns wincing in pain. She quickly took his towel away and assisted in soaking up his urine, sensing his struggle. Lifting his penis she cleaned him up with delicate fingers. "I will need to change my clothing." In response Maria instantly sat her towel aside and knelt in front of Nigel and unfastened his belt, then going about removing his pants. His attempts to dissuade her efforts became exhausting."I need to take your shoes off, I can't get your pants and underwear over your feet." Her doe like eyes stared up at him.Sighing loudly Nigel braced his back against the wall of his bathroom and carefully lifted one foot at a time until both of his shoes were off. She then proceeded to remove his pants. Wearing only his dress shirt and vest Nigel Highbone stood over her beauty with memories of Caroline. "T-thank you my dear.""Let me wash you up." Maria hopped to her feet and found a wash cloth and soap before beginning his hand bath. While uncomfortable the shaken Butler let her accomplish her dedicated mission. In her handling he found his penis growing against his better wishes. Even at 82 Nigel was a man. "I think the white devil has noticed my helping you.""Perhaps he has. Young Miss? Might I trouble you to assist me to my bedroom so that I may stretch out and let my pain meds do their job?""I will not leave your side until you feel much better.""You are a blessing Young Miss." She becomes his crutch again and they attempt the tedious walk from room to room until entering his sleeping area. Sitting him carefully down on his Queen size bed she helps guide him backwards to lay out on his bedding. Groaning at his discomfort he closed his eyes to establish a pain threshold. Feeling a draft flow over him from an opened window he resorted to just relaxing. While he did Maria took it upon herself to examine more photos on his dresser and bedside stands."You must have really loved Caroline, you and her share many photographs.""Like no other. She was the finest woman I have ever known." His eyes remained tightly sealed."Where is Caroline now?" She plucks up a closeup black and white picture of just Caroline and carries it to his bed, crawling in next to him and daring to curl up under his arm. Sensing her near he sighed and and patted her arm for her concern. Looking at her finally he found Caroline's picture masking Maria's own face to make it appear that it was his wife laying with him in his time of need. It was charming."You are quite a hand full Young Miss. Bringing my wife to my side like just what the doctor ordered." He then puffed his cheeks, "My wife passed prior to our tenth wedding anniversary. Influenza while back in England. I was 30 at the time.""Give her a kiss." Maria placed the picture frame to his face, Nigel did indeed kiss his wife then settled in to let his pain cope. "She misses you Highbone.""As I do her Young Miss. Thank you for being here for me." A stabbing pain in his lower back makes him grit his dentures. "I worry that I might need a visit to my chiropractor.""Would it help if I rubbed your back? I used to walk on my Nanny's back home.""That...would actually be delightful.""Hold Caroline." She hands him the picture frame then sits up moving to her knees. She then begins to unbutton his vest."What are you doing?""Undressing you. I will give you a massage like my brother Owen gave me.""Oh?" He reluctantly allowed her to remove his vest and dress shirt, leaving him in a wife beater. With a bit of coaxing Highbone only had his socks left on. He was already regretting his decision. His dick was reviving as he was disrobed. Once he had the energy he carefully rolled over on to his belly. He felt better now that his penis was not in view."Do you have lotion?" She looked around finding nothing but a half empty bottle of hand lotion. Using what was left Maria squirted lengthy streams all across his body. He did his best to relax trying to focus on the photograph of Caroline still in his possession. Maria's hands set about rubbing his tender spots, "Am I pressing too hard?""No. You may press harder if you can." It was helping his lower back."I am strong." She did apply more strength pressing hard with coupled hands in the areas he seemed to find helpful. For long minutes she tenderized him, moving up and down his spine. Resorting to sitting on his butt skin on skin he bulged his eyes and endured it, her massage was certainly wonderful. What did bother him was feeling her witness trickling on his cheeks. After a few more minutes of divine presses she applied lotion to more of his back then took it upon herself to lay over him. Her tits crushing against his back, nipples stabbing at him was almost too intimate, yet the more he stared at Caroline's photo the more he envisioned Maria to be his wife. How diabolical!Easing higher over his backside she straddled his lower back and took a risk in sitting up on it before wiggling about. "What are you doing Young Miss?""This is how Owen likes it. I hop on his lower back. Am I hurting you?""No Young Miss. You...may continue...but please be gentle." While unorthodox Nigel was feeling better."Did Caroline give you good massages Highbone?" She lowered her upper body back over his and hugged him from behind."She did. Caroline was quite good with her hands.""I miss the music we danced to." She fidgeted."Do you see the phonograph in the corner?" He pointed without lifting up. "The record player. Carefully place the arm on the disk and it will begin playing.""Okay! Be right back." She eased off of him and crawled from his bed to fixate her wondrous attention on something she did recall. "Mommy had one of these. She played salsa music on it.""I am afraid my musical tastes do not consist of salsa other than in cooking." He sighs awaiting her return. As Maria delicately moves the record player's needle into place Glenn Miller's tune In the Mood began playing. Maria smiled at its flavor and used her shoulders to dance along with the instruments. While all new to her Maria loved music and dancing. Performing her way back to the bed he watched her swaying melodically in his dresser mirror. Maria was lovely in her acceptance of an era long gone to most. Finally, she eased in over Highbone and repeated every move she had earlier made, letting song after song play to his relaxation. He was feeling much better, his eyes closed with Caroline there beside him.As her body literally paraded all over his to the music he found warm kisses joining her efforts. Eyes popping wide the lower she got in her travels he felt compelled to clear his throat. "Now, now Young Miss."Ignoring him she trailed her kisses to his ass and nuzzled his butt crack. Tempted to stop her the music switched over to a tune called April in Paris. "Oh dear! This is Caroline's favorite." The moment prevented his discouragement until he found her tongue wagging at his scrotum. "YOUNG MISS!" He tensed up and made an overly abrupt jerking reaction that escalated his pain back into reality. "Aiiiiiieeee!" He hissed. Forced to endure her flicking tongue he mumbled, "Please Young Miss...""This is for Caroline." Maria whispered then continued teasing his balls. Hearing the girls defining offer Nigel gave up and wept, curling the picture frame under his chin to get closer to his loved one. Fearing he was cheating on his wife Highbone apologetically whimpered his misgivings. Three minutes later Highbone felt the need to stop this nonsense and dared to roll over taking Maria away from her sack lunch. Before he could settle back his nerve endings screamed yet again and he collapsed on to his back. It was then Maria giggled, "Your bone is high.""OHHH GOOD HEAVEN'S!" He lost his ability to defend himself as she reached in and began stroking his cock. "While this indeed feels...quite lovely...I must ask you..." It was feeling long overdue. Lifting Caroline's picture over his lap he used it to control his composure. He was looking directly at his true love's smiling face while beneath the frame was Maria's remarkably sensual hand motions. " continue.""I knew you needed my help." Maria sighed. "Caroline told me so.""I...see." Not really but he was growing fond of her attention. If Caroline was indeed encouraging the girl's actions, Nigel Highbone was not going to argue. Finding her tempting hands gently controlling his inner demons he merely stared at his wife's big brown eyes. The music beautifully creating the perfect ambiance. The tune Dance in the Old-Fashioned Way as appropriate as it was earlier."She misses you Highbone. Can you feel her love?" Maria might just be on to something."Yes..." Was all he could muster, his eyes rolling back at her gradual increase in friction. Nigel had not ejaculated in eight months, normally resorting to a little blue pill just to get hard. Young Miss was achieving the unthinkable. Four more minutes Nigel Highbone growled and complimented Caroline's touch. "I have missed you so very much." His final words before Maria brought the white devil to the surface. Even he could hear her whisper of, "Come to me. Cum for me. Come for Caroline." That he did. For an old codger Nigel Highbone frothed like the beer tap at his favorite pub known as Fooligan's. It was where he and Caroline first met. Maybe he was a fool again. That was a Caroline joke in its heyday."There! All better." Maria wiped her cum soaked fingers on his blanket and crawled up into his arms to cuddle. Lowering the picture frame to warmly smile at her in his exhausted state, Maria lifted up and pecked him on the cheek. Once settled back in his arm she slyly lifted the picture frame back up to hide her face from his glare. "She thinks so too."Surely it was the drugs but Nigel was feeling really good."Thank you." He mumbled."I am always here for you Highbone." She clued him in. Frowning at the possibility of this occurring again he just closed his eyes and caught his breath.For now he was just happy to admit the Butler did it. Baby Sister Ch. 18: STANDING OVATIONInteresting threesome! Maria gets it in the end. FINALLY!"Fuck me!""Not now!""Fuck meeee!""I said not now!""Fuuuuuuuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!""Christ Maria? We've created a monster." Matty Barnett winced while seated at his desk looking over files on an FBI case he and his unofficial girlfriend Miranda Wright were looking into. "I don't have time to bend your ass over right now. Go find one of my...your brothers. I'm sure Wiley would love to.""He's gone running errands." She pouted and stomped her bare foot on the carpet, "Owen is at work. Jacob is with his dogs. You are the only one who has not wet hump...fucked me.""Then go nag Tyson. He's probably just lounging around." Matthew knew he hadn't done her yet but he had a couple dozen things on his mind of late outside of babysitting Maria. His job kept his high IQ on overdrive so multi-tasking was no issue yet physically demanding of his attention."His door is locked." She pouted heavily, "I tried.""Then obviously he needed some alone time. We all do now and then Maria. You need to find something other than learning how to be a woman to keep you occupied. A real woman does more than just keep a man happy in bed. Try cooking, I'm sure Highbone would be happy to teach you how to bake or something.""I already know how to cook, my Nanny taught me.""Then why don't you make dinner for all of us boys. That would be really nice to show your appreciation for all we're doing for you.""I won't touch meat.""You touch our meat." He chuckled, "I understand Miss Vegan. How about something like eggplant? I love me some eggplant parmesan with say garlic bread.""Can I take a walk?""Where to?" He looked suspicious."To the stables?""That's a long walk Maria, a good mile. Dangerous between here and there without an escort. There's wild animals out there. You could get bit by a snake and we would never know it in time to save you. Daddy would bury us right next to you if anything happened to you.""Have Clint come get me then." She was being persistent. "I want to ride Betsy again.""Another day Maria." Matty was ready to lose his cool then paused to take a deep breath, saved by the bell his cellphone rang. Eying the caller he noticed it being a fellow FBI agent, a very attractive one at that. Mumbling to himself before answering it he rolled his eyes, "Chasing ghosts again Miranda?"After their talk at the office nearly a week back, she making up some long drawn out story about a cold case involving some Russian immigrants back in the day, he was leery of more tall tales. Of course, quite a lot had happened since then, namely a hot date at Fortuna, and a hotel room full of surprises. Things were definitely taking a turn. Yet, he had a hunch it was her trying to get his attention again, he being a Profiler it was at least weighing on his mind. Ignoring the whiney Maria Blanco he answered his cell. "Can't a guy work from home these days?""Sorry to bother you Stud. I was just looking over the Ramirez murder case here. Are we agreeing it looks as if it's a Cartel snuff job?""Most likely." He sat back in his swivel chair and winced at a bit of neck strain, "Forensics get back to you yet?" Maria noticing his discomfort danced around his desk to stand directly behind him. Without asking permission she reached over his shoulders and began rubbing his neck. Eyes flaring Matty realized it was much needed, his towering over a desk all day had it's disadvantages. Allowing her to do it at least kept her quiet."They did. Colombian necktie looked amateurish Bixby said." Simon Bixby being the Chief Coroner for the FBI in Dallas. "Like maybe the victim was made to look Cartel, but wasn't necessarily one. If it was Cartel the guy was sloppy."Mentioning Colombian and necktie together when his new baby sister was Colombian herself and at this moment rubbing his neck was a tad too close for comfort. Snapping his fingers at Maria the girl pouted, taking her by her right hand he brought her around to sit in his lap. Facing her at the moment eased his tension. Finger to Maria's lips kept her silent. Of course, she wanted to suck on his fingers. The things his brothers were teaching her! He prevented her index thievery and pinched her cheek playfully to keep her smiling after being scolded."Possibly! Shell casing reports from the bullet riddled residence?""M-16! It's sad they missed Ramirez every time in a hail of ammo like that. Hell, his coffee pot had more holes than he did. Who misses a guy the size of Hector Ramirez? Rolly polly sure couldn't run off if he tried."Miranda Wright sat back in her own swivel chair and caressed her long legs through her black slacks. Wishing she could touch herself talking to Matthew Barnett she peered around her cubicle barricade for anyone nearby before unzipping her slacks. Running her fingers beneath her thong to stimulate her clitoral area she recalled Matty taking her at the hotel. By far the biggest dick she had ever had, however, he did seem to be growing fond of her. A good thing she thought, after so many secrets coming to light in her own life it was nice to have someone to relate to."Instead they shoot up everything in a thirty foot span around him. Reminds me of an old Loony Tunes cartoon.""I think I saw the one you're talking about."Matty grinned as Maria unbuttoned his shirt to amuse herself, his top three buttons undone she used a fingernail to trace a heart into his chest. Feeling it his real heart actually fluttered by her cuteness, it was a combination of her adoration and knowing deep down that Miranda liked him. It was almost as if Maria sensed their connection. Nope! Maria kissed his chest where she drew the heart. Competition!"'s the babysitting going?" Miranda asked, fingers wet and eye lashes fluttering at the sensations she was generating."Pestering me right now." Matty winced at Maria who shared an expression of, "Who me?""Awww! New sis must really like you Barnett boys.""We treat Maria like a Princess.""THEY DO!" Maria eased up to tell whoever was on the other end of the phone. "I love my new brothers.""That's so sweet!" Miranda paused touching herself, suddenly it didn't seem appropriate. Wiping her hand on a tissue she zipped up and just sat there. She wanted to say, "Me too." concerning Matthew but bit her tongue. "I'd like to meet your new sister sometime Matt.""One of these days. Maybe when my Daddy gets back we'll throw a barbecue and invite you out.""That sounds relaxing. Swimming pool?" She envisioned him in a speedo."Olympic size. Bring your..." He froze in thought, Maria was trained to live naked, that clothing of any kind was bad for a woman. Not only that, but he suspected his new stepmother Esperanza would be retrained to go without clothing as well. Before anyone should be allowed out here at Longhorn Manor the family needed to have a long talk first. Coordinate stories, before anyone questioned such extremes."My bikini?" Miranda giggled faintly."Who needs those?" He threw it out there. "I hear those things are bad for a gal's health." He literally clamped a hand over Maria's mouth to prevent her saying she had sworn off clothing. Too much too soon concerning Miranda. Maria didn't understand but kept quiet."Mmm! I believe I've read that somewhere. Trying to get me...less presentable Mister Barnett?""We're partners Wright. Don't go gettin' all pitter patter on me." He didn't relate much about his date around Baby Sister. It was too soon to discuss his every move."Partners we are Matt." She frowned at the fact she seemed to sense that he was hiding their informal relationship. The longer she pondered it, the more she realized that she was a best kept secret at the moment. Finishing her breath she added, "Nothing more! So stop picturing me skinny dipping in your pool.""That reminds me..." Matty tilts his gaze to Maria snuggling up and pulling at his chest hair playfully, "Weren't Coyote going to teach you how to swim?""He said after he settled some business he's buying." Maria informed him, "I'm afraid of the water." Miranda listening in felt the adoration Matty seemed to have, just by the tone of his voice. Talking to herself Miranda wondered what type of business Wiley was buying. She knew through their hotel snuggling more about the Barnett brothers, Wiley being Coyote and the family slacker. What possible business could he get into?"You'll be fine Maria. Just use ole' Wiley as a life preserver.""It sounds like you boys are creating quite the impression over there." Miranda returned from her thoughts, "Teaching Maria new things?""Yeah, we took her under our wing." Hearing his dedication to her Maria repositioned against Matty's better judgment. Straddling his lap to face him head on she manipulated the chair arms to lock her in place. Palms on his chest beneath his shirt she began gyrating over his erection, one hard to miss with Miss Cute trying so hard to achieve attention. That and Matty was indeed picturing Miranda naked. Double trouble!Feeling her labia sliding briskly along his thick impression he suddenly didn't have it in him to tell her to stop. Maria's sparkling eyes were just too alluring. Clearing his throat Matty continued his conversation. "Do anymore digging on that Russian cold case?""Spun the vodka bottle but unfortunately no new thoughts on it.""Maybe I'll look into it for you. See if there's anything I notice that might help solve...your curiosity."Sighing loudly Miranda chuckled, "You know I was bullshitting you don't you?""What? You were? I guess I'm not as good at Profiling as I thought.""I lied. Sorry! It did get you to notice me more though." Her fingers were back toying with her zipper. With no one around she unzipped herself again and dug her hand back in, fingers up inside her cunt this round. "Did""Ehhh? I couldn't put my finger on it at the time..." His words made her facial expression brilliantly contort, picturing his fingers inside her. "But...yeah! I checked it out. Big gap in your...story." Three fingers deep, a large gap indeed. Did he surmise what she was doing?"I just knew you would dig into it." She let out a sensuous exhale. Matty knew by her breath that she was touching herself and grinned at Maria. Placing his finger to her lips to be quiet again Matty moved that same hand to unbuckle his belt in silence, not wanting Miranda to hear the jingle. Pointing at his zipper he informed Maria to do the rest.Eyes flaring with excitement Maria eased off of him and set about unzipping his pants in stealth mode, he instructing her to remain as quiet as a mouse. Lifting his butt from his chair she quietly tugged his pants to his knees and noted no underwear. A massive cock whipped free and stood tall. Luring Maria back into his lap he cradled her to his chest and let her return to molding her labia around his tilted in groin. The skin on skin sensations made Matty grit his teeth."Digging in is my specialty Miranda. Learn from me.""All ears.""Hands on too, Ms. Wright.""I doing that Mister Barnett. Trust me." She giggled."Might as well admit everything to me." He stressed it with an open ended invitation, not truly certain what to expect from her."Everything, huh? Like what? That I've been infatuated with your sexy ass for months now?""There's the truth.""Like I told you isn't my thing like it is yours.""Bet laying in a bed with a million dollars sticking to your ass cheeks changes your mind." He chuckled fondling Maria's perky little breasts. In her rapid gyrations his chair began squeaking a bit. Afraid Miranda would hear it he slowed Maria down, again reminding her to be silent. She concluded that this was more training, to do things without others being aware. Maria grew giddy at the notion she was getting further lessons. Matty of all her brothers had been lacking in the lesson area, she at certain points felt as if he didn't like her. That was why she seemed to try so hard to break down his icicle behavior. Perhaps, Miranda thought the same way, fearing that giving it up to Matty she would be tossed aside without a second glance. She still had hope. So did Maria.Wearing that damned coyote tail butt plug Maria's gyrations tickled Matty's legs, for a tall, dark, and handsome guy he had a sensitivity level that he always tried to hide. Not today, carefully putting his cell on speaker, with a firm hand over Maria's mouth he whispered, "Not a peep. Am I clear?"She nodded her agreement as he abandoned her lips with hesitance. Once his hand was freed up he reached around Maria's petite little body and gripped her furry tail, easing it out of her anus with a flare of her sparkling eyes. As the thick plug popped free of her bottom he brought it around and used the tail to playfully tickle her with it. It was a test and she knew it. Tensing up she masked her own sensitivity against her will. She too was extremely ticklish, but she swore to remain silent. Failure was not an option.Puckering at her compliance Matty tossed the tail on his desk and let her return to gyrating across his cock without penetration. Better than the staircase bannister he told himself. He knew how much fun she had riding the slick railing down time and again to get off."Matt?" Miranda tired of silence."Sorry! Side project." It was true. "You sounded whiney for a minute. You okay?" He let it be known he was still observant even when preoccupied."Yeah! Just scratching an itch.""Maria's still here, so be careful what you say. I'm putting you on speaker.""Oh, okay." She nearly gave up fingering herself, fearing he might know exactly what she was doing. Matthew felt the same but the temptation to have a nonchalant threesome sounded appealing. He already knew she was touching herself."Just keeping things...under the radar.""Gotcha partner." She sighed, "Did I sound like a gunfighter just now?""Meet you on the firing range in two days." He joked."That sounds fun. We should really do that. I'd love to show you up.""Bet you would. Even better when it's a beer cans sitting on fence posts." He motioned Maria to stop and move into position over his crown. Bubbly at the prospect of finally riding her brother she assisted lining it up to her pussy. Fence post indeed! Palming her mouth as she sat down on him, knowing the sound effect of a fist going up a tight pussy, he wasn't wrong. Try as she might the thickness of his cock, even the small fist size crown alone made poor Maria yelp in a low tone. Deciding there was no possible way she wouldn't moan or cry out he took a hanky out of his shirt pocket and stuffed it in her mouth.Utilizing both hands he choked her to keep her airways from omitting anything too noisily offered. She pouted but understood that he wanted her allegiance. Eye contact strict she cringed under his deep intrusion of her warm tight tunnel. Tight only because his girth was enormous. As much as she sought to comply to his wishes, Maria Blanco just couldn't, his balls deep penetration was taunting her internally, he was that deep. In exploring her belly Matthew could even witness his serpent writing beneath her skin like something out of the movie Tremors. That alone made him want to destroy his Baby Sister."That means inviting me out to the ranch doesn't it?" Miranda bit a nail as her fingers sank deeply into her own swimming pool. Fretting over anyone catching her she again stretched in her seat to peer around her close quarter border. This being lunch hour the office was fairly vacant, she knew her two neighboring cubicles were out on assignment, the one over the wall to her left off sick. She should be fine to accomplish her goal."Like I said, when my Daddy gets home. Right now we have our hands full babysitting lil' Miss Chatterfox." He winked at Maria comforting her stress level. Hands full babysitting her throat as well. Each time she let out any form of squeal he dug his thumbs in to let her no. He would not be disobeyed. She was gradually catching on, warning herself mentally to try harder. Succeeding meant praise, she liked being told, "Good girl!"Lifting he and Maria from his seat he stood up, her body suspended backwards, her beauty struck Matty as he panned over her horizon, her cute curves were magnificently sculpted. Even she felt his dick enlarge even more within her, eyes popping wide with unexpected pleasure. For a moment Matthew sighed in thought, "If she thinks my pecker's God, wait until she gets a sample of my Pappy." He knew his Father was by far more massive than he was. Matty currently had the record for dick size of all his brothers, each enormous in their own right. Hereditarily speaking it made for a good Texan boast."So...fill me in Matt." Miranda hinted."Fill you in on what?""That case we checked out after Fortuna. You recall, when I bent over backwards to help you sniff out clues." She giggled faintly."Backwards? Forwards don't you mean?" He was thrusting into Maria rather steadily now, Baby Sister confident in his ability to keep her aloft. With all of the Barnett's incredibly tall and broad her barely 100 pounds meant nothing to any of them. She was not only a puppet, she was a toy. One very sexy toy.Mesmerized by his burrowing cock leaving a mounded trail along her slender tummy it again reminded him of something out of another movie called Anaconda travelling back and forth just beneath her silky flesh as if a slithering snake in the water. Perhaps it was. He was certainly proud of his beheMATTH...whew! She was equally as proud to take his serpentine invader. Miranda? Fond memories of her run in with that big boy elevated her own intimate fantasy."Both I suppose." She huffed. "Y'know, you could swing by my place and drop off that thick file you mentioned the other day.""File?" He chuckled faintly."Yeah, you know the one. The...single file. The manila one that's so thick it's ready to burst.""Ohhhh! That file. Wouldn't fit in your filing cabinet." It barely fit into Maria. He could tell the girl was feeling the pressures of her pussy being ripped to capacity. Honestly, he feared the day his Father took Maria, afraid they might need a medic. Matty told himself, he needed to be out of town on that day."Wanna bet?" She laughed."Naaa! But now that you mention bets...ever been to Vegas?""If I had I'd leave that bit of information there." She giggled and decided to unbutton her slacks for easier access. Matty was a risk worth taking. If she was busted on Federal property she hoped he had enough pull to keep her job. Faith in money might not be as bad as it sounded. "You saying we should check out leads in Las Vegas?""Follow the leader Ms. Wright." He boasted."Every step of the way Chief."Talking about leadership made Matty ponder bondage. He had tested the waters a few times in the past with short term relationships. His job usually ended his attempts at love. Long talks with his Dad about that he concluded Oscar Barnett was wise. Take what you want, leave a trail of scraps in case they wanna find their way home.Envisioning Miranda on her hands and knees wearing a collar made Matty fuck Maria that much harder. Poor kid was numb as it were trying to cope with what he was giving her right now. A rougher penetration was making her lightheaded. Seeing her eyes go white and her trembling body fall limp he worried that she had passed out. Lack of oxygen under his pressing fingers over her throat, compiled by the gag, he might have gone too far. Releasing her throat he lay her back on top of his desk to lightly pat her cheek for response. What he found was her feet kicking against him to continue. She was throwing a tantrum for he slowing down."Way it should be." He expressed to both women. Food for thought. Right now however he was feeding the Baby, Maria pulled upward by her arms to cradle them around his neckline. In holding her upright he found her chest against his in his half unbuttoned shirt. Palming the back of her head he buried her face into his neck for a muffling effect. It almost appeared how a parent might hold a young child, yet this sweet young adult was getting a nice skyrocketing thruster up her cunt. Her ride feeling all too good she had to burrow deeper into his neck to conceal moans. This was likely the hardest thing she had done so far. How do you hide a tree trunk up your hole without any bark?In Dallas, Miranda was getting too comfy in her cubicle, her own shirt now unbuttoned, bra pulled beneath her magnificent breasts to coddle her nipples for an added sensitivity. Talking about he leading her brought back memories, even further info she had yet to relate to Matthew Barnett. She wanted to reveal her past even more but kept quiet. Maybe in her own way she too understood what Matthew was alluding to by his own moments of silence.Bouncing Baby Sister up and down on his monster she was holding on to him tightly. Cumming on his cock was hardly as quiet as she wanted to be, near impossible feeling her hormones burst. Matthew knew Miranda had to be picking up on the muffled cries of pleasure. Playing it off he spoke up, "What in tarnation are you doing over there Maria? Leave that trophy case be before you break something." He really didn't need to speak out of turn, Miranda was ready to cum herself, tuning out the world as her toes curled. Squealing herself was a dead giveaway, Matthew instantly knowing she was touching herself still."Sounding like you ran into a snag." He chuckled. So was he, Matthew needed to cum and he truly didn't want to cum in his stepsister's pussy. Forced to lift her off of his cock, a struggle with her clenching her thighs begging him not to, Matthew grit his teeth and used muscle control to send white hot missiles up over her ass and along her spine. She yet again threw a tantrum at being denied his white devil stew. Returning her to his Father's desk he forced her over on to her stomach and eyed her still gaping anal cavity, the butt plug having done it's job over the last few days of consistently wearing it. Pinning Maria to the desk he lined his intimate fist up to her ass and gently pressed inwardly. Tensing beneath his intrusion Maria held her breath and clawed at papers on the desk. At the time Matty didn't care if his business was interrupted by her. He would salvage it all after."SHIT!" He heard Miranda cry out. "What the hell Baskins?" Matthew winced at her identifying a fellow Agent. Talking between Miranda and Lance Baskins was found to keep his own situation from being less noticeable. Pushing deeper into Maria's ass was not a silent storm. Using Baskins as a diversion Matty questioned the guy."Caught with her pants down again Baskins?" Lance heard Matthew over her cell and chuckled."They still aren't up." Lance laughed, "Relax Wright I'm not ratting you out.""You better not!" She huffed but leaned forward to hide her body from him, "You mind? I can't get dressed if you're gawking.""Gawk away Baskins. Ignore that request. Get busy Miranda.""You're serious?" She bulged her eyes."Wide with pride!" He bellowed, "If she hides from you Baskins, you turn her in.""WHAT?" Miranda yelped."FOLLOW MY LEAD!" Matty's stern attitude made even Maria jump. Her ass ripped wide to accommodate his girth. She found it painful, but knew it was required to ever be a woman. Nothing would prevent her from achieving that evolutionary ideal before her Mother returned from Fiji."Fuck!" He heard Miranda curse."How's she doing Baskins?" Matthew paused his thrusting to roll a comforting hand up Maria's back to relax her tension."Pants to her knees...make that toes." Lance, a large overweight, slightly balding man coughed. "Off and kicked at me. Damn Barnett, you got her on a leash?""Do I Miranda?""FUCK!" Was all he heard."I'd say that's a yes Matty." Lance chuckled, "Shirts off now, only a bra left.""Take it off of her." Matty insisted as he returned to slowly introduce Maria to her first anal occupation."MOTHER FUCK!" Miranda yelped."Gave it up like a trooper Matty." Lance found it amusing."Anyone around Baskins?""Couple secretaries but they're behind glass.""Cubes all vacant?""Everyone's at lunch. Should be coming back soon though. I only eavesdropped because I heard a moan. A very lovely moan I might add.""FUCK YOU BASKINS!" She huffed fingering her cunt ferociously, legs wide while feet up on her desk."Keep saying that I'll demand it." Matty smirked."Rather you didn't!" She snapped a glare at Baskins as he rubbed his chin."Damn fine pussy you got there Miranda.""EAT..." She began to say eat me but bit her tongue. She knew Matthew Barnett might encourage that."Had lunch already." Lance grinned, "Missed dessert though.""Don't get any ideas." She whispered trying to avoid Matthew hearing her."Better hurry it up Wright! Can't hide this forever.""You try..." Again she bit her lip, "...You're not my first choice seeing me do this Baskins.""I get that.""Why yes you do Lance ole' buddy." Matthew chuckled, "ON YOUR DESK!" He followed up with a stern growl. Miranda went pale suddenly but dropped her feet to her chair runner. Easing up to peer over the cubicle wall for security she stood erect and moved to the side of her desk, hopping up on it to continue massaging her pussy. Lance was biting at the chomp over his luck. This Agent was by far the hottest gal in the unit, and Barnett had asserted his control over her. She was pretty damned obedient thus far.On his end Matthew increased his thrusting, just enough to make Maria grip the edges of his Father's desk. He now had two bitches on a desktop. Soft tender moans barely audible shared her loyalty toward her big brother. Even if he was a was the right direction. "Get your fingers wet Baskins.""FUCK!" Again Miranda hissed as Lance removed her drenched fingertips to step closer and dip two of his own into her."Is this sexual harassment?" Lance chuckled."Not under my rule." Matty smugly spoke as he pried Maria's ass cheeks wide to view his submerged beast moving in and out of her ass. It was a thing of beauty. So was Maria. As he admired his work he heard Miranda usher how good Lance's fingers were doing. She wanted to be perfectly clear she was doing what Matthew had ordered her too. If this wasn't a clue to her past nothing was."Hey Matty? Can I put my dick in this sexy ass cunt?""Not this time Baskins. Raincheck! Just get her off.""Will do Buckaroo." Lance was a cad even if he looked like a car salesman, more than an Agent of the FBI. Feeding her three fingers now Miranda had to hide her moans, her brewing orgasm making her noticeable in the silent room. As Lance fingered her extremely hard, her cunt sloshing under his insistence, people began coming back from lunch. Spotting a few newcomers Lance aimed higher, using his other hand to vigorously massage Miranda's clit. There was no coming back, Miranda lost her shit, squirting all over his knuckles, while letting out a deafening, "MOTHERFUCK!" All eyes on the location of the bellowed astonishment Lance veered up removing his glossy fingers and used that same hand to wave at the onlookers."Miranda spilled her coffee." He related as a diversion. Once his hand lowered he fed her mouth his fingers and encouraged her to lick them dry. She complied knowing he would tell Matt if she didn't. Not that her taste wasn't enjoyable. Wanting a taste of his own he used his free hand to jab back inside her for a bit more succulence. Devouring her sample Lance Baskin rolled his eyes back into his head. "Tastes like cotton candy.""Fuck you Baskins." She razzed him and hurried to get dressed. Perfect timing considering her close neighbors were returning to their cubicles."Job well done Matt." Lance boasted patting his erection beneath grey slacks.Hearing faint grunts Miranda snatched up her cell as she used one hand to button her shirt, her bra went into a desk drawer for safe keeping. Lance waved goodbye via a playful salute, letting them discuss anything further alone. Sitting in silence Miranda caught her breath with a case of the jitters, praying nobody suspected the worst. In her calming nerves she heard Matthew praising her with quiet verses of, "That's a good girl." Miranda smiled to herself, masking a blush. The thing is it was Maria he was truthfully praising."I can't believe I just did that." Miranda huffed, "Spilled my coffee." She expelled more loudly, just in case her cube partners were eavesdropping. Matthew ignored her, he was holding his own breath ready to cum inside Maria's asshole. The cute Colombian princess was taking all of him without resistance. Balls deep he shook his head at her cool collective persona. Her hands not so much, she was making a racket toppling things from the desk, like a desk lamp, a letter opener pod, even an answering machine. Wincing at the noises Miranda whispered, "Matt? Is everything okay?""Maria's making a mess." He huffed straining not to snarl as his build up was in full swing. Deciding to use her destruction as a foil, Matthew cut loose with a loud guttural swearing of, "DAMMIT, MARIA! What did I say about that trophy case?" Cum fired hard into her butthole making her shriek. "DON'T MAKE ME SPANK YOUR ASS." He snapped, Maria cringing with an expected slap on one of her cheeks. He failed to strike her however, easing his dick out of her anus in a webbing of jizz.Watching her pucker pool up and trickle from her gap was exhilarating for him. Leaving her lay there breathing heavily, Matthew grabbed his cell and took Miranda off speaker. Parading with his slacks cloaking his boots, and half unbuttoned shirt he shuffled around to face Maria's slouched body. Taking his dick to her lips he removed his handkerchief and made her suck his cock dry."Sorry Miranda! Trying to keep the kid busy here. She's into everything." Pretty close these days thanks to the Barnett influence."Did she""I think she was too distracted by Daddy's trophy's." He winked at Maria who peered up at him with her mouth full. "Some trophy's are worth more than others." He caressed her cheek making Maria smile with her eyes. Maybe Maria was a Trophy Sister. She sure was shining."Did you think I...would defy you?" Miranda whispered."Nope! Never will either.""You just made my heart flutter.""Uh huh! I'm gonna set my phone down and applaud you." He did just that then pulled his dick from Maria's tempting lips, her tongue wagging at his crown upon departure. Once having removed it he began clapping exceptionally loud. Winking at Maria she knew deep down his applause was for her, more than for Miranda. Still, why was Miranda doing what Matty told her? She had questions, just not in the moment.On Miranda's end she smiled hearing his thundering claps."Awww! Thank you." She whispered."No problem. One last thing before I let you go.""Please don't let me go." She pouted verbally."For now!""Tell me.""You have one hour to get to the surveillance camera room. Get Lance to assist you.""OH CRAP!" It hadn't dawned on her the cameras everywhere."Smile and say cheese.""CHEDDAR!" She hung up on him before he could her. Grinning to himself he made his way back to his seat as Maria rolls over and sits on the desk, her legs dangling between his. Sighing he looked at her with a wince."What?""Again?" She batted her lashes and used her toes to tease his cock."Hop on!" He grumbled."Yay!"It was her turn to clap.19 ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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