
Lewisham Biodiversity Group Full Partnership meetingDate and time: 12 January 2021, 16:00-17:30Location: MS TeamsPurpose: Strategically plan, share, support, monitor and promote biodiversity protection/enhancement and nature conservation volunteering in Lewisham ATTENDEESAMAngela McGough – Lewisham HomesJH2Janet Hurst – F/O Downham Woodland Walk (DWW)ACAnna-Maria Cahalane – F/O Buckthorne Road NRJKJessica Kyle – LBL Conservation OfficerCBCandy Blackham – Individual member writing a book on Lewisham Open SpacesJWJudith Watling – Glendale Conservation OfficerCDCarole Destre – Horniman Museum, Climate Action Team (CAT)LBCLawrence Beale Collins – Qwaggy Waterways Action Group (QWAG)DDDonna Davis – F/O River PoolLMLucy Mitchell – LBL, Beckenham Place Park (BPP) Project OfficerDFDavid Ford - Lee Forum, London National Park City RangersMMMonika Mitchell - F/O Sydenham Wells ParkETErnest Thomason – F/O Garthorne Rd NR (GRNR)MKMike Keogh – QWAG EWDEszter Wainwright-Deri – LBL Ecological Regeneration ManagerMLMaggie Leharne – F/O Chinbrook Community OrchardFRFrances Rowe – Albion Millennium Green (AMG)NLNick Lee – F/O Garthorne Road NRGTGeoffrey Thurley – F/O Brockley and Ladywell Cemetery (BLC)RMRory McNally – F/O Mountsfield ParkJHJo Hatton – Horniman MuseumACTIONS:All to send species records to EWD by 31st January to be included in GiGL data submissionJW to look into concerns regarding tree in Manor House GardensJW to help getting mulch to Chinbrook Community Orchard in MarchAll to email GT to get birdseedDiscussion:Welcome/Introductions/ApologiesApologies: Andrew Wright (LWT); Lucy Shuker (Thames21); Sue Austin (F/O GRNR); Jordan Ogbeide-Ihama (LBL), Anthony O’Rourke (LBL), Annette Elliott-Dunn (F/O Hillcrest Woods); Alona Sheridan (F/O Mayow Park)Minutes and matters arising – None, updates provided belowBiodiversity Partnership Summary Report and Highlights (JK)Covid had negative impact this year on outcomes but partners still managed to deliver 95 volunteer and education events between October and December Enquiries on volunteering and accessing closed sites increased during pandemicCongratulations to everyone that some sessions were still runningWildlife sightings: Buzzard in Devonshire RoadPeregrines at Hilly FieldsRedwings in abundance this yearTawny owl on BlackheathSparowhawk and greater spotted woodpecker in Ladywell FieldsLewisham updatesJK updates: Nature’s Gym stopped during lockdowns, some sessions in OctoberForest schools currently not operating and education sessions stopped as wellKenneth White Award: items ordered for projects, some delivered, will arrange pick up when allowedForest school policy approved, will be implemented from April 2021Green flag applications: working on them, new application for Dacres Wood and Garthorne Road, deadline 15th FebruaryJW updates:Rivers and people volunteering also stopped but some sessions in Ladywell and Brookmill before lockdowns in October and DecemberBird surveys went ahead – Pied wagtail and thrushes in Hilly Fields, sparowhawk, greater spotted woodpecker and kingfisher in Ladywell FieldsUpdating management plans for Green Flag applications for Parks, most of the parks will be mystery shopped and five will have full inspections LBC: thank you for river clearance at Ladywell FieldsLM updates (BPP): Volunteering sessions stopped which have an impact on woodland management as it was done by volunteers (e.g. creating scallops, sweet chestnut coppice area), but grounds staff will help Plans to plant 100 oak treesPark is busy but cafes are closed, toilets are open but might close earlier, parking issues at park, will install new signs and bollards in future structures to stop cars parking on grassLake is closedMK: Is the interpretation room (visitor centre) closed? LM: Friends were asked to leave and put interpretation in storage, discussions ongoing to rent another place but no resolution yetMK: Is Field Studies Council (FSC) operating and are their data fed into LBP figures? LM: yes they are based in BPP since 2019, but everything stopped now and staff furloughed, they provide outreach data to Lucy and it is fed into the Partnership’s outputsEWD updates:Lewisham became 2nd on the Good Parks for London scorecard (only 1.5 points behind Lambeth). One of the things highlighted in the report was the Lewisham Biodiversity Partnership and working in collaboration with community groups. We are very grateful for the members of partnership for all their work and support. We couldn’t have achieved this result without you.All parks and reserves retained their Green Flags, applications are ongoingBAP: still working on it and will send draft before next meetingWill submit 2020 species records to GiGL by end of January ACTION: all to send sightings not yet submitted to EWDLocal plan: plans to launch public consultation in January, consultations will run for 3 monthsPartner updates LBC (QWAG): Stopped Healthy Rivers project during lockdowns, numbers were very restricted due to LBL guidance, but there is lots of interest Riverfly project: still running at the moment as it can run in line with government guidelinesLBC appeared on Sealife’s live streaming on Facebook and talked about the River RavensbourneJapanese Knotweed was treated at Quaggy between Mottingham Lane and Marvels Lane and elsewhereScoping sessions on Quaggy Links projectDF (Lee Forum, London National Park city ranger)Looking to work with Lewisham Homes Happy to get involved in projects Concerned about tree in Manor House Gardens as rats are using it to get up to the island, ACTION: JW to help with this MM (Sydenham Wells Park)Had a very successful plant sale before lockdownPlanning a birdcount laterWildflower meadow area is being createdPark is very busy, Glendale is doing a great jobML (Chinbrook Comm Orchard)Conducted lots of habitat management in orchard in past months, looking forward seeing the spring flowersCoppicing hazels for past 3 years and results can be seen nowMulch for trees and paths would be useful, ACTION: JW to help with this in MarchRecommend online community orchard course by the Orchard ProjectAC (F/O Buckthorne Cutting)Locally Important Geological Site (LIGS) designation in progress due to the reserve’s geological importance incl. underground springsNeed help with reedbed works when volunteering is backIssues with developer ongoing but Lewisham served an enforcement notice and the developer cleared the siteGiGL: bird sightings sent, and reserve added to the map The Scout Association confirmed that the base at the developer’s land is one of the oldest scouts baseMeasurements of the trees are ongoing to see which ones are ancient and get these on the tree register (e.g. coppiced field maple)Concerned about Buckthorne Road NR not listed in draft Local Plan, GiGL and other strategy documents. Reached out to GiGL to include the reserve on the map.GT (F/O BLC): Access to cemeteries restricted and task days stoppedOne of the group members has 3 bags of birdseed (12.5kg) – ACTION: email GT if interested FR (AMG):Unusual rubbish dumping on the Green Working on cutting down the hawthorn to fence height and will replant the hedge next seasonNL (F/O GRNR): Thanked JK and EWD for help in 2020Run successful open days and work days last year and work days were oversubscribedBat and bird boxes installedBake off event in September was very successfulPlans for this year is to put signage in reserveDD (F/O River Pool): Working since September but suspended during current lockdownWaterlink way of life: new organisation, litter picking within family group, this can still go ahead during lockdownReceived suggestion for tree walk and plans to work on this in springBridge was burnt again, Glendale repairing itThames Water found a leak on the river bank and investigatingConsidering doing more surveys in futureCD/JH (Horniman Museum): Covid impact on events and staff furloughed, volunteering sessions stopped, education moved onlineBee garden won the Bees’ Needs Champions Award, congratulations, working on improving garden for biodiversityGrow back Greener bid successful which will fund a Community outreach project on working with local schoolsTree planting by CAT, 50 trees planned and hopefully can go ahead in February on Nature TrailWorking with Street trees for Living on tree planting near Horniman Triangle involving schools but this is on hold nowPlans to create woodland hedge on London Road (mitigate noise and air pollution) but no funding at the moment DD: Woodland Trust can help with hedge plants, they will get 60 trees in MarchLiaising with AM regarding litter picking group AM (Lewisham Homes)Working on new ways to introduce nature – plans to reduce cutting and bringing in ornamental meadows and starting a storyboardWorking on better and sustainable use of green waste – will organise a site visit at Horniman MuseumPlans work on the ancient hedgerow on Eliot’s BankWorking with Street trees for Living to plant treesMultiplot gardens in the Borough – project pilot to raise awareness and get people to care for these sitesAOBEWD: We received some concerns about sharing members email addresses automatically and so we decided to keep emailing the group as BCC. If you want to send something to the whole group, please send it to JK or EWD and we will circulate.EWD: Lydia King started at Thames21 recently as the new Quaggy Links project leadNext meeting: 20th April 2021, 4pm (virtual, Teams) ................

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